HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_07_15 Town Board Minutes t RE ULAR E-ETINj'�'r OF T T�IO' [ BOARD' TO d OF ITC ",r0 _CI`: T. ", _-LLD J717 15P 1936 At the Town Offices, 158 "Vest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. 1. The meeting was called to order by Super- nor McCulloch at 8: 25 P . __. _ Present : Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, &ris in, Yeginniss The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin and Town Attorney Delius . The minutes of the meetings of May 26, June 3 and June 17, 19363 were approved as corrected. The YeSnlar order of business was snspended in order to hear those persons who desired to address the Board. '.r Howard S. Helg_ian, Trustee of the Village of Mamaroneck, addressed the Board to tell of the plans being made to celebrate the 275th Anniversary of the purchase of Mamaroneck from the -ndians. He briefly- outlined. the -proposed program. He stated that it was the hope of the committee in charge, of which Mr. Charles Banter•, Jr. is the Chairman, that the Villages of La.rchmont and Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck will contribute towards the expense of the celebration. He stated that the 3oaro of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck have agreed to appropriate `x`1, 000 if the money can be found. in the Village budget- that the Mamaroneck Chamber of Commerce is e_ nected to contribute 0000 and that he requested the Town Board to approprl ate 11, 000. The Supervisor replied that the Board was very much interested in the coming celebration and that he would endeavor to find -means of appropriating $ 1, 000 of Town funds if the sum can be obtained from the budget . in this connection. the Supervisor presented a letter dated July 15, 1936, which he had received from Mr. Baxter requesting an L appropriation by the Town for the purpose of the celebration. The letter was ordered filed . Mr. Foweil Perrin addressed the Board on behalf of the Estate of Cecilia A. Howell and offered to dedicate to the Town an extension of 44 feet at the easterly end of Carleon Avenue. He rnibited a contract for the paving of this extension, which contract had been approved by Town Engineer Foote. On motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Beard agrees to accept the offer of the "Estate of Cecilia. A. Howell to dedicate to the Town an extension of 44 feet at the easterly end of Carlson Avenue on the condition that the paving of said extension be carried out by said estate in accordance with the terms of a contract approved by Town Engineer j Foote; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town hereby agrees to extend the :sewer system in said extension. Miss Lillian Ravenscroft addressed the Board on behalf of the Sull,rin heirs and the Disbrow heirs concerning property stated by her to be owned by said heirs, lying on or near the d!amaroneck-New Rochelle boundary line. She said that in connection with the construction by the Town of County Road No. 67-2 (Palmer Avenue 'xtension) the Town had taken certain lands for said highP7ay and had never paid for the tal'.ings. Part or all of the land thus taken, she claimed, belonSed to the heirs whorl she represented. The Supervisor stated treat the Tov'Irl. teas well aFdare Of the _act that it had not yet paid for these takings because of clouds on the title and that it would_ shortly proceed to condemnation. ➢,'r. John. Baltz of the firn. of Ackerman.& Baltz of New Rochelle addressed the Board and presented a letter dated July 135 1936, signed_ by the firm requesting the Board to grant permission to the to con- struct at their Own expense an access bridge over the east branch of the She-, drake River from Valley Stream Road east to Lots 8 and 9 of Block 432 in Larchtiont Gardens. This brill-e, he stated, would serve tteo new houses which he proposed to build in this neighborhood. »fork has already been started. on one of these houses. IJir. Baltz - also submitted plans for this bridge ,:made in accordance with specifications drawn by the '.aiestcheste County L'ngineering Department. TO,arn Enrineer Foote stated t hat he had seen the plans and approved them. Fire Chief LeVino, who was present , stated that he was not certain that the bridge would accommodate the hook and ladder truck. The following resolution 7as moved_ by hire Hates, seconded io Tr Mr. Brennan, to i"Tit. RESOLVED that contingent upon the approval by the Fire Chief of the Town of Hay,,iaroneck of the plans for the bri_d?e as sub_n,itted b r °ir, Baltz permission is hereby granted to Ackerman w Baltz n to construct at their o7n expense an access bridge over the east branch of the Sheldralre River from Valley Streau Road_ to Lots 8 and 9 of BlocL 432 in Larchmont Gardens . A Vote being tal�en on the foregoing resolution resulted. as _ follctesa A S Councilmen Hates, Brennan, Gri ff in, iegi nniss NOES- Supervisor : cCulloch Dir. Baltz also requested. tie Town to authorize an extension Of the *.eater main on mately 60 feet . The chester Joint 'duater this extension, East Valley Stream Road for a distance of approxi- Supervisor stated that he would request the West- 110-1-s No. 1 to submit an e,stinate of th.e cost, of Fire Chief LeViro addressee. the Board and stated that the fire hydrant rental of $65.00 per a.nnur per hydrant now being charged to the Fire :Department was one of the highest rentals in the state. He declaredd that at tn_s rate the Fire District is paTrin;? for 40 million gallons of water a_ year and the highest amount ever used by the Fire Department was 100, 000 gallons. He requested that in the 19377 budget the item of fire hydrant -rentals be made a separate appropriation account and not charged to the Fire Department, in order that the budget of the Fire Department might be more readily compared with budgets of neighboring departments. The Supervisor requested the Fire Chief to write a. letter setting forth this request, The Fire Chief stated to the Board that the Fire Department is now being charged for four ( a) hydrants on Fenimore Road and one (1 ) hydrant on Old. '.'dhite Plains Road which are so far removed. from any dwellings as to be of no value for 'fire fighting purposes. He requested t'_nat the use of these hydrants be discontinued. On emotion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED that in accordance with the request of Fire Chief LeVi-o four ( 4) hydrants on Fenimore Road, Nos. 136 139 143, 215 respectively, and one (1) hydrant on Old -1,Vh_ite Plains Road No. 178 be and they hereby are ordered discontinued® The Fire Chief outlined to the Board the fire hazards er.isting at the orchid greenhouse of George Baldwin on Rocl.land_ Avenue . He stated- that there is no Tol°in hydrant nearby and suggested. that the Town instal a hydrant on Rockland Avenue near the entrance of the Baldwin property. Tine matter was referred to Mr. Brennan and Engineer Foote. The Fire Chief presented a letter dated July 3, 1936, setting forth at length the reasons why a new emergency truck or motorized squad car is necessary. Attached to the letter was a copy of the resolution adopted by the _Fire Council of the Fire Department on July 2, 1936, petitioning the Torn Board to purchase imam diatel-r a suitable emergency truck. The Fire Chief briefly reviewed the reasons for the request. The Fire Chief introduced Caiotair, J. Woods Sweeney of the Emergency Squad who told the Board of the need for an emergency truck. The Fire Chief added that if the To,rin -�,Tould iss-ae a certificate of in- debtedness the manufacturers of the truck would accent it in lieu of cash in payment of the vehicle. The following resolution was offered by Councilman isleginniss arid. seconded by Councilman Brennan- 7-_JH REAS, the Fire Council of the 'Town of Idiamaroneck is desirous of purchasing from. the Mack international ifictor Truck Corporation a motorized squad car for the Fire Patrol Company of the ',Ieaver Street Fire Depart- ment, the specifications for which have been duly submitted and approved, and W EREAS, after the submission of various bids for the furnishing and equipping of such motorized squad car the Fire Council has awarded the contract for the same I o the Llack international Motor Truck Corporation who have agreed to furnish same for the price of $6, 000; and WHEW REAS, nothing has been included in the current budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for the purchase of such natr^ol car and. this Board believes an emergency to e_^ist by reason of which the immediate purchase of such patrol car is necessary; RESOLTrED, that there shall be issued a Certificate of indebtedness for .`6, 000 to the __ack International Motor Truck Corporation maturing 1-Ia r 1 1937 bearing interest at the rate of C per cent per annum, pa -able at maturity and numbered F. D. i and that said Certi- ficate shall be siE-ned by the Supervisor and counter- signed by the Tourz? Clerk under the seal of the Town and both principal and interest shall be oa.yable in '_awful money of the United States of America at the Trust Company of Larchmont, Larchmont, Nemr York; FURTHER RESOLTTED, that said Certificate shall be issued in the following form, to wit. No. F-D-1936 UNITED STAPES $6POOO. 00 OF LFI RICA STATE OF NEVV YORK County of Westchester T0'7N OF IM_LTAROP'ECK Certificate of Indebtedness The TOWN OF TL9II-IiROIJHCK, in the County of Westchester, a municipal corporation of the State of Ne5,v Yore, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value receiied promises to =oav th.e bearer of this Certificate on the ist dad; of I':1av, 1937, the sum of SI'� THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS (Y6, 000.001 with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of six per centum ( 6/4) per annum. Both principal and interest v of this Certificate are payable at the Trust Corapan.',r of Larchmont, Lare1'snont, Nevv -'or_., in la-wf l money of the United ,States of .Ilerica2 This Certi fl cats i s issued nursua_r,-t to the provisions of the T Olr,,n Lailr constituting Chapter 62 and the General 1!;'unicipa7 Laiip constituti FW On motion by [1Cr, ,1eginniss, seconded by Iilr. Brennan, it was unanimously t' F?ESUI'J lJ that vleSSl's® 'N 1'_C'.t_ '-^8cd1'?an9 certified public accountants of iQe-:i Rochelle, be and they hereby are al'pointed_ auditors of the Town of Mamaroneck for the gear 1936 at the compensation set forth in the budget, to wits �,11, 500. - Mr. C,riffin reported on welfare matters, commenting on the drop in the welfare case load in the month of June compared with Tv,ay. -- _-- Bates presented a report dated July 8, 1936, from Town E=ineer Foote together with a sketch showing the su—ested_ location of�a. drain to serve 'he Alfred Eager property on Vallev Road. The report stated that an easement could be Obtained through the property of Harold I_. Young at a cost of Q323.00 and- that the estimated cost of construction would be +450. 00= The matter was referred to the Town Attorney, the Town Engineer and P,�.r. Bates. Mr. Bates presented a. report dated July 8, 1936, from Town Engineer Foote, to`eth.er with a sketch shoriing the s-a-zested location of a drain and se-,!Ter to serve the Sackett. Circle area_. The report stated that an easement could be obtained through the Archibald Robertson property at a cost of 5460. 00 and that the estimated_ cost of construction would be X36, 362.00. The matter was referred to the Town Attorney, the Town Engineer and Ml'r. Bates . The Supervisor stated that every heavy rainfall brings to him a flood of complaints concerning storm water conditions in the To„rr_n_. He recc Luended that a thorouzg e aminati on be made of the present sit'J.a_- ti o'_1 as to the Town' S drainage system. He Said that in many houses the storm: drains have been connected vai th the sewer ssrstem. He thereunen J appointed a committee consisting of Mr. rates, ___ . Brennan, To?wn -ngineer Foote and. hiaself to consider the entire situation of the Town' s drainage and sewer system. The Supervisor said that it appeared to be the intent of a 1a.w recently passed by the State Legislature that the cost of "spurs” running from the ;sewer mains or laterals to the property line could not be paid from funds raised by bond issues and therefore should be paid either out of 'rionies raised in the annual budgets or b * direct assessment on the affected property owners. He requested _,_- . Bates and Town Engineer Foote to ascertain what, neighboring communities are doing in this regard, The Supervisor spoke of the present condition of the paving on Palmer Avenue between ':"leaver Street and the 1,1amaroneck Village ?.ine. As the result of the installation first of a trunk line sewer by the County and more recently of the storm drain as a 1.vr. P . ^ project, he said, the surface of the road is in a deplorable condition. He presented a report prepared by Engineer Foote showing that if the Town were to have the road improved with a. concrete surface under 7. P A. auspices, as originally planned, the estimated cost to the Town would be about `"8 000 in addition to what the Ton has already spent. If, on the other hand, the Town were to do the paving itself without W. P. A. assistance the cost to the Town would be about sp2 S, 000. 'tier. PJleginniss stated that in view of the present financial condition of the Town, he would not favor issuing bonds to pay for this improvement and the Board concurred in his opinion.. The Supervisor stated that at the last meeting of the Board of Supervisors the "Vestchester County emergency Work Bureau. had presented Its final report before passing out of existence. in his opinion, he said, they did a splendid job, one worthy of 'the appreciation of the people of the County. He requested the Board to compliment the members of the Westchester County Emergency Work Bureau and to send_ them a resolution to that effect . On motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, '0HEREAS the Westchester County Emergency Work Bureau is no longer operating; and F 9 M WI,EREAS, its final report sfives statistical support to the belief long held by the residents of the County that the Bureau accomplished a difficult task in a most creditable manner, the report showing among other things, (l ) The total overhead costs were only 5. 53 per cent of the total monies s_oenty (2) Almost 86 per cent of the disbursements were for salaries and cranes. ( 3) There were 991 distinct operations carried out, fairl-T distributed throughout the Gnu::nty, of which the Town of 7,1amaroneck obtained its just share; (4) Only three fatalities occurred during two and one quarter million man-days of work, an unusually fine safety record.; 1\TG!i' THEREFORE, IT RESOLVED, that the heartiest congratulations of this Town Board be extended to those responsible for these splendid accomplishments; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to Mr. Carl! Tucker, Chairman of the 3ureau9 1 `�r. Carl H. Pforzheimer, former Chairman; P�Ir. 01ayne D. Heydecker, Director, and Frank S. Curtis, Assistant Director. he Town Attorney advised the Board that it would be in order to fix the compensation of the members of the Board of Review who are now engaged in reviewing the proposed assessments of the 1936 roll for the taxes of 1937. He stated that the 1936 budget contains a lump sun _j appropriation of }n1, 500 for this purpose. On motion by -,Mr. Griffin, seconded by 'PIra Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that each member of the Board of Review be entitled to x!-,25.00 a day for each d.ay occupied in the hearing and/or investigation and consideration of all ap-oli cations for revision of assessments for the year 1936, not exceeding however, the sum of 1$500.00 to each member of said Board. of Review. The Town Attorney, reported to the Board- that Julius Leiwine owner of an apartment house situated on property in the Village of Mamaroneck, described as Section 9, Block 47, Lots 23A, 27 and 28, had obtained an order of Mandamus directing the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to accept payment of the tax on this property for the year 1935 minus the amount of 76omitted taxi which the Town Board by -resolution on Decenber 4, 1935, had ordered included in the total tax bill. He recommended that an appeal be taken from this order. On motion by T r. 141eginniss, seconded b7T -,Ir. Bates, it was Unanimously RESOLVED, that the Towwn Attorney be and he hereby is authorized., e -oo-wered and directed to take an appeal Isom the order of Pilandamus above described. The Town Attorney reported that a letter had been received from 1VIrs. S. P. Hebard of No. 1 Carroll Place, Larehront, stating that the 1931 taxes which are shown on the records of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments as unpaid against property formerly known as Section 2, Block 9C, Lots 41 and 42 and now known as Section 2, Block 9C, -ot 9, had in fact been paid on October 7, 1931, at the time the property was purchased by Mrs. Hebard. in support of her contention she submitted a duly verified affidavit by ':Walter. C. Burbank stating that he was present at the time of closing the title and that the sellers exhibited receipts for all taxes which were liens upon the property at that time. On motion by 1Jr. Griffin, seconded by ir, Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, �AFEREAS, satisfactory evidence has been presented to this Board that the 1931 tares on property formerly, known as Section 2, Block 9C, Lots 41 and 42, and now known as Section 2, Block 9C, Lot 9, were paid on October '7, 1931, at the time this property was purchased. by the present owner, 17arian uebard; ill/ 'i7, THEREFORE, 3E IT RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is directed to correct his records so as to show these taxes as paid. The report of the Comrity health DePari-nent for the month of A-Za-, was received and filed. The report_, of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of June was received and filed. The report of the Building Tnsnector for the ricnth of June was received and filed. The report of the Public Wel-fare Officer for the month of June was received. and filed. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of June was received and filed. A letter dated June 26, 1936, was received from Fire Chief Richard B. Letrino, recomnending the appointment of certain volunteer firen7en and also ra.tifi cat ior. of the appointinen_t of Franc S�cGeough as emergency driver. On ,notion duly made and 'seconded it vvas unanimously RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of the Fire Department of the Town of Mamaroneck the following men are hereby ap_ooi-ted volunteer firemen of said depar°traent Herbert Linda-le Charles Guad_agnola James Lund "Howard Webler and be it FrRT—=-R RESOLVED, that the appointment of drank 11--Geough as an emergency driver be and it hereby is ratified., approved and confirr,ied. A Petition dated July 8, 1936, was received from Assessor Smith requesting the Town Board to correct the assessment roll for the year 1935, tax of 1936, in respect to certain propc-sty as more ally set forth below® On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED, 1%71IREAS the Assessor has presented a petition dated Jul % o, 1936 fpr the correction of the assessment roll for the year 935, taxes of 1936, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the LairiS of 1916, as anen.ded, known as Uhe 'vestcheste_^ County Tax Act, and 'AFHE'REAS, after due consideration this Board °finds it desirable to Srant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll; I?0`0, THEREFORE, BE TT D-^:SCT -VED, that t}fie assessment r0__ foC the 5 e..cr 19351 taxes of 1936, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows - Sec. Bik. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 9 47 11, 240, 250 Union Savings Bank $3 400 ;7, 800 11, 200 9 47 24B, 25B " " 3, 000 63000 9, 000 9 47 23B 26 " 2, '750 6, 000 85750 be corrected- as follo',vs, in accordance with the pro visior_s of Subd-1,zision 5 of Section 33, Sec. 31k. Lot Owner Land hriprovement Total 9 47 11, 240, 250, Union Sasrinds Bank ;.'?3 40G 1q17 800 11 23B , 200 9 47 24B, 25B helen F. Anthony 32, 000 6,000 9, 000 9 47 25 Nicole Pirone L V 2, 750 5, 000 8y750 F=TiTER RESO- VED, that the assessment roll for the }rear 1935 taxes of 1936, which shows property now, appearing on "'ne rolls as follcvvs: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 4 23A 2 Ezra C. Sin-hea.m �22, 500 r,12, 500 S35, 000 4 23A -.2, r;. rr W 10, 000 5, 50U 15,500 4 23A 5 " 4, 300 be corrected as foliOlvs. in accordance with the prol,,lsior-s of S bdiVlsian 5 of Section 330 Sec. 31k. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 4 23A 2B Ezra C. 31n-ham J,? 500 500 Y 4 23A 3A 8 ,00 5 4 23A 59 rr 2p300 , 500 12, 000 � y y Jl7 L' 4 23A 2A Franklin Brcoks Rec. P-25000 12250C, 34, 500 4 23A 3B 1500 X1500 4 23_v 5B u n 29000 21000 F'Jft' T✓R PUSOL'.'LD, tl:.at the asses m n rcl? for tl.e year s e .- 1935, taxes of 1930, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as fcllcws; Sec. 3-D:. Lot C riser Land- ir,,,2 rovement Total 2 9A 408 Rockledge Hoidir_g Corp. 3, 000 - 3, be correc-i.ed as foilov7s, in accordance -'71'1.1 the prov, s;ons of Sula v sion 5 of Section 334 Sec . Elk. Lot ov7ner Land- Improvenen' Total 2 9A 408A jo:seph Shapiro po HOC - ,"^2 2 9A 408B Rocialed-7e `c1d_ns Co,—. 50,0 _ ~y �00 uHT_E'D R'-]S0L'1'1D that tine assessment roll f-r the -ear 1935, taxes of 1 0336, which s'hoWs proper i;77 nOi"7 ^c.ppeariYlU on the rolls as follow: Sec 311-, Lot Gv,,n Land Total 2 99 420 a2 a22 Reckledme cldln Corp, y''6 000 1 000 5 0 E 5 S be Corrected as f'oliovls, in accordance with the '. p1'Ovislons of 3ub -iv=_sion 5 of Said SecMor, 33� Sec. B1k. Lot Ownez° Land Total 2 9A 420, 421A Rockledge Iold.ln Corp. 3, 9G 3, 'r90 2 9A 421x3, 422 Rubs, J. Blucnensc,"r_e 2, 210 2, 210 FURTHERL RESOLVED, that the assessA:rent loll for the year 1935, taxes of 1936, vvhich shovrs property now a:poearing on the rolls as follows: Sec , Bl'ti. Lot Owner Land Total 2 10 21 to 29 Peter Reinstein w "'7 6, 50 `,'S "%50 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 3 3; Sec . Blk. Lot Owner Land Totai 2 10 21, 223238 Gemlor Contracting Co. 2 100 ,+?2 ioO 2 10 23A, 24, 25 Gemlor Contracting Co „ 1, 950 1, 930 269 2 11 0 253, 27528 Sheppard-Pollal' 7,Vestr. Corp 2, 700 2 700 29 FURTFER RESOLVED, that the assessment roil for tj-,e year 1935, taxes of 1936, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as fo : crvsa Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total 1 6 130 to 136 Occuiri Realty Corp. >7, 000 ,` 7 OOC be corrected as follmvs, in accordance vuith the provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 33e Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total 1 6 1305131, 133A Rock_liffe Estate X4, 800 #r 4,800 134, 135 1 6 1321337B Fred S. Child 1, 200 1, 200 1 6 136 Katherine De"Wilton 1, 000 1, 000 F- RT_lip-. HE` ' VE. J�._ R D, that the assessment roll. for the year 19355 taxes of 1936, which shovrs property now appearing on the 'rolls as follows Sec. 31k. Lot Ovvner Land. Total 2 8A 82A,83 to 89, Fenimore Cooper Estate tll -I 500 `,'•11, 500 92 be corrected as follows, in accordance vi;i?:n the provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 33„ Sec. Blk, Lot Owner Land Total 2 8A 829583, 84, Fenimore Cooper Estate !>8,9G0 ;8, 900 853, 89, 92 2 8A 859, 86B Beatrice '=airman 800 800 2 8A 869, 8713 Eva. i�rt. IrIcntgomery 800 800 2 SA 8 79 Howard _'. F,U_I lmo t 1, 000 i, 00G FTJRT ER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1935, taxes of 1936, ivhich shows property nas,u appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land Total 2 8 Plot AA Fenimore Cooper Estate. Y40, 000 Y40, 000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 33° Sec. Bik. Lot Owner Lan.d Total 2 8 Plot AA Fenimore Cooper Estate ti"•37,000 �3 7/, 000 2 8AA Lot 165 Howard P. Wilmot 3, 000 35000 PURT=F, RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the vear 1935, taxes of 1936, va;tich shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Sec. Blka Lot Owner Land. Improvement Total — - 6 27 1 to 13 Hinckley inckley 517, 500 °, 000 9,>7.5 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 33: Sec. Blk_, Lot O�vner Land I_nprovement Total 8 27 1 to 4, 9A Mary E. Finc=.t y"3, 500 `y8 000 r11, 500 8 2% 9B3 10 to 13 Leonard Hinckley 2, 500 2, 500 8 27 5, 6 Dorinda Hinckley 15500 1, 500 F RTI <<R RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1935, taxes of 1936, which shows prcpe 'ty now appearing on the rolls as follows- Sec. Blk. Lot Ourner Land Total 2 BA 94 to Fenimore Cooper Estate X18, 000 yI18, 000 303 (9Ac) be corrected as follows, ir, accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 33- Sec. Blk. Let Owner Land Total 2 BA 94 to 103 Fenimore Cooper Estate ;,115, 500 �?J5, 500 2 8A 104 Howard P. 67ilmot 2, 500 25500 FURTITR RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1935, taxes of 1936, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows- Sec. Blk. Lot Owner Land. improvement Total 4-8A 20 21 ?2A_ Charlotte Coon. 3,250 =?7,750 ;'511, 000 be corrected. as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 338 Sec. Bak. Lot Owner Land Improvement Total 6 48A 20, 21 Samuel 1!!%itchell `;2, 500 $7,750 X10, 250 6 48A 22A Donald G. Coon 760 750 185 The Town Attorney stated that in accordance with instructions here-to-fore given him he had Drepared_ a. fo'"" of contract to be enterea into between the To-,.wn of b,amaroneck and the Village of Scarsdale, pro- ve din for an anihual rental charge to be paid b7T the '10 to t1 e 7- 1T D -e for the use for fire prevention. purposes by the Town of certa.inj�VrneC by the Village located along, the To:im—Village boundary line . The terms of this contract, he said, -,^et with the approval of the Village of Scarsdale and accordingly he recormaiend-ed that the Supervisor and the Tovnh Clerk be authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the Tolirn. This 1heEz cOr2tra..ct, '_r,e add"°d, takes the plc Ce Of '�;wo otl'!er contracts hereto-"ore entered into concerning the use of Scarsdale hydrants and/or mater along the Town-Village boundary line. On lotion by Yr. Bates,' seconded by I'.7.i'. '_ri ffin, it was vnanl riously RV that in acCOrdai2Ce with the report made Jy»' J7 the Town attorney-, the Supervisor and Tm;n Cleels be and they, hereby are authorized, er1_�ouTered_ and directed' to e<ec-:?te on behalf of the Ton a contract v7ith the Village of Scarsdale, providing for the rental b the T'o,;,,n from the Village of five hydrants located along the Town-Village boundary line, as fellows; 1„ 1?7d-rant at the corner formed by the intersection of the southwesterly side of Fenimore Road and. the northerly side of Cornell Street. 2. Hvd-rant on the northerl -.T side of ',,riff in Avenue a-p-oro_<=,ately 700 feel, southwesterly frorn the co-oner C '!.a'ilaroi^ec�i Road (0 i:,�-ii e D1S.1ns Read) . 3. `ydrant on the northerl_ T sid'"e 3� Cornell Street I appro,.imately 800 feet southeasterly of ':''leaver ..,_ eet . 4 T_-I��drant on the ea SteP'7T s1 Of a! a�`ial'One C"{ Road V1 _rite Plains Road) appro linately SOO fee-'i., south f rOm the di -Ti8ion Ririe Of the Town o-F' _,.=,aroneck and the Village of Scarsd.ale . 5. lyd_rant on private property o_" T'erese- Prince, on t''�e eas r1y side o rlamaroneek _toad 'C le- 'Vhi e Plains Road) ® at a"n annual rental charge of `'„'33. 50 per hcdrant, and be it y,Torn":="E ,SiDT7TET) g r pe'g's-_de u��__� n R.uti" , that said contract sui _ s �1) a7,neement dated pusuwt 3 1933 b tcJean 'Therese H. Prince and to J o`tii1 o-:' 1' auto G'_'_ and 2) agreement dated Hair 3, 1934, between the Village of Scarsdale and the To n of I'ianiaroneck, said agree- ments relating to the use for fire prevention purposes � of ?_re hydrants located alone_ the TO m-Village bCU_;^..darTT line . _ The T'ovm attorney infor_.,�,ed the Board that it noA­ appeared that taxes for the year 1931 are due and izppa,id on eroriert yT knoimn as Section ''✓'_O C;r 41F, Said prOp rtti b°ing the sane as 'hC. On wh cL the u_n.pai d ta_i-s -for the years 1932 and 1933 were compromised by resolution t:_'e 'own pOa rd at its meeting on, e'r_ru.ary 19, 1`35 . On motion by i,7r. Bates, seconded. by Ilr. IrTegir_niss, it liras unanimously RTS,O;Z1 E—D ” ' RL � S this ECar d, heretofore and on the 19th day of February, 193-, adopted a resolution author- z=rig the Receive of Taxes to accept, in. pajnnent of the 19,32 and 1933 State, County, I? h l ta_ves on Section 9, Block A17, _he liens for SnThich rPTere I1cld It - the TC 'rri, the face amount Of sai 187 date wre,- such taxes became a 1-cny as more _tea-rtic'ular—Iy aTpea.rs in said re soIu"ticn; and In'_FS,RB9S, it now appears that in addition tC said 11-axes for the Nears 1932 and 1933 there were due an '" aid ta-les for the year , 937- upon the sal:fie 'JrO nErty, for wb.ich the lien was sold to the Tcon of onecky of which fact the Villaoe of _'_aana_Gnec. and/or- "t he Trustees Of wnion Free 'School District. 7�l , Gf t�"iE TOGIin O` - alriar Ori , by „na pent is to be made o_` the taxes for he years v. 1932 and 1933 vane nor advised at the tine the aforesaid resolution was acaopted; R S,C Tt7T7Jy t'^_at upon O ,,yme ?t b7T the , 11age of Ta-maronC-Cl: and/or -he Trti:_.s 'l-ees of 'Jnion Free School J1st'ric". # Of the To�',vn" of -iamaronec]_ of the amount e_ taxes interest a:s prOVided in the _ . oluticn adopted February 19, ?' 93oy the '-a-,,-es pri Or the year l 93'2 be cancelled. and the _'ecor s of t1_e Raceiver of Tames be r,:a'rkEC'_ 2 c,..rd ngly; FURT __, R R� � r:i•`J G'Ty l.'_'1at the State, ,'Gun'.. , 1Gi4n and Sc-noo taxes for trice year 1933, the lien for vvhicri was soid to rl -t, 7 • yII� ° t'ne _own of .r.axnaronecL on e 2 : t!1 of .ay; 1936y in the sumo of °, 92,884 be cancelled inasmuch as the same 7r,ere erroneously levied uQon ;property efemnt b T lativ from ta.=ati on fo. such purposes and the records of the Receiver, of Taxes be z2ar�;Ed accot'�dingly Th.e To,u_n Attorne' 'e_;JO-^te'_!. that ^c, co-it-ttract of sale for the Lvr_'n Theatre ?^_roperty had been corsimoated- as a result of the foreclosure of tax liens On the property held- by the Tobin and Village., He presented a resolution appro-ved b'J the Board., Of Trustees Cf the Village of Mamaro- neck at its meting on June 29, 1936, providing for '�ha O.i sr.ribution ol` the pl'oceeds of the sa=.e a-rid rECGSill'n e'1dEd that the Town LOara concur iri the distribution approved by the Village . On motion of Councilman Brennan, seconded bT, Council an Griffin :'TH7=' .i.J, the TCvill of l exnarcneclf has heretofore 1nscc tu'L,ed proceed-In-s to fGreclose certain „ax liens on )rooaarty lrnovm as Lynn Theatre PIrOperty and described on the assessraant macs as Section 9, Bloom l9, Lots 9a,10a 9c, 1Cc and that puz°su.ant to resolution heretofo--,^e Oassed by tl-ie Toiv-a of 'i.Iamaronech the aforelS=entioned loneiu.ises were sold Linde=:° ,said. fore- closure p-_ooceed n2-sy and bought in by the Toum of Jamaronecli, and � i'- i17REAS. the TOvvn Of l'ja_:iaronecli has entered 'into a . , contract ';'Tith i na Chain Store Secur-T.tiES Corp ® for 's1E Cale Of t11e atom a_._entiCfiB d_ premises for the Si.'."'1 of ' 37 , 000. and -`,=IEA,C_,y besides the taxes nOcd due and C',g7gnf the TG'-.in of 1,^amaronee_- tb.ere are Other taxes ''due and '.. owin to the Vill�ga of M mlar one cln to nay vrhich the contract price of x37, 000. is not suffic; ent, and ':l'=REAS, tG co-aGlEta ,he terms of said contract it vTill be necessary to cancel all taxes or parts of said_ taxes, interest or penalties which the purchase -'price is insufficient to r_neet, and W-H.EREASy it a-c-oea2,9 there is no-n due the Villa�^�'E Of %1a:marOneclt tr!e sLn1 of '";"l%,�'-35m44, being the face aiount of taxes lefried against the propart-,,. exclusive 'I of interest and penalties, and incl-ailing the -first i half of 1936 taxes; and that there is outstanding the sum of X12, 033, 92 as the face amount of taxes levied by the Town of P,famaroneck, exclusive of the interest and loenal t.' es, and incl'ading the 193S TGvin tar-, NOW. THEFEFORE, BE IT RES''?LVL'3, that the sale of the property known as the Lynn Theatre pro-oerty by the To,,lm of Hamaroneck to the Chain Store Securities, Corp. and the contract dated 'Tay 2811 5 1936 be and the same are hereby confirmed and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of 711amaroneck be and he hereby is directed to execute and deliver any and all necessary instruments to the completion of said contract, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the payment to the Town of Mamaroneck, or to its attorney or agent in its behalf, of the s-Lmi of Thirty-Seven thousand (is3'%, 000) Dollars as the contract price for the property that there be deducted therefrom the sum, of 1;;;1, 409.81 to cover legal expenses, costs and expenses _°or the foreclosure proceeding, and that the balance remaining therefrom shall be divided as follows. 59. 7115,° for the Village of Ma:-,iaroneck and 40. 2885] for the Totpm of -,+lama- roneck, and- that upon receipt by -the Town. of .'a aroneck of the 40.2885 ° of the proceeds of said sale, to wit: ; 14, 338.75 the proper officials be and they hereby are authorized to deliver to the Chain Store Securities Corp. , its agents, servants or assigns, proper receipts showing cancellation of all taxes upon said aroperty due and owing the Town. BE IT FURT17= RESOLVED, that any resolution heretofore passed inconsistent with the foregoing be and the same is hereby- rescinded. Ayes: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, 3rennan, Griffin 1:'Ieginni s s Nayes : None The Town Attorney reported to the Board that he had held several conferences with the New imsterdan Casualty Company concerning the .x;5,000 surety bond executed by Henry Rodman Dillon as Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, which bond the Torn_ Board desired to have cancelled. He stated that the Casualty Company was unwilling to cancel this bond and insisted upon payment of the annual premiums and that he had been unable to prevail upon them to change their minds . Furthermore, he added., the company was threatening to sue i''11r. Dillon personally for the amount of the premiusas. He stated that he had done everything that he could to obtain the cancellation of this bond.; that he ryas unsuccessful and that accord- ingly he recormended payment of the premiuns. On motion duly made and seconded it .aas unanimously RESOLVED, that the claim of the New F_;nsterdam Casualty Corlpany in the amount of ' :150.001 re- presentin: prerrivs-is of "�?50 each for the years 1934, 1935 and 1936 on surety bond No. 554656 covering Henrr7 Rodman Dillon as Receive., of Taxes and Assess- ments be and it hereby is approved and ordered paid. The Town Attorney presented a letter dated Ji-.1y 15, 1936, from Franklin Brooks, Receiver of the Larchiiont National Sank and Trust Company, requesting the remission of tax penalties on the 1936 taxes on Section "/, Block 10, Lots 20D and 21 . He stated that this property was the balance of a piece which he had sold to 1G_r. Paul ferry and that he had been unable to pay the taxes on this balance until the roil had been corrected so as to apportion the valj-ation. The Town Attorney inforued. the Board that the property had been sold ;n August, 1935, that ":r. Brooks had not requested the apportion- " meat until 'r_ay, 1936, and that his request had been granted_ in the sar2e month. The fault did rot lie with the Torun due to any delay on its part, he stated. On motion by Er. Bates, seconded by Er. Brennan, it was unaninmously RESOL_VIPID, that the request for the rescission of -penalties on 1936 taxes on Section 7 Bloclti 10, Lots 20D and 21, as above set forth, be and it hereby is denied. The Town Attorney reported to t1ie Board on the status of the so-called. "automobile graveyard" on Falmer Avenue. Ee said that .!"r. Fetigor, the owner of the _pro-perty on which the Eraveyard was originally situated, had dispossessed the owner thereof and that the oveer had thereupon :coved his automobiles onto adjacent property owned by the Equitable 110 -,tga-e Company, on which he noes has a lease for one rnore year. The 3oard requested the Town Attorney , in view of the fa-•' c � that the existence of this automobile graveyard constitutes a violation of the Zoning Ordinance, to -request the Equitable iortgage Company not to renew the lease w'-en it expires. The To,17n Attorney reported. on the request of r. John rooley dated Ie:ag 29, 1936, which had been referred to hirn at the cleeting on June 3, 1936, that the taxes for the years 1923 and 1924 now shown as open on propert.y� o-TZed_ by him., tino,.-vii as Section 7, Bloc!= 16, Lot 6D, be cancelled on the grounds that said taxes had been paid. The Town Attorney stated. that _proof of the nayraeiit of these taxes as subrlitted b - ;ooley did not establish co mletely the fact that the La.,es had been paid nut would indicate the existence of a reasonable doubt. On notion brI� r. ginniss, seconded by i:4r. _srennan it was unaniraoi sly RESOLVED, 'CIrHLREAS evidence has been presented to this Board tending to indicate that the taxes for the years 1923 and 1924 on property '_mown as Section 71 BlocL 16, Lot 6D, owned by John W. ealey, have been paid; and )'iHE'REAS the records of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments show that these taxes have not been paid; 170(1, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he Hereby is authorized to accept payment of the above described taxes in the face arrou_nt thereof plus 6 per cent interest to date of payment, provided pay_.;ent be made within thirty days . The Tor,;n Attorney reported that he '_lad been notified_ by the Assessor, that taxes for 1927 on Section 1, 31oci: 29, Lots 27 28. 29 30, 31 and. 32 constituted_ a double assessrnen.t inasmuch as said lots were also included in another parcel known as Section 11 Block 37A. The liens on these taxes on Lots 27, 28, 291 31 and 32 are now held by the Taft Realty Company, which company has instituted foreclosure proceed- ings, and the lien on the taxes on Lot 30 is held by the Toym. He re- corm_,_end_e d that the taxes be cancelled and that the amount paid by the Taft Realty Co-mpany for these liens be refunded to them with interest at the rate bid., nsunely, 12 per cent, from the date of sale, namely, 1,:ay 23, 1928, to the dace of payment by the Town.. On motion by ?sir. Griffin, seconded by Iiir. Bates, it was unanimously RrSO� T_.D that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is directed to mark his records so as to cancel lieiis for the taxes of 1927, sale of 1928, on Section 11 Bloch 29, Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32; and be it :�T7RTHER RESOLED that there be refunded to the Taft F,ealt-,t Company the face amount of the liens, naanely, $55. 90 for the five lots combined, the sum of x251.25 re_itresentin.7 costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure proceedings and interest at 12 _tier cent frorc. Hay 23, 1928 to the date of payvaent . i The Town Attorney reported that the United States Attorney for this district had. -renewed his request for the cancellation of the school tax which became a lien September l; 1933 and which is still open as a.-ainstSection 9, Block 13, Lots 15 2 and 3, the site of the present post office in the Village of h2arnaroneck. He further reported that this matter - '_c.ad beer, the subject of correspondence between him and the government for over a gear and that the following are the facts con.cernin- the matter. the government purchased this property by deed, which was filed on the 19th day of 'iday, 1933. The status of the property was 'fixed on the assess- - ment -roll of 1932 as of June 1, 1932, and consequently was not marked exempt". Btgaen the title was closed the seller paid the state, county and _ town tax for 1933, but since the school tax had not been dete imined and had not become a lien, this was not paid. The government claims that the Torn can not collect a tare which had not become a lien at the time of sale, even though the sale took place after the- date of taxable status and this is supported by some authority contained in decisions of the federal courts. Upon recommendation of the Town Attorney, it was upon _motion by I,�r. Brennan seconded by 1:Ir. Griffin, unanimously RESOLVED that the school tax for the year 1933 against Section 9, Block 13, Lots 1, 2 and 3, be cancelled and that the Clerk be directed to advise Lamar Hardy, the 'United States Attorney for this district, to this effect . A letter dated_ June 24, 1936 was received. from IIrs. Angeline Leone of 190 Pa]—nrie-r Avenue, Larchrnont, concerning damage alleged to have been caused her property by blasting on a '4. P . A. project on Palmer Avenue. The matter was referred to the Town insurance carriers . A letter dated July 7, 1936, was received from. Stevens 6: Ch.rystie, Mamaroneck real estate agents, requesting "some reduction" in the taxes and liens on property Imown as Section S. Block 66, Lot 22. The 'Town Board was informed_ that the total amoimt of unpaid. taxes on _ this property would not nearly equal the value of the _property. On ,:notion by Bates, seconded by Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the request of Stevens L Chrystie, as above set forth, be and it hereby is denied. A letter dated July 8, 1936, was received from the Board of Education cf Union 'ree School :Jistri ct Pro. 1 of the To,.-,in of I✓famaronech, notifying the Town Board of the appointment of certain officers and other employees of the Board of Education for the ensuing year. The letter was ordered filed. A letter dated June 17, 1836, was received frown the Board o_° Trustees of the Village of Larchmont subnI tting a copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees at its meeting on June 1, 1936, concern- ing the matter of an incinerator. The letter was ordered filed. A letter dated_ June 153 1936, was received frog Sara C. Johnson, 181 Larchmont Avenue, Larchiiont , recorwmending Iir. Paul E. Near of 32 Garden Road, for appointment as Justice of the Peace in the event that Judge Boyd sub_nits his resignation. The letter o✓as ordered filed. A letter dated June 24, 1936 was received from Prlr. Paul E. fear asking consideration of his nave to Till the vacancy caused by the pro- spective resignation of Justice of the Peace Boyd. The letter was ordered filed. The Supervisor presented a letter from the Jestchester Joint later norks No. l dated June 12, 1936 concerning the delinquent out- standing consumer accounts in the Tonn of xamaroneck, together with a copy of the resolution adopted by the Board. of 'fr-astees of the Village of Eamaroneck on June S. 1936, authorizing the 'rater Board to shut off water service after two quarters are past due and due notice has been given. 1 On motion by I.ra Dates, seconded by 'aI_ Griffin it was unaTlimous l y RESOLVED that in conformity with the action taken by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Idarraroneck the Westchester Joint 1!ater '+7or'Cs, iFo. 1 i' s hereby authorized to shut off water service to residents in the unincorporated section of the Town of :arr_aro- neck after two quarters are past due and due notice has been given, the time for the notice being left to the discretion of the tUate �orlrso The Supervisor stated that in view of the fact that earlier in the even)nV at the time set forth in the public :notice duly riven for a hearing on proposed c'' angel to t'ne Zonin _ Ordinance (or Regula- tions) of the To--in, of blaraaroneck, there was no�one present who desired to address the Board, on that natter, he had- defel'red. actin,'" on the pro- ' posed changes until the other business of the meeting had been disposed ofo The Cler'= presented an afidavit of nu:olicaticn of the notice of the 1nearin5 which ti,,-as ordered filed. The Supervisor inquired if there was anyone present at that tiOae who desired to speak concerning the proposed changes, and there being none, the hearin ,Tas declared adjourned. On motion by ?fir. Griffin, seconded by i1i_ Brennan it eras unanimously RL �i7T�7- that the zoning, ?nap -.r'nich tocether with the deli.-nations shoti"n thereon accon,oanies the Zoning Ord-finance( or Regulations) of the Unincorporated Section of the Town of 'lay roneek and which is therein declared — to be and- is i-,iade a part thereof, together with the ame �1,lents thereto, be and the same hereby is amended so as to re-zone the following described _property: ALL that part or portion of the Town or 14amaroneck bounded on the '','est by the Easterly line of '.`Deaver Street; on the ;worth by the Southerly line of the rig'_nt-of-way of the New Yorlc, Ne).r T-raven and 1 artford Railroad-; on the East io r the idesterly boundary line of the Villas of amaroneck and on he South by the Northerl;r line of Palmer Averueg so that the same hill consist of the following three parcels and use districts, as follows, to wit ; Glass A Ise District (Residential) ALL that part or portion of the Town of ITamaroneck bounded and described as follows: PARCEL I BEUINS[IVG at the point of intersection of the northerly line of Pawner Aven-ae with the easterly line of )Y`eaver Street. running thence - easterly along said northerly line of Palreer Avenue to its point of intersection with the westerly boundary line of the Village of lanaro- neck, thence northuvesterly alon5 said boundary line to a point thereon which is 100 feet north- eri °rora said northerly line of Palmer Avenue as J measured at right angles thereto, thence westerly by a line 100 feet northerly from and varallel with the northerly line of Palmer Avenue to the easterly line of 3losson Heath Subdivision as shown on iIap of Blossom Heath filed in the office of the Register of -jestchester County as Lap No, 25-75 197 thence northwesterly along the said line to the southeasterly corner of said_ Blossom Heath Subdivision, thence westerly along the southerly line of said subdivision and_ the said southerly line of said subdivision extended vuesterly to the easterly line of 1rerritt Street thence southerly along the easterly line of islerritt Street to a _point thereon 100 feet northerly from' the northerly line of PaLuer Avenue .measured at right angles thereto, thence westerly by a line 100 feet northerly from and parallel v,rit`2 the northerly line o?° Palmer Avenue to the easterly line of ?leaver Street thence southerly along said easterly line of �iVeaver Street to the point or place of BEGINNING, excluding the road bed or right-of-tray of irlerritt Street as shown on the __a,:) of Blossom :cleat=_, filed in t'ne office of the Register oi° ',Westchester County as laap No. 25-75. PARCEL II BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the southerly line of the ri-ht-of-way of the 1'\Tew York, Nemr Haven ec Hartford Railroad and the easterly line of neaver Street, running thence easterly along said runt-of-way a distance of 205.27 feet to the easterly line of property now or formerly of Caleb Ireland as recorded in Liber 1236, Page 143, in the Office of the Register of 'rVestchester County, running thence southeasterly along the westerly line of said Caleb Ireland property and property now or formerly of Rose 'Golfbrian as recorded in Liber 2854, Page 306, in the office of the Register o 'estchester Count7r to a ooint thereon 100 feet northerl-,= from t no°the-rly line of Palmer Avenue, running thence westerly by a line 100 feet northerly from and -parallel with the northerly line of Pal;ier Avenue to the easterly line of ;weaver Street, thence northerly along said easterly line of 'Deaver Street to the point or place of BEGINNING. Class D (Industrial) ALL that part or "oortion of the Town of Mamaroneck bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line of the right-of-way of the New York, Nc+a., Haven H _3artford Railroad where said line is intersected by the easterly line of property now or formerly of Caleb Ireland as recorded in Liber 1289, Page 143, in the Office of the Register of ''Vest- chaster County, which point is also 205.27 feet easterly from the easterly line of Veaver Street, running thence ,southeasterly along the easterly line of said Caleb Ireland property and property now or formerly of Rose Goldman as recorded in Liber 2854, Page 306, in the Office of the Register of ,' estchester County, to a point thereon 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Pal.ler Avenue, ru=irS thence easterly by a. line 100 feet northerly from and uaral_lel frith the northerly line of Pa.l er Avenue to the easterly line of 1:.lerritt Street, thence northerly along said easterly line of Pderritt Street to a -point Where the said easterly line of .Ierritt Street would be intersected by the southerly boundary line of Blossom Heath Subdivision, if el-Itended westerly, thence easterly along the extension of the southerly line of Blossom Heath Subdivision and along the southerly line of said, Blossom 7 Heath Subidivision, to the easterly line of said Blossom Heath Subdivision, thence southeasterly along the easterly line of said Blossom Heath Subdivision to a point 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Palmer Avenue measured at right angles thereto, thence easterly by a line 100 feet northerly from and parallel ,,rith the northerly line of Palmer Avenue to a point on the Yesterl - amaroneck which point boundary line or the Village of is 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of al,_ er Avenue measured _ at right angles thereto, thence northerly along said westerly boundary line of the Village of iViarmaroneck to the southerly line of the right-of- way of the New York, lle�v Haven & Hartford- Rail- ,. road, thence westerly along the southerly- rig: t- of-ivay line of the New York, flew .Haven L Hartford Railroad to the point or place of BEGINNING, excluding therefro;u the road bed or right-of-way of Prier-ritt Street and- 3lossom Terrace as shoran on the `3Iap of Blossom Heath filed in the office of the Rezister of -, estchester County as Limp No. 25-75. The above changes or amendments to Use Districts to supersede_:_ all other amendments or changes to the zoning ordinance or regulations heretofore made affecting the entire area described. above. FURTH R RESOLVED that the aforesaid- map together ti^with the desi;gnation.s shown thereon, be and the same hereby is amended by changing the following described property from "Class F Use District" (Unclassified) and "Class B Use District " (Residential) to `Class C Use District" � (Business) - ALL that -plot or parcel of land 2200' x 100' lying between the southerly line of uE'ashington Street, the easterly line of 11`iadison Avenue ( formerly known as P.Tonroe Avenue) , the northerly line of Myrtle Boulevard (formerly knoavn as Iyrtle Avenue) and a line drawn -parallel to and 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of ": adison Avenue (formerly known as T.ionroe Avenue) ; FURTHER RESOLVED that notice of the adoption of this resolution be given by publishing the same in The Daily Times, a daily newspaper published in the Village and Town of r:4araaroneek, and copies posted in three public places as follows- Bulletin Board, Town Clerk' s Office; 1,Jeaver Street Police Station and Village Hall, Larc]-- nont; FIRTITER REKnLVED that this resolution su-oersedes all prior resolutions in so far as it affects property '_Hereby re-zoned. The Supervisor re-oorted that there were a number of purchasers of tax liens at the sale which was held on the 27th of May, 1936, who had failed. to complete the purchase by paying the 75 per cent of the amount bid which was payable vrithin 10 days after the sale and- reco-:raeinded- that a_ re-sale of such liens as remain ;unpaid be held on August 3, 1936. On motion dul�.rraade and seconded the SU-0ervisor was authorized to proceed with the re-sale and the publication of the notice of such re-sale was authorized to be -made in The Daily Times of I4arnaronec'_�: on the 3rd, 10th and 17th. of August, 1936. The Board unanimously resolved to hold but one regular meeting in the month of August, namely, on 'dVednesday, August 121 and at 12- 30 Aoi!1. the Board unanimously adjov-rned. 1' rn ale 7