HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_07_09 Town Board Minutes (2) 177 I^31 TITG OF Tim+ TOWIT BOARD TO'�,jM Or L AIU ROI! +'CK, Ti. Y. held July 9th, 1931. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at J 12 .40 P. M. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Leeds , Collins and I:Iessersmith Town Clerk I:rarvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. Justice Boyd presented a lease for the new quarters occupied by the Town Public ?^telfare Office on IlrountPleasant Avenue . The lease was referred to Counselor Gamble for his approval and the Supervisor and the Town Clerk were authorized to sign it if found correct by Counselor Gamble. A communication dated July 2nd was received from Lr. R. T. Van de `Dater of 47 Cliff ':Jay, Village of Larchmont, complain- ing of the garbage dump directly north of his residence across the New Haven Railroad tracks in the Town of Jdar.7aroneak. The matter was ordered referred to the Supervisor with power. Two communications were received from the County Health Department dated June 22nd and June 26th in -regard to mosquito control in the 'Town, declaring the County had no appropriation for this work. After discussion it was upon motion by Justice Leeds seconded by the Clerk upon roll call unanimously —" ITSOL'TTD, that the two communications from the County Health Department be received and placed on file and that a copy of the communication of June 26th be sent to the Sewer Commission and to the Supervisor; and be it further RTSOLV1'D, that the matter of mosquito control be referred to the Supervisor with pager; and be it further RB'SOL1 D, that this Board do and hereby does appropriate a sum not exceeding '•19000.00 to defray the expenses of mosquito control indlud- ing the ditching, the cost of spreading oil, etc. A communication was received from Mr. Bruno Amato "24 Halstead avenue dated May 14th in regard to taxes owed by Guiseppe Ciancia, owner of property known on the tax map as Section 8, Block 79 , Lots 3, 9 and 10. The matter was ordered referred to Counsel. A communication dated July 1st was received from Santo Lanza, Receiver of Taxes , recommending the purchase of a Burroughs Adding ITachine , Style 9 10 5-1 T'lectric , at a cost of ='?212 . 50. Yr. Lanza, in person addressed the Board and explained the need for this machine declaring that the old adding machine had been in use for fifteen years and that a new one was needed. After discussion it was on motion by Justice h1tessersmith seconded by Justice Boyd upon roll call unanimously RTSOLVTD, that the 'Town Clerk hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to purchase a Burroughs Adding I:ac'nine , Style 9 10 51 leetric as recommended by the Receiver of Taxes , at a cost not to exceed $212. 50. 179 A communication dated June 24th was received from Thomas B. Buhler, Larchmont insurance agent, replying to the Board 's recent request for information concerning Workmen 's Compensation Insurance for the .Building Inspector. He stated that the -rate is 1.05 per X100 of pay roll per annum with an expense constant charge of "37.00. The matter was upon motion duly made and seconded upon roll call unanimously referred to the Supervisor with power.. -- A claim. was received from „rs. P:Tichael Hannan in the amount of ''"150.00 for sir months rental of the Dillon Park Fire House , from January Ist, 1931 to July let, 1931. The matter was ordered referred to Counsel. The Clerk reported that his secretary and Deputy Town Clerk, Yiss T velyn G. Jacobs, was ill and that he had engaged the services of a temporary secretary to take her place until her recovery at a salary not to exceed ti,4. 00 per day and requested approval of his action. On motion by Justice Collin s/seconded by Justice Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVHD, that the action of the Town Clerk in -eAgaging a temporary secretary at a salary not to exceed U-00 per day during the illness of miss 7velyn G. Jacobs be and it hereby is approved.. The Clerk reported that he had in his custody a number of cancelled Town bonds whicc7 he thought might well be destroyed since _ they were no longer of any value. Counselor Gamble suggested that a New York bank which has special facilities for destroying old bonds be consulted in this connection. On motion duly made and seconded the -matter was ordered referred to the Town Clerk with power. A claim was received from Counselor Gamble in the amount of 1'%500.00 for : September 5, 1930 to June 10, 19319 to To all professional services rendered in the action Albright v. Tompkins on behalf of yourself and the Town of Hamaroneck, including conferences, attend- ance in Court, including trial, preparation of briefs , arguments, and all services rendered in connection -therewith on behalf of the Town .-. .