HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_04_06 Town Board Minutes C� F:a,
tip 5
-HELD ` 619
!'7 ran°i'P it thy Town Offices, 1 ` t ` a r _ -e
The =?lee''_na -,vas- called - order by Slane 'risoi �clulloeh
-t ._ °.Cc
Pre ent a sui er7_sc_ ._CCullc..
sou 1wE Ec "anC v=1_e
Absent: CouncI1M_Pn Cri:'fin
The Suner-Jisor wdvizeed the o d ''I=ha.t -I=of an �fri'_"
�a2_s ill arr'_ ,Toald_ not be able to at ,.end - he mee-, nom.
The rP n _. -
Q_ ..Se ^e ,trail Pl so noted OI' An,�l1= Clerk Pa-,me . 7'0,i9n
Att e'r L'el_u5 o;rr ? n-l-ser" Foot-- ,
The ^o'r ' er'_ submi, Lted the miru-'UeS of the _i _ - of
e?✓� L'a T !`^.'3.�� i,S n._-C") t^,ig r:s a0?�ro vet ,'- rf .
1h viune-nv4 s3 as:iei there .,as an on nres rt_ ..rho
?'ishe0 t o af.o.ress the Board.
i.:r.Ci J_vt Jr u �l_'�SS , _l e_' 3 ec!, lei 9 _ a � . I' iiee'L��-J
v.`lC. R ...,aeou - , o7_)e=._ ed, befo'.^e the , ears'. to urse `G?Iat _ Jlaelb-
ii�c code. be a_ Sr -e',.. sC as to s:au:i. .. al'_—en2- 'or -1---moerslop%ra-
t l=l in }he uminc e - 'O or ate d area Of " 1'1„ 1'o-tr^:
The ard5i. n V'i-_C `Cvu''i t--at code had
been nr d a.^'i tl at he ,;ras �'Iav to hav_— them nreEent as there
ivere a few hynmc lla, the to.,.r.,. .`0'.;iC like clear up before -gin_
Cep. no -'fin alo'ot Ltile ' Code .
i'r'e Su a -v-1 s o r _ny a ire , as t✓ vh?t their °Eel '^ s ?ve_
in re=d to a reciprocal abree iert Pit'!1 of-'?e- C'J - mni t.ie s 2le
rOUn fa VOred the e C1u ssicn alt oEetf r out s i I-e plDmiee rs, ti:nl.ess
'she-- cotained 11_Censes . .
After _^v"1e discussion oonee l'nino the fee to be char.-led,
it betas agreed that ' rtm ,^,0 should be t?-_e gm3u lt .
` l0'-•bin7 _PUrther G'i scusslon the Tv.,in attorney advised
she -carf, that Tie jvrould be prepared to U-^ec_,nt t e roposed code
at the ne.`_t meeting so that a tail co?1ld be set for a Nubli'C 17.E.a,.
4nb asrEC_u_ired b-, lave.
i;G;'ncil'.i,.n La'_':d_eville_ reported tll�_at the [.'oils :i' '.�:e,a:n
started in Co=nneCCior ;'vlrh Cl _1 the hiE ,-ays.
Co`��nc l .". r_ ane'evi'ile , se3c-n ed D4 Co'l_MciJ -
i°;a,n. Eates5 t..t i0;Is ,na.nimousl�
that the :7 Ei' .,5 ______ o 23�
lC3S, be aes-gnated as Clean-'" Weer -o-,: the
u Wi nco no_ =jc d : _ e of t he l. 9r o_ li n= lt.
Co,unc 1IYa-. 1.':ande ii lle a s reiior+,oc ? :;or°_ ',To ? fvE
,.arted connection ';;r7.ti the cleanl"lg of several - nC .lam atcll
"ha S' e r^t un! '?C^a nCr+ate.l 3.re.. J_ rFpo1 ?'ECG'_ ..h .t he .nC.
'4r Foote ad -made a trip to jaevT _'ioc elle to trj` to a rrange to bet
a I-rz;::,'. it n a T:=1 c _Cr t h s `',xork. There ce .nv none a"V..,.:._l ,able,, 1t
to _ oceed aVe. Fne fork done by hand.. he ,ato ,.
'basins are in v-E �m. bad conditior- beca ..._ g
o_ tl1e e amo,=',,t of
sand. C..,-'.irer for the surer. ru:. inc the 'it * 'rater. he a.C,ded.
Councilman Sates reported that the work at the Too? pro-
perty was not progressing as ravidly as expected. He also mentioned
that an old hater main which had been abandoned was being utilized.
by r ,nn_nS some of the pipes through the same .
Councilman Sates presented a petition from the Assessor
a'�.ed April 6, lKS, for the correction o he assessment roll so
_ u..to vermit the apportionment of fates.
' , o'i! motion by Councilman Sates, seconded by Councilman
Megi.rl._^!iss, it was unanimously
RESOLVEDP THTREASP the Assessor has presented a
eL . tior dated April ` , 193S, for he cor q4tApy-,
of the assESImemn rolls f r e years a'a , M s�
of 19'37 nn tr°� !i�t. t the provisions of Section 33
of Cha _cer 105 of the Laws of 1916, as d.:len ed,
known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and.
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board. finds
it desirable to grant said petition for the
correction of said assessment roll;
'VO1'''i, air..--REFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED; that the assessment roll for
the year 193
taxes of 1938) which shows property now
appearing on
the rolls as follows -
Block Lot Owner
Land imn.
43 4B to o,. Frank I. Hoffman
Q., 10;0 ; STOOO
Q22 n,^,
93 i o
be corrected as follows, in accordance
with he
provisions of Subdivision b of Section
Block Lot Owner
Land lm o.
