HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_09_01 Town Board Minutes 229 H STA -�TN" m7-j 70 q1ll BJ=1 A MTT E dS z--CS- "T DIIDO ITE.-I YORK 1935 It the Town Of 1J8 C.-est Eoston Post y 3 ne c 3 1 The meet ilrj.� vvas callef- t o order by S=ervisor --�'cO.-all ccll-i at I i7 P PC) Fresent � Supervisor J'-,Cu llo 3h Courcilifien Bat-es, --e-nnan, -i 'fin, - eZilliniss -Ls se s s 0 r Sm-'� t -I The presence lvas also noted of iss '_lice �.Ihee' Dep'aty `Clerk, and Town Attorney L21iUs she CeQUt7T O' er- ata' e,5 hat the -rneetir�� was b----'n,-, held pu- s'.7-ant to S-ections 7 a-nd. 2:C9 .ha,pte�r 232 --f Lla.7�s of 190,� tor,eth,j:� t h Chapter 529 of the La-,7iis of 1220, as ame--nded, be-!r, - eeimbnD of -the Tow-n Board arid the 3ssessor of the Town of 'rayr -a-oj,�,ecj�: to c L sel ec'u. make and ver*lfy the grand and trial j -v J-ists I 'Or --he year 1937. The I' ssessor havl nc� �zepa,-red terita'u-ive tri,,al and orand j- jr-IT 'jists presente�! the sarie to .._.81...0 ard for its con-s-I'deration, and afte- u and cat - on of said 11' s's by lootl- -1— Assessor a-�^d" -' he Town 3oard. -1'das 0 ill ril 0"L101 'o-Y j�-O« CP1 f f j" 'ed by "r. Bre-i-iran lanan that c3npi-etecl l4Sts of the- rand RESCIVED, and trial 'urcl-s be and thelT hereb- are ao-)r.--,,Ted and cer'biCled by the f the T-ov.,"n Board and -,-,he Assessor; and ce it 1JR T TE R 7T—, t hat ti-e To-vn Cleik be al d he, h---lneb-, --' a authcrIzec' en.polu,ered and direct-d to fol-�vard certified lists of the --rand and trio� --morn to the Cod -Jssicn-er o± in the fanm U,,-on t'n-- ap-,prova 7 ant cert ificati-on of the jury 7ists b-1,- the ssessor and t- e Town Boa--'l t11e e s ss D.- vltl d-revi _° 0111 the rieet in, and the -m--ribers of th-- r 3oa--,d -�--nti--,).aed in sleszlo-1 as a -�oeegular ;ieeti,.-,-, for the covisidera,tion of Such other i-jnatt—ers as rii --Ilt TWO their. ire -mlrutes of the- meetinSs of -'-oE;nSt 7-2 and, ",-n�rust 78 -c'ere a'n,-roved as -printed, �nr nd The S'Upe--rvisor read a reacli-,,tion T)ass--(fL b-,7 the '.i.-'estches�- a �ost-Dn Cc=ittee at theil --o. -,ie�tilr'g held. at -the --7T liall, cur-I Ty7.--.,nci, 77 on u�' St `w -nt- ",e resolio--n was ordered en n teredt i- -the mi IUat e s a s o-n'T's ---,,S T ' -n is the cocens-as( sfc ) of the L - that r e n e-s e n I.-a t v s Gf [--h e t D S a es and_ o i t_es re -present carryin.- assessuierts on �'o r'Te, I T cestc-Lester Boston -Hailroad that, t-ne-TT r1j l7 Ares ent --�.e -,equesiu for -:ie reduction in as s e c-s- ments to their- re-2pec I-ve -ove rn,n Ord e5, ry t'- she unc-lers �Uandir., tha" 3oupled vvil t-h- thi s re-'uest or reduc'icc-n _:n tla-,re s is the -ondi t on U'aat 'the Trurtee vvill -,-rake requests for other nef:actions su--h as rents and -Iranchise obliatiovis upon the parties concerned t- Tq- lj --Slnniss ll-'na--rman of �'T-e Citizens Committee aT=oir-"'ed 13-IT officials- of the varicrs cc=-,.Lnit.ies to sstU,-`-, t-ne ..,,_'-lc eSeer and 3os-l- 'I s it-aati o n, o 'tlined the prnbl ens confrontim the railroad coLo and' a TJ.''8^., AT 0574 T Q Guoy ST u1.,10T,� a:.l °qav T'v °jp Oq Anse 'J.22C�ypoq SJ.9 `_ S T 40 A: go So Tdoo as'1q m SI ��A 04 P jv2Ga ul joloy Sq'q e.u.2 jossunn A 3 Gqq Wong SJ2AqS T pon lsosJ_ joy pun 2_TGgooy MGH PTO , a.T3 Ong= OC U.2'1.4 jm pou, atj qTA4 na_.,t'_;.S ON 'SouT'sap Ja40 .:?::i.0^_S Fulunsomo GA Ja 4ouGnu-0.?I LT go varT0 SGOOP jp go TuTsTamoo sqq us pa4Jodaa JOSTaIa 'a; au0, .pjvw+ atitq. ,;.o Sup'_;aaDl ^_xau atrA no; AaodaJ ,saoATpus eqq an-Eq c4 s^oadaa 2q Atqq. _ut SaTSeaaMd Se jBa^ STgq go si_iluom WIG qsalj 2L;A aoj sjooq 2J^_: go 4TITT G74 ATKA AKA Na47 , e ON SaOUtu T! no pa Aaoaaa Se TL UT J '! ' Op 'am TTA n. jjo quo uoaq pav aT Tea gagq put 'gJoa Oq paquod.ea qou ptT Uem USOUT1 Put U04 sasr, M 4MM MAW `}uaZCgaudeC 2J_A U"_ Gqq d0 uOsuTj Ha I7 "a7 OCO!_ v0 LTOa gaom U (Jaue j C Ueeq Suq L-mol Sqq Q pa S j T 4aw soq 20 Oqm nosa2d eTjgsloywe Rame 'L"Egq pequgs acsTmodu W aq,-L ° TTnv vcu OS*000 `011 ggTn ti t"a*oo eS 9;L°083 `01_, nsz,^- 0—n-S T7 o uquow Gqq UT jG Tom. 2TLcq aC1 ps GdxS u[ ows To4o4 s 4 qugq P J,r 'LH� ° "TonpsaT 17T'a,j. jcj so CMOs oi'1 eon '7 '_120 no- SSSSO 10 sic C!anu Gvq 4074 PG4248 Ry " S S ,-emu oju,}TSM no ps^_,..odd 7T;jTjp 'j' . - qQG Ojd squT snopj0p SUOLi.goj :'Z sq; !us oAOSCOJd vTIm pTS' puE gjnQ aq_F UO ScGaTcJ po AJ da _ GH SaS SUd AvvgvTq u0 104jotgn uo usa` v '0009 10 v oo 10404 agvuT` ouddt us OA quno n O ncm qo jqm 'esuody2 l mo ajoqq At 6a0.TU. mmm ags 101 CC qSIM fGqq TT UaOj e • OSTAPB oZ pGqoGajp eam Sa eumo A quad -cad aqq quo = aP Gqq go UOT gonJ .suoo aqz v2 v poaooad aA poploap p tog Gqq UOTssaosyp Ja1, ." gGGa s a up luo pa oLTUgsu OC eq 04 SJ_ams sglmaed AW U001 SU,A pun HWY c u! h-ytI 2q qOu TLIM UT"3aP Pa S010ad M MUTE P2PM aq 'S.SWwO QaSdOJd SPA Q MuOq Gq Cq OAU! T c �UO. '! GMOU `JaM52 I Suits! go smorad _e Gqj °uTta[? 0 10 ayu00 uto AT 'UOsgaogo °a-i IO R astoad a q C' uoagq qu wasse us pa„i.Tuggo pun iasJ_'l,.s aqq peaynbot' spq uaol Gqq Jeq.pt quqq you sidxe ON °uoTAoes s qq aoj cows putt/ U , :E -_ B go UOTT'o11J.7Su0O eqq uT uio'ol eqq SuTquoaju:00 smsTgOad ago pauTTa"ao Aeuaoqqv uaol q! -year qugq UT aOTC,ELC4 s Jaws put ezuu vTO ag1 pavoE aU} dATP's p2Ss osip 'GloaT,_(1 1 agouS no 2qaGQoad 10 easumo 'aequwa4so uo4sog put aa4sagoeAap;, auA 10 TI?S TgOJC� au�4 ssnos p 0^. ;qad TuaGu B.`.� aegq 0 Su C!aGn - SUT TTI`J UT pJ'ECC? 2q1 1v i,.ol70"E au- ,0 uO yAIj'JoaO.'aT o.2ap 9 ._g po a..2oT_G.::2 .T"' OFUJ I T 11 ago go J_o: lm aoU,:ao "af Wo r q °a will 71;1 w_- a:,iiT_q` ',!caogq put liTT'80 TAaC�AtuL,LiS ram AT oquT suO.s, J7q L" voE Gqq u0jui o Siq ul put eq4vw Gqq T pagsenequT stea aq qsqq pagvge J.ou_"E'u v u0 sac aTj puegq-- CA pa`a is AuI GO 'g0au OnAWq Put AU0Mg0 _c'Z go SoS-'TTTj\ 64 � Oqq � o Ses snal_�;o Pun, eq ��u: rtoai oa a��A go as=�5'C�:.Jay 'OP cg. u0^'U D °a?" qaqq < g° US }- c . ::IC_'W: AT eq put ®psoall-lg ucgsoa O AS oU�O ASaa. ,j.:C` .o_'T aU" FUT;s Tess spau,04 goau -Oac'w go uaol Oqq go Squawlsea au-; Io SPC1C.-C^_gv s'_'_;. ST.TTuTsgaeoss i0 - odand o':;._ aoj 10010 , 0 gj a AS `9281 aGQWe q dSC QUID lla A cpUOY UO 4 _ %0 ,.TOJ 1TwjA I MUGAV WUISa TOO 0S 02THMIMS QeUCas 1t.; eqq ._"s p Taq eq 2u;a seq o i qna s qcqa; QgA7 EHI wisnompuBun SMA AT `SST UTHY ! Iq poouooaS `tinuuaag nq uo qou uc, aa44tw Gqq. _. u0 San Tasi.i:sg4 SSSJdxG 0'j QT n4aojjo Cu's C'nAT? aG p,Titogs oTTgmd TIJ.a L:sS aT.4 4sq4 "O'GAGTT-q Sg 'souGussmst uT uoTqouyPj t pS gs2tiCJ2J. S q "oLCJ_TTBE T;ioq op 0 a24S aT1C '1sa; sq4 souls 4204 121042 a0s'T AJaans Oq! ` Yo _TTca aqA go se4s al 60-CJ_Bv 'T °T 011.. (jai '3 odGa_ Sq o pan ^vai'_i UMO'O suGZ T•gT;q 'sg`1 go FJcm S 4 ps6 yne`1VLi1ns CSTt. sS TStq `UTAnd t no aA ✓.moo CSC' cq w9dOq 'iUUamoo Sqq qoTqn iq suoGm ag1 i 233 letter dater. August 28, 1936, was received from Public ,!elfa.re 'Officer De'dinne concerning a. medical claim of Dr. George L. 'enni_n.ger in the amount of 022. 00 for services rendered to relief clients in December, 1935. The letter stated that because of the delay in presentation for payment the claim was not reimbursable b_� the State J T . E. R. A. and the Town of IdamaronecL would_ have been responsible for only 113. 25 if the claim had been presented and paid within the time limit letter ter dated_ August 28, 1936, was received from Public Welfare Officer De�7inne regarding medical claims of Dr. ''halter J Becker in the gross amount of `=53.00 for services rendered to relief clients from July, 1935 to January, 1936. The letter stated that since these claims were not presented for payment within the time limit, they were not reimbursable bar the State r A. am the amount for which ch t"_e J T . m � Town would have been liable had they been presented promptly was 116.40, On motion by ,�':r eginaiss, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously R S'-%-i SUED, that the medical claims of"Dr. George L. Menninger and Dr. ?alter J. Becker for services rendered to relief clients, be and they hereby are approved for payment in the ]:fir!imum amounts, namely , 413. 25 and ', 16.40 respectively; and be it -URT _ti Rc TT7D, that all deferred public welfare claims which are not presented. within the time limit which permits the Town to secure 'refunds from the State T. 1. R. A. be paid only on the basis of the Town' s obligation which existed in the event that the claims had been presented for payment within the spec`_fied. time . A letter dated August 30, 1936, was received from Mr. Lynn H. Buck, Secretary of the Larchmont Lions Club, requesting permission to II, erect Lions Club signs at the intersections of Palmer Avenue and Weaver Street, Palmer ':.venue and Harrison Drive, an0 Weave--, Street and :fJ _ray Avenue. On motion duly .Wade and seconded it was uranimously RESOLVED that the request of the Larch1mont -ions Club as above set forth be and it hereby is approved provided the signs meet With the approval of the Superintendent of Highways. A letter dated August 25, 1936, was received from Yr. Carl T. _°farzheimer, former Chairman of the 1'estchester County Emergency 'fork '. Bureau,Pall, expressing his appreciation of the resolution adopted by the Town Board. on J uly 15, 1236, commending dinng t,e work done by the Emergency `!?orl Bureau. The letter was ordered filed. The report of the Public Welfare Officer for the month of August was received and filed. The report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of August was received and filed. The report of the Buildinj inspector for the month of 4ugusi, was received and filed. J The report of the County Health Department for the month of July was received and filed.. The Town Attorney stated, that the certificate of indebtedness held by the County 'Trusi, Company against the collection of school taxes would mature on the 4th. of September and it would be in order for the Board to renew this certificate of indebtedness in the amount of 033, 500 for a period of sin months. m VourcilL'nan LleEinniss introduced the low`nb ° '- on,- 2'nl_v.. rP. OiU.�i tr=REAS a certificate of indebtedness of the -ovm of Mamaro;'!eck in -he aIlount of C735000u00 =issued pursuant to "the prow lions of Chapter 105 of "he -alvs of as Pmelnd.e and by virtue of "the re,solutior of -,ce Toviiiin Board adopted March 4thP 1036. in anticl.patio_1 of the collection of taxes _for' school r-or_ooses levied in 'in' ) t Fre., �ehGG' Jis-_ _cti .,1' the Town of i�4azaaron-e3lr for -.^..8 fiscal Tear .^.GY!�t^!�encin1 �L1l_,T 1 sL l O.-;J and -P_LSl�.^.n-"e C! STH 2, mat-ares on Se_ote>"!1bei, 4t, 1936; and ' _RT_i:3 sai!9 Ge-oti fica-e of iinde to n„s._ the lol',M 0- �',Ral^ aro"eclt Is to �e p2 i" from Che proceeds of sL C:"'_ taxes aJ-na 1olvn; and '� ..... _. :Z, t: ., nn=_de r c f saica. c., i_lca C„ of _^.d.eb L e a'r_e ss 1_"ia;9 agreed to r1,ne,.* the sa�,:ie, 1- _ ? 0,i re-;jresentin�; the amount of such school taxes still re" ia'_n- _n u-n_oa-1Cig Section I. '?nor the ruri-ase of r enewinS a b.lance of J y500a re"sinilnI Uf!L�2i v. On certl fica.S..., __ indebtedness of `,i,e `! o n of "ay_ri :ronec)., STR ? c1- , ia,e ___ the azn ini, of .,:753 000, 00, u - Cis ..:,,! ,.,11 Lh, 10,35 and i l:rinr »tei<;ber 4t^�, r_936, Su. ervisGr _s her 31, 1 utho -zee o issue a certi__cate of _rdei%tnedness ill the auou_nt of ?3,7, 500m 00 soar su-ant CO Cana .7er 11)5 of i.,',,:_e _av,s of ; 16 as s,,.endel, '_ ne n as � ,esl hest non "ax z,. t Section 2. The folloviins, ma;tern car__Inec 10"=1 W! -,n sa'_,�. cent_ -icJ..t of inn'-ebtediness a:. '-ere- _Qtr. 7o 3 x.37 l norninat ion l of 3, 007000 nterest rate -:J2r =vinum_ 'o il:n,' -Is ado,)'L ed In-v reSCh.'.i.i01"t a; opted T:!,'.2.r c'.i J 1h, 1-9-56 Sal -7 °icate of ] 2.C).eS-ed.n e8 s shall be si_ -; ed - the i17:Oei'Y/i 501' lfid. shall hi_Ive the Go 'Qoj c, seal 2 f1__eQ and attested ,0-,- „^e Cleflr, °"'i e �a�.-e7_^visor�is here-1Jr i ....,-' O niZed t0 1-7-c. .3irri:l8 _:11 matters in G`O 7i. c"ti0^ ia1'th l -:'t' ace it r' ss v'_n et ,nrilra oil of .,_ _ ic- ., Oi �_if_e'(J'GG.�f1.8 , -e e�.- Li Lvhic'_n is not of(ierLuiBe pro- ic-' ed, fOi afi(f: '_n.is si' a"-, Je, )_-oon sail certificate sba.11 be cc c.hasive 1,.s tc ,.,JC' v deter'ial _natlon. The SurpervisG_" =_s hern-b autr—Ize' to is c1-.1_ sucla ce_"tificate of ind8 te�tress at roh less ha-n mars ,.,.rith.oi,)t a' ver�:ise.me-nt O1-' "?u)"Jl1-.c bidcino an dd el l 1:r the same .c t'ne purchase" upon ---ece pt of the purchase price, plus accrued interest from t.1-.o date of t-he said. cert.if-cafe to t're date of deliver-T or in e--hari fc-. t''!e. surrender o- t�� e certificate ind_eb cc-dress for. "i_:r.e renevva_ of vihich this certificate of indebt-edress is author- __- I eec 3. it is herel'-T d_e:;.."'_rninre and cd--" ared: (a) The tnta.l exool:rt of taxes levied in sail. School — District for sch.00' _-ur roses 'or said fiscal gear is `790 357.25, '1'ne tonal ai!ouint of said tbl"Xes outstandi'n L; ai^,,c sncollecte5: is 3,,:33 65 e72m / ,• l ^_he total al'noulnt hereto-ere borr 0�,",led, and c is s.-tram] in aria` ci' i� Lion o_' collection of sa:ic. taxes is none, _ r On niotiOn Of Coun-ciililan _de rinili Ss, seconded bT Cc-arci`_Mar nif in, t'.^-6 ore Din- re Sol J i C as ad.o-OteG 7T t'he "oll0` inZ dC'. , AWES,- SU:c-rvi s o r c C,_-.i -o ch Councilmen Sates, Brennen, iriffin inniss , KAYS. None The U_^C-_LigG=' g =,ateu Gh2L 'C''12 c.C7 � t�_J nca cuit� O., y',:,2C, OC(J 19_0 C be required- for _-ater= al:s, supplies and e a°' raent for P . A. 1a°ojec-,rS _n the Town. — Coun,cilr:;wn C>_^ _Pfin introd,J-ced t-le follcwin- resolution- n ,�OIIT P C, uppT J, ,Ti'.T!'T_ T L ,T' u..T 0ri :_ J _,: OF `,20, 000 L FOR in_TERT1,L31 ;P_ LT_.S 1N � �!� L1 !i FOR KS ?� RFSS `LT �i ,,i 77-TC ITT T= TUbV11 (17 �ii 41 zO . Cil'_, G IQD PR VT- iN L K -7E I '-ST "'Ci Cr NCTES T_ ISST,ANCT, CF LOr?T3) NCN S ,TT -I_p ,ST RE'S0, VEL 3Y T= TO ' N BOYRE OF `G1. 1 7311 ;_P . ATi'ARC1T1 C_,_, iN T '-= O07FIT'Y 0 �z as fo!lnwsa Section In addition to the sum of 1.20 j 000 heretofore approcriated b1T a re:solui, on of this ,card 8 i1t_C1eC_,`, ii'iYe SO1'ltiOn :?._J�rO_J l'_ai,7n ti"ie S'J.i1 O' 2 0 v 3CC f r materials. sup'�1ies and, equipme.t, for works N r 0.-ress a dxiin i s t r at ie n 'Dro. iects in .'She To,',r a of Yo_ma.16nec1.: and provi- T 'or, T,'_s iss alnce Cf no' ,es lCend�n t' 1sSUance of bonds) °or said".- purpose" -u=.v adolDted June 3 19 305 the sao. of ;20, 000 is hereby a.pprop- fated to pay, the cost of materials, supplies and eq„ pmei f for -public 1Tlfro`-°�J n wo n'r ref t . f pro jectS 4 n the T3wr O'_ lualviarone cl,, Co'!sil tiro', Of i_ij', :`daTT d::ainaoe and sidee✓al_-r 1_�CL_piove=,i,cents U:ridertal,:en t'QrOa"h and}. bTr tile ati,tile"ritTv Of -he '10 <=s progress adn�ini- a_ str Lion Of t11_- '"ederol Government , inclu0ir..S the re5,,_ fac- �. 1nT of v^zr�o'JS ' =,hvj- S 1''�i'O�l�>.l_OUt tP2 hp 1Cr1 Of T'12n1al_'One C1L, j. i Section 2. To meet said --,:),or0"Jl''-a i..ion 'lending the '. is's-oance of bonds of life Town ?or said. "OU- "OOSe , the Supervisor is hereby* a_uth.orized to _ssu.e ter._Dora-rjT notes of tl:�e TO'%A1 of ilanaror v= i_n an aT,.re.-ate trim.^. pal aMounT, not e?cee� n- 20 000 pursuant to Chapter 762 of the Laws of 11:33 of the Sta'ce of !�'e'.'T Yorl,, a.s a_i1e"P_ded, Each, Of said notes s'n.all be deli "noted �`",'rorlts Ps'C1 '°ct. -Noter" Section 3. The folio-win_ matters in cO=iT_nec'5i on with said notes are hereby detertfoined, Bate, Septeuber 4, 1936 aturitlr� December. a 1436 Lencraina-ion T20, 000.00 N umbe vlglpa r2`, or-m Sub stantiall=T iln. accoi,dance raith reso intion adopted June 3, -:33 dace of ?a ment, Trust Co. of La.reh ion+ The .3,uicervisol' is hereb-s aut1'lorized to d.eternine all matters in connection with said notes the detern"Tiation of which is not ,JTOvi`°eC for n- this or subsequent -resolutions, and his siTraiu' e upon said Motes shall be conclusive as to such deteinaina.tions. Said notes shall be siEned. by ;he Su. )ervisor, shall '_nave the corocrate seal of the Torn affi-ed- thereto and attested- b-IT the roan Cler!1. The SupeY'v=So=n is hereby authorized to sell sal c:. notes at public or private sale at not less than pu at the best interest _rate obtainable, not exceeding si,,- per centim l6`o) per arr_un, and to deliver the same co the pu-chaser • pon receipt of the -ourchase pri ce plus accrued :interest from the ':Rate of the notes to 'ehe date o? d.e!1verTT. 239 Section 4. ''-nf iY_strument issued y,ursuant tC this r esc -tion shall be a Zeaneral obl_,'G...tion of t'_n_e TCL',m of rla.ron.et and the fait_ and credit of tike 'onn are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Obligation, and unless tithe:`-W'.._Se paid or payyir-ent provided. _Per, 2. ta=_ s'af ficient to provide for the pa-,rnent thereof shall be levied and collected.. Section 5, This reSOlutlon Shall t2_'«e ePfeCt On motion cf Courc_lm_sn 'iriffi:r_, seconded_ Ly Cou c� loran Me gin?1iss, the ore,_,o_ni resolution was adopteG, by the folloivl-- vete„ AVE 3 s Suaerwisor McCu.11cch "ounci =Tlen Sates Dl'en nan, lsrl "f'ny 1-eg inn is.g Q_'_YS: vone The Torn attorney called to the attention of the Board that at the site of the fo"r�!1eer Town ewa.?e Di s'_�o Sal lla"nt, n0'T. 'P_O loyr;der be n` used for that purpose, certain structures and e; v.ip-._ent re • ained which are of no present use bo the Town. He added_ further that the e_=iste_r,ce _ these structures and equipment const,_tu;ted a r_ otential hazard against which. the `co irn is co:1 el l ed to carry rublie liabilit,? insurance, _ TTe SuZfested that the 'l�o)'m sell -__e S2 S'trUc tUre and eGU ^..171ei,t for the best suns obtainable and thus a.dd to the revenue cf the Town and ramo .7e i,'_hs potential hazard, , The Board C ncurYted n ' ' S s O_ 7. II1 On. '210tiOn 7 ro 3.�enna.n SGCCrided _J firm GrlffiiZ it 7Tas unanimously B'S VED, t'rat the Tcl'7n Clerk be and he hereby is directed Uo oublisn in The Daily Tines a daily ne Nsparer OAlj"shed in the T_o!vll and `. illage of - aa-;aronecic on c ep t ember 3 1936 th e fo 11 n n t i r3=-_n 1T0T1C 1'Totice 4 l.'l�ere'e7T giver that Sealed. bids llTill be recei �7e d h,7- the To .,n -:o",""d, 'o,,-Fn e P'�Jrr.ai'OneC'r, Ut7t1 _ar d I y_-ht saT;'i n,- ti ii,e, On t;e l6 h day of Sept � er, 1 936, a' "'_,e Town Office, 158 `rest Boston "O '" afe of �argarcnec ]1Te1'� 'Crlr3 far r "i-,c-viy_lb, , all glass, steel and iron worK fro-r-I the two Slud.-e dr7ing beds, the Mudge d1Zes' _ llani' and the se i=n a.'.,i0-r . t basins at t ,e Town 'Jismoosal ?lane, locate", on Td-.;lrl'1 property aboat t:r'r e hundred (3001 ) feet easc o ea .,er Stres- 1, appro i mat ,- cpao9_r.e Howell v r.ue and _roughs mic=,vay 'ant=een the 'ostolh Fos' z�,ad. any Pa e'r Avenue in accordance th, Specifications prepared b•'7 the 'l owyl Engineer and. ne`A, C"_� p- a- file in the Qf_.'_ce of they Tovin Clerk of the Town of _:_asaaro- neck, 158 ''est Boston Feet Road, Villa.--e of lamaio_^_eck, New York, Copies of the specifications and all instructions to b iddey's nay be obtained from ei, tiher t1-_e Town U,-, i or the Town nE:ineera -- lle ition dated. Sept 8ilCer 1, 1036, ;:vas 1'eceived, f o-m '` ssesscIr, STii ,-h req est_= "'le TClin i oard to correct the assessaen' rol ' for "(-, a.l' lC'35, `,aLL;es O?� _ 3�, i1a re:57ect to certain p , p t?T /'r l _ l "_'O. er. as r1,,i e fu_ " set forth below, On L1otion lo-Y il__r, ' ates, seconded b-T 31,eonan, _-2s unan.inCU..