HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_04_14 Town Board Minutes - C T L :_ I!qG (IF =,� T( ',TN B')ARD TO '? ' F UAMAR3NECli, N. Y. HELD APRIL 145 1937 At t32e To--,,a-i Offices 158dTest Boston Post Rcad i­�amaroneck The meetii-, -was called to order by Supervisor i,deculloch at 5000 P. E. Present: SupervisoracCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, C.rif in li_egixnuiss Absent; None The presence was also noted. of Tor:,Tn Clerk 4arvin, 'Tov.,n Attorney Delius and i3r, ,funn Brevrer, Counsel to the Aestchester Joint _,ater 'i or7as .[lTo. 1. The Su:oervisor stated. that It would be in order For the Board to consider the authcrization of a bond. issue of 6:'69,000 to nay the Town of 1Tamaronec'_: s 'sha.re of the cost of the improvement to the Westchester Joint ',later �.,orks as approved b7T the Board. at its meeting on January 12, 1937. Trey-✓er e.-r._ola_ined_ the proposed bond issue and stated that it *voul i. be necessary for the TJater lvorks to have all the required cash in hand before it could receive any of the P . A. grant. The Folloti,sing resolution vvas offered by Counncilman Heginniss and seconded by Councilman Bates, to-wit ; vIIERHAil, at a special meeting of the Town Board of the Tor-7n of =tiamaroneck held on the 12tH day cF January, 1937, a resolution was adopted ratifying, confirmi_ig and approving the reap, plans, estimate and other data providing for the enlargement, e_.tension and im_crcve- ment Of the ,jO___ '.�'atel' !%AC r1is by the 2r eCtiori and Con- struction of facilities for obtaining an aulil_a.ry and additional water su�o_oly from the City of Neva York at the i%ensico Reservoir pursuant to the provisions of Cha_oter 654 of the Lav7s of 192'? as amended; and 'REAS the Town of Hamaroneck' s share of the cost of said im-orovement has been estimated to be the sujm of 69,074; and "SREAS it is necessary to issue 'd69 000 tiVater Bonds of the Town of ilamaronec_u to pay its share of the cost of tree construction of said ;rrip_ovement; FESOLVED, that to "pay said Tow.- s share rc of the cost of enla"rging, e%itendln% a-ria 1"ifi171"'OV'_ng the �IOirlt i"✓at^cr ciprS by erecting and. constructing Facilities for obtaining an a.ulxiliary and adddtional water Su"p_p_�' fro111 t.�.^�e Oil of Neva York at the Kensieo Reservoir pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927, as amended there i s 1lereby appropriated: the suaoz of 'j69 074,00 and that for the _our_;,ose of raising said SUM there shall be issued Sixty-nine rnousand Dollars (';69,000 ) water Bonds of the Torun of Eamaroneck, dated 34ay 1, 1937, of the denomination of one thousand_ dollars U 1,000 ) each, numbered_ one (1) to sixty-nine (69) inclusive, and maturing in numerical order as Folio:^rse `>z,000 on 1jay 1, in eacr7 of the years 1938 to 1971 inclusive' 141 000 on i'riay 1, 1912. I Said bonds shall bear interest, evidenced by coueons, at a rate not e`<_CeeG.ln:-i si=1 (6 " per centiTm pe annTay , oa- (012 SeIl1i-9.nn )allr aO Ve:r,^_ber 1 and '`aay- 1, arid- both Principa._ and interest shall be payable 1­ 1amrful money of the Un1-ted States O-l' A::,ierica, at The tiona.l Cit-i 3anl,: c-LLB S e7v York in the City and State of�ldev '�ror'_�a Said tco�,d_s shall ce si P_c-d b;,' the Su"_Cervi Sor and seaiel 7;u1-th 'L,',-,e corporate seal, o- the Tozn, attested _C 7T the ' oven Clerk, and the in-te_'est CO1S_JGns s';tall be si red Ldi th the fac- 3i121i7e signature of the du:-oervisor. R.i S: `�T?D, tha"t '-here shah. be raised ar_nually by tax upon the taxable -property of said Town a sum suf ii dent to -o ay Lila -pr n iiJal and Ilit eres`-1 C Saidd bonQ5 as the sae;le reStectively become auLe and na„aole. that sa_1 .;ono.s s'.' all be sold at ,Dutlic sale -oursel ant to Section 9 of tale J—_neral 'unici"pal Law, scale'::_ 1p T'CpOSa.IS to be received and r COi^iSi'�.