HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_03_18 Town Board Minutes 3 RLOULAR 11"1'd': 07 THE LOvd UO _iTELJ JS 1936 Ac the To in Offices, 153 'niest Boston Post Road, iaraa-reneck, t+: , Y. The meetin; was Called to Order by Ju'Pervisor '' -_Clam och! at 3d% P . _.. YreSer!ta Super..-visor �e''alloch Council man Bates, --fen an lGriffin, .,!e_;l nr ss . 1' :e vrese=iC2 was also 10teG. of To-,, a Clerk Marvin and Town Attor;ae- Dc-lies. The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear those persons present who desired to address the Board.. . Jailuel lo:7er, att Ornel7, addressed L -ie Heard on beha11� Of ...5 C112"!G'S11�n 8io �2 r''al CO `d-�C.d �aC- L�aP':)e"is Of Harrison Drive, wi10y he tai _pad been. �wlthout ",wa.ter for three "nonths because the lire lead- ing to their house bias frozen. This ' Inn is connee ,ed. with -le Laro'n- -cont Villa_ ,water main. TI is freezin-,, 'he stated as due to t'^.e fact, that tli- `°own had changed L _8 =ade of ZJi1e Street, uh11ch PesUl..ed n br Ro'ir!.rr the 'dater m. ai_s closer to the sur`fece and taus renderl>ro thej1a Z10re liable Lo freezing. He requested the 'od i to :i i1St all t,'!ie 'lc Ce sSar7 :/louse con.ne C-Glon t0 co-nlecl, tLe or0-Qer't.yr of his clients ft the rains of Sne ;es' hester Joint ater inorks; o. 1 if the To:wL1 would ao phis, e sail . 'pis clien'.s wou- acce-' i in lieu. Qf da, ages hi-- they O e W1-se- ci.airj as 2cs'�'.� of t;:o Ciaanse in _rade. T e 71a�.tte_ waS re- le-ored to the o'.7R -t orrey OT ir7.i%e St -atio_ any- repot on ' he possible ti liability of toe iOC7n. 8_`_'—e7 ".'!.rBP Of Tea l l P-T Head addressed the Board to co _ol^a.in Of surface water conditions On an near h's Iio0er'U- . Ie s'l tea. 1nat � ' sQ to the fact that he had constructed- at his Ql`r� =_pense tI:,' Tears ; � r ��-P ^-n ^ ncrete _loon L his ce,_lar the ago a _neh of!-bound, _ oo cc decent r a_i s -lad i C-Sl i ted in n.S CB�� =..P C8i-i1_� fl oof.eo a^na! aT1C.- . hl s COL2Crete f=Cv" b21n ba C''i > -,O'_�°i off: thB pre:,surd O � _he ?21.e= Gvl l i!l_1 from -.--nierne -.,h. i-ie recl-ies'ed the Town to o'- '_tin fror:1 an ad iacent oert7 o�Tner an ease e-_ t to berrlit the cons ' or of a drain v7htch would effectively -ened`T the co-dition and would be, he Said_, the only reined'? If. The SU^er'GiSOr e-:Sked r°iin to sulbi-fi' In'-', s request in -wriluir.S and referred the matter to ::'ir. 3 tese and to the Town Attorney for investi"gatior in the meantime. ;7r. °,ni. E. Schrarnek of FeCnwood load addressed the Board as Pre Sid-ent of the Larcf=ont '':=ardens Association to request that his Association be notified when the Board intends to take up for considera- tion the brief of the I': a_ole :gill Association, requesting cancellation of certain special assessments, wh-ich brief was prese- �o t TQ,v,L Board on ➢starch 4, 1936, and at that time laid_ cf er® Mr. Harry T. Byr_ne, 'President of the Tta?Ole T;', 11 Association, addressed the 3oa_r•d and read a statement to the effect that the AssoCiationn wants ever7bod.7 in the unincorporated section of the Town to know all about its proposal to cancel these special assessments. He -- repeated the offer he made at the meeting on I march 4, 1536, to sup-017 v codes of the Associationls brief to alp interested persons, .lS state- r!en., also de!t`_ed that ar subte�°fu-e was used or that an attempt was —. made b7 his :iS SCCiati pn Qr, its officer S to ti railOad ail�T 1eT-!S1atiQri VTith respect to these assessments. '1 he 'uoerVisor assured ';Ir. .S.'.c lraimak and i+'!r.. Byrne that —6 action on the request to cancel the assessments would not be 'Srailroaded and that c_^_,e -natter would reiilai'_"i on the table for subsecuent conS:i.dera.tiOri. 25 r. Jos e-ol T. -e rJa. addressed the Board concerning taxes on -'r,--operty owned b-- his father, Ir. Fuil -I De i,aria, wh.ich inatte­ was '--e subject o-I a letter -_f Mr. Slannae' Sc'CIain r-e ce ived l:)-IT _ the �oard I at its meetiny on -tharch 4, 119756, and -efie-�--red to tlhe �iown A'11tor-ne-Y. _r. De Tar" a -eaa to the ,Doard the let`.er of ldr-. SG" ain and amplified. the Stateglents made tnerei-n . Tne Town Attorne-,r prese-nted a re-jort si- ed b- ':11th I -n y J-'_s s as s o-,-- s a t_1 nP that i n his 3-o--- n i o n the a s S e s s-_d v a I u a t 1 0 n s o_ t-I I e various lots T _U, -�,,,er- fa�l aid albl, e and in line Lla )vrnedl b- :T 2 7 Bates 10 e-1 7T -1 s it ),!ias J n Y110 T�10 n I SS s e-o-n(f R_-S STD P anal LI-e _ e test of 7 IC� p r as Set I�j:,th i-n h, iJarcl� 4, 'or a c is _eTlzer 07 1 - t of a-, e, -wed- b- e- Pomise in tho a_­ioun o j his c_� __ - -P gar u i e, ':`_aria be an_ it he-reb-T is d&n I' e JL There being no other -oersons present who desired to address the Board, the regular order of business was resumed. The Town Attorney stated that it -would be in order for the Town 3oar.ra to desimate the news-oa�:ler in 1,-vlaich the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments should publish the notice of the collection of State. Count:e' Tow n an which d. District taxes and Special Assessments, whh levies becorne due ant_ payable on April 1st . On motion by I,Ir. Hates, seconded by iJr, idegdniniss, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance -with. the provisions of Section 26, of tl-e Westchester County Tax Act, The DailV 1Dimes, -, daily -nes✓spaoer published. in tree _'j'illa,,e and Town of I',1am--roneck, and The Larchiont Times, a weekly newspaper -ouColished in the Village of Larchrno-rit, Town of e,Jamaronecl-., be and they hereby are designated as the neIrs-oa-oe-rs in which the Rocelver, of Taxes and ssessrients shall publish the notice of the collection of the State, County, Town and -s-, and J TD_Istrict taxes and Special Assessment a! - be K-IRT3ER ?,ESFjL-I,IED, that said 1:)ulblications be made on ',,Tarch 261 1936; and. be it 77URTHEIR RESOLVED, that in accordance with the orovisions of Section 20' of tine '4estchbster Count; x Ta Act, the I TovVin 3oard do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to Y.-,ail to each taxpayer of the Town of 'Jaana-_r-onec , whose address is to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, a tax bill for all taxes and assess-s-rLents, the expense thereof to be a to-em char�,e. The Town 8,ttorne-v reported that he had conferred with the attorney for Joseph fieldon, Relator in a certiorari proceeding against Town to review the assessment for the year 1935 upon -oro- -0 erty owned by him, and recorr—iended- that the proceeding be settled and discontinued_ upon a reduction of the total assessed valuation from -Co to 1�14 Con. He stated 'chat he had procured Drocured an appraisal of the 11 stir. 3. F. -he f! rr,-, of Fi a Is property in question made by 1 c(_-,::�auh of Marvin, which appraisal put a value of , 2, 900 on the land and w11, 100 on the building, making a total valuation of 14,000. ,)1-, motion 'o Iss, seconded b_,T dir. Bates. it was -otio- -Jr. ��e��,inn s- una=."loasly RES-iLVED, iHEREILS Jo s a 1,,)I, Aeldon obtained a -uirrit Of cej'­ oi:a_-ri froi:n the Supre-_,,-,e Court of ilestcheste- , County of bn_ 110th day of October 1935 to review , C__ the assessment for tu'I,,e e a r, -6 b upon the -property owned by him; and iVEERLAS the 3oard of Assessors of the Town dull T filed a return to the writ on or about the 3rd day of December, 1930,- and no further or-ceedinlTs have been ta!ren; and 27 WVEREAS the Town Attorney recommends to this Board that