HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_11_04 Town Board Minutes 0 5H U AR LTIMETSNG OF THE TOWN BOARD TOVVIJ OF Iv"LA rIAROI%TECKi Td. Y. HELD NOVEiIBE'R 4, 1936 At the Town Offices, 158 u9est Boston Post Road, I'dfamaroneck, N. Y. The meetinrn was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8025 P. M. Present : Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, I,;eginniss The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin and Torn Attorney Delius. The Board at once went into executive session and discussed matters relating to the '.`delfare Department . At the conclusion of the executive session the regular order of business was taken up. Mr. Bates, reported on drain matters. Town Engineer Foote was directed by the Board to prepare an estimate of the total cost of several drain projects which are under consideration by the Board. r. Griffin reported on welfare matters. He stated that the nu,nber of cases being handled by the welfare department was 263 in the month of October compared with 289 in the month of September. L1r. -leginniss reported on finances. He stated that the report by the Town auditors contained several recommendations affecting certain Town departments and suggested that the Hoard hold a special meetins to consider these recommendations which he thought should not pass unnoticed. On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLI?ED that a special meeting be held on Wednesday, November 11 1936, at 8,15 P. D, . to consider the report of the Town auditors and to take up such other matters as may properly come before the Board. -Air. 2,Ieginniss suggested that in view of the death of T!1r. 'Am. H. Fitzsimmons, Town Comptroller, and the fact that his successor had not yet been appointed, it would be in order for the Board to authorize checks drawn on Town accounts to bear but one signat.ire, namely,that of the Supervisor. On motion by 1-1r. Meginniss, seconded by i+Ir. Bates it was ur-on roll call, the Supervisor not voting, unanimously RESOLVED that all those certain resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board., providing that all checks drawn upon accounts in banks, trust companies or savings banks heretofore named as depositaries for Town funds shall bear two signatures, namely, that of the Supervisor and that of the Totem Comptroller, be and they hereby are amended to the extent that all such checks shall hereafter bear but one signature, namely, that of the Supervisor. The Town Attorney stated that in order for the Board to proceed with the extension to the sewer system in Carieon iivenue, as approved by the Board at its meeting on October 14, 1936, it would be necessary for the Town to have the funds for this work in hand, and that the Board should proceed to authorize the sale of the certificate of indebtedness, in the amount of `'';700.00 as provided in its resolution on October 14, 1936. He suvgested that the certificate be sold to the Town Sewer Fund. On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sell the certificate of indebtedness in the amount of `"700.00 at the rate of three _Der cent per annum to provide funds for labor and materials required for the construction of a lateral sewer in the extension of Carleon Avenue to the Capital Fund of Sewer District No . 1 . The Town Attorney called to the attention of the Board the fact that the present contract for the collection and disposal of Barba-e expires on December 31, 1936, and recommended that the Board take stews to authorize a new contract. On motion by Per. Ivieginniss, seconded by I,Ir. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is authorized to prepare specifications and form of contract covering the collection and disposal of garbage, refuse, etc. in the Town of„iamaroneck for the year beginning January 1, 1937; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that bids for this work be received by this Board at its meeting on December 2, 19365 and that the Town Attorney attend to the publication of the necessary public notices thereof. The Town Attorney reported that Carl Brunken, owner of Droperty known as Section 6, Block 34, Lots 18 and 19, had requested that he be perm-tted to pay 'taxes for the year 1906, sale of 1907, and 1913, sale of 1914, on this property in the face amount thereof without interest . On motion by t r. Brennan. seconded by IIr. I/feginniss, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept payment of the tax of 1906, sale of 1907, and the tax of 1913, sale of 1914, on Section 6, Block 34, Lots 18 and 19, in the face amount thereof without interest, provided payment be made within thirty days. The Town Attorney reported that he had received a letter from the attorney for the Beach Point Club, Relator in a certiorari action against the Town in res_oect to the assessment roll for the year 1935' tax of 1936, requesting "ant, courtesy or cooperation” which the Town could extend to him in connection with his application for a. writ of certiorari in respect to the assessment roll of 1936, tax of 1937, ap- plication for which writ was made subsequent to the time limit thereon set by law. On motion by IMr. 1,4eginniss, seconded by Ilfr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the request of the attorney for the Beach Point Club, as above set forth, be and it hereby is denied. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of October was received and filed. The Supervisor informed the Board that in accordance with the resolution of the Board at a previous meeting, authorizing him to obtain bids for expert assistance in checking plans of the apartment house to be erected on North Chatsworth Avenue, he had consulted !�-r. Albert Wilson of Rockland Avenue, Larchmont, who is an expert on such plans, and that instead of submitting an estimate of the cost of doing this work, IIr. Wilson had proceeded to do the work in its entirety at no expense to the Town. he did it, the Supervisor said, as a `¢good citizen". On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously M RESOLVED that the Clerk be and he hereby is directed to extend to I,Tr. Albert Wilson the thanks of the Town Board for his generous and public-spirited services as above set forth. The report of the 'Welfare Department for the month of October was received and filed. (See Insert Belo�,7) _7 A letter dated November 3, 1936, was received from Larchmont Post No. 347 of the American Legion, notifying the Board of the appoint- ment of Dr. i,Iitchell Potvin, 132 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, as Service Officer for the Post. The letter was ordered filed.. A letter dated October 30, 1936, was received from Clifford W. Cross of Rockland Avenue, Larchmont, submitting a bill in the amount of 012. 10 as the cost of locating and repairing, a curb box in front of his property. The matter was referred to lir. Brennan and Town Engineer Foote. Letters dated October 29, 1936, were received from the IvIaniaroneclk Republican Town Committee and the Iviamaroneck Democratic Town Committee, recommending that Election Inspectors be paid 812.00 a day instead of ";8.00 a day for their services on Election Day because of the increase in their working hours from twelve to fifteen hours on that day. On :notion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Irir. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the pay of Election Inspectors and Poll Clerks for their services on Election Day be increased from 38.00 per day to °;10.00 per day. The Supervisor presented a letter dated October 23, 1936, from the County Engineer which was ordered entered in the minutes in full as follows: October 23, 1936 TOWN ROADS - MAMARONECK i,Ir. A. J. Tbote Town Supt, of Highways TrIamaroneck, New York Dear YdIr. Foote: As a result of the inspection of your highways on October 22nd, I offer the following suggestions for your consideration: Generally speaking, your highways are in good condition and the oiling operations conducted during the past year show very beneficial results. Surplus sand should be removed from these streets before it is allowed to get into the catch basins and clog your drains. You have left possibly three or four short streets, which I noted to you as we drove over them, that should be oiled. I believe that the curbing work under way will result in reduced maintenance cost as well as tend to improve the appearance of your streets. I wish also to emphasize the need of establishing a definite and consistent policy for the issuance of street opening permits and restoration of pavements. This should be undertaken as soon as possible. on I further recommend that your Town Board seriously consider the advisability of purchasing a mechanical street sweeper. Practically all of your streets are paved and in many cases fully developed. In the public interest these streets should be kept neat and orderly. Further than this. however, you have in many places complicated drainage problems with your outlet drains flowing on very slight grades. With the wash of debris onto these streets and into the drains, precipitation of the materials is bound to occur, and sooner or later I believe you will have difficulty with plugged up drains. I do not believe that a mechanical street sweeper will result in any material; economy= as far as the actual cash outlay is concerned, but you will be able to do a much more thorough job and cover the streets at extremely fre- quent intervals, thereby preventing the washing of debris into the catch basins and drains. This procedure will also result in increasing the neat and orderly appearance of your highways. I further suggest that you and your Board consider the advisability of formulating a long range plan of permanent highway improvements with a view to instituting an annual expenditure for permanent construction as soon as your economic conditions permit. Piany of your highway pavements are becoming old and maintenance costs proportionately high. vn some of your through roads, increasing traffic demands straightening of alignment, flattening of grades and widening of pavements . All of this should be made the subject of a serious study by those interested in highway development of your Town. Yours very truly, Isl Chas. H. Sells COUNTY ENGINEER. On motion by Mvr. Ir_eginniss, seconded by all members of the Board, it was by a rising vote unanimously RESOLVED, 'U_JHER.EAS Hlr, dum. r. Fitzsimmons was for many years a respected citizen of the Town of ➢4amaroneck, one who enjoyed the esteem and friendshir of all; and J-HE'REAS from Pia,rch, 1932 to December the Town faithfully and courteously of Taxes and from January 11 1936 to death on November 4, 1936, he served manner as Comptroller; M-N, THE'RE'FORE, BE IT 31, 1935, he served as Deputy Receiver the date of his the Town in like RESOLVED that this Board hereby express its warmest appreciation of his services to the community and hereby extend to the members of his family its most sincere sympathy on the occasion of his very untimely death. At 10°40 P . 1L. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. L IV4. Town Clerk ( Insert Above) A letter dated. November 3, 1936, was received from Larchmont Post Wo. 347 of the American Legion, inviting the Board to attend the Armistice Day exercises of the Post . The invitation was accepted with thanks and all the members of the Board who could do so were urged to attend.