HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_04_01 Town Board Minutes 3 Ri cU`LAR : TOW"] BO ,RD TC31i Q +i JDilCii y . ?. HELD x RIL 1 v✓v6 At the Town Offices, 153 !'Jest Roston Post road, irtalnaror_ec!r. The -,T*a.s called to order b-IT i-icC-o.11och. at '_^esente sune-r'visor hcCulloch -- Councilman Bates, Brennan e_inniss hbSent: CoAncil-man Griffin The presence was also noted of Town C7er1 Pr=arvin and Town Attorney Delius, The 'tilnrtes of ,,:...e me in,`s of ijlarch 4 and F;'arch 18, 1933, Were a"onroved as Printed. _r.r. 31rennafi re—ported on the -matter Of fire PTd.rarts along the Town coundar-T line cTricn had been referred -o ri1n at the meet' n,- on T%:a.rch 18. The matter Was laid over for further consideration. r. ansi. 'rs. _?l r°' ;c-r or Il _toar,' addre°s _ he Board. Ta__e to ir_quire concerning the matter of ob'taininp a storzn water drain easement as discussed at the rneeti= of the TRoard On 13. TC'Pi"1 n�ineer Foote sLazec that a survey o` the prorJer' T is under may and IJ gill soon be coiapleted whereupon work can be commenced to obtain the necessary easement , :1111 r-inniss reported on t're natter o_' the cost of car in on the A. projects being spolnsored bJ the 1'o,vn in the J fie stated that he s� _n O" nA 000 nas been Sven- ATinCOrnOr at Ed section. 'p;T the i'O':°m to ,.ate on "cro ]ects P.';1ieh nave been approved by -t-he federal aU'hcri t, es an� that the suss of _'1,41, 000 vaill '-Is rerun red to co„nnle ee these approved projects . Ae gave it as his opinion that the Town would be Justified in contif>uin.— the pro jects already started '"Jut that it should observe a cautious -0oljC7T in respect to projects not yet approved. rye added that the nro,ject for the proposed itm"provernent of Palmer Avenue frorr, the botndar-.T line of ".he Village o ” i'; an^a.renec -o Pieaver Street r.afd a:. ain been a-_Oni:'owed. a-ter ',avin- beef- previou-sly -isapo:oove0. as I' re"oOrtEd b-T the STapErViSOr at the If12E n,� on 1.arC>1 'n Tiollion b, 'Ir. ;7renna.'_']., Seconded b­ !i_r. 'dates, - G 'was una.nillousl T RI SOL�77B u`I_,RE J rle-?i rim' ss has renOrted_ that the Town is in a aosition t continue -with the se '.'d A. pro i-cts -which t;a.ve alread,- been approved b r the -federal authorities and should observe a a cautious polies in respect to those ro, ects which have not been a.nproved p b-r federal authorities, Z '63 'DT s IT '�L''JJI`.TED that 'IiS repOrt be ano_ it hereby is a;i _ _r OTTe CL. lYir, ;!122'-r�r,I rE'JOrt.;r? �ha.t he had been informed by the fire I DEnar _neat Gnat "t e "ire patrol t'rucl broke do'mn the .Las'- L1TIle it i2ft the fireaouse° that the truck is a re-;Guild vehicle of considerable that in his opinion t i8 ✓-eS1rC- OI t "1E -'ire L)epiartinent to purci!aSe i e':'T ZrUCk iS a, reaSO-r:3b' e one an' '-hat he reCG1T.T:'!ended obtai'P_ n `"bids £ for t'.G.e nurchase of a ne'i'I .} iuck. Fire Chief LeVino addressed 'the Board. He explained the use tO which the truck =s nut Sa;jT1n_ Gi1at during the pas.. ,U7.7o montris it.. saved siT lives andvdurin^ the past three rears fourteen lives. The truck is now worri out and beyond repair, he declared. He added_ that in hie opinion 'there -would be no sa`.'in,g in co:!i.. if the Tolm Were to 37 purchase 9. standard model truck chassis and czonstruct a suitable b(D6-,T °i re patrol I to flt, it insUead of gji--c,Tasin­ a ready--,�Liade -_ e p t-- - vehicle. ar On motion cy 11r. Aegin,_nlss, seconded by !�Tr. Brennan, ft was ,ipon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, `T .r that the ire Council be and it heeby _s authorized to prebare specifications for a fire patrol truc'�- to obtain bids thereon and to report back 11c the Board 1,with a recon-nend-ation. ' -e ,)resej-i'eJ� a 1-t-t-er dated 1,larc7a 19, 10,35, "1 p ol I e Ee oar-t-.�.,,ent sii`-,Pli G t in- bids 1`O--r, the "purchase of a r ew mot o c I saic. trat he nad been informed b-T Chief _Yericlk t 11.a Chairo--an of Poli ce Co=iss' or favored acceiDtin, the bid of Yaevers Cycle Store, .Thfte, Plains, at a net cost of 226Z�D for a Ha-_,­1e-,T- Davidson machine and the C'hlef also favored G-iv bid. ,)n motion by eZi-nniss, seconded b- y ir.. Ba es, i vv a s unar ITIJOU S1-.T RESOL',)TE-D, l''tat on the reco=endatior, of the Police `o-=,issio-_ri and -,he Police Cnie-C, t,r.e offer of Yae7e:,_-,s ,,-,Tpl- Store of iiiii-e Plains to sell a Farle7-Davi:1son t net t of lj2`5 be and it here_Cj-,T is rrictorc-cle, a� a cos, 1 a-or)roved. The re-por-ted that I-Le 1-ad e�ax:ined an i-_nven'1or-,T of vacant 7Dro-oerty in -,`e To,.vn wv-npad 107 t-11e Tvvvri of 1'amaroneci:: and reco2n- rvended t it be refe-_red to G,--* 'f--' n for inve-stiration as "to the present use `ne-rleof 'he Tolv,in and tae probable P u-re use . The Board. so resolved. The re-oor', of the worl, of the Count) _Departiae-nt of Haalt!,- in --ce� ved and tjii3 'rep-it- d,isiric' 'or 7-e r.,iont_ of -'ebj�uary I _7 vas led, vi- 171 i,- S,-,,)erv'sor rei,-joi-ted at after consult-a-ion i� ' Sala ' T Assessor 1 he 1'lad increased_ the of ;firs , ) Isabelle Stevens , cla in "-he office of the Assessor, ��_-O to 100 a 1111ontt r,ps �I �,__ J I ezolained that at the time 7VIrs. _`,tevens vias a000, ­ ­� on -anuar-7 29, the s,-._lar�T as �- 0,36� her sala-,,- had been set at 1>93 a p--o-vide,_9 in the budl-et was 100 a month; that ` ssesso-� '�,ad 31,-,atco _I -,,jces ver,T sa isfac'0 r-,T I -iiat Site 0 - I - - I - I I I tha.' i �rs . S ev-rs! s-r, I . anc was worth '100 a r ont-n. he requested ao,)ro-va] of his action. In motion duly made and seconded it -,,,,as unanL_-,.1o,,:.sl-,,T ' he ;Ly,)e V s r RES3L-'TE__)5 1__" action. o f S-, r, isor in i­creasi-n-)4 the salary I (- —,. of Isabelle 3teve-vis, cler'7 in "Uhe Gff1C., of 1,11.-c Ass,--s sor,frOLI, ::�90 to 'C�e an'd 'it he__�eb7T i S rat-I fied con- �,100 a montl.-i, and a�o-orovea� , The Supervisor presented a statement of bar-1, balances as of A-ori` 1, _� 9363 . 0 ' -, -�s oT��erel entered 'n t' e r�inutes as ar, - 7,,Tr,ich v.s U k follows: TO 314, 0,7 EA,LLROIJECK ST T_ ,TL 071 3L, _,' jiALA i\rCES AT 9.00 A. APHII�, 1, 1936 AVAILABLE FUNDS GENERAL 7731iD COUNTY Ta__ Y '5 2 R�j,T COIF 3 T . . . 20. 6 -U S . . . . 20,187.60 .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . -j TD 'A ITTT� BA_N_r, . . _ ­ ­ ­ . . . . . > ­ ­ iG�✓.40, 7 r­I A GTZ I-3RAL F_j1FD. . . . 22 - �) T� � CO-_-CTY TRU:_3`2 To 7 7 4 CAPITAL FUY'D T� =i= 7 � I 1-01TAL F', " 22, 548. 72 A. _'eel e;°, ��'ne T0 -Irn insurance nlacin a d 21 r e s s P,J t 1,e 3 o,a c o n c e-_,n is ra-iCe a s as o s 'l ) 7e s that 11s -no o r) S; e a-j- nm-_n t, --ds - `� 1 i ��s u_s e d sh- o 2 s .� _n Oroiects > He rnade no reco=e-datlon aml r e -1 n,Uran c e , on '._aes e =t eri s ­,as -no on C C,-,,,I A "n- -Dard to ca=­ no ( 2) He re-poiteli tha 11.he Toillrn has no fire 'l -risurance on -,.he to(Dls or eGiai-af_-ient of tllre TAi�`­i- )n mot 1 or '--7 Fr. 3,rennan seconded -b T 1,Ir. Elates it was Uri a:.-,i-rflousiv, I RE� that fij�;e ins-,3rance in. the aniount of �11 SOL7=p � �IIOOO an annup.7 -;D,- emium of be car-,­i ed on 'ulae tools and eau.' T)­,,ient used by the H1,,h,.,Tay Depa.-I-L-Ment a-_rl_ on A. -rolects. / ,I Ee re-ported that the tools and equipment of the Sevier De-. partment have an inventory value of x3, 529 and that they are not covered by fire insurance= He reco-c>rierlded 1,225000 covei a­e witl- an of _m imot-f on b 77 L;_n. 3at'-s, seoo-derl by _31-anman, it 1,ua T V E D hat fire a T_-e in t S "i cLL I-_,u- of 000 De car_ led at ar annii-al cof ,40 3- ll'­_ toclE ano. eouipo-ent of t1he D'e-pa-rt-_meYj.'. . ( 4) e stated tlGaJ_ 1_4 -, . - � � t S c f L':-°- rl,lab 11 c -i a b i I 1- I rl S 11 C on To,,ir T­aill d1r7s o--, -,Droperlt-v wai7e_ m't the sane for all tuilC__'n-S arcO -0-0 pe anti ne , i�eco yrir e n(J e � a I av e 7 -o a s i s L o r a 1 o,fj I i u c I rI i t , 1 r e v 'j,30/100. 000. He sta'uef �T-zat an - s I on I-e- T_a7l anf, tb_- 'o-m ce t-c- 1 7,5rj//l0C, (jl00 erla-" an ad-- 1 `1ona' a-_nrrual of 35 783. J 7e -r "o-- _-�e s o I u' on l') o o n c al n a n o-1 S V -,T e C a IM p end at n, e s'I,ate d t I.-a.`, t h e c c-f i .,_.'_s c)f � rI2aver e e tl are not covered oy f-' -e insurance. F i,_,e Ch 1.._ -,e` i? ,0, 1,,,Tl o 'Uas 3 r e er t e.-plafne,j t1c.a.,11- nearl-Y all of t'he contlen-ts 22s owne6 -0- _-ai-orteo_ t-hat the Conte­ts of t ,e To`;Vn. Offices are _00 ') -e-n a poll- C-1 VT__ coverer. b-IT G of :!2, 000! _-rl�, ��ich 7- use of tll�s 30��V co- e re� 71)�-,- ?3 Q�e r-la,Ase t`-is c--je-r-a ­e increased i—l-rLed-latfor-ly o � 7, 500 for a ! oer-locl of one -,Tea-�, a" a lD­e-miljjr cl-a--c-e of .02 -er , 100 an:n�-Ir.l. s I - 1� Y S u=--e st e d t"aat- ea--'-- Osfartrle-nt _5 n the _7,3v,-rI uffices pre.Qars an iinvent-'Ory- a pP, T'a 1 8 a 7 of t_r_l e 0 0 n 1-e'111 S of its 0 f i C e- "T- '457t .2 ( TA,,7 'uTEI\!S . . . . . . . . 5778.02 S7I-CI�-T DEPOSITS TaUST CO__l_±-Z'17 A126. C-1ASE NATIONAL 31' 90. 08 TY TRUST C�_-)­-2,17,1, 288@99 T r-L-jrS7 __7 ,D7 L_LRC`­T7 . . . . . . 5 005 27 TOTIAL 7 !�J_Jj D - 6 ,� 8G. 62 PDT_�L A. _'eel e;°, ��'ne T0 -Irn insurance nlacin a d 21 r e s s P,J t 1,e 3 o,a c o n c e-_,n is ra-iCe a s as o s 'l ) 7e s that 11s -no o r) S; e a-j- nm-_n t, --ds - `� 1 i ��s u_s e d sh- o 2 s .� _n Oroiects > He rnade no reco=e-datlon aml r e -1 n,Uran c e , on '._aes e =t eri s ­,as -no on C C,-,,,I A "n- -Dard to ca=­ no ( 2) He re-poiteli tha 11.he Toillrn has no fire 'l -risurance on -,.he to(Dls or eGiai-af_-ient of tllre TAi�`­i- )n mot 1 or '--7 Fr. 3,rennan seconded -b T 1,Ir. Elates it was Uri a:.-,i-rflousiv, I RE� that fij�;e ins-,3rance in. the aniount of �11 SOL7=p � �IIOOO an annup.7 -;D,- emium of be car-,­i ed on 'ulae tools and eau.' T)­,,ient used by the H1,,h,.,Tay Depa.-I-L-Ment a-_rl_ on A. -rolects. / ,I Ee re-ported that the tools and equipment of the Sevier De-. partment have an inventory value of x3, 529 and that they are not covered by fire insurance= He reco-c>rierlded 1,225000 covei a­e witl- an of _m imot-f on b 77 L;_n. 3at'-s, seoo-derl by _31-anman, it 1,ua T V E D hat fire a T_-e in t S "i cLL I-_,u- of 000 De car_ led at ar annii-al cof ,40 3- ll'­_ toclE ano. eouipo-ent of t1he D'e-pa-rt-_meYj.'. . ( 4) e stated tlGaJ_ 1_4 -, . - � � t S c f L':-°- rl,lab 11 c -i a b i I 1- I rl S 11 C on To,,ir T­aill d1r7s o--, -,Droperlt-v wai7e_ m't the sane for all tuilC__'n-S arcO -0-0 pe anti ne , i�eco yrir e n(J e � a I av e 7 -o a s i s L o r a 1 o,fj I i u c I rI i t , 1 r e v 'j,30/100. 000. He sta'uef �T-zat an - s I on I-e- T_a7l anf, tb_- 'o-m ce t-c- 1 7,5rj//l0C, (jl00 erla-" an ad-- 1 `1ona' a-_nrrual of 35 783. J 7e -r "o-- _-�e s o I u' on l') o o n c al n a n o-1 S V -,T e C a IM p end at n, e s'I,ate d t I.-a.`, t h e c c-f i .,_.'_s c)f � rI2aver e e tl are not covered oy f-' -e insurance. F i,_,e Ch 1.._ -,e` i? ,0, 1,,,Tl o 'Uas 3 r e er t e.-plafne,j t1c.a.,11- nearl-Y all of t'he contlen-ts 22s owne6 -0- _-ai-orteo_ t-hat the Conte­ts of t ,e To`;Vn. Offices are _00 ') -e-n a poll- C-1 VT__ coverer. b-IT G of :!2, 000! _-rl�, ��ich 7- use of tll�s 30��V co- e re� 71)�-,- ?3 Q�e r-la,Ase t`-is c--je-r-a ­e increased i—l-rLed-latfor-ly o � 7, 500 for a ! oer-locl of one -,Tea-�, a" a lD­e-miljjr cl-a--c-e of .02 -er , 100 an:n�-Ir.l. s I - 1� Y S u=--e st e d t"aat- ea--'-- Osfartrle-nt _5 n the _7,3v,-rI uffices pre.Qars an iinvent-'Ory- a pP, T'a 1 8 a 7 of t_r_l e 0 0 n 1-e'111 S of its 0 f i C e- put r' 8"J_ cn,. Ufd OUY 'rG-GUGLTP 312 9T TO v0 u.0 i_OCG^ I0 SUOTSLa CJd 2LfT O^. ^.LiET_S JTLIX g T Glie 10 G 0'.S G•7. ✓='c:L ''92CT TO SGYE. 'Q2ST u729T '2261 SJ_-Cain GL' JC- S L LOJ `_?_UGtiSSSGSS C G=„1 G UOLriO B..JGO GU PTO - `r'C'O L 6 L 'I_ J.Ci?j GC.20 702SGg,-, G_i 'SJ iH L'7:.�•., 'rT:�.�`=!'':=?�T 'U_CUUBJp -j 7T =�C� 'Go U0025 'SSZL7 ?G?;q: vi'..l -C. 7CT10;i.I UQ ®UT 1_07 i !JT YOC T�_, C; UOTTQaC _ S"2 nJ20[TJ0 SGh; !i^_JOdoJG UO S2 "i;� �' '+T r '? '_`-; J t r �O L c o wG'_1J Joca GL, Oj C- T T fiG .'e0 aOSSGSS*• GL ' C UO S . @ uG�UGo2J O. _ a Tao_. iC_ BT , J_O ZG)JIaL?'1, L'?;'4T0 JlaG`AJQ E U'O L"tOT�.�iUGS2Ja UOf J^oS"uL?L:;J_-^.0. aL, . c TauCL?aJ aG `C'�4 a2J aLj ?.� �.sGJa�LZe Lr�.zra JG'-'I G°G?. `vim cc so ems 2U. ?'- PGTLGOL7 pGJ_ap.To s " GaJG . . ST = C u .__1iiCIIG L GCL L GZ ? JT . O u3-L G q 4 AL ° °i{ rT tU.ou�fB , q-U-r,_O'^i ` ai_JaI.T; �0-dG OJ",- 'v iT^• 0,� �O� G VcC',"i. L TO JOT ua T G I? PTOS -26T 30 eTes GAT Y 'z1JO� ak 'Pu= .'Lo_ qoC, UO q OSZ C;UCI 26 ^;_O- UG "PL"CQ G.IG1A 77.L.J ` }C SGX.'C1 Gqq, 'S�`rl21 d. .'.T.'. Qu'a uGVt --S2^SS'F G Q-110-O "P :3UT _CL1 1SUO0 S(1Lj'_t `3 UOT-QGC' "?.-7d },0C ' ,c_ a07 S-E '=72�_-T 10 1-92 cCC n T , .0 LTC;? L?v OG "CJOS'GrL ?CUt3 iJ.MOLL?L 097-e l_TSrLOGUOJaa ST 1L00U'oj'- . r* _. SO LT1-90', GLLt 70 ''7 S—L IO ='"ST '2 CZ L jO TTGJ_ 1A:2irJSSuJSS"B G'uq u0 70—OGQ 'i-Te FOCT�:F 'q i0'i S% -00Q JOSG�,- GTZ"C. `_).-OLD� sGa-e.a2' �.,n�- fT - � SCE ,. O;%^. e� PJ"G'Oc _ S LLLa B,T T - _ J ..L 3 3�3lh T? 'U`°TSvv T_cr 'dii, hCl Ga-P tSS-CU r-r �^o ;( LCL UOT_}OeL UV, ® J�O✓ 1C-y '�S rL00'Cff aoTD GG] S-a 1thlCl,T..( _L,):zG7. -CJd u0 -OG I TGoa'?O GCI C.0 G7.'.SSB: o"�, 2TG,"CvT � ZLT1 .^U TUT;^c V'"�'JGO'GJ_ 'a�C','jT ` L L tJ:..°G �ASSGSS' GU^,, l'1CJ7 Cf.JOCiGJ -B G�UGav-,r.G- Ji'.2UJ 01C�`I' uCLG,j G7L; ELil.1CT� GL7p S''c. SG L�Lf v Sai;L .0 r Tl_GJ Tti JG- .y. 2 v d L.,>' Lr�Y ;._oOCf G?,� E`jCl2w BOJLLe -CGO..d..0 S-C _ NG"LOTL'_Jr-.i.OJ T, ZZV Ls,"O..i G0 -,'1 Uo �O 53" ;�GJ•. �G 'CUT L 2 lCPP.v � G-?`?. O .yTCLUGCL AC SJG'_LgGi _ ^a O q -PGZ ;JCii[;CiG ST_ CGJGIJ -T'' T,)0, ^�C: 'GOU EST i'LS J= i0 LLLLSTJ ;'e 7Tj �L' U'e uZ.+.y�ZL• °J :r -T�% 'Qi'�`SOJ a !-T S ClGU;.L uU'U-:L S�,n! �t 'S ;UJ.TL'G -� ri'_ .G pGpUCOoS u�GC'e� JCG. Lrp-� CL'... .i.(✓•, � t_Gl\Gj- T_Ln': Li_•J_-OdC�-6 J.fv'tO,-i DLO S.'U-C GOU-..Z i1SUT .O S[HJ ' :;G.]' !G7 .'; ,L�S_e SJ2n ;JA+j vi1`:['l. 20i.!-u-J.T'TS JiL Gu,a O - s_iSG'1bGJ L,J'�S O'l "e0�z LLG cCLL?L2 o: U_.t_T1 GG fa LCLx^C '„ 1�L7� �a�.S2�iJ 9J_ JG LGG;, 'JrYf zo S2cTGI)UOQ o' c, TO T-as,-eJdca- 'JOZUaauT u2 aJLdGJd Cc; So j n AS CL G .T U w:nIieG-G[ itiC"G S^c L ,,T bq. C 2D 0G t1p — !1 CL @1 J_GU 01- LJ'3.r GG 1LJ?T�i Gl.i�r 'l''3 i1.-i C,- a,:.1'J�'uc GUO s0 :�_.1.,uTS aLL'1 ;;^ -PGS'e;aJO �TC^y.-p Lr`a�AIJT GQ GaQTT T C, L7phO1 u'? TO SO,u:G^_iJ00 "I L:O G"TJ EJTiSu. � 2•�_T-1 ._GT -71 JT_ JO L..T-G,rnO,Gp ,,° i _'� ° t T:i -1� -_c. tiL E-RC,ld L -L! L - �CL PG;_L.00GS 'a„ -sG FC UC'C11 7 LT_rl 43 VhERE,M:5, after d-ae consi(deration this 3oard f rods it 6 1 -esi -rable to =rant said petition for he correction of saild assess.ment rolls; THlREKRE, �-E IT SOLVED. that the assess.me-t r01 'I S for !u -e ,tsars 1933, 1934., __955, taxes of 1934, 1935, 7936 re- s-oectively, which show proner-1 F- now GYM t h.e rolls as foil OTTIS: Assessed Value Sec . 1,o+ Bu i di_2L T ot aI an 1O 131 S-o e n c-_r P a rk p In .000 000 be co--rec"ed as foll­ws3 ir accoTdance with ttc'_Te provisi3ns of 5-abdi-visl= -0 of -said Section 33- Sec . tlk. L,o t L a n 3Uildir- Total 10 1B S,,)encer Park Inc. 5. 820 5 320 5 A. Si-,encer -0 T:, 180 1 . 01 E ast 30 S-� . 5 1T v . 0 71 4estlbrool, Connecticut -1 c,o r n ey rel,or.l ed- on the matter of 'he -lai--iis of _e �Ta-ico an� -�a-_--,ber' s Po- d,2�:,,va res al-i eved. o have beer, due to chan.-e of -rade -ff-11 C__-, had been referred to hili], at h tw he as n of 77 the Town ot liable i or -larc 18. I_Le state " th h at, in is an-,,r dama-es sustained. these oersons . The '.'Utorney reported that in resp-ct to the ap-911 ca, ! ,,on of 11Ticholas Leone for the re-zon-in'p, of property a" Ghe corner of T7errvuood Road and Broolk:silde Lrive, I— had -,moved to obtain a stay in this case because of nan­r,)a�,=en I c of the court costs in the iDreviou_- action. i'L'. _Trennan renorted t7r-'at he had been requesteq- loy Lr H. �7ills of the Reci'eation Conimls,-_fon to asi the Bcard to a-o-fDro-ve the suP'_ of 1�200 for additional athletic equirxrnent in connec'[-,ion with the re- c - - -1 - th t -, 1 p i, t reat-' on p-coT:lra-_-L-i. The Si;crDe=iz_o- 1 ,au , ii hais ol. inion, was no'u- u-p to the Town Board to ap-r_,ro-oriate this rin-one—T. idr. Howard 01 . Fishhoack, an attorne-,-, , addressed the Loaid. he said that he represe-nts the La-rchytiont National 13-ank and Trus'. Go]-oan-1-IT in Receivership and the Ti-2st !�aticnal 3ank and Trust Co-upa-.-y 01 ` o s t Te v c ert-a , n _a�-cTaronec'l a:n--iong otne-�'s, in acl n o r coier bank 'Uaxes w3iic_,' had been -oaid in 19277 and orioa� years arcfi had sub- sequen-Ily been (5eclared uncons"litutiorial. He s'�Iateo_ �Ifja'u 'he had- effecued settlements most of '-,he towns in the county on the basis of a flat amoun'u of the ta--,, jaid without interest to date. The matter, was referred of _nepori� a_nd to :1r. --e.-inn-i ss anc- the .1.t'Torney f recc=endati-.-_ri. 1--t'.er d-atej iiTarchl 30, 1 936, was --neceived fro-m 'ohn TT. _itchel -1 aucti-)neer o reeiTvTi. ch Ccnzi® reQuestinx. pe--nmission lo conduct an auction sale of household f-a-rnishin.-s at a residence I o c at ed q 11 1936 . He was unani-mous'­y aL, 30 Jes' Broo?s' de Dr-' ve on Ljoril 4, -ranted the consent . The report of the Buiidin�- Inspector -or the month of 1 arC%' was rep-aived an6 filed. vTT as r e c Te i v e�, 1�01r, �T, Roy 1- A letter dated �Jarch 23, 19363 __ _ , I anny thanL-in2 t he 1 _�oard '- , - ts act! on a' 1 ' -m s aetin­ on !�ar!!arc_, 18, 1936, with respect to his taxes. The lel,-',elr was ordered filed. - I _March 1�, 1936, 1vas received IrOM 71 7-. �e+_j gor A letter da-ed ap7)1-d_! n)_- for a re-zo-ni­2 of h-' s -Cro-rjel' 77 hnavr1n as Sectl, on 4, Bloclz 24, -1 and 117in2 betwee, Palne'll, Avenue and the Boston Post -Road, so as to tne erection of a-Dart-fllent houses. The natter, ,,ias laid oVs-_P for the loin' conference of the To�,m 3oard anc� the Board of A-o-peals for U - - Zonii,i7,. to be held on A-ori- 1 2, 11936. ------ 45 The Town Clerk a" he had- received a tele-ohone �','ve lu than! J n_- nessa.-P, fror, ;'rs . Joh--,-i �:J, --looderhan- of 1J. Chatsworth 3. e, the Board for the actin-zi taken by tne Town in repairing the rustic I -'haj -,T �h j�,v--nme and Loot out wood h I U - e n P-c c �ousa a4 1 . ( U-s\�01, The C--I er--,: s-o,- -ested that the Town institute a charse for the use of the TotiVrll s equi-ar,,ient 'O -[Dum-o out private cellars wIll" ch become flooded through no fa-alt of the �I own. T*oe -miatter was referred to J-Ir. Bates for investi,7ation and reoorc. Ti-,e Sunervisor reported that C . ,,uinn o. -,:;i-e unin- -loroorall-ed section of trj,-- To-vvn ano- ir. Leo Ors--ino of the Ti is--e of ck bad resi as mac.yoe-s of the lo"i 3. -Advisory )U'elfare Committee. He recommended that the place of Lr. be t a'-ken by !Jr, dear Ernst of mod' ewood Pvenue and the place Of Ors-no 71 07 i'r. Inthcn- La 'anna of Prospect Avenue . C I e- `— P -coy 71T Bates-)n -motion b77 �r. �,e -lnniss se nded Ba it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Dr. Ed,-,ar t.---nst of Ed, ewcod _Lve--mae, -1 Larchluont and J,jr. kn-tno-ny La 'Manna of Prospect Avenue, �Aaroaroneck, be and �he-v - I U -, h-rebv are appointed meilabers of the '2own of 1,'aniaroneck Advisory ;�ellare Committee; and be t FUIRTT,—IER RESOLVED. that the than,7s of the board be emended to --Dr. C. J. Quinn and Nir. Leo 3rsino for their public-spirited services as menbers of that 11 omjmi lu t e e . A", 10. 4-0 F . 11. the Board unanf'musl- resol-ed to adjourn.