HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_09_07 Town Board Minutes REGULAR AND STATUTORY JOINT MEETING OF TIE] TOWN BOARD AND THE ASSESSOR, TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD SEPTEMBER 7, 1937 At the Town Office, 158 '.Vest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. at 8: 15 P. M. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor 1,1,cCulloch Present : Supervisor lAcCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, Meginniss Assessor Smith Absent: None The _presence was also noted of Town Clerk :viarvin, Town Attorney Delius and Comptroller Luceno. The Town Clerk stated that the meeting was being held pursuant to Sections 7 and 26, Chapter 232 of the Laws of 1904 together with Chapter 599 of the -aws of 1920, as amended, being a joint meeting of the Town Board and the Assessor of the Town of Mamaroneck to compile select, make and verify the grand and trial jury lists for the year 1938. The Assessor having prepare jury lists presented the same to the Board after examination and verification of said and the Town Board, it was on motion by Yr Griffin, unanimously 3 tentative trial and grand for its consideration, and lists by both the Assessor Bates, seconded by llir. RESOLVED, that the completed lists of the grand and trial jurors be and they hereby are approved and certified by the members of the Town Board and Assessor: and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to forward certified lists of the grand and trial jurors to the Commissioner of Jurors in the form required by law. -Qon the approval and certification of the jury, lists by the Assessor and Town Board. the Assessor withdrew from the meeting and the members of the Town Board continued in session as a regular meeting for the consideration of such other matters as might properly come before them. The minutes of the meetings of August 4, August 21 and September 1 were approved as submitted. Mr. Brennan reported on highway matters. He said that at the request of Tyr. R. S. Clark he and Mr. Foote had ordered. the installation of one street light on pole Tao. 5 on Edgewood Avenue be- tween Murray Avenue and Emerson Place, there being sufficient money therefor in the street lighting budget . On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the action of Mr. Brennan in ordering the installation of a 100 candle-power street light on Ed_gewood Avenue between lurray Avenue and Emerson Place, be and it hereby is ratified, approved and confirmed. Pair. Brennan reported on the possibility of improving one or more of the bridges over the Sheldrake River flowing into Larchmont Gardens Lake, which matter had been heretofore considered by the Board. He stated that he had met with the executive committee of the Larchmont Gardens Association and discussed the proposal with them. After discussion the matter was referred back to lair. Brennan to obtain the necessary estimates and further details. Mr. Brennan reported that work is progressing on widening part of north Chatsworth Avenue from the Stonecrest Apartment to a point beyond the northerly line of the Pelham-Portchester Parkway. Parr. Bates reported on drain matters. He presented a plan and profile of the proposed drain to extend along the rear of the Robertson, Martino and Scher properties on Forest Avenue. The Board took no action on the matter. hlr. Bates presented a letter dated September 7, 1937, ad- dressed to him by C. 1. Moody, President of Rockledge Holding Corpora- tion, concerning the matter of widening Sackett Drive. The Board took no action on the matter. Mr. Griffin reported on welfare matters. He stated that the case load in August was 210, the same number as in July, at a cost of 08, 084. 99 in August compared with a cost of '17, 525.43 in July. Mr. Meginniss reported on finances. He stated that the average expenditure per month for the current year for home relief was about 711, 500 and that if the same rate of expenditure was main- tained for the balance of the year, the budget appropriation therefor will not be exceeded by very much. Fire Chief LeVino addressed the Board. He suggested that the Town get in touch with the Village of Larchmont to see what it is doing in respect to obtaining workmen' s compensation for Deputy Chief Roi B. 'Noolley of the Larchmont Fire Department who was injured while assisting the Town Fire Department at the Chatsworth Gardens fire on February 17, 1937. Mr. LeVino said that unless Mr. Woolley received workmen' s compensation or some indemnity from the Village of Larchmont, the Town would run the risk of being liable for a consider- able sum of money. The matter was referred to the Town Attorney to take up with the Larchmont Village Attorney. The Fire Chief spoke to the Board concerning the matter of hydrants installed upon property where no houses now exist . The Board took no action on the matter. The Fire Chief also suggested that when additional hydrants are installed., the Fire Department be consulted regarding the location of them. The Supervisor requested Mr. Brennan to consult with the Fire Department in such cases. The Fire Chief suggested that a broad yellow band. be -painted around the telephone or light pole nearest each hydrant as a means of facilitating finding the hydrants . When it developed that there was not sufficient money in the budget for this purpose at the present time , the matter was laid over for consideration in connection with the preparation of the 1938 budget . The Fire Chief notified the Board that the department will no longer pump out the cellars flooded in private homes "as a matter of convenience" but only in the event of serious emergency in the winter time . He said that the willingness of the department to pump out private cellars had been abused.. The Town Attorney reported that he had received an offer from the Title Guarantee and Trust Company to pay in settlement and compromise of the tax liens now owned by the Town upon lots in Larchmont Shores the face amount of the liens with interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum, a total payment of dt5, 424. 98. The Village of Larchmont has accepted a similar offer, he said. The Supervisor -recommended accep- tance of the offer. On motion by Pdlr. Bates, seconded by fair. Griffin, it was upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, loHEREAS the Town of Idamaroneck heretofore acquired certain tax liens at the tax sales held on May 25th, 1932; June 14th, 1933; May 23rd, 1934: June 19th, 1935; Nlay 27th, 1936; and I'•eay 26th, 1937, respectively, which represented the State, Town, County and School district taxes for the years 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936, covering certain lots or parcels of land on what is commonly known as Larch- mont Shores in the Village of Larchmont, 'sown of iaama- roneck, and mrhich are described on the assessment map of the Town of laamaroneck as Section 7, Block 16C3 Lots 77L',77C, 81,82,83,84, 85,86,87,88,89, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,100, 101, 102,103, 104,105, 106, 112,113,114,115, 116, 1"17,118, 252, 253, 254, 208, 209,210, 211,138,139,140,144, 145,14-6, 150,151 , 152, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,127, 128, 129,130,131, 132,133, 193, 194,195, 153, 154,155, 156,i57,i58,162, 163, 164,174, 174A, 174B, 174C, 174D, 174E5 all of which lots are now or were recently owned by Larchsr_ont Shores, Inc. ; and VVEiEREP_S the Title Guarantee and Trust Company has made an offer to the Tovin of 1vamaroneck to pay in settlement and compromise of the tax liens no.ir ovaned by the Town upon all of the several lots or parcels above mentioned, a sum of money approx-imating 4,5, 424. 98; and 'WHEREAS this Board. considers that it is for the best interest of the Town to accept the compromise payment as aforesaid and the Village of Larchmont has made a similar adjustment and compromise of its tax liens and/or taxes upon the same lots or parcels of property; I10':"J, TT-"'REF ORE, BE I'T RESOLVED that the Town Board. of the Town of Mamaroneck accept in compromise and settlerent upon the property described as follows on the assessment map of the Town of Yamaroneck, the following sums for the liens acquired by the To-Tin for the years hereinafter stated: Amount Received Section Block Lot Tax Lien Acquired in Compromise 7 16C 77B, 81 to 89, ) Nlay 25, 1932 .a> 375.41 93 to 106 112 ) June 14, 1933 549.42 to 118, 120 to ) Islay 23, 1934 474.11 133 ) June 19, 1935 740.59 Prlay 27, 1936 463.64 il,Iay 26, 1937 471.39 7 16C 138,139, 140 ) June 19, 1935 21.18 Sdiay 27, 1936 30.91 t,Iay 26, 1937 31.43 7 16C 744,145,146 ) Ivfay 25, 1932 35.36 June 14, 1933 36.63 Iay 23, 1934 31.75 June 19, 1935 49.37 2Afay 27, 1936 30. 91 !,,-ay 26, 1937 37.24 7 16C 1502151,152, ) June 14, 1933 14.55 } May 23, 1934 31.75 June 19, 1935 49.37 May 27, 1936 30. 91 :May 26, 1937 31.53 m Amount Received Section Block Lot Tax Lien Acquire d in Compromise 7 16C 133, 1541155 ) June 14, 1933 4` 24. 91 IvTay 23, 1934 31.75 June 19, 1935 49.37 May 27, 1936 30. 91 May 26, 1937 37.24 7 160 156, 157, 158 ) May 25, 1932 13.31 June 19, 1935 23.27 May 279 1936 30. 91 Play 26, 1937 37. 24 7 16C 162,163,164 ) i.'ay 23, 1934 31.75 June 19, 1935 49.37 May 27, 1936 30. 91 May 26, 1937 37.24 7 16C 1743174A ) June 14, 1933 49.82 174B, 1'74C1 May 23, 1934 63. 50 174D5174E ) June 19 1935 98.75 iiay 27, 1936 61.82 May 26, 1937 74.48 7 16C 77C May 25, 1932 June 14, 1933 May 23, 1934 June 191 1935 ivay 27, 1936 ,,ay 26, 1937 7 16C 193 to 195 ) May 25, 1932 208 to 211, ) June 14, 1933 252 to 254 ) May 23, 1934 June 19, 1935 Il.ay 27, 1936 !Jay 26, 1937 FURTHER RESOLVZD that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deliver all necessary instruments on behalf of the Torn to ; ak:e such compromise and settlement effective. The Towr Attorney ment of certiorari proceedi review the assessments upon Ma:7iiaronec'_c known as Section years 1935 and 1936, on the from 160, 000 to y49, 900. 8. 34 12. 21 10. 58 16.46 10. 30 15.34 38. 33 164.14 141.79 264.22 198.18 231. 