HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_03_17 Town Board Minutes REGTIAR 1) iETING OF TE-E TOWN BOARD
I-iLD IiARCH 17, 1937
At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, lLamaroneck, i" . Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor . cCulloch
at 3 P. i'r%
Present: Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin
Absent : Councilman 1;Ieginniss
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin, Town
ttorney Delius, Assessor Smith and Town Engineer Foote,
The minutes of the meetings of February 3 and 17, 1957,
were approved as printed.
The regular order of business was suspended in order to
hear those persons who desired to address the Board.
vir. Edward B. Fernschild, realtor of New Rochelle, presented.
a letter dated March 10, 1937, concerning tax liens on property known
as Section 7, Block 18C, "Lots 199 to 204 inclusive, and addressed the
Board in relation to this matter. He requested that a client of his
be permitted to purchase tax liens on this property held by the Town
at the interest rate of 6 per cent instead of 12 per cent .
On motion by I,'r. Bates, seconded by lrir. Griffin, it was
RESOLVED that the request of 'dr. Fernschild as
above set forth be and it hereby is denied in
view of the action taken by the Board in other
and similar cases.
A r. Burton C. ;Iei,�han, Jr. , as substituted trustee under
the Last `,Fill and Testament of William T. Wood., deceased, addressed
the Board to offer to dedicate to the Town certain streets in pro-
perty owned by the Wood Estate lying along the Boston Post Road and
known. as Larclfiont Casino ( formerly known as the Red Lion Inn) property.
The Supervisor stated that if the Town accepts these streets,
which are at present unimproved, the 'r!. P. A. will construct the streets
and install sanitary sewers therein at no expense to the Town, the
sponsor' s contribution for the project, which would be known as
9-'Ka-105, being paid by the Wood Estate. The Town Attorney and the
Town Engineer stated that they approved of the proposition.
On motion by lair. Bates, seconded by 1vir. Brennan, it was
upon -roll call unanimously
RESOLVED �'FiERFAS, Burton C. Meighan Jr. as
substituted trustee under the last Will and
Testament of 'Xil lam T. Wood, deceased, has
offered to convey to the Town of i:iaraaroneck,
certain property more particularly described
in a certain deed made and executed this day
and, shown on a "Map of property belonging to the
d'lilliam T.miood Estate in the Town and Village
of lviamaroneck, Westchester County, New York
showing proposed street to be dedicated to the
Town", made by A. J. Foote, Civil Engineer and.
dated 'day 21, 1936; and
V' bEREAS, the Town of 111amaroneelk is the sponsor of a
certain W. P. A. project known as 9-Ma-105, which
project is for the purpose of laying out and construct-
ing certain proposed streets shown upon the map herein-
above referred. to and the construction of sanitary sewers
therein; and
WHEREAS, the said Burton C. laieighan, Jr. , as trustee as
aforesaid_, has agreed with the Town of ;Iamaroneck to
furnish the amount of the sponsor' s contribution which
the Town of harnaroneck would otherwise be required to
appropriate or raise for its share of said `.o. P. A.
project; and
iri�EREAS the plans and specifications for the construction
Of said streets and sewer have been approved by the Town
Engineer and the Town Attorney has reported that Burton
C. ideig4han, Jr. , as trustee as aforesaid, has good title
and can convey the same, subject only to certain mechanics'
liens filed against the property, which said trustee has
agreed to remove and for which he has executed his under-
taking to indemnify the Town of l; amaroneck, and taxes
which may be apportioned and which said trustee will -pay;
WHEREAS, said Burton C. Meighan, Jr. has agreed to sign
upon demand a petition for the extension of Sewer District
#1 in the Town of ',lanaroneck -pursuant to Section 191 of
the Town Law to include in said Sewer District the pro-
perty bounded on the 17est by Ilormnocks Road, on the -North
by the Boston Post Road, on the East by the boundary line
between the Village and Town of iramaroneck and on the
South by the lands now or formerly of Belle H. Salmon;
RESOLVED, that the Town of 1aamaroneck accept the
conveyance of Burton C. Lleighan, Jr. , as trustee
as aforesaid, dated and executed this day, conveying
to the Town of P, araaroneck, certain property therein
more particularly described, for highway purposes.
FURTIER RESOLVED, that if the W. P. A. of the Federal
Government abandon the project known as 9-,',a-105 for
the construction of certain streets and sewers in the
Town of laamaroneck and such streets and sewers are
not constructed in accordance with the plans as
contained in said project, that the Town of Mamaroneck
will re-convey to Burton C. kieighan, Jr. , as trustee
as aforesaid, any part or portion of the property de-
scribed in said deed which has not actually been
improved as streets or in which sewers have not been
actually laid, unless said Town. of _Mamaroneck, at its
option, completes file construction of sewers and streets
as originally contained in the -plans.
PROVIDED FURT=R, that the Town of Mamaroneck shall
not re-convey any part or portion of the property
actually improved, which fact shall be determined by
the Town Board of the Town of laiamaroneck, which
detenmination shall be conclusive.
The Town Attorney stated that in connection with the
foregoing acceptance of the streets in the property owned by the
William T . Wood Estate, it would be in order for the Board to
correct the assessment .rolls so as to show the property lying
within the bounds of the proposed new streets as now belonging to
the Town. He presented a petition from the Assessor dated '::larch 17,
1937, requesting such a correction of the rolls.
On motion by PSr. Griffin, seconded by Jir. Bates, it was
RESOLVED, -WHEREAS, the Assessor has ores
dated March 17, 1937, for the correction
rolls for certain years, pursuant to the
Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Lagos of
known as the Westchester County Tax Act,
-Inted a petition
of the assessment
Provisions of
1916, as amended,
WET]FEAS, after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
-i ovv. THEREFORE, BE I`1'
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1935,
taxes of 1936, which shows property now appearing on
the rolls as follows:
Sec. Bi-lk. Lot Omer Land Total
4 40A Wm. T. Wood, Trust. of $12,550 $12, 550
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total
4 40A Wm. T. 7ood, Trust . of '.$12$ 95 5"123395
4 40A Road Toren of hiamaroneck 155 155
E'IJRT:HER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the
year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now
appearing on the rolls as t'ollows:
See. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total
4 40A Wm. T. Wood, Trust. of '16,000 iy)16,000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
-provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Sec.Blk. Lot Owner Land Total
4 40A Wm. T . Wood, Trust . of x,151 800 jp15, BOO
4 40A Road Town of t+'amaroneck 200 200
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the
year 1935, taxes of 1936, which shows property now
appearin; on the rolls as follows:
Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
4 41A iil. T. 'Wood, Trust. of . °;t69, 300 '�12, 000 °�81, 300
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
-orovisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Impr. Total
4 41A Wra. T . Wood, Trust , of $64, 535 $12,000 (76, 535
4 41A Road Town of Mamaronecli 4,765 4,765
PURTIER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the
year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now
appearing on the rolls as follows:
Sec. Elk. Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
4 41A Wm. T. Wood, Trust. of $80,000 X6, 000 $861000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Sec. Blk. Lot
4 41A
4 41A Road
14m. T. 'Wood, Trust. of
Town of Hamaroneck
Land Imp. Total
$74, 500 6,000 1}80, 500
51500 - 5,500
The Supervisor stated that the next order of business would
be the holding of a public hearing in accordance with the action taken
by the Board at its meeting on February 17, 1937, in the matter of
creating the _oroposed refuse and garbage district in the Tomn of Lama-
At the request of the Supervisor, the Clerk read an Order
of the Town Board calling a public hearing in relation to the creation
of the proposed refuse and garbage district in the Torn of diamaroneck,
to be held on ',,.arch 17, 1937, at eight o' clock P. Y. , at the Town
Offices, ',Vest Boston Post Road, in the Village and Town of Ielarlaroneck,
and reported that a certified copy of said Order had been duly pub-
lished, posted and mailed as required by law.
The Supervisor thereupon declared the hearing open and
asked if there were any persons present who desired to be heard
with respect to the creation of the proposed refuse and garbage
district as requested in the petition therefor filed in the office
of the Town Clerk on January 20, 1937.
