HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_05_04 Town Board Minutes 1) Q "
;; 07 �,
HELD KAY Ay 1933
At the Town Officesp 153 Ast Eoston Post Road, Yamaronesk,
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch
at 3: 00 P . 1.
Present : Supervisor McCulloWn,
councilmen Sates, a7iffin, Slands7ille , Heginniso
Absent : Yone
We presence was also notef of To-n Clerk Payne, Town Atworne-.,
Delius, Town Engineer Toots , Assessor Smith an& Comptroller Lu3eno,
The Town Clerk submitte? theminutes of the meetings of
HaTch 3, Narah 12 and Yarch 16, 193SP which were approved as print-__' n
The Sunervisor ashed if there oas ar.7 one present wtc
desired to address the Board.
1?- is F . Hansen of 23 Eillcn Road Extension, ti, Pea
before the Board to inquire about a strip of !an& adjoining his pro-
party which is be used by the Town as a =-o way for its sewer
and drain pipe lines. He stated that some ton strunti3n work had been
done there and that the surface had not tEen leveled off, and graded.
He also spoke about a manhole to7 which is high above the &rate at
the rear of his property. The 3oard referred the matter to Tenn En-
Sineer Foote .
Councilman handeville rezortef that ir. K T . NcTar-ahan,
71,.,o resides at ' Leafy Lane , has requested that something he acne to
Lmnro7e Leafy Lane, as it is in a 7ery bad confiticn. He stated that
allhouSh the street, which is 450 feet lonZ, has never been acce7tec.
1 - the Town, there are rocnerties on it ohi3t are assessed at a total
Slue of proximate S4, 800, He said i a his opinion
the owners were entitled tc some relief
The Salervisor stated that Mr. h0arnahan had tahen this
matter 77 with the Town quite some time ago and that there was some
talk about the owners cutting the street into condition before re-
questing the Tenn to accept the same. He said that there may he
some liability on the part of the Town because of the sewer which
has already been installs?.
Following some discussion the Ward decided to consider
the a3centance of Leafy Lane, providinE that the owners onesent a
;station and the deeds necessary for a fift7-foct Et reet:
Councilman Handeville also reported that he had inspectec".
the ramp at Plymouth Street and advised that any attempt .to remedy
the con Aition may resalt in a worse condition than now exists. we
described the ramp as being quite steep 7ith a rcugh stone surface .
Fe ovintel out the reason why it had been built with this rough sur-
face and that the smooth surface as requested by the owners would !a
quiFe dangerous during bad weather. He reported that the tan! ra"
7oulf he repaired and that there was need for a street iLghte
Councilman Mandeville also reported that the street sweeps-,
owned 11 the Village of zamarcneck tat been used in the unincornoratec-
area of the Town; that the test resulted in a good job being done
and that the Town could effect a sae n_ by hiring the s7eener once a
Yonth. He stated that an effort was being =aae to acmnl this
Councilman Pates reported that the drain work at Forest
Avenue Test of Murray Avenue, and at Sheldrake Avenue, and the
se7ar work at Camobell Place near Villa lane was groSressing quite
ranifly. He stated that the 4. T , 2, work being on on the Woof,
grojerty was not Eoln2 along as expected.
Cc=ci',,-nan Griffin inquiref about the work to is done at
the parking space near the railroad station,
Town Attorney Delius advised that there is a thirty-fay
cancellation clause in the lease to Ste Town by the New York, New Haven
a Hartford Railroad Company and that the 1. 7 . A. officials ask for a
lease which will cover the life of tie project .
The Supervisor stated that under these conditions there was
little on no possibility of iaavinE the want dons as a 4. F . A. poojecta
;-e asked Councilman ariffin if the Part Commission wcull he satisfief
with a stone and penetration surface ,,
Councilman ariffin stated that they would be satisfisa
7it1_ this work,
The 5card then instructed Town Enginee7 Foote to pocceea
Ath the work.
Councilman Griffin ;resented the report of the Public
delfare :erartment fop the month of April, 113S ,
He renortef that tte proposed plan to have a supervising
physician to hanfle medical oases arising through the Selfare Ofica,
of the Town of � amaronsch has been approved by the Vestotester County
Medical Tociety but the State officials have not as yet approved the
;!an, althcuEh they have hat it under alvisemert for two months . He
said tVat their approval is sought in coder th th f
at e ort7 per cent
allowance or rebate which would Ics given Q the State on a supervizin�--'
physicians' s salary would he available to the Town. He stated that
there is no question A at that savings can be effentel to the taxpayers
through the employment of a supervising medical officer who would
lave ccmilete charge of medical attention given by the Welfare Office ,
Tie cost per individual foo medical attention administered through
the 7elfare Iffice here is the highest in tie County, although the
total cost per infividual for all relief is among the lowest, he added.
Councilman Griffin stated that he had been advised by
-p. Ze7inne that he hat enpected to receive some word from the State
Espartnent within a few lays . He said that he would wait until tie
next Town 5oard meetin& and expressed his desire to jut the an
in oneration on jare 1. 1;3s
A netition dated lay 4, 1236, was received from Assessor
wvri' th requeVing that the to arrears for the year 032 in the
amoalf of 'Q9, EG on property described as Section S, Kock 3, Let ll
assessed to Otats7orth Coal and Supply Company, he cancelled. He
stated that these taxes had been erroneously listed against this pro -
party in the tax arrears book, since there was no property known as
Section E. 3lock S. lot !A on the assessment roll covering 1232 taxes.
The petition also requested tie carzellation of tie 121,5?
taxes amoanting to .04 against section 8, 3lock 4, Lot 15, because
this lot was included in the land purchased for the Palmer Avenue
Extension arn is now located in the street .
On motion by Councilman arfffin, seconded by Councilman
Handeville, it was unanimoas,
RESOLVEL, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he her is authorized, empowered an directed
to ca-iscel on his tax arrears records the taxes for the
year 1232 in the amo= 0. Q1 . 52 on Section 6, 3133k 6 ,
hot it, and the taxes for the year 1912 in the amount
of 11. 04 on Section 6 , block 5, lot 15.
Councilman ariffin presented a petition dated Fay 1, U38,
rezei7ed from the Assessor for tie correction of the assessment rcil
so as to mermit the apportionment of taxes.
Dn motion by louriViman 5riffin, seconded by Councilma-ri
Maginniss, it was unanimously
et I t ' rn fatef
Lay 4, lc'33, -7- tte
or-,- e C -I n f
fcr- --ar 7c77'
- ' .2 of
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7 an� is
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C'n� s. n
z� JO
e o-c-n c c c,
s f I I a a c c an
7Z n�
a n d
7 0
P 77 -
s s
71 —
Sesti2m 3loch Lot -
owns r
Lan! im;.
s 54A 5
k1bert Hiller
6 542 6
6 54A 72a
1 r,
13000 112000
E 541 9310111
Councilman hegfnniss
reported that
the finances cf tie loon
in favora�le conlition.
Councilman ReSinriss
that the Board take
tie aDvointment of the
fire inspectors dasiEnatsl
b-,- 1--fre It __e ]6
Tollc7lnZ some
d0cu5sicr tie following
resolution wa�
offered ty Conno" Iman
Kajrnfss, secondef by
Councilman Bates ,�
27STIUETY that the recommendation of Fire Chie-L
!:,Tn, J __cCar-tI'l y 'te approved and that the follow-
ing nembers of the Tire Levartment are hereby ap-
pointed to tie posts set opposite their resuectiv-
Richarl E. Levine e inspector,
Korge EfIls, jr. lepvty :nsyect0a-
A vote beinS taken nj= the fcpnEoing resolution resultea
as follows-
AYES: Supervisor PsOullow-
Councilmen Dates, arn, yesinniss
NOES: Councilman Ranaeville
The Susenvisor resorted that the 135; 000 Tax Lien Tote which
7ao due that fay at tie KfAt National Eank in Mount Vernon had been
Paid . ant that a check in the amount of 02109000 was handed to the
County Treasurer, 7illiam S. Coffey, as payment on the COUrty' S leV-IT
against the Town. He atated that this a-cunt -ith other payments
total A10, 000 vai? to the County ant that a balance of 115, 000 was
all that was necessary to complete the payment of sixty ;e7 cent of
the total levy, which sixty per sent is due hay 15, K39
he referred to the tan =112ctions loving toe Denalty-fiee
perisf. as being remarkable . There as apprczimately : 1, 01S, OOC
collected in one month,
He statef that the ToTn had the necessary funds to conplete
pay-wenr of all curvert chliZations .
The To-n Clerk read a letter dated
from T . j. Ho2an, auditor for the 0stchester
in which he suhnitted a list of nine consumer
considered umcclientable and rez=endel to 1
iprfi 25, 1236, received
icint Zater 7orks , yo. I
a' accounts which were
s charged off as worthless
The Surervisor re comma endef. that the Board take action on
this matter.
r✓on motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Council=
Triffin, it 7as unanimcualy
RESOLVED, that the fesuc hest.er joint later GoPM
No, 1 be anf it hereby is authorized tc aharge off
as worthless the following list of acocunts which
ars considered wcrthless
Ft. Fame kmt.
1201 Fred I'aul 010 .06 Contractors use 101 charge
1501 West . Co. Sanitary Sewe-r
commission . 02 Balance on 1935 charges
1831 P . j. Heal-7 13.20 Contractors use 1231 charge
15K Faiola and ETIont! 2.3S Contractors ave 9 910 charge
-NT 7
1570 7
7 --1'
C 7
n pis e
A 4
ib 7,, - iVP m J S 2-a
7-n -,j r-
The report of the County Health Department for the
month of March, 1938, was received and filed.
-) n a t e cm tt
q 4-
se-1 -ment c-
--resentef e,
nz� rl -n
-1-tes L ieEo-
-pe-fir7 `n the -Io"=ty
ra-O,, r- anf
--taln ease-
�-h p
a a n sew=
a 11 --L-o��n _Ertafra te=s anf�
et ti, r r-a t e y 8�
a st ' _
R th- Tc r tl`
to a a n 7. -
n a s a n
-M5 I
a.0 n 3 e 217- I -n
th c 2:t Sz D a-_u-7 e a, s_.e_r, Fran
7e, a7 I S 7t C,7 n j e e s t at, 6 - ann,
are 4�0, 7,1- � Z liee' -117 T �D_nf a c c e
f � e C
c2.-- CL
L-_ T
Gar,_^ett D. Schor and Mary Ann Sc'nrjr; its -vil fe,
c e r t i fi ca to in tn--' S'_ . -_f 'P�;540
that `here snall be issned
of- indebtedrese , one for the s= of
the C-n bo t h date rd
ct,ne- n. -1 ,
L - _m of 15qO�
and "Cotln 1''ebrua. -r7 Is' 939
at the rate of 6' enn,oin -ja7T2 1,7
numbe-red. E. � V�1'5 and �J,
.,,_5. an the
1,53 ,- ,
May 9th, 1933
vrith. - nt_-�-_St
at '.TLat1_3_r_i '_T a-d
=,R?_�__= FES:)-L-VEDI, that cl_eintificate8 S',all be
--,Of- anlf Oo__'_Yjte_pSigred, ")w
To .rn Clef under the sea! O. 'TD-jn an botlC -,,11n-
C4 I a I an � n�-rest 'be -oava'- e in la fai 2-rone-
-,7 tef States Df �ri�erf, ca at the Co-,aT,)t-T
i;0 dY1.y, 7,70,1_
_a=ar_--neck, _P-anch, Momiaroneo.,- \-,--T nf
s'hall be dell --ere-d by the Surjel- lscs to Dcrlin-_' C
7_[,ia,t-no nd Jess . La. c-no. I s v,if e p
a nd --arr- t
Scher and IJ-ary �Inn S c1--_ his r es p e-_t 1: v a 1
it e n a c_1a a I m s� aam a s -r c-1 m-p e n s a t-i c n
du,e then as' o_'ovi_-ed in the sti-pula-tions herelof3re
Si-ned 17 thair and th,.--ir attornev dated A-jr' l 30t't,
r e rj ro ce-_di, n.-s nvT.7 ending; upon th-,it
respective a,,Plilcations in the Ccurty Court of .�,,est-
chester Cn_�Lnt,
F-JIRTEER RIES'_,17.7ED� t-at the 'be issu,.ef_ in
the usual fo-_m and that the shali d,,ete-TMJ,_re
all other 1 atters in conne3tion therevilt', , not he
The forec-oir- :,_,e8ol'�Ution -P,Tas ado,Qted by tiae
S Su-ervi_-or
7T& sV-' - 1
co,ancilMen., Sat.--s, -lin, _d
NOES- None
T",e Tovn .2-ttcrney -reco=endef� t'nat the followinS -_ °,Sol-ntion
'Ce a-n-=ved.
On no t I O1 Counc ilrran m andevi 1, 1 seconded by Co-ano i I an
"n 'he �31 -, 'n-- ,
- -- ,T1 � 2-- eolu-t I as adopt e
WTFTEREiSp Se'-,na .-,ns--n 1-as ats�-eed to e_- eculte and deliver
4--) —,- -,,T� sc:�, of t1he of aria_-one3lc a�
t, �___ Super - - P recur
men', ,ant-_*n,.z ttC the '-c,.,.Tn, an eo,cement thrcu-,h
G' aid b
--e 1-vjri of L
of Construct,' P- and ma-intaini-E, a se,.ver sstem, 'M
S,Ter No. I of tn�_ To-on of
,2111 of
lr�7 -,i e r t or r-' :lit, t hu o g--ant-e d is -f,e a 3,D r, I y
I HEHEASY the ease-z
wo- 1h the of 5C, wh4 c'P t", - LTansan i s
-F, 11 to a-_c e p t L:.._ ich, amount --as not been _' nc.,"e,
in, t-h-e 'badzet o' t-=-,e 7ovxr, of -.'.iamaroneuT,-1 'er the -,,-ear 1911s;
-Ey that ti-ere sha" ' zsued a certi -ate of
nd 1 11
_e*b`-dne3s in the of %_150. -to Selllaa Hansen
dated -say c_tn. 193S and ma'.,_--1-_n,- Ist . i930_1
ince-rest at ti,e rate of 6,�, pe-, annu=, pa-7-
a e at —:�LILUfj27 and
FTTP,--R REQ7)7.V��1, hat S2 CC-rt � f I 1 17 1 ,.,1_a
- 1_. Ca'Ce Sna_ 3--
so counte-�-E ..- -in �l
tr_- S�!1:)e::-\7 �:_-nac� the Tc L uno_
seal of t-`-e Town Of :Iaei_cronec - and tot` u-firc-1pal and
1 -terest -hall- 1 . '�ayabls in one United
Stat_-S -msrifc e. at the County 711-1-ast, Oompany.,
Tc-�.Tn 'mot true-`- read a letter dated 1933�
---c--' Ve f- -r3m :-"o sep'� T ov, , cat t or n---. i--n -,,vhi�---,1 '-e ad-,.ria5d U'-at Inis
C7 " en-s Mar- -- . �avensc--,---ft Clara V. Ravensc--r-o-ft T - 1 4, a r E
Sa-�,ali C . she ---,,f Blanc'�ie -F�berk,-,, I—Te
Ra v--n S,c 1,c,1 , � pl�--- J-- '_'C
M-, tc, rep2esert them concernin, U, tre--,-�aas ar-
-I USe �7
zie 'an 1 a-ul
the st che- e.f. Co-unt- Cc=ission, The 1c)-un of iLaina-o, a---IJ
y —-, - -1 --
T he I-Ire0--oo�: Traina�e =d ct'j-ers I I
o' t-c- land irfle-n`
T,,-,' '29 or, the a-,j ent'---�lec 11.reEtci--este--,� �cunty Park -10-Prilssion
I-i�. U -1 7 to e ccju' reC for tj7le Fel-,narr- 7ortchester P
a 7, -',Te
ohest-er C.-unt,-, vcrI., as anen(-Lef-T ,,!?,ioh map -,'Tas P—pal-C- n
1 , 4
"har's -� m He - ster an TI
-a', 92 3.
c ,-n 2-t i,orn De iu-s- af.-,;i se d th e E r-. t hat 7,''_/.'_17 ee t--e 1 -,'7-e
�d the T-IFTn, -part arf parcel -f
,v a s resse
- e
e of the `:netbroo-, `--alnage 10=1 ssion.
refe------d tz) "o- - - E- iu To--Tn
At 10-. 15
267 C
or by reason of any diversion of traffic as herein pro-
vided. If b;* reason of the closing; of any street, avenue
or highway forming a part of any such route or routes
and the diversion of the busesof the Company to another
street, avenue, or highway, it' becomes necessary for the
Company to obtain a. new consent from the Town and new
authority from the Public Service Commission, the Company
shall. promptly apply for such consent and authority, and
the time during which the operation by the Compan7T of
its bus or buses shall cease:. shall not be deemed_ to be
an abandonment by the Company of operati^n.
at all times keen accurate books of account of its gross
receipts from all sources and shall, within forty-five
rda,vs after the exniration:` of each semi-annual period
make verified reports to the Town of the business done
by the Company durin^ each year or portion thereof, and
shall make na.Yments to the Town as provided in Clause
SECOND of this consent . The Town may also rewire the
Company to file periodic reports coverinv the periods
and at'the time prescribed by the Town, but such reports
in any event shall not be required more often than once
in evens two months. The report shall be in such reason-
able form as the Town shall prescribe, and as to each
route shall contain -,'a statement of the gross receipts,
total miles in aper .tion, the total miles in operation
within the limits o_° the Town, and such other information
as the Town may require. The Town. shall at all times
have access to ,all books and records of the Company for
the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of its reports
and may examine iris officers and employees under oath. All
reports so filedr'sha_ll be verified. and the Town shall have
the right to reatire the Compa.n7T to furnish specific
answers to questions upon which it may need information.
The Company shall keen accurate records and books of
the income of ill the different routes and combination
of routes operated by it and of the bus miles operated
with respect to each route or combination of routes, of the
different seryices rendered in connection therewith.,
and the cost thereof as shall be requested. Such books
and records shall be so kept that the gross income, the
charges and the net income of the Company may be
accurately allocated between the several municipalities
in which itis, or it and any associated transportation
Company, ark, operating, in order that the compensation
payable to the Town under this consent may at all times
be fairly and accura.tel7T determined and so that the
profits or ' loss derived from each route may also be fairly
and accurately determined.
submit to the Town_ not later. than Burch first of each
year during the period of this consent for the year
or part 'of year end_inv December thirty-first next
preced`1� 9 a report which shall state:
1 Location, value, and amount paid for real
estat e owned by the Company in the Town.
2. Number of rassengers carried in and through
said ,Town during the year.
� 3. Total receipts of Company for passengers
carried within the Town and total receipts from all
4. Amounts paid by the Company for damages to
persons or property on account of construction and
1 310ck 3713 Lot 2.'7
1 i.e a?rer
Jt r6e/`�cr e' i t _
t�i 23, 2'
.ill Ga r -iT - credit }7
rre,l-' t as -n-., Qheet 1116 , 3
1, 1? ock 377B LQt' 258
Ten. Tel
StY eni r ri r. t
C Jro 29
ilk_ Par _T ^redo
credit as rer Sheet Yo. 3
3 61.38
1 ,, \37E Lot 259
Street t
^ er_ t_
kill `'art TT - credit
credit a..s per Sheet No`. 3
61.3 '
block 3733 , Lot 260;1
!I a.,Ter
Street -• ^.red_
-,; 23.28
H.il_1 Part IT _ credit
credit -,s ter Sheet No . 4
" 61, F7
1, B10 1 .'j'71D Lot 262
Streaif _ credit
! 23,29
-,-_ill P rt TT - Credit
cred.it''`as ner .S],eet. Wo . 4
S 61.37
Se.. Lion
1 X1.0 c k 3 263 'F.o
26.67 _inc .
Street - credit
m 19.87
.,� �F,
iTa r !..i,
11 ct
credit as r�er Sheet Voa;� 4
M. H, Pt,
1 - Yanie Hill Part T
Street ?mpro ement.-
°arle Ki13 Dri_TTe %re
_di Dri�Te and. Honer
P_-7 e rn-)e ,.
? Pt� T_T
a_ IJlapl:e Mill Part 1T3
Street Trnr ,ement-
B�rrpn Lane, Dimitri
?'-are and Dante Avenue,
Weaver St.St..
- '!R ab\ Street Sidewalk
- If,r-rtle and Mad-'T-son
A-,*enve Street T �provement.
Dated 7ebrua-r7 19, 1936
Si. ed'r
3e-rt C. McClal cch
N_enr 7r D, Brennan
Edward. C '=riff in
rear e 7. Bates
JR- T E3 RESOLS ED' t'r_e-t _. Cert';::i cr.tg sh6i. ,n_- the
above shares and credits be filed with the
S1�_�erjii 309✓'Mort'-nvit1_,. and the `='6q Clerizr [rrith .n d_()