HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_01_26 Town Board Minutes " SPECIAL MEETING OF Ts,E TO'+SnT BOARD rpM- l`i ,OF' 14-RONECi7s T .' _�O _ ELD Jr_DTtiARY 26, 1938 At the Town 'Offices, 158 -vUest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. 8®15 P. NI® The meeting was called to order by Supervisor MCCa loch at Present . Supervisor iYcCulloch Councilmen Bates, Urir_in, ?'tland.eville, I'+ieginriss Absent - None The presence was also noted. of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attorney Delius, Town Engineer Foote, Assessor Srith and Comptroller Luceno . Councilman Meginniss, finance chairman, reported that it ,,vuld_ be necessary to sorrovv an amount not to exceed 850,000 to finance .1. P . A. work for the next three months. On motion of Col.zncilman Neginniss, seconded by Councilman Bates, the following resolution was introduced- RESOs TT01( AUL=01RT?T:,� T.- TST-INCE CF 50,000 "WORK TRO�iC`IS MOTES OF T�+`iF' TM'VT Cr' tVT�tIAR0 EC , IvEVr YORK PENDING TEE ISSUANCE Or BONDS . R�'s..SS OL`T-,E by the Town Board. of the Town of 1':'=amaroneck in the Count7T of Westchester, New York, as follows; Section 1. For the purpose of temporarily- financing the portion to be borne by the of the cost O=' public improver:ent work relief projects in the Town, undertaken throuz1,n or b',- the au*h0 _ty of the _Federal 'i1Torks Progress Administration, {pending the issuance of bonds for said pur-ooseJ the Supervisor is hereby authorized to issue notes of the Town in an agEre^ate 0 -rind„al amount not exceeding 5'i N 150.000 ^ursua_nt to o . ,ha?7ter 782 of the maws of -933 of the Spat.. of 1....r York, as amended, each of said notes to be designated P11Norks Protect Section ? The following ,utters in connection with said notes are hereby determined Late Naturit;=f Denomination Interest Rate No. Place of Fa-77men February 1, June 1,1038 ,25, 000 To be detcrsmined 147.P.A . To be determine 19 8 by the Supervisor, u9 by t he S , er- not exceeding 6% visor March 15, June 1 1 933 �}77, 000 E 93V To be determined W. D .A . To be determine d 'J4 the Sure, r�Fiscr, #10 by the Su-oer- not exceeding 6% visor The Supervisor is hereby authorized to determine all matters in connection with said notes, the determination of ,Arhich is not provided for b- this or a subsecuent resolution or resolutions, and ._is signature upon said notes shall be conclusive as to such determinations Said notes Shall be Signed by the S'7.peruisOr, shall have the corporate seal of the Toir affixed thereto and attested by the 'Tovn Clerk. The Supervisor is hereby authorized to sell said notes at public on private sale at not less than par at the best interest. rate obtainable, not exceeding sir per centmn f6!} per annum, and 'to deliver the sar;e to she _purchaser upon receipt of the purol ase price plus accrued in aest f-,,oTP_ U -- d.a u�e of the note: to the da.- ow de - ver- tia,id dotes shall be in substantially. the form set forth in a resolution. of this Board entitled.- "Resol Lion authorizing the issuance of -;;40,000 ,,',,o'-rks ?ro,,ect Notes 5 (pending the issuance of bonds ) for the purpose of renewing a like amount of Such notes", 'duly adopted by this Board on December N , 1936. Section 3 m Any note issued pursuant to this resolu_ Ton sha77 be a general obligation of the Town of Mamaroneck, and the faith and credit of the 'Town are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said obligations, and unless other- wise paid or payment provided for, a tax sufficient to provide for the payment thereof shall be levied and Collected. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. On _motion of Councilman Meginniss, seconded" by Councilman Bates, the foregoing, resolution was adopted by the following vote- AYES, Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen .Bates, Griffin, Heginniss and Mandeville NOES: None Councilman Yeginniss presented the report of receipts of disbursements by the Comptroller for the year 1931 . The report was ordered filed. Councilman 'Griffin, chairman of the park committee reported" that the tree work was progressing and that the Park Commission was urging the Town Board to proceed with the repair and re-paving of the parking area at the railroad station. He suggested that this Mora: r,'iay be done as a W. A project . 'Town Engineer G J. Foote was instructed by the Board to _prepare an estimate of the cost of doing t'.'1is ;stork as a W. P . A. project . Councilman Griffin, chairman of the welfare committee, presented the annual report of the Department of Public Welfare for the year 1937. The report 1eTas ordered filed„ Councilman Griffin also reported that he had made a study of the recommendation of Town Welfare Officer C . D. DeVinne that the Town change its method of providing medical aid to persons on relief. While he was unable to mate a finial report because there were some "strings to tie together", he did state that the plan would probably save the Town several thousands of dollars, He reported progress on the plan„ Councilman Bates, chairman of the committee on sewers and drains, reported that the work on the Sackett Circle seiner and drain vh,'as progressing rapidly and that he thought that the work would be completed within tP..Tee ;'deeks' time. He suggested that the condi tion at the `:dead end" of the drain through the Tansey property be re- lieved by adding it to the drainage projects. Councilman Mandeville , chairman of the highway committee, reported that certain electric lights at the railroad station should be changed and that the number should be increased". This could be arranged at very little additional cost. The increase would be a necessary expenditure . The arrangement of lights for Lafayette Road and Madison Avenue , as suggested by 41r. T. Roosevelt Allen, could be made with- cut co � 9 out e'=_tra cost, he said. On motion by Hr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Westchester Lighting Company be and it hereby is authorized to proceed with the changes in the lighting system on Myrtle Boulevard, Chatsworth Avenue and Mornay Avenue, as shown on its plan entitled, "Proposed Layout of Street Lighting- Changes and Installations of Additional Street Lighting on Chatsviorth Avenue and Vicinity" dated lurch 26, 1037, with the e; eption of the four (4) Sights numbered P3 9 P4 .c P5 and P6, which are not to be used, the nely set-up to be as follovism 1 100 vaatt 3 1110 'xa.tt 34 200 watt 11 500 watt and be it overhead L `x'27.00 underground @ 23. 00 underground @ 45. 00 underground. C� 70. 00 less 10% Total 2'700 per year 84..00 tt 3.530.0(0 7'70.00 u $2411.00 241.10 ''?2169,90 FTJHT ER RTSOL7=H that the Piestchester Lighting 0 0 Company be and it hereby is authorized to install for the Town of Mamaronec'✓ and to charge the To-gin of 7;maroneck the contract price therefor one (1) 100 candle po.trer street light on Lafavette Road. and one ( 1) 100 candle power street light on Madison avenue, the expect location of these street li-_hts to be determined by the Superintendent ofHi ghgJays. Councilr.an t,!andeville suggestted that the survey of all ligntin for the Tovvrn be delay=ed u-r_t'il spring as lights should not be placed unless it is definitely determined whether or not they would be obscured. ov foliage . Councilman Mandeville also reported that the Pigh'.'vay Department owns three tractors that are not in use and as time goes on they will be worthless. He suggested that while they have some value, one should. be given to the Park Department for landscape worts and the other two traded in for a Sanding zrachine. The Supervisor remarked that this was performing a real service and suggested that Iyr. 'Vandevi? 1e and Er. Foot„ work together on this arrangement. Councilman Mandeville reported that the Highway Department did a good job on snow removal and that all of the streets were pro-,,)e.-177 plowed® The Supervisor complimented ijr. st�andeville on his first report and on motion by - r. Bates, seconded by I',Ir. Griffin, the foilovring resolution eras unanimously. adc}ted RE FED, that t r. Pand.eville be complimented for the fine report submitted, it being, his first as Councilman of the Town of Mamaroneck. The Supervisor called to the attention of the Board a large number of complaints in regard to garbage collection. I.Tr. Mandeville remarked that the time is near for the Town to arrange for the collection of garbage instead of letting it out by contract. Pir. ,,Iandaville and Mr. Foote ,ere directed to confer with the garbase collection contractors and call to their attention the terms of the contract . The Supervisor asked if there ,^(ere any persons (rho desired to address the Board. 6 1 r. mac-Ni appeared before the filed 7ith the Town connection with the Lane, Larchmont, N. matter was referred and renort Lliams, attorney for the Village of Larchmont, Board to discuss the certiorari proceedings of P:4amaroneck and the Village of Larchmont in prope'=rty owned- by "Ir. C . De''Alitt Rogers on Pryer v and kno.£?n as Section V, Bloc_. 81, Lot 3. The tepTo':an Attorney John L. Delius for investigation On motion by fir. Meginniss, seconded by Griffin, the follo:ving resolution was introduced- RESOLVED that designations of banks or trust companies for the deposit of the funds of the Town and its various officers heretofore made and novi in force be continued until further resolution of this board and that all escrow agreements for the deposit of securities as security for such deposits remain in force and effect; and F'JRTTi-ZR RESOLVED that the First National Bank of New Rochelle is hereby designated as depositary for funds deposited by Rockliffe Estates, Inc. as sponsor' s contribution of the Town of Mamaroneck for 11% P. A. proiects Nos. Ma-124 and Ma-124A. On motion of Councilman adieginniss, seconded by Councilman Griffin, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote ' AYES- Sui7e'visor Councilmen® NOES. None K-Culloch Bates, Griffin, bleginniss and vT.andeville The Tcwn Clerk reported- that all officers required to 'nave com_nlied with the provisions of Section 10 of the Public Officers Law regardin._ oaths of office. The Town Clerk read a petition which was presented by several taxpayers reouest_.ng the Torn Board to take measures making hunting in the township iliegal throughout- the year. Town Attorney Delius informed the Board that there is a town ordinance , against the discharge of firearms within the bo*andary limits. Therefore, the petition was referred to the Police Department , The Town Clerk read a letter dated January 21, 1938, from 11'iariagel' '"'!hitner� of t'11e Vi_Llage 6f blamarone�k, adT=iS7.ng ,,lf the date of the village registration and election and requesting the Town to provide ten {10) voting machines and. equ pment at the usual X85. 00 rental charge . On notion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was unanimously IR ROUTED that the Town Board grant the above request made by the S,iianager of the Village of Zamaronecir and- that the usual rental charge of 385.00 be made. A letter dated January 19, 1938, -twas recei'ved from, Chas. Sells, Count,* Engineer, advising the date of the annual meets ng of town superintendents of highways called by the State Department of Public Icrks for February 10, 1938. The Supervisor suggested that Pir. Mandeville attend with i4°r. Foote. A letter dated January o, 1938, was received from the State Traffic Commission concerning v change of traffic signals located at the intersections of IT. S. Route 1 mrith '!ea7�er Street and Ho--T ocks Road. The letter was referred to lair. Kande,,Hnle viith the suggestion that he contact the Police lleioartment regarding the same. A letter dated