the proceeding be settled and discontinued upon the reduction of the total assessed valuation to 11 ni4p000; E032 THEREFORE, 3E IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the year 1935, upon the property owned by James 1. Weldon, known as Section 3, U Lot 2 assessed for 015 000 (land P3, 900, Block 1511 1 improvements 01 100) be reduced to 04,000 (land `(2, 900, improvements 15P, 100) ; provided the certiorari proceedings, I now pending, be discontinued. The Town Attorney retorted that he had conferred witr Robert L. Loeb, Relator in a certiorari proceeding brought aEainst the Town to review the assessment for the year 1935 on property owned by him, and recomnended that the proceeding be settled and discontinued upon a re- duction of the total as8essed valuation from 5613, 250 to 812, 500. He stated that he had procured an appraisal of the property in question made by Mr. T. 7. McGrath of the firm of Fish L Marvin, which appraisal put a value of Y2, 500 on the land and Y10, 000 on the building, making a total valuation of J12, 500. On motion by kr. heZinniss, seconded by hr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, EREAS Robert L. Loeb obtained a writ of certiorari from the Supreme Court of Westchester County on the 10th day of October, 1935, to review the assessment for the year 1935 upon the property owned by him: and WHEREAS the Board of Assessors of the Town of samaroneQ� duly filed a return to the writ on or about the 3rd day of 3ecember, 1935, and no further proceedinns have been taken; and WHEREAS the Town Attorney recommends to this Board that the proceeding be settled and discontinued upon the reduction of the total assessed valuation to 0125500; NON, ER FORE, BE IT HESOLVED,' that the assessment for the year 1935, upon the property owned by Robert L. Loeb. known as Section 3, Block 130 Lot 3 assessed for 013 00 (land 03 250 improvements 0,10,000) be reduced to '` 125500 (land Q2, 1500, improvements Q0, 000) ; provided the certiorari proceeding, now pending, be discontinued. A report dated -march 18, 1936, was received from Assessor Smith, in which he stated that an examination of the record of tax arrears made by him disclosed the fact that tames for the years 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914-15 and 1915-16 totaling $29.66 for each lot were wrongfully charged against prop ert7 known as Section 1, Block 25, Lot 5 and Notion 1, Kock 25, Lot 6 . He said that these taxes should have been charled against old Lots Yos. 35 and 36, Map of Chatsworth, instead of against Lots As. 35 and 36, lay of Chatsworth Heights, as they appear on the records. Since most of old Lots Yos . 35 and 36, Map of Chatsworth, are now included in the Station Park and Murray Avenue, he requested the Board to cancel the taxes set forth above. On notion by Lr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of Assessor Smith as set forth above, the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to cancel on his record of tam arrears the followings described tames : ZTur_"TuOun San ?T `papJOOes nJe G007 ATnT UOTgOm C' 03uo 00 r , n 0079-moo oa u0nnega1 JT_ na;arjgSu e o ' _ES vq 'LLTp�.G_Oi. OC T?Gv_' ., SrJTOp 90 c'[G"u CxcO SE2 ld'GSJ_a iad 40q-- i o r,JTrJ GTj5iq?S ?Tq ?Up caeppiq MCI Gqq 6u0S„ aq8,7 j011 qqTa caaaGAUCO 1W el 4074 "pG454S - " `9261 ; L Juq uo papor eqq !q oil 02 PaaasjeJ_ U sqn _''SU ne4qum go ,qn1 suv O^JEnU>7 raT-+ OUTO9 VeaK :,TaSOV G9q go "T"q i Gq, 2uyquind aoj spiq eqq go aeggBw aUq uc pa^_;ao= UTg3 .+a 'a:°Ue__y J_aL!iIG� UO ,. uJ_ulalluJ:i 9-[WOUTO`_}YlBs, ou; go J.a1qBU3 Gqq uo sseasoad pa_}uoQu feuaoqq 'no! Sul - vuLUC2 UT a=:uELjO — 'o aOj TSanbG5 "B pas Taoea q° T ae GU qM SjOaddY 90 WOW a q h-Crt ,;SgUOO 04 eolg0taQ u ;I alum pino?+. PJBO ' umol eq4 ^_ qq paps put ( EUTUOZ J.OT) S T'BedaV go UJ_u, w4 u0 Mom r Puelds siq Jog pJcO. , UN0 - aL'iq jo U014 --al"'w dd.s auT ,qTn,- Ii u L ',T1•c,' - *aq OT eSSGad.ma a0SjAjednS d'J_u fayvaqaa .:_uTajdxG put Sggsj C ` •J.cl.'-Jq, . 'uTLu#eq Gu T3jo -O w�.T.a'1 3C, Jo aSm TTY^P aeOuns 02•, (ISUTUGZ JO„ ) sive .J v go CJTOE eqq go SaC2L'ev 0 pa1uiodda-aJ -. ST LqaaaLj 2Li OU-u aCq q1, ')S' = 7-O'C,SalJ a.S_ quL7.t ggh-(T 'a E lsnompu"Bun Sang `„1.T ALT ' jTaP °W1 iv papuooas ru2Lu0aPf a`T T=! uolgcw UO slEela- o p.aroy au1 TO Jegma'j- So 'jq IIC Sao Taepeaz ;O Jam`1uTodds-ea eqq 2II-ll ammooea ` dread. JU09 074 IO jITA 0. uo Jggqal a quos J_d OB, pJ eO ? eqq nassa pp-B (OUTU07 aof) sTEaddy go pJEoT Gqq so unmajo-,p ggjWF %TjjTq2 'V -aa ' slu Tae qua aSau,`! acj Saolad- !a OqOu„STTuS SuTuTwqqC Ueaq SELj J nsGa E so pUr `adTd put 2ueMoo ` UIS Jog SjTq SATg1 EL00 s TU uaeq SEC WSTJ .qavdGg EujaaeUTSUI eqq qUqq JauqanI pa gJOd-aJ JOSTA _adnc Oqj,, r U-OTC OS oTU,_ Off. "paq osuOo Par, aqj pJEo,`? eqq "TG pulgaGm `71'Gu ayq ITqun Loa aepu inou s goaj OJd. -V ' _ eqq Jog papeau ear Su seTladns put SI'BTJa"_c i gons - esojoJnd o_} enuTTuoo '[ IM al 'plus J_OSTAaaanC eqq awg 2qq go quesuoo Gq4 v4T", pjum ouS go MigGam qu.au eqq w•u ? dGa O1 Put qsT Our i T un Sa.:;ETTIA Gqq A paJ_OSUOds SUM O,, Ge OR . OSTu pu7,, u.mol e9q A Peaosuad.s "le0 Sgoopo id 'rj °pM1 zujgs7xe Gqq u0 Was as o7 gSOO !!To .}T qyq. L logw0su oq s3Tuuynew aw pagsenbaa .:OST_AJOAUS dj fW aOPUn wOU S1.000ad. ` eqq ujou"BU_T.; go aegqu Z aqq sum I'BJaues ° i;CT poeg oST-O paroq all 'joeaauq ?Soo auq !ad Oq SaXOq Oqq go 'BUI Aal Oqq puE SZOevoad °v ° u v 04 soue•ue eJ UT ^uonqoanq JO a2wil y eqq Aq pa;Q .. GM uTpuad anseT a?7 X ATT09al ea;que GN - up MY GAY qOu olnOm SAWONE uTpuoq a uo "uTgaam sqT Ce pa:ECg aqq 5q pszjacugnE 0- 000 `og$ lno.zaoq oq alquun sum eg gain cagaoaa uos•aaa ou ` vT0q paTTGOUPO SOO 000--Id o� :�oau0aevzETa1 90 MUTd! eqq 90 WTI Ia oUc go =uaua0A0jdu*.T oaSOdoad aua quVq pegaodaa ualoq =ulaq sum Qujgaw snoTAead e qq qu aqc oq paJae,jaa UaGq (7nq JaggvM UoTgx °UMOLL aL aouuJ_nsuT JUTgss Tq go J94400 aq4 40qq p?a2Jc 90°6S 89 '62- ca 89 °62 23*9 9T-gT6T 22 '9 92 °L K-TTM 92 °L 10®9 MT ZO°o 00 091, TT6T 00 09 279 OToT 279 SJOSjJ- TuM JOG! sJEaaJy —__ r — - g 40R g2 �o015? UCT40GS c70-1 3 33 title se a her. This , Is said r. 4an-r,-, had been nable to o-,.o but I e sa�,e -eneral )"las able ',o sulcmait a letter f-_oon, 1-1 he searche]�; to U.� e ' 'ac-t . The Soarf- considered 5'ne matter at 1 . On 1.13t-ion !'rl ffin, saco-_-ded b7 -':.r. Yates, it ,vas -u-r ani 1-11OUSI-T r C) Mr. v% Rey Tarn-,: _1 s o7x e- f PrOYDel t- IT 1k,nowr, as aection 31ock 71, lot 3, Oil wh.' c- the 1,926 School tali i s shown as -mnoaid on file a Jc-_r-ds of Fie ce`,,Te- of Taxes of the Tolv-n of Mama_-cons and 1H2REAS L--ann-,, has --ub-i7ri-itted 'be ',-his Board I satisfactory evidence -1-at 'ce made eV e r-T reasonable I eflort to ascertain. 4 any tsaxes wer a e unp �, d on h'- s U and c' ' n-oi-,-�,ed- b­ the ce o-oert-,, never tl�at uhis ta- 111as nclu paid until that fact was dis- closed In the recently- 3o-na-11sted record of tax ar_-ears; and this Board is convinced that had ir. i,iannl T e ' ste-_n-e o ' 'his um-oe).' �' 'a -�,vould, no,;m of _G.,_ e x i - I u - I- have -Pa4cd it :L-_,,imed:iatelY upcn learnin- of it existence= -I TT -rid �-Ls-essmenl-s unat une Receiver of TaAes a- arid- and he hereo-I is a-atho-zized, directed- "co accept -pa-T.-cent of this 'a- a' the face u I I � - u 1� L, -1 a:,,,3unt of the llen thereon held by the Town, naY_-ie", -,T ,, , ,615. 27, provided, that payment b -m e ade -vvithin ten aays, At 11. 00 P. i,I. the Board -unarir,,iousl-Y resolved to adjourn.