HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_04_20 Town Board Minutes 271
At the Town Officesp 153 Vest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor &Culloc1i
at 6: 00 P . A.
Present : Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Mandeville 3 Meginniss
Absent : Griffin
The Supervisor requested the Town Clerk to make note that
Councilman Griffin was absent because of illness,
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Town
Attorney Delius, Town Engineer Foote, Comptroller Luceno and
Assessor Smith,
The Town Clerk submitted the minutes of the meetings of
February IS and March 2, lG38, which were approved as minted.
The Supervisor asked if there was an7 one present who
desired to address the Board,
Mr. Herbert A . Dyke, residing✓ in the Sound Shore Section
of the Village of Larahmont, presented a petition signed by ten ( 10,'
residents of that section, requesting that steps be taken as may be
necessary to get funds for the Village of Larchmont for the purpose
of setting up a N. 1 . A. project for paving streets in Bound Shore.
Fr. Dyke stated that they hat approached the Board of
Trustees of the Village of Larchmont and had been advised that they
should take this matter up with the Town Board, as funds for the
purchase of materials would have to be provided ty the Town of
After of residents, including Mr. Uelson Baum, Mrs. 1. a.
Schelher, Mr. Alfred Lateiner and hr. Charles S. Sheldon, addressed
tie Board, Sayerriscr KcCulloch advised that javing streets was
definitely a village responsibility and that the Town Board was anxious
not to spend a cent more than was needed. He referred to a meeting
held by the representatives of the Village of Larchmont , the Village
of lanarcneck and the Town of Mamaroneck to determine the amount of
money required for relief yrooests for the Fear 1232, '�2200 of the
money acquired for this purpok was allocated to the SoArl Shore
Section for materials for sewer and drainage work.
Compzrcilep Luceno to a report concerning expenditures
for materials for T. F. A. projects in Larchmont .
The Supervisor stated that there were ough project pro-
posals throughout the Town to last for five years and that the Town
Ward was trying to keep the tam rate down to a minimum,
Councilman Teginniss advised the group that the improve-
ment mentioned had not been presented or approved as a 1. 2. Az
project and that the Town 3oard had ncthinS to do with the improve-
ment of the uillage streets . He referred to the arrangement which
had been made to assure an equal fistpibuticn of the 70 rk Cu be done
as a relief measure throughout the Town;
Following a request by Mr. Dyke that the Supervisor reply
to the petition by letter, the group withdraw with the intention
of carrying their mroblem banz to the Wart of Trustees of the
villaEe of Larchmont . The petition was ordered filed,
Messrs. j. Pierce and Rates of Plymouth Street, Tom
of hamaronewy, appeared before the Board to complain about the con-
fition of the ram; leading no to their ProlePtY. They stated that a
street liSht should be installed; that the hand rail was in a dan-
gerous condition and that something stoull be done about re-surfacing
the rar7. The matter was referref- tc ci,, 3ilman Randeville .
Mr. Sheldon 1. FolloM attorney for the Yonkers Bus Co. ,
inc. , appearef before the 3oar? to yreEent an anylination of the
Yonkers Bus Co. , !no. for a f ray 3hise and li
/or saent to onerats a
bus line Cr route through the ?own of hamaroneck. He stated ttat
the purpose was to provide transportation for the residents of White
Plains, Scarsdale, Kamaroneck, Larchmant and i.e.. Rochelle .
Tye Supervisor inquirea as to what route bad been planned
for the unincorporated area of the Town of hamaronecV.
Hr. Pollock advised that his company planned to use Hurray
Avenue after leavina Chatsworth !venue at the boundary line of the
Village of Larchmont and the Town of lamar2reck, then to T. aver
Street and north on Teaver Street to the to 7n line of Scarsdale ,
The Supervisor stated that Teaver Street is quite narrow
with dangerous carves at the upper end and tbat he would not favor
this route . The other members of the Board were of the same wainion,
and it was decided to lay this matter over for furtner consideration.
The Eoard went into executive session for the purpose of
holding informal discussion concerning several matters .
When the regular order of Business was resumed, the Town
Attorney reported that he had receives a letter dated April 155
12391 signed by Hiram S. Gans, Counsel for the New York, 7estshestar
L Boston Railway Company Bondholders' Committee, requesting that 2,
proposed resolution concerning the settlenent of certiorari pro-
ceetings on assessments be presented to the Town Board and stating
that a Dee _:J of the representatives of the municivalities affe3tsf'
wDuld he hell in the HuriciPal Building at White Plains , at 3 1 . t
on April 21, U35.
FollowinS a report by Attorney Delius and general discussion
concerning the 7ew York, jestchester , Boston Railway, the Board
authorized Supervisor —Oullcol to attend the meeting as the rerre-
sentative of the Town of hamaronsch.
The following resolution 7as offered by buncilman
heyinniss and secorled by Councilman Mandeville -
WHEREkS5 Chapter 430 of the Laws of 1939 authorizes
the Village of Larchmont and the Town 2oard of the
Town of Mamaroneck, acting for an? on behalf of
Refuse ann Garbage District Ka. 1 of the Town of
Famaroneck jointly to construct and maintain an
incineration disposal plant ant to severally issue
bonds or other obligations to defray their respec-
tive portions of the cost thereof, on the basis
of a payment of fifty per cent thereof by the
Village of Larchmont and fifty per cent thereof by
Refuse and Garbage District No . 1 of the Town of
Mamaroneck and;
WHIRERS, in accordance with said Act the Village of
Larchmont and the Town Board of the Town of Mamarc-
neck, acting for and on behalf of Refuse and Garbage
District Yo, 1 of the Town of hamaroneck lave Aerate-
fare agreed upon tentative clans far jointly 3on-
-true ting, maintaining ant operating an incineration
disposal plant for use and garbage collected from
the Village of Larchmont an? Refuse and Darbage
District No. 1 and;
2 7 5
Larc'n-nont and the I so I U
ns.-Ong,c,z are a�-1-1 ,01 fl
")Cara of
t1 Is-_ -17--r o wn as the lrar'oage
,sa rl arc aj,-o- ze-7: rd em-
to ag�,se_ upon f fnal -clans a-_d
for the consti--actIcr. of sucl- inc2nerastion f" s--sal,
-,Iant- , also t' e_ a3q-,_,.iz1tion of such larZS,
e S_s a m 8 n S
an r 7s ,;a e S;s-1171 _-efo_`
_- .__
nc� the onStrjo'_3n of rcals iharetc� :! _', ___ -pl__ _c
of the 'oar Trustpp�E�
ar� s-_�_Olect to the a�cp�7a7
D 77 1-, aSe Ta_-�,c'fzlont f-:,n(f,- the -_Eoarf of
Ine To-,m of and ;
S, t 1la i a, ta-_ c' ont I rn
Epp-Sal r_ =i_-,si on as 61,t a_1-"e d a n o -n 0
C-a Se f 0 r t"._- s o I i " " -�- -� 13 n
CO. the - ,)-
des cribe'd land necessar-,7 fc_ oonstr,,�ot'_ion of Said
a nt �o, ha,-e u-oo-
ricire-atIcn 7,1 s posa-
the o_f Salf landl, s,_-JbJect to the
p of 7a__h�o
'a-� 1 11 r e a a c t i v a I-T a a i d u. t",= I �LL
__ _=_ Boa-a of I ama-_',Dnac'z�
'_and. bei" nE as ln7,
T T t 1,ia t c_a l a n p ar,e 1 If 77`1 -,1
s t_,a It's -n the o-,-rn of !!,am Dnelolr Coal L'T
ana St-,,_6 of -Vie-7 a - = of pro-�erty as
---mrin on a ce-La�l �a-o en`-1, 'Y
z1ap sho1,z,T13_ �ert,
own s
o� r7rr of ,.Testc'ne ter
-,w --mad- S. c-s,r7a, -ivil
oa-nt � 5
En�-ireef and ( ilv S?.-,-v-yo-o-, 1-ern3er 22, _! ✓15 a-a'
f ilea
r ,-r-e Ra�� Ster, S o_7�T I C a 01 CCL,,_rt--
- l , , ="P 7 C) j%as '�a -aid of lanr�
nua-�-. 24
b n m 3�,a T,D a r-1-1 1 1:r 1 a 1, o n
BE&IIMITT �.t a point, on tl-- ) o-theoly ne
of tn, j\ aj! 7T,rr,, 1,.e,�iF _-aven an- Eatf3rf F� Iiroa 'o-f_-
int e in L di s an t 100 f a at ��C, y
pany, saL, o
as saLf. line _ -ts Lnter-
sectio- w-It' 141,1� o-- � c3
=as as
sho,,-rn on a ctaLoi map P r 3 - r " ta-., DI-' ,�'hats7.rorth�l
made -,z' - 1_1n-ireer on ju-ne I'm 127n
and st r
of, �e of
Colant- o- 2-; 1 S37 _,a s- 2,,-. C . thence
Iro- sa '_ y,oint of begfnnf
-n- can, a Lor-
line Of sa� a_ 71orzp Ha n ano, Ha`117rd
Im,pany on a curve to t` _e ri ht na v in.� a raalus of
264 vv -feet -� c-i' stance- _-f 2 4_¢.24- f_st to a -pcirn' of
251 7% 7- 9- 1 to the
tarL-:ancy- t nce S. 583 2 1�C -reel
n_-��n-,, of intersection of t'--e s a_', a, line of
said Railrcad Company and -tlne �_i -,,TisL-.n line bet-,,,lean
lan_dz of Possidente and an�Z n0. c1l
Carriero-, runnir-_ ty,en_,c a' on- said di cn line
712 '-a' --o the o3in- -*nter-
N. 2A � 00" !'J.
sec , on c s a I c d1 . s I C r lime and t",.e soul- --!- bo,),n"
a7 1 ine of lanf_s of t-, 7eE, ' C-1, Cort larl, Co--ni-
r_ss_on as shswni on a _,7iar, antitied,
;Tarp, of lands -to '--e Ciu�I'eC.
'or "ne ---l-a-m -ort '"nester
77, as 7 aii.r.enc-e-, _'Lled
n' &--n7 Salo bounfan-7
as a
a ol
33,3.11 feet to Its int-area clti on -,,,-"h the a'ore-.men-
tioned V,,Te Ste lrly 1--o-infqry 7 ine of ta U 71- - -,
11 he n C';2 _r-ann I a I o n s' e s t a r' 77 e o f tl vSPIOY=- �,.
S. a80 9-2" 3 on 1 1--2) cS 0 11 e t t I its Interz-e3ti n
",he n�)rther_ -T of
ne 0_1 o M_-
7T 1 a a o f or-olm o t___,_ 'n.,7 al
_=4 Dn-,., tne northen-
7-ol,nda7 d lan�_ a o 11 o 7,r-
- 11 _ . line oi sa--,
course S and d starc;P ss S. 50"
3 1
feet ; an f- S. 48 2--s 23" , ,-,;3, to lof'�t
or pl.a,-- lo-taf-nins: 1 ,72 acres.
6? 4 1
TOGETHER with an easement or right of way 2C
pqy in wixty nf indefinite lo3ation across lands
of the Nestchester County Parkway Commission, con-
necting the premises with other lands of Vito
Possidente and the proposed Pelham-Fort Chester
Parkway on the north as reserved in deed recorded
in Lfiber 2754, page 195 of Conveyances, in the office
of the Register of Westchester County.
