HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_12_05 Town Board Minutes X15 REGULAR 17-7ETING OF THE TOW BOARD TO MT, OF 1-5AMAROITTECK, IT7,1111 YORE, ='3L+ D aTCE11B7?R 5, 1934 At the 'Town Offices , 118 West Boston Post Road, Yamaroneck, T. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor KcCulloch at 8.15 P. K. Present : Su-oervisor YaCulloch Councilmen Bates , Brennan, h.eginniss , Griffin The presence was also noted of Torn Clerk ISarvin, Town Attorney Delius and_ Receiver of Taxes Dillon. The Board at once ,rent into executive session. It discussed with Iiir. ireonard H. Davidow the matter of taxes owed by Kohanna , Inc. It discussed with 1<Ir. Joseph lyercadante , fur. J. Lester Albertson and Yr. Frank 1c.. Gagliardi the matter of taxes ovied by Mr. Ilercadante and ple Gardens, Inc. It discussed with Hayor Hornidge of the Village of Ilama.roneck the matter of the proposed appropriation by the Town in the amount of 813, 000 for the improvement of PTariaroneck Harbor. At the conclusion of the executive session the Board went into regular session. T&r. and Yrs. David Grant of 22 Glen Road addressed the Board concerning 11r. Grant 's request for permission to construct a driveway on the unimproved highway right-of-way owned by the Town at the end of Spruce Road, which matter had been under consideration by the Board for sometime. After discussion it was upon motion by Hr. Griffin, seconded by 11r. Bates, unanimously RESOLVED, that permission be granted to fir. David Grant of 22 Glen Road to construct, under the supervision of Strperintendcnt of Highways Kerola and, at his own expense , a driveway on the unimproved right-of-way owned by the Town at the end of S-oruce Road. Receiver of Taxes Dillon addressed the Board and 'recommended that he be permitted to institute a charge of $1. 50 per parcel for searching back taxes. unanimously On motion by Mr. Bates , seconded by 11r. Griffin, it was RES0IVED, that on the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes he be and he hereby is authorized to institute a. charge of >1..50 _oer parcel for searching back taxes. A letter dated December 4, 1934, was -received from Eugene D. Wakeman, Larchmont Village Clerk, concerning matters of mutual interest to the tmin and the two villages. The letter was ordered placed on file and the Supervisor suggested that a conference be held between representatives of the Toren and the two villages after the first of the year.. A letter dated 15ovember 22, 1934, was received from James A. Gillies , Secretary of the Joint Incinerator Site Committee , —' enclosing the report of the Committee dated T overaber 19 , 1934. The letter was ordered placed on file and the report entered in full in the minutes, to be made a matter of business by the Town Board at an early meeting. The 'Tore'. Clerk was directed to extend to the representa- tives of the Unincorporated Section of the Town on this committee, namely, Tyr. Milton P. Thwaite and Colonel Um. J. Shea, the thanks of I he Board for the report and the faithful work which it represents. The Clerk was also directed to request these representa- tives of the Unincorporated Section of the Town to continue to serve on this committee and, if they are willing to do so, to request that they recommend to the Board a type of incinerator to be used in the proposed plant; that they obtain an estimate of the approximate cost of this incinerator, that they inform the Town Board of the amount of money which they estimate will be required to have prepared an archi- tectural sketch showing the completed plant together with landscaping, etc. and the estimated cost of preparing preliminary plans of this plant. The report of the joint Incinerator Site Committee follows in full: To the Hon. Supervisor of the Torn of Twtamaroneck and Hayors of the Villages of I'archmont and Yamaroneck. We , the undersigned, Committee heretofore appointed to find a suitable location for an incinerator for rubbish and garbage to serve the 'Town of iidamaroreck and the Villages of I,archmont and ISamaroneck and to advise chat in our judgment is the best location available for that purpose , do respectfully report;- Having duly organized we concluded that before attempt- ing to take up the work for which we were appointed we should famil- iarize ourselves with the character, appearance and surrounding con- ditions of various incinerator plants in actual operation. To this end we visited and examined the plants maintained by various muni- cipalities in this general vicinity located at Pelham, Eastchester, Scarsdale , White Plains end Portchester, carefully noting the type of buildings used, the approaches thereto, the land required for various Tnd d;enta.l uses and the landscaping of each site. Fie then conferred with Your Honors and endeavored to learn the character of plant which was in contemplation. We have since then carefully examined every available site of which we had. any knowledge or 11ft- formation and believe that our examination has been both thorough- afid exhaustive. We recommend as the best site for the proposed incinerator plant the plot of approximately three acres now owned by the Town of ilamaroneck situated between Palmer Avenue and Boston Post Road and East of 'Heaver :Street, of which a portion is now used by the County as a sewage disposal plant and which is now partially used by the Town of I:Lamaroneck as a dump for ashes and garbage.. In fact we con- sider the location as ideal for the proposed municipal incinerator for the following reasons ; 1. It is relatively low ground of ample proportions and will provide a degree of seclusion for the plant and its attending activities. 2. It is so centrally located as to be easily accessible to all parts of the Town and of both Villages without excessive haul. 3. It can be reached equally well from cleaver Street and - from Palmer Avenue. 4. It isnoY7municipally owned so that the usual delay and expense of acquisition by purchase or condemnation can be avoided, the transaction being reduced to a matter of bookkeeping. 5. Its -,oresent use is of like character, i. e. , final dispostion of waste materials and in our opinion the incinerator will be a decided improvement over the present usage. 6. It is so far removed from other buildings as to minimize any annoyance which may be anticipated. 119 In this connection we desire to add that our examination of plants in operation has convinced us that there is no need for any objectionable odors to emanate from any incinerator plant if proper- ly managed. Such odors are in our opinion always caused by introducing garbage in the incinerator before the plant is properly heated. This can be prevented by prover heating with clean fuel before the introduc- tion of any garbage. (Signed) Yovember 19 , 1934. James A. Gillies Harry L. Dietz Jyman D. Herbert Hilton P. Thvraite William J. Shea C. De Witt Rogers The financial report of the Supervisor for the ten months ended October 310 1934, was received and placed on file. The report of the Welfare Office for the month of October was received and ;placed on file. The Town Clerk reported that he had received an oral com- plaint from Iir. Rapp of 95 Garden Road, 1:2rchmont, concerning the con dition of the sid-ewalk on Garden Road. The matter was referred to Yr. Brennan. A letter dated 17', ovember 21, 1934, eras received from George B. Buck, actuary of the 1?ev7 York State TM oloyees ' Retirement System, and one dated Tovember 22, 1934, from F. B.. Holmes, Director of the Retire- ment System, stating that a representative of the system would be glad to address the Tovm Board concerning the operation of the system if the Board so desired. The Clerk was directed to reply that the Board urould be glad to consider the matter in January.. The Supervisor informed the Board that the Recreation Council of the Tovm of llama-roneck appointed by this Board_ on September 26 , 1934, had, of its ovn motion, changed its name to that of the Tovrn Adult Activities Council. A letter dated 1;ovember 15, 1934, T,•aas received from Lrs. 7. T'arle Tee , submitting her resignation as a member of the Town Adult Activities Council. The resignation tivas accepted with regret and the Clerk was directed to extend to Hrs. Tee the thanks of the Tom Board for her valuable services. A letter dated November 28, 1934, was received from Llrs. Pearl R. Iditchell, Secretary of the Tovm_ Adult Activities Council, stating that the Council had requested the appointment of four additional mem- bers to its ranks , as follows : Mrs. L. S. Scofield and 4lr. rugene Riviera of Larchmont; and Lir. Roy Halsey and firs. H. Ei Foshav of 1,1araa r on e ck. On motion duly made and seconded, it RFSOLYTD, that at the request of the Council the following persons be and appointed members of said Council; amd 11r. 7ugene Riviere of Larchmont; and I`ars. H. E. Foshay of Idamaroneck. eras unanimously Tovm Adult Activities they hereby are 1rs. L S. Scofield and 1'r. Roy Halsey The Town Attorney informed the Board that he had conferred with the law firm of Clark and Davis of White Plains concerning their bill in the amount of ;648.95 for services as special counsel to the town in connection vrith the Concrete Steel Company matter; that, as a result of his conferences, this bill had been reduced to the sum of 2548.95 and that he had approved this bill at the latter figure. On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously 12 -1 RESOL 71), that, on the recommendation of the Tovrn Attorney, the claim of Clark and Davis in the amount . of $548.95 for services rendered to the Towm as special counsel in the Concrete Steel Company matter be and it hereby is approved.. The Tovrn Attorney informed the Board that Mr. Ilicholas Leone , unsuccessful plaintiff in an action against the Town attacking the validity of the To*,rm Zoning Ordinance in 1927, with reference to pro- certy located at the corner of Fernwood Road and W. Brookside Drive, has requested that the Tovv1 waive satisfaction by him of the court costs in the above action amounting to $ 42. 10. The Board directed the Tovm attorney to request "6.r. Leone or his representative to appear before the Board to discuss the matter further. The Town Attorney informed the Board that the Trustees of the `cleaver Street Chapel property located at the corner of c'deaver Street and Palmer Avenue had indicated a desire to lease this property to the Towm for park purposes at a rental equal to the amount of the taxes levied against the property, including back taxes. The Board directed the Tovrn attorney to request Iir. Burton C. lleighan, Jr. , one of the trustees, to appear before the Board 'to discuss the matter further. The Town Attorney informed the Board. that under date of December 29 , 1932, the Great American Indemnity Company had offered to pay the sum of $„6 ,250.00, being one-half of the face amount of its surety bond or undertaking, in full settlement and discharge of its liability under said 'pond on account of the defalcation of George F. Johnson, former .Deputy Receiver of Taxes of the Town, of Mamaroneck. He stated that this offer had been refused by the previous Town Board. He stated further that he recommended at this time that the Tovm Board accept this offer. On motion by 11r., S,Teginniss, seconded by Idr. Brennan, it eras unanimously R790777ED, %ai REAS, in a letter dated December 29 , 1932, addressed to J. Henry Esser, Special Counsel for the Tov,m of Mamaroneck, ', the Great American Indemnity Company offered to pay the sum of ` 6 ,250..00 to discharge its liability under and by virtue of a certain bond or obligation dated January 23, 1930, on account of the defalcation of George E. Johnson, former Deputy Receiver of Taxes of the 'Town of 1.1amaroneckg and P_17RE4S, said offer has never been withdrawn HO`,W, TH75RYFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the offer of the Great American Indemnity Company contained in the letter dated December 29 , 1932, above referred tog be and it hereby is accepted; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Tovrn of Mamaroneck be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to execute the papers necessary in this connection. The Tovrn Attorney informed the Board that two claims had been filed against the To-cvm for com?ensation to the property otwners for ease- ments taken by the 'Tovrn for the purpose of constructing certain storra water drains in or near Forest Avenue. The claim of Dominic T. Hartino yaps in the amount of : 1, 440.00 and the claim of Garrett D. Schor was in the amount of $2,500.00, the To= Attorney stated. The matter was referred back to the Tovn attorney for his further attention.. At 12x30 A. If. the Board unanimousi-y resolved to ad-journ , subject to the call of the chair. Tov7n Clerk