HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_08_18 Town Board Minutes SPECIAL STATTUTORY 1)iE-ETI11M OF T-HE TO'dM, BOARD 10'.Z OF I.T -rARO_0TECK, i�n:!� YOR'I PT LO ia1jS73T 13, 1936 At the Town Offices, 158 Nest Boston Post Road iamaroneek, Sd, b,e meetin eras called to order by Supervisor PIcCulloch at Presents Supervi--or T.JoCulloch COUnC llmeri 'Dates, ,ren_rlan, �srlf f1n, gi nn SS The -presence was also noted of To�^m Clerk ,larvin and To,m Attorney Delius, The Supervisor stated that the Board was meetin today, Tuesday, August 18, 1936, being the third Tuesday in August, in accordance irit'.n the provisions of Section 66 of the election Lair for the purpose of designating the place in each election district in the Town at which the meetings for the registration of voters and elections and primaries shall be held in the year following the ens,:_ing first day of October. On motion du_17 ir_ade and seconded, it t-,,as unani_lously RESOLVED that in accordance with the provisions of Section 66 of the _Llection Law, bein., Chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of 1yew York as amended, the Town Board of the Town of I: aiisaroneck hereby designates the place in each election district in the Town at which the meetings for the registration of voters and elections and nrimari es shall be held in the year following the ensuing first day of Octobers DISTRICT NO . 1 Ciamaroneclk Avenue School Avenue an r i,ra:..aroneem , �aro__eck, K. Y. DISTRICT.' NO . 2 340 idamaroneck klvenue r'ayraroneck, N. Y. DISTRICT TTO . 3 Town hall, Prospect Avenue i 2z_-,aronecl., IT. Y. DISTRICT NO . 4 Central School, Boston Post Road., I:"aaaarone ck, ,i. Y. DISTRICT Y-1 5 lst Floor ;leaver Street Fire _louse, ,eager Street CZlncorporateo part — of the To7n of i�aoiaroreck DISTRICT No . 6 2nd Floor '`weaver Street Fire House, ,'leaver Street, Unincorporated part of the Torn of I"aniaroneck. DISTRICT 1,TO , 7 Y ' lding, Chatsworth. Avenue School, Forest Park Avenue, Larchraont, i�� . Y. DISTRICT WID . 8 Larcbmont Village Tull, 3oston Post Road. Larc]vn.ont, iv. I DISTRICT 1,10 . 9 136 Boston Post Road, Larch,aont, 1' . STRICT' NO . 10 Avonr::ore Apartr:ents, corner of Boston Post Road and Dillon Road, hilion "ark:, La- h- -t I?:Sht?C" i,r, o i l 170 17-,Trtle Boulevard. LareLmont IQa 7/ -IT STRICT 1,T0 . 12 T?urray Avenue Sc2tiool Murray Averse A letter dated 11ugust 14, 1936, was received from the Lare'nmort Federal Savin"s and Loan Association offering to the To.vn a parcel of land, at the corner of ,Stanley Averse and Fen-"More Road in the Village of a:raroneck as a. site for a proposed municipal buildinw. The letter was ordered filed and. the Clark was directed to than', the AsEociatl On for calling t1nis Site to the BOard� s attention. A letter dated August 11, -936, addressed to the Sune-rvisor, was received from t'rn Vestchester Joint `:'later 'Wor'_ws Tvo. 1 stating that the ' `ater '�Iorks is in need of ad7itional chlorinating apparatus and that the aoparatus owned by the Town at the old Towi, sewage dis- �_, posal plant "mould be worth to the Water orris about �Y 300r`. On _aotion duly made and- seconded it was unanimously i RESOLVE: that the T ow n of 1-a :la.ronec c hereby offers to sell to the Westchester Joint (dater ?rorks, No. 1 the chlorinating apparatus owned by the Torrm at the old Town disaosal plant for the sera of <, 300. A letter dated August 51 1936, was received from I. -. James L. Clark oil 17 3uyuenot iOrive concerning stoiT water drainage and was referred to 1�ir. Bates and the Town -Engineer for investigation and report back to tLre Board_. A letter dated July 23, 1936, was received from Liss Caroline Funk of 1C Harmony Drive, co-ncerning storm water drainage and was referred to fir. Bates and the Town Engineer for investigation and report back to the Board. A letter dated August '7, 1936, was -received from --fr. ��1iil_iam Bei_d.er of 109 X. Chatsworth Avenue concerning the backing up of a sewer. The matter was referred to i';1r. Hates and the Town Lngineer for investigation and report back to the Board_. On motion by c. 1.e.v-inniss seconded_ by 11r. Bates, it uvas unanimously RESOLVED that this Board do and it hereby does desicnate The Dairy 'Times, a daily newspaper, published in the Village and Town of Mamaroneck, and The Larchrnont Times, a weekly newspaper published in the Village of Larchmont, Town of .1amaroneck, for the purpose of publishing the notice of the collection of 1936 school taxes as required by law- and be it FURTHER RES.OiVED, that said notice be published in said newspapers on Thursday, August 20, 1936; and be it FURTHER R1,SOLVED that in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 of the �;destchester County Tal- Act, the Town hoard do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to _mail to each ta.x-oaye-r of the Town of ijamaroneck, -:hose address is known to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, a tax bill for 1936 school taxes, the expense thereof to be a town charr�s. Gn motion by I r esinYniss, seconded by fir. Sates it was -- unan=mOUely RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 96A of Chapter, 62 of the Laws of 1909 as arnended the TcAvii Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby author* ze and erimower the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck to collect the 1936 school taxes for Union Free School District No. 1 in the Town of ifamaroneck, which, under the orovisions of Chapter 305 of the Laws of 7.916 as amended., known as the Wles"tchester County Tax Lave, become a lien- and are payable cn September _first, 1936, in two partial payments each amounting to fifty per cent ( 50%) of any such school tax as levied; FURTRER -RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck is authorized and empo:.ered to receive the payment of such partial payments o _nstalments of the 1936 school taxes for Union Free School District No . 1 in the Town of P<<amaroneck at any time but subject to the same penalties as are specified and provided in Section 13 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 for the :neglect to pay the total amount of the school taxes after the levy thereof, FURTHER RESOLVED, that 'she a.cceptanee of any such partial or instalment payment o f the 1935 school taxes for Union Free School District No. 1 in the Town of Dramaroneck shall not be deemed to affect in any manner ar,; right of the mown of Mamaroneck under any general or special Act, to enforce collection of the unpaid balances of such taxes as may remain due and owing to 0 said Tovrn, but such rights and powers shall remain in full force and effect to enforce collection of the unpaid_ balance of such school taxes, together with interest, penalties and other lawful charges. The Town Attorney stated that owing to certain recent changes in the Town Lava concerning the construction of servers and the making of sewer house connections it -would be in order for the Board to act tinder the provisions of Section 201 of the Town Law, giving the To-v Board pourer to prescribe how sewer connections shall be made. On motion by T°!'_r. Grif_rI in, seconded by '11r. Brennan, it was unanimously resolved `:VrIER.EAS Section 201 of the Town Lailr -erovides that Town Hoard may adopt resolutions prescribir_g how sewer connections shall be made RESOLVED that or and after September 7.st, 1936, all sewer house connections shall be made in the folloTing -- manner: p. In all cases where there are existing servers in streets, there shall be filed, together with any application for a building permit as required by the Building Ordinances of the Tor.rn of Hamaroneck, an application for a sewer connection from the sewer in the street to the -property line together with a plan or sketch showing the place where such connection is to be made, I 225 2. Upon the approval of the plans and the issuance of a building permit, the re-rson so applying shall be notified of the charge or cost of making such severer connection which shall be the estimated cost thereof as determined by the Town Engineer. 3. The said sewer connection shall be made by the Town of Pdlamaroneck but no wor'r shall be commenced until after payment of the amount required for the charge or cost as estimated by the Town En.-ineer. If the actual cost shall be less than the estimated cost, any excess shall be refunded to the person making such payment. 4. In all cases where there are existing sewers in streets, no certificate of occupancy shall be issued for buildings completed on and after September lst, 1936 until such buildings have been connected with existing sewers. 5. In all cases where there are existing sewers in streets and Sphere houses have been completed and certificates of occupancy issued _orior to September let, 1936, if the Torun Board hereafter orders such houses to be connected with existing sewers, such Sewer con- nections shall be made by the Town of Ma_iaroneck in the same manner as is provided for sewer connections for houses completed subsequent to September let, 1936 as hereinabove provided. FURTII:ER RESOLsTED that this resolution be published on or before the 20th day of August, 1936 in The Daily Times, a newspaper published- in the Village and Town of Ilama.roneck, which is hereby designated as the .official ne`ATspaper for that purpose and a copy thereof posted conspicuously in at least three- public places in the Town of h4asna-roneck. The Board informally discussed with the Town Attorney the matter of certiorari proceedings instituted by the i''filcox Estate, owners of properrtV in Larc'_nnont Village knovvn as the Victoria Hotel, described as Section `i, Block 19, sundry lots, and decided to lay the matter over until the next meeting of the Board, in order that a re_cresentative of the 3state might be present to discuss the matter with the Board. The Town Attorney reported to the Board concerning the pro- nosed construction of a sewer and storm drain to serve the Sackett Circle area, including the obtaining of an easement through the nearby Robertson property, and laid the matter- over until representatives of the affected pronerties could be present to discuss the matter with the Board. Iir, i+'Ieginniss reported on the request of the Committee in Charge of the celebration of the 275th Anniversar;- of the purchase of the Town of tiamaroneck fro-r, the Indians that the Town Board make an appropriation towards the expenses of the celebration. he stated that in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 14 of Section 64 of the Tcwn Lavi. it' would be proper for the 'Board to appropriate not more than X500 as a publicity fund to be used in connection with t'ne celebration, said appropriation to be subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with the provisions of -Article- ? of the Iocan Law. Cr. motion by Prix. Meginniss, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was unan i nous l-r RE'SOL rF.D that the Town Board of the Town of Marlaroneck, cursuant to authority contained- in Subdivision 14 of Section 64 of the Town Law Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of Ne,ri York, as amended) hereby appro- priates the sera of ;)500. 00 as a publicity fund. FTJRT=R RESOLVED that said 'resolution shall take effect thirty days after its adoption, unless within thirty days after its adoption, there shall be filed with the Town Clerk in accordance with 'the provisions of Article 7 of the Town Law ( Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, as amended) a petition subscribed and ackno7jledged by electors of the town of the number required by law, qualified to vote on a. pro-position to raise and expend money, protesting against said resolution anal requesting that it be submitted to the electors of the town for their approval or disapproval, in which case this resolution shall take effect when approved at a referendum held in accordance with the Town Law, and that the Town Clerk publish and post notice of the adoption of t10is resolution as required by said Article 7 of the Town Law, The Town Clerk reminded the Board that in accordance with U he law t'ne Board was required to hold a. joint meeting with the Assessor on the first Tuesday in tepteT!ber for the purpose of preparing a list of grand and trial jurors. On _notion duly made and seconded it was _,nanimously RESOLVED that this Board meet on Tuesday, September 1, 1936 at 8: 00 P e ill, with the Assessor for the purpose of preparing alist of grand and trial Jurors in accordance with the law; and be it FuRmP_ER RESOLVED that this meeting on September 1, 1936 take the -place of the resalar meeting of the Town Board scheduled for September 2, 1936 , At 9: 35 P . the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn, n ill Town Clerk l