HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_11_17 Town Board Minutes WE
TOJff OF i': A:', A zOb?T.Cr'., YEW YORE-
At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, 1 amaroneci>, i? . Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor 1<icCulioch
at 8: 05 P. M.
Present; Supervisor 11cCulloch
Councilman Bates, Brennan, Griffin, Megirniss
Absent: Pone
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk L'iarvin, Town
Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, Town Engineer Foote, Assistant Town
Attorney Schwartzreich and Town Clerk-elect Payne .
The _minutes of the meetings of October o and October 20
were approved as submitted.
The Board decided to meet inform
1937, at 2;30 P. 1,i, to discuss informally
for the proposed 1938 budget . The Clerk
departmental heads to be present and also
Councilman-elect .
1a1 r.
on Saturday, lover:2ber 20,
departmental requests
directed_ to request all
Owen A. Niandeviile,
Yr. Bates reported on sewer matters. The Board agreed that
it would install a lateral sewer on Bonnie Briar Lane to serve a
new house constructed by 1aIr . C . W. illoody.
The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear
a delegation consisting of _'Nlrs . H. J. Brewer, 1Ers . S. N. Duhig,
f„Trs . Platt Biggins ail_ !Jr: . A. l:; itchell. Mrs . Brewer, as spokes-
man, requested the Board to appropriate the s=1 of $50.00 to pay for
certain costs in connection miti- repairing broken toys to be donated
to needy local children. The work would be done under the Adult
Activities and Recreation Council . The Supervisor suggested that
this sup be included in the s-oonsor' s contribution to the 10 . P. A.
recreation project under mrnich the Adult Activities and Recreation
Council operates and the Town Board concurred in the suggestion.
At -the request of the Supervisor, the Clerk read an Order
of the 'Town Board calling a pu_olic hearing in relation to the creation
of the proposed extension to Sewer District No . I in the mown of Mama-
roneck to be held on 1doveraber 17th, 193�i at eight o' clock P. ]�;. at
the 'fo�;vn Offices, �i.'est Boston Post Road, in the Village and Town of
amaron.ec'2-., and reported_ that a certified copy of said Order had been
duly published., posted and mailed as required by law.
The Supervisor thereupon declared the hearin, ooer and
asked if there -:were any persons present who desired to be heard
with respect to the creation of the proposed extension to Sewer
District No. 1 as requested in the petition therefor filed in the
office of the Town Clerk on October 20th, 1937.
1T ore apoearing in connection with the public hearing
called _pursuant to the notice published and posted, the Supervisor
then declared the public hearing closed.
The Town Clerk reported on safety and first aid matters
and presented a state :ient prepared by the State Insurance Pund
showin losses incurred for the period 'Larch 1 to October 27, 1937,
and a like record for the year ending 111arch 1 , 19377 . he also .re-
ported the accidents -,zhich had occurred to 'Down employees since the
date of his preceding report .
An undated letter was received_ from Fred Small, 50 F; nebrook
Drive, Larchmont, concerning the Finebrook drain. The matter was
referred to the Town Attorney.
9 letter dated Ilove_ber 10, 1937 signed by T']illiam L .
Schrarne'_,L as Chairman, vaas received from the Citizens' Committee for
the Continuance of the ldeev York. 'iVestchester and Boston Railway,
requestin-z the Town Board to take certain steps in connection with
the efforts to continue said railway. The matter was referred to
r. 'ie inniss to obtain such data and further infor ation in connec-
tion with Uh—_ request as he thought the Board should have before
taking action.
A letter dated Nove..ber 10, 1937, was received from the
Board of Education of Union Free ScYiool District Ido . 1 Town of
la!a"laroneck rantlilg perLrlission to the 'Town to store certain election
equipment in the basement of the '-urray Avenue School as long as
space may be available for such storage purposes and at no expense
to the Town. The Cler'<rl was unani_rrously directed to extend the
thanks of the Town tc 'the Board of Education for this permission and
also for its action permitting the use of several schools fo-r polling
places .
The report of the Town Clerk for the month of October was
received an '" flied.
The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of
October was received" and" filed.
A letter dated _ overnber 6 1937, was received from Fire
Chief ordering the suspension of paid fire-ruan I,4ichael Gallagher,
subject to the apo'roval of the Town Board. Attached to his letter
was a copy of the resolution of the Fire Council approving of the
At the su,vgestion of the Supervisor the Board unanirously
directed the Clerk to notify �::r. Gallagher and the Fire Council
I hat the Board: "mould be <lad to receive from them any statements
in uariting which they desired to rake concerning the occurrence on
which the pro-posed suspension .Jas based.
The Supervisor presented two letters addressed to him as
follows; (1) from ,°_piss Florence C. Murphy, 31 Edl.gewood Avenue,
Larchx- ont, and (%) fro;:_ Richard" L. P:_urphy, 27 Edge-uood Avenue,
Larchsnont , concernin7 the _proposed. suspension o 7 r7r. Gallagher and
the hours of work of the pal firemen. The letters were road" to
the Board and. ordered filed.
A letter dated ,ove::i:', er 9 1937, was received from Edward
J, 'ooling, requesting permission to pay a tax --: or the year 1928
on property 11,noti,Tn as Section '7, Block 171 Lot 4, in the face ainount
of the lien with interest at 6 "per cent .
On motion b. -r. Brennan, seconded by Pair. Rates it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED that the request of 1,1r . Dooling, as above
set forth, be and it hereby is approved.
The Town F_ttorney called to the attention of the Board the
fact that it soon remould be necessary to advertise for the receipt
of bins for the collection of garbage for the year beginning January 1,
1938 and" to set a date for the opening of said bids.
On motion by i4 r. Bates, seconded by 11r. Griffin, it was
P!HlSOLVED that bids for the collection of garbage
in Garba e District I?o . 1 of the Town of Aamaroneek
for the year be.-inning January 1, 1932, be received"
by this Board at its meeting on December 1, 1937,
at S '_'. 7`. ; and be it
FJF.Th=ER RESOLVED, that notice of
bids be riven 'oy �oublishirg it i
on i1':ovember 22, 1937, and in The
bar 19, 1937.
said receipt of
n The Daily Times
Eera.ld on I(Fovem-
The Toti-an Attorney presented a request from the Nevv York :mien
Corporation for the issuance of a duplicate lien_ to replace one
ap-oareritly lost or mislaid by the corporation, together with an
indemnity bond, in the amount of `';:193. 53 to inde;rinify the Torun against
possible loss by reason of the issuance of a new lien. The lien in
question was sold at the 1937 sale in the amount of F:-191.70 a.-,a.inst
Section 3, Block 102, .Lot 27, the property bein, owned by Yaria
On -.nictiori by P'ir. Ye'inniss, seconded by DIr. 'Tiffin, it
was unanin°ou.sly
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby, is
authorized to issue a duplicate lien as above
The following 'resolutior_ vras offered by Councilman Ideginni ss,
and seconded by Councilman griffin, to vJite
,,:l' ,
h.L]R?EAS, on the 16th day of June, 1937, the Toi�rn
Board of the Town of Idlamaroneck passed a resolution
authorizing the issuance of `1,120,000 Bohd-s of said
To+vn for the purpose of draining and improving
certain desic-rated highways in a duly created and
approved highway drainage district in said to°avn; and
'NT7 REAS, said resolution authorized the issuance
and sale of an X11, 000 Temporary Certificate of
Indebted.ne,ss of said To':vn pendin, the issuance of
aai% bonds; and.
WT REAS, the Town Board desires to aut-i-_orize addi-
tional teraporary certificates of indebtedness pending
the issuance of said bonds-,
F`SOLVET, that pending the issuance of said bonds,
the Supervisor is hereby authorized to issue and sell
R6,400 Temporary Certificates of Indebtedness of the
Town_ of __Jamaronec , dated "'.ovember 22, 19375 or such
later date or dates as the Supervisor shall determine,
and of such denomination or denom.ir_ations as the
Supervisor shall determine . Such Certificates shall
mature six ( 6) months after date and shall bear interest
at a rate not exceeding; six per centurn (6yo) per annual,
payable at '---aturl-ty and both princi-oal and interest
shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of
America, at the First National Bank of mount Vernon,
Mount Vernon., iiew Yor'- , with 1�ew York exchan e. Such
Certificates of Indebtedness shall be. siZned by the
Supervisor and attested by the Town Clerk under the
corporate seal of th.e Tovn, and shall be sold by the
Supervisor for not less than par and- such Certi_ficatee
shall be paid from the proceeds of sale of the bonds
to be issued aforesaid. or from the proceeds of taxes
levied for such purpose;
FLLRT[ER RLSOLVELD, that said Certificates of Indebted-
nessshall be issued in substantially the following
for-ml to-wit ;
T= TO'.'di< OF ",aAP:':fARONECK
a municipal corporation in the Count7T of Westchester,
State of New York, hereby acknowledges its indebtedness
and for value received promiises to pay -co bearer on the
day of 1
the sure of
with interest thereon. from the date
hereof at the rate of
per centum per annum payable at maturity.
Both principal and interest of this Certificate of
Indebtedness wi11 be paid in la-,vful money of the United.
States of America at
Ne,N York, vaitr! Nelv York exchange .
This Certificate of Indebtedness is issued in
anticipation of a boni issue authorized for the purpose
of properly draining and improving certain hi;c'mVa.ys in
the �,_i` ,,�,�*ay Drainage District in said Tovan of :4armroneck
pursuant to and in strict compliance with the Constitution
and statutes of the State of 17e4w York includin?, among
others Chapter '707 of the Laws of 1936 and is issued�nur
suant to proceedings of the Town Board of said Tovan of
1':tiamaroneck duly had and taken in all -respects authorizing
the same.
It is hereby certified recited and declared that
all acts, conditions and things required to exist to happen
and to 'tie perforred precedent to the issuance of this
Certificate of Indebtedness exist, have happened and have
been performed_ in due time, form and runner as required
by law; and that this Certificate of Indebtedness toEether
with all other indebtedness of said To-,,-,-,n is within every
debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and
laws of the State of Dew York. The full faith and credit
of said Tovrn of Jiamaroneck are hereby irrevocably -pledged
t0 the _punctua.l pa5m.ent of the principal and interest of
this Certificate of Indebtedness according to its terms.
I '. WITNESS V'1.1ZREOF, the Town of I,Vlaniaronecic has
caused. this Certificate of Indebtedness to be signed by
ts Supervisor and attested by its Town Cleric under the
corporate seal of said Town and this Certificate of
Indebtedness to be dated as of the day of
, 1..3 /.
oven Clerk.
FURT THL R RESOLVED, that said Certificates of Indebtedness
may be sold at private sale by the Supervisor, as aforesaid,
and after the same have been delivered to the purchaser
upon payment of the purchase price to the Su-pervisor, the
receipt o?° the Supervisor small be a full acquittance to
said purchaser, ,who shall _not be oblic,ed to see to the
application of tae purchase money.
ADOPTED by the follo.vin vote:
Ayes: Bert C
Noes : None
V. Bates
. Brennan
C. Griffin
B . : eginniss
The Town Attorney reported on the matter of taxes on the
property of Helen H. Rathvon '_mown as Section 9, Block 105, Lots
41, 42 and 43, which matter had been discussed by the Board at its
meeting on October 20, 1937. He recommended- that a settlement be
effected- on the same basis as that effected rich _r. Earl W. Ran _pons
owner of similar nearby property.
On motion by .11r. Griffin, seconded by 1:11r. Bates, it was
upon roll call unanimously
- RESOLS ,�D that the Town Attorney be and he hereby
is authorized to arrange a settlement of the taxes
on property owned by Helen r. Rathvon, known as
Section 9, Block 105, Lots 41, 42 and 43, on the
same basis as that effected with rrlr. Earl W. Hammons,
owner of sin_ilar nearby property; and be it
FtiRTI-iER RESOLVED, that the Town
safe offer of settlement to Ir.
who is also desirous of comprora
Attorney make the
Ideal R. Andrews
ising certain taxes.
Two petitions dated idovember 17, 1937, were received from
the Assessor requesting the correction of the assessment -roll for
the year 1936, taxes of 1937.
On motion by Iarir. Griffin seconded by Er. F,ates, it was
R&,j:AT=i, '.i'"HEREAS, the Assessor has
petitions dated loveriber 17, 1937,
of the assessment roll for the year
1951 pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as
as the :' estchester County Tax Act;
Presented two
for the correction
1936, taxes of
Section 33 of
amended, '_,nov"n
'ds'ILREAS, after due consideration tLis Board finds it
desirable to ,rant said petitions for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the year 1936
taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on
the roll as follows:
Section Bloc'_: Lot Ovrner Land Imp. Total
4 28 1 Hov-ell Estate 5 430 t?;7, 500 0,12, 930
be corrected as follows. in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33;
Howell ',state
2, 330
';;7, 500
°,'; 9,830
Helene Ackermann
3, 100
3, 100
that the assessment
roll for
1936, taxes
of 1937, which shows
appearing on the
roll as follows:
14A to 16A
Cora I-Orford
2, 500
`;! 5, 500
be corrected as follo,,Iis, in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33:
Section Block Lot
Land Imp. Total
1 30 14A to 16A, Cora. laiorford 2, 500 X1,500 4, 000
The above chan,l,e is necessary because of evidence
presented by T12r. ' lorford which indicates that there
is a smaller portion of ?pis residence within the
Town of Manaroneck than was believed by the Assessor
to be the case .
The Supervisor presented the resignation of I3arold -!. Graney
as bookkeeper of the Town o_f' ilama-roneck, effective October 15, 1937.
On ;notion by id;.r. =fates, seconded by _f_1. Griffin, it 'was
RESOLVED, that the resignation of Harold M. Graney
as bookeeper of the To%,rn of 1,-iamaronec: effective
October 15, 1937, be and it hereby is accepted.
At 10: 20 P . ':i. the toard unanimously resolved to adjourn.
lovvn Clerk