January 20, 1938, was received from the Association of Towns of the State of talew notifyin the Board that the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Association will be held. in Albany on February 23, February 24, and- February 25, and request rig the Board tC designate a represer_tative from the '"o',Tn to attend. the meeting. The Supervisor suggested that the letter be p_ie e Sdn'-e�.,..: at the next meeting of the Board, The Suvervisor called to the attention of the Board the `_'act that the teTm of office of David. __ Embory as a member of the _ Board cf Park C%oTi1trlssioners of TO.Ir District -No. 1 of the Tou:n of iv!aSfaron.eck expired. ecember �31, 193` 4 and recoYti7lended _h1S PE-appOlritTIlEnt, On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Bates,, it was unanimously RF_:SOLGE'D that David L. Enbury be and he hereby is re-appointed a. member jf the Board. of "ark Commj' Ssioners of Dar'_-_ District 1 cf the Town of Mamaroneck to succeed himself for the term of office endin ecenber 3i 1944® A petition dated Lamar;- 26 , 1938, was received from the " S'S ss reC�,uesting io the 9 S -- e or. she cancellation of � e 1 3'? assessment on p'ropert"�T�irnoti,r a Section 3, Block k 2 A seco'_7.��� petition also dated. S C iOn � .�_CC_ 2 . Ja-_nuary 268 19178, was received from the Assessor requesting t'.^_at the cutstandin ; taxes against this property be Cancelled and the amount of the lien fc1' ',;'"_E 1936 tax,-e S, pi.U.S interest, ZM1'hi CYi was yur'Cho^.Sed by the Ci4iC Tnrestors Company, be refunded to them upon_ their surrender of the lien. On mot iron by Councilman Griffins se corded by ';ours-iman "and.ev=_La, it was Unanimously RSOLIL'D 1R AS the Assessor __as presented two petitions dated. January 26, 1935, requesting the cancellation of the assessment for 1937, tales of 19388 on Section 3, Block 229 pursuant to the provisions of :Section 33 of Chapter 105 of t' e Lai--^vs of 19109 as amended, known as the `'d:'estchester County Tax Act , and the cancellation of all ou'standing tares against this property= and `iu LEAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to -rant said petitions TO''2:i, Ti_=REpOFE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, °.abich is now shown on the assessment roils as follows: Section Block Lot 3 22 be Su is be r eni uo _nce7-'_ed. it :;division 4 of also assessed it 0v,ner Land Total ^e Cooper Estate �>2, 5oo x'32,500 accordance viith the T,7Z'ovi.Sions of Section 33, because this property in Section 3, Blots 15A Lot 1 ; and. ti! Ji R niSOL`:1_'D, that the Rece= -Jer of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized anoom directed to cancel the folloviing taxes on his records against Section 3, 'Block 22; Assessment o'll Tax, ,'ear ..,I mount of 'T'ax 1935 1936 doom ^-_.7 1938 1937 56. 95 63 and to refund to the Civic Investors Company, New Fork Cityr, ,-vho purchased the lien for the 1936 taxes, the amo—ant of that. lien p1US lrtere stq upon their surrender of said lien. A petition dated Januar y 19, 1938, Was r ce ir d, from, the Assessor reouestir_g that the assessment rolls .._ the Town be corrected in certair particulars as :core f4�,11y, set forth^be 1 ova, . Pon motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded b-, Councii_man B t es, i t 1,T ai Lr_animous' 7 RE'5OL17ED', 'v1HEREALS, the Assessor has presented a ' petition dated January 19, 1908, _or the correction Of the assessment rolls for certain dears, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended, known as ti-e Westcl-ester County* fax ?ct; and 'i'dvREAS after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment rolls; Fjlo,.i9 THERL'.FOR 3 EE IT RESOL7D, that the assessment roll for the year 1937 taxes of 1938, ';vhich shows property no'iP appearing on the rolls as follows- Sectlor Block Lot 0v"ne"^ Land '.;^'.lpe "'otc? 6 20 8, 9, 10 So-,ohia Mahlstedt F;3, 000 x>>?,250 x':10,250 6 20 11112 Sophia Miahistedt 2, 000 7,400 9,400) be corrected as follovrs, in accordance :rith the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33F Section Block Lot Om;ner Tan-d Imre -t al lv a, 6 20 8, 9, 103 Sophia Mahj"stedt x 2 250" `"7 200 000" 6 2C 108, 11,12 Sophia r_d_a.hlsteat s 29750 s 7,400 s 109150 FURTHER IRES3L-v D that the assessment roll °o-^ 19379 taxes of 19380 m;hich sho';vs propertyT no'iv appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Bloch L°t Ow".1a r T� Land Imn Tata1 9 62 4 Froward S. teig han x!2, 000 m U' 29000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33- Secti on Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 62 4h C'-as. P ia B&Y t er, Jr. x1500 0 � C Onn 9 62 4B o•.vard S. :K�eighan 1, 000 - P 1 9 CO FURTiER RF3OL`,7ED that the assessment roll for 1937, taxes of 19381 which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows; Section Block Lot Owner Land Imps Total 4 28 1 y3o;rell Estate "13,050 x;4$500 $17, 550 be corrected a.s. follows, in accordance with the prcvilsions of Subdivision 5 of Section =33; Section Block Lot Cvner Land Imp- Total 4 28 1 o-w-l' Estate 8 -9, 950 :-.4,500 814- 4150 4 28 13 S m_ elene Ackerann 3, iC)0 m 3,100 QF FJRTEIER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for 1937, topes of 1938, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follo-wsm Section Block Lot Owner Land Im-o. Total Corp. $4, 500 4 40A as follows, in Wood Estate $15,800 1,000 $16,800 4 41A Owner " 70,000 13,50G 83,500 Corp. �,>2,250 w 9 76 14 Roberta Stirrer 29250 FiRTEER RESOLv D, that the be corrected as follows, in accordance with the on the rolls as follows; provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot 0,,uner Land Imp Total 4 40A Wood Estate $'15,6'75 $ 1,00 `;'16, 615 4 41A " 69, 300 13$500 82,800 4 40A 11B ) 4 41A 11A) Leif Arup, Tnc. 825 - 825 FURTBER RESOL'=, that the assessment roll for 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows prooerty nary appearing on the rolls as follows: Section BloCle Lot 0vane'r. Land Total 7 11 4A,21A, 217, 22B. Fran} K. Bo sivorth �95,00G �ar `',1'75,O00 w $270 000 22D , be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33e Section 31ock Lot Owner Land inr,® Total 7 11 4A, 21F, Albee Court Corp. $90,750 v"164,750 `;255,500 22B 7 11 21A, 22D Frank K. Bosworth 4,250 103250 149500 FURTEER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll. for 193'.', taxes of 19385 arhieb. shows property now a. orear=ng on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Ovm.er Land Imti. 1 65 38, 39 Joseph Felice 2, 500 90, 91 be corrected. as follG'.vs, in accordance with the rrovisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 330 Section Block Lot Owner Land imp, 1 65 38, 39 Bonded Municipal Corp® $ 1,500 1 65 90991 joseph Felice 12000 - FURT'r:-ER RESOL-VIID, that the assessment roll. for 1937, taxes of 1938, which shotr;s property n_ov,, s.ppear-Ing on the rolls as follows; Section Block Lot Owner Land Irrm. 9 76 13,.14 Meadowcroft Bldg. Corp. $4, 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the - provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33; Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp® 9 76 13 Meadoworoft Bldg. Corp. �,>2,250 w 9 76 14 Roberta Stirrer 29250 FiRTEER RESOLv D, that the assessment roll for 1937, taxes of 19389 which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows; Total. 2P500 Total 1,5'00 19000 Total $ 4,500 Total { 29250 22250 Section Block Lot Owner 7 16C 70 to 89 Chas . E . Nessle & W Land !my. Total 110750 - 1111750 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33; Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp® Total As ` 4, 300 - 7 16C 70 to 77 Chas, E. Nessle & W 4,500 - h` 41500 77A FURTHER RE'SOL`ED, that the assessment roll for 1937, 7 16C 77B,77C Title Guar. & Trust Co, 31250 - 11250 7 16C 78,79,80 Chasm E. Nessle & ,N 15500 - 11500 7 16C 81 to 89 Title Guar. & Trust Co. 4500 - 41500 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for 1937, tares of 19381 which shows nroperty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Lana imp* Total 7 16C 189 to 195 Sad.yray Realty Corp. ?, 7,000 `i> 7,000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33- Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 16C 189 to 192 Sadyray Realty Corp. $4,000 - X4, 000 7 16C 193 to 195 Title Guar. << Trust Co. 3,000 - 35000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for 19.37, tames of 1938, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows- Section Block Lot Owner Lana Imp_ Total 7 29 7 to 10 Parkway West Corp. 0? 0,000 1 - 7,000 X17,000 11C, 15B; 16A be corrected_ as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land !Mo. Total 7 29 9A, 10A,13A Parkway West Corp 55170 7 29 7,8, 9B,10B ; 110,153. } Irving J. Bland. 43830 x;7,000 $111830 16A ) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment; roll for 1937 taxes of 1938, `�Ui r � , which shows property I1C'+d appearing on the rolls as follows- Section Block Lot Owner Land. Imps Total 4 16 18B119A,20, Frances M. Nye 001150 $90000 $191150 21,22B be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Bloc= Lot Omer Land Imp. Total 4 16 16BI19A Frances M. As ` 4, 300 - 4, 300 4 16 20,21,22B 7 " 5, 850 $95000 147850 FURTHER RE'SOL`ED, that the assessment roll for 1937, taxes of 19385 which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows- 69 Section Block Lot 0wr2r Land_ I p Total 1 44E 53 to 81 Nev Rochelle Realty Co4119000 - $"_P OOO be corrected as f-llovvs, in accordance Sri n the nrov _sions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imrs Total _ 1 44E 53 to 58 T Roosevelt Allen t' 1,500 s 75500 1 44E 59 to 81 NeVT Rochelle Realty Co . 9, 500 - 8, 500 RT? R RESCLSJLD, that the _ssossver roll for 1931, taxes of 1938, which shoves property nov,= a_p-?earino on the rolls as follovvsa Section Block .Lot Owner Land Imp® Total 1 31 8 to 11 ivarland. L. Conklin & 'M$ 45800 `;4, 000 "85800 be corrected as follows, in accordance ,.vith the Provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33o Section Elock Lot Ovvner Land Im-o, Total 1 31 859, 10B Albert Meu_nch c, 2, 900 d4g00C � 6p900 1 31 10A,11 `Varland_ E. Conklin 1, 900 - 7., 900 C �P� FURTFTER RESOLTLD, that the assess-r^ent roll for 19379 taxes of 1938, vahieh. s``_^_oti',rS property Ov7 appear on the rolls as follov;,se Section Bloc_ Lot Owner Land Iln-0 Total 1 67 15 to 18 Williams Rea1'-77 Co `;4, 400 8,4,400 be corrected. as °01i-^�'4*Sy in aocoz.Isnce with the nrUV1Slons of Subdivision 5 of Section 33q Sect_on tin Bloe,.-.. Lot , O finer L_..nd Ircp® '' Total i 67 15 to 18 tilillians Realty Co. 0,400 3 400 31 to 34 ]. 67 29P750 GL.iseppe Pennet.t 7'. 000 _ 1,000 FTJRT=RRF3(jL-';T,D, that the assessment roll for 1-9371 taxes of 19365 ,vhich shows property now appearing on the rolls as fo=1o,,vse Section Block Lot 0yn1er Land I TJo Total 8 10 1 to 7 Catherine Muldoon $3,000 - X39000 be corrected as follou,,s9 in accordance with the provisions of Subdivisions 5 of Section 33- Section 3lock Lot Owner Land irPpm Total 8 70 1,2, 3 Catherine Ta�ulc?oon $ 900 - $ 900 8 10 4959687 H. Brod 25100 - 29100 FORT-TER RESOLVED. that the assess_?en?, ': al for 1i9937, taxes of 1933 v,,hi ch shows property no-,,j anpearinS _a _ the rolls on c11 3 as ° Z P _.. � oyloas° Section Block Lot Ovmer land. I:l1nW Total 8 85 30 to 37 1V2laer-FCrb£s9 Inc. 84$ 00n 4:45000 e corrected as 1ollo-'s9 in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33, Section Block Lot Owner Land I n. Total 8 86 30 to 35 �'Ialker-Forbes, ir_c. `'3, 000 - 35000 8 86 36, 37 Village of Maxnaroneck 1,000 - 1,000 F-U7T ER RESOLV LD, that the assessment roll £or 193'7, taxes of 19385 which sholvs property now appearing on the rolls as follows- ot.ion Block Lot Owner Land 1mv. Total 6 53 16-'41, 14': 2 David Prosnit a: ors. 435,800 - 435 S00 15Pt1, l9o2 ' be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 o£ Section 33„ Section Block Lot Ov,ner Lana Ir o. Total. 6 53 14VV2 15?,V Lavid. Prosni t & ors. '=;26, 700 - 4269'700 ? 161TI 49500 6 53 16VIr3 Jerome Agency, Snc. 5,300 - 5, 300 6 53 19W2 David Prosnit & ors. 3, 600 - 3,800 fl FURTHER ?2S0=ED, that the assessment roll for 19375 PI 3,750 taxes o£ 1938, which shows property now anpeari ng If if on the rolls as £oll.olvs. 35750 9 105 Section Block Lot Owner Lane.d T_rr_o. Total 2 35 25 to 30 Anna L. Brewer 8,150 410,250 418, 400 rl 43 to 46 4,000 9 1.05 8 be corrected as follows, in accordance v, ith the It PI 1-rov*_q' ons of Subdi4ision 5 of Section 33- 9 1.05 Section Block Lot 1wner Land i_51D. Total - 2 35 25 to 30, Anna L. Brewer ? 6,550 410, 250 4160800 it 45, 46 45250 9 105 2 35 433 44 Harry J. Brewer & or. 1, 600 - 1,600 4,250 F=HE R RESOLVED, that the assessment roll £or 1936, sr taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Bloch Lot Owner Lana Imp. Total 9 105 1,2, 3 Satanis Toe, -Inc . 433,250 413,250 9 105 4 to 17 57,003 57,000 9 105 23224 n 82500 8,500 9 105 88 to 92 10,250 10,250 9 105 100 s 1Ol 102 n 6 250 6 250 9 105 107to lllA " 9'750 99750 be corrected. as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33- ction Block_ Lot Owner Land 9 105 1 Satanls Toe, Inc. 4,250 C 105 2 ? n 49500 9 105 3 If It PP 49500 C 105 4 fl it PI 3,750 9 105 5 If if If 35750 9 105 6 II it If 39 50 9 105 7 u rl It 4,000 9 1.05 8 It It PI 4, 000 9 1.05 9 :! I1 r 49250 9 105 10 it " 45250 9 105 11 IT IT " 4,250 9 105 12 sr IT z 250 TM-0. Total 4,_.50 4,500 49 500 3,750 3P7150 39 750 4®000 4,000 4,250 4,250 4, 250 4$ 250 RESOLVED9 that upon the recommendation of the Assessor as set forth in his petition dated January 26, 1938, the follot�ring 1?npa d taxes against Section `, Block 85, moots 20, 21, 22 and 23, be and they hereby are cancelled- Sec . X11 . Lot Tax Year Sale Year mount if 'Tax Total 8 86 20 190'x' 1908 42m29 F2.2 or..! 2,250 - 02, 250 8 36 21 1910 1911 1.18 is necessary because of 21 1912 1923 1.89 21 1.913 1914- 1, 91 rs.m98 8 86 22 1910 2911 1.18 year 193' , takes 22 1912 1913 3.02 appearing on. 22 1913 1974 1® 91 JCml1 8 S5 23 1910 1:>11 1.18 23 1912 1913 3. 02 Land Im-o 23 3913 1915 1.91 g. 11 Julius La Bru.scia-no 4;1,000 x=5, 000 `=6, 000 C � n [-9 ;s r� UF'TH � RESOL',ED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess-ments be and he hereby is directed_ to cancel the above taxes on ' -' s records. I pEtitiOn O-dtcC. Janual'77 20, 1 938y G'7a5 eGeivec `1"O-P_ t`1E t"`..ssessor requesting that the assessment rolls of the TO-mn be corrected in certain rarticulars as more full? set forth- belo Upon motion by l'.oi7.nCi loran C:riff in, seCC-^_deCt ':.^. L"Ou.n C11TR an Bates, it vas unanimously* R1. a=, '!1HEPZASP v Y_SS2 938 has presenorr a petition dated _'anu.ar7 20, 1��''38y for tV!2 correction of the ascessmer_,t ro?..1 for 12379 pursuar_. to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the La`,7s of 1916, as armended, 'mourn as the i, estchester County= Tax Act; and VT_-EREAS9 after due consideration this Board finds aesirable to grant said. petition for the correction of said assessment roll-, WSOL 7 v,E that the assessment roll for the year 1937, t_--,„es of 1938, which sho>>vs property nOW a_opearing on the rolls as felloisa Section Block Lot 1 62 40 to 42 Cone r Land Im C. Whitne7 Banks & or.$4-9250 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 1 of Section 33; MAW Total $4, 250 Se Ct'iCn BloCk S,Ct 0,arner Land I7:`!p® Total l 62 40 to 4-2 C m 'Whitney Banks 8, or..! 2,250 - 02, 250 This change is necessary because of a typo-graphical error. . FU!YTh' R R 'SOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 193' , takes of 19389 `rah, ch sho -.,,,s property now appearing on. the rolls as follows- Section Bloc'.. Let O ;ner Land Im-o Total 8 9 13,14 Julius La Bru.scia-no 4;1,000 x=5, 000 `=6, 000 Forest Avenue from in of Forest Avenue as s formerly known as the existing drain at the A;venue. Nn front of the property on the northerly side ao,."rn on the 'Assessment _viap as Block 17, Section 1 Tansey property, easterly about 290 feet to the northwesterly corner of Forest Avenue and Murray Hurray Avenue , i�omer Avenue Byron Lane, Diuitri Place . Dimitri Avenue and S,4aple Hill Drive (S aN1e hill Section) from the intersection of i urray avenue and isomer Avenue and. in Homer Avenue an:, through existing Right of `Play from Homer Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue. Hillcrest A=venue and E'dge,:rvood Avenue from the northerly side of Hillcrest Avenue to the southerly side of Edgewoed Avenue, t'-7rou�'-_ pro-ert<,r of the Town of P;emaroneck known as the Vleaver Street Fire House property. FURTT—= RESOLVEDs e that such high shall be improved pursuant to the provisions of Section 2351 et sec , of a-cYinneyws Edition of the 7riconsolidatend Laws. F HHER RESOLVED. that the -oroper•tr hereinafter mentioned, shall beer the entire cost of the improvement of such highavays, and that an ad valorem tax sufficient to -oay the principal and interest of the bonds to be hereafter issued, to Nay the cost of such improvement, shall be annually levied, assessed and collected upon such property. The boundaries of such property hereby 'eterlained to be benefited by such improvement, are as follows ; BEGINNING at a stone monument set in the ground on the southeasterly side of Boston Post Road 398 feet more or less southwesterly from the southTresI I Side of Dillon Roads which said L'lonur.,lent is also on the easterly boundary of the City of New Rochelle ; thence along the easterly line of NT-_w Rochelle as fixed by resolution of Westchester 'County Board of Super-visors in 1926, N. 90 49' 55" Ul. 59.17.68 feet to a monument on the southerly line of Mountain Avenue; thence along the scutherl— line of Mountain A.vent7e K. 62o 531 21" E. 149. 