There being no persons who desired to be heard, the Supervisor
declared tee hearing closed.
Councilman L':'-riffin, introduced the following resolution:
I i THEE COUNTY OF -VdLSTC`ESTER F'r�7 YGRK as follows :
Section 1. The followinE Order is hereby adopted
and approved, and when signed by members of this Board
present at this meeting constituting a majority of the
--. entire Board, the same shall constitute an Order by this
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
- OF -
the establishment of Refuse and
Garbage District -No . 1 of the
Town of Marraroneck.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
',VHEREAS, on the 20th day of January, 1937, a petition
was filed in the office of the Torn Clerk of the Town of na:aaroneck
purporting to be signed by the -requisite nur_ber of property owners
as required by Article YII of the Town Law, petitioning the Town
Board of said 'Town to create a refuse and garbage district therein,
including all of the property in the Town of 7:Tamaroneck outside of
the villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, and describing the im-
proverients and services to be made and rendered in said District
and the maxirium amount to be expended therefor; and
'N-TEREAS, said Town Board on the 17th day of February,
1937, adopted an Order and caused the same to be entered in the
minutes of its proceedings reciting in general terms the filing
of said petition, the boundaries of the proposed District, the
improvements and services proposed and the estimated expense thereof,
and specifying the 17th day of ==larch, 1937, at eight o' clock P. M.
at the Town Offices, 158 I'Vest Boston Post Road, in the Village and
Town of i: amaronack, as the time when and the place where said Board
would meet to consider said petition and hear all persons interested
in the subject thereof and concerning the same, and
'V EREAS, the
Order certified by the
ine to law and also to
pora.tions, the names o
ment roll of the Town,
said Town Board caused a copy of said
Town Clerk to be published and posted accord-
be mailed to each of the public service cor-
f which appear on the latest completed" assess-
` =H REAS, said 'nearing was duly held at the time and place
so fixed in said Order, and
111V-3 REAS, proof has been submitted to the Comptroller of
the State of Ydew York by said Town Board with respect to the
desirability of the creation of said refuse and garbage district, and
INITTEREAS, the Comptroller of the State of New York has made
an investigation and has found that the public interest will be
served by the creation of such a refuse and garbage district and that
the cost of the same will not be an undue burden upon the property
of such proposed district, and has made an Order permitting the
creation of such district, all pursuant to Chapter 683 of the Laws
of 1933 of the State of New York, as amended. Now, therefore, it is
1. It is in the public interest to grant the relief sought by the
petition referred" to in the recitals hereof, and the relief sought
by such petition shall be granted.
2. Said petition is signed" or acknowledged or proved as required
by law and is otherwise sufficient.
3. A refuse and garbage district to be known as "Refuse and Garbage
District No. 1" is hereby established and created in the down of
?%amaroneck, Westchester County, New York, pursuant to the provisions
of Article XII of the Town Law of the State of New York, as amended,
said district to consist of all of the property in said Town of
iuiamaroneck outside of the incorporated villages of wlamaroneck and
4. All of the property, property owners and interested persons
within said refuse and garbage district will be benefited thereby,
and all of the -property and property owners who will be benefited
by said district are included in said district.
5. The improv erient to be made in said district shall consist of the
purchase of trucks and other equipment for the collection of refuse,
ashes, garbage and waste matter, the maximum amount to be expended
for said purposes being the sum ,of y36, 000. The service to be per-
formed in said district shall be the collection and disposal of refuse,
ashes, garbage and waste matter under contract or otherwise. The
ma,.i_rnuri amount to be expended annually for such service, including
the annual cost of "maintenance and replacement of equipment, is ,;821,000.
DATED: Harch 17, 1937.
I'Valter R. ilarvin
Town Clerk
By: Bert C. - cCulloch
George V. Bates
Henry D. Brennan
Edward C. Griffin
Edward B. !Alegi nniss
Section 2. A signed or certified copy of said
Order and Determination shall be duly recorded in the
office of the Clerk of the County of t`Vestchester.
Section 3. This resolution shall take effect
On motion of Councilman 'Triffin, seconded by Councilman
Bates, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: SupervisoricCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin
NAYS: Hone
On motion by Councilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman
Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 96A of Chapter 60
of the Consolidated Laws as amended, known as the Tax
Law, the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments of the Town
of I:iaraaroneck is authorized to collect the 1937 State,
County, Town and District Taxes and Assessments for
street and sidewalk improvements which become a lien
April 1, 1937, in two partial payments each amounting
to fifty per cent of the total of said taxes and assess-
F`�iRTI-R RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess-
ments is authorized and em-oowered to receive such partial
payments or instalments of taxes and assessments at any
time prior to the sale of tax liens but subject to the
same penalties as are specified and provided in Section
18 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as amended for the
neglect to pay the total amount of said taxes and assess-
FURTz= RESOLV'E'D, that the acceptance of any such partial
payment or instalment of the 1937 taxes and assessments
shall not be deemed to affect in any mariner any right
of the Town of i•; amaroneck under any General or Special
Law to enforce collection of any unpaid balance of such
taxes and assessments as -may remain due and owing to the
Town of _i4 ,iaroneck but such rights and powers shall remain
in full force and effect to enforce the collection of the
unpaid balances of such taxes and assessments together
with interest, penalties and other lawful charges.
The Town Attorney stated that it would be in order for the
Town Board to designate the newspaper in which the Receiver of Taxes
and Assessments should publish the notice- of the collection of State,
County, Town and District taxes and Special Assessments, which levies
become due and payable on April lst.
On motion by iir. Brennan, seconded by 1dr. Bates, it was
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of
Section 26, of the 17estchester County Tax Act, The
Daily Times, a daily newspaper published in the Village
and Town of Mamaroneck, and The Larcls2ont Times, a
- weekly newspaper published in the Village of Larchrnont,
Town of :Mamaroneck, be and they '_Hereby are desi"nated
as the newspapers in which the Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments shall publish the notice of the collection.
of State, County, Town and District taxes and Special
Assessments; and be it
?U RTgER RESOLVED, that said publications be made on
MJiarch 25, 1937; and be it
-_R R ,JL %'✓, -tna.t in accordance `.`vitro the pro'iisionS
of Section 26 of the V'estchesber County Tax Act, the
`o'�vrn Board do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of
Taxes and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the
Town of Marna.roneck, whose address is known to said
Receiver of Tapes and Assessments, a tax bill for all
taxes and assessments, the expense thereof to be a
town charge.
- The Town Attorney presented an affidavit executed by John
J. Carroll settin.:- forth that he is the son of John Carroll, deceased,
whose estate he has taken over and that he has control of the assets
ano. liabilities of Said estate- that a certain transfer of tax lease
for 1902 taffies sold in 1903 for �,y9.04 affecting premises owned. by the
estate of John 3loomer on Old -4hite Plains Road, Mamaroneck, now knovun
on the assessment map of the Town of mlaraaroneck as Section 3, Block IS-
was at one time in the possession of said John Carroll, deceased, but
has si .ce become .mislaid or lost and at the present time cannot be
found after d.1li, ent search was made for it, P+'ir. Carroll offered to
indemnify the Town of _rarnaroneck against any loss that may be sustained
by the Town, in the event that said tax lease is ever found.
The 'Town Attorney stated that it would be in order for the
Board to authorize the Supervisor to issue a duplicate of the above
tax lease 7,-hich has been fully paid and satisfied.
'Jn -n0ti On by Dir. Grif I'in., secon—' ed by llr. Bates, it `o'�iaS
3ES13 LVBD t} at in accordance -,vi, t-I the *provisions of
Section 54 of the Westchester County Tax Act the
Supervisor be and he hereby is aut's:nor1zed, empowered
and directed to issue a duplicate of the tax lease
above referred -to.
