HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_07_21 Town Board Minutes REGULAR iVEETING OF THE TOBRi BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, N . Y. HELD JULY 211 1937 At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 11:00 P. M. Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, Meginniss Absent: None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin, Town Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, Town Engineer Foote and Building Inspector Cowham. The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear those persons who desired to address the Board. Mr. Gilbert Merenda addressed the Board to present a letter dated July 17, 1937, concerning a house which he desires to build at the dead end "stub" of Edgewood Avenue running westerly from Judson Street on Lots 197 and 198. The letter stated that he was willing to install a sewer main himself provided the Town would lend him a com- pressor to assist in doing the work. The matter was laid over pending an inspection of the pro- perty by the members of the Board. There being no other persons who desired to address the Board, the regular order of business was resumed. Mr. Griffin reported on park matters. He stated that the Park Commission had informed "Lim that the matter of certain over-hanging trees and shrubs which obstruct the sidewalks in Larchmont Gardens was not properly a Park Commission matter, since the property in question is under the jurisdiction of the Highway Department. This was a matter which had been referred to Mr. Griffin on July 7, 1937, to take up with the Park Department. In this connection the Town Clerk presented a letter dated July 150 1937, from the Park Department to the same effect. The matter was referred to the Town Clerk for action in accor- dance with the provisions of Section 5 of Chapter IV of the General Ordinances of the Town. Mr. Griffin reported that the Park Commission desired a small site at the Town sewage disposal plant property on which to erect a shed for its exclusive use for storage purposes. The Supervisor told Mr. Griffin to notify the Park Commission that if it has sufficient money in its budget to permit the erection of such a shed, there would be no ob- jection to erecting such a shed on the Town' s sewage disposal plant pro- perty. Mr. Griffin reported that the Park Commission had complained _ to him concerning certain faults in the curbing around the Larchmont Gardens Lake. The matter was referred to the Town Engineer. The Supervisor stated that it would be in order for the Board to fill the vacant the P o y n ark created by the resignation of Mr. Frank A. Downes. He suggested the name of "Ir. C. Stewart Cornea ux, 14 Glen Eagles Drive, Larchmont. On motion by Mr. Meginniss, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously 0 RESOLVED, that Mr. C. Stewart Comeaux, 14 Glen Eagles Drive, Larchmont, be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of IYtr. Frank A. Downes, his term of office to expire December 31, 1939. Mr. Meginniss presented three financial reports as follows: (1) Condensed Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the Period January 1 to June 30, 1937; (2) Statement of 1937 Revenues Estimated and Received as of June 30, 1937 and (3) Statement of Budget Appro- priations and Expenditures as of June 30, 1937. The reports were ordered filed. The Supervisor and Mr, i�4eginniss called to the attention of the Board the storm water situation in the Glen Road - Murray Avenue School area. The Supervisor said that he had received a number of complaints from residents of this area that their cellars were being flooded and that drains were backing up because of the lack of capacity of the storm drains. After considerable discussion the matter was referred to the Town Engineer for investigation and presentation of a complete report thereon. The Board discussed the matter of acquiring certain storm drain easements through properties fronting on the easterly end of Forest Avenue, particularly those of Martino, Schor and Robertson. The Board agreed to offer not in excess of 42.00 per running foot for these easements. The Supervisor reported that he was still endeavoring to obtain from the W. P. A. information as to the number of men, resi- dents of the Town of Mamaroneck, who are employed on VT. P. A. projects, especially projects outside of the Town. It appears, he said, that the W. P. A. projects in the Town for which the Town or one of the villages is the sponsor are employ- ing about fifty men who are not residents of the Town. The Supervisor suggested that the Board hold but one meet- ing in August, namely, on the first Wednesday in the month, August 4, 1937. The Board unanimously agreed to hold but one meeting in the month of August, namely, August 4, 1937, the first Wednesday in the month. The Town Attorney stated that he recommended the settle- ment of certiorari proceedings instituted by Larchmont Shore Club, Inc. to review the assessment upon a parcel of property in the Village of Larchmont, known as Section 7, Block 81, Lot 8A for the year 1936 on the basis of a reduction in the assessment from $200,000 to $190,825. Upon motion made by Councilman Bates and seconded by Councilman Brennan, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, heretofore and on or about the 1st day of October, 1936, a writ of certiorari was obtained by Larchmont Shore Club Inc. , owners of Section 7, Block 81, Lot SA, to review the assessment upon the premises owned by them; and WHEREAS, a return to such writ was duly filed by the Assessor and Board of Review on or about the 16th of November, 1936, and no further proceedings have been taken, except that on January 29, 1937, John L. Coward was appointed Referee by order of the Supreme Court; and WHEREAS, the Town Attorney and Assessor recommend to this Board that the proceeding be settled and discontinued upon the reduction of the said assess- ment from $200,000.00 to $190,825.00 NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment for the year 1936 upon property known as Section 7, Block 81, Lot 8A -- assessed for $200,000.00 be reduced to $190,825.00 provided the certiorari proceeding now pending, in the name of Larchmont Shore Club, Inc. be discontinued without cost. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipu- lation to obtain an order of the Supreme Court pro- viding for such reduction and refund of any excess taxes paid. The minutes of the meeting of July 7, 1937, were approved as submitted. A letter dated July 20, 1937, was received from Ivr. A. E. Wullsohleger, complaining of the Larchmont village garbage dump. The letter was ordered filed. A petition dated July 8, 1937, signed by ten residents of Dillon Park, was received from Mrs. Arthur T. E. Newkirk, 56 Dillon Road, requesting that a caution sign be placed on Dillon Road to protect the lives of the children of that neighborhood. The letter was ordered referred to the Police Commission. A claim in the amount of $25.00 was received from Mr. Charles F. Mink ` for professional services rendered in supervising reconstruc- tion of that portion of Chatsworth Gardens Apartment destroyed by fire. " The Supervisor stated that Mr. Mink had been employed to do this work and recommended that the claim be paid. On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the claim of Mr. Charles F. Slink, as above described, be and it hereby is approved and ordered paid. A letter dated July 7, 1937, was received from E. G. Van Sciver and ordered entered in the minutes as follows: July 7, 1937 Mr. Walter R. Marvin, Town Clerk Mamaroneck, New York Dear Mr. Marvin: In accordance with Section 250 of the Education Law, please be advised that the following were duly elected or appointed at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Education of this School District held last evening: Mr. Richard I. Land, 3 Langdon Lane, Mamaroneck, N. Y. , as a member of the Board of Education to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Francis E. O' Callaghan, J. , Mr. Land to serve until the next Annual Election of Trustees and until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. Mr. Joseph F. Curren, 160 Broadway, hew York, N. Y. , as Attorney for the Board. Mr. Arthur J. lylannix, 12 Kenmare Road, Larchmont, N. Y. , as Treasurer of the Board. Mr. K. G. Van Sciver, 15 Vanderburgh Avenue, Larchmont, New York, as Clerk of the Board. Pier. John C. Fisher, 71 Myrtle Boulevard, Larch_mont, N. Y. , as Attendance Officer and Census Taker. VS:AL Cordially yours, /s/ K. G. Van Sciver Clerk A petition dated July 21, 1937, was received from the Assessor requesting the correction of the assessment roll for 1932, taxes of 1933, on the grounds that Lot 2B, Block 37, Section 9, was erronesouly assessed as a separate lot whereas in reality it formed part of a lot known as Lot 2B-3A, with a frontage of 60 feet and the correct assessment for a 60-foot lot was $2, 500. On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, 'K EREAS, the Assessor has petition dated July 21, 1937, for t of the assessment roll for the year 1933, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as as the Westchester County Tax Act; presented a 2e correction 1932, taxes of Section 33 of amended, known and INEEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1932, taxes of 1933, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: c. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 37 2B Alice Griffin $22000 - $2, 000 9 37 3A Alice Griffin 21500 2, 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 4 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 37 2B13A Alice Griffin $22500 - $21500 FURTHER RESOLVED, that there be refunded to Alice Griffin, the owner of the above property, the amount of over-payment of the tax caused by the above described error, without interest. A petition dated July 21, 1937, was received from the Assessor requesting the correction of the assessment roll for 1936, taxes of 1937, as more fully set forth below, in order to permit the apportionment of taxes. On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Brennan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition dated July 21, 1937, for the correction of the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correc- tion of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 19370 which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. 1 6 24, 25 Rockledge Holding Corp. $8, 000 250 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. 1 6 24A,25A Rockledge Holding Corp. ?5,250 $ 250 1 6 24B, 25B Emily S. Abbink 23750 - FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: dotal $8,250 Total $5,500 2,750 Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Irn Total 1 6 31 Rockledge Holding Corp. $22500 - $23500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 6 31A Emily S. Abbink $1,450 - $12450 1 6 31B Rockledge Holding Corp. 11050 - 12050 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 2 10 54 to 58 Sheppard-Pollak West' r Corp.$2, 600 - $21600 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 2 10 54,55,56A George D. Kellogg $11300 - $15300 2 10 56B,57,58 Macar Holding Corp. 1, 300 - 1, 300 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 2 22 27B,28 to John Baltz $4$ 75 - $4,375 33,58, 59 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 2 22 27B, 28,29 F. Richard Anderson & W $1,375 - $1,375 2 22 30 to 33, John Baltz 3,000 - 3,000 58,59 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 22 6,7A,11 Y. M. Goldschmidt $133000 $25, 000 $385000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the - provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: See. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 22 617A,11B Ethel Ni. Purcell 72000 $ 25,000 $320000 7 22 11A P(. M. Goldschmidt 6,000 - 61000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 4 28 1 Howell Estate 7,380 $ 73500 $142880 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Owner Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 4 28 1 Howell Estate 5,430 $ 7,500 $$121930 4 28 12 Bernice J. Schain 1, 950 - 10950 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 44E 46 to 48 53 to 81 New Rochelle Realty Co. $$17,800 $ 3,500 $p21, 300 44F 1 to 25 & A 58 1 to 6A be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner 1 44E 53 to 81 New Rochelle Realty Co 44F 1 to 25 & A 58 1 to 6A 1 44E 46 to 48 Parkway 'Nest Corp. Land Imp. Total $17,050 $ 32500 $20, 550 750 - 750 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 76 lA Sheldrake Glen B1drs.Inc. $$9,000 $4,000 $$13,000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 76 lA Sheldrake Glen B1drs.Inc. $$6,200 $4,000 $10,200 8 76 lE Roy M. Ideiklejohn 2,800 - 2,800 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 8 1 to 14 Tillie Pli. Chagaris �`�'9,500 - $ 91500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land 'Imp. Total 8 8 1 to 6 Tillie Al. Chagaris $14,000' - 04;000 ` 8 8 7, 8 Teresa Paonessa 13000 ., - 1,000 8 8 9 to 14 Tillie A. Chagaris 40500 - 42500 At 12:00 midnight the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. l./ G /