HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_06_28 Town Board Minutes SPECIAL MEETING CF ''" I-E TOE,', l BOARD
HELD JUNE, 28, 1937
At the Town Offices, 158 Vhiest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch
at 8:25 P. M.
Present: Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Gri_°fin, 1!:teginniss
Absent; None
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin and
Mr. J. Hibberd Taylor, Chairman of the Larchmont Republican Village
Corsaittee .
A petition dated t!lay 19, 1937, signed by about fifty
names, was received asking that the Town acquire the property on
Myrtle Boulevard known as luyrtle Tavern, in order to add it to the
Larcmmort Station Park property® Analysis of the petition showed
that at least twenty per cent of the signers were not residents of
Par'_ti District No. 1 of the Town of -Mamaroneck.
After discussion, in which Messrs. iuieginr_iss and Griffin
requested that they be recorded as not participating, the petition
was ordered filed.
At this -ooint Mrs. Leland T. Atherton, representing her
husband, the Chairman of the laiamaroneck Democratic Town Committee,
and Burton C . Pleighan, Jr. , Chairman of the lvlamaroneek Republican
Town Committee entered the meeting.
The Supervisor stated that in view of the fact that at a
recent meeting of the Board a petition had been received signed by
several hundred residents of the First Election District of the Town
requesting- that said election district be divided into two districts
and also in view of the fact that several of the election districts
of the Town are over-crowded, it would be advisable for the Board to
consider creating several new districts, in order to relieve the over-
crowding. He presented a map showing a suggested re-arrangement of
some of the election districts.
The Board discussed the _matter at some length with the
representatives of the various political committees and made certain
changes to the :map as submitted. The representatives of the political
corLmittees expressed themselves as satisfied with the proposed re-
On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by !;Ir. Griffin, it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED that the mao submitted at this meeting, as
amended, creating 15 election districts in the Town
of Mamaroneck be and it hereby is approved; and be
F`JRTHER RESOLVED that the boundaries of said 15 election
districts in the Town of Mamaroneck, as shown on said
map, be and they hereby are described as follows:
Bounded on the soot
tracks, on the east
River; on the north.
and Winfield Avenue
of Old ?hite Plains
by the N. Y. , N. H. w H. Railroad
by the center line of 11amaroneck
by the center line of Barry Avenue
and on the *nest by the center line
Road and Mamaroneck Avenue.
Bounded on the south by the N. Y. , N. H. L H. Railroad
tracks, on the east by the center line of Mamaroneck
Avenue and Old White Plains Road, on the north .by the
Town of :Mamaroneck-Village of Mamaroneck boundary line
and on the west by the Town of Mamaroneck-Village of
Mamaroneck boundary line .
Bounded on the south by Long Island Sound, on the east
by the center line of Mamaroneck River, on the north by
the A Y. , N. H. &, H. Railroad tracks and on the west
by the center line of Fenimore Road.
Bounded on the south by Long Island Sound, on the east
by the center line of Fenimore Road, on the north by
the N. Y. , N. H. & H. Railroad tracks, and on the west
by the Town of Mamaroneek-Village of Mamaroneck boundary
Bounded on the south by a line starting at a point on
the Town of Hamaroneck-Village of Mamaroneck boundary
line situated 1300 feet easterly from the center line
of Fenimore Road and extending to the center line of
Old White Plains Road, thence southerly to the inter-
section of Old White Plains Road .and Winfield Avenue,
thence along; the center line of Winfield Avenue and
Barry Avenue, on the east by the center line of Mamaro-
neck River, on the north by the Town of Hamaroneck-Town
of Scarsdale boundary line and on the west by a line
starting at a point on said Town of Mamaroneck-Town of
Scarsdale boundary line 1300 feet easterly from the center
line of Fenimore Road and extending southerly to a point
on the Town of Yamaroneck-Village of IMamaroneck boundary
line, which point is 1300 feet easterly of Fenimore Road.
Bounded on the south by the center line of Boston Post
Road, on the east by the Town of Mamaroneck-Village
of Larchmont boundary line, on the north by the N. Y. ,
N. H. & H. Railroad tracts and on the west by the center
line of Chatsworth Avenue.
Bounded on the south by the center line of Boston Post
Road, on the east by the center line of Chatsworth Avenue,
on the north by the N. Y. , N. H. & H. Railroad tracks and
on the west by the center line of East avenue and Larchmont
Bounded on the south by Long Islannd Sound, on the east by
the Village of Larchmont-Town of Mamaroneck boundary line,
on the north by the center line of Boston Post Road and
on the west by the center line of Beach Avenue.
Bounded on the south by the center line of Boston Post
Road, on the east by the center line of Larchmont Avenue
and East Avenue, on the north by the N. Y. , N. H. & N.
Railroad tracks, and on the west by the Town of Mamaroneck-
City of New Rochelle boundary line .
Bounded on the south by Lon; Island Sound., on the east by
the center line of Beach Avenue, on the north by the center
line of Boston Post Road, and on the west by the Town of
Mamaroneck-City of New Rochelle boundary line .
Bounded on the south by the N. Y. , N. H. y H. Railroad
tracks, on the east by the center line of N. Chatsworth.
Avenue and Murray Avenue, on the north by the northerly
line of the Pelham-Fort Chester Parkway from the center
line of Murray Avenue to the center line of Madison Avenue,
thence along the center line of Madison Avenue to a point
thereon 100 feet northwesterly from the northerly line of
Lester Place, thence westerly along a line 100 feet norther-
ly from the northerly line of Lester Place and parallel
therewith to the Town of Mamaroneck-City of New Rochelle
boundary line and on the west by the Town of Mamaroneck-
City of New Rochelle boundary line
Bounded on the south by the center line of Forest Avenue,
the center line of Weaver Street from Forest Avenue to
Rockland Avenue and the center line of Rockland Avenue
from Weaver Street to the Town of Mamaroneck-Village of
Mamaroneck boundary line and by said boundary line to a
point thereon 1300 feet easterly from the center line of
Fenimore Road, on the east by a line 1300 feet easterly
from the center line of Fenimore Road to a point on the
Town of hamaroneck-Town of :Scarsdale boundary line 1300
feet easterly from the center line of Fenimore Road, on
the north by the Town of Mamaroneck-Torn of Scarsdale
boundary line and on the west by the Town of Mamaroneck-
City of New Rochelle boundary line.
Bounded on the south by a. line drawn parallel with and
100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Lester
Place running from the Totem of tFamaroneck-City of New
Rochelle boundary line to the center line of ladison
Avenue, thence southerly along the center line of Madison
Avenue to the northerly line of the Pelham-Port Chester
Parkway, thence northeasterly along said line to the
center line of Murray Avenue, bounded on the east by the
center line of Murray Avenue, on the north by the center
line of Forest Avenue and on the west by the Town of
Mamaroneck-City of New Rochelle boundary line.
Bounded on the south by the N. v, , N. H. & H. Railroad
tracks, the Town of Mamaroneck-Village of Larchmont
boundary line and the center line of Boston Post Road,
on the east by the center line of Weaver Street , on the
north by the center line of Forest Avenue and on the
west by the 'center line of Murray Avenue and N. Chatsworth.
Avenue .
Bounded on the south by the Town of Mamaroneck-Village
of La'rcmont boundary line as it winds and turns from
the center line of Boston Post Road to Long Island Sound
and by the graters of Long Island Sound, on the east by
the Town of Yamaroneck-Village of Mamaroneck boundary line,
on the north by the center line of Rockland Avenue from
said boundary ,line to its intersection with the center line
of Weaver Street, on the west by the center line of 'Weaver
Street from the center line of Rockland Avenue to the center
line of Boston Post Road and thence by the center line of
Boston Post Road to the Town of 1,1amaroneck-Village
of Larchmont boundary line.
On motion by 'VIr. !,Ieginniss, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it
was unanimously
R'ESOLVEL that copies of the map showin'_ the
15 election districts of the Town of Hianaroneck,
as approved at this meeting, be supplied by the
Town Clerk to the Chairmen of the two major
_. political. parties and that copies of said raao in
reduced form be provided by the Town Clerk for
the use of 'Election Inspectors and the public.
A letter dated. Jane 23, 1937, was received from Edward A.
Keeler, the Town" s insurance broker, riving notice that by reason
of the _promulgation of a flat p'reiriiv_u rate for the limits carried
or the To,,m policemen in respect to automobile non -ownership
liabi L'- t-Ir, a saving had been made in the amount of the premium of
X193.04. The letter was ordered filed.
The report of the County Healt'n -Department for the month
of Slay was received and filed..
A letter dated June 21, 1937, was received from the County
EnEinser stating that the repairs on the two bridges as considered
by the Board at its meeting on June 16, 1937, could be postponed
until 1933 but not thereafter. The letter was ordered filed.
At 9:50 P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to