HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_04_07 Town Board Minutes ml RE(GJl,a _aZ_TIIl1G OF 'TI% TOWN BOARD TOWN OF T,A !1AROP?LCii NEE V YORri _aE L-1 A2FT_-' '/, 1937 At the Town Offices, i5S Nest Boston Post Road. Mamaroneck, The meeting teas called to order by Supervisor I1cCulloch. at S. 05 _?. 1^.. Present „ Supervisor, ,dcCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, McSinniss Absent - !.,;one The _presence was also noted of Town Cler'.i Marvin, Town Attorney Delius, Comptroller Luceno, Assistant Attorney Schwartzreich, Building Inspector COVahari and Public _Welfare Officer DeVinne . The minutes of the meetings of IiTarcl 3. I,Iarch 16 and Idaarch 1 were approved as printed. lr. Griffin retcorted on well°are matters, He stated that there were 375 cases on the rolls in the month of ,larch at a. cost of ;16 070 compared with 334 cases at a cost of `}15,723 in the month of February. He added that the reason for the increased cost was larely due to the medical services required by reason of considerable illness . Public Ivelfare Officer DeVirnne laid before the Board a re?oort of an audit made by the State T . -1.R. A. of the Town' s 'Welfare Office coverins the _period. from July, 1935 to parch, 1936. The report showed that the Town had made in that time non--re imbursible relief expenditures totaling $)905. 00. The total expenditures during that period, he added, were in excess of 'x130, 000. Tdr. Devinne went over the report iten, by iter-i with the Board. The report was referred to I':!Ir. Griffin for further consultation with Pilr. DeVinne . dIr. John Baltz o.P Ackerman L Baltz, contractors, addressed the Board and presented a letter dated April 7, 1937, requesting that tae 'Torn take title to a bridge which he had built under authority granted h by the Town Board at its meeting on July 15, 1936, spanning the east rranch of the Sheldrake River and providing' access to two houses in Block 423 on the map of Larclu'ront Gardens. T'ne matter was referred to Town EngineeiI Foote for a report as to the -physical con- dition of the brio_ge and to the Town Attorney as to the legal,,-r of the Town' s taking title to the structure. Tir. Baltz also addressed the Board concerning a bill which he had received_ from the Town in the amount of `;195.00 as the cost of a sever connection to a house which he had built on Briarcliff Road. The Supervisor requested hi'L1 to write a letter to the Board setting forth the facts of the case . hr. P . A. Parker of Bose & Parker, automobile dealers, and 11�r. Henry J. Dietz owner of the property occupied by nose w Parker addressed the Board to request permission to remove an old shed on this property located_ on the northeast corner of V+leaver• Street and the Boston Post :.!load, described on the assessment roll of the Town of Mamaroneck as Section 4, Block 33, Lots 54 and 55, which property is now used to park used cars offered for sale; to erect certain signs on this property and to erect also a small office in the middle thereof. The property is at present zoned. "F" (Unclassified) , iir. Parker pointed out, and the consent of the Town Board is necessary before they can erect any structure thereon. IYr. Dietz joined in the request. On motion by 1:4r. Griffin, seconded by ielr. Bates it was vmanimously RESCLVED, that the request of Bose cc Parker and Mr. Henry J. Dietz, in accordance with the pro- visions of Article 2, section 7 of the--toning Ordinance of the Town of mama.roneck, as above set fort;r, be and it hereby is approved 'The report of the County health Department for the month of February was received and filed. The re?oort of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of Bare' was received and filed. T_he report of the Public Welfare Office for the month of March was received and filed. The report of tL.e Building Inspector for the month of March vvas received and filed. The reports of the Town Clerk for the months of February and March were received and filed. An estimate dated April 75 1937, was received from '�,!est- chester Joint ',dater 'iforks No. 1 in the sum of p2, 131.62 of the cost of installing 525 feet of a-ine'_n cast iron pipe on Althea Lane. T'ne estimate stated that there wo�ald be no additional consumers connect- in to the line. On motion by Ivtr. Bates, seconded b r. Griffin y I: , it was u_naniraously i SvL? ED, HEREA?, an estimate- dated. April 7, 1937, in the amount of )2, 131. 62 has been received from the Westchester Joint )Water Works, 1Qo . 1 of the cost of the installation of 525 feet of 4-inch cast iron oipe on Althea Lane; NOW THLR FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Westchester Joint IVater Works, No. 1 be and it hereby is authorized, en,00wered and directed to install for the Torn of I�araaroneck and to charge to t'ne Town of :Iamaronech the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved_ b7 the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint 'Pater `aJorks, No. 1 the water main above described. A letter dated S�a.rcli 19, 1937, was received from the ISamaroneck Ch.araber of Cormlrerce, requesting the improvement of Rockland Avenue fro-_p the Village of Illarnaroneck line north to Forest Avenue . The matter was referred to i,'Ir. Brennan and Town Engineer Foote . A letter dated April 1, 193'7 was received from Frederick D. Sasse 3a Orchard Road requesting the repair of the sidewalk in front of his property. The letter was ordered referred to Mr. Brennan and Town Engineer Foote . A letter dated Pllarch 23, 1937, signed by Robert L. Loeb, J. T, . SVeldon, '.'V. B. Dodge and Richard_ R. =:ebb, the owners of all of the improved property located on .Boulder Brae Lane, was received. The letter requested the Torun to improve the surface of Wilson Lane with which Boulder Brae Lane connects and stated that if this is done the residents of Boulder Brae Lane will improve 'he surface of this lane at their own expense. The