HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_09_22 Town Board Minutes ADJOURNED REGULAR S: ,STING OF 'T127 TOv,_1\T BOARD TO_iU OF MAMARONECK, KEV'! YORK FILL SEPTEMBER 22, 1937 At the Town Offices, 158 "vest Boston Post Road, IOamaroneek, 1V. Y. The meeting iwas called to older by Supervisor LeCiulloch at 8: 20 P. M Present- Suoervisor P+1cOulloch Councilmen .Bates Brennan Griffin, I'leg; nniss Absent, None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk IvIarvin, Town Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith and Assistant Town Attorney Schwartzreich. The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear those persons who desired to address the Board. 11%r. Edwin S. Diamond of the Chatsworth Coal L Supply Oo , , Inc. addressed the Board to present a letter dated September 22, 1937, offering to pay certain tax arrears in the face arcount of the liens thereon held by the Town with interest at the rate of 6 per cent _per annum. The land in question is not improved. On motion by Mr. Pi!eginniss, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was upon roll call unanimous1V RESOLVED that the offer of the Chatsworth Coal and Supply Company.-, Inc. to pay certain tai arrears as more fully set forth below in the face amount of the liens thereon held by the To-:an with interest computed at 6 per cent per annum be and it herebv is accepted, provided payment be made not later than September 30. The tares in question are as follois, Section Block Lot Year of Sale Amount of Lien 67 20,21 1934 126.31 6 4 9A 1936 22.74 1937 24.56 6 9 19 1935 138.23 1936 71.10 1937 57 . 91 6 6 1 1929 18.36 1935 578.18 1936 361.29 1937 391.34 6 4 10 1913 1.04^ 1932 4.26 1935 69.50 6 4 1 O 1936 21.85 1937 23.62 6 4 11 1913 1. 95" 1932 4.26 -- 1935 69. 50 6 4 11A 1935 21.85 1937 23. 62 6 4 12 1913 1. 95" 1932 4.26 1935 69. 50 6 4 12.0, 1936 19.22 1937 2 0.7 5 6 4 13A 1935 69.50 1936 16. 58 1937 17. 90 EI Section Block Lot Year of Sale Axaount of Lien 6 4 14 1928 ti'r 2.51 1929 2. 51 1930 5, 34 1931 5.75 6 4 14A 1936 20. 98 1937 23,22 6 5 1 1929 9,55 1933 6. 59 1935 14.50 1930' 9. 54 1937 15.04 6 5 2A 1935 14. 50 1936 9. 54 1957 19.80 6 5 4A, 5 1935 69.50 1936 44.72 1937 48.38 6 4 7 1913 1. 04'` 1932 4.26 1935 69.50 6 4 7A 1936 31. 53 1937 34. 03 6 4 8 1913 1. 04" 1932 4, 26 1935 59. 50 6 4 8A 1936 27,13 1937 29, 32 6 4 9 1913 1. 04"` 1932 4.26 1935 69.50 1-0 interest. Fire Chief Letiino addressed the Board. Be stated that the week of October 3 to October 10 was National Pire Prevention )Peek and that the Fire Department would observe this week by placing special emphasis on the instruction of school children in fire prevention raatters. lie outlined briefly what the department proposed to do and requested the Town Board to adopt a suitable resolution in connection with the observance . On motion by iilr, Brennan, seconded by ll'r. iSeainniss, it was unanimously BESOT I T TTD, that the week of October 3 to October 10 be and it hereby is designated as Fire Prevention [Tee?, in the 'Down of Mamaroneck; and be it _,,UR,T ✓R RESOLVEE, that the cooperation of all 0'i' the citizens of the Town is hereby requested for t1e purpose of the observance of said week to the end that fire losses in the Town may be main- tained at the lowest possible figure . Fire Chief Leyinc stated that he wished to go on record as saying that because of the use of a part of the ground floor of the fire house for election purposes and the consequent necessity of placing one or -,nore of the fire trucks outside of the house during thne '_Hours of such use, the department could_ not be responsible if such fire trucks failed_ to start _oromptly by reason of cold or ii�- clement weather. �Ni_r. Brersian reported that in accordance with the action taken by the Towrn Board at its meetin on Septemrber 7, 1937, he had conferred with the ,Vestchester Joint Water Nvorks, No . 1 and that the Water Works would in the future install no new fire hydrants in the TovFn without first consulting- the Fire Department as to the suitability of the locations -thereof in respect to their use for fire fighting purposes . Fire Chief LeJino reported that he had conferred with the local representative of the National Youth Administration in connec- tion viith the Mattel' of pa.intinr, a broad yellGvv band. around the tele- phone or light pole nearest each hydrant as a means of facilitating finding the hydrant in case of fire, which matter he had discussed with the Board at its meeting on September 7, lgg7. and that the National Youth Administration had agreed to supply the labor for doing '' is work if the Fire Department would provide the necessary materials therefore He said that there was sufficient incnev in the Fire Depart- ment bud-get to do this and that accordingly the project would be under- taken at once . There being no other persons present whG desired to address. the Board, the regular order of business was resumed. Hr. Brennan reported on the letter of Edvuard Petigor dated August 17, 1837, which had been referred to him at the meeting on Septe.raber 7, 183 7. 'The letter concerned the proposed V. P. A. pro- ject for the construction of a street tentatively knouvn as Campbell Street along the viesterly boundary of -past of the prop_ erty owned by Morris Petigor, 7vir, Brennan stated that he, togeth.er with the Super- intendent Of 'ighv'L'ay S, had __-ispected. the property and after due con- 3id_eratiOn was Of the Opinion that there was no Lumediate reason to continue this project at the -oresent time° 5`_r. :'es:inniss reported on finances. He presented the se.i' annual report of the audit and exatrtinatior_ by the T own 1s auditors Click-Freedman, including the financial statements as of June 30, 12 He also presented the Condensed Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the Period January 1 to August 31, 19379 the State- :ment of Budget Appropriations anal E pend-itures as of A ugUst 31, 1937 and the Statement of 1937 Revenues Esti,,iated. and Received as of August 31 1937. These reports were received and ordered p laced on file t1r. 1',_eginniss declared that the Town would_ probably have to borrow between 100, 000 and 111:150, 000 on certificates of indebtedness against the collection of tai=es prior to the end of the year. 1'.^ie SUpe rvisor reporteda conelP_ led progress in the rilatte_- of collectin= tai arrears . The Supervisor said that he had learned with regret of the decision of the Toum Clerk not to seek re-election and that he desired to express his appreciation of the work done by the Clerk. On aot=on by 1;_r, Brennan secomd.ed by +_re 1';eginniss it was UnanlnlGUS Zy RESOLVED that the Town Attorney- prepare a. suitable resolution expressing,- the regret of this Board at the decision of the Town Clerk not to seek re-election and that a copy thereof be spread on the minutes „ The resolution as prepared by the Town Attorney is as follows Vtii;',piEAS, '6'dai ter it. i arvin has pub I i c3 anno'uncea his intention not to seek re-election as Town Clerk at the forthcoming General Election; and W_,EREAS, Walter R. ivlarvin has since 1930 rendered public sere; ce to the 'Town of i'amaroneck in such capacit".�, mh"ich service 'nas been not only efficient but conscientious and courteous; Im RESOLVZ D, that this Board in appreciation of the service rendered e7ftends its sincere thanks to Walter R. Marvin for the public service rendered. The Board. discussed the matter of publishing a notice con- cerning the reTistration and election in accordance wit's the ioro- visions of Section 75 of the Election Law and took no action thereon.. The Town Attorney reported that the Village of lvamaroneck had offered to pays certain tax arrears on property owned by it in the face amount of the tax plus a seventy-five cent advertisins- charge per lot and with interest on the total thereof at 6 per• cent per annum to date of pa-y--went . He said. the Vil-age had tendered a checI7 comyouted on t'.^pis basis to the Receiver of Tares who had accepted t'rie money. He requested that the Board approve the action of the Receiver of Taxes . On motion by p-r. Griffin, seconded by ":'ir. lueginniss, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVE-L , that the action of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments in accepting payment of certain tax arrears owed by the Village of Tdamaro- nec_ on the basis of the face amount of the tax plus a seventy-five cent advertising charge per lot and with interest on the total thereof at 6 per cent per annum to date of payment, a total payment of b„F2,890.26, be and it hereby is ratified, approved and confirrmed, said taxes being more particularly described as follows , Section Block Lot Year of Tax 8 50 10 1907 1909 1910 1511 1912 1913 191„ 1915 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 8 8 8OB,81, 82A 1928 8 89 1 to 9 inc . ) and 14 to } 1929 21 inc. } 3 89 10, 11 1930 V 96 6 1916 8 96 6, 7, 3, 9, 10A, ) 1-A, 12A,13A, ) 10B to 1313 ) 1929 14 to 18 inc) 8 97 1, 2, 320, 6, 8 1929 8 98 1, 2 1929 9 17 8-9A, 9B 10 17 1926 1927 9 54 18 1929 g 54 19 1925 1926 1929 9 54 20 1925 1926 8 73 7A 7B 1901 1903 1905 1906 1907 N Section Block Lot Year of Tax 8 73 '7A, ?B 1908 1909 1911 1912 1913 i9i4 1C15 1917 1919 8 96 10B511B 1929 The Town Attorney presented an affidavit dated September S. 1937, di,lv eexecuteO. by Blanche P. Howe . setting forth that certain tat- leases issued by the Town against property described as Section 8, Bloch 94, Lots 26, 27, 28 and 29, representing taxes for the years 1904 and 1905, sales of 1905 and 1906 were merged in the title to said lots when the premises were acquired by the holder of the leases at the time of said sales or subsequent thereto . The petition re- quested the Receiver of faxes of the To °;n to -rm.rk said leases can- celled upon his records . A letter dated September 8, 1937, from Silas S. Clara, formerly special collector of delinquent taxes for the Sown, acconoanied said petition and approved the request . On motion by .Mir. Brennan, seconded by Pair. Bates, it was upon roll call unanimous)-, RESOLVED that upon the state of acts set forth in the petition above described. the Receiver of Taxes be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to cancel on his records certain tax leases, as follows- Section Block Lot Tax of Sale of Amount issued_ to 8 94 26 (195) 1904 1905 42. 13 Is=atthedu Swallow 1905 1906 2.80 M. �Iv. Swallow 27(194) 1904 1905 1. 80 Matthew Swallow 1905 1906 2.23 M. IV, Swallow 28 (193) 1904 1905 1. 79 Matthew Swa.11ora 1905 1906 2. 23 PJP. Vf. Swallow 29(192) 1904 1905 1.79 1 aiattheia Swailov 1905 1906 2.23 M. 1,1. Svaallow The minutes of the meetin.� of September 7, 1937, were approved as corrected . A letter dated September 14, 1937, was received from Lillie T . Chayer, 389 Fairer Avenue, i.amiaroneck, offering to pay certain tax arrears in the face amount of the liens plus interest at 6 per cent per annu_ra on property tnoirrn as Section 1, Block 37E, Lots 219, 220 and 221, being the same basis of compromise as the T'or7n had granted to other delinquent taxpayers . On motion by Brennan, seconded by lr=r. Bates, it was upon roll call unaniirously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized emoo-wered and directed to accept payr^_ent of taxes for the years 1934, 1935 and. 1936, the liens for -,which are held by the Town, in the face amount of the liens p lus interest computed at 6 per cent per annum on property known as Section 1, Block 22 oca 3 . B, T,c1,s 21.,, 220 and -sl. A letter dated September 21, 1937, was received from Dfunicipal Investors, Inc . , 40 Exchange Place, Vetiv York, offering to purchase by assignment a. tax lien held by the Town, representing the tax of 1932, sale of 19331 on property k nown a s c ect ion 7P Block N Lot lA, in the face amount of the lien, namelzr, 5;858.87 v,rith interest at 5 per cent per annum. On motion by ➢sir. Bates, seconded by Lr. Brennan, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the offer of -Lunicipal Investors, Inc . , as above set forth, be and it hereby is accepted. A letter dated Septernbe-r 16, 1937, was received from Roy S . Hatzel, 206 Inur•ray Avenue, Larchmont, offering to purchase certain tax liana held by the Town con property known as Section 1, Block 26, Lot '74, in the face amount of the liens without interest . The liens represent taxes for the -ears 1920, 1921, 1924, 19255 1926, 1928, 1929, 1530, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1935 and x.936. The Supervisor stated that this was an unusual situation in that the property in question was a twentir-five foot lot adjacent to ivir. Hatzel' s home, that it is too small to permit the erection. of a. house thereon and that the amount of the tax arrears against this property is about equal to the value of the lot . He, therefore, recommended that in view of these unusual circumstances the offer of .r. Hatzel be accepted. On motion by P,�Ir. Bates seconded by Zr. Brennan, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the offer of Roy S. Hatzel, as above set forth, be and it hereby is accepted. The re-gort of the Building Inspector for the month of August was received and filed. The Tcwn Clerk reported. that he had received several form letters frog_ the State Insurance rand the carriers of the Town' s insurance, in respect to accidents sustained by Town employees and. safety measures which the Town could take to reduce the number of accidents . The Clerk presented an analysis of the accident record of the Town for the past three years showinS as follows. 1955 - first eight months - total accidents, 15; 1936 - first eight months - total accidents, 11. 1937 - first eight months - total accidents, 17 ( in- cluding 6 at the Chatsworth Gardens fire) . He pointed out a number of ways in which the number of accidents might be reduced and -recommended that the Town adopt certain of the recommendations made by the State Insurance Fund. On raotion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Brennan, ' ' was unanimously R✓KLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is designated as head of the safety activities of the Town; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that he -make _monthly reports to the Town Board as to the nature and number of accidents occurring to Town employees. The Supervisor reported_ that a firm of real estate developers and builders in New Rochelle were desirous of purchasing approximately forty-two fifty-foot unimproved lots in the Town for the purpose of erecting thereon one-story, five-room houses to sell for .:;55, 000 apiece . The property in question, he said, is encuY,abered by tax arrears cover- ing seven to twelve years' taxes, the liens for which are held by the To,,n, and the developers propose that the mown foreclose these tax liens and sell the lots to them. The Supervisor sums=gested t1bat the Board ins_oect certain similar houses no:v bein_ built by the same developers in New Rochelle before taking definite action on the proposal . The Board_ agreed to meet informally on Saturday to proceed in a body to New Rochelle to inspect these houses . At 9, 40 P. 1, the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. Totiun Clem;