43 4S�1 ,5A,6A37 Wyman Z. Fuller & 7
x, 6, 400 d. S'000
43 511 0 to Frank E. Hoffman
75600 °'
FURTHER RESOLVoD9 that he assessment
roll for
1937, tales of 1930, ' 'hic1”? shows property
appearing on the rolls as follows -
Block Lot Owner
land_ imp,
53 1 293 5B Ralph A Gamble
5' 5000 ;;;.63000
be cor„edted. as follows, in accordance
with the
provisions of Subdivision a of Section
Block Lot Owner
Lams Imp
53 1,235E Emily i5oylan
i 63='00 16 3000
x.22 4`0
53 3A Ralph. A. &amble
600 -
FURTHER ER ?ES'OL ED, that the assessment
roll for
MY, taxes of 193ST which shows ^vr0pert
- now
appear!nZ on the .. oils as follows:
-_ Section
Elect Lod' Owner
Land Imo.
108 20 to 23 Emma P?a1,7''_^orst
29SO0 1 6, 000
`! S3 'SOO
be corrected as follows, in accordance
with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section
Block Lot Owner
Land I_mpo
20221 Erma ., td^_drs
ry, x $400 n
1 �.0
108 22 ,23 it r�
12400 {'6 000
2 3s,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for
1936, taxes of 1537; , 'rich shows property
appearing on the rolls as follows:
Andrew Verace
Q; 1,500
413, 900
corrected as
followsk in accordance
of Subdivision
5 of Section
3eorge Speidell
Andrew Verace
The Town Clerk presented a letter dated February 22, 193S,
from Sidney 1. Peters, Secretary of the Town Of Mamaroneck Fire
Department, which had been laid over, listing the names of the officers
elected at the annual meeting of the fire department held February 219
19335 subject to the approval of the Town Board.
On motion by Councilman Meginniss, seconded by Councilman
Bates, it was unanisousi-
RESOLVED. that the election of the following
Officers of the Fire Department of the Town of
Mamaroneck at the annual meeting of the deaart-
ment held February 21, 1938, be and it hereby
is approved,
Chief - Charles E . Heywood
Deputy-Chief - Vincent i. kcCarth
Secretary - Alfred C . Stevens
Treasurer - William C. Lindale
Collector, - William V. IcCarthy
The Town Clerk read a letter dated March 305 19381 received
from Hr. dames K. King, in which he expressed to the Board his
sincere appreciation for the sentiments expressed in the resolution
in connection with his retirement from the Police 0am:milssion. The
letter was ordered filed.
The Town Clerk read a letter dated March 16, I938, re-
ceived from Charles F, Mink in which he reported that he had com-
pleted the first checking of the mans for the Petigor development .
He enc2osed a list of objections , a copy of which bad been sent to
the architect with the request that he correct the drawings and re-
submit same for final approval. As soon as everything is satis-
factory, he stated that he would advise Building inspector Cowham
so that he might issue the building permit . The Board ordered the
Town Clerk to turn the letter over to Building inspector Cowham,
The Town Clerk read a letter dated Earch 25Y 103S, re-
ceived from State Senator Pliny A. williamaon, in which he enclosed
a copy of the bill creating the Testchester and 3ronx Railroaf,
Authority. He stated that it had been passed by both the Senate
and the Assembly and is now before the Governor for his signature .
He urged that some word in favor of the bill be sent to the aovernor.
Following some discussion in which Councilman leginniss
stated that he would favor the Act since it provides that any ex-
pense in acquirinE or operating the railroad stall first be sub-
mitted to a referendum of the people, it was upon motion by Council-
man Mande Jill e , seconded by Councilman Eates, unanimousq.7
RESOLVED, WHEREAS, the Senate and Assembly of the
State of hew York have rassed a certain bill
entitled "AN ACT to creite the Westchester and
Bronx railroad authority, cefining its powers
and dudes „Sid providing for the appointment
and term of off' ce of railroad commissioners;
authorizing t acquisition of all or any part
of the New York, hestchester and Boston railroaa
-L orme 1::!7 o-orat1111 7" 'h�, - -e---I a n of t anti_
Of' !�!.Testoheste.", c unt-,,-, and- _'n 'L -F
C, the 3ron_ l,e_-vT yorlr c--ity, aathorizinE
- , 4 s-_�ch
boruzh .,3 tie s and ,-ms to -o art ci�at- _r Dl
andl to loo-rrow an
•w ar4ate mone-,,�, -for Ichl
pur-,.ose - and ,....l-i-E certain pnovi s i c n.s i r 0 e 2-7 t-a I
the-etO " rl.71-ich b 4 - 1 S t 7., J- C rl�
I — I r)
yr, a n d -wla i c h -0 11 -a s .,'P E I n a 11 1 t r c-
c-_d the Seno_tF� bZ, `-_nJ.-abl_- F-Ii-7 •)I.—i am , n
ll:t. RE rL 6 co=unicaticr. has 'Ceer received from
Senat:)- .[illiar,,2son, advi-_-�-6 that t'ne 04-11 is no-,w
' efor-_ the -lo vernor for qi.-nat.re • = mnst be
l_ __
si n
E- -1 -n-7,7 him ,on or tefore lu-ie e-,-
2-tion of th_, -ty days from the f ' of afjcum-
ment of one or cln Ic-th2
vil-if ch, com-_,mmcation tl'ae Se,_t-cr urges s 3oar--'-
tco _-,:�ec-o=ena tc- the �lo,.re::,nor the ell �-natjre •of
this bill so that it tec-ome 2, la7 , v7f-til Inis
.a Iro7afa
RESO 'QED. that this Eca.-d ha_reb-v a1proves said
lo' ll and ui • es the Governor to sl bhp_ same s,3
oecome a !a ,, 1''v. i n:v' tl- and
Fu .�.T_-7-, 7-
D�_ D, that the 015r1r- 'te firected
to send a ce-tified 2,o-o�- of
to the Go,-rernor of the State C r -'4rk,.