09 stated that he recornraended_ the settle- lgs instituted by C. Ldhcard Paxson to a parcel of property in the Village of 91 Block 105, Lots 56 and 57 for the basis of a reduction in the assessments Upon :motion made by Councilman Brennan and seconded by Councilman '-..Tiffin, the following resolution was upon roll call unanimously adopted: WFEREAS heretofore and on or about the 10th day of October, 1935 and the 14th day of October, 1936, writs of certiorari were obtained by C. iEd�vvard. Faxson, owner of Section 9, block 105, Lots 56 and 57, to review the assessments upon the premises owned by him; and 1YYTIRvEAS returns to such writs were duly filed by the Assessors and. the Board of Review on or about the 18th of 1�ovember, 1935, and the 16th of November, 1936, respectively, and no further proceedings have been taken, except that on December 30th, 1935, Francis R. Doherty was appointed Referee by order of the Supreme Court to hear the proceedings instituted in 1935; and WHEREAS the Town Attorney and Assessor recommend to this Board that the proceedings be settled and discontinued upon the reduction of the assessment from �c0, 000 to -~49, 900; 17OV15 'T=EF0)Tly, BE I'T RESOLVED that the assessments for the years 1935 and 1936 upon property known as Section 9, Block 105, Lots 56 and 57, assessed for X60, 000, be reduced to 6:49, 900 provided the certiorari proceedings now pend- ing be discontinued. without cost, FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipulation to obtain an order of the Supreme Court pr-vidin. for such reduction and refund of any excess taxes paid.. The Town Attorney presented certain affidavits in connection with the request of the Estate of Fannie Lichtenstein, that it be permitted to pay the 1926 School Tax, covering g property owned. by the late Fannie Lichtenstein, known as Section 4, Block 51, with interest at the rate of 6o upon the face amount of the tax. Upon motion made by Councilman Bates, seconded by Council- man Griffin the following resolution was upon roll call unanimously adopted, v WII-E,REAS from certain affidavits presented by the Town Attorney, it appears that Fannie Lichtenstein was the owner of property kno wn as Section 4, Block 51, in the Town of mamaroneck and paid all of the taxes upon such property up to and including the date of her death which occurred February 4th, 1926, and that thereafter, her administrator continued such payments promptly and from. time to time made inquiries of the Receiver of Taxes for school tax bills upon such pro- perty, requesting that these be sent to the office of the Estate, 7350 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and WIEREAS it appears that the school tax of 1926 remains unpaid. and the lien therefor, in the sum of ;;:671.85 was purchased by the Town at the tax lien sale held IYIay 25th, 1927; Hovv, TFEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Estate of Fannie Lichtenstein be permitted to pay such tax lien at the face amount of the tax, to wit : the sum of °i'599. 29 together with interest at the rate of 6;o per annum, provided the same is paid within fifteen days of the date of this resolution. The Town Attorney presented a letter dated August 17, 1937, from Edward Petigor on behalf of laorris Petigor, owner of a large tract of land lyinm between the Boston Post Road and Palmer Avenue , urging the Town to continue with the construction as a 'd. F. A. project of a certain road tentatively kno:^vn as Campbell Street along the westerly boundary of part of the Petigor property. The matter was referred to 1,1r. Brennan to take up with the v% F. A. authorities. The Clerk presented several requests for permission to pay taxes for years prior to 1916 at the face amount of the liens held by the Town without interest, provided payment be made within thirty= days . On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED that in accordance with the action taken by the Board in other and similar cases, the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept the face amount of the lien held by the Town without interest in full pay- ment of the following taxes, provided payment be made within thirty days: Proverty Section 61 Block 40, Lot 24 Section 8, Block 64, Lot 29A Section 6, Block 13, Lot 31 Year of Tax Year of Sale Amount of Lien 1906 1907 1.55 1885 1886 1.00 1908 1909 ) 1909 1910 ) 1910 1911 ) 10.27 1911 1912 ) 1912 1913 ) 1913 1914 } The Town Clerk stated that he had been requested by the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to request the Town Board to authorize the Receiver to accept the face amount of tax liens held by the Town for taxes levied prior to 1916 without interest, pro- vided payment be made within thirty days without obtaining from the Town Board specific authorization for each payment. On motion by Pair. Bates, seconded by or. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the request of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, as above set forth, be and it hereby is granted. A memorandum dated September 1, 1937, was received from the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, concerning a request of Er. H. H. Dyke that he be permitted to pay certain taxes for the years 1920, 1926, 1930 and 1931 without interest . The Clerk was directed to notify dr. Dyke that his request was refused on the grounds that he had not submitted adequate proof that the taxes had in fact been paid. A memorandum dated September 1, 1937, was received from the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments concerning a request of Anne Dillon Doherty that she be permitted to pay certain taxes for the years 1933, 1934 and 1935 at the face amount of the liens held by the Town without interest. The Board unanimously denied her request. A letter dated August 6, 1937, was received from Ellen Cullen on behalf of John Cullen, requesting the certain taxes for the years 1925, 1926 and 1928 that these taxes had been paid, although she co of this fact . The Board unanimously denied the Board to cancel on the grounds ald submit no proof request . A letter dated August 27, 1937, was received from the State Department of Correction enclosing the annual report of the inspection of the Town lock-up. The report contained no unfavorable comments and it was ordered filed. The Town Clark reported to the Board that at a meeting of the Joint Town Board held. July 21, 1926, the name of a certain street in Colonial Park known as Highland Road or Avenue had been changed to Holly Avenue; that this street, however, has always locally been known as Holly Place and that the existing street sign so reads . Be suggested that the name be changed from Holly Avenue to Holly Place to conform with the accepted. usage. On motion by Yr. Bates, seconded by Yr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the name of Holly Avenue be and it hereby is changed to Holly Place. The Supervisor presented a letter dated from Mervin C. Pollak offering to buy certain tax the Town at the face amount thereof with interest per annum, all on unimproved property*. The total these liens is 1„732. 54. The Supervisor recommend, the offer. August 16, 1937, liens held by at 6 per cent face amount of ;d acceptance of On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by ,1Ir. Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the offer of 1,1ervin C . Pollak to purchase certain tax liens held by the Town on _ unimproved property at the face amount thereof with interest at 6 per cent per annum be and it hereby is accepted_, said liens being described as follovvs- Section Block Lot 2 8A 90 2 8A 104 2 8A 105 2 9A 22 2 9D 1A-2A 2 9J 48 49 50 51 2 29 17 18 19 20 Year of Sale 1937 1937 1937 1930 1931 1932 1933 1935 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 Amount of I.1 er 86. 05 86. 05 19.52 44.11 34. 33 48.72 51 . 44 47 .05 51.44 45.08 63.44 49. 90 52. 05 7.67 7. 67 7.67 7.67 5. 67 3.67 5. 67 5. 67 The Supervisor presented a letter dated September 3, 19375 from Bonded iiunicipal Corporation offering to purchase two tax liens held by the Town on property known as Section 3, Block 16B, on the 1933 assessment roll and known as Section 3, Block 16, Lot 16B on the 1934 assessment roll at the face amount of the lien held by the Town with interest at 6 per cent per annum. On Notion by r7r. Griffin, seconded by PLr. Bates, it was upon -roll call unanimously =:SOLVED that the offer of Bonded Municipal Corporation to ?purchase two tax liens held by the Town on un- improved property at the face amount thereof with interest at 6 per cent per annum be and it hereby is accepted, said liens being described as follows- Section Block Lot 3 16B - 3 16 16B Year of Amount of Sale Lien 1934 ° 156 .31 1935 208.78 The Supervisor requested that the Board authorize Town Engineer Foote to employ the services of Henry 'f. Taylor, a consult- ing engineer of New York, in connection with the preparation of plans and specifications for adequately taking care of the drainage situa- tion in the Murray Avenue - Glenn Road area. He said that a proposal had been received from Er. Taylor offering to do the necessary con- sulting work as specified in the proposal for the flat sun of x;400. on motion by Mr. Rates, seconded by 1,1r. Griffin, it was upon roll call (the Supervisor not voting] RESOLVED that the sum of '400 be and it hereby is appropriated to pay the e=ense of engaging the services of Henry W. Taylor as a consulting engineer in connection with the preparation of plans and specifications for adequately taking care of the drainage situation in the isiurray Avenue-Glenn Road. area. The Supervisor reported that he had conferred with County E=ineer Sells and i)lr. Ueorge L. Bourne, owner oi consiaeraole pro- perty on Weaver Street, in reference to the proposed_ widening, straightening and otherwise improving of "Reaver Street . The Board I ook no action on the matter. At 10030 P. t'he Board unanimously resolved to adjourn to meet again on Se_otemnber 22 instead of on Septeriber 15, the regu- lar meeting date . '�— Town Clerk