ALL that certain nar3el of !ant 1yin6jaing and
situate in the Town of hamaroneck, lestchester County,
and State of New Yorks being a portion of property
shown on a certain may entitled" Map showing property
of Patrick H. Collin so , Town of Mamaroneck, West-
chester County, New York, made by Ueorge S. Towle ,
Civil Engineer and City Surveyor, December 22, 1915,
and filed in the office of the Register of Westchester
County on january 24, lG22, as Eap No. 23"0, said
rarcel of land being move particularly bounded and
described as follows :
BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of
lands of the New York3 Paw Haven an Hartford
Railroad Company, said point being distant 422. 17,
feet southwesterly as measured along said northerly
railroad line from its intersection with the westerly
line of lands as shown on a mar entitled "Map of
Chatsworth". situated in the Awn of hamaronank, made
by hill Bryson, Civil Engineer on june 15, 1654
and filed in the Register' s office of NeEtchester
County, on April 2?, 1857 as Map No . 333; running
thence from said point of beginning and along the
division line between lands of Carriepo and lands now
or formerly of ?ossidente 1 . 210 451 00" W. !BC.72
feet to the point of intersection of said division
line and the southerly boundary line of lands of the
Westchester County Park Commission as shown on map
entitled, "Westchester County Park Commission Map of
Lands to be acquired for the Pelham-Fcrt Chester
Parkway", Westchester County, New York, as amended,
made by Charles A. Hollister, Civil Engineer, May 17,
1926, and filed August 16, 1926, as R. 0. 274L thence
running along said Southerly Park�vs.:, line S . 41 271 WE
H. 363.61 feet to the northwesterly corner of Parcel
#2BE as shown on the above mentioned Parkway Map; thence
run ins al no
the ' K it ision lines between Parcels 281)t and 2SP-1 _Q� 1.1.0 0o,' 50" E. 77.20 feet to a point on the
aforementioned existing northerly line of the New York,
New Haven and Hartford R� R. Caypan7;thence running
along said northerly boundary line of few York 6 New
Haven and Hartford R. R Company T. 5V 25; 00 Z.
359�45 feet to the point or place of beginning. Con-
taining 0, 257 acres .
TOGETHER wit! an easement or right of way 20 feet
in width of indefinite location across lands of the
Westchester County Part Commission, connecting the
premises with other lands of Vito Carriero and Margherita
Carriero his wife, and the proposed Pelham-Rrt Chester
Parkway on the north as reserved in ded recorded in
Liber 2754, page 103 of Conveyances inert he office of
the Register of Kstchester County.
Yaw TEHREFORE BE !T RESOLTED1 by the Tow 'oard of
the Town of Mamaroneck that the ju7chase of said
land for the purposes aforesaid be ant the same is
hereby aporoved subject to similar approval of said
purchase by the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Larchmont ;
U x1l
RI -11=7 t
-1 a If o he -o7t of saiC lan� iS y
COOa to be zaised e Ssaance
o bo ni'ta the I-owin of 1,2--nia-o-nec1c, to sail
Chart L-3,0 cl' the -a-vs of 10-33. ?e-d.in- It flss, an-,,e
O f a Id --onus s a I d i = o>_ -31�7p00 111 't to 'a=s e
i ss,,,ance of a tem-pora::-,y --ertf-frlcate er certiff-cates
inde7-tc-c-ne-z;s of the o:nar--Oclr to be fa-teC.
c 3S, c��, s,T,c h I a t e r, ate as the
Ehall r'leternin-- , arr-' to bea-, int,erestl at a r,---te net
a�-a r
ce ol -iE fi-va :er cent,-,ni -s- n r ble at ity
ana nct- late2 than or-E -,mlea_� date ,
e or dues s --f --'-e ebt—
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sha7l _ e:, _,aces of ln-fatt.edne-ss
--,e oo� � 1--,T the S—jervfa-r at -pr' vate sale at the
r ot th ar
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In --e 73"'ir
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In --e 73"'ir
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,� ,
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attes'ed by
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I be
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1.cloall La-.T,, as am ae d
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i S
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-7 the
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than -,ar ard ao:�-aed, interest of the
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'1'j1"7T 7 a7) an
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2, D 3-
'T C
c n 7a I W�_.
IC-H and 01 Jn eac_�- of
7T-e a
I rs I 4r' t "r -,a nt
Chapter 70 ( ,
the 11 a_n
Lnp- am ces-' .nated r
s a 0
All Of S'aid `Zls T
the ae-n-r-ra' l —, of 000 each w-' 11
Is s ,r. . t a a r a t-e n n t- e e � 'D-_r c-_-n u
res Ct
a—a c-o t h c a 1 -2 r f i r t 71illl b- PO7-
I T `a-e
the 1__U 'T an
Ia� V o
fr cu-pon foir arf
-3-_1 sic ere -n,,
n,-, 77 S
UI,� e e, a C -1 4
n e taxes u a--a'c le ool u�
--ene- f
Ta O�s
_' nac 3ordc a- rat
:),avable rr."ma `- from t a:�e s 1 red uDc, the
ta_ab- e ,r4 t'-
"v-n a3-, e
U c1
-C n 7 r T C
a a 1 _°811 -L a,,e z D a- s a 4 d and -nt----
Section 4. That this resolution shall take
effect immediately.
Adopted by tte following vote-
Ayes: Supervisor McCulloch
Hoes : None
The Town Attorney advised the Board that he had returned
the Wartino and Scher agreements to !van S. Flood, attorney, and
that Dr. Flood had in turn advised him as to tie requirements of
Paragraph 3 which provides that the Town shall furnish the necessary
labor and materials to fill the ditch or trench in which the frair
is now laid so as to make it level with the surrounding grou d, this
work to be v sted bv October? tnl 073, Tie Board autlncri_�ec. tom_ e
Attorney to anhanga for the set 1 151 of these two actions.
The Town Attorney reported that he had completed the work
of preparing the proposed plumbing code and recommenfed that a date
be set for a hearing.
On motion of Councilman 2ates, seconded by Councilman
Neginniss, it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and
before this Board on May 13, 1936, at 8 o' clock
F . F . at the Town Offices, 15E West Boston Post
Peat Hamaponeckv New Yorkp to consider the
proposed plumbing code of the Town of Mamaroneck,-
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of said hearing
be published in Tha Daily Times not later than
May 10, 1938,
The Supervisor stated tnat it would be in order for the
Board to discuss the annual sale of tax liens and inquired as to
the method that should be used in publishing the na=es of delinquent
property owners. He stated that both the Village of Larchmont and
the Village of waf aroneck use a pamphlet for this purpose and that
iG has been the custom of tie Town ot use the newspaper.
On motion by Councilman haginniss, seconded by Co uncilman
Vandeville, it was upon roil call unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions
of Section 31 of the Keat3tester County Tax Act
a notice of _tee sale of tax liens, which sale
shall be held on May 25, 1535, be and it hereby
is ordered rublished once in each week for three
weeks consecutively commencinE on Wednesday,
lay 4, 1938, in The Tally Times, a newspaper pub-
listed in the Town of Mamaroneck; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the matter of attending to
the publication of this notice of sale be and it
hereby is referred to the Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments; and be it
FURTUR RESOLVED, that said notice shall have
appended thereto a particular and detailed state-
ment of the property, the tax lien on which is to
be sold, Elvin, t4e section, block and lot numlers
togetner aith the name of the owner thereof as set
forth in the record2 of the Receiver of Taxes and
stated that he was
in favor of
the names
in the
newspaper because it
was his opinion
this arrangement
bring better results .
The other mem-
of the Board were
of the
same opinion.
On motion by Councilman haginniss, seconded by Co uncilman
Vandeville, it was upon roil call unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions
of Section 31 of the Keat3tester County Tax Act
a notice of _tee sale of tax liens, which sale
shall be held on May 25, 1535, be and it hereby
is ordered rublished once in each week for three
weeks consecutively commencinE on Wednesday,
lay 4, 1938, in The Tally Times, a newspaper pub-
listed in the Town of Mamaroneck; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the matter of attending to
the publication of this notice of sale be and it
hereby is referred to the Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments; and be it
FURTUR RESOLVED, that said notice shall have
appended thereto a particular and detailed state-
ment of the property, the tax lien on which is to
be sold, Elvin, t4e section, block and lot numlers
togetner aith the name of the owner thereof as set
forth in the record2 of the Receiver of Taxes and
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