$500.00 The Supervisor recommended payment of this claim. Upon motion by Justice Boyd seconded by Justice Collins , it was upon roll call unanimously TSOLVrD, that the claim of Counselor Gamble in the amount of ;500.00, as above described, be and it hereby is approved and ordered paid. The Supervisor advised the Board that it was in order for the :Board to issue bonds- to redeem outstanding certificates of indebt- edness heretofore issued for the improvement of Dante Avenue , Dimitri Place and Byron Lane in the li'?aple Hill Subdivision, within the Town of Iiamaroneck, I)u-rsuant to the provisions of Chapter 549 of the Laws of 1928 as amended. Justice Leeds offered for adoption the following resolution GJN:TTgFAS, by an order dated July 10, 1929 , the Town Board. of the Town of 1amaroneck, %.estchester County, New York, duly authorized- the improvement of Dante Avenue , Dimitri Place and Byron Lane , in the Iaple 'Fill Subdivision, within said Town of a`amaroneck, pursuant to the provi- sions of Chapter 549 of the Latins of 1926 , as amended ; and &HFRFAS, such proceedings were thereafter duly had and taken that said streets were paved and otherwise improved at a cost of 5709814.81; and 'diHF'RFAS, upon notice duly given and published according g v,.,as _ 1 r, before to lava a public hearing ws d.uly held b5 and o this Board on April 14th, 1931, at 3 .00 o 'clock P.M. for the purpose of apportioning and assessing the cost of said improvement against the property fronting or abutting upon the streets so improved as provided by law; and 4 17FEAS, this Board did on said April 14, 1931, appor- tion and assess said sum of 570 ,814.81, being the cost of said improvement, against the lots and plots front- ing or abutting upon Dante Avenue , Dimitri Place and Byron Lane as provided by law; and WHTRFAS, more than 15 days have elapsed. since the making of said apportionment and assessment and no part of said assessment has beer, paid except the sum of 567. 12 leaving t'n_e suss of ;'70 , 747.69 still uncollected and outstanding; and RFAS, this .Board desires to provide for the issuance and sale of tax street improvement bonds in the amount of $ 70 ,747.69 to meet the cost of said improvement and -- the expenses incidental thereto ; NO`,,; TH!i'RFFOR-T, it is RFSOLVFD, that this Board borrow upon its faith and credit the surn of `';;70 ,747.6x9 and issue its bonds there- for to pay the cost of grading, regulating, draining, paving and otherwi-se improving Dante Avenue , Dimitri Place and Byron Lane , in the Maple Hill Subdivision, in the Town of S:amaroneck, i?ww York; and it is further R7SOLV7D, that said bonds be sold at public sale on July 21st, 1931 at 30O o �clock P.li, at the office of the Town Clerk, 6 Flm Street, in the Village of Hamaroneck, New York) and that notice of said sale be published in the Daily Times, a newspaper published within said Town of Mamaroneck, New York, and in the Bond Buyer, a financial newspaper published in the City of New York, ,which newspapers are hereby desig- nated for that purpose , at least once , not less than five days before the date of said , sale ; and it is further R?±SOLVFD, that said- bonds be issued in the name and under the seal of said Town, of Hamaroneck in denomin- ation of 51,000.00 each, numbered 1 to 70, inclusive , except bond No. 1 which shall be for $1,747069 , dated as of Lay 1, 1931 and shall be payable in annual instal- ments as follows . the sum of [;;2,747.69 on I=ay 1, 1932, the surn of '3,000.00 on Hay 1, 1933 , and the sum of 55,000.00 on Hay let of each of the years 1934, to 1946, 183 both inclusive, with interest thereon at a rate not exceeding 6; per annum payable on the first day of 1?ovember after the date thereof and semi-annually thereafter until the principal sum is fully paid.. Said bonds shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested by the Town Clerk of said Town under the seal thereof and shall be coupon bonds with the privilege of registration in accordance vaith the provisions of the General Iilunicipal Lazo. Tie interest coupons shall be signed with the facsimile - signature of the Supervisor and both principal and interest of said bonds nhall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present stand- ard weight and fineness, or its ecuiva.lent in larsful money of the United States of america , at Trust Company of Larchrront, Larchmont, 17eu York, in Yew York exchange , or at Bankers Trust Company, Neva York. City, New York, at the option of the holder; and it is further RESOLVED, that said bonds shall be sold to the person who will take them at the lowest rate of interest for not less than the par value thereof and shall be in form substantially as follows, the blanks therein being properly filled, viz : i UNITED STATES OF ERICA STAT7 OF 1z ;',' YORr: TO`;I? OF IILLLrR01 TCK STR77T IETRO1717- TT BOI•'D - 1931 (Dante ;venue , Dimitri Place and Byron Lane ) No. MTOti AIL T El? BY TIIPS'T PR7,S717S, that the Town of Wamaroneck, a municipal corporation in the County of '';estchester and State of 1?ew York, hereby acknotivledges its indebtedness and for value received promises to pay to bearer on the day of Dray, 19 the sum of ( ) Dollars, together ,f,,ith interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the lst days of Koveraber and Eay upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as the same respectively mature. Both principal andinterest of this bond are payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness, or ite equiy- alent in lawful money of the United States, at _rust Comloany of Larchmont, Larchrront, 2?ew York, it New York exchange , or at Banker's Trust Company, New York City, Ne,v York, at, theoption of the holder. This bond is one of an issue of bonds/Hke date' and tenor except as to amount and date of maturity, aggregating the sum of seventy-tLousand seven hundred forty-seven and 69/100 dollars , and is issued for the purpose of paying the cost of improving Dante Avenue , Dimitri Place and Byron Lane in the Town of Mamaroneck, Few York, pursuant: to and in strict compliance with