matter was referred to r. Brennan and Su-oerintendent of Highways Foote® The Town Clerk inquired if the Board desired to pay the additional premiums required to raise the automobile insurance coverage carried by 'Town officers or eriployees on their own cars used for Town purposes from the amount of coverage which the officers or enilcloyees are themselves now carrying and paying for to the limits of 6150/100,000 for public liability and 'i5 000 property d_aaage which all Town owned vehicles are carrying. The Clerk was directed to obtain the recommendations of the various department heads as to what cars they desired to have covered. in this manner. The Tovvn Clerk reported that he had received a complaint from lar. C,,,ven Cunnin:Tham 33 1"1,Trtie boulevard, Larchllont, concernin; t'he unnecessarily loud and prolonged sounding of the whistles and sirens on the fire aicparatus. The Clerk was directed to notify Fire Chief LeVino of the complaint . T'_n_e report on as nre-oared b-; the Town laid" over at the meetin e:si nn' ss . the 'yew York, 'Iestchester c: Boston Railway Club of Scarsdale. which report was ordered T on ":4arch 17, 1037, was referred to I,ir. 281 The Clerk presented forms of apa_ lication for licenses and fonns for t]:re licenses in accordance with the provisions of the 'Town ordinances which have already been approved by the Board and are await- ing; publication. He stated that before these forms could. be used they would_ have to be approved by the Board. The Board_ referred to Griffin and_ I'1r. Bates with power the matter of approving of these for s, the matter of obtaining the necessary badges and other supplies requ_ "red L the enforcement of the ordinances and the muter of printing in definitive form the ordinances as finalI77 published._ The Town Clerk presented an application and pet=_tion by the Town Super'intendeent Of Highways for tie draining of Certa__Q town h, _hvaays within the Down of t,Iamaronee'' ., and re clue st_lng action by the To7n _Board- pursuant to the provisions of Section 1351 of c_'i neyls Edition of t---e Jnconsolidated Lai^�s. The following resolution was offered by Councilman Gri°fin and seconded by Counci7aaan bates, to-wit- vfiiEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways of tie Town o" !aIarnaroneck has made appli call on and petition to this Board for the improvement of the hereinafter described hi _ viays, such improvement to consist of the proper drainage of such highviays, and has requested. this Board to take such action as raay be necessary to properly drain said high vat's, NO-M THEHE7C f3E !T RESOLVED, that the following to;m highways shall be drained_ in accordance with the _plans and estii;lates suositted, by the Superi.--tendent of To"rm Highways ; Rockin.-stone .fvenue, about 50 feet southerly Vale, Road, throu- properties o J. J. Howe and ilaro Id ii, Young to ei�iStin�-�° drain in North Chatsvioruh Avenue about 230 feet southerly =°rots Birch Road Sackett -rive between Sackett Circle and ':'leaver Street . Rockland Avenue at the intersection of Avon Road. THTHER EZ_—,LvE°D. that soc'. hl-,--:ay s shall be 1 proved pursuant to the provisions of Section 1351 et seq. of �!C L n:(ley� 8 Edo ion of the Jnconsolldated Laws . FJRTnER RESOL�j=, that the -oroper 'U hereinafter raentioned, shall bear the entire cost of the improvement of such 1 Sli-?ays9' and that an a:." valorc-cf ta, sulf].C18r1-i, t0 pay the princi°y�al and interest of the bonds to be 1?ereafter issued, to pay the cost of such improvement, shall be annually levied, assessed. ani% Collected upon suon "Oroper'ty. The boundaries o, such property, hereby determined to be benefited" by such improvement are as fbllo-,vs- BeSin'_ling at a stone rlonuraent set in th.e -round o- the Southeasterly side of Boston -Poet Road .39C feet more or less Sol_tln-iesterly from tr,.e Sou"thvT85terly SiGB Of 283 Dillon Road, wwnicn said monument is also on the Easterly oundary of t=^_e City of Ne"v Rochelle, thence along the Easterly line of New Rochelle as fixed by resolution of '�,Nestchester County Board of Supervisors in 1926, N. 9049° 55" vi. 5977. 681 feet to a mommient on the Southerly line of Mountain tivenue; thence along the Southerly line of B_oun- tain Avenue X. 620 531 21" E. 149. 52 feet; thence 80 281 32"' W. 3102.32 feet to a moninnent in the Northerly line of Edge- mont Road; thence along the _'Tort:^erly lii2e of Edgemont Road N. 500 40' 25" ff. 134. 91 feet to a point of curve; thence on a curve deflecting to the right, having a radius of 62. 33 feet 81.77 feet along the arc to the end of Beechtree Drive as sh.o'nrn on Iaiap of ';doodacres filed in the '.'Iestchester County Register' s office as 2via_o !To. 2207; thence alcng the end of Beechtree give N. 650 30' 05G4 50, 0 feet; thence along the Northwesterly side of Beechtree Drive S. 240 29' 55" V% 72. 20 feet and S. 280 13T 5511 'ld. 67. 25 feet to a monu- ment; thence Id. 90 499 55" '�N. 3632.71 feet to a rao:nument; thence still along the boundary of City of New Rochelle and partly along the Southerly line of the Village of Scarsdale N. 390 33' 35" E. 409. 06 feet to a =roninment on the Easterly side of lrieaver Street; thence along the Southerly line of the Village of Scarsdale in a straight line 1315 feet rao-re or less to a zionuaent on Easterl-7 side of Fenimore Road; thence in a straight line and partly along the Southerly line of Griffen =svenue 4700 feet more or less to a monument on the Southwesterly corner of Griffen Avenue and 01d White Plains Road; thence in a straight line passing through a monurnernt near the 'westerly bank of the 1+Iamaronec_1. River to the center line of i'dIamaroneca River and the Town of Harrison; thence Southerly through the center of 1'arnaroneck River as it floored naturally before i t -,seas daruned for the tlestchester Joint ,Vater !Ivorks Reservoir and the Cuesterly line of Toomh of Harrison to the center of Lai^ aroneck Avenue bridge over said river and to the 'Sesterly line of the Village of ,2arna- roneck; thence in a straight line along the ':'Vesterly line of Village of Mamaroneck 1396 feet more or less to a drill hole in ledge; thence along the !