°72:. OTl the T�(Jth day O `' A'pr11, 1937, at J C' CIOCk 12 l _a'_"ice 3av1n= Ti11e, at the 'I C't`?ri Offices, 1158 _'Jest fostOnV''Ost load, T a !1ar-,rec._, New �-Crk, ar i the Clerl> is TTereby (.q_-_i ecte'd to cause notice of such Sale to be �1unli'cIned at least five ( 5) da'-s prior t0 the sale i n THE -L 'I T . 5. T' i cL is ^ereby ties ated as the o fici 7 netivs caper of the 1 o.vn for suc 1 -Q blica- ti On. SucP_ nOt].ce of Sale to be -in sub Stantiall 7 the f 011oY4in` f0 1'm S;i62,OM OO hP 1_ i be recei7Ted and considered by the To-im 3ca-rd. GI the Town v ;ai1a_oneci., x021', a � tIre G•'-'n OM, r-es 153 nest BOstcn '.'ost Road, �1iamaronech, 1„w Yon , a :d Oe c ` o'-.- ayl-oht Sav' z_s Time, on the 30th _DIIT7 1937, for t'1e ;Gur- chase at not less than ;par- and. accrued interest of 469,000 Dater !I nds of sai. ^o':vn of ' a,aaroneck, of the denorcina.tion C' "I1 000 each, dal.-Pad 'i.a - l 1937 r!°.aturin 2, C'OO on ?,'!ay 1 , in each G_° the -fears l933 to 1r"%1 inClusi'Te, and ,1,000 on ay 1, 1272, and oearinl , r!terest at a rate not e%ceedir ; sia ('S ) per century -cer annum, payable seni-ann.ually Yoveraber l and I��ay 1. i'rincipal and. interest payable at The National C1tT7 3a:nk o'!° =''eta York in the City and State of Nevi York, Bonds will be in coupon form, and r_ay- Ce Converted into fully re isl.ered Coals, and are general 0bl iLatiOnS Of the TCVd11, payable fY'OP'1 lint11'17..t,ed "t a7i2sm Each bid must be for all of said bonds and state a si axle rate of interest therefor. -Jnless all bids are rejected, the award. :''Till be made to the bidder complyinE ,'Tith the terms oi° sale a_nd- offerin�- to purchase said bonds at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding the rate above specifieo stated in a multiple o-' one- quarter or one-tentk_ of one per centluy per annum :vithout reference iZtr1 provided. however that if two or more bidders of_er 'co �c �crem� , , -urCha.SC- said bond-s at the s'aine lowest rate Of interest t11er suer avaai:, .Ti li oe made to t-T7e bidder offe_°inS V ':=i-_,re St "dl anliU?11, ins is reserved. to re sect any or all e ds . Ea,c-o rid. i-iust be en- closed in a Sealed- envelolCe addressed to the undersicnea .To-= Cle- k are marked on "the outs` de "Proposal for Bonds°i a.n --us-, be aacco-mpan ed. Nit'. ed or bane or trust co_ipany cbeclr to the order of the To'^an Oi° 11amaronec' "for 1 ,zLOO.00 as a �Ood faith deposit to secure the Z own asa 71st any loss resultinw Lrr,Ti e failure of the bldd.er to :'iti.. the ter'li1s of 'r-,: s -jci_ !To "il.t ere Jt. ?'Till be a110'°:'ed 071 the amsu t Of the `;OCJ_ fai-i.'1 S_2"_00Sita ,3a 1C:- IDonds s.re issi.ie0 or t17e purpose of va"i].Sl c� the To-,vni s S'°`_are of the cost olc* e:.'LeIIJwin,3 and improving the joint water works sTstLn su_o inl said Town and its inhabitants with ':'pater pursuant to Chanter 654 of the Laws of 1927, and the Town Law, as amended. The approving opinion of Messrs. Clay, Dillon a Vandewatsr, Attorneys of New look City, will be furnis hed to the uufcYase with- out cost . Financial Statement