HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_07_07 Town Board Minutes U �- r --ic p m „: TOJIN BOARD REGULAR i1�"�'t�lil�u 0_ Yw TO V17 OF i; yi1AR01 Cri N. Y. HELD SLILY 7, 1937 At the Town Offices, 158 Driest Boston Post Road, 10'amaroneck, IT. Y. 8025 P . 111. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor I;icCulloch at Present ! Supervisor :McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, i,Meginniss Absent : none The _presence was also noted of Town Clerk !UIarvin, Town Attorney Delius, assessor Smith Public Welfare Officer DeVinne, Sucerintendent of Sewers Corwin and Assistant Attorney Sch,lrartzreich. The minutes of the meetings of June 16 and June 28 were approved as printed. The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear those persons .^.Mho desired to address the Board. Public Welfare Officer DeVinne addressed the Board to present a letter dated Jule- 7 , 1937, in which he notified. the Board that 'drs . Katherine Westwood., the Case 'JGork Supervisor of t'r_e Public elfare Depart=went resigned her position a. s of Juir l5, 1937, to take a position with the Southern Tier Children ' s Home in Elmira, Mew York, and that 'miss Frances Eaton, Case GVorl,�er, also resigned her position as of July, 15, 1937, to accept a position with the Children' s Board in Wash.ington, D. C. He recomsaended that Ers. Itiiyra K. ideLUnann be appointed as the Case ':fork Supervisor, Grade B, on a ter.porary basis at a salary of ; 1, 800 a year. On motion by ?1ir. Griffin, seconded by dr. Bates it was un.anirlou sly R SOLVED that on the -recommendation of the Public Welfare ')fficer 1, rs. 'zTvra K. 1?euiaann be and she hereby is appointed Case �.Vork Supervisor, Grade 3, on a ternporarr basis at a salary at the rate of ' 1,800 a year, effective July 15, 1937. Mr. DeVinne orally recor.mended to the Board that Miss Frances Qu.inlivan, an Investi',ator in his department, be promoted to the position of Case Worker to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of I.Iiss Eaton at a salary at the rate of 500 a year. On motion by qtr. Griffin, seconded by -.1r. Bates, it was unanimously RESOL'TEID, that on t-ie recorrmendation of the Public Welfare Officer Liss Frances Cluinlivan, an Investigator in the Public ;Gel fare Department, be ;ororaoted to the position of Case ';Vbrker to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of hiss Frances Haton at a salary at the rate of s' 1 500 a year, effective July 15, 1937 . Mlir. DeVinne informed the Board that the 11 . P. A. office in a,Thite Plains is closing and will be moved to Albany. The Supervisor cor2mented on the fact that he had rec,uested of the +'?. P. A. the nurn2ber of those raerl from y!amaronecl: who are employed by it and that he had. been refused this information. re said that if Gne Town does not lkno>,ir how many Mam.aronecl-: men are employed. by ?"+'. P. A. , it is e-trernely difficult for the Tot'rn to b-adget its Welfare expenses. N Mr. lriffin retorted on the monthly welfare report which shows 222 cases on the relief rolls for the month of June as against 246 for the month of /,lay at a cost in June of 19,022. 04 compared vith a cost in /:Tay of E€; 3 469.31. i�r. LeViline explained that the increase in expenses compared viith. the decrease in the nu,nber of cases handled was due to the calendar i7hiclh shows more "pay days '! in June than in 'iaV. uT.r. Gilbert Herenda. of Larchmont addressed the Board to _ request the construction of a street and the installation of sewer and vater mains at the dead_ end "stub ' of dgezood. Avenue, running westerly from Judson Street. Ii!r. Corwin, Sewer Superintendent, stated- that the cost of the sewer alone would be about The matter was referred to Y; r. rates for investigation and reporc . The 3oard thereupon j;vent into executive session. it discussed with ideal R. Andrews and ?eter N. Rathvon of Edgewater point matters concerning certain lots on the Point, on c;,,hich there are ccnsiderable tax arrears . At the conclusion of the executive session the regular order, of business was resluned. The Supervisor stated that he had bee: requested. by Fire Chief LeVino to give permission to the Fire Department to send one piece of apparatus to a firemanic gathering at Hastings and that he had done so . He requested that the Town Board approve of his action. The Board- unanimously ratified, approved and confirmed the action of the Supervisor as stated above. A letter dated. June 23, 1937, was received from jje� er Kurz 'thanking the Board for the erection of a ''Dead :End-'' street sign at the entrace to Woody Lane. The letter v-Tas ordered filed. The Suoervisor presented a letter dated D-lay 3, 1937/, from Frank A. Doivnes . Chairman of the 3oard of Park Commissioners of Park District No . 1, submitting his resignation as Chairman and member of said Board, because he was moving to Connecticut. On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVE-- that th.e resignation of Frank A . Downes as Chairman and member of the Board of Park Com- missioners of Park Nistr; ct No. 1 be and it hereby is accepted with regret; and be it FTR7HE 4 S!]1; T D that the Cler_%, write .,o ::Ir. Donnes expressing the ap_�recia-tion of the Board for his splendid 1.Dubuc service and the Board' s regret at his moving away From the Town. A petition dated July 7, 1937, was received from the Assessor requesting the correction of the assessment roll for 1936 ta__ of 1937, as more fully set forth below, in order to permit the apportionment of takes. On eaotion by '„lr. Griffin seconded- by i�Ir. Hates, it was unanimousl,r R1'SGLUED nEi; 'AS the 1,ssessor ':.a.s presented a I dated July 7, 193'7, for the correction of the assessment roll for the Veal' 1936, ta`: of 1937 , pursuant to the provisions of Secdion 33 of Chapter i0� of the Lavvs of 1910 as amended kno rrn as tl;e lirestchester County Ta.;: pct; anc! 'di EREAS, after due cons _deration this Board finds it desirable to -rant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll; 3 TrR 37 IT - be corrected as follows, in accordance -with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33s Sec. B11c. RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year Total 1936 tax o° 1937 -nvh?c shoves -o roperu- scow Colre_ Realty Co. 2;;43050 8, 500 12 550 appearing on th_e rolls as follo�^�s - 7, 8 Carl A. Gugliel;"ao 1, 600 Sec. 331"c. Lot Owner- Land Ii: o, Total 1 28 31 'co 36 Lill'ia-n tellanse 1,800 s3, 000 ` 4,800 new be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33- 0wcaer Land Sec. Blk. Lot ,,wner Land_ Imp. Total 1 28 31 to 34 Lillian Eollanse `?1, 200 ,3 000 4, 200 1 28 35, 36 IIfary Weber 600 600 as - 3110VT8, in accordance ,with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 330 FUR RES- 117TED that the assessment roll for the Owner Land Ii;1 year 1936, tan of 1937, which. shows property norr SA 25, 26 Fenimore Cooper Est. Inc. ap_oearin3 on the roils as follows- ,i5 BOO 2 8A Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land IrI Total 2 21 1 to 8 Colrex Realty Co. 105 650 '8 500 `'14 i 50 - be corrected as follows, in accordance -with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33s Sec. B11c. Lot Owner Land Imn, Total 2 21 1 to 6 Colre_ Realty Co. 2;;43050 8, 500 12 550 2 21 7, 8 Carl A. Gugliel;"ao 1, 600 1,600 FURTHER RESOLVED that the a.ssessinent roll for the year 1936, 3 tax of 1937, which shows property new appearin7 on the rolls as follows: Sec. 311c. Lot 0wcaer Land ling. Total 2 8A 25526527 Fer ' ore Cooper Est. Inc. `';>8, 800 - 8 300 be correcte% as - 3110VT8, in accordance ,with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 330 Sec, Blk. Lot Owner Land Ii;1 Total 2 SA 25, 26 Fenimore Cooper Est. Inc. ",')5, 800 - ,i5 BOO 2 8A 27 ,c iP 3,000 3,000 rURTE]R RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, tax of 1937, which shows property now appearin^- on the -rolls as follows- Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land h- Total 2 22 7 to 15 Jay R. Teichner x;8,400 - 400 be corrected as Follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33; Sec . 31k. Lot Owner Land Irnn. Total 2 22 7P8, 1 B Jay H. Teichner ?E2, 000 5i�2, 000 2 22 9A to 11A 123 to 15B r r 2,400 2, 400 2 22 1IB,12A to J. Iaax "Weisser L 'l:i, 45000 4,000 15A 7U!HT3=FR RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, tali of 1937, wwhich shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Land Iran. Total 4 9 - S:Telbourne-Halstead .Bldg. Co . c„8,000 :„2,000 `';,10,000 be be corrected as follors, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 provisions of provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Bllk. Sec. :61k. Lot Owner Total Land Ira . Total 4 9 - iaielbourne-Halstead Bldg. Co. y,6, 250 - 6, 250 4 9 1 Dora Gu`,lielmo 5 000 1, 750 85 3, 750 " " �` " 2, 250 2, 250 %`,2, 000 FURT�'R RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, tax of 1937, which shows property now appearin” on the rolls as follows Sec. Blk. Lot Omrner Land 9 15 8 to 11 Fred P. 3oeh[n (>s w. E; 10, 300 - be corrected as follows, in accordance vaith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. 9 15 8, 9, 10A Larchmont Fed, S/L Assn. j 8, 200 - ll 9 15 103, 11B Fred F. Boehm & W. 2, 100 FURTHER HESDLVED, that the assessment roll for U're year 1936, tax of 1937, which shows property now a:opearing on the rolls as follows: Total :lop 300 Total 8, 200 2,100 Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Sm p. Total 9 85 16 to 23aVest' r T . & T . Go . in Liq. °p13 250 11 ; 13 250 be be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 provisions of s--.abd.ivision 5 of Section 33: 31ia. Lot Sec. Bllk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 93 39 9 85 16 to 19 West' r T . c T. Coin Lia. S, 65000 - 4ji 65000 9 85 20, 21, 22 if if it N it 5,000 5 000 9 85 23 ” " " �` " 2, 250 2, 250 FURTEEER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, tax of 1937, which shows property now a.poearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land_ Imo Total 9 93 3 Prentiss Gray `;)49, 500 - 8;>49' 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33. Sec. 31ia. Lot Owner Land lrep. Total 9 93 39 Helen H. Scholle "1,47p700 $47117/00 9 93 3B Rosalie 'v. 'r_endricks 13800 1, 800 FURTHER RESC'L`JED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, tax of 193'7, whicla shows property now appearing on the -rolls as fo11owa - ec. 131k. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 2 8A 61, 61A, 62 Fenimore Cooper Est. � 4, 000 - �1_3 43000 N be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33; Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imti. Total 2 8A 61 Fenimore Cooper Est . x2, 000 - S:"2 000 2 8A 61A, 62 Fenimore Cooper 'Est. 2,000 2,000 FJRTHEit RESOL'IFD, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, tan of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows- Sec. Blk. Lot 10 e Land Irn . Total 2 38 10,11 Harvey D. Symonds X9, 500 `'11, 000 X20,500 39 to 46 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33a Sec . elk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 2 38 10111 Harvey D. Symonds p6, 650 fi11,000 .'x17, 650 39 to 43 2 38 44545, 46 29850 2,850 F7RTII'ER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, tan of 1937 -:which shows property now ajDpearing on the rolls as follows„ Sec. Blk. Lot Ov,ner Land Imp. 'Total 1 57 28 to 33 George '4. Burton &43500 - ?45500 be corrected as follol:vs, in accordance viith the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33a Sec. Blk. Lot Owner land Imp_ Total 1 57 28 to 31 George V1. Burton ` 3,000 - 1;;3, 000 1 57 32, 33 " N " 13500 15500 Two letters each dated June 25, 1937, were received from Anthony A. Russo, Secretary of the Larchmont Gardens Association, requestin_ that the Board take action to consider the removal of limbs of trees and shrubs that overhang and obstruct the sidelwal'_rs of Larc'nmont Gardens to the annoyance of pedestrians and that create traffic hazards at certain corners in the Gardens . The letters were referred to Ter. Griffin.to take up with the Park Cor2aission. The report of the Building inspector for the month of June vvas received and filed. The report of the 6uelfare Department for the month of June was received and filed. The re-oo-rt of the -Down Clerk for the month of June was received and filed. The relcort of the Receiver of Ta es and Assessments for the month of June vras received and filed. At 9: 50 P. J.4. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. Town Clerk