�,ortherly line of the Village of Mamaroneck in a straight line 2620 feet more o-r- less to a monument on the Easterly side of 01d 'Jbite Plains Road; thence in a straight line 750 feet -. ore or less to a drill hole in ledge; thence 1495 feet more or less to a monument on the Easterly side of Fenimore Road- thence 1995 feet -Wore or less passing through a monument on the Easterly side of Rockland Avenue to a point 183. 21 feet Westerly thereof; thence along the 'desterly line of the Village of ;,4amaroneck in a straight line to a -horn Went on the iNorth- erlir side of Palmer Avenue, thence to a monument or. the !,or therly side of Boston r'ost Road; thence to a monument on the Southerly side of Boston Post Road; t'_nence to a monument on tl:he desterly side of rIo nnocks Road„ thence continuing iii the same str ai ght line to the end of Eta=,lei' G�i iia:Pf in Larchsnont Harbor; thence across Larchmont I-(arbor to the line of _Wean h; �hwater on the ';iresterly side thereof and the Village of Larehnont; thence along the line of Mean High- water of La?°chsnont Harbor Little Harbor Sound and East Creek to a point therein opposite the Easterly line of ' and kr_wNn as Larc'b ont Shores and the Westerly line of land known as -lint Park; thence Southerly, on this line extended to the center of East Creek; thence alone the center of East Creek as it naturally Flows to a point in the Easterly line of land shho'.r on a. siaD of Larchmont Diianor and filed in the :Iestcheste-r County register' s office as r-aap No. 1104; thence along the Easterly line of the Village of Larchmont N. 30 50' E. 825.0 feet; N. 520 03e W. 880.0 feet to Northerly side of Boston Post Road, thence along the Easterly line of lands shown on Idap of Larc'nmont Knolls filed in 'lestchester County 3egister' s office as '_Jao ivo® 2700 and 'snap of Howell Park filed in Register' s office of Westchester County as Iviao No. 2007 and Map P rs. C. A. Howell filed in office of register of !Gestchester County Vol. 27 page 60 to Southerly line of lands of Netiq, York, an idew haven and Hartford. Railroad: thence continuin8 Northerly through said land to a point in Northerly line of the original 66 foot Right of Way of the New York, New Haven and Hartford. Railroad Co . - thence along said line S. 490 22' W. 370.0 feet; thence l'I. 400 38' w. 130.0 feet, thence S. 490 22' W. 1098.4 feet to the Southwesterly line of Chatsworth Avenue; thence along the Southwesterly line of Chatsworth Avenue S. 520 309 E. 130.6 feet to original Northerly 66 foot Right of Way line of New `Cork, New iiaven and artford Railroad; thence along said 'line JOUthwes Gerly 2250 feet; thence along the 'line of Village of Larclrmont S. 80 54' E. 2545 feet to a. point in the Northerly line of-Boston Rost Road before it was widened in 1930- thence alonz the 1ortherly line of Boston Post Road before it was widened to a point where the aesterly line of Dean Place intersect it if ecaendea Northerly to the said Northerly line of Boston Post ROaa; thence along the '';'�esterlj7 and Southerly line of Lean Place to the .:esterly line of Oa% Avenue; thence along the 1"ester7.y line of Gal, Avenue to the line of lilean '1i hr:;.ter on the Southeaste_J r side of 7remium River; thence aloe, the Mean Hi; hn.ater line oi° Rrem u i ive'r do the Easterly line _nOrd shown on a m_a1s of Bon Repos, filed In 3desteheste e �4�ter' s office as Mar 19o. 1273° thence along the Easterly line of said maa to Long Island Sound; thence through Long Island Sound and the mean center line betwee"c- Prer, iun Point and Echo Island. and the mean center line of Premium i,ii ll Rond and Preniiusa River to a point therein opposite the dividing line bet-rreen Lots 15 and 16 as shown on ldap of Estate of John Prior filed in the Westchester County Register' s office as 1r1Iap No. 886 ; thence along the Southerly line of Lots 16-1713-17-13-19 and. 20 on said map �Io the Northerly li-znit,s of said map; thence alon: the Vesterly line Of map of Hazlehurst Park filed in the office of the Register of G�estch.ester Cour_ty as Yap No . 2692 and Ma-o of Lillon Heights filed as Sap No. 4670 in the ti'Cestchester County Register•' s office and map of Dillon Park filed in the Office Of :':festchester County Register as M.ap rdo. 1245 to the place of beginning, F zT HL'R R SGL VLD before this reso'lation becories effective a notice of hearing shall be -iven pursuant to the provisions of the General istrict Lavv co_rstitucing Sections 1,371 to 1377 inclusive of 1Iciinney' s Edition of the unconsolidated Laws, n , & 0l i s i-_ereb_ t.' e TO'.un Cl-CleT directe-1 t0 cause notice of the adoption Of this resolution and the f" ii?lg' of the ap-olica.tion and petition of the Superintendent of ! -1r-Tays to be _oostea in four ( 4i of the .most public places within the proposed area of assessment at least twenty-one (21) days prior to such hearing, and to be -oullish.ed once each 'reek in the three weeks i=ediate- ly preccdins the wee'a in which the hearing is to be held, in Th.e Dail`" T"lies, a newspaper Navin- general circulation within the area of assessment; such 'rearing t0 be held at the 'ToFern Office, 13S :''Jest Bristol! Lost Road, ldamaronecY_, V-0P'1�, on the Jt'1 day of _slay, 1937, at 9 a' clock r1 . ... and to be in aubst ant iall r the _-'o-1 form, t0 t; NOTICE 0 NHARING PLI S _' TICE that on the 7th day of April, 1937, the TO,''n hoard Of Ghe To'.Vn o' !'1a7maroneck, New York, receiv- - ud an a.pa_ lication and petition from the Superintendent of Highways, herein set forth, and duly adopted the following resolution, Application of Superintendent of Hi.rhiwa2 -s-s Town Board" of the Town of T,7a_naroneck, New York, Gentlemen- I respectfully call your attention to the fact that the To',):11 1=i hir;ays, hereinafter mentioned, are in need of drainage in order to preserve such hibhrvays and to _protect property adjacent to such hi,-11I.ways. respectfully request your �onorable Board to take such- action as, may be necessary ptnssuant to the -pro visions of Secti on 1351 of ,'cT ini_ey' s Edition of the Unconsolidated Lav,s to ti'-e end that suCC1 hi'sh?i,Ta7TS, herein- after mentioned, may be properly drained. ='r!e highways so to be L-iDroved are as foilo-ws- noc'.iinostone Avenue about 50 Va.11eyT ROaa, t_ 'OLl .i1 pi'G'_�erties Of buns;, to e ,istin`• drain, in 'worth 230 feet soUt_er17- from Birch Road. feet southerly from J, -owe and_ 9arold Ti. Chatsworth Avenue about This L,-,provement is required to relieve the flood conditions on 'Lockins stone Avenue, at tii_nes of el,cessively heavy rain, the surface boater from Rockingstone Avenue, 'dJi_ldt"70od Road and Seton Road conceiltratin±. at this point, The contemplated improverent consists of the installa- tion of about 360 feet of 12" pipe, 3 brit' manholes and 2 catchlasins . The estimated cost of this improvement is; Easements 12573.00 _Materials 950.00 Labor 077®00 Total 2 600.00 Sackett Drive between Sackett Circle and lNeaver Street, This conte.nplated ir,-,icrovement consists of the installa- tion of about 800 feet of 12" concrete pipe, 8 manholes and 2 catch-basins. This improvement is required to care for the stor_n ,,Pater run-Off at the irtersection of Sackett Drive and Sackett Circle which is at a low point and at present has no draina e outlet. The estimated cost of the improvement is as follows; Easement through Robertson _Property 200,00 w c,laterials 13 967. 00 Labor 4. 233.00 Total ';6, 400.00 Rockland Avenue at the intersection of Avon Road. This contemplated improveiIlent Consists of the installa- tion of about 1, 350 feet of 137' concrete pipe, 10 manholes and 3 catch-basins . "ne drain 1 s to be laid. t 7rouSh land of En.-e1sted and Little Far:-_s Road- to the Sheldral e River. The, i.-.-,orove-_meet is required to reined-,, the lac1= of drainage in the low place on Rockland. Avenue; vwhere is concentrates-, the drainage of Rockland Avenue , Avon Road. and Dundee Road. The estimated cost of this improvement is as follosrsa Easement 11, 000.00 'KaterIa1s 3, 615.00 Labor 6 385.00 Total 11; 000.00 4 bi I respectfully request your P°_onorabie Hoard to desi na.te wha- part or portion of the IoPm shall pay for such improve 7,ert . Suc :i Laprovements are necessary for the publis convenience an'--' Welfare. I herew'Lth enclose plans and estiiIlates of the cost for the draining of such totisn high-vays. Years very truly, 1"'. . J. y'.yO T Superintendent of Town Highways '_Tovnn of :iarnaroneck, New York. RES0L-7 IOI . I'LS HDOPTE.IJ ways 'he f'i''oT7 of The Superintendent Of lli hw ama-ronec'.: has ,,-Wade application a:nd. petition to thl.s Boarr7. for t',,.e ir=nroveent of the hereinafter described highways, such improvement to consist of the proper drainage of such hig✓IWays, an,-:,, has requested this Board to ta'-e such action as may be necessary to properly drain said highways; jDh HEML EL, that the f O1 I owing town hignovays shall be Craired- In accordance With the Glans and estifaates sl,omitted by the Superintendent of Toi'an P!ighwayso Roc'_•:in_;stone .=' venue about 50 feet southerly f^orn Zalley Road through properties of J. J Lowe and Harold K. Yo u g to ei sting drain ir_ _ crth C'nat°- �worth Avenue about 230 feet southerly from Birch Road. Sackett Drive between Sac'aett Circle and Weaver Street . Rockland Avenue at the intersect?-on of Avon Road® i1"'iJ'_i'T "ER ,'JL __F D5 tha-t such hi 1ruays shall be im- pro'-ved pursua.r_t to the provisions of Section 1351 et sect. of i%c iinney' s Edition of the Unconcolidated Lavis. y'T IiiT^i l iiES� `9D, that the 171'0?cerGyi -1s rE inaf ter mentioned, shall bear the entire cost of the im- prove-r:^ent of such highways, and. that an ad valorem tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bones to be hereafter issued, to pay the cost of such ii -rovement, shall be annually levied, assessed and collected u_oon such property. The boundaries of such_ _property, hereby determined- to be benefited by such Lmprovex�ent, are as follovlse BEGINNING at a stone mo_wument set ir_ the ground on the southeasterly side of 53ston Post :toad 398 feet more —_ or less southwesterly 1rom the southwesterly side of Dillon Road, I'vhich said --monument is also on the easterly boundary of the City of New Rochelle; thence along the easterly line of Ilex Rochelle as fi1_ed. ':y resolution of _sYestc;:ester County 3oard of Super•- sons in 1925 Na 9° 49' 55`` '.V. 59'77. 58 feet to a monument on the southerly line of Lountain Avenue; thence aloe the south.erly line of l:r.ountaiin Avenue 21 . 52° 534 21"' E. 149. 32 feet; thence ?N. 20 23' 32 1' Vu. 3102. 32 feet to a monument L, the no-^therly line of EdSerlont toady thence along the northerly line of EdZaflont Road N. 500 40' 2_ �_W U. 13A. 01 feet to a point of curve; thence on a curve deflecting to the -right, having a radius of 62. 33 feet 81.77 feet along the arc to t'.'"!e end of 3eechtree Drive as shown on Map of Woodacres filed in the hestchester County Re mister' s office as !an No. 2201; thence along the end of Beechtree drive N. 650 30; 05" N , 50.0 feet thence along the northwesterly side of 'deed ,tree drive S. he 29' 55" J. 72.20 feet and S. 230 131500 A. 67, 25 feet to a monument; thence N. 90 49155" 0. 3632.71 feet to a monument; thence still along the boundary of City of New Rochelle and partly along the Southerly line of the Village of Scarsdale Y. 390 33' 35" E. 409.06 feet to a monument on the easterly side of 'leaver Street; thence along the southerly line of the Village of Scarsdale in a straight line 1815 feet more or less to a monument on the easterly side of Fenimore Road; thence '_n a straight line and partly along the southerly line of Griffen Avenue 4700 feet more or less to a monument on the southwesterly corner of Griffen Avenue and Old White Plains Road.; thence in a straight lire passing through a monument 'near the westerly bank of the Mamaroneck River to the center line of Mamaroneck River and the Town of Harrison- thence southerly through the center of Mamaroneck diver as it flowed naturally before it was damned for the Westchester Joint Water Arks Reservoir and the westerly line of Town of Harrison to the center of Mamaroneck Avenue bridge over said river and to the westerly line of the Village of Ham- roneck; thence in a straight line alone the westerly line of Village of Mamaroneck 1396 feet more or less to a drill hole in ledge; thence along the northerly line of the Village of Mamaroneck in a straight line 2620 feet more or less to a monument on the Easterly side of Old 4hite Plains Road; thence in a straight line 750 feet more or less to a drill hole in ledge; thence 1495 feet more or less to a monument on the easterly side of Fenimore Road; thence 1995 feet more or less passing through a monument on the easterly side of Rockland Ave. to a point 183. 21 feet westerly thereof; thence along the westerly line of the 7iilage of Mamaroneck in a straight line to a monument on the northerly side of Palmer Avenue; thence to a monument on the northerly side of Boston Post Road; thence to a nonumen.t on the southerly side of Boston Post Road; thence to a monument on the westerly side of Hommocks Road; thence continuing in the same straight line to the end of Fla=;ler 'Wharf in Larchmont Harbor; thence across larchmont iarbor to the line of mean high`.Water on the westerly side thereof and the Village of Larchmont; thence alonS the line of mean highwater of Larchmont Harbor, 'Little Harbor Sound and Last Creek to a point terein opposite the easterly line of land known as Flint Parke thence southerly on this line entended to the center of east Creek; thence along the center of East Creek as it naturally flows to a point in the easterly line of land shown on a map of Larchmont Hanor and filed. in the Westchester County Register' s office as map he. 11041 thence along the easterly line of the Village of Larchmont 1. 30 50' E. 825.0 feet; N. 520 03' '1. 880.0 feet to northerly side of Boston Post Road; thence along the easterly line of lands shown on Hap of Larchmont Knolls filed in Westchester County Register' s office as map No. 2700 and Map of Howell Park filed. in Register' s office of Westchester County as Hap No. 2007 and Map Mrs, C . A. Howell filed in office of Register of Westchester County Vol. 27 page 60 to Southerly line of lands of New York, hew Haven and Hartford. Railroad; thence continuing northerly- through said. land to a point in northerly line of the original 66 foot -right of way of the New York, New Raven and Hartford Railroad Co. : thence along said line S. 490 22' W. 370. 0 feet; thence i. 400 38' W. 130.0 feet; thence S. 490 22' W. 1098. 4 feet to the southwesterly line of Chatsworth Avenue; thence along the southwesterly line of Chatsworth Avenue S. 520 30' E. 130. 6 feet to original northerly; 66 foot right of way lire of New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thence along said line southwesterly 2250 feet° thence along the westerly line of Village of Larchmont S. 8d 54' E. 2545 feet to a point in the northerly line of Boston Post Road before it (Insert) * as Larchmont Shores and the Westerly line of land known. 293 was widened in 1930; thence alon7 the northerly line of Boston Post Road before it was widened_ to a point where the westerly line of Dean Place would interesect it, if extended northerly to the said northerly line -of Boston Post Road.; thence along the westerly and southerly line of _'ean Place to the t�resterly line of Oak venue; thence along the westerly line of Oak Avenue to the line of mean hi. hwate'r on te southeasterly side of Lrernii�n River; thence along the .wean hi,11T-later line of Preraiurl River to the easterly line of land shot+m on a map of :Son Repos , filed in Westchester County Register' s office as map Igo. 1273: thence along the easterly line of said map to Long Island_ Sound; thence through Long Island Sound and the .neap center line betweer Premiuro Point and Echo Island. and the mean center line of Premium Ulill Pond. and Premium River to a point therein opposite the dividing line between Lots 15 and 16 as shown on P;'.ap of Estate of John Prior filed in the Westc'iester County Register' s office as Map No. 586; thence along the southerly line of Lots 15, 175, 17, 18, 19 and. 20 on said map to the northerly lim_ts o_' said map; thence along the westerly line of an of Hazlehurst Par;, filed in the office of the Register of l'u'estchester County as 7clap TSo . 2692 and Iap of Dillon ei:g-hts filed as =Iap No. 4670 in the V,�Iestchester County Register' s office and map of Dillon Pari filed in of;°ice of ''a'estchester County Register as lIa_o INTo . 1245 to the place of beginning. 7RT17_ER, RESJLT,'Eu, before this resolution becomes effective, a notice of .hearing shall be given TDursl:ant to the provisions of the General District Law con- stitutin, Sections 1371 to 1377 inclusive of McKinney' s Edition of the Unconsolidated Law, and the TownClerk is herebi directed to cause notice of the adoption of this resolution and the filing of the ao-Dlication and. petition of the Superintendent of Highways to be posted. in four ( 4) of tkie Trost public rolaces within the proposed area of assessment at least twenty-one (21) days prior to such hearing, and to be published once each 7.,7eek in the three )'reeks iY!T"1ediately -preceding the week in which the hearing is to be held, in The DailSr Times, a newspaper having general circulation within the area of assessment; s-_Ict,_ hearing to be held at the Toy°,n Office, 158 � est Boston Post Road, Eamaroneck, NetFT York', on the 5th day of Y4ay, 1937, at 5 o ' clock P, lI. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER :NOTICE that h on -the 5t, day of =lay, 1937, at 8 o ' clod, P. ;I. , at the Town Office 158 Nest Boston "Post load, idaraaroneck, ldew York, the To,.Fn'i Board will :;feet to hear any and all persons affected by the proposed. improve=Went ,' ith respect to the making of tl.e irnprovement, the cost thereof, and -what part or portion of the Town shall pay for such improvement and all other matters with respect thereto, and will also deter- mine whether it is in the public Interest to grant in full or in part the application and petition of the To-,Pin Su=perintendent of Highways . DATED, Maraaronec'.9 York :_p, ; 1 14th, 1937, uVALTER R. __ARJIld Town Clerk Adopted by the following vote- AYE S Suoervisor PicCulloch Councilmen eginniss, Bates, Griffin and Brennan 11OES o None The `own Attorney stated that it would be in order for the Board to authorize "the issuance of %-r20, 000 additional '.Yorks Projects Notes to finance the cost of r,'. 11 &. projects in tkle Town pending the issuance of bonds. He recortitiended that the maturity of the notes be izne d, 1937, which is the same ;matizrit-y date borne by the other orks Projects 'otes heretofore issued. On :dotion of Councilman ll?eginniss, seconded by Councilman Brennan, the following resolution was introduced: Rt 0 IU P 5: 0,00—R PV E WUrCi p JECTS NOTES O THE TuIPN O_• LLYf'uARONECK. iS _ "w Iv to ',i YOP' . ]hi- NG T-11-E ISSUANCE CE OF BONDS . RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of iviamaroneck, in t!7,e County of Westchester, New York, as follows : Section 1. For the purpose of temporarily financing the portion to be borne b.- the Town of the cost of public im-provement work relief projects in the Town, under-taiien through or by the a'lthority of the )federal Works ro=eSS Ad,1linistration, (pen.dlrg t'ile 15SUanCe Of bonds for said purpose) the Supervisor is hereby author- ized to issue notes of the 'io.,m in an aggregate -principal arnou:nt not exceeding `,20, 000 pursuant to Cnapter 'i82 of the Laws of 1933 of the State of New York, as amended, each of said -notes to be designated "Works Project 1SotePZ. Section 2. The followin,g matters in connection with said notes are hereby deterri'_aed, Date April 15, 1937 Ilaturit7 Jule 4, 1937 Denoiai rat ion 4,1;20,000 2 Interest ?lace of rate No . pale nt To be deter- :. .P.A.; 8 To be deter- ', mined by the mined. by Supervisor, Superrv_sor not exceedin ; 6j/ The 51;.pervisor is hereby authorized to deter-cline all matters in connection with said notes the determination of :i ichi is not provided for by this or a subseq-_).ent resolution or resolutions, and his signature upon said notes shall be contusive as to such dete-minations . Said notes shall be signed by the Supervisor, shall eve the corporate seal of the Town af_cfixed thereto and attested b-,r "the Toren Cler<c. The Supervisor is hereby authorized to sell said notes at public or private sale at not less than par• at the best interest rate obtainable, not exceedin, s';x per 3entur2 (6/`0) per amni m, and to deliver the same to the purchaser upon -receipt of the purchase price plus accri:_ed interest °ror,_ the date of the notes to tre date o delivery. Said notes shall be in substantially the form seu forth in a 'resolution of this Board entitled: 3esolution authorizing the issuance of ?40 000 7Torks TroJect _'.otes ( pending the issua:nceof 'bonds' for the purpose of 'renewing a like amount of such notes"', duly adopted l,y this Board. on ;Cecember 2, 1936. Section 3, Any note issued nursuant to this resolution snail be a general obi ,a.tion of the Town of �,ia: aroneck, and the faith and credit of the '! o?✓n are hereby 1olef7F I "t0 the n_ timctual yoajr_:nent of the principal of and interest on said obli ra.ti ons, and unless olf-Jerwi se paid or pay-aent provided for, a tax sufficient to provide for t1__e paj.=aent thereof shall be levied_ and collected. Sectie?i 4. This resolu'lion sl" all take effect i=iedi_ tely. On dotion of Counciliixan floe-i miss, seconded by Coilncili: an Brennan, the foregoinS resolution was adopted by the foll.oading vote : A So Supervisor 1,:cCulloch C OL ilc ilmen: Bates, re=�'nan, ..-riffin, Lie.,I n.i ss NOES: Iv one 0 The Supervisor informed the Board that he had received from the ;Mate Department of Taxation and Finance a notice of the apportionment of the special franchise taxes in the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1937 and that these taxes were based on an equalization rate of `78. He said that the County had fixed the equalization rate for the Town at 37 and that since several other towns in the Count;; had also received from the State Tax_ Commission lower equalization rates than they had obtained from the County, the Board of Supervisors recommended that a protest be made. On motion by Er. HeEi_nniss, seconded b y Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign on behalf of this Board., a protest to the Department of 'Taxation and Finance, of the State of New York, protestin3 the equalization by tentatively fixed b the said Department of Taxa- tion and Finance, for the special franchise tan in the year 1 93i to be assessed. against- flew Rochelle later Company Westchester Li ghtinZ Company Ne w fork, Now Haven A Hartford Railroad Conpany New York, Westchester w Boston Railroad Company American Telegraph w Telephone Company 1`aew Cork Telephone Company in the Town of—Aamaroneck, as shown upon the notice sent to the Supervisor and dated March 22nd, 103 7, for such special franchisee upon the ground that said rate is not the true rate according to its percentage of the full and actual value at which real property in the 'Town of hamaronec'-K is being assessed for the year 1937; and upon the further ground that said eauali nation rate is not the rate established for the Town of Mamaroneck by the board