HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_08_12 Town Board Minutes 201 i REGULAR HEETINa OF TB`E TOWN BOARD ^1OI9DT OF ! AMARO lv Cl, N . Y. HELD AUGUST 125 1936 At the Town Offices, 158 VVest Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, Tv. Y. The neeIting was called to order by Supervisor 1:.IcCulloch at _ Present; Su-pervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates Brennan Griffin, Peginniss The presence was also noted of Town Clerk i+Iarvin, Town Attorney Lelius and Town Engineer Foote. The minutes of the meetings of July 8 and July 15 were approved as corrected. Hr. Brennan reported on highway matters. He stated that together with Town Engineer Foote he had made an inspection of all the roads in the To;;n and found theta to be generally in good shape. llr. Brennan -orresented an estLmate dated_ Jul;r 22, 1936, in the amount of 1:2, 650.18 covering the cost of installing 500 feet of 6-inch water main together with one hydrant on Rockland Avenue from Stoneyside Drive to the line of property owned by George Baldwin. This was in accordance with the action taken by the Board at its meeting on July 15. After discussion the matter was laid on the table . The Supervisor reported on the matter of a survey of the situation in respect to storfi water drains in the Town, in accordance with the action of the Board at its meeting on July 15. He presented a letter from the Town Engineer dated August 11, 1936, estimating the cost of making two maps, one showing all the sewers in the unincor- porated section, the other shoving all the storm water drains, at a total sum of 5P163. 50. P;Ir. Foote stated that to include on these maps all of the roads in the unincorporated section would increase the total cost to not more than ;250, On motion by IIr. Bates, seconded by Fir. Griffin, it was unani__•ously RESOLVED, that the Totiwn Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to svoend not more than 1;,250. 00 for the preparation of maps showing all sewers, drains and roads in the unincorporated section of the Town. Griffin reported on welfare natters. stated that the case load in July dropped to 281 cases from a total of 313 in June . Nlr. I!Ieginniss reported on finances . He -oresented the Super- visor' s financial report for the period January 1 to July 31, 1936, which was ordered filed. idr. Ira. -J- La-,Vson addressed. the 3oa.rd concerning an an- portion-vent of taxes. He was requested to prepare tLe necessary papers and take the matter up with the Town Attorney. A delegation of residents of the Fifth Avenue section of the ;_ Town a-ddressed the 3oard.. Samuel Oarriero acted as spokesman for the delegation which included also Messrs. Perciasepe, Possidente, Scarano and 'GiacOflo . _.__ Carriero requested that the Town improve t_ -e surface of Fifth Avenue which at present is in bad shape. The Silipervisor stated that the To ^�n has already completed the drain to serve the Fifth Avenue section; that the re-surfacing of Yad.ison Aven-ue, which runs into Fifth Avenue, is now in progress and that all of Fifth Avenue from Madison Avenue to the lieu Rochelle line would shortly be iiii.-)roved by the Town. i�Ir. Carriero thanked the Supervisor for this information. Fire Chief LeVino add=ressed of a motorized squad, car for which the 1936, appro-oriated the sLw1 of `,j8, 000. of the Px[ack International Sdotor Truck On motion by 21 r. ie inniss unanimously the 3oard concerning the 3oard at its meeting on Fie introduced irr. C. A. Corporation. seconded by i:r. Brennan, purchase July 15, Woodfield it was RESOLVED ii_'LRE.S. this 3oard heretofore and on the 15th day of July, 1936, adopted resolutions appropriating the sum of y`;6, 000.00 for the purchase of a motorized squad car and authorized the issuance of a certificate of in- debtedness for such amount to be issued to the ILack International motor Truck Corporation; and Ti',=IEAS, the contract of sale approved by the Fire Council, Provides that delivery of said truck be r_ade on the 15th day of Wovember, 1936 Tm RESOLVED that the certificate authorized by resolution bf this Board adopted July 15th, 1938, be dated and delivered to the liack International 1:.otor Truck Cor- poration on tize day when said truck is delivered to and accepted by the To,im of :Iarnaronecka PU"T -ER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized- to e acute the above described contract on behalf of the Town. 'lir,Richard- 'J'lood of the 'J CCLiP_ Realty Co�-many addressed- the Boara to request the installation of water and secaer mains in feBonnie Estatesi°,a development owned by his companyr, lyin% immediate- 1 to t_�.e north of Rouken Glen along ','leaver Street and including the area around part of ''.'aril' s Lane. I!e stated that the realty corn- _ pang has already sold three lots in this development and expects to sell three more shortly. The streets in which the sewer and water mains would be installed are known as Bonnie `slay and Briar Close. He was directed to prepare the necessary petition for presentation at the neat r::eetin of the Board. Town :attorney Delius stated that it would be in order for the Board to refund an outstanding certificate several years ago 'to the General TOV73-.L by Sewer vast of the cost of t'he Town' s share of highwa the Boston Post Road- as charged to the Town by o-° indebtedness issued. -District No. 1 to pay rights-of-way for the County of illest chest er. Councilman _e.�inniss introduced the following resolution: RES0LU'7r01? A P; ROPRILATTJ- 7_:L BUT-, OF '`1'45, 000. 00 TO ?AY Ir. T N 9 S I-''Q mini m I n p I ri �T r -- 0�:'�� S �_RE` irr� C05� C HI '_I ,�_. itii Ti11S Ci ''I- \ T']- ILT 'IG Tam' TS'- CE OF BOYD.S 70H SAID PUSPOSE Section 1. The sung of `'x45, 000.00 is hereby appropr=iated to pay the town' s share of the cost of the acquisition of r; gt,ts of way for hihvvays heretofore charred to the town by the Count- of Westchester, and not otierwise provided for, pursuant to the HiEhv'ray Law and. cha-,cter SO of the LavTS of 1936 including the payment of certificates of indebtedness issued for said pus-pose. Section 2. To meet said. a:ppro-prZ ation, 'Sends of the `ogn of -f.amaroneck shall be issued in the ag-regate principal amount of `':45, 000.00. Section 3. The probable life of the improvement for which said bends are issued is at least twenty (20) years. Section 4. Said bonds shall bear such date shall mature at such tirij.e or times, shall be nu,ibered, shall I in such four. and denomination shall near such rate of interest not e__ceedinS six per cent-cm ( 6,,o) per annu3:2, -payable semi-annually, shall be payable at such place or Places, in lavwful money of the United States of America, shall be sold at public sale in such rna.nner and or_ such terns, but for not less than their -par value, as small hereafter be d.eterrained by resolution or resolutions of this Board.. Sect '-on 5. The lull faith and credit of the To. n of Pdamaroneck are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of principal and interest of said 'ponds, and there shall be raised annually b-r ta_ on all the taxable -property in the To-a�n, a sum sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due. Section 6 . This resolution shall taltie effect thirty (30) days after its adoption unless with.;n thirty ( 30) da.vs after its adoption there shall be filed with the Town Clerk, in accordance with Article VII of tine 'Powwn Lave, a petition subscribed_ and aclmowledged by electors of the Town of the ntimsber required by law, qualified to vote upon a proposition to raise and expend money, protesting against this resolution and 'requesting that it be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town for their approval or disc-proval, in ,,rhich case this resolution shall take effect when approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town voting upon such proposition for its approval at a referendum held in accordance with the Town Law. Councilman Heginniss introduced the following resolution, RLSDLV= by the Town Board of the Town of rla_aaroneck, in the Cal-i ty of Glestchester, lvevv fork, as follows. Section 1 . The Town C1e-rk_ is hereby authorized and directed wpith.in ten days after the adoption of a resolution of the Town Board, entitled.. "Resolution appropriating the sum of ti' 000.00 to pay the Town' s share of the cost of high*.,ray rights of ',vay and a:uthorizin� the issuance of bonds for said purpose ` to -cost and p-oblish a notice, which shall set forth the date o_° adoption of said resolution and contain an abstract of said resolution concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, in the same manner as is provided for notice of a. special election, to wit . by publishing said notice in "The Daily Tir_�es", a newspaper published in the Town, which is hereby deli nated as the off iciai news paper of the. Town and by posting copies of said notice in at least five (5) conspicuous places in said o-rin. Section 2. Said notice shall be in substantially the following fora- T-H TO `VN OF 'aA 4ARuiIF'Cr� NLll YOREi PUBLIC 110'PICF NOTICE is hereby given that or the 12th day of A,,gust, 1936, the Town Board of the i'oian of ?dlaaiaroneck in the County of ';i•estehester, Nev,r York adopted a resolution an abstract of which resolU.tio-r_ concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof is as follo,,i7s. FIRST. PROdIDID?v for the appropriation of the su_� of 4;45, 000.00 to pay the town' s share of the cost of the t'_ne acquisition of rights of way for highways heretofore charged to the to-am by the County of IFestchester, and not votes otherwise provided for, pursuant to the Highway Law and chapter 30 of the laws of 1936, including the payment of certificates of indebtedness issued for said purpose, and the issuance of bonds of the Town of L.amaroneck in the rqa_.iraun. principal amou=nt of "p4-5-2000.00 to meet said approrria.ti on, SECOND: PRO.VIDIlCT that the probable life of the improvement for which said bonds are issued is at least twenty (20) years . THIRD- PROVIDING that said bonds shall bear such date , shall mat�:re at such time or tires, shall be numbered, shall be in such form and denomination, shall bear such rate of interest not exceeding sip_ per centuiu MO per annum, payable semi-annually, shall be payable at such place or places, in la-vtful money of the united States of America, shall be sole:. at public sale in such manner and on such terms but for not lass than 'their par value , as shall hereafter be d_etenizined by resolution or resolutions of this Board. FOURTH: PROVIDING that the full faith and credit of the to,:an are irrevocably pledged to ti-le punctual pa7fnent of -orinciaal and interest of said bonds, and there shall be raised annually by tax on all the taxable property in the town, a sum sufficient to -pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due. FIFTHa PROVIDING t%gat said resolution shall ta. ,e effect thirty 30, days after its adoption, unless within thirty (30) days after its adoption there shall be filed with the Towwn Clerk. in accordance with Article VII of the Town Law, a petition subscribed and acknowledged by electors of the toi�m of the nuaber required by law, qualified_ to vote on a proposition to raise and expend money, protesting against said resolution and requesting that it be submitted to the electors of the town for their approval or disa_oproval, in which case this resolution shall tale e -,ect when approved at a referen- dum held in accordance with the Town Law. By Order of the Town Board, Da.tede August 12, 1936. WALTER R. hARVIIS Town Clerk The foregoing 'resolutions were adopted by the following; A=S; Supervisor hrcCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin e ir_r!iss T?AYS: None To,an Attorney Delius stated that it would_ be in order for the Town to -oajr off out of surplus now in the 'General Fm-id d a certi- ficate of indebtedness issued in 1933 to the General TO�'7n by Sewer District No . 1. On motion by Sir. P1leinniss, seconded by I,ir. Brennan, it was upon roll call unanimously RESCFLVL'D, i:HERtAS there was heretofore issued- a certificate of indebtedness for the sum of 17, 500. 00 dated December 7, 1933 for the credit of Sewer District No . 1, which certificate remains unpaid, 209' RESO== that payment of this certificate be made by payment out of surpl�.s no�.s in the General end in the sum of ,p17, 500.00 and interest amounting to ;x2, 437. 35, a total of 9; 19, 937.35. To)^dn Attorney Delius advised the Board that as a result of a change in the Town Lace in respect to the construction of lateral sewers it would be necessary to hold a public hearing on the request of the Estate of Cecilia A. =Iosaell for the construction of sewers in the extension of Carleon Avenue, whic'_n said estate offered to dedicate to the Tocan as set forth in the minutes of the meeting of July 15, 1936. On �,iotion. by ,ir. Bates, seconded by i1r. .Tiffin, it iwas unanimously 'JHEREAS this Board heretofore by resolution adopted July 15, 1936, agreed to accept an offer br the Estate of Cecilia A. =-Ioti.ell to dedicate the land re- q,.ired for tine extension of Carleon Avenue for a. distance of forty-four (44) feet at the easterly end thereof, upon certain conditions stated in said. resolution and in connection with said extension, agreed to extend- the sewer system along the additional portion of said Carleon Avenue; and ,',°_P RiIAS the Town Attorney advised this Board that before said sewer could be constructed, compliance with the -orovisions of Section 199 of the Town Law is necessary which requires that a petition be filed, signed by o'�vners of property fronting on either side of said street as extended to the extent of at least one-half of the entire frontage on both sides anf- that said iraprove-rsent be made in co­�oliance with the provisions of Section 202 of the Town Law, which requires that the expense of construct- ing lateral servers shall be borne by local assessment upon the several lots and parcels of land which the _ Town Board shall determine will be benefited by the improvement; and � OT�RLAS the Estate of Cecelia A. Howell has presented to this Board a deed releasing and. conveying to the Town, the land required for the extension of Carleon Avenue as aforesaid., which deed has been approved by the Town Attorney, R.EISOL9EDthat this deed be held in escrow until the petition, required by the provisions of Section 199 of the To','in Law, has been 'received, for th.e extension of the sewer and the h.oldin .- of a public hearing thereon after notice, as -required by Section 199 of the Town Lavv. FURTHER RCE'SOLITED, that the clerk -notify Tor. Sowell C. Perrin, the agent and representative of the Estate of Cecelia A. =Howell, of the action ta'aen by tt_is Board, and furnish hi--. with a certified copy of this resolution. Town Attorney ''elius stated that he had received a letter iron_ Austin ,_- e Griifen anted duly 24, 1936, concerning property owned by Carmela Santoro, and a letter dated August '7, 1936 from R. _ Collins concerning property owned by hi_n, both requesting permission to pay taxes for years prior to 1916 wit . out interest . Tie stated that he had examined the applications and recommended that they be approved. On --motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESUVED, ':L REAS the Town Attorney reports that he has examined certain applications for permission to pay taxes for years _prior to 1910 without interest, the liens on which taxes are held by the To,..,,.m, and i9TIEREAS the Town Attorney and the 1?ssessor reco=end approval of these applications; and 211 : .EREAS the Town in other and similar cases has granted permission to property owners to pay taxes for years prior to 1916 vaithout interest, 1-131 THEREBaRE BL' IT RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he <ereby is authorized to accent pa5n2ent of taxes as set forth. below at 'the face amount of the liens held by the `mown without interest , provided payment in each case be made within thirty days, to wit- Pro aert?; Owner Sec. Blkm Lot Year of Tax Year of Sale Aro:)unt Carnela Santoro 8 50 6 1914-15 1916 6. 17 1915-16 1917 15.55 t+Gilliam R. Collins 5 14 5B,4B 1914-15 1916 19. 68 SA Town Attorney Delius stated that he had conferred- with Hurlbert I,,'cAndrew attorney of Larchmort, concerning the claim of €r. McAndrew' s client, Ippolito Orrico, for a refund, of taxes on the basis that these taxes had been paid- twice. He recommended approval of the claim. On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by iv1r. Griffin, it was unanimously -resolved .=REAS it a-opears from the affidavit of Sylvan Schvwartzreich verified July 3rd 1936 tb.at the o,;,,ners of property known as Section 1, Block 28, i,ot 20, on or about the 14th of J,,lne, 1935, paid to the Receiver of Taxes, the swn of retires-eating a tax lien purchased by the Town of iulam.aroneck in 1929, for State, County, Town and School 'taxes for the year 1928 �.Jhich tax had previously been paid- on or about the 21t'n of December 1929 by the referee appointed by the Suprei_ie Court to sell this property together with other lots in a certain tax lien foreclosure entitled `Westchester Foundation vs. Ilueller" record of which pa-,orient a-nd recei_ot is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Colaia.ty of '.6'estcaester; and WIEREAS Ip_ -oolito Orrico , the present owner- of said property, has filed a claim for the refund. of Said 13e'ro so paid RESOLVED that the claim of Ippolito Orrico be approved and that the cor;ptroller be authorized to audit said claim and that the claim be paid; 7URTHER RESOLVE-) that the clerk be directed- to notify Hurlbert LIcAnd.rel,v Esq. , attorne T for said I_opolito 0prico of the action taken by this Board. Town Attorney Delius informed the Board that in order for the 'Torun to obtain clear title to land acquired by it for 'the nurpose of obtaining the right-of-way for that -portion of county road ;o . 57-2 i?�no in as Palmer Av n _e H-tension) located in the uninccrporated- section of the Town, the Town should first ;cake an offer to the reputed property owners before instituting; condemnation proceedings. He added that the TOrr'n could buy the land from the otisrners only if they could give a title which a -recognized_ title com�oany would- insure. On motion by ?:'ir. Griffin, seconded by is;�r. Bates, it was unanimously resolved i`1j=REAS heretofore and on or about the let day of July, 1929 the Board- of Supervisors of Westchester County adopted resolutions approving plans, specifications and 213 estimates for th!e construction Of County Road- 67, ?cart 2, pursuant to Section 520-b of the 1-_i hway Lahr and XITEREAS the Towwn Board of the 'Town of �,+Iai,�iaroneck, at a meetinr duly held on the 3rd day of July 10,20, approved said plans, specifications and estirnatesg and 6--EREAS on or about the 5th day of July, 1920 the Board of Supervisors requested the Torn of T�ian_aroneck to acquire such additional rights-of--way as were necessary for the construction of saki County road in accordance with the provisions Of Sectio^ 320- j Of the fii hVrayr Ta,,j- and oH 3 REAS the County Enr-inver furnished to the Town Board of L le Town of pia -laroneck the _aaps saoviin- the pro=oerty -nc,udco. in such rights-of-way so to be acquired by "he Town of Tiaaaronecl_9 and- Ti-MR'-AS thereafter the A torney i o r the Town Of a-r-iarone ck oy author'ity of the To-:,,n Board of the 'T - oi�n of inamaroneck obtained from certain persons and corporations, consents and agreements to enter upon the lands included in said Fight-of-way for the purpose of improving the road without objections to 'trespass or liability for damage to the Persons o_ corporations signing said consents and agreer,-.ents in and by which such persons and corporations waived any and all claims for entry and occupation of such land.- and ?T �RLAS such rights=of-v-ray have never been acquired al'uhou;-h the construction of said COUnty Road has been co-mpleted and 1Ulr 'R7AS U'-la Tovn Attorney has caused. to �'-,e made a title search or certificate to determine the _persons or corporations who were the owners of the fee to the property included. in said rights-of-way so to be acquired frog v-rhich it a_o-dears there are con°lietin-I claims to the land- within the ri Mus_ of-wa.y SO to be acquired as a result of w;�ieh the Title -aarantee an:1 Trust Company the corporation soaking such search or certificate, will not insure title to such �oropert,T except ,xpon the conveyance a.:nd/or release of Such claims or throuaL condemnation proceedin s, RE I�VE"0 that COuncill en _ ri fin, it iss and, 3ren_an are hereby ap_.,ointed a coi-mmit'Cee to neVotiate witi- the owners Of the property included in said rihts-of-array so to be acquired for the purchase thereof by the Town of ir_amaroneek, to URT?=is RFSOL Z3 that i".- a-ll ne -ot' atio"P_S wi].ich this co=ittee riay conduct, the persons Or cor-torations with whom such negotiations are had be notified that only such title ,;rill be accepted as will be insured by the 'Title Guarantee and Trust Company. P"J_cTHER RES LIVED that the coirmittee hereby a;opointed report bac',: o to this Bard the result of their negotiations for farther ac'Li on by " :is Board. The Torn Attorney reported briefly to the Board on the matter Of a "pro-nosed charge to be L1ade by 'he TobVr, to cover the cost of laak ins sehier house corm e ct ions. The matter �wVas laid over until the ne7;t :,iieetin- The re_oort of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month. of July u✓as received. and filed. The reoort ol° the Count r Health Department for the month Of June was received a-ad_ filed. The re`_c Ort of the Public !.LLelfare L'e"partaent for the ifOn"th of II J1:1y was received and filed. The report o the Town Clerk for the month of July was received and filed. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of July eras received and filed. An estimate dated July 22, 1936, in the arlount of :;345®79 was received from the ''Jestchester Joint -'dater Norl.�s, !,o. 1 of the cost of installinc, 105 feet of 6-inch water -ain from t'_ne end of the el ist- ing main on Valley Stream 'Road. On raoti on by i Idr. Griffin, seconded by ?'rir. Bates, it 'alas unani raously R]ESOLV D, ';'dl " 'REAS an estimate dated" July 22nd, 1936, in the amount of X345. 79 has been received from the Westchester Joint tVater Aorks, lvo. 1 of the cost of installation of 105 feet of 6-inch water main from the end of tile existing maii2 on Valley Stream eam Road_, NT OW BL T1 RESOLVED that the rVestchester Joint 7vater idorks, I3o. 1 be and it hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to install for tie Town of 14?amaronecl2 and to charge to the Town of ir;amaroneck the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of the Llestchester Joint Iater Vorks. I'd. 1 the main as above described. The Town Clerk re»orted that he had received an oral request from 1'�irs . J. L. Serling of 6 1`deaver Street for the installation of a shade on a street light in front of her house. The matter was referred to Hr. Brennan. A letter dated Av_gust 7, 1936, was received from Frank S . Curtis foriierly of the llescchester Col ntv _'Emergency ?vork Bvrea.u, thanking the Board for the resolution ado-pted at its rieeting on July 15, 1936, corm?nending the l7oik done 'oy th.e Bureau. The letter was ordered Piled. A letter dated August '7, 19361 )l7as received from .',iayne D. Heydecker formerly of the '1estchester County 'Emergency Work Bureau, thanking the Board for the resolution adopted at its meeting on Jule 15, 1936, coraznending tI"ie work done by the Bureau. The letter was ordered filed. A letter dated August 10, 1936, was received from Charles E. Baxter Jr. Chairman of the Convaittee in Charge of "t_ie 275th Anniversary celebration, requesting permission to erect a ivusiin sign 4 feet wide and about 40 feet long across the Boston Post Road at the Town line near Dillon Park. On motion by 11.^. Griffin, seconded by iar. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED that 'the request of the Coiiivuittee in Charge of the 275th Anniversary celebration as above set forth be and it hereby is approved providing (1) the sign is erected in a manner sa.ti sfacto_^ , to the SUoerintendent of Highways and (2) all requirements -- of the S I tate ighway Deparc_ent are met . A letter dated August 4 1936, was received from the 4damaroneck Health- Center notifying the Board that com"aenc3_n - August 1, 1936, Miss Florence E. Johnson Could be the new nurse at the Health Center in place of Miss Helena Platkin, On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Yi ss Florence E. Johnson be and she hereby is appointed public health nurse in -place of Truss Helena Platkin pursuant to Section 20-3, paragraph 8 of the Public Health Lai^r, this appoint- ment to ta'�:e effect as of August 1, 1936 . A letter dated August 11 1936 was received from the Board � of Police Co_�unissioners concerning the appointment of special officers, which matter had been referred to the Corrjlissl on at a previous tleet- - ins. The letter stated that such officers cannot be ap;oointed unless their -.times are on the eligible list of the State Civil Service Cori- __ mission at the till?e of their aOpointment , The letter was ordered filed and the Clerl- *as directed to send a copy to Lucius P:® Littauer, Treasurer of the Premium Point Association and to 'virs. E. R. Van Sickle, _ resident of the LarcYm°ont-Iianaroneck Eu-nane Society, inc. A letter dated JU17T 28, 1936, was received from P-Alic Welfare Officer `eVi-ine concerning claims in the face amount of ,`120. 00 received, from 'Ni lbur F Palmer of 280 Rocicland Avenue, Larc'_rimont, for '.. rent sup-glied to a client of the VIFelfare Office fro_�n November, 1934 through April, 1935 at the rate of 5$20.00 a molnti'1. These claims, he stated, were received after the e«piration of the time limit for ob- taining state -reimbursement . On motion by [;Ir. Bates, seconded by Li,. Drennan, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the clai.r_s of t�Iilbur F'. Palmer as above described, totalling `?,120. 00 be and they hereby are ordered paid in the sun of `;30,00, being 25 per cent of the amount clair2ed by :<Tr. Palm-.er and being also the net amount lvnich the Town -would have had to pay had the claims been -received in time to obtain state reimbursement in the amount of 75 per cent of the total claim. The S-upervisor reported on the financial condition of the 'T'own, saying that the Town has enougn cash on hand to.?et'her with refunds d .e and owinc, to it for reimbursement of welfare claiils to pav the entire debt service of the Town for the balance of t .e year; that the To'^en' s snare of the unpaid county tax, which is not due until Octobei 25 1936 is only x,1'90 000 and. that all claims against it with the exception of those received within the last few days have been paid. The 'Town ClerL called to the attention of the Board the fact that in accordance with the provisions of Section 66 of the -lection Law the Board must meet on tine third Thursday in August, namely, Aug- ust 185 1936, for the purpose of deli-nating cue place in each election district in the Tor:Tn at which the meetinss for the registration of voters and elections and ;primaries shall be held in the year following the ensuing first day of October. At 10. 30 P . H. the Board unanimously resolved to ad., ourn to meet again on August 18, 1936. �.mocan C1e�°a I