HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_10_06 Town Board Minutes REGULAR TI ETTNG OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD OCTOBER 6, 1937 At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, Pllamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8:15 P. M. Present: Supervisor IZcCulloch Councilmen Brennan, Griffin, ,teginniss and Bates, who arrived a few minutes after the meeting had been called to order. The presence was also noted of Miss Alice Wheelock, Deputy Town Clerk, Town Attorney Delius and Assessor Smith and Public Welfare Officer DeVinne. Town Attorney Delius stated that he had received a proposal from 114r. Charles E. Nessle to compromise the tax liens owned by the Town for the sales of 1932, 1933, 19341 1935, 1936 and 1937 on Section 7, Block 16C, Lots 1881 1895 190, 191 and 192, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. He explained that these tax liens covered unimproved property located in the Larchmont Shores section of the Town and the offer of compromise was similar to that made by the Title Guarantee & Trust Company and accepted by the Town Board at a previous meeting. On motion by 2,1r. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Meginniss, it was upon roll call (tiir. Bates not present ) RESOLVED, WHEREAS the Town of Mamaroneck heretofore — acquired certain tax liens at the tax sales held on May 25t'_2, 1932; June 14th, 1933; Nay 23rd, 1934; June 19th, 1935; May 27th, 1936; and PI1ay 26th, 1937 respectively, which represented the State, County, Town and School district taxes for the years 1931, 19321 19335 19345 1935 and 1936, covering certain lots or parcels of land in what is commonly known as Larchmont Shores in the Village of Larchmont, Town of Mamaroneck, and which are described on the assessment map of the Town of IViamaroneck as Section 7, Block 16C, Lots 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, all of which lots are now or were recently owned by Charles E. Nessle; and INFEREAS Charles E. Nessle has made an offer to the Town of IvIamaroneck to pay in settlement and compromise of the tax liens now owned by the Town upon all of the several lots or parcels above mentioned, a sum of money approximately $623.33; and WHEREAS this Board considers that it is for the best interest of the Town to accept the compromise payment as aforesaid; NO'N. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck accept in compromise and settlement upon the property described as follows on the assessment map of the Town of 2•,iamaroneck, the following suns for the liens acquired by the Town for the years hereinafter stated: 0 Amount of Lien Plus Date of Sale Lot Number 12% Interest to Date Compromised Amount 1932 188 10.43 8.38 189 10.43 8. 38 190 10.43 8.37 191 10.43 8.37 192 10.42 8.37 1933 188 28.48 23. 55 189 28.48 23.54 190 28.47 23.54 191 28.47 23.54 192 28.47 23.54 1934 188 23.80 20. 34 189 23.80 20.34 190 23.80 20.34 191 23.80 20. 34 192 23.80 20.34 1935 188 36. 17 32.21 189 36.16 32.21 190 36.16 32.21 191 36.16 32.20 192 36.16 32.20 1936 188 21.47 19.91 189 21.47 19. 91 190 21.47 19. 91 191 21.47 19. 91 192 21.47 19. 91 1937 188 20.79 20.30 189 20.79 20.30 190 20. 79 20.29 191 20.79 20.29 192 20.78 20.29 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deliver all necessary instruments on behalf of the 'Town to make such compromise and settlement effective. Town Attorney Delius informed the Board that Assessor Smith had received several requests from owners of property on Edgewater Point for the correction of the assessment roll in order to permit the apportionment of taxes made necessary by the sale of certain lots in that section. He stated that the total assessed value of the property would remain the same and recommended that the Board grant the petition of the Assessor dated October 6 , 1937. On motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Ie1r. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, -fiHEREAS the Assessor has presented a petition dated October 6 , 1937, for the correction of the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended, known as the Westchester County 'lax Act; and WHEREAS after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total 9 105 70A,71 to 73 Leewood Shaw $12;250 $ 12,250 9 105 76 to 79 It it 155000 15;000 9 105 80 to 84 if it 111450 111450 9 105 85 to 87A if if 2,400 21400 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total 9 105 70A, 71,72 Satans Toe Inc. $8, 800 w 8;800 9 105 73 Marion B. Amy 3 450 3P450 9 105 76A 3,400 3, 400 9 105 76B577,78B Elizabeth Fortin 6, 150 6;150 9 105 78A' 79A James N. Bennett u W 3 800 ' 3 800 9 105 79B,80,81 ) ' 82B,86BI ) John R. Sheppard, Jr. 71625 72625 87, 87A ) 9 105 82A583A, Harvey Conover 4, 600 4, 600 86A,86C 9 105 8333,84,85, Satans Toe Inc. 3,275 31275 A letter dated October 5, 1937, addressed to Comptroller Luceno by Public Welfare Officer DeVinne was presented to the Board. In his letter Pair. DeVinne requested the Board to appoint bliss Elizabeth Puglisi to fill the vacancy created by the promotion of Miss Quinlivan to the position of Veteran Case 'Norker formerly held by Miss Eaton, at a salary at the rate of $1,200 a year. On motion by IrIr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the appointment of Miss Elizabeth Puglisi as Case Worker in the Public Welfare Office of the Town of Mamaroneck, at a salary at the rate of 51,200 a year, as requested by Public Welfare Officer DeVinne, be and it hereby is approved. The regular order of business was suspended_ in order to hear those persons who wished to address the Board concerning the application of the Larchmont Tennis Club, Inc. , 102 Harmon Drive, Larchmont , for a dance hall license. The Deputy Clerk read the application filed with the Town Clerk by William E. Schramek, attorney for the Larchmont Tennis Club Inc. , which application bore the approval of the Building Inspector . and the Fire Inspector. The Supervisor stated that he had received several tele- phone calls from residents of Harmon Drive, requesting that the Board postpone for two weeks its consideration of the application. that he had contacted 54r. Schramek to ascertain if he would agree to a :postponement, but Mr. Schramek had advised him that the members of the club wished to have the matter considered at this meeting. Mr. A. 1+1. Rose of 133 Harmon Drive and Mr. Marren Mandeville of 35 Harmon Drive appeared to oppose the granting of the license and to request the Board to defer action on the application of the club for two weeks . They explained that a petition was being circu- lated objecting to the granting of a dance hall license to the club, but because of the illness of certain objectors all of the signatures had not yet been obtained. Pr. William E. Schramek stated that it was unfair to those appearing on behalf of the club to postpone the matter and requested the Board to consider the application. Re said that at an Executive Committee meeting of the Larchmont Gardens Association the matter was discussed and a resolution was passed authorizing him as President of the association to appear before the Town Board and state that the Gardens Association had no objection to the granting of the application. After discussion the Board proceeded to consider the application and requested Mr. Schramek to prove that the Larchmont Tennis Club, Inc. is in fact a bona fide club as defined in Section 14 of Chapter IX of the General Ordinances. Mr. Schramek exhibited and read to the Board the certi- ficate of incorporation issued to the club by the Secretary of the State of New York on September 20, 1937, setting forth the purposes of the club. He stated that there were twelve incorporators of the club and a total membership of twenty-eight . He introduced the following incorporators to the Board: Charles F. Evans, 30 Knollwood Avenue, Mamaroneck, president; Everett H. Mayer, New Rochelle, vice- president; George F. Mleeker, 54 Hillside Road, Larchmont, secretary; Richard B. Tuttle, Jr. , New Rochelle, treasurer; Robert E. Hull, 113 Harmon Drive and P.Irs. Marjorie Perkins, Larchmont . He explained that the club rents the clubhouse from the Larchsront Gardens Company and stressed the fact that there has been a club operating at this same location for the past fifteen or twenty years and that it had only been necessary to incorporate in order to comply with. the Town Ordinances in obtaining a dance hall license. Per. Evans, the president of the club, assured the Board that they would "take great care in keeping peace and quiet in the neighborhood. " After further discussion, during which ➢4r. Ideginniss stated that he would have preferred to grant the objectors the extension of time they requested, it was upon motion of Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Griffin, unanimously RESOLVED that the application of the Larcbmont Tennis Club, Inc. , 102 Harmon Drive, for a dance hall license be and it hereby is approved, provided a written statement from the Larchmont Gardens Company, giving the Larchmont Tennis Club permission to operate on the above premises, is presented to and approved by the Town Attorney. Mr. Luigi Leone appeared before the Board to request __- permission to place a barber shop pole in front of his store at the Iv`_urray Avenue. He was directed to first obtain a permit from the Building Inspector and if a permit could not be granted under the Building Code, to appeal later to the Town Board. Pair. Brennan reported on highway matters. He stated that he and Er. Foote had inspected 65 per cent of the highways through- out the unincorporated section of the 'Town in preparation for the 1938 highway budget . He also reported that the Highway Department has purchased goggles for those men who operate emery wheels. Mr. ILeginniss stated' that he had received several com- plaints regarding the hedge which overhangs the sidewalk at the corner of Murray Avenue and Edgewood Avenue . The matter was re- ferred. to PLr. Brennan. Mr. Brennan discussed with the Board the matter of removing snow from sidewalks in the unincorporated section during the winter months. He was directed to work out the best method possible of doing this . I'r. Brennan also reported that at the request of I',ir. Edward H. Richard a shade had been installed on the street light at the corner of Fenimore Road and Durham Road. P,r. BateE reported on drainage matters, stating that the drain on ',via-olewood Street would be completed on October 9, 1937. He presented a letter dated October 1, 1937, from C. W. Moody, Fresident of the Rockledge ?folding Corporation, regarding the construction of a sewer on Bonnie Briar Lane. After discussion the Board laid the matter over for further consideration in connection with its proposed plan to construct other sewers and drains in the Town. Nir. Griffin reported on welfare matters. He stated that there was a slight increase in the case load for September over August, the case load in August being 210 at a cost of 8,084. 99 as corrpared with a case load in September of 226 at a cost of 8101070.23. He presented letters from Public 'Welfare Officer DeVinne which explained that the expenditures for September were $ 1, 985.24 higher chiefly because of the increase in the item for clothing which could be attributed to the opening of school and because of the increase in rents . The letters also explained that many of the cases which have been receiving supplementary relief are now receiving full relief which also accounts for the increase in e�- penditures. The Supervisor questioned Public vVelfare Officer DeVinne regarding certain welfare matters . During the discussion ur. DeVinne stated that out of the total case load of 226 approximately 80 families will probably never have any earning power; 70 other families because of illness and broken morale will be unable to support themselves for some time and. 70 other families will pro- bably be self-supporting when business improves . 1,1r. Griffin reported on park matters, stating that some re-planting had been done at the park on Huguenot Drive and that certain algous growth had. been cleaned out of the Larchmont Gardens Lake . PaSr. Meginniss reported that the Comptroller' s office was now engaged in closing the books for September and preparing the forms on which the various departments will submit their requests for the 1938 budget. The Supervisor stated that it would be necessary for the Town to borrow between S100, 000 and $ 150,000 before t1p- end of the year and that he would ascertain the exact amount needed and obtain bids on a Tax Revenue Note before the next meeting of the Board. The Deputy Town Clerk stated that she had been requested by the Town Clerk to ask the Board to amend the resolution adopted at its meeting on August 21, 1937, designating the registration and polling places in the Town for the year beginning October 1,1937. On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED that the resolution adopted by this Board at its meeting on August 21, 1937, desig- nating the registration and polling places for the year beginning October 1, 1937 , be and it hereby- is amended as follows; DISTRICT NO . 6 Instead of "Old Building, Chatsworth Avenue School, Larchmont, Y. Y. " read_ "ivew Building, Chatsworth Avenue School, Larchmont, N . Y. "" STRICT NO . 9 Instead of " iew Building, Chatsworth Avenue School, Forest Park Avenue, Larchmont , X. Y. " read. "Old Building, Chatsworth Avenue School, Chatsworth — Avenue, Larchmont, 1 . Y. " The minutes of the meeting of September 22, 1937, were approved as submitted. The report of the Public Welfare Officer for the month of September was received and filed. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of September was received and filed. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of September was received and filed. 4 U The report of the County Health Department for the month of August was received and filed. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of September was received and filed. A letter dated September 9, 1937, was received from 'Mrs. Filomena Notarangela, 24 Old_ White Plains Road, requesting the Board to reduce the 1937 assessment on her property known as Section S. Block 82, Lots 15A and 15B. The matter was referred to Assessor Smith and Public Vilelfare Officer DeVinne for investiga- tion and report . An estimate dated September 28, 1937, was received from the Westchester Joint Water Works, !No. 1 in the sum of $116.34 of the cost of installing 90 feet of 6-inch cast iron pipe on Valley Stream Road from the end of the present main to the property of Rockland Ridge Sports Club. The Supervisor informed the Board that he had authorized the installation of this connection and requested the Board' s approval of his action. On motion by 1'vir. Griffin, seconded by Hr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, WHEREAS an estimate dated September 28, 1937, has been received from Westchester Joint Water 4Porks, No . 1, in the am.ount of 4118. 34 of the cost of the installation of 90 feet of 6-inch cast iron pipe on Valley Stream Road, from the end of the present main to the property of Rockland Ridge Sports Club; and 'RHEREAS, the Supervisor has authorized the installa- tion of this water connection; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the action of the Supervisor be and it hereby is approved and that the uestchester Joint ';Vater Works, 1ao. 1 be and it hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to install for the Town of Mamaroneck the water connection above described and to charge to the 'Town of Mamaroneck the actual cost of laying the 90 feet of pipe only, the labor for excavating and backfilling the trench to be furnished by the 'Town of Mamaroneck. A letter dated September 29, 1937, was received from the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments in regard to two unpaid tax liens for the sale of 1925, taxes of 1924, on the property of Mrs. David Darlington described as Section 6, Block 64, Lots 12 and 13. Because Mrs. Darlington paid the taxes for 1924 on Section 6, Block 64, Lot 11B, on 11arch 25, 1935, and through error the Tax Office did not inform her that taxes for the same year were unpaid on Lots 12 and 13, he recommended that she be permitted to pay these tax arrears with interest figured at 12 per cent up to March 25, 1935. On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes =Irs. David Darlington be and she hereby is permitted to pay the 1924 taxes, sale of 1925, on Section 6, Block 64, Lots 12 and 13, with interest at 12 per cent up to March 25, 1935. A letter dated September 27, 1937, was received from N. Feter Rathvon offering to compromise certain taxes on Lots 38, 39,40,41, 42 and 43, in Section 9, Block 105, on Edgewater Point, and to discontinue certiorari proceedings if the settlement is accepted. The matter was referred to the Town Attorney for a full and complete report . adjourn. At 10: 00 P . Y. the Board unanimously resolved to Deputy Town Clerk 0