HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_12_30 Town Board Minutes W' MTI7JTES OF A SPECIAL AND STATUTORY MEETING OF THE TOt''v7i BOARD, TOWN OF MAtviARO1NECK_, 1E`AV YCRn HELD DECEMBER 30, 1937 At the Town Offices, 15S ?Vest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor !'LcCulloch at 5:00 P. M. Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, s:eginniss Absent. Councilman Griffin The presence was also noted of Town Clerk idlarvir, Town Attorney Delius, Comptroller Luceno, Assessor Smith, Town Engineer Foote and Town Clerk-elect Payne. The Supervisor stated that the meeting was being held pur- suant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Section 62 of the Town Law. which requires that the Town Board of every town of the first class shall meet on the 28th day of December or on a subsequent date before December 31st of each year. Supervisor PSJcCulioch stated that the Board had met, pur- suant to call, for the purpose of considering the tax budget for the year 1938. The Board thereupon proceeded_ to consider the protests and ob -iections made by those who addressed the Board at the hearing held on December 293 1937. The various items contained in the tax budget were then considered item by item, and after a thorough discussion had thereon, Councilman Mieginniss offered for adoption the folloi^ring„ L �ERE^S, this Board has heretofore made, compiled and filed with the Town Clerk a proposed tax budget containing the estimated probable revenues and estimated el-Menditures for the several departments, offices and other town and special district purposes for the year 1938; and VVEEREAS, notice of the completion and filing of said tax budget and calling a public hearing thereon has been duly published on December 10, 17 and 23, 1937, in the manner required by laws and ��VEREAS, a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held by and before this Board on December 29, 1937; and 1TVHE,REAS2 this Board has duly considered the protests and ob ,ections made against certain items contained in said tax budget , and considered separately all the items contained in said tax budget; NOw7, THEFIFORE, it is RESOLVED, that the final estimates, as completed by the Town .Board and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, be and the same hereby are adopted. as the budget for the year 1935, pursuant to the provisions 'of the Town Law and that said estimates, as so adopted, be entered in detail in the minutes of this Board as follows: (Attached_ rlerewith) ADOPTED TAX SUDGET FOR I 91"E" TABLE OF CONTENTS Simacary of Proposed Tax Budget I'Q Ea,clnmatod Revennues, 3 GENERAL TO.Wff: Department of Town Offices 4 Department of Supervisor 5 Department of Town Clerk. 6 Department of Ele ctions 117 Department of CamPtrolier 3 Department of Receiver of Tac:08 9 Department of Town Assessor 10 Department of Law il Department of Justices of thO Peace 12 Department of Highways W Department of Town Engineer 13 Contributions and Donations 14 Department of Public Welfars - 15916 Miscellaneous Expenditures 17 Debt area ISR19 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Department of Board of Appeals 20 Building Department 21 Department of Highways 21 Department of Police 22 Garbage District No. 1 23 Miscellaneous Expenditures 24 Debt Service 25 WEA_pj2Ejjh2_&-WATER DISTRICT NK 1 Street Lighting 20 Fire Department 26 Hydrant Rental 26 Debt Service 0130 PARK DIST! ICT f0g 1 Department of Parks 2'T Debt Service 2S SEWER DISTRIC N- —1 Sewer Department 31 Debt Service 32 P 3 1151 QYLE 09 501TENTS MAJAR&ECK, VALDES SEWER DISTRICT Debt Servioe, WEAVER STREET '31-DENAU Debt Service SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS page, 3.1 3 5 Debt ServlGe 3116 -* I �m�T :Q yG.F W CsY is "I '0 ul 11 UD 01 NI 41 n KO C4, 10 t Ft z w Ft IF qv 311 I I" Yi NA IF qv 311 I I" Yi I I" Yi D" L-c 0 CA M rJA i & 03 .1, s Or,tj co ,t P4 t'j '0 1,5 ;n"3 tC t C/1 by 01 Q W U CA 91 PC; 01 a tu to o' 'T. m oc 0 �'s tv CC tA CC* & w (D a 0 ca C� 0' 0 PA ct 1h is jw IA t-j PC x V-4 w ICA al C2 M CY C) P '— 0 6 b & aZ CA rt Ca o '-S I-S CA X v A An Cy CO w DO H Cr H or Ct 001 A Y-4 xr 10 103 IV Cv PH Ig Ica 04 EQ lot 0) CD on 0 I"�' �Ill, "1 1 bm 1 01 CC An IA Art 0 i Qq oA go 01 It— �'H 0 0 100 tit lit ltx�0 CA 10 CO to !CA cm 9to tc CA to C) CO 66 P a) wN m ICA 0 511I Ca L-1 01, io' CT, 'C, 0 0 KA -1, f.0 at pN Of 1 em jjaz" F" IT 15 05 CC Cc It I lit Its (All go 3 S 4�c co CD 0) &I 00 C1 4Mi. Yu CA ti (All go 3 S 4�c In 01 C�"I c1 4Mi. Yu CA ti to 4 1221 d In 01 C�"I c1 TOWN OF MAUAROXEM'K, Tiyi`.4 GTb:abY.lsdbd% .k JtiYid Interest and Penalties on a<.��:s tY. P',t 0 0i QEu tdicWs' Fines 1 ,00M.00 justices' gees 50, 000.00 income Tai Beverage Tax Refund candor Wloks Law = i236 Total 134, 000,U) i1'V&94"1 d:tJ.Gr_ LbY' §f3.$35Jt4C.'�ES 0 Dog Licenses 1 Bulldlng Permits 1500,00 300001110 Franchise Tax Mercantile && manufacturing Tax, 300,00 39000.0 Mortgage 'Ian Town Clerk' a Earnings Total 78600,00 FIRE, LIGUMING AND WATER � 53ag e.75 Water Revenues SEIZR DISTRICT NO . 1. Avail&18 Funds (Cash) 707.56 .d 0 ca Comptrolls"r, $ 20800,00 G I WC 10200,00 lwmp Surety Bond WOO M&TERIALS AMD SUPPLIES Office Supplim,� 335.00 Total 45340,00 kl 0 0 0 1, 500,00 100,00 375,,00 00C)�00 IOP175 ,00 8 r- TOWY O_, MAMA NEC - GENERAL TOWN 193S BUDOST REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL 2` RIA AND SU?P ,IES Office Supplies 150 o0 Total 5016000 ! " 0"FQ v SO Rn 9%& T m , , 0a " an "Zn� ., roo 4" "S 1913 BKOW MqUIREQXT,` VE'NT ,]Y Bg sRm FUND Too No- 0 71" P an 0 t 0 a g 6 and WHOM'',- goo U2 A 0 quo 0"' AND MIL ME, � Item no, SAW par salary if TOM SUPSKWSR"''' For reensfal of swaW For otter M'Silaneous IMCIUMMg compensation inuuranw-'' WAN T a Wood T14 0"""" 1,000 Do salary of EngLnewr 1 DOD T" DraMMM", 00 TemporarY MP 141iAWWWAV-101-03 Office Supplina it, Equipment -1 -2,Q0 'JVYVN F d x f n GENERAL F 1938 BUDGLT REQUIREMENTS CONTRIBUTIONS AND ZOMATIONS Vetarans of Foreign Ware Rental of Post Q�uarters (2) t l bob or', 400, CSC 5000 ;00, TOWN Of SYi,AS`« A 1A.lJ4FdC. 'x, GENERAL bOWI DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE, SERVICES - PERSONAL Public Welfare Officer Stenographers ers (5) Janitor Supervising Case Worker idc I Sage Worker Noy S Case Worker Nat, 3 Case ` oker Investigator No 2 Clerks ( 5) Storekeeper Fuel Water Insurance Telephone Contra! Index MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies FArniture and Fixtures Gasoline and Oil Transportation of Surplus loads MISCELLANEOUS Traveling Repairs to Building Total Administrative 05 19500,00 720,00 P S00 0 1000100 I 92 0500 ;, :?M 32 NT040 0 140,00 5%00 5 0 375 r 0 9001 -0 100,00 60000 75.00 25000 50.00 40000 10;vat DEET��E-TE111"iT �"F $ 209 6177,00 Tj GENERAL TOWN n Toun AMU hill BQQ 1 munclimen 1.00<.0' gawline and oil 3 0 0,0 k"i 403,00 50 o0 T- �EMZTMH 100,00 ToWN 102oOO 500,00 71 01 11 CLO s2o Total II?e52.00 1 0 OW -A. ... Z , E"V WT SERVICE HIGBWfit IM PRO VEME12 30XDS 'PTUT] 1, Highway imp2ovement Bonds (Boston Ost Road) Nye 76 to 90 lnc, g dated April 16, 1932, tun , April 15, 1933', 2c Highpay Bonds-Series A (Boeton Post Road) Not 51 to 63 ii dated June it 1932, due . f Woo 1j KOZ0,11 &KI hanse 191, Nos. 34 to 44 inn Oone,nal of S. latwo Yet 1? 