HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_12_01 Town Board Minutes Lr Iy_�
RE . R -'T1IC OF TLL=r TO'd'dTd RtDx,
cL=LE =CL-,TBER 1, 1937
At the Town Offices, 158 ','-lest Boston Post Road., ifamaronec:. , Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor I'+=cCulloch at
8: 05 P. H.
Presents Supervisor KcCulloch
Councilmen Hates, Brennan, Griffin, Megirniss
Absent . None
Phe presence was also noted of Town Clerk P,iarvin, Torrn
Attorney felius Town EnEineer Foote Assistant Town Attorney
Schwartzreich and s. '+V. J. Lorne of the insurance office of Keeler
The minutes of the meeting; of November 3, 1937, were approved
as oresented.
The report of the Public Welfare Officer for the month of
_-overnber ra.s received_ and filed.
The report of the Building Inspector for the ronth of
ITovember was received an:i filed.
A latter dated December 1 1937 1j,,as received from Prank J.
Erri,�ht, Veteran Relief Officer, stating that as of October 31, 1937,
he had exceeded. his budget appropriation and r ti
egiiesng an additional
ap=prccriaation cf 1-16500. 00 to continue veteran relief for the balance
of the year 1937. The matter was referred to Griffin, Chairman
of 1v'Jelfare .
A letter dated Eovember 20, 193%, was received from Fire
Chief LeVino requestinc the To,:,n 3oard to grant permission to the
Ne,o `rochelle Fire Department to use To-."n of +!a_za.ronec'�- fire hydrant
Yo. 203 located_ on Lester Place_ west of 7.uilliasas Place . He pointed
out that this arran�en_ent would be similar to that existing at
iVildwood Circle and Pryer -,Lanor Road where the Town Pire Department
has the permission of the New Rochelle authorities to use New Rochelle
fire hydrant :io. 568 on Pryer i�.ianor Road.
The 3oard unanimously granted the request of Fire Chief
LeVino .
A form letter dated November 15 , 1937 , was received from
the State Depa.r'.r en' of Ac:riculture and Uarkets calling to the
attention of the Board the fact that it is the duty of each Tom
Board in the month of December to a_opoint a i;og Enumerator.
Or action d_ul7r _lade and seconded it wa.s upon roll call
RESOLVED t:^at John Forrar of 10 'Hildwood Roar,_, Larch=mont ,
be and he hereby is appointed Dog Enumerator of the
Town of i�iamaroneck for the year 1938.
The Supervisor stated that in accordance wit'n notice duly
given it would be in order for the Soard to receive bids for the
collection of garbage, swill, et cetera, in Garba-e L'istrict _do . 1
of the Town of .'ia_nraroneck for the year beginning January 1, 1938.
The Clerk presented affidavits of publication of the
notice w1ich were ordered_ filed.
The Supervisor inquired_ if there were any persons who
desired to su:or:^:.it bids vrho had not already done so. There being
none, he directed the Cler1�: to open those bids which he had already
received. The Cler'7 thereupon opened the bids which showed as
Sganga & Lopreato 1:115000
Donofrio & Staropoli 10, 400
Angelo De Falco 10, 650
Ralph E. Blood 10, 680
After consideration action on the bids was deferred.
Ivan S. Flood, attorney, addressed the Board in connection
with the proposed drain to serve part of the Forest Avenue area, a
matter concernilar- ch he had addressed the Board at a previous
-,.eeting. After discussion the matter was laid over for further
Griffin reported on vuelfare matters . He stated that
the case load in the month of November was 276 at a cost of f''121269. 58
as against the October figures of 237 cases andi a cost of c10, 096 . 24.
r . ieGinniss reported on a letter of the Citizens' Committee
for t1:.e Continuance of t'ne 1enr York, tiVestchester and Boston Railway
a'dhich had been referred to him at the meetin� on 1',ovember 17, 1937.
He stated that he had discussed at some length with "_1.. . Schra- ek,
the chairman of the corm°,.ittee, the efforts bein- made to continue the
existence of the railroad and told the Town Board what he had learned.
On -notion by ,le:�inniss . seconded by iJr. Bates, it rsas
upon roll call unani?nousl-r
RES01 V' D that this To °m Board is in favor of
continuing the operation of the P[cr York.
Westchester and Boston Railway- and be it
FUR'PHE- R RESOLVED that this Tov.n Board is in
favor of the creation of a Transit Authority
on the explicit provision that there be not
the sli,--Ihtest pcssibilitythat this authority
at any time ee; l]_ result in any cost to any
municipality or county in the State of Ne,,7 York;
PROVIDE', HOPdEVER, that the approval of a Transit
Aut'nority as above set forth does not imply the
approval of any bill which may be presented to
the Legislature to set up this authority; and
PROVIDED, FLIRT_-TER that final approval of a form
of Transit ut'nority to be created be withheld
until a 'will embodying t'_ne creation_ of such
authority be presented to the Legislature and
examined by this Board.
The hoard directed_ the Clerk to write to '_r. So'E'ramelc
that his request for a public meeting to ascertain the sentiments
of the people of this comn.unity in regard to the proposed continu-
ance of the railroad Tas considered by the Board; that the Board
agrees that there is such a sentiment and that unless he advances
another reason for such a meeting, the Board sees no necessity for
calli= one .
The To'.ir Attorney reported that he had received a request
from the Williams Realty Company to pay certain taxes, the liens
for ,:which are held by the '_'o n., at the face a:iount of the liens =plus
interest at 6 per cent, in accordance w- th a resolution adopted by
the Board at its meeting, on November 3, 1937.
On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVET. that tl-_e offer of Williams Realty Company
I o redee-m certain liens held by the mown, purchased.
at the sales of 1925, 1925 , 1927, 1928 1929 1930,
1931, 19325 1934, 1935 and 19365 with interest on
the liens at 6 per cent on property knozn as Section 1,
Bloc'_ 67, Lot 19, be a.nd. it hereby is accepted.
The Town. Attorney reported on the matter of the certiorari
proceedinEs brou.`ht by the Solit 'Look �old.ing Corporation to review CL
t_he assessment for the Near 1937 on property described as Section 9,
Block 31 , Lots 17 and 18A, co=only known as the De Luxe A_partraentse
He i eco�nrse ,ded. that :ir. 3arney Epstein ano Lir. C C . i4orritt local
real estate brokers, be designated as experts to testify for the
�-own when the case cosies to trial. The7e will be cor.3" en sated on the
basis of '.100 apiece for a preliminary apnraisa.l and 550 apiece for
the first day
in court and +„ 25 apiece for every day thereafter.
0n motion- by i Ir. Tieginnise, seconded 11r. 3ates it was
upon -roll call unanimously
RESOLVED that on recommendation of the Town Attorney
i:LIr. Barney Epstein an--- I kir. C . C. _4_erritt be and they
_,ereby are desi=nated as experts to testify for the
Ton in the certiorari action a_oo=re referred to and
at the rate of comoensation. above set forth.
A petition dated. Dece_nber 1, 1937, was received fro-m- the
Assessor, requesting the correction of the assessment roll for the
yea_^ 1935, taxes of 193x, so as to permit the a.p-_portionm.ent o_
certain taxes.
Dn raotion by ?2r. Griffin, seconded by i_r. Bates, it was
unaniir=sl r
R—S`)L_VE1, L'i_ C : t1e Assessor has
petition dated. Ieceinber 1, 1937, fo
of the assessrr_ent roll for the year
1537, pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 105 of the Laves of 1916, as
as the iA'estches"ter County Tax Act;
presented a
0 the correction
1936, taxes of
Section 33 of
amended, '=own.
N LRIAS, after due consideration t1-is Board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
iiow, 'T HERLFCRE, 31 IT
RESOLVEL- that the assessment roll for the year 1936,
taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on
the roll as follows .
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
2 36 30 to 34 Otto Jensen
4, 750 8 150 s12 900
be corrected as follows , in accordance ti?ith the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land
2 36 30, 31 Otto Jensen r 1; 900
2 36 32 to 34 U ” 25850
The Board thereupon went into executi—ve session.
hip. Total
1; 900
8 150 11, 000
The .Board first considered. the matter of the proposed
suspension. of paid fireman _�riichael UallaF,her< Several conurnznica-
tior_s concernin7 this matter were received and placed on the table,
and- after discussion the matter itself was laid on the table.
The Board then considered the proposed budg,et estin.ates
for the year 1238.
At the conclusion of the e-.ecutive session the regular
order of business was resumed.
A letter dated November 26, 1937, was received from Fire
Chief LeVino requesting, that paid. fireman Robert Gibson be riven
a three-months' furlough withOU'L pay and that Louis Testa forr.er
emerc2e,107 driver of the department be ar_gointed to fill the tem-
porary vacancy,
The Clear_ uoas directed to reply to the Chief as foilo-T,'s:
that the Eoard is surprised to learn that Deriver Gibson is ill ,
a act of which it has never been apprised. Therefore the Board
feels thatriver Gibson should. appear before a cormnittee of two
doctors, consistins of his own and Dr. LeFurgy , or another doctor
if 'Dr. LeFur-;y is his own physician, in order to submit to a :Medical
exmaination, the purpose of �+rhich is to ascertain if he will be able
to resume his duties as a gaid fireman, ard. if so, when. The Board
desires a report of this examination signed by the two doctors .
And further, the Board suspends its consideration of his request
for the appointment of Louis Testa as a temporary driver, until the
retort of the examination of ,r,. Gibson has been received.
The Board agreed to meet main on Saturday, December 4
193x , at 2. 170 F . V. to consider the bids which it had received
earlier in the evening for the collection of garbage .
At 1: 40 A. the Board_ unanimously -resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk