HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_08_04 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF TI7E TOWN BOARD
At the Town Offices, 158 _West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor vicCulloch
at 8: 30 P. TaI.
Present = Supervisor 2;4cCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, Yeginniss
Absent : None
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin, Town
Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith and Mr. Finson of the Town Welfare
Department .
Mr. Griffin reported on welfare matters, saying that the
case load in July was 210 compared with case load_ of 248 in June
at an expense in July of $7,525.43 compared with °j>8,469.81 in June.
The Supervisor reported that he was endeavoring to expedite
the collection of tax arrears and that a letter had been sent to every
delinquent taxpayer owning property in Sections 1 to 5 inclusive. He
said that he had designated certain parcels on which foreclosure pro-
ceedings would shortly start .
The regular order of business was suspended in order to
hear Yr. Edwin S. Diamond of the Chatsworth Coal and Supply Company,
who desired to address the Board.
Mr. Diamond requested
Company be permitted to pay the
1936 in the face amount thereof
perty owned by said company loc
of taxes involved, he said, was
that the Chatsworth
taxes for the years
without interest or
a.ted in Section 6 .
.$2,455. 74.
Coal and Supply
19341 1935 and
penalties on pro-
Che total amount
After considerable discussion the -matter was laid over for
further consideration.
There being no other persons present who desired to address
the Board, the regular order of business was resumed.
On motion by IVIr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 96A of Chapter 62
of the Laws of 1909 as amended the Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck does hereby authorize and empower
the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck to
collect the 1937 school taxes for Union Free School
District No. 1 in the 'Town of Mamaroneck, which,
under the provisions of Chapter 105 of the Laws of
1916 as amended, known as the Idestchester County Tax
Law, become a lien and are payable on September first,
1937, in two partial payments etch amounting to fifty
per cent (500) of any such school tax as levied;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of 'Taxes of the
Town of Mamaroneck is authorized and_ empowered to
receive the payment of such partial payments or
instalments of the 1937 school taxes for Union Free
School District No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck at
any time but subject to the same penalties as are
specified and provided, in Section 13 of Chapter 105
of the Laws of 1916 for the neglect to pay the total
amount of the school taxes after the levy thereof;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of any such
partial or instalment payment of the 1937 school
taxes for Union Free School District No. 1 in the
Town of Mamaroneck shall not be deemed to affect
in any manner any right of the Town of Mamaroneck
under any general or special Act, to enforce collection
of the unpaid balances of such taxes as may remain due
and owing to said Town, but such rights and powers shall
remain in full force and effect to enforce collection
of the unpaid balance of such school taxes, together
with interest, penalties and other lawful charges.
On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board do and it hereby does
designate The Daily Times, a daily newspaper published
in the Village and Town of Bamaroneck, The Larchmont
Times, a weekly newspaper published in the Village of
Larchmont and Town of Mamaroneck, and The Herald, a
weekly newspaper published in the Town of Hamaroneck,
for the purpose of publishing the notice of the collec-
tion of 1937 school taxes as required by law; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that said notice be published in
The Larchmont Times on Thursday, August 19, 1937' and
in The Daily Times and The Herald on Friday, August 20,
1937; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions
of Section 26 of the lNestchester County Tax Act, the
Town Board do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of
Taxes and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the
Town of Mamaroneck, whose address is known to said
Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, a tax bill for 1937
school taxes, the expense thereof to be a town charge,
The Town Attorney reported on the outcome of the condemna-
tion proceedings undertaken by the Town to acquire certain lands for
right-of-way purposes required in the construction of a parallel
route to the Boston Post Road known as County Road No. 67-2e He said
that the total area taken by the Town amounted to about 21,000
square feet; that the commissioners in condemnation have submitted
their report placing a value of twenty-five (25�) cents a square foot
on the land taken by the Town, together with the sum of about $1,700
for slope rights and that they declined all consequential damages.
The findings, he said, are very favorable to the Town and he recom-
mended that the Town authorize him to move to confirm the report.
On motion by Mr. 1,4egin iss, seconded by IVr. Bates, it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of the Town
Attorney, the Town Board authorize him to move
to confirm the report of the commissioners in
condemnation, as above set forth.
The Town Attorney reported to the Board that the Referee
in the certiorari action in respect to the roll of 1936, tax of
1937, instituted by the Larcrsmont Shore Club, was asking a fee of
$100. The Larchmont Shore Club has agreed to pay one-half of this
amount if the Town will pay the other half. He stated that he re-
cormnended the payment of this amount by the Town. The action never
went to trial, he added, because the Town agreed to settle and dis-
continue the action on the basis of the Referee ' s report in a
certiorari action brought by the same club in respect to the same pro-
perty against the Village of Larchmoht, which action did go to trial.
Upon motion of Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mir. Griffin, it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED that the payment
the fee of $100 asked by
certiorari action brought
Club against the Town in
by the Town of one-half
the Referee in the
by the Larchmont Shore
respect to the assessment
roll for the year 1936, tax of 1937, on the re-
commendation of the Town Attorney be and it hereby
is approved.
The Town Attorney reported
by the Town of certain tax liens held
by the Supervisor. He said that he
certain parcels for foreclosure, all
had been written to and most of whom
on the matter of foreclosures
by it and referred to above
and the Supervisor had selected
twelve of the owners of which
have failed to reply to the letters.
On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Brennan, it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he hereby
is authorized, empowered and directed to have last
owner searches made, to serve notices to redeem upon
and to institute foreclosure proceedings against the
owners of the following described properties, to wit:
1 to 10 incl.
24 to 28 Incl.
1,293,4,5, 9,10,11,12,13
58 to 62 incl.
29395;6, 4, 10911912,15916,
38939, 41
1B, 2B, 3B,4
15 to 19 Incl.
20921-23929, 30931932933934
27 and 28
A letter dated July 22, 1937, was received from Fred H.
Rubin, attorney of Mamaroneck, concerning a tax for the year 1876,
sale of 1877, on property known as Section 9, Block 57, Lots 26, 27
and 28. Mr. Rubin submitted a letter from Louis Renz, title searcher,
dated July 21, 1937, a letter from the Fidelity Title and Guarantee
Company dated July 22; 1937, and a letter from the intercounty Abstract
and Searching Company, inc. , dated July 21,1937, all testifying that
the tax lease covering this property was merged in the fee by virtue
of a certain deed recorded July 7, 1896 in Liber 1431, cp 477. The
Town Attorney recommended that the tax be canceled of record.
On motion by ➢4r. Bates, seconded by Mr. Brennan, it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is directed to cancel a tax for the
year 1876, sale of 1877, on property known as Section 9,
Block 571 Lots 263 27 and 28.
The Town Attorney presented an affidavit signed by Mamie
Mazzeo Miano, verified July 22, 1937, requesting the cancellation
of a tax lien covering taxes for the year 1934, sale of 1935, affect-
ing property described as Section 2, Block 36, Lots 28 and 29, on
the grounds that said lien is now fully satisfied and paid and that
she was unable to produce the original transfer of tax lien No. 257,
because she had lost same. Accompanying her affidavit was a certi-
ficate from Community Investors, Inc. , holder of said tax lien, stat-
ing that it had been paid and consenting that it be discharged of
On motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by lalr. Bates, it was
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is directed to cancel a tax lien
covering taxes for the year 1934, sale of 1935,
affecting property known as Section 2, Block 36,
Lots 28 and 29.
The Supervisor stated that the re-surfacing of Fenimore
Road in the Village of Mamaroneck from Palmer Avenue to Waverly
Avenue would be undertaken as a W. P . A. project with the County of
Westchester as sponsor, provided the Town Board adopted the necessary
resolution therefor.
On motion by Mr. hleginniss, seconded by Alr. Griffin, it
was upon roll call unanimously resolved
WHEREAS, there has been approved to the State Office
of the Federal Works Progress Administration, moneys
of Federal Works Progress Administration allocations
to the County of 'Westchester for various improvements
and projects in addition to projects specifically
approved, and
WHEREAS, in order to secure the approval of funds
under the rules and regulations of the Federal Works
Progress Administration for area-wide or town or
village projects standing in the name of the County,
it is necessary that the County be designated as
sponsor, and
P ,
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Westchester on the third day of May, 1937, duly
adopted a Resolution agreeing to assume the sponsor-
ship for the towns and/or other political subdivisions
of the County of Nestchester of projects to be operated
under the Federal Works Progress Administration as
applied for under certain area-wide or town or village
projects approved or to be approved upon the conditions
set forth in the said Resolution, which is made a part
hereof by reference thereto, with the same force and
effect as if a copy thereof was hereunto annexed, and
WHEREAS, an application has been duly made pursuant to
the rules and regulations of the Federal Works Progress
Administration for an allotment of funds in the approxi-
mate sum of Twenty Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-Two
Dollars and Twenty Cents ($20, 582.20) for the following
improvement project to wit: Construction of Pavement on
Fenimore Road, Town of Mamaroneck, and
WHEREAS, in and by such application it appears that the
cost to the Town of Mamaroneck as sponsor will amount
to approximately Eleven Thousand One Hundred. Forty-Nine
Dollars and Sixty Cents ($""11, 149,60) and the allotment
sought will amount to approximately Nine Thousand Four
Hundred Thirty-Two Dollars and Sixty Cents ($9,432,60) ,
WHEREAS, the County of Westchester will be put to
expense in connection with the preparation of various
forms and estimates on the foregoing project, in the
amount of approximately One Hundred and One Dollars,
($101. 00) , and
WEEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the approval
of the project and the allotment of moneys therefor
and of the County acting as sponsor, that the Town of
Mamaroneck assume the obligations in the Resolution
hereinafter set forth,
RESOLVED, that the Torun of Mamaroneck does hereby
request, authorize and designate the County of
destch.ester to act as its sponsor for the above
project, and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck does
hereby agree to
a) Assume full responsibility for all of sponsor' s
contributions on all of the projects applied for.
b ) Assume full responsibility for the results
accomplished on all such projects when completed and
c ) Assume full responsibility for the completion of
any work remaining unfinished if, as, and when federal
funds allocated to such work or project shall be in-
adequate to fully complete the same .
d) Pay the cost of all overhead placed upon the County
in arranging for carrying on and completion of such
work program and projects and for such sponsorship,
not exceeding $101.00, and it is
F07RTFER RESOLVED, that the 'Town of Mamaroneck enter
into a contract with the County of 'd'lestchester in
accordance herewith and with the aforesaid Resolution
of the Board of Supervisors, and the Supervisor of
the Town of Mamaroneck and the Town Clerk thereof are
hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on
behalf of said Town of Mamaroneck and affix the seal
thereof thereto.
A letter dated July 23, 1937, was received from the
Chatsworth Coal and Supply Company, Inc. concerning the supplying
of coal to the Town for welfare purposes. A letter dated Julv 30,
1937, referring to the proposition of the Chatsworth Coal Company
was received from Public 'Welfare Officer. DeVinne .
After discussion the matter was referred back to the
Public Vu'elfare Department .
The report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for
the month of July was received and filed.
The report of the Public Welfare Department for the month
of July was received and filed.
The report of the Building Inspector for the month of
July was received and filed.
The report of the Town Clerk for the month of July was
received and filed.
The Town Clerk said that he had been requested by the
Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to request the Town Board to
pass the customary resolution waiving interest on a tax lien held
by the Town in respect to taxes levied prior to 1916 .
On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in view of the action taken by the
Town in other and similar cases, the Receiver of
Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized
to accept payment of the tax for the year 19139 sale
of 1914, in the face amount of the lien held by the
T own, namely; 23.03, on property described as Sec-
tion 3, Block 18, without interest.
A letter dated August 2, 1937, was received from Edward
Petigor, concerning a proposed road adjoining property owned by
iiorris Petigor. The natter was referred to the Town Attorney.
The minutes of July 21, 1937, were approved as submitted.
At 10, 20 P. 1 1. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk