HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_05_06 Town Board Minutes 63I',
TQ� 'T OF MAldl_4RONECY, W. Y.
HELD MAY 6, 1936
At the Town Offices, 158 l'Vest Boston Post Road, ITamaroneck, N. Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor PlcCulloch at
8; 10 F .
Present: Supervisor .McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, z:e inniss .
The Dresence was also noted of Town Clerk -1arvin and Town
Attorney Delius.
The entire membership of the Board of Apo_ eals for Zoning was
also present by invitation, consisting of Chairman A. Stirling Smith,
Frederick G. Srnitn., Orson A. Raynor, Charles F. 'mink and Clifford Cross.
�!'he minutes of the meeting of April 151 1936 were approved
as printed.
The -regular order of business was suspended in order to hear
those persons who desired to address the Board.
Mrs. Emily -Hiller of 101 Maple Avenue, lfamaroneck, addressed
the Board concerning a school tax for the year 1919 on her property
described on the assessment rolls as Section 9, Block 17, Lot 15. She
stated that due to an error in the office of the Receiver of !'axes in
September of 1919 she had paid the tax_ on a piece of property which was
not hers; that the owner of the property had then paid the tax on the
same piece of nroperty and that on April 14, 1934, she had paid the 1919
school tax on the property which was rightly hers together with interest
in the amount of :';13. 91. She requested that the Town refund her the szm
of ?I11 ,10 the original amount of the 1919 school tax, together with
pI3,91, interest she had paid., The Town Attorney recor,s2ended approval
of the request,
On ;notion 'by "/Ir, Ixriffin, seconded by Iflr. Brennan, it was
RES,DLVED, that the claim of ILrs, Emily Miller in the
amount of '1;25,01, representing 9j:11.10, the face amount
paid b ? her for the 1919 school taxes, and the sum of
1r13.0r1, representing interest subsequently paid by
her property- known as Section 9 Block 17, Lot 15 be
and it hereby is approved and ordered paid.
tar, Edwin Dimond addressed. the Board concerning two letters
of I:�,r, John L. Ptia;Ter dated April 3 and May 4 respectively offering
to purchase property owned by the Town known as Section 6, Block 4,
Lots 5 and 5. The Supervisor stated that there was apparently some
confusion as to the property in question. The matter was laid over to
be taken up at another time,
Mr. A. 2 raillace presented a letter signed. by Edith
Castiglione dated blay 6, 1936, stating that in her opinion the assessed
valuation on property known as Section 6, Block 17, Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8
_ was excessive for several years and requesting a. reduction and a cor-
resoondin< decrease in the tax. The Board pointed out that the property
owner had Jfailed to take the prover remedies provided by law.
On motion by -Ulr. ideginniss, seconded by 4r. Bates, it was
RESCL'TED that the request of Edith Castiglione, as
above set forth, be and it hereby is denied.,
The Board thereupon. suspended its deliberations on general
town matters to take up with the Board of Appeals certain zoning matters.
Mr. Arthur Dunn, Jr. , ?+ arnaroneck ,real estate broker, addressed
t're Board in connection with the letter of Mr, 1,';orris H. Petigor dated
arch 19, 1936, recuesting the re-zoning of his property known as
'ection 4, Block 24 which letter had been considered b<„r the Board at its
meeting on April 1, 1936, I�r. Dunn explained that iir. Petigor desired
to erect a large group of -multi-family dwellings representing a total
investment of approximately up1, 700,000 without the land; that idr> Petigor
believed his pro_r)erty to be not suited for development with single
family residences and_ that the improvement proposed by 2111-r. Petigor would
be of distinct value to the community as a whole.
On motion by :'J;r. Bates, seconded by P�1r. Griffin, it was
RESOLVED, ',V'11E'UAS I'dorris n, Petigor has presented. to
_ this 3oard an application to amend or change the
Zoning Ordinance or Regrolations duly adopted by the
To.,rn of Mamaroneck so as to change certain property
ow-ned by hira frost a Class A Use District (Residence)
and Class F use District (Unclassified) as shown on
the mao which accompanies said Ordinance or Regulations
to a Class B Use District (residence) which said pro-
perty is more particularly bound and described as
B=1,11SING at a point on the northerly side of the
Boston Post Road at the southeasterly corner of
land now or formerly of Ezra C. Bingham.; thence running
along the easterly line of said Bingham land in a
general northwesterly direction the following courses
and distances- North 36033120" West 427® 48 ft;
liorth 37031130' 'Nest, 100.03 feet; North 38011140"
:'Vest 157.83 feet to a point on the southerly side of
a proposed road; thence along the southerly side of
the proposed. road North 30010140`1 East 6.42 feet
to a _point of curve; thence along the easterly side
of proposed. road on a curve deflecting to the right
of radius 825.54 feet a distance of 197. 31' as
measured along the arc of the curve to a point of
tangency; thence on a course North 36028150"
'�`llest 42. 29' to a point of curve; . thence still along
the easterly line of said proposed road on a curve
deflecting to the right of radius 182.411 a distance
of 72.831 as measured along the arc of the curve
to- a point of reverse curve; thence still along the
easterly side of proposed road on a curve deflecting
to the left having a radius of 205.0F a distance of
89.451 as measure) along the arc of the curve to a
point of tangency; thence still alon; the easterly
side of said proposed road Worth 38036120" ~Vest 157.461 ;
North 3102'7° 30`1 'Vest •51.231 to a point on the southerly
side of Palmer Avenues thence along the southerly side
of Palmer Avenue 6301 more or less to the northwesterly
corner of property of the ,'amaroneck Board. of Education;
thence alonY the westerly line of said Board of Education
in a southwesterly direction 1559 more or less to a point
of intersection between said Board of Education line and
the boundary line between the Toti�*n of Mamaroneck and the
Village of Mamaroneck; thence along the said boundary
line 1, 2751 more or less to a point in the northerly
� � I
side of the 3oston Post road; 'thence alon^_ the northerly
side of the 3oston Post Road southwesterly 1369 more or
less to the point or place of BECINIIIWG,
]RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held upon the change
or amendment of the Zonin ; Ordinance or He ulations
as applied for, pursuant to t're provisions of Article 16
of the To-,,in I,aw- a_n_d be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that such a hearing be held on the
26th day of ,iay at 8: 30 P. ._ at the Weaver Street
Fire House and that notice of such hearing be published
in The Daily Ti-mes a newspaper published and having
a general circulation in the Village and Town of
Mamaroneck, on or before the 11th day of 1976;.
and be it
FTTRTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk and the Attorney
be directed to prepare such notice and publish the
same in accordance with this resolution.
A petition dated Dlay 5 1936, was received from Norman
N1cGlashan reauesting the re-zoning of property owned by him known as
Section 1, Block 555 Lots 1 to 4 and 9 to 11P_, at the northeast
corner of i;urra" Avenue and_ Leafv Lane, Larchmont, so as to permit the
erection of an apartment 'mouse. After consideration the Board unani-
mously denied the request on the grounds that the reasons given by
i.r. McGlashan were not sufficient.
The Town Clerk presented five proposed resolutions which
he requested the 3card to approve® He stated that these resolutions
corrected the Zoning Ordinance in minor particulars and orornoted
uniformity of zoning-�-. The 3oard of Appeals approved of these changes.
On motion by lair. !Griffin, seconded by wir. Bates, it wa.s
RESOLVED, !?,'I EREAS it appears desirable
to amend or change the Zoning Ordinance
duly adopted by the !oLirn of iiiarnaroneck,
the zoning of certain property as shovrn
-10 this Board.
or Regulations
as as to change
on the map wh
accompanies said. Ordinance or Regulations as more fully
set forth below,
1,110'45 THERE17OHE, BE IT
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held_ =on the pro-
posed changes or amendments of the Zoning Ordinance
or Regulations, pursuant to the provisions of Article 16
of the Toy+vn Law; and be it
FURT=EER RESOLVED, that such hearing be held on the 3rd
d.ay, of June at 8 P. lip, at the Tolsn Offices and that
notice of such hearin„ be published in The Daily Times,
a daily newspaper published_ and having a general cir-
culation in the Village and 'To'.,in of liiamaroineck, on or
before Hlay 19, 1936; and be it
FJ1lxl RESOLVED that the Clerk and t.ie Attorney e
directed to prepare such notice and publish the same
in accordance with this resolution: and be it
FURTHER :RESOLVED that the proposed changes or amendments
on Pahich the above mentioned hearing is to be held be
and they are as follows:
(1 ) SO AS TO r 117,D'' THE RE30LUTI01d ADOPTED BY THE TO,"div
The districts on the northerly side of the Boston Post
Road for a depth of 200 feet in bot-ki its eastern and
western sections, respectively, to wit , from its point of
intersection with the easterly boundary line of the City
of i�Sew Rochelle easterly to its point of intersection with
the westerly boundary line of the `Tillage of LarcPxnont
and from its point of intersection with the easterly
boundary line of the Village of Larchmont easterly to its
point of intersection with the westerly boundary line of
the Village of i�lama.roneck, be and hereby are eliminated
and removed from the A and A2 Residence Districts and
C Business Districts in which said districts are
now severally zoned and are hereby re-zoned as
F Unclassified Districts, excepting however, such
plots or parcels of land as were heretofore duly
re-zoned by the Town Board at meetings held on
August 9, 1930 and June 3, 1931.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the districts on the southerly
side of the Boston Post Road, beginning at a point
-- in the easterly boundary line of the City of New
Rochelle distant 200 feet southerly from the point
where said boundary line intersects the southerly side
of said Boston Post Road and proceeding thence easterly
by a line parallel with and 200 feet southerly from the
southerly side of said Boston Post Road to the northerly side
of Dillon Road, thence southerly to the srresterly side of
Parkland _u_venue, thence northerly along said westerly side
of Parkland Avenue to the point of intersection of the
northerly side of Locust Terrace, tsience along said
northerly side of Locust Terrace to a point 200 ft .
southerly from the southerly, side of the Boston Post
Road, thence easterly by a. line parallel '.with and 200 feet
souther•1 r from the southerly side of said" Boston Post
Road to its point of intersection with the westerly
boundary line of the Village of Larc-1nont and from its
point of intersection with the easterly boundary line of
the Village of Larcinnont easterly to its point of inter-
section with the westerly boundary line of the Village
of 1Jlamaroneck, be and hereby are eliminated" and removed
from the A and A2 Residence Districts and C Business
Districts in which said districts are now severally zoned
and are hereby re-zoned as F Unclassified Districts,
excepting however, such plots or parcels of land as were
heretofore duly re-zoned by the 'Town Board at meetings
held on December 7, 1927, January 18, 1923, February 29,
1928 and April 20, 1932.
2, That all that plot or parcel of land" 200' x 100'
lying between the southerly side of Washington Street,
the easterly side of Kadison Avenue ( formerly known as
Mlonroe Avenue) , the northerly side of Myrtle Boulevard
(formerly known as 1,yrtle Avenue ) and a line drawn
parallel to and 100 feet easterly from the easterly
side of 1'�Iadison Avenue (formerly Usowii as M'orroe Avenue)
be and it hereb;� is removed frora °'Class B Residential
District" and "F Unclassified District " in '.which said
plot or parcel of land is now shown and is hereby
re-zoned as "C Business District ".
BOARD A`[' A 1y, T'ING ,`HELD DE'CEA3ER 7, 1927, BY
That the aforesaid zoning "map, together with the
designations shown thereon, be and the same hereby is
_,-- amended, so as to transfer to and reclassify as C Business
District the following described portion of the Town of
I'dIamraroneck which has heretofore been classified as an F
Unclassified District; viz:
ALL the land designated as Lots 2 and 1B in
Block 15, Section 5, on the south side of the
3oston Post Road, 350 feet westerly from Dean
Place, within an unclassified district; and be
it further
RESOLVED, that this ordinance shall take effect
WPREAS, Section 30 of the Zoning Ordinance
provides that the district boundaries are,
unless otherwise indicated, either street
lines or lines drawn parallel to and 100
feet back from one or more of the street
lines bounding the block and wl-.ere two or
more district designations are shown within
a block, the boundary of the less restricted
district shall be deemed 100 feet back from
the street line; and
Parcel I.
BEGINTING at the point of intersection of the
northerly line of Palmer Avenue—with the easterly
line of '.Deaver Street, running. thence easterly
along said northerly line of Palmer Avenue to its
point of intersection with the twesterly boundary
line of the Village of ,tamaroneck, thence north-
westerly along said boundar7T line to a point thereon
which is 100 feet northerly from said northerly line
of Palmer Avenue as measured at ri�iht angles thereto,
thence westerly,; by a line 100 feet northerly from
and parallel with the northerly line of Palmer
Avenue to the easterly line of Blossom Heath Sub-
division as shown on Tiap of Blossom Heath filed
in the office of the Register of -Pestchester
County as M-ap No. 25-75, thence northxesterly
along the said line to the sout'neasterl-T corner
of said Blossom Terrace Subdivision, thence
westerly along the southerly line of said sub-
division and the said southerly line of said
subdivision extended westerly to the easterly
line of ,ierritt Street, thence southerly along
the easterly line of Merritt Street to a point
thereon 100 feet northerly of the northerly line
of Palmer Avenue measured at right angles thereto,
thence westerly by a line 100 feet northerly from
and parallel with the northerly line of Palmer
Avenue to the easterly line of 'aJeaver Street,
thence southerly along said easterly line of
Weaver Street to the point or place of BEGININING,
excluding the road bed or right-of-wav of Dierritt
Street as shown on the Tviap of Blossom Heath filed
in the office of the Register of Westchester
County as Map No. 25-75,
Parcel II .
BECINB?ING at the point of intersection of
the southerl-Ir line of the rigrit-of-way of the
New York, New Haven bs Hartford Railroad and
the easterly line of 'heaver Street, running
thence easterly along said right-of-way a
distance of 205. 27 feet to the easterly line
of property now or formerly of Caleb Ireland
as recorded in Liber 1286, Page 143, in the
Office of the Register of 1'lrestchester County,
running thence southeasterl7 along the westerly
line of said Caleb Ireland_ property and property
now or formerly of Rose ( oldrnan as recorded in
Liber 2854, Page 306, in the Office of the
Register of Westchester County to a point thereon
100 feet northerly from the northerly side of
Palmer Avenue, running thence westerly by a
line 100 feet northerly from and parallel with
the northerly line of Palmer Avenue to the
easterly line of Weaver Street, thence northerly
along said easterly= line of Weaver Street to the
point or place of BEGINNING.
BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line
of the right-of-way of the New York, New Haven &
Hartford Railroad where said line is intersected
by the easterly line of property now or formerly
of Caleb Ireland as recorded in Liber 1289,
Page 143, in the Office of the Register of
Westchester County, which point is also 205.27
feet easterly from the easterly line of Weaver
Street, running thence southeasterly along the
easterly line of said Caleb Ireland property
and property now or formerly of Rose Goldman
as recorded in Liber 2054, Page 306, in the 'Office
of the Register of Westchester County, to a point
thereon 100 feet northerly from the northerly
side of Palmer Avenue, running thence easterly
by a line 100 feet northerly from and parallel
with the northerly line of Palmer Avenue to the
easterly line of Merritt Street, thence northerly
along said easterly line of Merritt Street to a
point where the said easterly line of Aerritt
Street would be intersected by the southerly
boundary line of Blossom Heath Subdivision, if
extended westerly, thence easterly along the
extension of the southerly line of Blossom Beath
Subdivision and along the southerly line of
said Blossom Heath Subdivision to the easterly
line of said Blossom Heath Subdivision, thence
southeasterly along the easterly line of said
Blossom Heath Subdivision to a point 100 feet
northerly from the northerly line of Palmer
Avenue measured at right angles thereto, thence
easterly by a. line 100 feet northerly from and
parallel with the northerly line of Palmer Avenue
to a point on the westerly boundary line of the
Village of Mamaroneck which point is 100 feet
northerly from the northerly line of Palmer
Avenue measured at right angles thereto, thence
northerly along said westerly boundary- line of
the Village of Mamaroneck to the southerly line
of the right-of-way of the New York, New Haven
I Hartford. Railroad, thence westerly along the
southerly right-of-way line of the New York,
New Haven & Hartford_ Railroad to the point or
place of BEGINNING, excluding therefrom the
road bed or right-of-way of Merritt Street and
Blossom Terrace as shown on the Map of Blossom
Heath filed in the office of the Register of
Westchester County as '_'Yap No. 25-75.
BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of
the Boston Post Road at the northwest corner of
the said intersection of the Boston Post Road and
Weaver Street, running thence northerly along
Weaver Street 110. 56 feet, thence westerly 105. 30
feet, thence southerly 138, 50 feet to a point in
the northerly line of the Boston Yost Road, thence
easterly along the northerly line o' the Boston
Post Read 122.53 feet to the point of beginning,
as taken from the "Survey of property belonging
to lIartha Lena Bose on Mao of lands of Frederick
Lorenzen, Esq. being subdivision of property rur-
chased from Florence A. Lambert, situate in the
town of ,`amaroneck, vlestchester County, New York,
made by Fletcher Herdt, Surveyor, P,'Iay 1900 by
Carpenter L Duffy, Civil Engineers v, Surveyors,
Mamaroneck, i . Y. , November 1921. "
There being no further zoning matters to come before the
Board, the members of the Board of Appeals for Zoning thereupon
withdrew from the meeting.
Id1-r. H, T. Flinn, owner of an automobile sales agency on the
Boston Post :toad opposite Alden Road in Larchm ont, addressed the Board
to present a letter dated May 2, 1936, requesting permission to place
two sins on his lProperty partly within the sidewalk area and approxi-
zmtely�opposite Alden Road, 14r. Flinn described where the signs
would be located. He stated that he would be spilling to remove them
at any time upon the request of the Town.
On motion by "r. Bates, seconded by .I,Ir. Griffin, it was
RESOLVED, that permission be and it hereby is granted
to 13. T. Flinn to erect two signs in front of his
property located on the south side of the Boston Post
Road approximately opposite Alden Road, part of said
signs being on the sidewalk area, provided '.Ir. Flinn
furnish the Town of Mamaroneck with a policy of
liability insurance holding the Town free and harmless
of any liability in connection with these si ns and
further provided that this permission may be revoked
at any time by the Town and that l r .ilinn upon the
request of the Town will immediately thereafter remove
his si;_ins, and be it
HURTNr,R RESOLVED, that this matter be referred to
Pdr. Brennan and i�'r. Bates for their attention.
Public .Velfare Officer DeVinne addressed the Board concerning
r.redicai claims in the total amount of £1;132.00 supplied to two resi-
dents of the Tcun without the authorization of the ilielfare Office.
These residents, he stated, had at one time been the recipients of
relief but at the time the medical services were rendered they were
not on the relief rolls. He added that they subsequently had again
received. relief. After discussion the matter was referred back to
d:r. Devinne to obtain further information for the Torn Board.
There being no other persons present who desired to address
_3,)5r J, the regular o °der of business was resialned.
14r. Mel,-inniss presented the annual financial retort of the
Town of I(amaroneck for the year ended Decernbe.r 31, 1935, as -prepared
and certified to by Glick-Freedman, the Toti�rn auditors . The report
was ordered. filed.
Bar. !ri ffin commented. on the work of the delfare Department
in the month of A ri1 stating that the number of persons on relief
shof7ed a slight decrease from the previous month.
The Supervisor informed. the Board that the Board of Su-,?er-
visors had been notified by t--:e Westc'_ ester• County Parts Commission
that the Park Commission had surplus nursery stock v�nich it would upon
request distribute to the towns and cities; that he had directed
r. Aitchison, Park Department foreman, to obtain such of this stock
as he needed for the town parks and that Ivir. Aitchison had ren_ orted to
'rim that the Town had thereby obtained a large amount of very desirable
nursery stock at no cost to the ToL,an.
iiir. '_ ales reported_ that he had_ con'er-red_ with ',Ir. Archibaid.
Robertson concerning a. proposed se,mer easement, desired by the Town
and that ._r. Robertson asked a price of ,x461. 00 for 221 feet of ease-
ment together with a reduction in the assessed valuation of Elie ?Jro-
perty. The Supervisor requested. itir. Bates to notify Mr. Robertson
that the 'Town 3oard can not make an agreement of this sort in respect
to lowering assessed valuations.
Mr. Bates reported progress in the matter of obtaining an
easement to remedy the drainage condition complained. of by li_r. Alfred_
-- Ea_er as renorted at a -_orevious meeting and also the matter of con-
structing a storm. drain to relieve the flood condition at the northeast
and of Knollwood Drive.
vi-r. Brennan reported progress in the -matter of negotiating
an agreement with the Village of Scarsdale with respect to the use
by the Town of hydrants owned by the Village of Scarsdale and located
along the p„lama-r=oneck-Scarsdale boundary line.
A -oetition dated May 6, 1936, was received from Assessor
Smith requesting the Town Board to correct the assessment roll for
the year 1934, taxes of 1935, iTl respect to property o-vvned. by
Charles '.'J. Hagelston and described as Section 7, Block 18, Lots 13
and 14, which matter had previously been referred_ to the Assessor
for a report thereon.
On motion b3l ii1r. Brennan, seconded by ,Ir. Griffin, it was
RESOLVED 7JFEREAS the Assessor has presented a petition
dated l:iay 6, 1936, for the correction of the assessment
roll for the year 1934, taxes of 1935, pursuant to tree
provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of
1916, as amended, known as the 'YIestceester County Tax
!;pct; and
W`-REAS after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1934,
taxes of 1935, which shows property now appearing on
the rolls as follows;
Assessed Value
Sec, 31k. Lot Owner Land improvement Total
7 I8 13, 14 Charles Hagelston & wife q 000 `; 7,000 $13,000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions
of Subdivision 4 of said Section 33:
Sec, Blk. Lot
7 18 13,14 Charles Hagelston L wife
Assessed Value
Land Improvement Total
5, 000 `§65 500 `;L, 500
FJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be and he hereby
is authorized, em-oowered and directed to refund to
- 1' r. Hagelston the excess tax -oaid by him by reason of the
h °
over assessment of his oro_oert y, as set forth a
hove, upon
presentation of the proper claim therefor.
The Supervisor reported that he had received a letter from
Franklin Brooks complaining of the garbage dump operated by the Town.
The matter was laid over.
The Supervisor reported on the financial condition of the Town,
stating that the Town now has cash in the Chase National Bank sufficient
to pay all of the debt ,service requirements for the balance of the year
and that he has already paid to the County Treasurer :';310, 000 of the
Town' s share of the State and County tax levy.
The Supervisor presented the statement of -rank balances
as of 9 A9 M. May 6, 1936, as follows-
isAY 61 1936
COUNTY TRUST COAPANY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465504, 95
1siUS1 COMPANY OF LARCn1'r1OLVP . . . . . . . , . . . 21.2
f � CHASE NATIONAL BANK. . . . . . . . . 196, 359.13
UNION SAVINGS BANK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159.40
. . . . . . . . < . < . . .
COUNTY TRUST COMPANY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TRUST CJit"iPANY 01 LARC?:3�iOPT . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TAX CERTIFICATE - COUNTY TRUST CO . . . , . . 34,125. 96
COUNTY TRUST COMPANY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504. 93
TRUST COMPANY 07 LARCHIONT' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456.39
CHASE NATIONAL BANK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.68
COUNTY TRUST COAPANY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,719.84
TRUST COMPANY OF LARC'd1',i1OET . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 005.27
TOTAL ilFOUNDED FONDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J243, 044.70
r, 611912.07
GRAND TOTAL, ALL FUNDS . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . 13053625.13 ',
The Town Attorney presented a resolution which was moved by
Mr. Brennan, seconded by Lair. hates, and unanimously approved as
follows -
WHEREAS it is considered desirable to obtain
authority for the continuation of the fire
department of the Town of Mamaroneck, which was
organized and incorporated, pursuant to the -pro-
visions of Chapter 57 of the Laws of 1931 and has
since the 29th day of December, 1933, had the care,
custody and control of all property belonging to
the fire department; and
WHEREAS it is further considered desirable to
validate the acts and proceedings of such fire
department and fire council of the Town of Hama.roneck;
WHEREAS a proposed bill has been prepared and passed
by the Senate and Assembly of the State of Nets, York
which is entitled "AN ACT in relation to the creation,
establishment and maintenance of a fire department in
the town of Ramaroneck outside incorporated villages
in said town and validating the fire department of the
town of 3ramaroneck established under section three
hundred eig Meer.-b of the former town lave'
RESOLVED that this Board hereby does approve the
aforesaid- bill and respectfully requests the Governor
of the State of _, ePw Yorl� to a-p-orove the same so that
it may become a law,
A -petition dated. 1day 6, 1936; was received from Assessor
Smith requesting, the Town Board to correct the assessr..ent roll for
the year 1935 taxes of 2936, in respect; to pro_pc-rty owned by
Theodore R. 'White and described as Section 2, Block 54, Lot 13.
On -motion by I'nr. 3rennan, seconded by iur. Griffin, it was
RESOLVED, WHEREAS the Assessor has presentee- a petition
dated I,'ay 6, '936, for --is correction of the assessment
roll for the year 1935, taxes of 1936, pursuant to the
provisions of :Section 33 of Cha-oter 105 of the Laves of
1916, as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax
Act; and
'MHEREAS after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
!v0'.^,`, THEREFORE, BE 11'
RESOL'V'ED that the assessment roll for the year 1935,
tares of 1936, v,hich shows property now appearing on
the rolls as follows:
Assessed Value
Sec. B'k. Lot Owner Lard Total
2 54
Sec. 31k
13 a 14 Theodore H. '.'Ihite 131900 °FP1900
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 33:
2 54 13A
Anna Iv. Crane
Jerrold K. Simon
Jerrold K. Simon
Assessed Value
Land Total
4'1 760 4 760
190 190
950 950
The Town Attorney reported- that he was unable to obtain a
legal opinion from New York bonding attorneys on certificates of
indebtedness issued in accordance with the provisions of Chanter 21.9
of the Lairs of 1932, which chapter ;provides for the refund- of ban'_
taxes received by municipalities in the state in 1927 and prior years
under an Act which was subsequently declared- to be unconstitutional.
Accord-ingip, he recommended rescinding the resolution adopted by the
Board. on April 15, 1936, authorizing the issuance of such certificates..
On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the resolution adopted b- this Board
at its meeting on April 15, 1936, authorizing the
issuance of certificates of indebtedness to pay to
tl:e Receivers of the Larchmont National Bank and Trust
Company and the First National Ban? and Trust Company
Of kamaroneck the refunds of bank taxes heretofore
received- by the Town be and it hereby is rescinded.
The Town Attorney further reported that
LarcruAlont idati onal Ban'_, and Trust Company and the
and 'Trust Co mpany of idiamaroneck had agreed to acc
of indebtedness bearing interest at the rate of 6
amount of the refunds due their respective banks.
adoption of a resolution to that effect.
the Receivers for the
First National Bank
,pt other certificates
per cent for the
he recommended the
On notion by I;rr. Bates, seconded by Yr. Griffin it was
RESOLVED, 'dITEREAS the Larchmont national Bank and Trust
Company and the First National Bank and Trust Company
of Ia_iaroneck heretofore instituted an action against
the County of 'uIestchester and the Town of Mamaroneck
for the -refund of certain taxes paid under Section 24-f
of the Tax Lass of the State of New York to the County
and Town and in particular in the year 1927 when the
PorTn of F1amaroneck received as its portion of such tax
paid by said banks a total of 1. 3, 251.73, being the spun
of :.;x1, 560.83 paid by the Larchraont National Bank_ and
Trust Corn_oany and ; 1, 690. 90 paid by the First Idati onal
Bank and Trust Company of -Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS in order to settle and cornnrornise the action now
pending, it is considered desirable to refund to the
Larc'_nm.ont National Bank and '!rust Company and the First
National Bank and Trust Company of I';Iainaroneck the amounts
received as aforesaid by the Tow-r, which settlement is
recommended by the Town Attorney; and
W EREP_S Franklin Brooks, Receiver for the Larcrimont
National Bank and Trust Company and Hiram E. Meeker,
Receiver for the First National Bank and 'Trust Company
of Diamaroneck' have requested that there be issued to
them certificates of indebtedness in the amount of
$1, 560.83 and X1, 690. 90 respectively, dated UlIay 7, 1936,
maturing Iaay 7, 1937, with interest at 6/o' per annum;
N01-1, T"=EFOR'E, BE IT
RESOLVED, that there shall be issued two certificates of
indebtedness, one for -',,1, 560.83 to Franklin Brooks,
Receiver for the Larc'_n:°nont ational Bank and Trust
Company and_ one for l, 690. 90 to Hiram E. 1�ieeker
Receiver for the First national Bank and Trust Company
of Mamaroneck, both bearing interest at the rate of
6% per annum and both maturing May 7, 1937, and to be
numbered BT1 and BT2 respectively;that said certificates
shall be signed by the Supervisor and countersigned by
the Town Clerk under the seal of the Town and both
princi•_•cal and interest shall be payable by the Town in
lawful money of the United States of America at the
Trust Company of Larchmont, New York;
FURTHER RESOLVED that said certificates shall be issued
substantially in the following form:
No. w
Certificate of Indebtedness
TEL TOWN OF P17L11ARONECK in the County o f Westchester,
a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknow-
ledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay
the bearer of this Certificate, on the 7th day of I,1ay, 1937, the
- sum of
with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of six per
centum (6%) per annum. Both nrinci_oal and interest of this Certificate
are pa7Table at the Trust Company of Larc"nmont, Larchmont , Nevv York, in
lawful money of the United States of America.
This Certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of
the Town Law constituting Chapter 62 and the General I.vIunicipal Law
constituting Chapter 24 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of
New York as amended.
In payment of claims for refund of taxes paid the Town of
Mamaroneck pursuant to Section 24-f of the 'tax Law on or about
the second day of Iaiay, 1927.
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions,
acts and things required by the Constitution and Statutes of the
State of New York to exist, to have happened and to be performed
precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate, exist, have
happened and have been performed and that the issue of certificates
of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of said
Town, i"s within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Con-
stitution and Laws of said State; and the full faith and. credit
of the Town of Mamaroneck are hereby pledged to the punctual payment
of the principal and interest of this Certificate, according to
its terms,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Mamaroneck has
caused this Certificate of indebtedness to be signed
by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto
affixed and attested by its Torn Clerk this 7th day of
May, 1936.
Town Clerk
Supervisor of the
Town of Mamaroneck
A vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the
same was adopted as follows:
AYES: Supervisor- McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, hegirniss
NAYS: None
The Town Attorney stated that a number of requests had been
received for permission to pay taxes for years prior to 1916 at the
face amount thereon" without interest, in accordance with actions
---- heretofore taken by the 'I'own Board in other and similar cases. He
said that he had examined these applications, had found them to be
correct and recommended approval thereof.
On motion by Par. Meginniss, seconded by Mr. Brennan, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, WHEREAS the Town Attorney reports that
he has examined certain applications for permission
to pay taxes for years prior to 1916 without interest,
the liens on which taxes are held by the Town; and
WHEREAS the Town Attorney and the Assessor recommend
approval of these applications; and
WHEREAS the Town in other and similar cases has
granted permission to property owners to pay taxes
or years prior to 1916 without interest;
RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized to accept payment of
taxes as set forth below at the face amount of the
liens held by the Town without interest, provided
payment in each case be made within thirty days,
to wit:
Owner Sec. Blk. Lot Year of Tax Year of Sale
Wm. Loveley 5 13 4 1905 1906
6 1905 1906
Helen R. Kemper 6 65 19 1910 1911
20 1910 1911
21 1910 1911
22 1910 1911
A petition dated. April 179 1936, was received from the '-Pitle U.
7! ortga,^e Com-oany of ',iestchester County on behalf of 11r. Frank C . Anfastro=
of 60 Rowell Avenue, Larchraont, in respect to taxes for the rears 1914-
1915, and 1916, sales of 1916 and 1917 respectively, on property known
as Section 4, Block 27, Lots 1 and 2. Phe "petition stated that searches
against this property made bJ the tnen !'ax 'eceivers in 1922, 19217, 19,50
and 1932 re-tiorted no oven taxes. Assessor Smith recoruaended that the
owner be permitted to pay the face amount of the liens held by the Town
without interest.
On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimousl�r
RE SOLVED that the Receiver of `.taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized. to accent from Frank
C. Armstrong, the owner of property known. as Section 4,
Block 27, Lots 1 and 29 the face amount of the liens
held by the Town on the above ;property representing the
tax of 1914-19159 sale of !916, and the tax of 19163
sale of 1917, provided pa7n.ent be made vithin thirty
da DTs .
The Town Attorney reported that ,Silas S. Clark, former special
collector of delinquent taxes, who is now emnlo7ed by the To'.-r_n to con-
clude certai=n tax matters commenced. by him, desires aut_!ority from t'ne
Town Board to sell the so-called Lynn Theater property for non-payment
of taxes. 'The 'Town Attorney said that all the :preliminary steps have
been Completed and the property i.9 now read, to be put up for sale. He
recommended that a. minimum price of :`!x;'359000 be set thereon.
On raotion duly -made and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Silas S. Clark be and he hereby is
authorized, empowered and directed to set at
public sale for non-payment of taxes the so-called
Lynn Theater property known as Section 9, 3loc!c 195
Lots 9a., 10a, 9c and_ 10c; and be it
77iRT14,'R RESOLVED that unless the sum of at least
;,35, 000 is realized by this sale, the property be
bought in in the name of the Town.
The Town Attorney reported that the Fire Department desired
permission to sell the 1926 Crane Simplex_ patrol wacon which has out-
lived its usefulness and is no longer -required by the Department. A
bid of $40.00 has been made for it, he added.
Sn ra.oti on by i"ir. Brennan, seconded by ;`.r. Bates, it wa.s
RESOLVED that the sale of the 1926 Crane SiTrplea
patrol wa.;on, for,aerly used by the Town of Idamaroneck
Fire Department, for the sum of i>40.00 be and it
Year of Tax.
Year of
Sale Amount''
E. J.
9, 10
14. 39
111. Smith
L. Smith
4. 81
H. Aldridge
A petition dated. April 179 1936, was received from the '-Pitle U.
7! ortga,^e Com-oany of ',iestchester County on behalf of 11r. Frank C . Anfastro=
of 60 Rowell Avenue, Larchraont, in respect to taxes for the rears 1914-
1915, and 1916, sales of 1916 and 1917 respectively, on property known
as Section 4, Block 27, Lots 1 and 2. Phe "petition stated that searches
against this property made bJ the tnen !'ax 'eceivers in 1922, 19217, 19,50
and 1932 re-tiorted no oven taxes. Assessor Smith recoruaended that the
owner be permitted to pay the face amount of the liens held by the Town
without interest.
On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimousl�r
RE SOLVED that the Receiver of `.taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized. to accent from Frank
C. Armstrong, the owner of property known. as Section 4,
Block 27, Lots 1 and 29 the face amount of the liens
held by the Town on the above ;property representing the
tax of 1914-19159 sale of !916, and the tax of 19163
sale of 1917, provided pa7n.ent be made vithin thirty
da DTs .
The Town Attorney reported that ,Silas S. Clark, former special
collector of delinquent taxes, who is now emnlo7ed by the To'.-r_n to con-
clude certai=n tax matters commenced. by him, desires aut_!ority from t'ne
Town Board to sell the so-called Lynn Theater property for non-payment
of taxes. 'The 'Town Attorney said that all the :preliminary steps have
been Completed and the property i.9 now read, to be put up for sale. He
recommended that a. minimum price of :`!x;'359000 be set thereon.
On raotion duly -made and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Silas S. Clark be and he hereby is
authorized, empowered and directed to set at
public sale for non-payment of taxes the so-called
Lynn Theater property known as Section 9, 3loc!c 195
Lots 9a., 10a, 9c and_ 10c; and be it
77iRT14,'R RESOLVED that unless the sum of at least
;,35, 000 is realized by this sale, the property be
bought in in the name of the Town.
The Town Attorney reported that the Fire Department desired
permission to sell the 1926 Crane Simplex_ patrol wacon which has out-
lived its usefulness and is no longer -required by the Department. A
bid of $40.00 has been made for it, he added.
Sn ra.oti on by i"ir. Brennan, seconded by ;`.r. Bates, it wa.s
RESOLVED that the sale of the 1926 Crane SiTrplea
patrol wa.;on, for,aerly used by the Town of Idamaroneck
Fire Department, for the sum of i>40.00 be and it
hereby is approved; and be it
FURTr R RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to execute the necessar�T Bill of Sale
The Town Attorney reported that he had received from Clarence
DeWitt Rogers of 17 Pryer Lane, Larchmont, a claim in the amount of
$71. 23 for a refund of taxes paid by him on his property described as
Section 7, Block 72. Lots 1 and 2 said_ refund being based- on an error
made by the Board- of Assessors in 1935 in erroneously notifying him of
a reduction in the assessed value, which reduction was not rnad-e in
accordance with the notice received by him. The matter was laid over
for further investigation.
The letter of Andrew S. Derby dated March 11, 1936, on behalf
of his client, Augusta Tenore concerning taxes for the year 1883, sale
of 1884, on property known_ as Section 1, Block 62, Lots 8 and 9, which
letter had been referred to the Town Attorney at the meeting on _);arch 18,
1936, was laid before the Board by the Town Attorney. Assessor Smith
stated that an error exists in the record of tax arrears which he com-
piled in respect to this property and he recommended that the tax be
On motion by Mr. Griffin,
seconded b r rir. Bates it was
RESOLVED, WHEREAS Assessor Smith has stated to this
Board that an error exists in the record of tax
arrears as compiled by him in respect to _property
described as Lots 8 and. 9, Block 62, section 1, to
the extent that the tax of 1883, sale of 18842 in
the amount of 4.82 against Lot . 8 and the tax 1883,
sale of 1884, in the amount of °,;:5.47 against Lot 9,
are not in fact chargeable against these lots but
should be charged against other property which can
not now be -reconciled with the present tax maps;
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is directed to mark his records
so as to show as paid the following taxes-
Section,Block„ Lot Year of Tax Year of Sale Amount
1 62 8 1883 1884 J 4,82
9 1883 1884 5.47
A letter dated May 1, 1936, was received from Frank E. Hirshsteih:
of viunicipal Investors, Inc. offering to purchase all of the tax liens
held by the Town on the so-called sands property known as Section 9,
Block 39, Lot 3, in the face amount thereof plus 6 per cent interest. The
liens were bought by the Town in the years 1929, 1930, 1933 and 1934 for
the total sum of x,439.86 . The Supervisor stated- that P-ir. Hirshstein owns
tax liens for other years on the same piece of property in approximately
the same amount and recommended that since there otherwise appeared'- to
be slight hope that these taxes would be paid, the request of Mr. Hi'rshstein
be granted.
On motion by Ilr. Griffin, seconded by P,lr. Meginniss, it was
RESOLVED that tax liens for the ,years 1929, 1930, 1933
and 1934 held by the Town in the total face amount of
'1:439.86 on nroperty known as Section 9, Block 39, Lot 3
be and they hereby are ordered sold to I:!Iunicipal
investors, Inc. in the face amount thereof plus 6 per
cent interest, provided that T:runicipal investors, Inc.
pay the 1936 taxes on this property and provided all
payments referred to in this resolution be made within
fifteen days from the date of this resolution.
The Supervisor stated 'that in view of the present:, condition of
the bond market, it would- be an advantageous time for the Town to sell
bonds to pay for certain permanent improvements heretofore completed
and financed by temporary borrowing and from current revenues and also
for the Town' s additional share of the cost of the permanent improvement
of the Boston Post Road, the amount of which additional share having been
recently finally dee rr_ined. The Board authorized the Supervisor, iIr.
l':4eginniss and the Town Attorney to bring a definite report on this matter
to the next meeting of the Board.
In this connection the Supervisor reported
claims against the Town which have been provided for
have been audited have been -paid.
The report of the County Health Department
in the Town of Dlarnaroneck for the month of Nlarch was
The report of the Town Clerk for the month
and filed.
that all outstanding
in the budget and
as to its activities
received and filed.
of April was received
The report of the Welfare Department for the month of April
was received and filed.
The report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the
month of April was received and filed..
The report of the Building Inspector for the month. of April
was received and filed.
An undated letter was received from -Mrs. Edward S. Cornell of
Chatsworth. Gardens Apartments, complaining of the untidy condition of
property in the rear of the apartments. The matter was referred to
- r. Brennan.
A letter dated April 29, 1936, was received from John H. Irwin
of blew York, alleging that part of the property owned by him at the
corner of rdyrtle Boulevard and 't'leaver Street had been taken for a public
improvement -irithout compensation to him. The matter was referred to -the Engineer.
A letter dated P,Iay 1, 1936, was received from Anthony LaHanna
of Prospect Avenue, La.maroneck, thanking the Board for appointing him a member of the Advisory 'i,elfare Committee. The letter was ordered filed.
A letter dated April 15, 1936, addressed to the Supervisor and
a letter dated April 28, 1936, addressed to the Town Board, were received
from A. E. i/ullschleger of the Larchmont Lomraocks complaining o£ the
garbage dump maintained by the Village of Larchmont . The letters were
referred to the Supervisor.
A letter dated May 1, 1936, was received from the Italian_
American Civic Association of Larchmont requestinE, the Town to establish
a playground on property owned by the Westchester County Park, Comrission
adjoining the Town -park at r4urray Avenue and Livrtle Boulevard. The Clerk
was directed to reply that some time ago the Town -requested permission
of the Westchester County Park Commission to establish such a playground;
that the Commission granted- this permission and that subsequently the
Commission withdrew it .
The Town Clerk reported that Edward A.Keeler, the Town insurance
placing broker, recommended that all automobiles owned by officers or
employees of the Town and used regularly or occasionally on Town business
carry public liability insurance in the limits of ('; 50/100 000 and property
damage in the ara.ount of ,;5, 000 and that where the insurance carried by
the owners of such automobiles is at present below these limits the Town
pay the additional premium to raise the limits to the desired amounts.
The Board decided to take no action on the matter pending receipt of in-
formation as to the number of cars affected thereby, the cost of the ad-
ditional premiuns and the status of the budget in respect to such insurance.
At 12630 A. M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn,
RESOLVED that this Board hereby does approve the
aforesaid bill and respectfully requests the Governor
of the State of New York to approve the same so that
it may become a law.
A -petition dated ,lay 6, 1936, was received from Assessor
Smith reauestin7 the Town Board to correct the assessment roll for
the year 1935, taxes of 1936, in respect to property owned by
Theodore E. 'JJh.ite and described as Section 2, Block 54, Lot 13.
On motion by Dir. Brennan, seconded by i;lr. (arif£in it was
R�SOL'�TED, liEREAS the !Assessor has presented a petition
dated May 6, 1936, for the correction of the assessment
roll for the year 1935, taxes of 1936, pursuant to the
provisions of Section 33 of Chanter 105 of the Laws of
1916, as amended, known as the '"'iestchester County Tax_
Act; and
WHEREAS after due consideration this board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the year 1935,
taxes of 1936, which shows property now appearing on
the roils as follows;
Assessed Value
Sec. 311_. Lot Owner Land Total
2 54 13 a 14 Theodore R. White �1900 $1900
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of said Section 334
Assessed Value
Sec. Blk. Lot Omer Land Total
2 54 13A Anna 4. Crane 760 760
13B Jerrold K. Simon 190 190
14 Jerrold K. Simon 950 950
The To�n;n Attorney reported that he was unable to obtain a
legal opinion from ivew York bondinW attorneys on certificates of
indebtedness 'issued_slued in accordance with the provisi
ons of Chapte r 2 i J
of the Laws of 1932, which chapter provides for the refund of bank
taxes received by nunicipalities in the state in 1927 and prior years
under an Pct which was subsequently declared to be unconstitutional.
Accordingly, he recommended rescinding: the resolution adopted by the
Board on April 15, 1936, authorizing the issuance of such certificates.
On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the resolution adopted by this Board
at its meeting. on April 15, 1936, authorizing the
issuance of certificates of indebtedness to pay to
the Receivers of the La-rchmont Rational Bank and Trust
— Con1_oany and the First Aiational Bank and ''-rust Company
o m'.amaronec'_= the refunds of bank taxes heretofore
received by the Toonn be and it hereby is rescinded.
The Town Attorney further reported that the Receivers for the
Larchmont Pational Ban'_, and Trust Company and the First Rational Bank
and Trust Company of Mamaroneck had agreed to accept other certificates
of indebtedness bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent for the
amount of the -refunds due their respective banks. He recommended the
adoption of a resolution to that effect.
On motion by Y'r. Hates, seconded by i�Tr. Griffin it was
In payment of claims for refund of taxes paid_ the Town of
Mamaroneck pursuant to Section 24-f of the Tax Late on or about
the second day of iaay, 1927.
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions,
acts and things required by the Constitution and Statutes of the
State of de-vv York to exist, to have happened and to be performed
precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate, exist, have
happened and have been performed and that the issue of certificates
of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of said
Town, is :within every debt and other liMit prescribed by the Con-
stitution and Laws of said State„ and the full faith and credit
of the 'Town of -iamaroneck are hereby pledged to th ,e punctual payment
of the principal and interest of this Certificate, according to
its terms.
Iii 11ITNESS B i HEOF, the Town of vlamaroneck has
caused this Certificate of Indebtedness to be si`ned
by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto
affixed and attested by its To ,;n Clerk this 7th day of
.+-ay, 1936.
Town Clerk "Supervisor of the
Town of crIamaroneck
A vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the
sake was adopted as follow-
AYES- Su-oerv; sor lucCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin 7ieginniss
NAYS- None
The Town Attorney stated that a number of requests had been
received for pemission to pay taxes for years prior to 1916 at the
face amount thereof without interest, in accordance with actions
_ s heretofore taken by the Town Board in other and similar cases. He
said that he had. examined these applications, had found them to be
correct and recorn-nended approval thereof.
On motion by Mr vieginniss, seconded. by 211r. Brennan, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, '�uHEREA_S the Town Attorney reports that
he has examined certain applications for permission
to pay taxes for years prior to 1916 without interest,
the liens on which taxes are held by the Town; and
,,U REAS the Town Attorney and the Assessor recommend
approval of these applications; and
a'HEREAS the Town in other and similar cases has
granted permission to property owners to pay taxes
for years prior to 1916 without interest;
RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized 'to accept payn.ent of
taxes as set forth below at the face amount of the
liens held by the Town without interest, provided
payment in each case be made within thirty days,
to wit ;
Owner Sec. Blk. Lot Year of Tax Year of Sale Amount
lNm. Loveley 5 13 4 1905 1906 1,15
6 1905 1906 1.13
..elen R. Kemper 6 65 19 1910 1911 2.45
20 1910 1911 2.45
21 1910 1911 2.45
22 1910 1911 1.60