The Town Attorney presented a letter from LI-o. Frank Schrenkeisen, ''�
attorney of New Rochelle, r•epresentinz the owners of property on
__ewater point in t1 me Town of `damaroneck vrhich pro�nerty tree Town plans
to sell at a foreclosure sale for non-uayment of tares. The letter set
forth the basis of a. proposed. compromise of said taxes. After con-
siderable discussion the Board agreed that under certain conditions,
including among; others that the Village of 'Mamaroneck consent to the
same terms, it would postpone the foreclosure sale to April 25, 1937 ,
provide' the owners of property on or before April lo 1937 pay to
the 'Tov;n the sum of y6,000 and the balance in 90 days, and the interest
rate on the liens held b the Town would_ be reduced to 6 per cent .
The C1er-z: reported on the letter of Silas S. Clark dated
February 23, 1937, concerning taxes for the years 1899 and 1900 on
Section 3, Block 94, Lots 19, 20 and 21, which letter was referred
to the Clerk at the „ieeting of the Town Board held March 3, 1937,
On motion by 'dr. Griffin, seconded by .ir. Brennan, it was
RZSOL�TuD, ':THER AS the tarn arrears book of the Receiver
of Taxes and Assessments shows the following taxes as
unpaid, namely:
Year of Amount of Held
Tai, Sale- of Lien B7_
Sec.8,Bl'x. 94,Lot 19
{: 1.40 Town
10. 45
12. 65
(Compromised) r
VJREAS, the minutes of a 'regular meeting of the Town
Board held October 3, 1903, show as follows:
"Mr. Swallow objected to paynent of taxes on lots 129 &
130 1,Vaverly sub-division of Grand Park, on the around
that the same was not properly assessed. Also lots 200,
201A L 201B total tax being 181. 62. On motion seconded
and carried that supervisor be authorized to settle
same before Tuesday Oct . 6th at 9 A. M. for the sum of
JE✓REAS the Assessor has informed the Town Board that
the present map description of the lots above described
as lots 200, 201A and 2018 is Section 8, Block 943 Lots 19,
20 and 21;
RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is directed to show the above described
taxes on said lots as _paid, provided he can find evidence
that the compromise granted by the To�,,n Board on October 3,
1903 was accepted bar the then owner of said pro?erty and
that the compronised amount of taxes, namely, $44.90 was
in fact paid.
The Clerk stated that it would be in order for the Board to
approve the surety bond of 6,1 1 illiam J. Yarmy as Constable of the T'o'rn
of Mamaroneck in the penal sua of {l 000, being bond 71o. 16558 which
bears the approval of Edward A. feeler, the io,+',n' s insurance brokc-r.
On motion duly _Wade and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the bond of ':lilliam J. Yarmy,as above
set forth, be and it hereby is approved.
The report of the Supervisor for the period January 1 to
February 28, 1937, was -received and filed.
T''_-_e annual report of the Supervisor for the fiscal year-
ended Decearber 31, 1936 . as submitted to the State Comptroller was
-received and filed.
A letter dated _',arch 31 1937, was received from the County
Transportation Company concerning the complaint of Irs. A. Stirling
Smith as -presented at a recent meeting of the Board, in regard to
the operation of noisy buses on Weaver Street . The Cler3_2 was directed
to send a copy of this letter to P,Irs. Smith.
A circular letter dated. February 20, 1937, from the Town
Club of Scarsdale enclosing a report on the -New York, L"Jestchester
and Boston Railway was -received and laid over.
A letter dated March 3, 1937, was received from i:r. 1Leeler
the Town' s insurance broker. suggesting fire and theft insurance for
certain motor vehicles owned by the Town and not so covered.. The
Clerk ,ryas directed to take the matter u-_o with the heads of the de-
-oartments affected..
The report of the examination of the highway accounts of
the Toivn for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1935, was received
from the office of the State Comptroller. The report stated that
the various records or accounts had been properly kept and the entries
in the account book properly made '"except as explained_ under remarks"
and under "remarks" there were no exceptions. The report was ordered
A petition dated March 17, 1937, was received from Assessor
Smith requesting, the correction of thhe assess-nent roll for 1936, tax
of 19371 in resn-ect to certain _pro_oe-,rt�7 "f,10 Z'e fU.l_y Set f Or to 1✓elow.
On motion by Idir. Griffin, seconded by I:Ir. Bates, it was
RESOLVED, W ERE'' S, the Assessor has presented a petition
dated I'iarch 17, 1937, for the correction of the assessment
roll for 1936, tax of 1937, pursuant to the provisions of
Section 33 o-1 Chapter 105 of the La=.ors of 1916 as aiiended,
knowia as the Ugestchester County Tax i-lct; and
1 ,>S after due consideration t'nis Board finds it
desirable to --rant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED - iat the assessment roll for the year 1936
ta.x of 193'7 vahich shows property now appearing on
the rolls as follows :
Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Imp• Total
3 17 183-19 to 29 Estelle II, Shongut X7,100 X5, 500 ;12, 600
be corrected as folloo,rs, in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 330
Sec. B1k, Lot Owner Land Imps Total
8 17 188-19-20-21) Robert r: . Dorsey };14, 100 , 55500 f 9, 600
26 to 29 )
8 17 22 to 25 Estelle H. Shongut 3,000 33000
FJRTIER RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the
year 1936, tax of 1937, shows property now
appearin on tb.e rolls as follo*.':'s;
Sec. 311r. Lot Owner Land Iran. Total
8 101 67B-58B-69)
70--to 73_ 25ari a ,vIerigliano ��F3,700l 500 p10, 200
be corrected as folloti'vs, in accordance with the
arovisiore of subdivision 5 o Section 33:
Sec , 31'_7. Lot Owner Land Imp Total
8 101 67 B 65B-69)
0 '' -723 ) Maria _rerigliano 6 300 y)1, 500 7, 800
73B )
8 101 72A-73A Marie Sestito 2, 400 2, 400
A petition dated L4arch 17, 1937, was received froxr!. the
Assessor' requ.estin; the 1'o'.Gn Board to correct the assessment Poll
for 1936 tax of 1937 so as to correc'c a typographical error _made
in transferrin„ figures from the -tentative -roll to the permanent roll.
On motion by I+Ir. Griffin, seconded by mTr. Bates t was
u_nan IMouSl-IT
E T71.0 vEE='AS the Assessor has presented a petition
dated -�:iarch 17 1937 for the correction of the assess-
zent roll for 1935, tax of 1937, pursuant to -Uhe provisions
of Section 33 of Chapter lOb of the Laws of 1916 , as
amended, knolvn as the TV`estchester County Taa. Act- and
,VE12 RE4_S, after due conside?°ati on this Board finds it
desirable to Erant said petition for the correction
of s,_id assessment roll;
d0'J; THE=Z'1F OR1, 3E IT
RE-SOL'TTD, that the assessraent roll for the year 1936,
tan of 1937, Ix-oicti shows property r�_ow e_ppearing on
the rolls as iollo,:✓s:
Sec . Blk. Lot (Dwner Land Total
6 10 7A Arthur Koch & V p15,000 d! 15, 000
be corrected as follovrs, in accordance w* th the
provisions of subdivision 1 of Section 33
Sec. Elk. Lot Owner Land Total
6 10 7A Arthur Koch w W y; 1, 500 3 1, 500
Reports dated I:iarch 3 and 12 were received from t're State
Insurance Fund concern.ina accidents to employees of the Town. The
reports were ordered filed.
LIr. Griffin reported on the Annual Report of the Department
of Public JGelfare for the yc-ar 1936 in accordance ?with the action
taken by the Board at its meeting on Harch 3, 1937. He said that th.e
report .rives a co"_10r'ehensive "pictu_re of the operation of the derartzment
and tlrat there is nothing contained therein which re0aires action by
the Board..
On motion by Brennan, seconded by lVr . Bates, the Clerh
was unanimously directed to prepare a suitable resolution of sympathy,
to Ralph A. Ga 1ble, forme--, Town Counsel and noTr a nrei.ber of the
Assembly for this district, upon the death of his wife and to send a
copy thereof to lair. Gamble .
Sy a risin vote at 10 .10 P . -.. the Board una_^imo,a.sl
resolved_ to adjourn out of respect and s mpat'_ny to �v;r. Ga ble.
V Too"'rn Clerw: