HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937_02_03 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD T01->N OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD FEBRUARY 3, 1937 At the Town Offices, 153 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. 8:20 P. PII. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at Present: Supervisor PilcCulloch Councilmen Bates and Griffin Absent: Councilmen Brennan and Meginniss The presence was also noted of 1diss Alice ?Wheelock, Deputy Town Clerk, Town Attorney Delius, Town Engineer Foote, and Mayor Edward F. -Watson and Trustee Arthur H. Loucks of the Village of Larchmont . The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear those persons who wished to address the Board. Mr. u9oodson Oglesby addressed the Board in connection with the unpaid taxes on property owned by Leewood Shaw, situated on Edgewater Point, Mamaroneck. He offered to pay all the unpaid taxes on this property, on the basis of the assessed valuations as fixed by the Referee and confirmed by the court in the certiorari proceeding to review the assessment roll for 1934, tax of 1935, using the Town tax rate for each year plus 6 per cent interest from the date of sale. After discussion the matter was laid over for further consideration. Mr. Alfred Eager discussed with tine Board the drainage condition affecting his property on Valley Road. He stated that a drain to remedy this situation might be constructed to follow either of the two following courses: (1) through the property of Mr. Harold K. Young, from whom an easement may be obtained at a cost of $323.00 and his own property; (2) through the same property of Mr. Young and then into the property of Mr. J. J. Bowe approximately 52 or 53 feet, an easement for which may be obtained at a cost of $250.00 to the Town. Mr. Eager added that if the Town chose the first plan, he would grant the Town permission to go through his property. After discussion the matter was laid over for further consideration. There being no other persons present who desired to address the Board, the regular order of business was resumed. Mr. Griffin presented the report of the Public -Welfare Department for the month of January, 1937. The report was ordered filed. The Town Attorney stated that it would be in order for the Board to adopt a resolution concerning the 'W. P. A. Advisory Committee as suggested by the Village of Larchmont at the meeting of the Town Board on January 6, 1937. He recommended that the resolution adopted' by the Board at its meeting on January 20, 1937, appointing the Supervisor as the representative of the unincorporated section on the Advisory Committee, be rescinded and his appointment made a part of this resolution. On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the resolution, appointing the Supervisor as the representative of the unincorporated section to serve on the W. P. A. Advisory Committee, adopted at the meeting on January 20, 1937, be and it hereby is rescinded. On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, IVHJREAS this Board has heretofore sponsored certain W. P . A. projects for work done outside of the incorporated Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, which improved streets and highways outside of the Villages; and WHEREAS this Board now contemplates sponsoring W. P. A. projects for work to be done in the incorporated Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, as well as in the Town outside of Villages, in accordance with the Laws of the State of New York, and the decision of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department in a certain action entitled "Village of Larchmont, et al, plaintiffs, vs. Town of Mamaroneck, et al de e da z s, rt and similarly provide th e amount required for material, supplies and equipment for such projects, by bond issue and/or levy upon all property in the Town of Mamaroneck including the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS the assessed valuation of property in the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1937, is as follows: Area Town outside of Villages Village of Larchmont Village of Mamaroneck Assessed Valuation Percent $301582; 926 37 26,9571523 32 25.064.461 31 $82, 604, 910 100 RESOLVED that hereafter this Board will, in sponsoring further 'N. P . A. projects, apportion the appropriation of the funds for materials, supplies and equipment between the Town outside of Villages and the Villages, so that each area shall obtain as nearly as possible an equal appropriation of such funds, according to the percentage of assessed valuation of each, to the total assessed valuation in the Town; FURTHER RESOLVED that the following shall be the procedure followed in sponsoring additional X. P. A. projects;. An Advisory Board shall be formed which shall consist of one representative from each of the three municipal units. The Advisory Board shall review all proposed projects submitted after January 1, 1937, and submit its find- ings to the Town Board, a copy to be transmitted to the Boards of the other two municipal units. The Advisory Board may, at its discretion, submit suggestions and recommendations regarding work projects to the Town Board. Each of the three municipal units shall prepare the surveys, plans, estimates and specifications for the projects proposed by the respective municipal units. ,After the Advisory Board has rendered its report on a proposed project, such project shall be approved by the local Board of the municipal unit or units directly concerned before such project may be submitted to the Town Board for its official consideration. The financing of work relief projects shall be performed by the Town Board and the purchasing of materials, supplies and labor shall be under the direction and supervision of the Town Board, subject to such rules and regulations as it may prescribe from time to time. NMI,I The Advisory Board shall review all uncompleted and unopened projects of the three municipal units and report thereon to the Town Board, a copy of such report to be transmitted to the Boards of the other two municipal units. The Advisory Board shall schedule with approval of relief agencies, the opening and re-opening of all projects with due regard for seasonal , operation and emergency conditions, subject to the approval of the Town Board FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing contained in this resolution shall be construed so as to vary in any way the provisions of law applicable to this Board' s action in sponsoring uV. P . A. projects, but all such projects shall be carried on in accordance with such provisions of law. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is appointed to represent the Town of Mamaroneck outside of incorporated Villages, on said Advisory Board. Town Attorney Delius stated that since a public hearing had been held on the proposed ordinances for the Town it would be in order for the Board to adopt them. He stated that several changes would have to be made in the Building Code and the General Ordinances and recommended that they be laid over until the meeting on February 17, 1937. He declared, however, that the Park Ordinance or Regulations and the Fire Prevention Ordinance or Code had been approved by the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District No. 1 and the Fire Council, respectively, and recommended their adoption. On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, WHEREAS a public h held on the 26th of January, of considering the enactment and regulations for the Town of Incorporated Villages, as of the Town Law; and saying was heretofore 1937, for the purpose of ordinances, rules of Mamaroneck outside provided in Article 9 ?WHEREAS there have been submitted to this Board, a Fire Prevention Ordinance or Code, prepared by the Town Attorney and a Park Ordinance or Regulations which have been duly adopted by the Commissioners of Park District #1 in the Town of Mamaroneck on April 14, 1936, pursuant to the provisions of Chaoter 574 of the Laws of 1924 as amended; RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby enacts the following Ordinances, Rules and Regulations: Be It Ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck as follows: PARK ORDINANCE '- ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF PARK COINIMISSIONERS OF THE TO'LIN OF AAMARONECK, APRIL 14, 1936. ( see insert herewith) AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIRE 'XITHIN THE TOWN OF IiiAMARONECK, WESTCHESTER CO . , NE-VAT YORK STATE . ( see insert herewith) ;o iaeq nags gam 6?uo 2u? ;o au ;O sq 2ua gInq nbea aau; slun S ao 14 30 2ui Sus !Al. 'uo?7 •E AOU1 room ntus 'Z sI sq sa2u goau anals lmba as;Ire )pug s •T t01lo I; 3 gg 3K DA Oy na � N uga atgs `wa? P i Iva U1 ip a aaaq I uo BAD >qa alga eq3 D140a eua or ego oilN euo OTJDa ego 0140; Salo opa iD snot a 4 ao; -?u2is umoy all; ;O Iloa ;uaunssoseu lsSt au; o; 2u.PA000t s?seq o2iloo; 3 luoay t, no paulmaelap,, 42ulpltnq a pasodoad PIGS wog; ;aa; puvsnogl a auo do snipta s utq;?m 2;aadoad Iva' a luaoaad 19 ISEDl is 2ntnmo a saaumo'`agl,.Sq pau2?s pazog umoy s Dill o;uo?;?;ad"'t ;uasaad o; ;uasuoo gans 2ut�jaas uoai{taodao0 ao uo?l I etoosss `out; 'uosaad ailg-.19; Saes -saDau aq nuts ;t 'pauty;go 4-ilsgs ;uasuoo goes aaogag •sosodand gans ` ao; pass?elgo uaaq anSq litgs pazog umoy aql ;o ;uasuoo au; li;un 'as; -dego siu; ;'o t Uot;aaS, ;o suotstn -oad au; glim aDUVgdmoa pulajnbaa aoloadsul 2U?PIIUE agl ;o aapao ail no ;daoxa `sasodand jisg aouvp ao; paaally ao pallepouzaa aq llsgs 2tu 4'- ..r q tut;slxa on PUS PGlana;,suoa i aq IItgg autplinq ON :TT uopoaS uosaad aoupm tans 3o uvipavn2 ao ;uaasd v 404 ul loo si"kzol;tluesea -daa gill 2u plum uosaad ail; uetlm. I'aOUSp gons ;s ummea of pallim aad aq ao 'aonep D?Ignd v o; Sop sluzpv u?v;qo Stan Janina dons leq;. aapao U! sou?w Sut ;o usipavn2 ao ;uaasd t eq of ;lasaaq ao 3199 _uaaq ;nasaadea o; uosaad ASS ao; In;mvlun aq osly Iisgs It put :alt. ;o savaS 9T aapun s? 40s; ssI uosaad ions uagh `ulaaaIll ulvmaa o; aa;.. -la aaad ail 01 ao llsq aousp atlgnd e of uo?ssluapv uis;go o; aapao u?:. sasaA 9T 3o ate ail genie;;t OAVq, o; ;Iasaaq ao dlasunq wasaadaa 0; e uosaad Sus ao; ln�slun ail llvgs II 'uB1pavn2 altIslms S ao slug -avd aaq ao siq ;o auo ;o Suvdmoo ul aq uosaad gons ssalun `saysA 91 10 alt ail; pagavaa Sllueavdds ao Shun;Ga low seq otlm Ilsq ao aauvp oa?lgnd Sue u? ;aed D%sl ao pUa; -;s of uosaad ASS ;?maid o; ';Do; -;a ul aq uau; Svm aaeagoigm 'am?l 2ulnes 1g211Stp so anvil P-PUV;s Uaalsta •m •d 3100I0,O aU?u aol;e In;mvlun aq 11Bgs, ;I :OT uO1409S -anoq as;vl X1 I S Illun lltq ao aousp Sue anu1luo0 o; ;nuaad IVIDads S 'uOgvmuv2 G -ao ao gnlo `Alatoos gons o; ;VVa2 ?I St O Pavog ssmopy oq; `saa�uO?ssom 3 -wo aOI od do ato8 ail; 4 ; ut -s2?;sanu? us ail;e put Uotltz1ut2 a -ao as gnlo `Sla?oos apt; suoq v ;o P uo?lso?lddv all; uodn IV 4 `aanam0 q 'Pap?noad `;0a;;a n? us eq Stm s anaga?gm `aun; .2-Aus 4g2ulSup Ias awal Pavpuv;s naalsve 'ytI •v drI 210oto o�i;..;o aneq agl aao;aq ao ';s Ill pasote eq'tI'ags„x Sunrl aauvp ollgn. qv ire pus panUtlUOaBz$aa0. Vets slIs puv saonsp 0liqud IIV"`&-uullaoS $uvga aS auo •aa;deg,' slug 3o suoisrsq,?,. [It glim aouvatdwoo aa?nbaa Pu aapao anaasoad of aq Begs IT B;n asogm aDao; aollod ail; ;o as -mom s Sq pastesadns psse Papua -Is Slsnonut;uoo eq Svw Ilvq a aauvp ollgnd Saana :8 uog0as •ulaaaul eavld saaivl a9 401 _alga av2tnn ao ;Ualo?n `ssoa2 S aapaos?p BUS aanguagm ao palTIU -wog si 40V Ieaomwl ao luaDal -U? Sue aanauagm to pa;vio?n 2U -aq gas aaldsuo s?ql TO suoi anoad sue aanauaum Itvq Doug allgnd fug P9JSDSA aq 01 Gans jjegs pazog umoy aqy :L noiloas •pja 2alaq Gas slteq so s9DUSp DIM' saw?l Ire It pa;g2li ?lam put Sad l eq l?egs livq DOVSP a 1141 na oatmoo swo0a Ile Put s92esst •aouvnssi .2u?mollo; aoquxaoaQ a 0 SSp ;siE ail; uo aaldxa llvus Put s? Ig2aa;suta; ;on eau 'nmogs 2uiaq 'a o;aaaq; asnvo uodn pazog umoy S ql Sq uopullaDUUD Ut loatgns gas -a a;dsgo s?q; of lusnsand pa;uva2 - asuao?l lit Put buy :01 UoilOas a -mgq ssautsng aaDUOD au; ;o. Z£ uotloDs o; ;ue nsand poluva2 esueott v 3o aaplog a all; o; slddv Ion Vets aa;dSgo s?ql do suo?slnoad aqy :O uO900S ` _aluamululaayua put suoi;aun; Sliunmmoq; ao it0l;?Sod 'algv;tasg0 p sno?2tlaa 3o' Vlaq uo shit-putt so aa;;em 2u?s?;aanpv"yg 2utaanliap ao - 2uilppad agl o; aou''sap}cpouxuaoa a gons qo;so ao oonpo.xd octe4.,DUOS -sad aaglo ao/pus saemav; Sq �a0ng -oa0'. Vut; put s;ina; `qs?; 's;vam' ;0 2utpu9n so 2u?Ipped 2aitjas alt; o; Sldds ;ou IIVgS aaldsgo sigl ;o 9UOislnoad aqy :8 uONOas uosaad auo o; pans -sI aq Iisgs asuoog gans auo utq; aaour IOU lnq umoy au; 3o saDSid Otignd ao sSSmg21tl `spsoa 'slaaals ail{ uodn aonpoad�napav2 so was; ';ulna; negl =ail10 astpusg0aaw do sajopav ilvms satav;daoaa aag;o;ao s;ailssq slasD-puvu moo; 2U1IPPed ao; suosaad lua2?put o; g2asgg ;n0 -i;im sasua0.1 angst uo?;aaosip s?q w! Ssm JIaajo umoy aqy :L uONVOS •aiolgaa gons ;o saoleaedo so saantap at; ao; sou '010t DA PISS ul pa?aav0 astpusgaaaux ail; ;o oanl� -as;nutm ail; jog luamgSllqsls9 us ao ;o uo?ingta;s?P ao apes au; ao; asnogaatm ao asnogq-agols aao;s B umoy aqy U1q;?m assinsq suoa;V aodaOD ao suul; `suosaad aau;o ao, saaslaq `saa0oa2 Sq pasn ao paumo sago?uan Saanliap ao; SOSU9011 aawb -aa o; panalsuoo aq Ion Ilvus salDtq -an ao; sasuaDil 2u?alnbaa as;dvgo sass;;o SUOISIAOad ally :9 uotlOGg "00.OT$ aq ljags oa; Gill `;oo; no ao 'atavldaaaa aaq;o ao le3l eq `ola?gan pasuea?I t moa; 2u?puan so 2ss�gmSq '211111) d ,2ul,las ao/put '<u?ssgoand 2uI aa;asq jog asueoil iota god; (q) '00'SZ$ eq Rags ael asuao?I Gull 'paq?aosep aao;aqu?aaaq OIO?gan iasa Dog (s) :g UotlgaS •aagdvgo stgl ;o suoistnoad �aul g;lm aouepa000v u? Slalvasdas panssi aq IIVEls 'puan ao %j vg `alp -pad `Iles ao/pus assgoand 'aa;avq 'ol asuaoll ions BaaA9 lnq of paaaa; -aa aaldsg0 SIM UT st al0igan ao ! Sala! OA Jog asuaoll g epnlaua hells dI puan ao almsq 'ajppad JIGS ao/pus q assgoand 'aa;avq of asuaoll on put asuaoll 910lgaa S ut papnlout aq d Iisgs o;paaaa;aa u?aaaq Ve puan ao -. mtq. 'alppad Ilas ao/puv assgoand ao; asuaoll ON :Jr uopoas q •S;tlit(i'bu gsaa IS?Durumi Put aa; -ovaegD texotzr­pao2 ;o 311910 umoy o Gill of Sao;OS;sl;zs:..;ooad aonpoad Ilvus aaldsgo sigl aapun sasuaO as ail; aao;ag •asuaasa;�: q IS 1punoa2 ;o ;oi ao gin y� angOn.r;s Sus moa; utSap t..� em so '.tlaodoad umoy uo qa1 o aII'emapis v lonalsuoO Ssm It aad v 2u?n?aDaa put sod 'UISldd al;t aaumo S;aadoad Guy :slly apa5 ;o uo.10na;suop •OT aoReR .l?maad aq; ; apssaaans ao uo.ITOOnaa uo ;USDi dv eq; o; panan;aa eq o; aouvli a2SmGp gans SUS aledaa o; dal ,. sI sv aousivq all;3o gonuz us sa2asgo uo?gaadsu? 0; 00'T$ .smoilo; as pal. dv aq Iisgs ;isodap uaigm O;Gaa 2emep Buz ;snttae umoy a S;?utuapu? o; passoao aq o; xla opts ;o loo; aavnbs Bova ao; 00', i IvnbG Vans S aos?naadnS z pr? ,_l?sodap Reis ;?mead gans lUVO?Iild2 aqy -SSemg2iH ;o -pualu?aadnS aq; moo; paurviclo os op 0; l?waad s ssalun pa;O� -UOO aal;vaaag eq sum es gonSJ a0ssalsixa m s-u?ssoaa papsal ;daoxa a?Ismapis Sus ssoaav aq titgs ajo?gan ON :O U01411_ •UO1I?PUOO It11 a SIT 0; Paaolsaa SSmg21q aqj'_ sanou 83 Ulu;im P9AOmDa aq [i ;uuaaG-.,,Ions o; ;utnsand pa; _u sjv?agism-lis ;tmaad Vans ;o;,-a i ge ui- •J" Gaon Sold ?are" ons aon- gtit tidy, s[on 01Y1 o to -oeaa uodn, 's;uopxoot plon;I_,mJol- '4112?u IS SIg211 Pa; glim I4;U01, en- gons Pasn2 os Iisgs....;lmled lsa4rda- ;o aaploq agd, 'pazog u.ml 01a- Sq esnvo ao; algvoonaa aq III us and 1pa;0aaa aq o; s? 2u?PIIUq aq;.., red uodn 401 au; a;Isoddo Sli aD!V ola- _U11 SempSOa Dui ;o pa?gl-01 so;s'on_ aaom ;o ao as;;n2 ao 31!OIg NisE But ;o uot;onaloclo ail; ez�;0 tar loo Vets Put sq;uom aoatll sown, aa2uol on polaad s ao; aq Iig-P -aad ions •sAvmg21H SO ;us'sS -aadn m s aql wog; liaad v it Ilsi y_ Semg2iq Bus uodn paDvid aq g0 irie Istaa;em 2uipltnq ON :8 UOq as?T ;0 8 uo?loas ul pap?noad ss -xa ;oaaagl lied Bus ao Se. ail l0na4sgo aaunvw SUB ut ;aa ao 1spolem `alonav Sus -up Ilvgs uosaad ON :L uoi •uOt4snv0x9 sno?naad sv UOMPUOO pool paaolsaa og Begs panado Sv ail ;o aOe3ans aqy :9 Uot •s;?npuoo pus saatm 01140al auogdalal 'sad?d aa;vm `sux -vq 'saames 'suivap 11v .;o I -oun; pat uopDaload all; aol -uodsaa Blelos ag begs Stmi Ueda of Mooed v 2uuts4go -ds Ba9A9 saafoldma umoy SI IOU s? xaom au;uaiLAA :9 UOI -11 ao; s;uvo?jddv liy :£ 'akipas ' •al0igan gans To opisui aql no aDVid snonoulsuoO v u? paSSId- -sip ail sawn IIS IS Iitus asuaoll go?gm '3Iaalo umoy au; moa; PauvI -qo uaaq aevq ;sal.; llvgs ao;aaao; DSUGO?I v ssalun umoy aql ;o saaeld O?Ignd ao sSVmg2111 spsoa 'slaaags ail uodn woa;aaat; eanpoad ao as?pUSUOaam 'saasm spool ;o efvs ao/puv esvgaand 'ae4auq alt; ao; pasn Gq llvgs aadod aaq;o ao poet Sq pa?lodoad ao 'sivwauv ao ISViiz- US Sq umvap uoildtaosap ao pul3l pea ill?m palu2a Stulvld ail 11 Doc Put ne�opuns Uaamlaq IttS f�it' papasn2 Slaadoad aq IIvT/p, oaf -112m U, s2uinado 11 :p V� i0 •vtaom agl.. d9 /p. Slaadoad o; luat0g;ns mil 7esa,Ib -aa Aem aos?naadnS agl it %3p J,(? luepualutaadns agao s3 � -O'e3sllvs ail; of alaom aou; hi o; asn;aa ao tae; luplld -:. ;I •paliaossuo puoq aq;ao?; -du au; O; Papun;aa ,;Dom -DSjsa;es sit o; paloldtiaad all; ISi; ssem 121H ;�soup -nS all; s4 uor;SDIM ill?'a -ISq auo Put aos?na{ moo; paltsodap lvo0I$ 30 zloigm palonpap aq Iregs idns ;o ;o urns IV404 ail; 'A 'N `X021NO21V1AiVW 30 NMOZ alu 30 SHONVNIM1O aOHV9 JIQ210 i' OTJLTa 12[�id 3ICII3 Q111f4 HoklVjIIQNO XaVCT %.9T A letter dated February 3, 1937, was received from Eugene F. Page, owner of property known as Section 1, Block 66, Lots 18A, 19A5 20A and 17C, requesting that the zoning of this property be changed from "F" (Unclassified) to "C" (Business) . On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by 1r. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, WHEREAS Mr. Eugene F. Page has presented to this Board an application to amend or change the Zoning Ordinance or Regulations duly adopted by the Town of Mamaroneck so as to change certain property owned by him and described as Section 1, Block 86, Lots 18A, 19A 20A and 17C from a Class F Use District (Unclassified as shown on the map which accompanies said Ordinance or Regulations to a Class C Use District (Business) ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held upon the change or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance or Regulations as applied for, pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of the Town Law; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such hearing be held on the 3rd day of March at 8 P. M. at the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. and that notice of such hearing be published in The Daily Times, a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the Village and Town of Mamaroneck, on or before February 16, 1937; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be directed to prepare such notice and publish the same in accordance with this resolution. A petition dated February 3, 1937, was received from Assessor Smith for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of certain taxes. The Town Attorney recommended approval of the petition. On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, WHEREAS the Assessor has presented a petition dated February 3, 1937, for the correction of the assessment rolls for certain years, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total 2 8A 25,26, 27,29 Fenimore Cooper Est. $11,800 $11, 800 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Elk. Lot 2 8A 25126, 27 2 8A 29 Owner Fenimore Cooper Est. Charles Guglielmo Lard Total $82800 $8; 800 3,000 3, 000 >I t' .a FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 2 22 5 to 13-42 Mills Land Corp. $15, 600 $131000 $285600 to 47 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937 , which shouts property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot 2 31 40141, 42 Owner Land be corrected as follows, in accordance with the Total Elsie V. Worthley 2,700 provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Helen B. Baumblatt Sec. Elk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 2 22 5, 6 Eugene V. Santoli $ 15800 $ - $1,800 2 22 7 to 15 Jay H. Teichner 8, 400 82400 2 22 42 to 47 Mills Land Corp. 51400 13,000 185400 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937 , which shouts property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot 2 31 40141, 42 Owner Land Improvement Total Elsie V. Worthley 2,700 $85300 11,000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 2 31 40A Elsie V. uYorthley 450 450 2 31 40B541,42 Mary A. Ryan 21250 $8, 300 103550 FURTHER RESOLVED, teat the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 2 34 49 to 53 Sarah A. Gesner, Trustee of $42500 x$81000 $121500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 2 34 49150 Helen B. Baumblatt $15800 $11800 2 34 51 to 53 Sarah A. Gesner, Trustee of FURTHER RESOLVED, that th year 1936, taxes of 1937, appearing on the rolls as Sec. Blk. Lot Owner 4 28 1 Howell Estate 2,700 e assessment roll which shows prop follows: Land $11, 400 $8, 000 10, 700 for the =rty now Improvement Total $71500 $18, 900 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Elk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 4 28 1 Howell Estate 7600 $7, 500 $15, 100 4 28 11 Urbain G. Turcot Inc. 31800 35800 w FURTHE,R RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 7 17 1B,718 Harry K. Ellenbogen $21100 - $21100 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec.—Blk. -Lot be corrected as follows, in accordance with the Total - 78 provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: $11250 — Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 7 17 1B, 7A Harry K. Ellenbogen $13100 - $10100 7 17 7B58 Fred C. Fischer 1,000 1,000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 2 17 - Knud Engelsted $301000 $225000 $52,000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 2 17 - Knud Engelsted $21,500 $221000 $43; 500 2 17 2 F. III. Totten 31600 3,600 2 17 9 Elizabeth Y. Schabacker 2; 900 21900 2 17 15 Knud Engelsted 2,000 2,000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows —. property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 6 27 11B,12) 6 33 7A ) Augusta 'Khite $ 2,500 $9,000 $11, 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 6 27 11B, 12 Augusta 'Iihite $ 21000 $95000 4811,000 6 33 7A Ann V. White 500 500 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner "Land Total 8 78 14, 15 Luigi DeIaria $21500 $2,500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec.—Blk. -Lot Owner Land Total 8 78 14 Anna Cecconi $1,250 $11250 8 78 15 Luigi DeMaria 11250 12250 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot 3 12 - Sec. Blk. Lot 3 12A 3 12B Owner Land Improvement J. J. Murdock $441000 $13,000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Owner J. J. Imiurdo ck Rose B. ". Heintz Land Improvement 1312000 $13,000 13,000 Total $57,000 Total $441000 13,000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Bl'a. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 9 19 9A,10A, 9B) lOB, 9C ) Charles Clyman 165, 000 161000 171,000 10C ) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 9 19 9A,10A Chain Stores Securities x$57,000 16,000 x$63,000 Corp. 9 19 9B, 9C,10B 10C, 9D.10D Charles Clyman 85000 8,000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment rolls for the years 1935 and 1936, taxes of 1936 and 1937, which show property appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total 5 10 1C Spencer Estate $u"71500 $;57, 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land 5 10 1C Spencer Estate : 5,000 5 10 1Cl Guv Vroman 2, 500 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1935, taxes of 1936, which snows property appearing on the rolls as follows: Total $5, 000 2, 500 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Bl'.h. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 4 35 7C,8CA10A 1OB 10C G. P. Corporation $3$ 350 $ 9 500 $125850 10D be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 4 35 7C,8C G. P. Corporation $ 350 $ 350 4 35 10A,10B 10C, 10D Constance Smith 3,000 $59, 500 125500 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1936, taxes of 1937, which shows property appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Bl'a. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 9 19 9A,10A, 9B) lOB, 9C ) Charles Clyman 165, 000 161000 171,000 10C ) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 9 19 9A,10A Chain Stores Securities x$57,000 16,000 x$63,000 Corp. 9 19 9B, 9C,10B 10C, 9D.10D Charles Clyman 85000 8,000 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment rolls for the years 1935 and 1936, taxes of 1936 and 1937, which show property appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total 5 10 1C Spencer Estate $u"71500 $;57, 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land 5 10 1C Spencer Estate : 5,000 5 10 1Cl Guv Vroman 2, 500 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1935, taxes of 1936, which snows property appearing on the rolls as follows: Total $5, 000 2, 500 Sec. Blk. Lot 4 28 1 Sec. Blk. Lot 4 28 1 4 28 11 Owner Land Improvement Howell Estate $101800 X7, 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Owner Land Improvement Howell ,Estate $p 7,000 $71500 Urbain G. Turcot, Inc. 3,800 177 Total $18, 300 Total 0141500 31800 A letter dated January 29, 1937, was received from Mr. A. Stirling Smith, Chairman of the Board of Appeals (for Zoning) , reco;mnending the re-appointment of Clifford 'aV. Cross as a member of the Board of Appeals. On motion by +1r. Griffin, seconded by mr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Clifford IN. Cross be and he hereby is re-appointed a member of the Board of Appeals (for Zoning) to succeed himself for the term of office beginning February 19, 1937 and expiring February 19, 1942. A letter dated January 27, 1937, was received from Mr. Thomas E. -Whitbread, urging the Town Board to pass resolutions endorsing the Federal Child Labor Amendment and approving of the Bill introduced by Miss Jane Todd in the State Legislature regulating the issuance of marriage licenses. The letter was ordered filed. The Deputy Town Clerk stated that a certificate approving of the creation of Refuse and Garbage District 1,Jo . 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck had been received from Morris S. Tremaine, Comptroller of the State of New York. A letter dated January 27, 1937, was received from the Howell Park Association thanking the Board for installing flood lights at the intersections of Hawthorne Road and Palmer Avenue and Carleon Avenue and Palmer Avenue. The letter was ordered filed. Ten form letters were received from the VVestchester Trustees, White Plains, requesting leniency in penalties and interest on taxes on certain property held by them. The matter was referred to the Town Attorney and the Assessor for investigation and report. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of January, 1937, was received and filed. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of January, 1937, was received and filed. The Board thereupon want into executive session and discussed with Mayor vVatson and. Trustee Loucks the matter of a site for a proposed joint garbage incinerator. At 10: 45 P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. cf�z��"��Z - Deputy Town Clerk