The assessed valuation of the property subject to the taxing dower of the To'"n, c Q2, 529, 710.00. The total bonded debt of tl- :: Town, including above mentioned. bonds, 04355_ 7 ,000 w, ' of which ( 736,000 is Oster dept . The population of the , o:"�n (1230 Census ) was 19, 040. The bonded debt above stated does not include '. the debt of any other subdivision having power to levy tames Upon any or all of the property subject to the twin: power of the Town. The fiscal year commences January l The amount of taxes levied for fiscal years commencing january 1 , 1234, January 1, 1935, and January l r S30. 4 !;;895 655, 46 and 711, 039, 513. 22. 100, was -respeculvely, -1, 63 , The amount of such taxes uncollected at the end_ of each of said fiscal 73 ;,TeaAt, was 1'ES_�ECtivEly 'q-3, 355. �5, j,IOO', 1b3. . and $131,255.97. The amount of such tames remaining uncollected as of the date of this notice, is respectively "',;60,183.73, 128, 420. 67 and "110, 3B6. 41. The taxes of the fiscal year comYenc n.;S January 1 1937, a_`.m.11nt to Y1, 1303310, 72 of which +204, 211 .35 has been collected. A detailed statement o' essential facts will be submittel to any interested bidder,. DATED: ri,a.in 8.7'071 C-C.'d., New 101'_x. April 15, 1937 . i," own Clerk i'__ I. F.1H.L=-, l i E.,QL TH.7> "Gi'aL the Town Board meet at the time and place fi. ed in the notice of sale to act iron proposals received for said bonds. Adopted by the following vote , AYES : Supervisor AcC.illoch Councilmen Dates, Brennan., Griffin, Id1e, ininiss NOES: None on motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the notice of sale contained in the for goinE resolution be published in the 'ond. 3uye_ , a. financial newspaper published in the City of NV7 York, at least five days prior to the sale . The auoervisor informed the Boma that a 'i , l . A. project which had been in effect -or some tine whereby a cler' has been provided_ at the 'Town Welfare Office to handle the federal surplus commodities has been i:iscontinued and therefore the To'+"'rn would have to decide whether to continue the distribution of federal surplus commodities and pay for the clerk itself or discontinue the dis- tribution entirely, He said that the State T.Y. H. would reim- burse t'_^fe Town for 40 per cent of the salary paid the clerk, makinL7 the Townis share of the clerk s salary Q454, 00. On motion by Mr. Bates, Seconded by Mr. Brennan, it was upon roll call una.ni:nously RESOLVED, that the 'ublic Welfare Officer be and he hereby is authorized to employ a alert to handle the distribution of federal surplus car:imod.ities at a. total salary cost to the Town not to emceed 0454. 00. The Suuervisor said that the P_d_vi sort' Welfare Corr-mittee heretofore ar)pointed. -by the boai Cd had coliTpleted. its labor of s11've T- ink, the activities of the '_o,.vyi 1i�eifare Office and sug1 ested that the Coranxittee. be discharge-- -with thanks , 'in mot'on 'J? sr:r, '.Tiffin, seconded is Bates, it was unanimo-asly Rl:.S'J 7,',7EDy that t '_1e dvisol"' "'elfare CoL%=ittee be and it hereby is discharged v✓ith tl arks after having satisfactorily and efficientl7' comi3leted the task assigned to it; and be it l JRTI-ER ?E� SJL`T-D, t'_ha' the Clem: on behalf of t'r?e Tov7n Board send a letter of ap_cre-ciation to each ne_nber of this :armaittee e pressing the Boa-rd.; s thanks for L'--_e spizndid service rem.�a zred, At 5- 55 t,-e Board unanimousl-j -resolve= to adjourn. _own Clerk