'he •o-,�-n Cle-I.- reef. a letter date ar-y '7i — I e -78d
r 03` -n— for 1,_,rs. Hurt Se--n--on in to i,,i-
-os a o L
7D a-,j-d
--e C. 7-ha' -,-c-, a--d connec' on
as 11 - _ - � � V �_-e C_ -1
'�Ins alle,,-ed v i o lat--on of z0n_nS o_-a_'ral-3e at, the hall -Y
T h-_ 3 7:,f de G_..e d t o- r e f e tu h c 7Patter -rc r c)7,.r 7 r 1-e-Y Via
The '2o-7n Clerill a ler-te- d-ated, 6, 1 ✓H; -,e cp'
i ved
f-Ir-c-1 Charles r�. Sa_xter, �r. de�l^t Of "ne t)l cl -2ov7r, of m-maroneclL
=St S.-Ciet7, in T,--ich he 'u._2 Sue., ten na. m_as -cl�ich _:.:ay be
for netv streets 'In the anincor,rOrated area of the lovvn.
letter ordered filed.
Tovin, Cler prese-ted, a -7 b co-d C arles
'�-_`Tinne, Public Vielfara Off-ice-r-, as
nn motic- cy Counilman "'T- se corded lCoanliirlan
�a� -s it was u-on roll call ananii-,Iasly
that �=nf ��f C'-arl.ee
Devinne, Tublic '_,Ialfare -Ie a-nd it
is a-,-r.ro-ved.
T' 'n-l- statea that it rrfer -7or. te
B,)ar.,. to arran.,,-_ for 1-,'ae call --f
J00 _'_E_ ,a 3onds �a7i o:L�
he cost- of acqulrirZ _-erta.' n lands for .a-Y an I_,.o.-d e r t a I
e-II-en se io
Crcon-ected 7,-,,it , -h�e cors'l-r-c�ct-i on ef Falmer !-�-v �r. n
n as GDart-y 7oa,� - 67-2.
- '7 ,
ihe fol I resol_,ti, o- :':%°. F., o.'feref b Councilmlan,
and E---
I-nj_ery o-,T Councilman r�andev ' lle -
11-1 asuant to resol-i;lllons and -rccaed`nos
G ', t-ne l3oarf of Su-_srviSors of the Cc,-,_.n-.y Of
',Icstcheslhe-,,, Palmer Extension 11mo-m as
I , and -1-n
7,aC_ -16'�,-2 1-a �S
To-,,un of ama_ronecl� has nail itS zl�are of the
cost of S • Lf. e -Icst t'ne Cost of al-
qu r
certail n _y 2_nd
f-c-i-c-ental ee_--.-Oe_iseE con-nected- therewith amou-t-
f ng 7,n a,7E-rb2,te
to and for t�-,e -our-
pose 3 is Lr 2 said _uool o ,19 NCO, it IS
necessary to issue bonds of the a r. a_-
Ohaolle- 4_,2 an 'ha-ter 70
he Ta-,,,� of 1238, ano.
- - E FE-_. 'he � sz 11 1 -
lU H 11 Q $ - - --j-ano- of s� bonds has been
d�Iy au,t',o_zed lby act of the 3oarf ,f _Q,,cc rvi S
of I.Ve-st-cnester County.-
that for `l-e purpose aforesaid, there
1 7' 11 1010 -nn �
sl-iall "Ibe Issues Nineteen \q CC
H_.hvv�ay 3cnd.s of `ne Tovin of to be Cated
'IaV 1 5 1933 o the den_-I'ilinutlon of one �' housand
6 3 ea-I
dollars 000- eacl- one e � n4net i
and mat-rLnE, in cal order
. a-1.7 16 i n 0- ach of t'-o
b_=d a-r=ally on
v,ears 1v139 to IS5`' both inc' us' ve . Sa` bonds shat-1
intereSt e77i JanCS-1 r_77 �-e not
a rat;
16 ;' per centum -pei- armmri, ab a
TlTovembe.s, 7-5 anol TJ2_--
-o r i nc L p a1 and interest half_ - ajl -
T"one-" of the -in'_tod. States J_ gr
National Cit_7 Earl" in tre Cit-7 and State C ' YP_ll
, � a' -ond - I be -
F-L'OTHZL` RES�I_V=' Un, u said '_ -2 Elnal' - s� Ene
by 'the Sune_rvi s--r &_rid, cec.,.leo4 v.,itl, the corporante
seal ---' the To�� attezted t-y the Tow-_n Clerl_r and
the interest co.:-=S slial-I be si =ed :77-th the fa,--
s mile z,;-,7-att of the Su-oarvIscr, an � d bonds
-'I - ollovinS
iJrwa la ,_I. -e 41 ss,,aed in su"ostantially the
Ul��'ITED ST _TES O� A-,,7L?-
T fl 7 T:7 l�j T✓h V
03-�TT-Y OF
T �v�,T 3F ll:L 0 A—I
000 .
Kl' 0_17 l`_LL �,' IT' BY THESE F SE17S� L� 4-he To-vm of
I - E - -, hat 1
-P a .1v n_.: In 'he "ountv of
_n U
,-vast-I'lester., State of York, hereby ackn_.vl-_does
Its -,,e received oroniises to
ind bledmess an,� �'o va'
pa7T to bearer on the fiftee-th da.-v, o� THa-,T) i_t t Irle
T T 7 S Al r,V
(j C. ,
L L,
w.L -,h ' n�e-es- the--e— f-rc-m -- e date he-f-of a_
rata of
i im
_) per cent . Per
ann=i, pa-7a__Is se-cni-ann-oa_ ' y o- the fiftesett' days
of er and '_ a -a-,
y u,_on =esent ti on and s'arren-
o F I
e an-ne_-ed '_Merest coupons as the sa_� o esnee
7 1 1 - 3cth --arircioal and interest ---' t!,! s
7e 177 1�'a�al
are pava'-l-le in money of t1he United Szates
o-' _Lnerica at The National Citv, Ban , O P -New
I In
the Cit-,,- and State Ilew 'T"l,
9"h1s bond il s one of an Lssu_e --f bonds of like
date and tenor, el-Cca-'t as to and date of
n -h ,,-o -o -,T, n� the
la�a ; �--, J' s 1 ssaed fo,�- I - -p�u_ ose of S
I and - - - - - I—
cost Of &3o ' r�rZ lards fo- r I c-h 4--o :,Tay for a count�
road in S'_._-. to an 'n oomp-13arce
with the Ccns-t_! '-,7t_' on an�� s'alti�tes of the State
lle 7orh amon- otns.-s the the
E' 7,hvLay and ar.,�
�6 1— 707 Of th.-
Laws of 1936' and` P�a,_,_nan-t �'o resclutiOns d)Ul-, oassef.
2 1 -
and adopted -r-,T the Board Of Su-cer- isors of the Courty
f vvestclnester and
O To-xn bare, ofl the 'own of
-1 _: ed, recIted. and declarea a-�,
1, _s heielov, certll�
all act F , c o-nd._'� u--* o.r s and thirSs -e red to ex i st to
ha,o,plen and to be pe-=formelf -crecedent to and in. the
cLsuance of thfs bon d , vis' ha _-e ha-o-oenef. and have
been pe rfpiil2 d_ In dli.e t " .Gn n wr =: ?:C12 T 7 �_ i
rest .,. - larr, ar_c Lh�.'W the issue _ bonds c_
h this is one, e-her, .. _`L all ^uh_e.r it».e to _
1 - sa .._ laid Tovin, is t % '"�.. 2?ie febt a .^', otter
l iraitr"!'esc ribeo_ '07 ti:.e Constitution and la. s of
the State of 1`�2_d ?TG�"'_ w nl.1V foil =a1J=r�.y creel i't ayld
'_'escurceS of said. Tovin O_' _,,s.Y:laron2Ck .-._'e hereb;
i rr eL%oCo'''JlC' L.,I eaued. to the vun'ctual ra ine-n- C1° the
rinci. al and interest of `.hig bond aocord ini�, to
its terns .
ThiS :on:; r+_- be cnverted n.., a st �.;
omd in accordance with the rc`v s c:t'?.s of the
'en-e r a l ani cioai T. re a2st ny I-e
reuiste^ed owner ti^_- lnt-_ est h.ereo t'r'ill be
t'it°_tted b7T Mail 'Wit-h tic':',' 1'...;_,'Z es_Char�;2
T iJ i To , .
- Sal t aas
cal)se th== Ion' to
si.-red. 0. its S'J ervisol, and
sealed with "he corr`_^ate sea! of said `"o'in s attested
b- its Tc,,,,,rn Cl.erI7, an,l 'Urie interest --u-Ions hereto
annexed to be si=ned -`vi h the fac°-simile si atu
_ unc.
of the Sucerviser and this bones to be dated sas of
the fifteenth da.- of 1JaIT 1338,
T D':'t n C l e
Tr,J e
TOVrN OF !- Wit,"_i TU rvK
SuPer i sor
(FC:R._'4i Cr tC:)77 Q ,l t
r_ the first aa,7 of Mai 79_y the Town of
an ar Or' C!iy in the (^,'?L.r.`.^ of ` estchest r Teir Vora_
/i it nay to bearer the slim of
Cl rlS 3 \? in d_atidf:;l "_"onev of Te
in'reel States of America, at. The !IyIat_cnal City Ean!--
of ltel', ��orky r_ tl''.2 2nr. Sta � of �..e.,, Yor'__y oei=
six no-t--s! intiere°L then dae on _LS t_ c'r+;.,v 2„-
a a t c a 1-�S 193 9' TJe
Su-C e1'visor
CENT i. '.1. :rt'l lO. ' Ci.;IIT4 ^-'. iCt- T_T'=�. 1' ..T�y i,. ?i Sr L lr' �JTJI .
,goon the ,,r4_ttv.n request of the owner of the
,_1 Lh1;^i
bond for its conversio into a fl:.-i' l�% re,"' _tired
bond, T i'a4`2 t'^f S d.aij cut,, off and destroyed
;;.-p e
_^.T2. -..riR2_i ..._ `,0 this s bLP..,, a:rC 1i'1t .i^_u in 't''..'lc aszrezate
to chars
and 'he interest On t i1is bond at vhe
rate and on the d.aa.to as was rrcvid.ed_ b the coupons
as hell as the�princl pal l- ersof w'111 he ea.ftsr I?° laid
to dual
re-are S2n t'ti U2 sy suCCBSS,.,_ S o-- as si TnSy at
%n2 _piu=:c2
of T72�, T,.en1 specified '.Uh.ereiny or, at the request of
offnery the n t.E.r�25't� l,?=i_.. ..� _ E;,1`t8C'. 107
i1 3'v
mail with New York exchange . This n0= d h2 'Ea1LV I
will be transferable on the books
of the 'Town Clerk
of he Town of Mamaroneck, in the County of ''=Itest-
,rheste1"'sNew York. ,or otter Registrar only on pre-
sentation of tne same with a written assignment
duly acknowledged or proved.
Date of Registry;
(Official _itle
ldar_e of
Registered Owner
v�� v it
Signature of
c1,: 1:=F ES&L E.. that there stall s^a_ be raised annually
by tax upon t1^_° taxable property in said Toy;;7n a sum
sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said
bonds when One ,
UITHIR RESOLVED, that said bonds shall be sold. at
public Sale pursuant to Section 9 of the General
Municipal la w, and the Town Clerk is hereby directed
to cause notice of sale to be published in "The Daily
ed -.
Times". a nea » published in the .o n of D ail^,no_
nee%. a_ d "The and Buyer" at least _five i51 G'av
prior to the Sale . Such notice to be in substantially
the _oilowin,^L form, to-wit :
Us y 000. 010
T il"" OF .. 'i.ri>tOTECir I NEW rCH-K
SEALED FHOPOSALS will be received and eonsidEred
by the Town Board of the Town of am aroneck, New York,
at the To'.^.in Offices, 15 West Boston Post Road, YaII?aro-
n ck, ew York, at 2 o' clock in. , °ast -rn Standard
Time tT 3 o' clock F . H. Daylight Saving Time ) on "_e lath
day, of May, 1233, for them purchase at not less than war
and accrueC_ interest of
1410 w
7`-l�g Q�i.1 Highway Bonds of said Town of ! aP"o ronE O'_i
of the denomination of Q15000 each, dated way 15, 1533,
maturing 11, 000 on lay 15 in each of the years 1939
to 1957 both inclusive and bearing interest at a rate
not exceeding six t 6 i per centum per annum, payable
semi-annually November 15 and _ - � zv. Principal
interest payable at the National
City Ban'_, in the City
and State of New York. Bonds will O y v0 -p Ori form,
and may be converted into fully registered bonds, and
are general obligations of the TC?.".'n, payable fro^'. un-
limited 'tuxes.
2 49,
Each bid must be for all of said bonds and state
a single rate of interest therefor. unless all bids
are rejected, the award will be made to the bidder
complying with the terms of sale and offering to - +r°
'chase said bonds at the lowest rate of interest , not
exceeding the rate above specified, stated in a mul
tiple of one-qaarter or one-tenth of one per cent
per annum, without reference to premium, provided,
however, that if two or more bidders offer to purchase,
said bonds at the same lowest rate of interest then
such award will be made to the bidder offering the
highest premium. The right is reserved to reject
any or all bids. Each bit must be enclosed in a sealed
envelope addressed to the unfersifined Town Clerk and.
marked on the outside "Proposal for TWO and must be
accompanied with a certified, or bank, or trust company
check to the order of the Town of hamaroneck for 1550.00
as a good faith deposit to secure the To7n against any
loss resulting from-the failure of the bidder to comply
with the terms of his bid. No interest wil-I be allowJ
on the amount of the good faith deposit . Said bonds
are issued for the purpose of paying the cost of ac-
quiring lands for right-of-way for a county road in said
Town pursuant to the County Law, the Highway Law and
Chapter 42 and Chapter 707 of the Laws of 1236.
The approving opin
Vandewater, Attorneys
rished to the purchaser
Wn of Messrs. Clay, Dillon,
Of New York City, will be fur
without cost.
Financial Statement
The assessed valuation of the nroDerty subject to
the taxing power of the Town, is S1,118, 611.00. The
total bonded debt of the Town, includ-in- the above
mentioned bonds, is 1425095000.00 of which ,D717PCOO.00
is water debt . The population of the Town 1,1930 census )
was 15,040. The bonded aebt above stated does not in-
clude the debt of any other subdivision having power to
levy tames upon any or all of the property subject to
the taxing power of the Town. The fiscal year commences
january 1. The amount of taxes levied for the fiscal
years commencing january 1 , 1535 January 1, 1?36, and
january 1, 1237, was respectively WK51655.401 01 Y0399513.22
and 2111395310."2. The amount of such tames uncollected
at the end of each of said fiscal 7ears, was respectively
W leo'lss.ny 4130,855. 97 and "12?5i 0
S4. 44. The amount of
such taxes remaining uncollected as of the date of this
notice, is respectively 121, 929. 93, e30,547 . 95, and
IS7,349. 94. The taxes of the fiscal year commencing
january 1, 1038, amount to 11, 349,716.26 of 7hich
187,202.45 has been collected. A detailed report of
essential facts will be submitted to any interested
DATED: Mamaroneck, New York,
Town Clerk
FURTHER RE5K7EDA that the Town Ward meet at the time
and place fined in the notice of sale to act upon
proposals received for said bonds .
Adopted by the following vote-
AYES: Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen: Eates, YeEinniss, Kandeville.
NOES: None
nine fo-; nE rcsolat ion .'as offers- by Cc uncil I in a n 7-a tes
an,.7' Sec;3nf---f, 'I-,T Coarcilman Mande-vill
VIIIEREAS, the Ecard on '.he 2n.� day of
193Sg az7tiorized tie -_ alnaoe o` certair towm
hersinalPter descrilbed, rsuant- '=o an
a,p-!.' catkion and -letltion c-f the To-.vn Su-, e--inter-
dent of
h'.avc and a e r r o _^.O 1`.'1:,°S
of ,-ar-
inE had been duly wfolisned and poste- and
WEERE-1S the estimated cost of =noperlv draimin-�
said hi is 12 38,6 .00, and
W=R-E2.S2 the folloxi--z hish-017a7Z were au'h-r- zed
to ---e drained in accc--x ,dan--e -,zith. tne -,Ians and
estimates ha' eto-for --abm--, tted b- the Town -7�,,jmer-
intendent of
S=-=-RA= A 777-1V17 i r0m ti
\e 4 rl-er Se or -ake
Of She' d
-17 Place , in Sheldraize
Tea-.3.e ana -731 1
venue �o 7or-st �-v-n-e an�5 -,,ves�erly In �,,ores-t
Aven— to ih- -�vest -rancli of the heltf-aIe
Ri ver;
MO=&AK D IOAD- -�romi Yohec-an Roa-' thrOuSIn -)ror�-rties
of J--Se-h I -aryipo-a a-rid the tlestches ' er
Parl., Commilssion (C,oss 1-clant-1, Pa-r',,7.,,ay 1-16 feet
�-.o an -=7st1ng lbrool,z -' n -Par'�7,,,7a-ly
,� i )
-,pC S7 7C 17L7 r 0 r.
in -r,,n ct S Hiy S2 and Q3
M -, ol Colon7al l
T kh--o,,T-Sh prorerties
111-a-7 E. D-e7-.-.rs, Troy 3ank of Savinss asros-- LrE
no-ther'.7 end --f Briarcliff --ca-' and 'Llhr,-,,i,-,,h
--opertlPs of Cat herl r v m 77. Oolean a--nd Toa-
1T -hr�- to the east -branch -f the
R 1 77 e r
FOFEST _LVE'l-TIZ, fro-:,,-.- front Of 1�)rs--�t7- on the
-ortherl- ido forest I.v cwn or- the
Iss5ssment as T311--'k, 17, Secti--n
as +,'e Tan set �D-ro,-e.-,TTT eas�-erl7T ab-
11 - I I -U'
2SO feet tc t'-e --,.,lst-' nE drain at the
este--ly Of 7crest �--venl,:.- and 'o7u:or'a-7
A Tre nu
IT 1,
3j 7 A T,-7 7
AVEW-j- A7,7R-,T= 1rT
j--I-lTR- ZVE-�T-,-Et -nd- --�l T TT 7- -7j-L'1. 1- LZ DRI
'I—n the -' n-' erFectic--
,-.ia��-LC Sec ti-
Of -Lrrp--7 1 7veri:.e and hiome_r ��.-enue and Ir
H om e r
e-n,-,.e and thrc=h e=-st-inZ RLS',-, of
:,,'ay from `ome-n siven-a-- to Hill--rest I'ven-11--e -
HILL`Rj,-_I-,- ATT-j,--J7E and E-, 0, the
nort',j , Sj -le
� Tyerut- to the
sout,flerl_IT s i e -Edc,ev7ood
pr 0-.,..1 t 7 of the T-,-,,,T-n of' ...Tana-ronec�r 1..ntwn as
tl-..e '':t'ea ver- ire House -,pro-perty-
is necessar-,7 fcr the To-Tm of ''--amarsnecl:
388 r)0 'l-0 -0 a-IT -osl- 0�
raise -� -Le z-= of
s a f tin 7-ove-r-ent ana
"-;,-HE)�S the --st'; mat-ed ays7a�e o- r-robab7 �
1:�- -- y U -
use fulne ss of s a l--m --nt s l s "en 7.rO) 7e 2--Sy
�--,E SD 7 t'na-. s 'e
su'ri Of 1? 3;0. 00 t-� -a- --,n- -0s, of sa� ,�
arf- t,hat fc--, the p-arpo-se of raisiill- sa-' d the-2�,e
I - I
sl,-all -be issaef hc-nds of the To-J.i.- --f araroneol, in an
af,-_- 17 -h
at ure -v"', n
I a n�a t 3
.en 110", years fro--m "'e fate c-' said
be solc9 in the manne oti _ ls,.-o,,� anf� there
s h a I ll 1) 1 e-vied� ass-_zsed a-d coil ectef- annually
ay3, -=3-er y r e --I -'ay
S--,' cr-a-�-f on the 2nf la-,r ol- � arch,
u- n Lo a-y the -:)r' 1 4 41 nFt e—st of
"roFm, s-�ch
said' locrufs vi"-en dues If oa id
all tne ta_rab_18 pro-perty wi-thin '-vo,-,n is z ub e c t
the e,--. Df ar_ val-re-_,"ri I IF suoiFFI cinas
ax-1 s to oa-y
'. F,
and inter,st therecn,5 T 1-
or arI--unt.
F UR,T= T_v` that pendit = the iscjance of
said bonds. the Sui-o-Fnvisor is aut-crlzed to issue
_ _` TsF'O -"ar7 C`ert; ffcates n-,F' ir-
and Zell 10 00.00 - -p�3� . I- , __ -
debtedr--ss of the Toi�.-n of 1_a� l`l
, 97,0
or saon later date or dates as t-ae Su-, ervisoS`
sri7.7 I l.e t e e uch f
later th,ar m3n'llhs afte-r date , ano, shall bear
nt ere s t at a r a t a - o t G.7 c n _7_ %ce / per e,
per annucn, Pa.-Tabll e at. ✓rd bo -a pr 4, r-; pa'
an- nterest, shall be oaF,-abl e in 1E--"vfil-_l -,Iofsyl F; thee
o f th
u n 'ell States of' TLe_-I,,a ne 1-st )ational San'k
of 'o=, t ,.Ter- 5 " ount 'Vern,
i., ..-i Inz-
Y__! exchanZe . cs,_t ifi, cats s of indebtef=ess
all be s-- &,ned by the Sv--cervisor anj_ so-aled Fv-_tT-
I -
t'le C07?-_rate sea! the Taw- p es�e-
- - 1� _
e rl� s -v a 'he
and shall solf- fat sale b I
11 les -Ina, n 1-ne 3,,7, v
P -o-- not s t n a r, a d er o:-
is ine-,ne-C-v, aut'norIz--f to saif_
in(fe-b"ec'me-sa 3 and Su-.,I.- -_e'_ -i i cat-e s slhall te 7,,✓a I L
I t'h e bo ncf s t, -u
o e ssed
the 10-2cceeds ��,f sale of
a cresa,
-, or il-o-F, the p-Coeeds of t_._._:es iev,' ed "cr
s,acnl ru,_-roDse ,
o,_J c-rt`1cat-s shall
be iSsu,,ea in s"jbslant_12717 the _'011C_7 n_� fo-rTl� to-,
0 -1 '
'That "'re '_o.-.rn of
Mamnaroneck� a -_-inun_' 3ioall c0 r-Do2aticm in t`e
F3 f-t-7 of
Sta-'U'e of iNe-,,j 'Hork her�e't ac'�,o,,,-;Ied�es
St t C'ne 9 t- 5
inde-otedness anC for vali:Le received rrounises to
t he Larn o f
th interest thereon fro= Fhe
Cate her°-.T' at tne ra-1F-le of
per centur, ple-, annum, Payable s 19
Beta. p r i, n c i-iCal a n d i i.IC e oF e s t o t h i s c e 2:,1,_7 f I a.1-1 e o f
nde"o'_-d_1esz are In '-he Un e C5.
�111ates of _,FP_ri, - s
tt NevE '7c--Pk excna,-.L -
T'F i i s c e r t i If i c a t- o f 1.n d e b t-e.^.':11-_s s S I s s-L3--_f *r
a n t_o I-o a vii o n C .' a _D,o n d I S s-a e a,,7L t`-o r L z =or t_�,e -o'A p o s e•
o , 7T f-,ainin.- -and Lm,,:rovinE ce--nuair 11 E'Cll.va-
IF 7-r,,v ay
nair,,a,�e T�4 ct saf cl
plv rc--_7_'�nt to and in stf13t 3n_ri-,�14 =3e w_' th the Constit,�.tirjn
an�J_ s at-uteS of ',-',,-e State of i ew an,
-e SC... i -he To); 30arc I t C_
, -tic-ris a r d p r o n S S _- " t - i I-11 f
Tol"In o-1- dF_-F__1.y passed an.'! adopted -Tn all re-
c Nect5 c the E e
7+ f - 'ne-re-by certified, recited and declared
that all actz on-' n
s Y,c- tnir_Es clil -e- to
eilst, 'r 'a-'-pen ancd to ne precedent to
and in t ,e issuanc11� -1 _. ____U c±' tl�fs c�rt ' ff f
c -�te- o
n2 s, e z i S lt.,ave hap-pe- ed and have ave �:,een -er.'orT_,ec_
n ,3 - I
and manner as ace' by 1 alw,
t i Ir.
if-cate ol lo os t he r
P i n de bt,e dn e a s
and at t'n ii s c,,er�-
' t'
-Fj h a!
other -nd-btsdnBss of salf 70 -n is h� -
ev,ery debt and other licit -cres,3-- ibed by the Cu on st 4--
tuti f 'Nevf Yo:o-ZIL. '-he f-ull
faith and cref,-it- Of _s_ai,d =' :n c-f �Jarlarone_L: are
here -y irrevo3albly pletged to t-Ine -1--notual ,oa-,,7ne,_-It
f the =Lnnal an G. interest oi- T-_-:.,
Of ill debtedne ss a ccordin, t c =LS tenms.
�'ris certif-icate cf in_leIlt-edness may be
-e -_'er-d r, a r-a nc- J
°e P-r-v` zions
endorsed hereon.
7-11, 1,'1177'�T` -,7--,, _P-1,-
1 ,� , �,6 'IL -- I --L,,-,Tn o' -PlamarllneCI: has
�i 1, 6 h- I-LOU!". sa; ,� ' -
ca-used, this certific-ate of indeb'�_-_dness to be siSne(�
I -tested -it' s
by its Sulper-1, isc-, at I �. Tc,,,i,,n ClerI7 t;:nde:
the corpc-- ate- seal of TovTn, and tl', s ceptif-ficate
of i-.-ide-ttedness to ',is dated as :D'P tl-e —fay ol,
To-,.-Tr, Clerk
p e--,--"T f S 0 r
F�HY FOR RE r 7�1,,
his ceit-*, fi, 3ats of i rdebtef_nsss =aY be resiste.r-ed
un^.er the siicmatare of she Town Clerlr of t'_ Of
Jestcl-esqte-_� Ccan'.-IT '-,,Tew Yorl� 'be10-,,TT and
Shad t-_reafLt,sr_ be trans-fe-rable orily aiDon the writen
assi�amert -.- the _, ell,* stered OWnar$ or lis atcrne
dul-,r acknowled-yed or such reo-iFtation ani
urarSfer to, be in the Register !iept in the of ice
o1 Tovn and a notation t-ereof to be made
he_: eon. The pf-fricil -oal and interest of ei -Nca'e
J_ irdebt-efns,ss whp.-n registered ill be ppa7eb 1 e co n,
to the reSisterea c,; ner g Pie. la-Sal re-Ire-3 ent-7.tf-' ons,
successors or ass, =. Su--'r -,r an s f,e r j-,jo-T u., t o 't earer
-vlhich this cert,__-Cat,e 4ndebtedness, shall b-e
to Sj-nsequentl re.g- stPat- .ns and t,ransfers as
be-f o--e .
--ate of ReSistry-, In �1.`hose `l\ame HeSistered: Si.-nall-ure of
the foil o-,.-.Tinl:,
12ES: Supervisor YoCulloch
Councilman 3ates
NOES: None
The Town Clerk reported that a petition had been received
requesting the construction of a lateral sewer in and along Sackett
Circle an! Sackett Drive from its intersection with Althea Lane in
a southerly direction to its termination, in Sewer District Yo . 1
of the Town of Mamaroneck, in the Town of Mamaroneck, and further
reported that he had duly posted, published an? mailed, as required
by the Town Lawp certified copies of an Order calling a nublic
hearing before the Town Board on April 6tt, 1938, at eight oicloclk
P L. Eastern Standard Times for the purpose of heariny all oersons
interested in the construction of the proposed lateral sewer, said
Order havinE been adopted by the Town ioard at a regular meeting
held on harch 18th, 1?38. The Clerk then read the aforesaid Order
as posted, published and mailed and thereafter road said retition
in full. e Supervisor declared that any person present who wished
to sneak for or against the proposed improvement would then be hear!.
Appearing in favor of the petition were: none ,
Appearing against the petition were . none .
The Saperviscr then asked if there were any other persons
present who wished to be heard with resnect to the proposed improve-
ment . There being no persons who wisheCV to be heard, the Supervisor
declared the hearing closed.
The Town Clerk renorted that a petition had been received
requesting the construction of a lateral sewer in and along Althea
Lane for its entire length in the Sewer District to 1 of the Town
of Mamaroneck, in the Town of lamaroneck, and further reported that
he had duly posted, published and mailed, as required by the Town
Lave certified copies of an Order calling a public hearing before
the Town Board on April 6th, 1936, at eight o' clock P. A. !astern
Standard Time, for the purpose of hearing all persons interested
in the constructLon of the proposed lateral sewer, said Order having
been adopted by the Town Board at a regular meeting held an March l6th,
1938. The Clerk then read the aforesaid Order as posted, published
and mailed and thereafter read said petition in full. The Supervisor,
declared that any person present who wished to speak for or against
the proposed improvement would then be heard.
Appearing in favor of the petition were : none .
Appearing against the petition were : none .
The Supervisor then asked if there were any other persons
present who wished to be heard with respect to the proposed improve-
ment . There being no persons who wished to be heard, the Supervisor
declared the hearing closed.
Councilman Bates introduced the following preambles and
WEEREAS2 a petition for the construction of a
lateral sewer in and along each of the following
streets, or portions thereof, in the Sewer
District No. 1 of the Town of hamaroneck, has
been duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk,
a separate Detition having been filed for each of
such streets or portions thereof.
Sackett Circle and Sackett Drive from its
intersection with Althea Lane in a southerly
direction to its termination,
Althea Lane for its entire length,
RESOLVED, that the assessment for the ;jean
Z37 nyon property known as Section ?,
Elect 47, Lots 27, 2S and 232, assessed for
4123300C he reduced to Q ,_15, 10, provided
that the certiorari proceeding now pending
in the name of =-ROBB HOLDING 00 . 5 iNG .
be discontinued without costs, except that
the referee be paid the sum of [100. and the
atenDgraaher the sum of 520. one-half of which
fees and expenses or the sum of 160. to be paid
by the Town of hamaroneck and the other half
hy the relator.
authorized to prepare
stipulations carrying
t the Town Attorney is
and execute the necessar-S,
this settlement into
The Town Attorney stated that he recommended the settle-
ment of the certiorari proceeding instituted by #726 Bradley
Corporation to review the assessment upon a parcel of property =ri
the Village of Mamaroneck, known as Section 9, Block 125 Lot 2B
he ,
for the 7ear 1C?7 on t basis of a reduction in the assessment
from 'S
1500 to [?5750.
Upon motion made by Councilman Meginniss and seo3nled by
Councilman Bates, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.-
WHEREAS, heretofore and on or about the 23rd day
C f September2 1937, a writ of certiorari was ob-
tained by #726 Bradley Corporation, owner of
Section 5, Block 12, Lot 28 to review the assess-
ment upon the premises ;' nee by it; and
W_ERE AS, return to such writ was duly filed by the
Assessor and the Board of Review on or about the
1 5t of hovembers 1937, ant no further proceedings
have been taken, except that on November 19th,
Louis C . A. Lewin was appointed referee by order
of the Supreme Court, to hear the proceedings ; and
iTEREAS, the Town Attorney and Assessor recommend
to this Board that the proceedings be settled and
discontinued upon the reduction of the assessment
from QQ8, 511C to $07,7500
RESOLVED, that the assessment for
upon property known as Section .0'
assessed for t8. 500 be reduced to
the certiorari proceeding now pen
the year 1937
Block 12 , Lot 285
g7,750, brovided
ding in the name
of #726 Bradley Corporation, be discontinued without
The Town Attorney reported that he had prepared a resolu-
tion approving the extension of the kcrkmen7s Compensation policy
carried with the State insurance Fund so as to include policemen,
which matter had been referred to him at the meetinS beld March 13�
Upon notion made by Councilman Bates, seconded by Council-
man Meginniss, the following resolution was unanimously adopted-,
RESOLVED, that the undersigned, constituting
the Town Board of the Town of Namaroneck,
Westchester County, T. V. , hereby elect to
bring within the coverage of the Workmen' s
Compensation Law, all policemen in active
service for �he and that such coverage
be provided for in the policy of insurance
carried with the State insurance Fund,
The report of the County Health Department v« = month
of February, 1938, was received and filed.
At 11 : 15 P. M. it was unanimously resolved that the
Board adjourn.