the Constitution and statutes of the State of Yew York, including among others , Chapter 549 of the Lags of 1926 , and the nets amendatory thereof and is issued pursuant to proceedings of the Town Board of said Town duly had and taken in all respects authorizing the same. It is hereby certified, recited and deblared that all acts , conditions and things required to exist, to 'happen and to be performed precedent to and in t'he issuance of this bond, exist , have happened and have been performed in due time , form and manner as required by laws that the issue of bonds of which this is one , together with all other indebtedness of said Town, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Hnstitution and Lays of the hate of iew York, and that due provision has been made for raising annually by tax on the taxable property of said Town a sum sufficient to pay the principal and interest of this bond as the -- same respectively become due and payable. The full faith Lnd ca it of said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond according to its terms. This bond may be registered as to principal only as well as to both principal and interest in accor .ance with the provisions of the General Municipal Law . If this bond be registered as to both principal and interest, the interest hereon at the request of the registered owner will be remitted by mail in Yew York exchange . IT KI Y SS H707OF, the said Town of Mamaroneck has caused this bond to be signed by its Supervisor and sealed with the corporate seal of said Town,. attested by its Town Clerk, and the interest coupons hereto annexed to be signed with the facsimile signature of its Supervisor, and this bond to be dated as of the lst day of May, 1931. !'O'OM OF ]LALAROl!E CK, NEW YORK By Supervisor Attest: Town Clerk (FORM OF COUPON) NO. Kay On the let day of November, 19 , the Town of Mamaroneck, 7estchester County , New York, will pay to bearer the sum of C dollars , at Trust Company of Larohmont, Larchmont, Few York, in New York exchange , or at Bankers Trust Company , New York City, New York, at the option of the holder, being six months ' interest then due on its Street Improvement Bond — 1931, No. Supervisor CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATIOY AS TO PRIi`CIPAL OPvLY This bond may be registered by the owner in his name as to principal under the signature of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck, County of caestchester, New York, or other Registrar, below, and shall thereafter be transferable only upon the written — assignment of the registered owner or his attorney, duly acknowledged or proved, such registration and transfer to be made on the books of said Clerk or other Registrar, and a notation thereof to be made hereon. Such transfer may be to bearer, after which this bond shall be subject to subsequent registrations and transfers as before. The coupons will remain payable to bearer notwithstanding such reg- istration unless this bond shall be converted into a fully registered bond by the surrender and cancellation of coupons , which surrender and cancellation shall be noted on said books and upon this bond. The principal of this bond, if registered, will be payable to the registered owner or his legal representatives , successors or assigns. 187 Date of Registry : Yame of Registered owner: Signature of ReZistrara CERTIFICATE OF COI! rRSIO?T IITTO A FULLY RL'GISTE'RTi'D BOIL Upon the written request of the owner of the within bond -for its conversion into a fully registered bond,. I have this day cut off and destroyed coupons annexed to this bond amounting in the aggregate to dollars, and the interest on this bond at the rate and on the dates as was provided by the coupons as well as the principal thereof will hereafter be -_paid to legal representatives, successors or assigns , at the place of payment specified therein, or, at the request of the registered ovmer, the interestviill be remitted by mail in Yeyw York exchange. This bond hereafter will be transferable on the books of the To-on Cletk of the Town of Hamaronccl� County of Jestchester, P+eka York, or other Registrar only on present- ation of the same with a varitten assignment duly acknowledged or proved Dated, 19 (OF'F'ICIAL TITLE') _____ _ Date of Registry : Marne of Registered Owners Signature of Registrar; And it is further PS±'SOLVED, that there shall be levied and assessed, annually, against all the taxable property fronting or abutting upon Dante Avenue , Dimitri Place and Byron Lane , in the Twan of Yama roneck, New York, and collected,. a sum sufficient to pay the maturing principal and interest of said bonds-. In the event that the assessment levied and collected be insufficient to pay the maturing principal ' and inferest of said bonds, then there shall be levied and assessed upon all the taxable property of said Town of h1amaroneck, outside of the Villages of ISamaroneck and Larchmont, and collected, a sum suffic- ient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same respectively become due and payable ; and it is further HT=SOLVED, that the notice of sale of said bonds shall be substantially in the following form; _ $138tll4.07' TO'u T OF L.,A1JARO11_.,_7 CK, 17W YORK STRT-T'f 1L11P 3bVELLL+'I<T and SID-TWALK DISTRICT coupon, BOLDS — 1931. ITOTIC' OF SALE' OF BOFIIDS, 189 YOTIC-T IS I'_7?: BY Gl-�71i, that the Town Board of the Town of 'rtamaroneck, Idew Yorlr, will receive sealed proposals at the To,,.n Board rooms , 6 711m Street, in the Village of Hamaroneck, few York, until 3 o 'clock P.H. (daylight saving time) on July 21, 19319 for the purchase of the following described bonds of said Town, to wit: C�) ,$70 , 747¢69 Street: Improvement Bonds of said Town of Mamaroneck, Phew York, numbered 1 to 70 , inclusive , in denominations of x$1,000 each except that bond AToa I shall be for $1,747a.6-9,- dated as of -lay 1, 1931, and maturing in annual installments as follows , the sum of ;2,,747®69 on bay 1, 1932, the sum of 43,000 Oil i"Iay 1, 1933 and y5,000 on Kay 1st in each of the years 1934 to 1946, both inclusive , at a rate of interest not to exceed 6% per annum payable on ,ovember let after the dale thereof, and semi-annually thereafter; Sidewalk (b) $45,437.44 uTe�ver Street/District Yom 1 Bonds of said Town of 1.Sa-maroneck, Few York, numbered I to 45, inclusive , in denominations of )1,000 each except that bond lo. I small be for the sum of 31,437®44, dated. as of !:-,arch 1 9 f an matur ing 1931 d in _ in annual u� installments as follows - the sum of 5.5 ,437.44 on $larch 1, 1932 and the sum of 1,,5,000 on 11darch lst in each of the years 1933 to 1940, both inclusive , with interest thereon at a rate not to exceed 6,% per annum payable an the let day of September after the date thereof and semi-annually thereafter,-, and (c) 4$21 ,928.94 Street Improvement Bonds of the Town of Iama-roneck, I- ec7 York nurdoered 1 t 21, inclusive , in denominations of .;519000 each, except that bond Yo. 1 small be for the sum of 31,928094,- dated as a February 1, 1931, and maturing in annual installments as follows ; the sum of (;;1,928,94 on February 1, 1932, the sum of p2,000 on February 1, 1933 and 51,000 on February let in each of the years 1934 to 1951,, both inclusive , with interest at a rate not to exceed 6 per annum payableon August let after the date thereof and semi-annually thereafter. Both principal and interest will be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard Freight and fineness or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States of America , at Trust Company of Larc'nmont, Larchrnont, lien York, in Neva York exchange, or at Bankers Trust Company, few York City, :cw York, at theoption of the holder. Said $138,114.07 bonds will be coupon bonds and will be registerable as to principal only or as to both principal and interest in accordance with the provisions of the General Yunicipal La:rm. :_'ach bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 5,5,000. 00 drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company in the State of Few York, or a Cashier 's or other official 's check of such bank or trust company and payable to the order of the Tot-,m of r!amaronec'- o Checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned on the awarding. of the bonds.. 1?o interest will be allowed on the check of the successful bidder and said check will be retained to be applied in part payment of the bonds or to secure the Town against any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the term, of his bid. _ 1 Unless all bids are rejected said bonds will be awarded to the bidder complying with the terms of sale and offering to purchase the same at the lowest -rate of interest not exceeding cog, per annum stated in a multiple of 1/10 or 1/4th of 1% per annum, regardless of premium, provided, however, that if two or more bidders bid for the same lowest rate of interest, then said bonds will be awarded to the bidder offering the highest price therefor at such lowest rate or _ interest. Nod bid for less than the par value and accrued interest will be considered. Bidders must bid for all of said bonds and must state a single rate of interest therefor.. Any bid not complying with the terms of this notice will be rejected., The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.. The approving opinion of Yessrs. Clay, Dillon & Vandewater, attorneys of Yew York City, will be furnished to the purchaser with- out charge . Bated, July 9, 1931 BY ORDT+'R OF THT TOvili BOA-RD 7ALT7R R. 'ARMY, JR. Town Clerk The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was put to a vote which resulted as follows. Ayes : 6 Noes : none The Chair declared the resolutions unanimously adopted. The Supervisor advised the Board that it was in order for the Board to issue bonds to redeem outstanding certificates of in- debtedness heretofore issued for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of concrete sidewalks along Weaver Street within '4eaver Street. Sidewalk District To. 1, Town of Mamaroneck, in accordance with the provisions of Article 11-a of the Town Law. Justice hessersmith offered for adoption the following- �1H REAS, by an order dated November 2.7, 1928, after a hearing upon notice duly given according to law, this Board established Weaver Street Sidewalk District No. 1 of the Town of Hamaroneck, view York„ and author- ized and directed the const ruction of concrete side- walks along : eaver Street, within said sidewalk district,_ in accordance with the provisions of Article 11-a of the Town Law; and WH7REAS, such proceedings were thereafter duly had and taken that said sidewalks were constructed at a cost of 145,437.44; and =RFAZ, upon notice duly given and published accord- ing to law a public hearing was duly held by and before this Board on January 20, 1931, at. 3o30 o "clock P.Y. for the purpose of apportioning and assessing the -- cost of said improvement partly against the property fronting or abutting on Heaver Street and partly against the sid5walk district as provided by Section 253 of the Town Law; and 193 ilFv!YEAS, this Board did on January 20 , 1931 appor- tion and assess the sum of x,45, 437„44, being the cost of said improvement, in the following manner: 7'57o� thereof, or the sum of $2,978.08 against the property fronting on :weaver Street, and 25;9 thereof or the sum of -�'PI1,459.36 against the sidewalk dis- trict, as provided by Section 253 of the Town Law= and ';1H777RAS, more than 30 days have elapsed since the making of said apportionment and assessment and no part of said assessment has been paid and the sum of 1?45,437.44 remains uncollected and outstanding; and 'I,MERFAS, this Board desires to provide for the issuance and sale of sidewalk district bonds in the amount of -$45,437.44 to pay for the cost of said improvement; °SOW, TH-L+F 7T RTl', it is R'i'SOLVFD, that this Board borrow., upon its faith and credit the sum of ? 45,437.44 and issue its bonds therefor for the purpose of paying the cost of grad- ing and constructing a concrete sidewalk along ?7eaver Street within n -acaver Street Sidewalk District No. 1 of the Town of hainarone ek, 1 evr Yorkq in said Town of Yama-roneck, and -it is furthe± RRSOLVFD, that said bonds be sold at _ou:clic sale on July 21st, 11i31 at 3 .00 o ' clock P.I.I. at the office of the Town Clerk, ITIc. 6 2.1m Street, in the Village of Hame.roneck, Iaew Yorl. and that notice of said sale be - published in the Daily Times , a newspaper published within she own of wamaroneck, Neva fork, and in the Bond Buyer, a financial nee=rspaper published in the City of Few York, which newspapers are hereby designated for the purpose , at least once not less than five days before the date of said sale , and it is further RFSOI,VFD, that said bonds be issued in the name and under the seal of said Town of `amaroneck, in denomin- ation of `1,000.00 each, numbered 1 to 45, inclusive , except bond Yo. 1 which shall be for 81,437. 44, dated as of Harch let, 1931 and shall be payable in annual installments as follows : the sum of X5,437®.44 on march let, 191-2, and the sum of $5, 000.00 on Yareh lst, of each of the years 1933 to 1940 , both inclusive , with interest thereon at a rate not exceeding 6 per annum payable on the let day of September after the date thereof and. semi-annually thereafter until the principal sum is fully paid. Said bonds shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested by the Torn Clerk of said Town under the seal thereof and shall be coupon bonds with the privilege of registration in accordance with the provisions of the General Tuunicipal Law.- The interest coupons shall be signed �=rith the facsimile signature of the Supervisor and both principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in gold coin of the united States of _-imerica of the present standard weight and finenesA or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States of America, at Trust Company of Larclmiont, Larchmont, Yew York, in Ilea York exchange , or at Bankers Trust Company , Iiew York City, Few York, at the option of the holder; and it is further RRSOLVTD, that said bonds shall be sold_ to the persons who will take them at the lowest rage of interest for not less than the par value thereof and shall be in form substantially as follows , the blanks therein being properly filled, viz: LE ITED ST'ATE'S OF AI7RI CA STATE OF 177vy- YORK TO 1171 Oil 111 L AR017CK PA'ATTR STRF7T SIDP i"IALY DISTRICT INTO. 1 B01-:D - 1931 !TOW ALL I71T BY 'TH SF PR-SETTS , that the 'TO"e N OF S 4I! TROT CFL, a municipal corporation in the County of Westchester and State of Yew York, hereby ackncwlcdges its indebtedness and for value received promises to pay to bearer on the 1st day of Ilarch, 19 , the sum of DOLLARS, together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the let days of September andl1arch upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as the same respectively mature. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in gold coin of tt!e United States of America of the -present standard weight and fineness , orits equivalent in lawful money of the United States of America , at Trust Company of Larchmont, Larchmont, Few York, in Fevr York exchange , or at Bankers Trust Company, Ncw York City, Few York, at the option of the holder. This bond is one of an issue of bonds of like date and tenor except as to amount and date of maturity aggregating the sum of forty-five thousand four hundred thirty-seven and 44/100 ($451437.44) dollars, and is issued for the purpose of paying the cost of grading and constructing a concrete sidevralk along ?deaver Street, in the Town of Marnaroneck, New York, pursuant to and in strict compliance with the Constitution and statutes of the State of Yevr York, including, among others , Chapter 63 of the Lavas of the State of Teva York of 1909 entitled "An Act relating to Towns , " constituting Chapter 62 of the Consoldiated -" laws and the acts amendatory thereof, Chapter 470 of the Lavas of 1926 and the Acts amendatory thereof, and is issued pursuant to proceedings of the Tot°rn Board of ffaid Town duly had and taken in all respects auth- crizing the same. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts , conditions and things required to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond , exist, have happened and nave been performed in due time , fora and manner as required by law; that the issue of bonds of which this is one , together with all other indebtedness of said Town, is within every debt and other limit pres- cribed by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Yew York, and that due provision has been made for raising annually by tai: on the taxable property of said Town a sum sufficient to pay the principal andinte-rest of this bond as the same respectively become due and payable. The full faith and credit of said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to 'he punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond according to its terms. This bond may be registered. as to principal only as well as to both principal and interest in accordance with the provisions of the General lluniei_oal Law. If this bond be registered as to both principal -- and interest the interest hereon at the request of the registered owner will be remitted by mail in llew York exchange. IIT WI=SS W17RTOF, the said Town of riamaroneck has caused this bond to be signed by its Supervisor and sealed with the coxpmrate seal of said Town, attested by its 'Toren Clerk, and the interest coupons Xhereto annexed to be signed by the facsimile signature of its Supervisor, and this bond_ to be dated as of the 1st day of Hareh, 1931, TOM7 OF `:AT ARO'TT'C i, I77,- YORE By Supervisor Attest : o'cn UlerK 197 (rOR11 OF COUPOY) Y©. March On the Ist day of September, 19 ,. the Town of Mramaron- cck, 'r>estchester County, 1Tew York, will pay to bearer the sum of (` )_ Dollars, at Trust -- Company of la'rch�.iont, Larc'nmont, Yew York, in mev York exchange , or at Bankers Trust Company, Tevr York City , ?Tew York, at the option of the holder , being six months ' interest then due on its +leaver Street Sidewalk District 71o. I Bond - 1931, dated lurch 1, 19314 IT. I Supervisor CFRTIFICATF OF RrGISTR TTOF AS TO PRIr?.CIP.yL O= This bond may be registered by the owner in his name as to principal under the signature of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hamaroneck, in the County of viestchester, Few York, or other Reg- istrar, below, and shall thereafter be transferable only upon the written assignment of tine registered owner or his attorney duly acknowledged or proved, such registration and transfer to be made on the books of said Clerk or other Registrar, and a notation thereSof to be rude he-eon. Such transfer may be to bearer, after which this bond shall be subject to subsequent registrations and trans_`ers as before . The coupons will remain payable to bearer notwithstanding such registration unless thin bond shall be converted into a fully registered bond by the surrender and cancellation of coupons, which surrender and cancellation shall be noted on said books and. upon this bond . The principal of this bond, if registered , will be - payable to the registered owner or his legal representatives , success- ors or assigns. Date of Registry. ITame of Registered Ovrner. Signature of Registrar- . I I 0 RTI7ICATF OF CO111nRSI0IT I? TO A FLPLY R GIS^1FRTD 301D Upon the written request of the owner of the within bond for its conversion into a fully registered bond, I have this slay cut off and destroyed coupons annexed to this bond amounting in the aggregate to (� } dollars, and the interest on this bond at the rate and on the dates as was provided by the coupons as well as the principal thereof will here- after be paid to legal representatives , successors or assigns , at the place of payraent specified t'hccrein, or, at the rcn,�_est of the registered ovener, the interest will be remitted by mail in New York exchange. This bond hereafter will be transferable on the books of the Town Clerk of the Town of Yamaron- eek, in the County of Westchester, Nero 'York, br other Registrar only on presentation of the same with a written assignment duly acknow- ledged or proved, Dated, 19 (OFFICIAI, TI=) Date of Registry : 37ame of Registered OTTnert Signature of Registrar -. And it is further RESO17=, that there shall be levied and assessed annually, agair_st all the taxable property within Weaver L treet Sidewalk District No. 1 of the Town of Hamaroneck, Tvew York, to be apportioned as pro- vided by law, and collected, a sum sufficient to ioay the maturing principal and interest of said bonds. In the event that the assessment levied and collected be insufficient to pay the maturing principal and interest of said bonds , then there shall be levied and assessed upon all the taxable property of said Town. of Vamaroneck, outside of the Villages of Hamaroneck and Larc'nmont, and collected, a sum sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same respectively become due and payable ; and it is further RITS01V7D, that the notice of sale of said bonds shall be substantially in the following form: 1138,114.07 0 T OF ILTI ? ,R01'::,!Ct ,T YORi STaTT:T ILP?;OVTTT1:1T _U,�II3 SIDT°,+ALF DI9T3ICT (cou- pon) BONDS - 19310 NOTICE OF SALT OF BONDS TYOTICT IS 1-1 REBY GIVE'T,i, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, will receive sealed proposals at the Town Board. rooms , 6 1m. Street, in the 'Tillage of Mamaroneck, New York, until 3 otclock P.111. (daylight saving time) on Tuly 21, 19310 for the purchase of the following described bonds of said Zowy, to iaita (a) $70,747.69 Street Improvement Bonds of said Town of Iramaroneck, Few York, numbered 1 to 70 , inclusive , in denominations of .P19000 each except that bond No. 1 shall be for V1,747.6:9 , dated as of 1�.Yay I , 1931, and maturing in annual installments as follows . the sum of x;29747.699 on 11ay_.I, 1932;4 the sum of $3,000 on IIay 11 1933 and $59000 on May let- in each of the years 1934 to 1946, both inclusive , at a rate of interest not to exceed 610 per annum payable on 2Ioveraber let after the date thereof, and semi--annually thereafter; (b) $45,437.44 Weaver Street Sidewalk District ?o. I Bonds of said Town of Mamaroneck, New York, numbered to 45, inclusive , in denominations of $1,000 each except that bond T`o. I shall be for the sum of 11,437.44 , dated as of TYareh 19 1931, and maturing in annual installments as follows. the sum of 15 , '7-43 .44 on Lurch 1, 1932 and the sum_ of ' 52000 on Harch let in each of the years 1933 to 1940, both inclusive , with interest thereon at a rate not to exceed ao per annum payable on the 1st day of Septemoer after the date thereof and semi-annually thereafter; and Q'e) }21,928.94 Street Improvement Bonds of the 7own of - Mamaroneck, New York, numbered I to 21, inclusive , in denominations of $1,000 each, except that bond No. 1 shall be for the sum of $1,928.94, dated as of February I, 1931, and maturing in annual installments as folio s. the sum of r11,928. 94 on February 1, 1932, the sum of ,$2,000 on February 1, 1933 and 819000 on February let in each of the years 1934, to 1951, both inclusive , with interest at a rate not to exceed 6W„' per annum, payable on august lst after the date thereof and semi-annually thereafter. 2� Both principal and interest will be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness or its equivalent in lawful money of the united States of America, at Trust Company of Larchraont, Larchmont, New York, in Y-w York exchange , or at Bankers Trust Company, Yew York City, Naw York, at the option of t'he 'holder. Said X138,114.07 bonds will be coupon bonds and will be regist- - erable as to principal only or a� to both principal and interest in accordance with the provisions of the General iGlunicipal Law. Fach bid must be accompanied by a certified check for ::;5,000.0) drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company in the State of Few York or a Cashier's or other official's check of such bank or trust, company and payable to the order of the '-Coven of il?ama.roneck. Checks of the un- successful bidders will be returned on the awarding of the bonds. No interest will be allowed or, the check of the successful bidder and said check will be retained to be applied in part- payment of the bonds or to secure the Town against any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid.. Unless all bids are rejected said bonds will be awarded to the bidder complying with the terms of sale and offering to purchase the same at the lowest rate of interest not exceeding 6°, per annum stated in a multiple of 110th or 1/4th of to per annum, regardless of premium, provided , however, that if two or more bidders bid for the same lowest rate of interest, then said bonds will be awarded to the bidder offering the highest price therefor at such Iowalst rate of interest. ITo bid for less than the par value and accrued interest will be considered. Bidders must bid for all of said bonds and must state a single rats of interest therefor. Any bid not complying with the terms of this .notice 1aill be rejected.. _- The -right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The approving opinion of Messrs. Clay , Dillon & Vandewater, attorneys of Ilea York City , will be furnished to the _purchaser without charge. Dated, July 9, 1931 BY ORDER OP T17 TO^I?? BOARD Walter R. IZarvin, Jr. Town Clerk The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was put to a vote which resulted as follow. s : Ayes : 6 D7oes : none The chair declared the resolutions unanimously adopted. Zr. Gagliardi reported that at the meeting of the Board of Sup- ervisors of 'tlestchester County held on February 2 , 1931, upon the petitim of the members of this Board and of the Town Superintendent of Fignr,ays, an Act was duly passed by said. Board of Supervisors authorizing this To m to borrow the sucl of, .;21,928.94 and issue its bonds therefor to pay the cost of constructing the strut intersections and retaining walls along Weaver Street, and that it would be in order for this Board to include the sale of said bonds in the sale of the Seaver Street sidevialk bonds and the other street improvement bonds which are to be sold on July 2.1, 1931. Thereupon Justice IaI.essersmith offered for ado_tion the following 203 RT'SOUTD, by ; the Town Board of the 'Torn of Mamaroneck, New York, as followa: 1. There shall be issued and sold highway improve- ment bonds of the Town of , amaronehkq Vestchester County, Yew York, in the sum of 121,928.94 for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing the street intersections and retaining walls along weaver Street (County Highway Igo. 19) in said Town, for the cost of which improvement, the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Unmaroneck, shall be liable to taxation. shall be sold to the person who will 2. Said bonds p take them at the lowest rate of interest, for not less than the par value thereof, and shall be in the form provided. by Act No. XXXVIII of the Board of Supervisors adopted by their meeting held. on February 29 1931, and shall be sold upon sealed proposals, upon notice published at least 5 days before the date of such sale , at least once , in the Daily Times , a news- paper published in the County of Westchester in which County said bonds are to be sold and in the Bond Buyer, a financial newspaper published in the City of New York, and notice of which shall be substantially in the following form: 8138,114.07 T07dY, OF MAM RONECK, N7W YORE STRFTTT IMPROITTL NT AND =7WAIX DISTRICT (coupon-:) BONDS-1931. BOTICE IS H"R3BY OIV4'2i, that the Town Board of the Town of PZamaronec'a, New York, will receive sealed proposals at the Town Board ---. rooms , 6 Tlm Street, in the Tillage ofLamaroneck, pew York, until 3 o'clock P.I . (daylight saving time ) on July 21, 1931, for the purchase of the following described bonds of said Town, to wit: (a) ?70 ,747.69 Otreet Improvement Bonds of said Town of Mamaroneck, New York, numbered 1 to 70 , inclusive , in denominations of ;;1,000 each except that bond ho. 1 shall be for 41,747.6-9 , dated as of May 1, 1931, and maturing ih annual installments as follows : the sum of $2,747.69 on May 19 1932, the sum of )3,000 on May 11, 1933 and .;5,000 on Nay 1st in each of the years 1934 to 1946, both inclusive , at a rate of interest not to exceed 6% per annum payable on November 1st after the date thereof, and semi- . annually thereafter; (b) $45,437.44 Weaver Street Sidewalk District No. 1 Bonds of said Town of I:Tamaroneck, Yew York, numbered 1 to 45, inclusive , in denominations of 81,000 each except that bond Yo. 1 shall be for the sum of 819437.44, dated as of Yareh 1, 1931, and maturing in annual installments as follows : the sum of 85,437.44 on March 1, 1932 and the sum of 85,000 on larch let in each of the years 1933 to 1940, both inclusive , with interest thereon at a rate not to exceed 6 per annum payable on the let day of September after the date thereof and semi-annually thereafter ; and ( ) 821,928.94 Street- Improvement Bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck, pew Yor'__, nurbere? 1 to 21, inclusive, in denominations of .,x12000 each, except that bond Yo. 1 shall be for the sum of X11928.94, dated as of T'ebrua-ry 1, 1931, and maturing in annual installments as follows: the sum of 81,928.94 on February 1, 19329 the sum of 12,000 on February 1, IS334 and 81,000 on February let in each of the years 1934 to 1951, both inclusive , with interest at a rate not to exceed 60 per annum, payable on August lst after the date thereof and semi-annually thereafter. 12,10 Both principal and interest will be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness opits equivalent in lawful money of the United States of Amcrica, at Trust Company of Larchmont, La.rchmont, Yew York, in Few York exchange , or at Bankers Trust Company, New York City, New York, at the option of the holder. Saida $138,114.07 bonds will be coupon bonds and will be regis- terable as to principal only or as to both principal and interest in accordance with the provisions of the General Municipal Lau. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $59000. 0) drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company in the State of New York, or a Cashier 's or other official *s check of such bank or trust company and payable to the order of the Town of Mamaroneck, 'Checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned on the awarding of the bonds. No interest will be allowed on the check of the successful bidder and said check will be retained to be applied in part payment of the bonds or to secure the Town against any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid. Unless all bids are rejected said bonds will be awarded to the bidder complying with the terms of sale and offering to purchase the same at the lowest rate of interest not exceeding 65 per annum, stated in a multiple of 1/10t'n or 1/4th of 1% per annum, regardless of premium, provided, however, that if two or more bidders bid for the same lowest rate of interest, then said bonds will be awarded to thebidder offering the highest price therefor at such forest rate of interest No bid for less than the par value and accrued interest will be considered. Bidders must bid for all of said bonds and must state a single rate of interest therefor. Any bid not complying with the terms of this notice will be rejected® The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The approving opinion of hessrs. Clay, Dillon c Vande4°,ater, attorneys of New York City, will be furnished to the purchaser without charge . Dated, July 9 , 1931 By ORDER OF 711"F TO':'(il BOARD Walter R. I,tarvin, Jr. Town Clerk roar,C s"�f�"r%tti 3-. That when said $21,928.94 Street Improvement Bonds shall have been duly executed, the same shall be Aelivered to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase price to the Supervisor and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to said purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. i 207 0 That there shall be levied, assessed and collected annually upon the taxable property of the Town of Eamaroneek, outside of the villages of larchmont and liamaroneck, an amount sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said $21,928094 Street Improvement Bonds as the same shall -respectively come due and payable . The ouestion of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions Baas put to a: vote which resulted as follows : Ayes : 6 goes : none The Chair declared the resolutions unanimously adopted. I �Toatn Clerk P