HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_06_02 Town Board Minutes REGULAR PaiEETING OF THE TO' N BOARD TO',,'i OF !LM .MARONECK, N. Y. HELD JUNE 2, 1937 At the Town Offices, 158 :'Vest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8: 55 P. "aC. Present: Supervisor Ide Culloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, PMeginniss Absent: :done The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin, Town Attorney Delius, Comptroller Luceno and Assessor Smith. The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear those persons who desired to address the Board. The Town Clerk reported that he had received five appli- cations for dance hall licenses in accordance with the -orovisions of Chapter 9 of the General Ordinances of the Town, which applica- tions must be approved by the Town :Board before a license can be granted. A representative of each of the five applicants was present and was interrogated by the Supervisor who inquired whether the applicants had. ever had a liquor license revoked by the A. B. C. Board, whether the premises conducted by them had ever been closed by the police, and related matters. After hearing the applicants the Board unanimously approved _ the issuance of licenses to the following applicants, subject to the conditions imposed by the Fire Inspector as set forth by him on the application blank: (1) Lido Club Casino (fonserly Red Lion inn) , _ Boston Post Road Larclznont; (2 ) Sagamore Inn, 163 Boston Post Road, Larchmont; (3) Loyal Inn, Boston Post Road, Larchmont, conditioned upon further investigation. The Board also approved the issuance of a license to Hickory Lodge ( formerly Post Lodge) , Boston Post Road, Larc'rLmont, subject to compliance with any conditions which the Fire Inspector may impose after investigation. The application of the Park Tavern, corner of Fifth Avenue and 'Talley Place, Larchmont, was laid on the table, pending a report from the Police Department . Mr. Louis 'Lingesse-r, attorney of :Mamaroneck, addressed the Board to present a petition signed, he said., by more than three hundred voters residing in the upper end of the First Election District of the Town of mmnaroneck, requesting that the First Election District be divided. The petition was ordered received. Constable 'Xilliam J. Yanny addressed the Board to present a bill for '-,5. 00, representing the premium on his surety bond as constable . No provision for paying this premium was made in the 1937 budget, he said. On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. 3rennan, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the claim for the premium of S'S5.00 on the surety bond of Constable ''1illia, J. Yanny for the year 1937 be and it hereby is approved and ordered paid out of surplus funds not other- wise appropriated. There being no other persons who desired to address the Board, the regular order of business was resumed. W The minutes of the meetings of May 19 and May 22 were approved as corrected. Mr. Griffin reported on welfare matters. He stated that the case load in May was 24B compared with 283 in April at a cost in May of $8, 469.81 compared with a cost of 811, 522. 97 in April. Comptroller Luceno stated that the Highway Department had received bids for three trucks which it desired to purchase, said — trucks to be used at the present time for general highway and W. P . A. project purposes with the possibility that they might later be con- _ verted into trucks for the collection of garbage, if needed. He' stated that thirteen bids had been received and that the bids for the lightest trucks would not be considered, because it was believed that they would not be substantial enough to do the work -required.. Of the bids considered acceptable, he said, the lowest was that submitted by Warming' s Garage, Mamaroneck, for three International trucks at a total cost of U5, 107. 531 which bid a committee consisting of Town Engineer Foote, Town Mechanic Poccia and himself recommended be accepted. On motion by Mr. 'Bates, seconded by Mr. Brennan, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that on the recommendation of the committee as above set forth the bid of Warming' s Garage to supply three International trucks at a total cost of � I5, 107. 53, being the lowest and best bid, be and it hereby is accepted and the contract awarded to said Warming' s Garage. The Town Attorney presented a letter from Austin X. Griffen dated lay 20, 1937, concerning the 1927 tax on Section 1, Block 25, Lots 34 and 35, which had been referred to him at the meeting on hay 22, 1937. He recommended approval of Mr. Griff en' s request that said tax be cancelled on the grounds that satisfactory evidence had been produced showing that this tax had in fact been paid. On motion by Mr. Meginniss, seconded by Mr. Brennan, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, KHEREAS, proof satisfactory to this Board has been 'received to the effect that the 1927 state, county and town tax on Section 1, Block 25, Lots 34 and 35 owned by Mrs. Francis Brady, has been paid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is directed to cancel said tax and to mark his records accordingly. A letter dated May 27, 1937, was received from Laura E. Winn, requesting cancellation of a tax for the year 1913, sale of 19141 the lien for which is held by the Town, on property known as Section S. Block 25, Lots 31 and 32. On motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the action taken by the Board in other and similar cases, the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized to accept payment of a tax of 1913, sale of 1914, the lien for which is held by the Town in the amount of 6;;3.28 on property known as Section 8, Block 25, Lots 31 and 32 in the face amount of the lien without interest, provided payment be made within thirty days. The report of the County health Department for the month of April was received and filed. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of I,lay was received and filed. The 'report of the Building Inspector for the month of i, av was received and filed. The -report of the Welfare Office for the month of !,,lay was received and filed. A letter dated May 20, 1937, was received- from the State Department of Audit and Control, enclosing a copy of the report of examination of the Town highway accounts for the year 1936. The report showed the accounts to be in order without exceptions. A letter dated May 27, 1937, was received from Public Welfare Officer DeVinne, enclosing cony of a letter which he had received from the State T. E. R. A. regarding claims issued for the William T . Herlyn Estate. This was a matter which at the meeting of the Board on 'May 19, 1937, was laid over. After discussion it was upon motion by sir. ?vleginniss, seconded by Pr. Bates, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the claims for the William T. Herlyn Estate for rent furnished on the order of the 'Velfare Department for the months of ,Parch, April and Dray, 1936, in the amount of $20.00 per month be and they hereby are approved and ordered paid. A letter dated June 1, 1937, was received from Woodson R. Oglesby on behalf of Leewood Shaw, owner of record of certain property on Edgewater Point, which the Town is planning to sell for unpaid taxes, making an offer to compromise these taxes on certain conditions. On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by 1,,' r. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the offer set forth by Ir. Oglesby in his letter above referred to be and it hereby is declined; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney so notify him. Claims in the amount of $6.00 each were received from the four Election Inspectors of the Sixth Election District of the Town of Jamaroneck, namely, Charlotte Roth, Dorothea Williams, George Simpson and Charles H. Fischer, for services rendered by them on October 24, 1936, in accordance with an Order signed by Supreme Court Justice Frederick P. Close on October 23, 1936. The services consisted in meeting as a Board of Election Inspectors to register certain persons who were not registered by the Inspectors on the statutory registration days. The Town Attorney stated that in his opinion the Town could legally pay these claims if it so desired. On motion by 1r. Griffin, seconded by hir. Brennan, it was upon roll tail unanimously RESOLVED, that the claims of the four Election Inspectors above referred to be and they hereby are approved and ordered paid. The Town Attorney reported progress on the matter of the petition received from the New York Christian come for Intemperate Pilen at the meeting of the Board on 1«ay 15, 1937. 5 •? Mr. Griffin -reported that a certain parcel of land described on the assessment rolls as Section 1, Block 62, Lots 16 and 17 located at the southeast corner of Murray Avenue and Leafy Lane, which has been described on the assessment roll of the Town since 1927 as being owned by the Town, is in fact not owned by the Town but is the property of Grace S. Stevens. He therefore -requested that the committee consisting of himself and 1,1r. Meginniss, to which was referred the matter of endeavoring to sell this parcel of land, be discharged. The Board. so resolved, Xessrs. Hieginniss and Griffin not voting. The Town Attorney stated that he had initiated the necessary steps to remove this property from the exempt classification and make it taxable property. A petition dated June 2, 1937, was received from the Assessor, requesting the correction of the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, so as to permit the apportionment of cer- tain taxes as more fully set forth- below. On motion by P,Zr. Bates, seconded by 1dr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, '�[Ri REAS, the Assessor has petition dated June 2, 1937, for th of the assessment roll for the year 1937, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as as the OVestchester County Tax Act; presented a correction 1936, taxes of Section 33 of amended, knoirrn and IN EREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll; NOBV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year — 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. BlIt. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 29 27 to 32A Joseph Idlercadante $108, 000 $50,000 $158,000 1 37A 1 37B 227 to 241 248 to 256 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 29 27 to 32A Joseph Mercadante $ 2,500 $ 2,500 1 37A it " 875500$50,000 137, 500 1 37B 227 to 232 " 41500 45500 233 to 235 " " 2, 250 21250 236 to 241 " " 4, 500 4,500 248 to 256 " 6, 750 65750 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 37B 1 to 12, 52 Maple Gardens Co. $191500 - $19,500 to 60 Plot 2A be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land imp. Total 1 37B 1 to 12 1,INle Gardens Cc,. 6,000 $ 65000 52 to 60 " 6 750 6 750 Plot 2A " " 6;750 62750 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Elk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 57 34 to 40 Henry Schroeder & 4. 06, 900 $4,250 $111150 79-80 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Elk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 57 34 to 40 Henry Schroeder & 'N ;,5, 500 5,500 1 57 79, 80 ° " 1, 400 $41250 53650 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 6 14 2 to 6 Harry D. Edwards . 12,100 x''9,000 $21,100 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Elk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 6 14 2 to 5 Harry D. Edwards $ 9, 350 $'9$ 50 6 14 6 it It if 2, 750 $9$000 11,750 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 20 415C James V. Sansone 31350 $6, 000 X9, 350 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot 9 20 4 9 20 5C Owner James V. Sansone It 18 Pt Land Imp. Total 21750 85P000 $7, 750 600 11000 1, 600 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp, Total 9 35 112 Adolph. Munter & 'W X4, 000 6,750 $$'10,750 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 35 1 Adolph Hunter & VT $25750 6,750 $9, 500 2 It it ° 1P250 11250 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 57 7,29 Anna K. Schmid ?4,100 tiP42 200 X8, 300 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 57 7 Anna M. Schmid $1!P000 $ 200 $12200 9 57 29 If U If 33100 41000 71100 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 78 17 to 19 John Folin $2,800 X2,800 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 78 17 John Folin 1,000 $1,000 8 78 18,19 It " 10800 12800 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 112 1 to 7 Sophia Mahlstedt $1092950 $35,500 $145,450 10 to 55, 56B2 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Im . Total 8 112 1 to 7 Sophia Plahlstedt w 28, 700 `.x°14,500 $ 435200 13 to 22 8 112 10 to 12 31, 500 183800 50, 300 23 to 34 8 112 35 to 55 " " 49,750 2,200 519950 56B2 At 10:25 P. 111, the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. a