034: dos Feb. Ik 196W 1, hlpwa, Bonds oS 103Z C%soon Post Road,': X>s 1 and 4d Wed 01014930 due Out -1,193B. 2, 000.c'': 5, sjoqs; improvement Bond No, 8, Mad Feb. 1, 1931, �Yz Fev . lk lots 1RODOWD 6, wj ,neay Zpyoia of 1910 (Boston Post Road) Voa 1 an 2� J�'� txs'� 11 1937P duo lane 38, 0000100 ",1 3ands 113? (WO.A. ) Naa , 1 to 15 inc . t OW C0101 Q; Amf 104ose it O&Z Ks tons & 1936 " 15S 00C Swoon DRIgheray Improvement in 11 daycl Anal 11 1122, due juna 1,1638. 1ROO& D''', . , l X. , .qr ,rsf , :nj7n7s"nn; BGnja boa. 13 and 140 0 � 11 "q"t ­1 1 �0 , O�a Sept. 1p 1939, 2000. 00 n,sner anran : 3ond No - 1, dated Pin 1 , 192HA 1 .1 10 is 1935 1,000.00 dw&aj Ali !! 15, 1932, due ;F10ta''l A .yyt ! 10, 3 and x_ 1220 Que 0,,1 03s 13895000 7_ vwhor 14 , 14, on 125MV . C9 Aghway ISM10"Uns A (Boaton P'!L R - �) , -area june 1, 1:12, in, a ne 1, MB �OQ�, due cn Dez;.�sr 193% 7ontinued $S4,450 TOWN OF MAMARONECK , GENERAL TOWN DEBT AIDE (CONTINUED) =1� 6450,00 6 002:m yaDl ro qy 19 Gs9 Gm® 125.00 «77,00 gym $980617,50 OWN CP MANAROPECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1935 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS STREET LIGHTING Rental. of Street Lights 139300C 00 DEPARTMENT CE BOARD 0CE APPE IS SERVICES w PERS011AL g'e Fk.%ln � 5 Clerical Assis"GanCs 300.00 FERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 20.00 -20- TOWN OF MAMARONECK ¢ OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1938 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS - BUILDING DEPARTMENT AEFVIOES - CONTRACTUAL insurance 28.,00 Total 1 2s,600.00 DEPARTMENT OF HIGM AYS Item No. 1 - for repairing and improving highways, including foreman and laborers $18x000;, -21- HAN OF MA"Fl kit ON" CK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Wsa OUDOST nEQUIREMENTS WARTWINV vF PCLIOE 1001 of 7010'� Lieutanery $ 3960000 5,126.00 SPOOOOOO 399 45%02," k2co.00 700 O'c", 70%01'.,., 21300,0,0 it B0000 &151 ,00 325 ,OC 50 o 00 300 -00 j 0OX",I 3 0 . 325,00 75.oc; 2C. 0 0 6 0 0 0 800coo 25000 0 0�-k' 167 Allisk, TOWN OF KAMARONEGK v GARBAGE DISTRICT x0 C 1 1938 MqE t � � Contract'. January 1. 1938 to December 31, 1938 Miscellaneous Materials and wages - 3� 2 500,00 Total $129900,100 .n , �� . Sol j wyow,RoNSUK Uerve Kda&nE SO4va 1 , Murray 1B, 1 �ved Hot, le US too too, 1, 1958, it ins , V to 21 Qo,, 2. Hignpa; improvement DQUA, dated heju. Q 1310% ine Sapt. 1, 1938 , 130,16 Mae. 21 to 100 Inc KnK ;. 4 . it 192% d,-e Oot. 10 10& Hipway hzjp1 7ement Bonds Nos, 61 to 75 Inc , , 1, 1929, due May 1, 193& dated May 5. jjigga'y Bonds NoW64 to 72 i •W , dated inn e 1, 1930, due done 1p 1938', JAC, 0 . Pine Boc-", Imp-ovement Benda how I and 2. dated Zeb 19 19349 due Feb. 1, 1938 idening onds� 7, $32,OOC�_ Aveame W B ' x,ar, av on m 'j: jO2S due on Feb, 1, 108 and O'n dated Ref 11.0 5 25 due on aka agust 1, 193V on S27ADj 4, highnay, UpoverownM Bonds, So dul 1"'sh 1 and Saptem- dated Septo 1, 122V ber 10 19341 0. on $110DO00. Higneas improvement Bonds, dated October sT Ottober 1, 1922- CYR , an 1310, do h may 1, 1956 and as dotea MaT due 0% wwwaser 1, 190s '' LOY on $717 . 000. w3c% HighfEw Zmprovemsnz Ban dst, 1 date ; Ans 11, 1 ""Z"C"', ciooe "11% In 11�'38 and on 1 , 195% 0. 30 plGap 000, due an Jecember 51, Wne Brook Imp,wTement BoaW, � 12 , 0, 151, 00,0 Qy,wM IRV, due an Feb. 1 , 1938 and 161000 , dam' On August 1, 1938, Total TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER DISTRICT NOS l 1958 BUDGET REQUIREMERrS FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVICES — PERSONAL Pour (4) Drivers SERVICES — CONTRACTUAL Light Fuel Water Insurance Telephone MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS Re pairs - Building Repairs - Equipment HYDRANT RENT Rental of Fire Hydrants 2 . SR650a00 400.00 550.00 5000 39100.00 5507 12000 0ifaO0 120.00 80..00 d( k00 19 Caa 010 50.00 175.00 15000 850100 l"70500.00 15000.00 !�,D,V'N OF tMMLLROMECK . hARK DISTRICT' NO ,, 1 1958 BUDGET RMQUIREITENTIVS DEPARTMENT OF PARIKZ SERVICES - PERSONAL LermanenLLm s L RL ol e Foreman Clerical Assistames VIUSS 2 ,'ONTFACTULL Meflht� Power and Leases Water 1 General Buil quip,.. 6- FN e, -zs, �12vf , 11,70,11 00 B0,100 4 300,0 300:,00 0 >C0 200,00 100,00 10„00 100:= 500,00 50 ,00 75,00 Total 9� 121b" 00 20AN VY WARON20Y — PARB TUMOT � ' 103S BUDGE1 zSQU1,0=02 FRIPUPAI U Town Park Distrie, 28 Inc. , drtV Fe, 2, Town Park WtWn 40 Inc, Wid L, B. Town Park Distrtiv June 1, 1930F due 4. Town Park DistrIA April 1, 1937, % DEBT SERVICL, MCC 1 10 lops& Z-, v . 1 Tund No. 1 , davo ' come 1, lam, Nc 1 ound No. 1, 000'21 ApoU is 193& INTEREST 5, On $124,000. 4j Town P�rk Distrjot No, 1 Bondep dated Feb, I ? 1025P Gas Feb, 1P 1938 and on $120pQ00; due Aujust it 193B, V On $215'00v 4j% Town Park histrict No� :L Bondsp dated May 19 192BO due May 1, 1938, and on $210,000. due November 1. 19A , on $2Z9000 4, 30% Town Park District No, 1 Benin dated June 1 . 1930, due June 1. 1933�1 and oL $22RGOO: due Doeembar 19 190" , 1 ,000, e 75% Tow ack Watriat Nc: 1 K& dated April 1, 193?P due April 1i i938 or $PrOGO due October 10 193S-, low); , 5,49, 90" ' 967 2"an T a t $ 279281s; ' TOWN OF MAMARONECK -20 FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER DISTRICT NO . I DEBT SERVICE ------------- PhINCIPAL Y Water Works System Bonds Nos, 28 to 30 inw , dated June 1. 1927, due June 17 1938a 3'0000oo 2. Water Distribution System Bonds Nos, 37 to 40 ine. , dated June 1. 1927, due June 1, 1938, 4,00000an 3. Water Works System Bonds Nos, 164 to 166 inc. , dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1938. 3000000 4, Water Distribution System Bonds Nos, 171 and 172, dated Feb, 1, 1930, due Feb, 1, 1930 29000,00 5. Water Works System Bonds Nos4 268 to 273 inc, , dated Nov, 15, 1931, due Nov. 15, 19380 6000000 6. Water Distribution System Bond No0 263, dated Nov. 15, 1931, due Nov, 15, 1935, 19000.00 7. Water Distribution System Bond No, 2571 dated Oct. 10 1936, due Oct, 11 193& 1,000n0 8a Water Works System Bonds Nos� 1 and 2. dated May 1, 1937, due May 1, 1938. 2,000.00 UPPEREST 9. On $112,000. Q Water Works System Bonds dated june 1, 1927, due June 1, 1938, and on $10'900& due December 1. 1938 4696,25 10 On $120,000, 4j% Water Distribution System Bonds, dated J 1. 1927, due June 1. 1938, and on $116,000. due December 1, 1938, 5P015000 11. on $740000. 41% Water Works System Bonds, dated June 1. 1927,1 due June 1, 1938 and on $71,000, due December . 1938, DAM= 120 On $86,000. 41% Water Distribution System Bonds, dated Feb, 12 1930, due Feb. 10 1938, and on $64,000. due August 1, 1938. 382500 13. on $185.000. 5010% Water Works System Bonds, dated Nov. 15, 1931, due May 15 and November 15, 19380 9A58„0O 14. On $34P0= 500% Water Distribution System Bonds, dated Nov. 15 1931, due May 15 and Nov, 15, 19380 1 734.00 Total continued 50020 75 -20 TOWN OF MAMARONIECK FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER DISTRICT NO . 1 DEBT SERVICE ,(Carried Forward) $ 5.0,120.75 150 On 0369000. TIL .% Water Distribution System Bonds, dated Oct. 10 1936, due on April 1 and October 1. 1938. 10170.00 16. On $69#000e 3.90% Water System. Bonds'. dated May 1 1937 due May 1, 1938, and on $67,000 due Novedber 1. 19381, _ 2A652.0d Total $ 530942.75 OWN OF MAMARONECK 1935 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS SE I?ZS` FICT NO. 1 SERVICES - PERSONA fermealent i5i&RR12LOeag Superintendent ml---M2s� r EMR-.C? sell Laborers 1— $ 219600c,00 P 5001,00 160 00 336of'�O 50i00 350,00 100,00 250 0 19585,,00 6M 00 500,00 -32c TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEWER DISTRICT XO . 