HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_01_05 Town Board Minutes ORGANIZATION i:EETING OF THE TO'11\1 BOARD OF T= TO':i1, OF tL4?; ARON C HER YORK ?L.I:D JAidLTARY 50 10,38 At the Town Offices, 158 Nest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, IT. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8: 10 P:`. Present ; Supervisor _cCulloch Councilmen Bates, Griffin, _, andeville, A4eginniss Absent; None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Torn Attorney Delius, former Councilman Brennan. former Town Clerk Marvin, Receiver of Taxes Dillon, Assessor Smith, town engineer Foote and Comptroller troller The Supervisor opened the meetin;_ with a welcome to P,,.andevi lle, the new Councilman, and to 1dr. Payne, the new Town viler k. A card attached to a large basket of flowers sent by the Republican Town Committee liras read by the 5lpervisor. It expressed gratification for the Board' s efficient administration. The Supervisor t°en. e=_pressed his appreciation for the splendid cooperation of the meLnbers of the Board in the past and paid tribute to former Councilman Henry D. Brennan and also to former To`;,7n Clerk 'Walter R. Dta.rvin. r® Griffin welcomed d',r, i',°_ands-T = 11e by sa-Yin- tr?t he and Councilman Bates as the oldest members of the Board looked forward to serving with him. P'Iu wi11 be a _pleasure. We are delighted to have � d., ou, " he said. He e % ores.sed regrets that ?r. Brennan and +4r® ev'.arvin had retired e Sal. trial S'ra Brennan had been faithful and efficient and that6it had been Indeed w pleas~re to serve sNith ,-i . He praised Mr. i,iarvin for the >:ine =Tork done in the office Df Town Clerk. The minutes of the meetings cf Decerinaber 16 and December 29, 1957, were approved as submitted. The Supervisor thereupon read., Mr, Griff iln. moved and ir. Bates seconded the folio,,,ring resolution, to wit .- RESOLV D, that in accordance iith the schedule set forth below the following Town officers and employees be and they hereby- are appointed for the term and at the salary set forth respectively after their names and that they supply the bonds or official vnderta_,ings as provided bg Section 25 of the Torun Law and respectively set fort-_ after their names and that these bonds or official -a dertaainzs as stated shall be approved as to form by the To-,,,in Board and that the surety of such bonds or official undertakings shell be a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Ne,.v Yore and that the expense of such bonds or official under- takings be a. charge against the Town, as follows: Janitor Telephone Operator Confidential Secretary and Deputy Town C1erer Salary per Der'artmen.t. a.nnunr Te Samuel Shoe;°ery Town offices Jean Ingham Fs °t Alice V".Pheelock Supervisor Town Clerk Y 900 Pleasure of Board 900 e s u 19 000 500 Bond M M Office Name Salary per annum Bookkeeper and Alexander Vinson Supervisor Clerk 600 Rec.of 'saxes Comptroller Vito F. Luceno Comptroller Clerk Jean Corbia Comptroller Deputy Receiver Jan. 1,1940 Jan.1,1938 of Taxes Leo dip Orsino Rec.of Tales Assessor James M. Smith Assessor Deputy Assessor Frederick P. Assessor 3400 Simonds to Clerk Isobel M. Stevens It Attorney Joel L. Delius Attorney Asst . to Sylvan if Attorney Sohwartzreich to NUMB JAUMV Bored Term �+�' 1,2QG Pleasure of Board Axone 600 .f. t! 25800 Jan.1,1938 to W!' 000 Jan. 1,1940 Jan.1,1938 1400 Pleasure of Board_ None 21400 H H YP (25, 000 3400 Jan.1,1938 to Engineer A. J.Foo'te. Jan.1,1940 Alone 21400 Pleasure of Board. P1 1,200 to Cr 61000 Jan®151938 to Jan.l 1940 C . D. DeVinne it 13200 Pleasure of 3oard if Stenographer Margaret Barnes it 101500 .f. t! If Supt . of A. J. Foote Highways 31000 Jan.1,1938 to 01,000 Highways Jan®1, 1940 Engineer A. J.Foo'te. Engineer 1,200 Public Welfare Officer C . D. DeVinne Public Welfare 11500 Pleasure of 3oard 515000 Steno-rapher `` Eleanor 'Warren 11040 H P done Dorothy DeBonis PS 936 IT _ If i i Madeline Callahan 4E 47 19040 4V0 PF fi Ck FP Janitor Rose Blake tP 720 tP fY tt r Supervising Case Worker Myra F., Neumann 12800 n n No. 1 Case '.''Torker Frances H.11 itcheli !9 CP 19500 P9 r! Pt ![ No. 2 Case Worker Mi r d S. Brown If fC -t 3 5QQ PP IT PP it ! o. 3 Case Worker P[ Frances �,uinlivan ft 12500 Fr [P 9t tt _ invey'..] �atcr Elizabeth Puglisi PP 99 11200 Nod 2 Clerk Charles Engelman '9 If If it r No . G Clerk Ethel Ehriccs ':2 Yi 9144 1,144 9! t6 P t rff No. 2 Clerk Joseph McLoughlin CS C! 1,141 PC fF €P R Storekeeper Frank Lynch ;r 13040 �[ Veteran Relief Officer Frank J. Enright " 11500 Clerk to Board Board. of Appeals of Appeals, Park, Police and Park. Police Mae Toomey Building Depts. 100320 and Building Depts. Building Inspector Joseph Cowham Building 1,800 1 19 Q� Q Supervisory Foreman Michael A. Merola Highway 21600 " Alone I Janitor Robert Donohue Police 192000 Driver Patric'_ -Nolan Fire 23400 IT H Driver Michael Harrington Fire 20170 Driver Michael Gallagher. " . 22220 If if Driver Robert Gibson if 1,860 Foreman Thos.Aitchison. Park 29100 Superintendent Wilfred Corwin Sewer 21600 n L Nurse Marguerite Merian 780 n Nurse Florence Johnson 780 e r Constable William J . Yarn None — Board of Rev- iew Munro Stiner assessor Per diem !@ " " None If Charles Cornell PE e, tr n P. If it if If It Edward A. Keeler PF 1? PC fP IT if P@ A vote upon the foregoing resolution resulted_ as follows. Ayes; Supervisor YcCulloah Councilmen Bates, Griffin, Mandeville, Meginniss Noes: None 1 The Town Clerk presented the surety bonds required far the offices of Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, Deput-\r Receiver of Tax and 'I assessments, Comptrollers Town Engineer, Superintendent of T_Iigh,d and Town Constable . On motion by 1dr. Bates, seconded. by IIr< Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the surety bonds covering the above mentioned positions be approved. The Supervisor announced the appointment of Town Councilmen _- to the following comm.itteese Seti.rers and Drains-----_-__a__-_____-m_---_--1r® Bates 'Nelfare and Parks___®___---_____---, ®_d__---I ._ o Griffin nrghways, Garbage L Insurance---------------Mr. Mandeville Finance and Fire----------------------------M-r> Meginniss The Town Clerti, called to the attention_ of the Board the fact that the term of office of I+'Ir, Meginniss as the Town Board' s representative on the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund. L of the Town of amaroneck expired. on December 31, 1937. On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously FESOLVED, that Town Councilman Edward B. IJegin_niss be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Police Pension Fund to succeed himself for the term of office beginning January 1, 1938 and ex- piring December 31, 193S. Id;r. Neginniss offered the surety bond for Rufus K. Allerton, Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaronecll for approval. The Board unanimously approved, the surety bond. The Supervisor called to the attention of the Board the - fact that it would be necessary to appoint three members of the Police Commission and suggested the re-appointment of the three incumbents. On motion by lar. Meginniss, seconded by Dr. Griffin_, it was unanimously RE,OLVED, that the three -,resent Police Commissioners, namely, James F. King, Victor H. Stempf and Clair vs Johnson, be and they hereby are re-appointed to succeed themselves as members of the Police Commission of the Town of Mamaroneck to serve at the pleasure of the Town Board. The Supervisor appointed Ieir. Mandeville as a committee of one to make a survey of the street lights throughout the unincorporated section of the Town. The following applications for dance mall licenses were placed_ before the Board for its approval, namely: Larchmont Tennis Club, Inc. by William E. Schram.ek, and Pdinged Foot Golf Club ?oy William C. Poertnera On motion by -.Kr® 3riffin, seconded_`by Mr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLED, that the above applications for dance hall licenses be approved. An .e ,extract from the official records of the idlairaror_eck Town Police Departmer_t was received from Paul A. Yerick, Chief, This was in connection with a hold-up which had taken place on December 25, 1937 in the Village of Mamaroneck. The record stated that Officer M On motion by 7ir. Bates, seconded. by 1vr unanimously Griffin, it was RESOLVED, that the offer of '�villiams Realty Company to redeem certain liens held by the Town, purchased at the sales of 19255 19263 19273 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935, 1935 and 1937, with interest on the liens at v per cent, on property known as Section 1 , Block 67, Lot 29, be and it hereby is accepted. The Supervisor suggested that a tentative date be set for the purpose of holding, a joint meeting of the Town Board and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Larchmont to discuss plans for buildi= a proposed incinerator for the disposal of garbage froivi the unincorporated area of the Town of idamaroneck and from the Village of Larchmiont . The Board agreed upon January 14, 1938 at o P . Pct. as the tentative date for such. a meeting. The report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of December, 1937, was received. and filed, The report of the Town Clerk for the month of December, 1937 was received and filed. The annual report of the Town Clerk for the year 1937 =.eras received and. filed. The report of the Build-in" Inspector for the month of Decerabe-r, 1937 was received and filed. The annual report of the Building Inspector for the year 1937 was received and filed. The report of the Public Welfare Officer for the month of December, 1937 was received and filed. The report of the County Health Department for the month of tiovember, !937 was received and filed. A letter dated January 4, 1938 was received from the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments stating that subject to the approval of the Town Board he deputizes Mr. Leo N. Orsino as assis- tant to the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to perform any and all of the duties of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, includ- in,, trereamor- the dut-,* of receiving tax mone , giving proper receipt therefor in his name and entering sari.e upon the records and depositin7 the tax money in the bank as required by law. The Board unaniinousl-a approved of the action of the Receiver of Taxes and_ Assessments. The Town Clerk stated that pursuant to subdivision 10 of Section 30 of the Town. Law he had appointed Alice L. i'17heelock as Deput.1 Town Clerk of the Town of P�iamaroneck for the term of office ending; December, 31 1938. The Board unanimously approved of the action of the Town Clerk. A letter dated January 5 , 1938 was received from Public Welfare Officer DeVinne recommending for appointment to the personnel of the Public Nelfare Dflice the following persons : Supervising Case Vvorker (h,4rs. ) Myra K. Neumann Case ti'IorVer (P,Irs. ) Frances Ieitchell (A.^'rs. ) I�4ildred S. Brown (Iriiss) Frances Quinlivan Investigator 0Eiss) Elizabeth Puglisi Stenographer PE It Clerk(Accounting Dept. } It tt f[ It It It Storekeeper Janitor The letter, was ordered filed. (Tfiss } (M,iss j ( '1iss: (Hr s. p' (P,i;rs. Eleanor 'fdarren Dorothy De Bonis +2adallne Callahan Ethel Ehrlchs Charles Engelman Joseph McLoughlin Frank Lynch Rose Blake A letter dated December 15, 1937 was recei ved. from Town Engineer Foote concerning the drainage situation. The letter was laid over. The Supervisor stated. that in order to carry on W. P. A. projects now proposed the Town would have to issue more bonds. He said that he was inclined to suggest to the P. A. Advisory Board that they should henceforth include in their own budgets the cost o-f W. P. A. projects in their areas, because the projects planned , i11 run into a large sLm of money and to Carr them out the Town will have to issue more bonds. He requested that the Board express its opinion. Nr, !,ieginniss stated that he concurred- and was opposed to an- bonding unless for projects that are absolutely- essential. The Board agreed upon this policy. At 9; 50 ". ?t . the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. Town CKerk