of .Supervisors of Nestchester County in its tabulations and computations made in connection with the 1937 Equalization Table for the County of Westchester. The Town Attorney stated that the =o desirous of purchasing summer uniforms for the cormnended that the Board receive bids therefor meeting on April 21, 1937. Lice Department was policemen and re- at its next regular On motion_ by Mr. Brennan, seconded by hr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Cler! _publish once in The Sails Times a notice that sealed bids will be received by the riro'::n Board- on April 21, 1937 , for the purpose of furnishing summer uniforms for the _°police Depar'tmert of the Town of Mamaroneck. The Town Attorney presented a letter dated Avr-il CJ, 1937, from 7rank S. Sch enkeisen, attorney of New Rochelle, representing the o',d'1'!ers of property on idgewater Point in the Town of Mamaroneck, _ bv ttin:E a _ro oosal for the ultimate payment of the tax liens owned and held by the Town and Village of Eamaroneck affec i n_. property ''may on Edgewater Point owned of record by Kra. Leewood Shaw. After di s- cassion it was per motion duly Trade and seconded unanimously RESOLVED; that the above proposal be -referred to the Supervisor and the 'Toti!nl Attorney who are hereby directed to notify hr. Schhrenkeisen that the Town Board agrees in general with the "plans laic. Gown by Mr. ; ch-re-nhe sen in said proposal; and. TUR`i'HL'R RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized to deter-mine any and all details in connection therewith, in order to carry out the general terms of the proposal, all X99 provided that the Village of !', amaronec7 concurs in this "or000sa.l and the details as Jorkea out by the Supervisor and the Toi"in_ Att3iney. 'The Tonm attorney reported concerning an accident which. Occurred On SJove11ber 2, 1936. a^Then_ 1iichael Tser, a chauffeur, did d.aria"ge to the 'Town -par' at the Larchmont s-ration estl"Ctated by the 'tol,rn at P256 .50. iie stated that he '_._ad received an offer of settle- me=nt from t'ne insurance comDany reoresentin '::1x'.. lser in the anount of 'x40.00 and reconnended the acceptance tll.erecf. On motion by I;.r. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimol:_s1y RESOLVED. t--at the offer of settlement as above described be and it h.ere—T is approved and- ordered accepted and be it L R Lh_ ESOLVVD that the Supervisor be and he hereby is au.tho-sized to sign ',I-e necessary release therefor. The Town Attorney reported on the letter of February 3, 1057, addressed to the Su_nervisor• by Richard F 'flood, representing the JecUIl1 Realty Cor-�orati on. !1e stated that lar. blood claiified gnat taxes for the years 1929 to 1934 inclusive had been levied Oil pro- perty described as Section 1, Bloc'-. 6, Lot 137, when in fact there was no such lot as Lot 13'7; that he 'had conferred with the Assessor on t'.iis matter and the Assessor s',rpporteO_ ,rlr, "''oodr s chine. Liens representing the taxes on this lot for certain years have been sold "to outside buyer's and should l,e redeemed by the To-un, the '20iUD_ iittarney said.. On motion by 'Iv. lileginniss, seconded by 21r. Gri�'f in it was upon 'roll call unanimously RFSSOLVI'D, that the 31001k 6, Lot 137, hereby is referred settle in the best irzatter of the taxes on Section 1, as above set forth, be and it to the Subervisor With potiYer to interests of the Town. The Town Attorney reported" that he had received a petition executed by 'Jilliarn ':`. , Howland, Treasurer and a 'trustee . of the L'ndor',-rent '-und of the t_orne and Ori-)hanage o f the Grand Loa-e o_' the :Mate of -v e'."J YOx'1_2, .nd°-'JendenL Order of Od -' felD ows, verified tiipril 1, 1937, statin,; as follows- that a Ua-7 l ieni i1o . 44 in the amount of Po1314. 23 representing 1934 ta_{es on property ',mown as Section 2, Block 21, Lots 42B, 1_3 and 44 � as ou-rcl?ased by the sai-I 'T'-rusli that on or about flay 211 1933, the said 'Trustees -Jai,:- to the _Receiver of Faxes of tG.e Tovin o- li.a::laronecic the amoi,ait of said lien ana interest„ that said tax lien has been lost and can not be found for the -ouroose of having it cancelled of record. On motion by 17r. 3a"tes, seconded by LLr, _,Tiffin, it was unani>sously ;�L]S';_)LVBD, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to issue a duplicate lien 'or the above described" tax lien; and be it F RT-ER RE'_-OLVED 'that this ii en be surrendered" to the Receiver of 'Taxes and Assessments and the same cancelled on. his books . The `_o�ifn Attorney submitted the text of a proposed 7lusabing Code which he had prepared by order of the Board and gave to each member of the Board a copy thereof for e_�amination and study. The matter was laid over for a future meeting. A petition dated_ _vnril / 19370 was received. fro n, the Assessor requesting that the assessment rolls of t__ Toy'°Jn be corrected in certai-a ;particulars as more fu_lly set forth below. On Iliot-en b r. Gr=z° in, seconded. b --r. Bates, Lt ,ras unanimous-1— rCSOLVZD t x�E S. Tile 'assessor has ,resented a petition �l ted `crll 7 10,J 7, for 'he correction of the aSSessri.ei -, roils lor. certain years , -9)Ursuant to the r_I`o'visicns of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of th.e Latins of 1916, as amended, zno'.:.'n as t'P_e .Westchester Cou_nt✓' Ta-- nct� and <4_riS alter due cOnslC:erat=on this Board 11n s It iaeslrabla to g'�an said petition for the corrects"or_ of said assessment rolls, .. id, T J.=E_''CJRE, BT_. Ll 1' S01- E-D. that the assessmient roll fGr the -year _1935, taxes of l°3'7, which shoves property noca ap_oearin5 on the rolls as follows : Sec . 1" moo- 7 74 6, 7B Owner Thomas ' : Russell, Jr, 01 Land Irk._ Total j6 000 500 15 -1)00 be COr 1'eC to G. as follows, in a0,COrdanCB ",`r-i L1 t'ne -rOVi S ions of subdiVlSion 1 of Sertion 33, CeCause of partial ae-moli- Lion before June 1, 1036, °rhich had not come to the atten- lion of the Assessor until later- Sec . n Sec. B1 rct C:wne Land" p, lctal % 74 oy 7B Thoi21.as _ . .lussell, Ji . �p6, C00 ,:,OCO `JI 4 ,000 rU T ER RES''L7,H , that the assessment roll for the Tea"_° taxes Of l0,373 vihich Sh0."TS :oroiOerty now a_o_oearino On the rolls as fG'-, lo-Lv s � Sec. Blk. Lot O,,vner Lan--L Tota_1 4 16 5 9 6 Beulah -'?. rarri s `,j5 200 ;7 500 x' 12 700 J 9 4 be corrected as follo�.-rs, in accordance with the pr GV iS'-i OnS of SUbdi V:iS_On i vI SeCti0i7 33, because of an error made in computing tine cubic contents of tL.e house- Sec. Blk. Lot 5 16 5, 6 FJRTFER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the gear, 1936, taxes of 10,37, which shows property now aIUpear-in_p on the rolls as fo7 lows a Sec . Blk. Lot O�Iner Land iT_r, Total C 17 iA, %Ay 2r,5 C'ir'iu R, _>elly i;: Ors. 1rUS ® ^i=-0,,000 ?2, 500 `.k112, 500 9 be corrected- as follows in accordance with the -orovi Sioris of subdivision 5 o_-F' Section 3-3- Sec . Blk. Lot 0-vner Land irap. Total 6 17 1A, 24-, Ori e R. t ell- z Ors . Trus. 52,8,000 S'' 36, 250 ?r64 250 2CJ3A, 4A " 12,000 36,250 48, 250 r''.j-'-Mi` RL'SOL1li:L, t.'g-at the assessment roil for the --ear 1936, taxes Cf 19 /, which shoLV5 p- crt 7o5V arp ear ing on the rolls as follows- See. 311k. Lot Owner Lana. Im;o. 'Total 1 SO 1 to 5 Lai" Leone ^-,000 - E4 000 to 13 Otivner Land IYrna Total Beulah __. Harris 5, 200 s,' 6,00 11 200 FJRTFER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the gear, 1936, taxes of 10,37, which shows property now aIUpear-in_p on the rolls as fo7 lows a Sec . Blk. Lot O�Iner Land iT_r, Total C 17 iA, %Ay 2r,5 C'ir'iu R, _>elly i;: Ors. 1rUS ® ^i=-0,,000 ?2, 500 `.k112, 500 9 be corrected- as follows in accordance with the -orovi Sioris of subdivision 5 o_-F' Section 3-3- Sec . Blk. Lot 0-vner Land irap. Total 6 17 1A, 24-, Ori e R. t ell- z Ors . Trus. 52,8,000 S'' 36, 250 ?r64 250 2CJ3A, 4A " 12,000 36,250 48, 250 r''.j-'-Mi` RL'SOL1li:L, t.'g-at the assessment roil for the --ear 1936, taxes Cf 19 /, which shoLV5 p- crt 7o5V arp ear ing on the rolls as follows- See. 311k. Lot Owner Lana. Im;o. 'Total 1 SO 1 to 5 Lai" Leone ^-,000 - E4 000 to 13 303 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of S-G_J C-ivjsJo 'i C of iSe Ctior 33: Sec, 311C. Lot Owner Land. Irn Total l SO 1 to 5 Luigi Leone a2;000 - 2 000 1 SO 9 to 13 2,000 2, 000 F'?Ri.i1�R RESOLVED, that the assessr!ent roll io-r' "tree year 1936, taxes of 1937, which sho-,-is 01-07ert7 now arnpea.rinS on the rolls as follows, Seca L11_-ra Let 0 ,'„ner Land. Imp. i'otal 2 13 11 tp 13 ?at-rick art '1J 0, '700 `,,3p000 ; 9,'700 22 to 2'7 be corrected as follows, in accordance ✓ith the pro vi 8lCi!S OT' SlCOdi Vision of Section J3- Secs 311_. LO"t G mer Land 1rm. _ot-a1 2 13 11 to 13 Patrick Lo arty v !:i 500 - 500 J v6-; `q�-s' 2 13 22 to 27 " 5, 200 .?3, 000 9, 200 F U'TI li F.LSOL-7 D, that the arse Ssn.en't roll for t'_'i.e year 1936, taxes of 1937, vv'-J_-_h sho�Ns mope_°ty now an1:)earin on the ro11s as follows- Sec . 311:; Lot 0 -er Land imc. Total o. 78 v a Thomas Cz it=el o t. r1 ;0, 000 ;7 200 11_0 200 be co rre c 8d as 1 11ov,S, in ac COrd`S-ce tFith the "3.'CVi8ions Of SU-bdivision 5 of Section 33; See. 31k Lot 0,Finer -and Irn"o® Total 8 78 3 Tio!nas au eamD J, 1; 500 ^l 200 42 S 7 23 4 500 6,000 7 500 -UHT HER R s:OT-.d' :D that -tl-Je assessment ro l _or "ne 'Teas 1956, takes C' 37 p d°ahich s o -?S ',v o ,ie 'Ll novv aD-.Deal'in.r; On uhB rolls as follovTs- tec. 1,0 t 0 wn er !.,a,d 11TCp, Iota1 5 10 iJ GO 20 , ?. _ o Jah=rl ���2, 050 , J,"'CG yyb,OGU b0 C^vr r'e Ct ed as IC'1i O?^iSy in a.CCO�'d.anCe v,,ith 1e i-31 Si Gals J_ S-Lfid_Vi Sion 1 O Sec Lion. 33. Sec, 311 . Lot 0-vu"1er, Land Tr»i7> Total 15 i8 to 20 _.. , Jahn 2 250 C00 5, 250 7UiL1_=H HZSDL7j t'r,a'I -,'le assessment "_,oll fC-- the car 19. 6, to es 193 °:T13 1- Sl o , prc,? ty aevr a.poeari_ on 'the rolls a.s 2o11o,^ so ScC. 5 i'!'> - 0"t 'O`ATnel' Banc: �fi;p® 1'Ctal 2 S Yl0t AA Feriil!10re CCO_Oe l' Est . Inc. `;rGG1000 pji40,0170 be corrected. as follows in accordance v^rith the prov. siCns of subdivision 5 of SeCuion 33° Llr. n 'ri 1r._-�, TOtai L_t 0 "ner Land- 2 8 Plot AA Fenimore Cooper E'st< Inc, ;35,000 ';35,000 2 51aA 14.aR LdAr:i-n Richard 5,000 5;000 5_VJ The Town Attorney reported on behalf of the Assessor and the Comptroller le- on the matter of taxes on section _, Sloc], 55, Lot i" to 43 inclusive and Lots 99 _O and _i '-_, owned b ._ ., Norman McIlashlan, which matte`' had been referred to t-'_lean at the meeting on February 17, 1937. He stated that the assessor and the Coma'trol ler recommended that the cony- oni e sted ,�, the Receive Taxes __. _^..is letter dated February -O, 1037,� e accepted, namely, that the Town _ elee7 these liens from the .3on..eC `unici _cal Corporation, the _J1d„Pti thereof, and that no. 'trL aSral pay t0 the Bonded 7"iuni.,lpa.l Corporation she tot ._ a'nount of the costs incurred to date in connec- tion `'1t._ the foreclosure proceedings instituted by said corporation, together with accrued interest. The Town Attorney stated tiat he approved of ,ear recommen- dation. in by _ . Bates, seconded by Sr. Brennan, it was i1ppcn roll call unanimously ESOLVEi', that on the recommendation o_ the Town Attorney the Town redeem from the Bonded Yunicipal Coi"'.[_orat_o;._ tax liens held by said corporation as 1 ollow s ironert Year of Sale Amount of Lien Sec _, Blk. 55, Lots 1B to 4B, inc. --r' Vs 9, 10 and 111 1930 G32 1932 Grand Total 30. ✓O each 32..73 24.74 323. 74 proviled that Tr. fJor an Su. ',-lasha °' pay to saV Bonded. 'i rich al Corporation the total amount of the costs incurred to date by said corporation, together with assured interest . The Supervisor discussed informally with the Ward the matter of providinz additional parking s;iace in the neighborhood of the apartment Mases near the La.lchmo'_1t station. At 11: 55 P. H. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.