19,38 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 14 Sewer District We ., 1 Bonds, Nos4 81 to 85 Inc. ,, (lst issue ) dated July 1. 1921,, due July 1, 19384 500oo�00 28 Sewer District No0 1 Bonds, Nose 65 to 68 inc,,, (2nd Issue)dated July 1,, 1921, due July 1, 1938,, 4900M0 3. Sewer District No, 1 Bond No , 15 (5th Issue) dated July 1. 1923, due July 1, 1938, 5001M 4. Sewer District Noe 1 Bonds Nos,. 37 to 40 ine,, , Series C-(6th Issue) dated Jan, ,1, 1-924, due January 1, 19384 49000.00 54 Sewer District Nos 1 Bonds Nosy 25 to 27 inn,, ,, Series D-Pth Issue ) dated January 1, 1925; due January 1, 1938. 2P500100 64 Sewer District No, 1 Bonds Nos, 33 to 56 ine, ,, Series E-(Sth T80ile ) dated July 1, 1925, due July 1, 1938® 49000.00 7. Sewer District lqo& 1 Bonds Nos, 15 and 16., Series F`-(9th Issue ) dated July. 1, 1926, due July 10 1938. 20000 00 84 Sewer District No, 1 Bonds Nos. 23 'to 33 ine. , Series H-(11th Issue) dated Feb. 19 1931, due Feb. 1, 19384 11,9000.00 9® Sewer District No. I Bonds Nos4 33 to 48 inc. , Series I-(12th Issue) dated June 15,, 1931, due June 159 19%8, 16�000000 10s Sewer Distri-It No. I Bonds Noso 6 to 10 inc. , Series J-(13th Issue ] dated April 15, 19,12, due April 15, 1938. 5,000iloo INTEREST 11. On $50,000® 6% Sewer District Ro, 1 Bonds (1st Issue) dated July 1. 1921, due January 1 and July 1, 1931qo 3P0001,1010 124 On $569000. 6% Sewer District No, I Bonds (2nd Issue ) dated Jul-y 1, 1921, due January I and July 1, 1938, --E-,it Totral continued -32c TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEWER ETSTRICT NO. 1 DEBT SERVICE (CONTINUED) (Carried Forward) 60936000 13. On $100,00V Q% Sewer District Noo� 1 Bonds (3rd Issue) dated June 1. 1922, due june I and December 1. 193S, 4150000 14. on $5o 000-" 4 5/4% Sewer District Noo 1 Bonds Rth Ise sue) dat'ed July 1. 1923, due January I and July 1, 193V 2137500 15. On $2 000, 5A Sewer District No, I Bonds (5th lQue) dated july 1. 1923, doe January I and July 1, 193& 100000 1% On $144,000. 41% Sewer District No 1 Bonde (6th Issue) dated jaxcvssr� !,, 19'2zl, ciue Ja'-auary 1,, 1958 and on $140,000; due on July 1. 1930, a15900r) 17, On Q0$000' 414% S''Wer D'Str'et N" 1 Bonds, Series (7 w, Issue ) dated Jam, 1, 1925, due Jan. 1. 1936 and on 177,500, Jue ju,ly 1. 193V 5P 346,61181 18 On $108POOV 41 Sewer District No 1 Bonds, Series p-(8th issuej daved lull ig 1925s dWR� January 1 and vuly 1p 1938. 4*590000 19, on 06a, olocj. Q" newe�r District No, I b• ndap Series F-1 -th sa dated July 1� d1ue ja7tuar7 1 and july 10 123Z 299700) 20, On 115000-0. 4-2.5 Seever District No_ I Bonda, Series G-(10th Issue) dated January 1, 1927, due January I and July 10 1936o 6137500 21 On $403r000, 4,20% Sewer Distpict Noo I Bonds, dated Feb. 1 - 1931P doe Von 1P 1938 and on $392,000. due* August 1, 038 16169500 22. on $aoS,00o. 4,101 Sewer Distriat No , I Bonds, Series I-(12th Issue) dated done 15, 1931, due jurn 130 19330 and on $592pOOO, doe Deco 15, 193S 2440000 2& On C170,00V 6% Sewer District No 1 Bonds, Series J-(13th issue) dated April 15p 1932, due April 15P 1938 and on $165,000, due October 15, 1930 Total $142'3517w -30 TOWN OF MAMARONECK, MAMARONECK VTAUYl 8ENN10 1938 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVIC0 PRINCIPAL 1, Sewer Funding Bonds Nos, 46 to vO inv , dated February 1, 1934, Tio Febrump 1, 1936, V on $124,000, 50 Sewer ilanding Bonds, Bated February 1, 1254, due isbruavy 1 , 1015 on 1109, 000, due August 1, 1913. 6 40150 Total P1,407.5(), 1936 TOWN OR MAMARONECK WEAVER STREE117 SIDEWALK DISTRICT BUDGET tYt UIRCx.n°ci»ad`F»S DEBT SERVICE Weaver Street Sidewalk District Improvement levied pursuant to Section 253 of the Old Town -aw 1938 One fourth of interest and amortization on bonap autborized under Article !!-A of the Old Town Law, Principal Interest �ieo Z�5.o� S 4i z.d�t ( rt , . Q2,3U.. Total 10662,al TOWN OF MAMARONECK SPECIAL ASSESSMINT DEBT SERVICE 1 PLE HILQ - PART 1 3 REET IMPROVEMENT 1, 1938. $49000, 00 Interest and amortization on bonds Q% - due June let issued pursuant to Chapter 549 of and Dees Laws of 1926 as amended, 1,260,00 1938 Principal di e Dear, 1, IiX 6 QOC 0 0111"), Intereit due june ist S ani Q07 !Sri 1938, i 0,220-D,2111211 Total Q.0, 2o MAPLE HILL - PART !I , STREET IMPROVEMENT Interest and amortization on bonds Issued pursuant to Chapter 549 of' Laws of 1926 as amendr& 1933 Principal - due May 1z 1958 , 1690000001 interest - 4o 2b - due May lot and Nov, Ist, 193s ;- Total qS06,25 X MYRTLE AND XkDISON AVENUES STREET IMPRO interest and amortization on bonds issued purouant to Chapter 549 of Laws of 1926 as amended, 1938 Frin0pal - due Dow, 1, 1938. $49000, 00 Interest - Q% - due June let and Dees Isto IQ& 1,260,00 Total W 5 P2600OO 4. WEAVER STREET rDEWALK 1MPa0VEjjENT Levied pursuant to Section 253 of the Did Town Law-, Three-fourths of interest snj omortizetion on tonda pursuant to Article 11A of the Old on z. Law , 1938 Principal - duo marcb 1 , 1952, U1,155 11'__' Interest - 4.25% - too warau lr�, and Sept . QQ 15= 31a - 1111�,, i", QC and it is further RESOLVED, that the annual budget estimates of the expenditures of the ToTin of Niamaronec'_, for the fiscal year 1938 be adopted and confirmed and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the minutes; and that the sums of money hereinafter stated are hereby appropriated from the current revenues, as nrovid.ed by law, for the offices, departments, boards, corm.issions and purposes hereinafter enumerated for expenditure in the manner .directed by laid, to wit: (1 ) GENERAL TO-4W PURPOSES: Town Offices ?1 6, 020. 00 Sunervisor 103300.00 Town Clerk 30410.00 Elections 3, 977.00 Comptroller 40340. 00 Receiver of Taxes 9,250. 00 Assessor 21,800.00 Law 10,175. 00 Justices of the Peace 5,162.00 Highways 17, 730.00 Engineer 5,450. 00 Contributions s, Donations 500. 00 Public uVelfare 1582177. 00 Miscellaneous 119652. 00 Debt Service ( State 1 County Fighn;ays & General) 98,617.50 Total $366,560. 30 2 ) FOR PURPOSES IN TOWN OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAGES OF LARCH1,10N'T AND iFIAI'JARONECK Board of Appeals 745. 00 Building Department 25600. 00 Highways - 189000. 00 Police 67, 411. 92 Mliscellaneous 13,200.00 Debt Service (Highways & Pine Brook Drain) 63, 950. 00 Total 81659906 . 92 (3) FIFE, LIGHTING AND WATER SUPPLr DISTRICT NO . 1• Street Lighting 169500.00 vVeaver Street Fire Department 179500.00 Hydrant Rental 159000.00 Debt Service (Water Distribution System) 53. 942.75 Total $1029942.75 (4). GARBAGE DISTRICT Garbage Collection Contract 109400.00 Materials and wages 2, 500.00 Total 122 900.00 (5) PARK DISTRICT NO . 1 Operating charges 9,125. 00 Debt Service 27.281.25 Total '$ 36,405.25 Z 0; ;6 ) SE'1"ER DISTRICT N0 . la Sewer :Maintenance Debt Service Total (7 ) Ili_SMAROb1 CK VALLEY SEUUER DISTRICT : Debt Service County Levy for 1938 (to be determined by Board_ of Super- visors of Westchester County) Total f8) cu'E i,-ER STREET SIDE.UALK DISTRICT Debt Service Total ` 9) SPECIAL ASSESS1vF_YT DEBT SERVI Weaver Street Sidewalk Improvement Article 11-A Old Town Law Myrtle & IIadi son Avenue Street Improvement, Chap.549 Laws of 1925 Maple gill, Part I, Street Improve- ment , Chap® 549, Lases of 1926 4aple Hill , Part II Street Improve- ment, Chap. 549, Lams of 1926 Total 10) ,rILTTARY, J7,TjDICIAL AND COUNTY LEuY- 9, 546.00 142, 351.,86 $151,897.88 $ 21,407. 50 $ 219407.50 $ 1, 38%.81 4, 148.44 5,260.00 7,890® 00 6.806.25 1,382.81 $ 249104. 69 County Levy for 1938 (to be determined by Board of Supervisors of (�Testchester County; - GRAND TOTAL x:883, 509® 30 and it is further RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1938, the sums hereinafter set forth and for the purposes listed below, be levied, assessed and collected upon the taxable properties of the Town of Tu'arnararaeck and properties in the Town of l:jamaronec'_, outside of the Villages of Larchmor_t and '[Mamaroneck, the properties of the several districts specified below including Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District, and the several rarcels of taxable property, franchise assessments and persons within the Torn and within such special districts, and that the various assessments for seu✓er,I sidewalk, street and other improvements listed below and contained in the various assessment rolls and books of the Town of ?Mamaroneck, the instalment assessments of which become payable in the year 1935, be extended on the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such assessmen.ts, or parts thereof, to wit: For General Town Purposes as mentioned and described in the foregoing tax budget $3661560.50 Less estimated revenues 135.000.00 Total levy for General Tovrm Purposes $2329560.50 For 1=ilitary=, Judicial and County Levy: To be determined by Board of Supervisors of -.1estchester County For Town Purposes outside the Villages of Larchmont and H'amaroneck as mentioned and described in the foregoing tax budget : For Highway Purposes- Repairs and Improvements Debt Service For other purposes outside rr the villages Less es�'-inated 'revenues Total levy for Town outside of Villages 159OOG® 00 585.00 $ 700435. 00 89,421,92 7, 500.00 81,821. 92 STRICT LEVIES Fires Lighting and Water Supply District 110, 1 Street Lighting 'Veaver Street Fire DeT)artmerit Hydrant Rental Debt Service (Water Distri- bution System) Less- estimated revenues Total Levy, "ire, Lighting and Water Supply District No, 1 Garbage District No. 1 Garbage Collection Contract iilaterials and wages Total- Levy, Garbage District Aio, 1 Earl{ vistri ct No. 1 Operating charges febt Service Total Levy Park District No. 1 Sewer District I?o. 1 Sewer Mai ntenancs Debt Service Less: available assets Total Levy Sewer District No ® 1 M sz,,aaroneck Valley S'evver District Debt Ser—ice County Levy for 1938 (to be dete mined_ by Board of Super- visors of Westchester County) Total Levy a,'iamaroneck Valley Sewer District, exclusive of County Levy Weaver Street Sidewalk District Debt Service t 1 6 A9500. 00 17,500.00 15,000,00 53, 942,75 1029942, 75 53.942,75 109400. 00 2, 500.00 9, 125®00 27,281.25 9, 546. 00 142, 351.88 151,597.58 70'7.56 219407.50 1,382.81 �T 6P+ap lJ 01589300®92 '.9,000.00 12, 900. 00 30,406.25 di'l 4 21,407,50 Total Levy, Weaver Street Sidewalk District 1, 332®81 mount necessary to amortize and pay interest on bonds issued for street improvements during the year 1936, zrti ch slums have been apportioned and charged_ against the various lots and parcels of land liable to pay the same in accordance with the statute, pursuant to ia7hich such improvements were made and such bonds issued. A statement of the lots or parcels of land liable to pay the same and the amount chargeable to each is hereby attached and marked Exhibit "A" [Weaver Street Sidewalk Improvement Article ll-A Old Town Law M: 7rtle IL '_v'adi son Avenue Street IT, provement, Chap. 549 Laws of 1926 PIaple Hill, Part I, Street Improve- ment, Chap. 549 Laws of 1926 Maple Hill, Part II, Street Improve- ment, Chap. 549, Laws of 1925 Total Levy of Special Assessments GRAND TOTAL (exclusive of ldilitary, Judicial, County and Mamaroneck Valley Sewer County Levy) and it is further o, ap_4.8.44 5, 260.00 7,890.00 6 .806.25 u; 24 0a4 6 a $687,258.99 RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 as amended and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Consolidated. Laws. known as the Torn Law, as amended, there be levied. against the several lots and parcels of land contained u,00n the statement _ere t„ annexed Exhi r°t .� the several sums set opposite each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the Tax Roll of the Town of Parmarone C'_k, Under the name. of ' "Hater Rents". and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to deliver to the Supervisor a copy of said ta.x budget and a transcript of the minutes of this meeting, duly certified, and to transmit to the Clerk of the Board of :Supervisors of ''Afestchester County a duplicate copy of said tax budget and transcript of the minutes of this meeting, also certified, as provided by Section 116 of the Town Law. The resolutions were seconded by Councilman Brennan. A vote was taken upon the foregoing resolutions and after the roll call the vote was announced as follows. Ayes- Supervisor McCulloch Council-men Bates, Brennan, !, eginniss. Noes: None Motion declared carried. The Supervisor _presented his Annual Report of Highway Aoneys for the Year 1937. On motion by Mr. Yeginniss, seconded- by _wir. Brennan, it was upon rail oa11 (the Supervisor not voting) unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor' s Annual Report of Highway Moneys for the Year 1937, be and it hereby is approved. PSr. Brennan as chairman of highway matters presented the Inventory of Town Machinery employed by the Highway Department =i as of December 29, 19379 as signed by Town Highway Superintendent Foote . The inventory w2-s unanimously approved. Yr. Brennan as chairman of highway matters presented the Town Superintendentls Estimate for Highway Purposes for the Year 1938, showing the following, amounts : FIRST ITEM Highway Fund For the repair and improvement of tolrrn highways, including sluices, culverts, and bridges having a. span of less than five feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '5189000. 00 SECOND ITEM Bridge Fund. For the general repair of all bridges having a span of five feet or more and not included above. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300. 00 Total for bridges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300. 00 THIRD ITEM Mac'ninery Fund For the rurchase and repair of ;machinery, tools and implements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 430. 00 Total machinery fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69430.00 FOURTH ITEM, Miscellaneous Fund For removal of obstructions caused by snow, including purchase, erection, removal and. storage of snow fence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33000.00 For salary and expenses, Town Superintendent and Deputy if any. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39000. 00 For other miscellaneous purposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.000.00 Total miscellaneous fund, . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.000.00 On motion by Yr. ➢4eginniss, seconded by 1Vd. Brennan, it was upon roll call unanimously R.ESOL'JED that the foregoing Town Superintendent' s Estimate for Highway Purposes for the Year 1938 be and it hereby is approved. and be it FURTHER RESOZ`ED, that the amount set opposite each item is the amount which shah be raised by tax for the specific purpose mentioned.