>1y 241 �LESOT,_�/-7– t1he 'Issessoi:, has ?,resented a �,etitior_ �p - I dated Se-jteffioer ll , 1936, or --he correction, of ' he _ssessmert roll for the year lc,70 , ta xes Of 936, p u r suant to the Provisions of 3ec 'L-.'lon 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws Of 1916, as amended, Tmovin as the ",.est3heste- I Lourity Tax Act; and daze consi c�-­Oa4-1 mn, this 1° �EIRE_4,S, a- te-1 L.,�. _ _oara r as i desirable 'Lo 3",ant ,Sal d oetition for th.,e co-=ection Of said assessment roll; J'T RTSOLITED that the asseqsment roll_ for he -ear �-�,35, 1 0 , lla'eqs Of 1936� which s_=us nro-l-rt-11 no-w -,sc—earin On t–ris rolls as follows. B 1 1C. 70t- 10 w-^e -�sSessecl _1Jalue 5 10 21B L. Eu.-ene Field 5, 1500.00 6 10 !A Amanda. Pa­I 1p 5500. 00 b e corrected as follol;vs, in acco:-:,Ja­nC-_ v�,,itli the Prcvisions of Subdi.,,TIsion 5 of said Section 331 Sec® B 1- Tot 0-,un e r Assessed Value 10 23 Lo Eu-­ene Field. /L V -� 000m00 10 2C American Radiator 'o . 500 .00 6 10 11-17 SIL.me-lcan Radiator• Co. 2; 900. 00 6 10 1 A Amanda Ta7T 1 6(DCI. 00 The Town Att.Orne-,T stated that he had r- eceived a _utter from i".791 STI H-mTe L C2:m.eron at of Yon�kers a-pr 1--' c at ion Bai 1 5 ---c on behalf of their clients Bernacchia "ros, Inc. for -"--he recessary consent of the T-mvn of ,lamaronec'k to o-oerate a il.ictor bus line t-hrou h the T 0,,,vyi. The Tc�p7__ Attorne7F was directed to request the apolicants to send a representative to the nneetin- of tlnie Boa:i",d on gertember 16, 7936, 11-o discuss the matter. The Tolv-i-.i AttcrneIr presented a -eti'uion dated, _,ausu.st 75, 7-936, 1 si�ned- b-, the of iD_ro-perty frontin- on, either sJJe of the -oroiDosed e7tension of Carleon Avenue, requestinc, the Tov:r 13ca-- a to -__x.�end the se-,mer in the -ro-oosed street, in accordance ,vith the -resolution -.passed b- I Board On July 15, 1934 5 y the i Councilman Brennan introduced the followin.- resolutions filed lb IT the o vi n e-_ns C. I c-or-)- EREAS petition has been v �)ert­ frontincp or aloutt-11I- on a, po-r-'Licn of Ca-f-leon .,ve=e as e,,Tterded _'D IT -_Oesclotion of this 3oard oil 15th,2 1936 representing the o-,,rners of proper ty, aoPro,,lii7_atin,7 a -otal of seventiv-ei'-ht feet on -trilh sides of such portion of saff street, reque5t_JnS tfie e-,tensio-in a.-.-.d cons t1ruic'-1, narl of a 7ateral ----r7eiz in an,"i I under said -,G--.leon 1-venue, as so extell �_ed; and- � 771 11-A - 11 ' !-- on reo_-,esen�, une 22 --natures to said ret­__ the cwne-s of a" least one-half --f "he entire _'-2ontaZe On l sides of said street o-nd also ie'--Pesent not less that one-half of all the f-_ronl:;a,,e on said street- owned', !,?7T resiclent, ovTnei:,s in Or along `-,'-,e said street or hivohylvay or Jne par-,t 1,ereof, e7_`len­9-_a as Oforesaidm, I S 'r 7 3y E R ED ha a -h ea n S b 11 e,1, d -:u-s-o art to ec`lon 199 o th.e 9-'oc.Tn la-,v on U'ne 7th Of Jctoberp 1930, at 3 of clock ® at tlie Tovin Office, 158 West 'Blos'�on "ost Roa:1, VillaSe and fot,­n of la-a-iiaroneck, ,-},O,.-SOOT L-r - x.20 o��.iJ- GQ - 'G'-- '-�.T rr.,T OS G2O Z„T,o0 GU JOLT , 'CGT 2G G LS `j . OG. O ' L 20 :, , - SGT n2. '. TT- pJtT �, (?OC ,Odh - IL : 1 CTS ^� o _ c4a^ .LLI G0U9GCI'S 5LU - - t"9T L;if1O�L -?i�. TO OTI 'L L - C'SG�_J 'i "L;UL ��:."„ oJ1 L Gn'C". r1 _�"CGN C—E, -"E'v 9 C c_ OU GU,tI LOLL 30U2p_'_v^,-02 uJ.2 „?C qL:r Oui1U Lcaf-6 GULq-. Y-oq t tS S"2Ilh G(JTJ002s pLi2 GEP CLLi '.L"1? iOLI. - ,TO L VT ^.GK 2L " O^ u T21_ _'J �Y LCG..I2-C Gu'.S;3G. 2 SL;S`LL oS'G�'4 72Li`-' �L=•'iL'��5�'c'. - T_�. L SC rU u 2u-T L o__CCj 2 2'Ii^{. L-u�.L ,�,.•.SSL pGG LJ_CU L PC;o LG L LL.'` q CS'i' ✓ '.'i: 'L h'O'1� I'I``1r G " .L CD 'OCBS sSS L LT ' ��G �:C-1C LI TO A-C ^T 'rTJI O 0 S?'LOOC{. UO (J2 TT„Cv.'.;^� -^,C ''CL.L S �., ; L „ � e'-L _.o LC r,� •�U2 -.-,LbSL 2 S:S2 , _ 20 L 'N �pG_:u2�.ti17IOD2V e ,L GLL L - O�T2 L;L..^c. "^U°vSS2 UGGG _JO'v c�. -LI S;.i"' , L - U o L s �' , OL c cj 0C} 'J Li, L �'?'OS SGd2�i LOG;;_O -0 D:2 L c LJ2- I ' ec HT .. SGK-STT� 0010_CC C U u LI LbL o Sr1G"L C7 S ., GLG +" !_ -,LJ_C Ot .T COL � ' t ✓ C .::2 iC^ Yp^cL�l-C,f -c... cL 2Lt,LJ_ 4 C;J ZL o1- rf .0 -'D L•J_GT qLa�3Y 0 L�_ '" YLA'S L.. .;2 U- ,e2 J-u c ;LGG Lc 8 Uc L=02c a �G��Gc j'I L".°c.. 2U O_12a'IS LLi}� L ,TO7,n I,LLi,. ^,JO Pa0 Sc':_ .71GT UCT,?2S _ e2c L" ' I-- L`_, L'.. c'.; 111.0�'��cl. ^irT2S .;u^r UT LLiE-JC, L7 10 UO T 2 G'C6a 15c.GG '� "UaaC Ga CTC;JCS[.LGn g� U_"Ci L_ �q s UCi`, S`S LU-uL '8i!`t s'-:L LJ;; GU,43Uo '^' °58�."?� U2L�i L LOU Op LjOO �[1 0'i= J_CSTi'lJ9ar's q a'JQO v -TJ L140 L-[Oj. o L ; !LC 6 ':iCI01.'� d2M ',LO G Lv S2.,. :5L L0 ,,7c OL;Q GLLL 1 T _ _ _ n;, ':�8-�`UCCOS u�l a8aa BAi-LCuO� _ UOL1C.lr ?.T G S Cc.,T'CLO, C.-BT:rC,. J O S S 2J1Jp 2 °LtL�'S.,L. L' �� �5�,1TJ8i J U1 L,11 -O Gj _ GL1'8"' LLukS ir0 T+2wr CC.a OC -�G'11S SS SLU'CL ,T "�JGCL -„700 U_O 1S ,sTC GO L IO _ QO.LOLi- LG_ GLT`_ C�. pG CC G - �2L�-OLT _C1'LS szPJ VV CZ C,'i:`;, - =0 LL iC_I: 2L C PTO L L O,� Cr ^G rSS-S, 8 �2 ro �aG[O:L rSG� ^rT. UA J'O 2 UO LCi r:. TO SoLIL2U °U`q. ` 2uo L^�"e o i,: T 'J�C. -00 GOLn,T2S 07TC[�0_ �r2 OT J.Gl=1a0 ST_LL�. T.G rC:OC "B p^___ c : GUI G C, G'4 G 9r1-o.0 L-r.. S 7 G LG0, a 2�` �.G Z-C2) q^y.OOH GJ^1 c702li C..."BL SLq ,p.0 U ':'l-Ow GTr �C 1J2Ti...rT,' 2T.-'r C;-ZLvL G 2ST `JG a LCiG"}G.G I- IO __- l"`;�,� `C�'t L^-LGCi J_v JtC G iG2UO.J_'cLL�C C`,L U1111V�, GLj" L U�.LAI SGOvTC 0L CG'CLCiv @A ap U.T ,_ Lp CLCE-0-LOSUUO �Jc 1S Cu GC,L C T0G:T0 UL7 SGTc_00 UT SzIe:D iic J �_cn -OU2. GSod --:G. -'.-3i�_ ;,TC- J_c 6:Cd -L-BLO-L TjS OL''_t "CTJ._`LSB,,, iiUGJ.2LL L�0 L jnrt AO 2UG' cL'.�,](C* „I O UL10,T G' UT_ "P3UST LCti- LC, F_t,' S `.1G`_- i"_J0.. s:72CL2C�� !12LI 2 GS2,a C� 1. IL2� T..LLTI�UT CC'ST cU GG,UG,qCK cE jO _-ee-_D, _ --ga GLIC G_IOs2n� J-O LLG J.G-L^J-O S-U(C DLO C-GG 2 �'U-LT7SLL CLYLci F ScL2� U o� aU�. �.o �� GZGL��L UL pepL�oJC S2 7oeJS� GOL-L OLT ;TC{tt G'. GL�L.ci' UfSiOT 2L`1 `l`C'" Frvr,± r_'� ='L1-� CO w T — -d=E Q ,TICdC, a 4 On motion r, ri__ 1ns seconded o-r "re i atesq t lvaS L'.nani 751C'6.S l -�r RE;;:--,TIT ',1 at the Suloervisor be and he hereby, is auti!orized to send a letter to -Ile nit-ed. States Post Off' ce B'opartrnent S'1atin- that it Is t,L^•e Olo Llion of the T`ov,n Board t' at -1 h- Larchnont cost office should be located on the host central site available and Lr°ir na_t uhe deb ary enc o ve the selecti` on. of a site fu�t'ner cons ide^ati_on. unless the mater i:2as '3een de finites — settled. at 11025 ' the Board ana:nimousl; resolved to ad ou.rns DeO,ctw Town clel'h