32 feet; thence fit. 80 281 32" W. 3102. 32 feet to a monument in the northerly line of Edgemont Road; thence along the northerly line of Edgemont Road N. 500 401 25" 134. 91 feet to a point of curve- thence on a curve deflecting to the right having a radius of 62, 33 feet 81.77 feet along the arc to the end of Beechtree give as shown on Rap of Vlloodacres filed in the V"!estchester County Register' s office as -,.lap No. 2207; thence along the end of Beechtree Drive N. 650308 05" VV. 50.0 feet; thence along the north.testerly side of Beechtree Drive S. 240 291 55" 1111. 72.20 feet and S. 280 13° 55" 1"1. 67.25 feet to a monument ; thence N. 90 49" 55s" 1,% 3632.71 feet to a monument ; thence st'_11 along the boundary of City of ?very Rochelle and partly along the south.erly line of the Village of Scarsdale N. 390 331 35" E. 409. 06 feet to a monument on the easterly side of Weaver :Street „ thence along the southerly line of the Village of Scarsdale in a straight line 1815 feet more or less to a. more>ment on easterl-• side cf Fenimore Road thence in a straight line and partly along the southerl-T line of Griffen _1venue 4700 fee , more or less to a monument on the south- resterly corner of Griffen Avenue and Old 'T. it Plains Road; thence in a straight line passing through a monument near the westerly bank of the Ma-maroneck giver to the center line of 14amaroneck River and the Town of Tarr, —; thence Southerly through the center of Mamaro- neck River as it flowed naturally before it was damped for the VITestchester Joint Water 14vorks Reservoir and the ':reSterly line of Town of "'_arrisen to the center of 1Varlaroneck Avenue bridge over Said .ri-ver and to the westerly line of the Village of hlanaroneck„ thence in a stra.ight line along the westerly line of Village of m Mamaroneck 1396 feet more or less to a drill hole in Ledge; thence along the northerly line of the Village of Mamaroneck in _ straight line 2620 feet more or less to a monument on the easterly side of Old. 'White Plains Road; thence in a straight line 750 feet more or less to a drill hole in lcd -e ; thence 1495 feet ."ri_ore Or less to a -monument on t1_'le easterly Side Of Feri-C'10re Road; thence 1_9955 feet more or less ^aSSlrn through a mon me-r_t on the easterly° side of Rockland Avenue to a ,point 183.21feet westerly thereof thence along the i,Testerly li-ne of the Village of _amaironeck in a straight line to a montment on the northerly side of Palmer e_venuel thence to a monument on the northerly side of Boston Post Road, thence to a monurent on the southerly side of Boston Post Roa'o-; thence to a mcrument on the vwesterly side of _'ommocks Road; thence continuing in the Same straight line to the end of Flagler ,`.harf in Larchront arbor; thence across Larch,nont Harbor to the line of mean hi.-bvester on the utesterlF side thereof and the Village of LarchmOnt; thence along the line of 0 mean hiHIrwater of Larchmont Harbor, Little Harbor 8cui:d and Last Creek to a point therein opposite the easterly line Of land known as LarclLront Shores and- the wester! - lire of land known as Flint Park: 'thence southerly _. on this line extended to the center of -East Creek-- thence along the center of vast Creel_ as it naturallur floc^+s to &. point in the easterly line of land shoeln on a ma-o of Larchmont liianor and filed- in the 'j? esteLester County Register' s office as map nJom 1104: thence along the ea Sterly Line of t}'?e Village of Larc ont N 30 -55.0,7 E. 825®0 feet; 1Qm 520 03' to 330. G0 feet to nOrther1 side of Boston Post Road- thence alom? the easterly iir_e Of lands shown on 'irat_J of Larchmo'P_t knolls filed- in' Westcbester County Register' s office as !l'!`ar No. 2700 and ,,Iap Of Fl-ue�! Park __'4 8o in. RC-"i Step° b` Office of 'JSIeSt- chester County as ii_ ,, No. 2007 and- ?_- Mrs. G Fo',Jell ur filed in Office of Reoiste'r o estcheste, Catintg° Vol. 27 page 0 to scutherly Line of lands of ''`le?J�York Nei-�7 .aven 9 I 9 and Hartford Railroad; the-rice ccilt mina northerly_ through said land to a. point in northerly line of the on 'sinal 66 foot right of .,ray of the New York, New Haven. and Hart- ford Ra`Llroad ",o thence 9.1=2 said line S ^-_90 227 W. 370.0 -feet thence `i® � .n-:1 i.�r 130 0 feet- thence 40� 3� r;m ,�;,�® _e �, �,�_ence 3.^9;° 22' V'r® 10980 - fe Lc U southwesterly line of Chatsrv'orth Avenue S 520 3:0' E. 130. 6 feet t o anal a �r northerly= 06 foot right of a-7ay line of New York :v�e7�,y-Haven and Hartford Railroad; thence along said 1_ine S ? L i^ieSte Lv 2250 feet; thence along' the ,'!estcrly line of Village of 'n arcmont ,S. 3o 55-7 _ 52545 fC-et t0 a point in the northerly li ne of Boston Post Road before it -was 7idened in 130° thence along the northerly line of Boston Past Road before was ,lidened to a point '.�rhere the ires.,erl;y '.in-- of Dean Place -+'rould intersect it if 2xtended northerly i.0 t'.].8 Ss, northerly line of Eoston Post R^a,; ; thence along the uvesterly and southerly line Jean P t Place to he i -' 'feste l line of Oak Averme; thence along uhswesterly line Of Oak, Avenue to the line of miea.n i hwate:. o'_1 the so„` to ” u she?�s W., ^l yr Side of Preri!i-_-Ln rive thence alo-nom nt e mean hi ahlrlater line of PremiL9m River to the easterly of land shown on a _Tao of Bon Repos, filed in ilestchest.er County Rev-star' s office as ''':i^.p NO. 12 73; the-nee along to eas erly line of said map t O ong Island 8oun^; thence t'__r:ougl, Long stand Oound and the mean center '= 'ne beta:een Pr r a ` nt -- eYRLll-.. _ o___ and El-ho island, and the Mean center line of PreRniuri Pond. and P r ea::i River t0 a point the .Ce in o-owosite the dividing lire bet laeen Lots 15 and 15 as show n On r'ralc of Estate of John Prior filed i-n the ."c'C-St the st er r.'^v Lint y- T' c"ister' s office as Ea-c, ',To. 385, thence alon ,._-o southerly line of Lots 10, 17B317, 10,g79 and 20 ti_ said. ma,p to the northerly limits of said! ma-o- '"'^e-nce^a?O'_1-_ the westerly line of 1a;2� of -`=azlehurst =arl, _led- '! r she-, office of the Register of ,"'(eStc ester County as ?r:ap NO 2692 and ''(I.ap of Dillon yip -ht.. ='1Lc"C as saJ i`o. 4-5`.''0 it the 'IJestc fester County Register' S office and map of Dillon Park filed. n he "ti Ce O r2 S t t Che Ster County Regl.ster as --o No, 120:5 1 o the glace of beginning. 95-1 westerly, corner of Yriffen Avenue and Old 'Vhite Plains Road; thence in a straight line passing through a monument near th-- Tvesterly 'wank of the LOsmaroneck River to the center line of 1'1Iamaroneck River and the ' ovvn of -,-arrison; thence southerly through the Center of +amaroneck Fiver as it flowed. naturally before it eras dammed f c r "he 1;4estchester Joint r;'a-ter W c,rks Reservoir and the vvesterll* line of "own of Harrison to the center of _Mamaronee'_,� Avenue 1,rid. over said- river and to the westerly line of the Village of 'LJ ama ,onecn thence in a straight line along the vie F er1'? line of 'pillage of i+'ama.roneck 1396 feet more or less to a. drill hole in ledge; thence along the northerly line of the V ll.aEe of Mamaronec" in straight line 2620 f set more or less to a monument on the easterly side of O1d111hite Plains Road, thence in a- straight line 750 feet more or 'less to a drill hole in ledge ; thence 1495 feet more or less to a momma, ent on the easterly side of Fenimoi-e Road-; thence 1995 feet more or less passin through a monument on the easterls side of Rockland Avenue to a no _nt 163¢21 feet vresterly thereof; thence along the -viester17T line of t1°° Village of rl.ai.aronec:'.7 in a straight line to a Tmomnent on the northerly side of PaL-er Avenue; thence to a monument on the northerly side of Boston Past Road, thence to a rnomment on the soothe:^l, side of Boston Post Road; thence to a monument on the westerly side of Hon'LT1oc'_ks Road; thence contintiin ir: the sa'_:1e straight line to the end of 'lag. er '',,11i'.narf in T nip . _ �o-r„ �n0nt the_.ce across Larchrlont :darhor to the line of mean highwater on the wester7.j side ',hereof an,' the Villa,­_ t^,f Larchmort; thence along the line of n.ean hi c' -vats of Larcy'_'font Harbor, Tittle Harbor =o-Lind, and 'Nast Creed= to a ^oint therein op"posite the easterly line of lanct known as Larn_hTont Shores and the v,este-rly line of land known as Flint Parke thence sou'her"T on t^is line ex- tended to t' e center of East Cre°V,- t'nence aionS the +,µ_ms. , l ,,T f, 0,T,rS to point center of East Creek as it n.a. a.-_ in the easterly I ine of land s'_.,^.s;'i r!. on a reap of Lar31 r.,ent Hancr and filed, in the iVestchester CountT Register' s office as map No. 1104, thence along the easterly line Of the ViliaEe of Larchnont 1Tm 3" 50' E. 825,0 feet; H 2 O s 77r" c a , 7 f e t n r' s'-�E " t .. 03 8 0 � e to or �_E_ �v o_ os, on Post Road! thence alon the easterly line of lands sho-ari on Tap of LaroI*mcnt 'molls -filed in `_vVestchester County Register' s Office as P,`a-c W. 2700 and r�ao, of =kowell :arlj. filed ir, Register' s office of P.!estc'_rl.ester County as ,".an No. 200'7 and ��.ap P�!rs. 0. A. HovTell Piled in Off i.,c of .Re 'ister o °% Westchester COLn.'v `Tole 27 page 60 to^so southerly line lands Of hCC-1v' Fork,5 e•- Haven and -Hartford Railroad, thence contiruing northerly, tk rcu h said land to a point in northerly line of the original 66 foot rfiz"_t of lvaii of the 1ie-;v York Ylen, u t ; Haver_ and. _cur ford. Railroad Co. ;Com ; hence along said, line S ?90 22@ 37000 feet; thence 40 38° u: ® 130® C feet; tnen'ce ® S. 490 221 "s 109804 feet to the southuestl line of Chats7iorth vcnu.e; t'.2enCe alone the soutlmvesterly line of Chats,riorth Avenge \ 520 30W E. 130. 6 feet to original northerly 66 foot rigi-_t of vva',, line of tie,,'.' Peril, New Hagen ._d n Hartford. Railroad; thence along said. line a. southI.lresterl-.r 2250 feet . thence aloe, the wester'-- line c 'Tillage oP Larchriont S. 8o 54" E . 2345 feet toVa Rein' in the nortlerly line of Boston Post Road before it tr.Tas 'TTiClenEd in 1017-40; thence c>lon the Pottle_" line of 'Boston Post Road before it ,eras wia'encd to a point ?here the u7es'er17 line of _'Ea.n Place woo-ld- inter- sect ity if E.n.tendded northerly to the said northern% line of Roston Post Road, thence along the westerly and southerly line of Dean ''Place to the westerly line of Oak Avenue; thence along the westerly lire of Oak Avenue to the line of Rlean lai In ater on the southeasterly side of '_Premium River.- thence al, on-. the rr can h-i Eruvater line of Pre.miu=, River to the easterly line of land shown on a nap of Bon Re-cos, _fled in 'AleetchestE_ Count, Register' s o=ffice as Ya7o No. 1273; thence along the easterly line of q said map to Lon; Island. Sound; thence through Long island SOUnd and c the iTea_r Cerit2r _''_i'P_8 be%yreeri Premium point and Echo island, and the mear- center line of Premium ,N ill Pond and. Premium River to a -point 'herein Oplo Site the dividl ng line bet?77eep Lots 15 and 16 as shown on !'rap of Estate of John °rior filed in the Westchester County Register? s o-ffice as Map -.,To. 886; thence along the t' rl spa ne_ line of Lo s 16 1'7B, 1rI 19 and 20 on said map the north ri to e \T 1im is o_ said J _ �J w man. t then,---- alon_? the vvesterl;r 1 ? n _ ne of � a,, or �iaz_e� wrst ar_, filed in the office of the Registe or .. stchester oti!nty as Map 1'\�o. 26999 arc, ha of Dillon o F- ._t„ o p 1 ei5i tS filed as il': ap No, 4670 in the I?1 e S t c'fie s t e OUM tu 7 Re iSt,erPS office and map of J illcn Parr ' led in the office o.° 'Nestchester CountyReg=seer as _'!`_ap 'Z!o ® ].24.5 to the pi ace of begLnning "-RTzSP R SOT_,`JL' before this s r.�°sa cation becones effective, a. notice or nearing- shall 1e Kive J r 'D rsuant to the previsions ofthe -eneral District L'awl CC"P.StitUt ncl Se CtioinS 1371 t0 1-377 inclusive of I:c=inneyls Edition or the -unconsolidated La.vrs and the rT'ot'n Clerk is hereby directed to Cause Ynti ce '_ Of the adoption of this resolution and the Cf the application and petition or the Superintendent of 1--IFI5"_^ S to be posted in four (� + `'��'� � _ r - ? Of thC- mOS9 _public places within the proposed area or assessraert, at least tvFenty-one -; P-01 r + t0 be da� S _ 6 - o such hearing and -1�Ubl%sheQ Cnce each v✓eek in the three v7eeks immediately preceding the 77--el, in lYi^:ich the he is to be heid in 't`}'!e 1'i`amar•one T -hearing � ck Daily ..imes, a re=rrs- paper having general -circulation within the area of assessment : such nearing to be held the Tc..,Jn Office, 158 .Vest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, Nem7 York, on the 2nd day of Ya.rch, 1938, at 8 0 ° clock PLirSE m :' �R NOTICE 2 ii RT l.t� rlltE that on tune 2nd-- dad n 14"�ar::in J- 8 at 8 o clock F, °;1 at the Town Of ice, 158 West Boston, i'ost9 Read, Mamaroneck, Nev York, the Town board will meet to hear any and all persons affected by the r'roposed improvement vtrith respect to the making of the improvemenr the cost therm and what mart or ">O?".on or the `r'ov^7n shall cay for such. i_mrrcvellent, and all th v e matters wit'? respect theretoy and �_. 11 also determine whether it =s in the public interest to grant in ful? o- in part the appli- cation t and Petition of the -'O"Tn Supe- e ,�, t h!.vr nt r en ,7r yi g_�::•�VS o D ated„ 1',lanaroneck New York Ganuar7T 2Eth, 1938 ROBERT D, P AYNE Town Filers Adopted by the _ollo,,ving vote ; r..i-S; Suppervisor ldc'ulloch COUnci'raen Meginni s3, Bates, Uriffin and Mandeville NGESa None On motion by Councilman Griffin s seconded by Covnci?ma-_ idandei,'_lle, i t was �nanir 1 S' 77 Rr_SOL_V D, 't'dh^_IREIIIS, the owners or the Tee in Certain Street= in the Town of '4''iamarone Cli, h f to AG have Of_eY'ed dedicate and deed Said- streets to the Town as Sh o7,vn upon the surveys hereinafter referred to, and have requested the Totivrn and Supervisor to accept said- streets; and V'TFEREAS, this Board has duly cons-dered such. offer and projects have been approved by the VTorks Progress 'dm m st'ration for the actual construction of streets and sewers therein- and. 1 y'RF' ,S, the oimers have agreed with the Town of I�?amaroneck to furnish the amount of the sponsor° s contribution required of the Totr,n of 'Aamaroneck in connection with the construction of streets and sewers- P r BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of iamaroneck hereby does acceet the aforesaid" offer of dedication made by Rockcliffe. Estates, Inc. of the fo11owing described -oroperty which is to be knoi;n as Bonnie Way and Briar Close: .ALL that certain Parcel of land situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, known as part of Bonnie 'aVay and all of Briar Close as shown on 2. certain -Map entitled "I-Tap of a Portion of Rockcliffe .Estates parts of ?3locks 1 and 2" Town Of i!'iemaroneOk, ':i�leStC:_hester County, `1et°1 York, made by Al . J. Foote , June 6, 10-37 a.nd filed in the Re=Ister" s Office of 7estch.ester County on June 21, 193" as !ap nuinber 44' 1 and also shown on a Paap entitled "Map of Bonnie Nay and Briar Close" made by A. J. Foote Town Engineer January 10, 1938- said Parcel being more carticialarly bounded and described as follows, EEGINNDIG at a coint in the '','ester y line of 'Veaver Street whioh point is 56.0 feet iSQrthwesterl�r as measured along the VIesterly line of uVeaver Street fro7R t'�'].e int B.r Se ct ion f orm e,d. by the Sa d V':Je Ste rly line of 'Heaver Street and the wortherly line of ward. Lane, thence running on the Southerly line of Bonnie 'Afay in a ''ie Sterl77 : irection throu h lands of Rockcl"iffe Estates the follcwing courses and distances, by a curve deflecting to the left with P. radius of 25.0 feet a distance along the arc of 20.749 feet to a point of compound- curve, thence continuing along the Southerly line of Bonnie "Jay br a curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 125.0 feet a distance along the arc 90.103 feet to a point of compound curve, thence contin l iii along the Southerly line of Bonnie Wav b r a curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 1760 feet u distance along the arc of 254®791 feet to a ?ooint of compound curve, thence by a curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 25.0 feet a distance along the arc of 34® 975 feet to a point of -reverse curve on the Easterly line of a Street to be called Briar Close, thence continuing along the Easterly line of Briar Close by a curve deflecting to the right with a radius of 508. 972 feet a distance along the arc of 218.012 feet to a point of reverse curve, ''hence con- tinuing along the Easterly line of Briar Close by 9- curve deflecting to ''he left with P. radius of 492.0 feet a distance along the arc of 148. 565 feet to a point of compound curve ,, thence continuing along the Easterly line of Briar Close by curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 102,50 feet a distance along the arc of 59,847 feet to a point in the dividing. line between Lots 30 and 31 on Mac of Rockcliffe�Estates thence Nesterly on said dividing line y. 840-481 -32" VV. 21.565 feet to 'he Eortheasterly corner of Lot 32, thence along the Southerly end of Briar Close and the Northerly line of Lots 32 and 33 b;;- the following courses and distances, by a curve deflecting to the left with a -radius of 87.411 feet a distance along the arc of 72.477 meet to a point of compound curve, thence by a. curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 900. 0 feet a distance along the arc of 18. 998 feet