HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936_02_19 Town Board Minutes 28
T07VIT 0'_^ I�IIL419ROPT]CT, N . Y-
HELD r'EER77AFY ]9,,'+_936
At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road,. !Jamaroneck, D . Ym
The meeting was called to order° h Supervisor McCulloch at
8- 30 P, M,
Present- Supervisor �ycCuL oen
Council;r_en Bates , Brernan, C-riff_n
Absent; Cou-ncii-man ITeliinn.7ss,
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin, Town Attor-
nev Delius, Town Engineer Foote and Assessor Smith.
The minutes of the meeting of February , 1936; were approved
as -hinted,
Mr. Brennan reported on the matter of the stone marker on the
property of Mr.s. BovVman on Rockingstone Avenue, which matter had been
referred to him at a n-revious pneetin-. He stated that a search would
be instituted for this marker as soon as the snow leaves the .round.
&Ir. Brennan reported that the complaint of Miss E. Bernheimer,
conce'rnir_, -arba.ge collection, which had been referred to him at a
pre7ious meeting, had been attended_ toe
Mr. Brennan reported that because of the very heavv snowfall
daring the months of .January and F'ebrua.r-v, the balance in the Snow
removal fund consists at present of `!;32.07 of an original total of
° 2, 690.00 representing the appropriation for 1936 of "2,000 and a bal-
ance carried over from the pre?riou8 year of X690. He estimated that
X3,000 additional would be needed for the balance of the calendar -Tear.
The Town Attorney advised_ the Board that it would be proper
for the Town to issue a. certificate of indebtedness in the amot�mt of
`IS3 , n00 to raise the necessary fundsq the certificate to run for not
more than one ,year.
After discussion the Supervisor.- was authorized to secure bids
on a certificate of indebtedness in the amount of '>3y000 _°or one yeas.
The Town Pttorney stated that it would be in order for the
Board to make the customary transfers in the 1935 budget as between
the unencumbered balances and the overerpenditures in order to ad,iust
the accounts for the end of the calendar year 1935 and close the books
for the year. 8-11 such transfers,, he stated, would be within a given
tax district or area and would not be beta,-Teen one surlh district or
area and another district or area.,
On otion btr 'iVr . >riffin, seconded b'�,i 1''�:ilr. Bates, it was
RESOLVED. %=EREAS there are certain unencumbered
balances and over-expenditures in the 1935 bud,Met° and
4NEREAS the Comptroller has reeu.ested the following
transfers within the 1935 1rud7et to adjust acco,-ints
-- to the end of the calendar Trear 19,35;
RESOLED, that the Comrtroller and the Supervisor be
and they hereby are directed_ to make the feilowinT
transfers within the 1935 budget as of December 31,
From. 'De-bit Credit
Tovin Office 85o+?
Supervisor - SuretV Bond `.'_n.no
'' - P•�?bli8hi= Notices 30®00
Town Clerk - Postage,Frinting
P, Supplies '1.20,00
m Trave1in�7
rz - Publishing Notioes
Elections s Trans-p. Equirment 60.00
= New Fa1aipment 5000
" blishin Notices 35 00
_. Sr,.ecia. Elections 200000
Comntroller - Phbl ,-shin.7 Reports 55000
Justices of Ueace - Steno-raphi^ Charges 80000
sseseors - 27 sessment T rs 500
er w Pngt�.ma,. Printinm
SuPnlies 55 100
" - lean Corrections 15.00
Miscellaneous 1.5, 0
Receiver of Toes, - P-obl.ishinr _!,oticee 475.00
Law - Special Counsel 786051
Miscellaneous - Publa_sh3n7 Notices 275000
„ - rye?^l Opinn
�_ .onss
Forms„ etc 210000
- insurance 75000
!. 5
T o
T o`:`,i1 offices - Telephone S 324.49
ir - Tce 15.85
- Postage r: Supplies 2301 098
Furniture ?. F;ptu.re s 44.74
`;cmntrolier - Pnsta-e c: SuOrlies 751,33
Receiver of Taxes - Tenmora.rz? -8.el- 84,00
<< a , nsu- rance R Surety Bonds .5
. n 0
Postage I: Stzppii es 34,,35
- IAa chi nery 500.00
Board of Assessors-- Tele-ohone 17,44
U -
Materials 698.83
- Stenographic 338..36
" - Pu_blishin5 Notices 651?
vi Tl r, e Police
713sti ceQ - Steno
2 r' 1
To Salar7 7 - 4 drivers
- 1--e h:y_7_r.a nt s
Teter? one
!Jlater Lals
E-1-1i I' d ing T60a- lrs
Frorci Temr.owar7- _F M'D 1n IT e,e S
n.sj- 2.n-_e
Tree S�ur-er-,T
0 1
To Yon-anni--onrla"I!-on
S041 Seeds, lertilizer
Renairs to Equi-prnent
Fro-m: Favei,,,ien I s
To LiEht
Tel e-ohone
omYO Is
Ea 4.-pe-r, a I s
553. 00
?, 25
14'y 88
, ,12
,-zc no
53 n0
20. 00
�-he Tow--n Attomae st=eci tlat it- -V�Toul e 0-,�er for t'ne
- -of, �'Opr�7 to e, t'le necessar� ste-os as iyl 620 ol,
the Laws o, f i9v5 t o make cl fil n I t_77 e, the
0 7 1 or state-nent Of 2.7-7- in-
stlalroen as se -sment_q Zvi or in-luended to _Je I er�,
Char)te 5f-9 3� th8 Laws o' 1926 and ou-2,suant to Article llil o� the
�orf,_er Town Law �lo-,, st-re and side-walk i-fr.prore-,,iFnts I-n the Town Pr J.
' de t '1 7 T J-1 - � - - -- -in
to D-f-ov-, f 0 e -s T� r, and --' e-t�, c)n o�� sn-h insts' sn' assess-S-i-_entc
a,nd the of ar- =ed, ts resq,_ilti froro the reT,7islon cif qu,-',
Tel,1 4.-,
!_� i t
'r onl-
Sq jar-,T - -oatrolm�en
T50 . 00
Tr Sillrenc e
260, CO
812, 35
T-(,a f f i c s i n a s
!later 1, liTht
Office Sumolies
25 00
Care `. iootorp.-;rcles
5s n-C,
Salary - serl-eants
4-02. 35
L., �'n t
i C
Wat e r
48. 00
Office Sul-oplies
41. 00
�-nrniture li. ='�I-ares
C'0 th T n.->
85. 00
Renairs to Enuirme-nt
870. 00
To Salar7 7 - 4 drivers
- 1--e h:y_7_r.a nt s
Teter? one
!Jlater Lals
E-1-1i I' d ing T60a- lrs
Frorci Temr.owar7- _F M'D 1n IT e,e S
n.sj- 2.n-_e
Tree S�ur-er-,T
0 1
To Yon-anni--onrla"I!-on
S041 Seeds, lertilizer
Renairs to Equi-prnent
Fro-m: Favei,,,ien I s
To LiEht
Tel e-ohone
omYO Is
Ea 4.-pe-r, a I s
553. 00
?, 25
14'y 88
, ,12
,-zc no
53 n0
20. 00
�-he Tow--n Attomae st=eci tlat it- -V�Toul e 0-,�er for t'ne
- -of, �'Opr�7 to e, t'le necessar� ste-os as iyl 620 ol,
the Laws o, f i9v5 t o make cl fil n I t_77 e, the
0 7 1 or state-nent Of 2.7-7- in-
stlalroen as se -sment_q Zvi or in-luended to _Je I er�,
Char)te 5f-9 3� th8 Laws o' 1926 and ou-2,suant to Article llil o� the
�orf,_er Town Law �lo-,, st-re and side-walk i-fr.prore-,,iFnts I-n the Town Pr J.
' de t '1 7 T J-1 - � - - -- -in
to D-f-ov-, f 0 e -s T� r, and --' e-t�, c)n o�� sn-h insts' sn' assess-S-i-_entc
a,nd the of ar- =ed, ts resq,_ilti froro the reT,7islon cif qu,-',
on motion by ',Fire Bates, seacrie? by Mr. niffir, it was
unon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, 4FEREAS, the Town Board, pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 620 of the Laws of 1935, heretofore
prepared a roll or statement of all instalment assessments
levied or intended to be levied nursuant to Chapter 549 of
the Laws of 1926, and pursuant to Article 11A of the former
Town Law for street and sidewalk inorovements in the Town
of Hamaroreck outside of incorporated villages showinE (!')the
section, block and lot of all property affected by said in-
stalment or frontage assessment; ( 2) the total amount levied
or intended to be levied for the years 1930-1934 both inclus-
ive, ( 3) the total amount of such assessment sufficient to
ney' the princinal and interest unon bonds issued by the Town
of NamarAneck for the cost of such imnrovements in the years
1930-1934 both inalasiveCincluding interest and penalties,
and 15) the charge or 3rediVayinst any such lot so
affected by reason of the difference between the total amounts
hereinabove referred to as (2) and W1 and
WHEREAS, a notice was nulclisbeG oursuant to the provisions
of Chanter 620 of the Laws of 1945 on the 20th and 27th
days of May, 1935 and the 3r?, 10th, l7th and 24th days
of Jane, 15331 and was also only posted as provided in
said Chapter 620 of the Laws of 1935, requiring the owners
of such nroperty to rresent their objections to the Town
Board within 40 days of gn7 such ins
- niment assessments,
WHEREAS; no objections have been received or fileQ
RESOE71D, that this Board, pursuant to the nronisions of
Section 3 of Cha,ter 620 of the Laws of 19351 1_erah7
certifies the amount of the _h -e on credit an aZqinst
each piece or parcel of land affected by instalnient
assessments levied nursuant to Chanter 549 of the Laws
of 1.026 and Article KA of the former Town Law for street
and sidewalk imrrovements for the pears 1930-1934 both
inclusi7e, toEethev with the Section, Tloclzr and Lot n-,7nbe-,--
on the Awne;snent Man of the Town of Mamaroneck, to be as
!Mlr07amant Section Block Lol' Charge Credit
Weaver Street 1 19 io 12.12
IT 20 3 59,93
11 A 5005
IT tr 27A w 122.66
IT <a 27 10039
27 1 34,22
28 88,89190 & 45
It IT 91 2181
92 Ml
93 2&1
IF IT 94 2.81
95 2&1
IT 11 96 201
H 97 13,27,
gel 1307
99 1496
IT 1! 100 14.85
H 33 - 148. 39
M.H. Pt, K A Weaver St, 37A - 40M8-,,,
MH Pt, T 37E Plot IA l5i53.03
IT IT PE 2A IN811.80
IT ii ft !!A 6.02
et at IT 124 6 OP
H 139 5. 2 0
IT [I 37B 31A2133 290.42
tr IT 34035136 30829
IT 71 37,. 38;,39 43,71
(4) the total amount maid as such instalment assessments for the
years 1930-1934 both inclusive
Tmnro?-er.Sent ection Bloc'ti Lot ^hare r a --fi
NT. u, Pt,. T 3_ 37B 110,41P 42 43,87
it if 43, 44,45 143,46
if 46,47 (48 10.16
ff 49°50951 2.56
if If 52 203,03
fr If 53 203.03
if 203.03
va rr 55 203.03
sr s,
1 6 203.03
IT IT 57 203.03
IT rr 58 2-(03.03
59 203.03
IT It - 60 203,,03
t[ ," 61,62. 63 38,45
It PE 64 ^5; 118 J1 c 33
if 86 14,,63
If 67 14.. 63
If 68 14.63
IT It 69; 70,. 77- 146.69
if It 72 196.09
If ?r 73 1 96 ,09
rt 74 196,09
It if 75 196.09
PI If 76 .77, 78 43, 94
tE if - 79580, 81. 361 63
it if 82,83,84 29.42
r: it P5 ,R6 , R7 13 86
If e; 88 to 91 _r- 11,70
-,J, H. Pt. TT 92 70. 13
- 93 98,16
f. if qd 04.11
rr n 95 59.49
if 96 59,49
It ff 97 59,51
IT It 98 59t49
c it 99 59.49
if n 1.00 59.49
IT 101 50,43
it 3.02 50. 54
IT If 103 50.53
if if 104 50,53
If it 105 50.43
tf It 106, 107, 108 35.49
if it 109, 110 ill 139. 74
IT If 112,113,134 162.80
It It 11> -116, 117 142.51
t,rmg. Pt. TZ Pt, T_ 119 to 122 inc, 40s23:;
!P g Pt. 1 123 51.44
if If 124, 125,126 31_. 90
if it 127 145.29
it If 123 145.29
if it 129 145.29
IT If 130 145.29
if it 131 145,29
„ 132 145.29
rE rf 13391349135 4. 93
136,137, 138 29.64
I? IT 139,140 9 141 29„55
if it 142143. 144 73.45
IT rf 145 2.00
It If 146 2.00
it t[ 1.47 2.00
H H.Pt. i L Mr H. PtP1T 148,149:,150 28,58°
TA H. T 151 145.29
it tt 152 145,29
IvYPH.PtmTT 15 1.
3 59.5
rs ft 154 59..51
it sr 155
it If 156 ,157 ,158 140,11
if rf ?.59 59.51
If it 160 59.51
2L 79 8 11 ld
2). TO
223 it 11
9 323 11 Ai
92 9L 123 11 Ii
92 2� 0122 It
99 °2L 838
99'69 822 it it
29 *69 L22 It
29, It
2 69 it
66 °22 222 Ii
97°28 T28
90098 033
20°9e S I? 13 it
2 9 T 9 9 1 a It ll
29 191 u L2
98°Z9 9L2
2 is
21, It li
2 912 it
99 L9 316 a it
99°L9 LL6 n ii
760L9 012 12 It
oz, 19 502 11 it
E6 79
1 a0a it
a4, 9217 4 1,0 Z °i_
9L°5 L2 902 11 ` 4cj OR T '4'
920291 908
62 `29L v 0 a I
62"29L 203 H
6F 027-1 302 !1 It
L9 `b� Loa It it
L9069 002 It N
66 L JI it
E5 I 85T -I,6T i961 Is le
0V,221 S,Is L vs I 26E it it
09 92-L 36-1 161 `O6 1 11 it
29 "2�v 6 e I Il id
39,27 6a I lb Id
29 '97 L 8 1 Ii fl
29"97 9 6 1
69 27 9b1
29 '69 it
39 ,69 Z8L it
29069 T81
L"a 2 1 09-1 SA&L
99'79 -) L I ± It
98°[,7 9 Z,—L a it
98°L7 9 L-L
980 a7 7 L I
39 2L,-L It
30- ZLL it
29 069 LLL it
39069 OLT
LT 99 e 9 1
L 1,"9 9 (/ 9 1 tt it
79°77 99¢. it
79°77 9 9,L 11 it
99 90,
79 1 la
7y°77 991
79 07v 291 It
T9'69 S 191 9412 L ii °qd O-Z OPT
4 -pau3 —Ioj 7LOOTa u-oTqoqs ququua 1,o JUDE!
Sect- mri Elcclr L,'
°t, TT 1 378 239 -/3,35
240 ,7 3,
t. IT 242 73. 35
243 73 ,35
'T 244 73,35
It IT 245 73. 35
it TT 246 73. 35
qr it 2-,L7 73, 35
it IT 35 731,,
73. 35
it 250 73,1135
tr 72 251 173 35
ft 1! 252 731,35
f! 1? 253 73. '35
254 73. 35
it 255 731715
It it 256 %3. 35
it if Vie'-7er 25`'r 61. 38-
71 e, 6103 ?;;
TT 251? 61. 37-,,,
?I if rc 260
if if 261 61 37-
if if ti 262 61.37_,,;
�r T? if 263 t o 266 inc. 195. 24=,
Wea-,Ter St . 267 21, 99,
Ll. -q, Pt, Tj 258 t o 270 271 203.95
If 271E 30.52
If 272 59.53
7r 273 59.53
275 59,153
276 159.•53
if 277 59.53
276 591,53
IT r,. 279 59,53
FT If 280 to 283 inc. 250066
I; If 284 to 296
287A 3.1
2873 to 2G18. 77
291B to 295A 172094
IT ?1 2953 to 2920, 15"023.
IT t! 299L, to 301 11 FS 4, A7
30253039364 142.13
IT if 3055300' ,DO
308" 309 3-1-0 160.77
FT 311 59, 45
IT if
TI 313 59. 55
If 3149315, 316 201,, 11
it it 317. '51 E�, 9 204.72
It 11 .320' 76.32
i I il 321 76, 82
If 71 322 ry6 I n6
323 218,47;.-
T T-T Pt . T 324 7170.54
1 n 3215 170,54
if it 726 1.4-5 pa
I; if
327 1415.29
If if 328 145.29
If Tt 329 145. 29
If it 330 145,P"?
it 11 331 145,,,29
IT IT 332;333, 334 20941
T t f t 335, 336. 337 36,,30
if it 338 142.69
it it 339 142,, 6e
it It 340 142. 67
11 IT 341 142.68
It it 342 1421,68
!T 17 343 142. 67
If 11 344 3.37, 88
TM=OVe-nqpnt Section. Kock Lo
,�fi u -P T 1 37B 345 P-34.75
!1 346 137®28
it n 347 342,76
IT ?1 349 1421,76
1; 11 349 142.75
350, 351, 352 26.25
353,, 354, 355 26.25
PP IF 356P 3578 358 31. 98
350 to 362 in- , 3918S
363 to 365 inc, 24.12
re 366, 3671136E 32,, 27
rt Tf 369, 370; 371 21 m 46
IT N 372 142.67
if if
� 73 142. 69
IT 11 374 342.68
11 if 375 30.46
it IF
IF If 377 10.45
if if 379 30.46
If if 379 10.45
It It 10.43
if If 381Y3821383 31,, 36
if it 384385. 386 7'7,26
F1 if
387¢ 3885389 18 78
sr n E', Wea-ver St. 390B,391B Ec -
392 to 394 2.33*
11 IT IF 71 395 48. 50%;
Afeaver st� 396 '9.0.25 It if 397 10.25
PI IF 398 irl). 25
I it If 399 402 77.29 9.51
H, Pt, 1 4003
403, 404,405 30,54
it it 4065407, 408 90.20
it I! 409, 4101,411 31,80
If If 412 413 414 9. 63
If I! 415 1421.68
IT it 416 142.68
11 71 417 142. 67
11 if 418 1r) z 6
It ?I 4a.9 7 (). A5
It 71 420 10.45
It It 427
f f it 422 11 n'.
it I? 423 1-0. 53
FF 424 tc 426 26.32
427 r,c 4-29 31. 7�6
If if 430 to 433 40.41
T? 434 to 437 35,02
7' 438 to 441 39.56
If p= 4425 443, 444 26, 30
Ty r 44-5p446 44" 57
If I; AiP, ,149 450 26.30
71 if � 1, - - .1
453 6, 24
Ti if 452 6.24
If If 453 6
454 6.21
as v ZI-55 6. 23
45-05457438 32.77
1 47
I'Veaver St. ZP 17 48, 49- 46.°7 IF -7
34 .36
If if
TP 36 ,38
38 .38
if 39
41 12.73
if 42 12.73
fr T! 43,44-3 45 48.43
Weever St .
r: r
r: rr
Myrtle & Madison
1 Y1
if tr
rP ;t
Pr Pi
(P `i
Pi t!
vi Pi
!t n
9P i
rf ?r
ri =.
f, n
IM1 Pi
a ?r
r it
?f ft
Fi fi
i? Pi
fi Y.
'heaver St.
Teaver St.
rr ii
?r r.
P[ ii
?i Yl
rr tt
rl S7
Pi r[
.t it
R tf
PF ff
n rP
,1 n
ti Yt
ti t[
Section 'lock Lot
C, -e
1 v
12, 417
1,5. 90
l•5. 90
1' 6, ' 1l
59. 9
506. 60
506 . 60
506, 60
11248, 26
506 .69
566. 60
1 to B =n..,
23, 24
50 2c
1 53, 93
28. 36
407. 21
34' 35, 3.6
38 to 44 inc.
11 , 70
31, 53
11C2 12A
i 38.
n 2e45
432. 91
1FB; 19D, 20C
4, 5, 6
89.. 37
1 2
3' c
526..w R
3, 63
i7. 70
3 4
32. 5"%
7 a9B,_G_9 e,
1.�. to4A E 5
0 7589
64, 90
10 41 12113
i% 26
384 SA7
96, 33
16,11 . 12
37. 72
23 1451546
& HA
01,9 91
innrovernent Section Bionk Lot Cheir.7e C r,e C`,'-t
171)'ea77"er St, 2 40 l 2 7 5
A F� 26.73
6 �7 31.10
IF if 45 lJk 325. 33
Pf 4P 3 68,54
6 56. 62
T.0 34.26
53 9 1-TL 6
56 1� 2- 3 4,5
I �
7 pp 40.46
if 8A,9110 39.80
it Ii 4 3 13 438.00
if if 116.03
6 15,73
Remarks - Referrin- to asterisks,
Section 1 131 o c k 371 Lot
Mia-ole Hij-! Part TT - -har-e 'i6444,68
Weaver St - S-1 ,-fte-walk credit 40.90
Net char-,-, as ner Sheet Wicf > 1 s'j403E79
Section 1 . Block 373, Plot 131-
qa-ole H! I I Part T 7,91
14R-cle Hi 11 Part 1 charze 2.71
Wet credit as ner Sheet Wo,, 1 5, 20
Section 1 Rlock 3'73 , Lott 1 9 to 122 in--.
Maple -7111 Part 11 - credit 9 58,79
Les-- - -
Tqka,Dle TTM Part T - charge is.56
Net credit as ner Sheet TVIo, 2 40 23
Section 1 , Block 3r'B ,.. Lots 148,149, 150
Ijanie TTill Part TT - credit
Tdanle T4ill Part 7
- - Shame 30.70
Yet --red-it as ner Sheet No. 2 20-. 58
Section 1. Block 373 Lot 206
1,4pe-ole Hill Part T - charrce 162.28
Maple Hill- Part T! - char-e 53.48
Nlet '-ar-e as ner Sheet No® 3 2- 15x76
Section 1 . Block 37B, Lot 323
Maple Hill Part T - cha�-Ze '-�170,55
n1 sa
game 'Till Part TT - ch,,?rZe 48 A.
Net --I-Lal--�e 5?L S ner '-,h,ePt Tdo< 4 212
Section 1, Plock 37B _ Lots 3908:. 3918
392 to 394-
Tro,le 7i 11 Dart T char,,e d P-A, ?P-
Net char.-e as ner Sheet 11o. 5 2,33
Section 1 , Block 371
Lot 395
P1,111prIe -qil7. Par' T - -harSe 55.19
T!ffea,,er Street Side-jvalk-credit 7,29
Net Shame as Per Sheet N,0.5 4B 50
Section 1 Block 37B Lot 257
Weaver Street - credit 23.29
Maple Hill Part II - credit 38.09
Net credit as per Sheet No. 3 a 61.38
Section 1, Block 37B, Lot 258
Weaver Street - credit V 23.29
Maple Hill Part II - credit 38.09
Net credit as per Sheet No. 3 61.38
Section 1 Block, 37B, Lot 259
Weaver Street - credit 23.28
Maple Hill Part II - credit 38.09
Net credit as per Sheet No. 3 61.37
Section 1, Block 37B, Lot 260
+leaver Street - credit W, 23.28
Tiaple Hill Part II - credit 38.09
Net credit as per Sheet No. 4 61.37
Section 1 Block 37B Lot 261
107eaver Street - credit 23.28
Maple Hill Part II - credit 38.09
Net credit as per Sheet No. 4 a 61.37
Section 1 Block 37B Lot 262
Weaver Street - credit 23. 28
Maple Hill Part II - credit 38.09
Net credit as per Sheet No. 4 61.37
Section 1 Block 37B Lots 263 to 266 inc.
Weaver Street - credit $ 19.87
Maple Hill Part II - credit 175.37
Net credit as per Sheet No. 4 x:195.24
I+T. H< Pt I - Paple Bill Part I, Street Improvement - Maple
Hill Drive, Orsini Drive and Homer Avenue.
Ivl. H. Pt.II - maple Hill Part II, Street Improvement -
Byron Lane, Dimitri Place and Dante Avenue.
Weaver St. - Weaver Street Sidewalk Improvement.
Myrtle & Madison - Myrtle and Madison Avenue Street
(Sib ed)
Dated February 19,1936 Bert C. McCulloch
Henry D. Brennan
Edward C. Griffin
George V. Bates
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certificate showing the
above charges and credits be filed with the
Supervisor forthwith and the Town Clerk, within 10
days after the filinn of same with the Supervisor!
F'JRTHER RESOLVED, that in pursuance of the provisions
of Section 3 of Chapter 620 of the Laws of 1935 the
charges as shown or said certificate shall become a
valid and binding assessment on the lots or parcels
designated in lien and instead of all instalment assess-
ments levied or intended to be levied for the years
1930-1934 both inclusive;
FURTTER RESOLVED, that the amount of such charges shall
be set forth in the assessment roll of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year l936 against the property liable,
in a separate column desinnated "Adiusted Amount, Special
Assessments", all as provided in said Chapter 620 of the
Laws of 19353 and be collected as provided in said
Chapter 620 of the Laws of 1%5.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that any person or corporetion entitled
to receive the credits as shown in. said certificate,
shall be entitled to refund as provided in Section 5 of
Chapter 620 of the Laws of 1935 and if no claim for
refund be made as therein Provided, the amount of such
vredii shall he a credit on account of taxes to be
levied in the year 1937, all as provided in Chapter 620
of the Laws of 1935, ii
The Town Attorney stated that the Police Commission was
desirous of ha7inZ the interior of the nolice station re-winted and
recommended that the ?card au:F}"'orize the rnblinetion of a notice
calling for bids for this work, provided sufficient funds are available
to pay for the work,
On motion duly made and seconded- it was unanimovslD
RESOLVED, that provide? the 9u7envisor determines that
there are sufficient fund; available to pa for the,
workp a notice be punished in The Daily Times, a daily
newsoarar published in the Village and Town of Mamaroneck
on Monday, February 24, 1936, o0linw for bids to be
opened at the reZular meetinZ of this Foard on March 4
1..q36, for the paintinZ of the interior of the Weaver
Street Police Station.
The Town Attorney reported that the Referee in the certiorari
proceedings brought aEainst the Town by Marie Louise Constable an'
Amy H, 4entherbee has indicated that his report made in the proceed-
inZs to re-iew the 1.934 gssessynntso ta7es of 1935S wovld recommend
to the court certain reductions and that the assessed v9instions re-
sultins therefrom would be less than the values placed on the properties
in cuestion b7 the Town and '_nigher than the valnotions sonw7hk Z7 the
Relators, He stated that he did not favor an appeal from the antici-
nate? findin7s of the Referee and recommended that these findings be
accented by the Town, provided the fee of the Referee, e sum of arproxi-
mately 11, 150 and the fee of the stenographer, a sum of PYIYOMimatelv
1y000, be paid in equal parts V7 the Town and the Relztnrse
On motion by Mr riffin, seconded by Mr- Breen it was
unvnim !
PESn)LITED i] ER EASI Marie Louise Constable obtainw,,
a writ of aertiorpri from the Supreme Court of West-
chester County on the lithlay of October, 1935, to
review the assessment for the year !P35, upon the
property owned by her' and
'UHFREASII the Board of Assessors of the Town duly filed
a return to the writ on or ebout the l8th day of Tovember,
1935 on no further. 7roceedinEs he-e been ,a."en. and
7HEREAS heretofore and on the 4th ?n7 of December, 1235;
by resolution then du!7 afoptel, tie Town Attnnne7 w0s
euthori7e? to stinuiate on behalf of the Town that the
final ?eternination in the proceedings to re7ieW the 1934
i,:�[E RE Re fprne tp
4 e
In e-71-eV,
wou!C- th�e P --'I et
r-c o--,mm e Y--,d c
h 07 e
ow, rz I,nown a5
Sectl-n 9 73-oc'--- 1,0P, 1 ,01" nn
-'_Inst tne, rrooe -
se-lul on 33.ocl,- 108 'be -''mer� r C!
to tlbis 3oard- -�hat
1-he -pro-ee(finZs to the 193,5 ac3se-sme-ntl be dis-
contf-nue,-�,- L:-Oor I`T-le of ep-s-eq,-ent aZsinst
P z
t h e 991-f "�larf e L(r�il se '-o-nstql^le rav one-1'?2lf of the
a 173le CG �n �-Ine -or - I - 11
-x a o-eer�'=s `r ew the
I the of le, half-
5sssme--ot ana the -Invor) of' 'Mla-rp.arore�,Tz -o a-,7
T I 1;:Y;C,
that the assessne-at f= I-he �e= 1935
Ililo-oc-7-1-G-IT 07111ned -c7, '.la-rie , Lo-a se Constable lenc-vlln
as Section 9 , Elocl�s !M anj- iOyAl, assessec- lor
" 5 0 c)>'o 0,C, 1 a-1 1('.9 .00{; n en's �: 101 ,00,01'
to ded
u 394,000, n-o t1hS 1, kTa
r07et a'-:la na-, one-�-
-al'' o the costs o . the -crccee(.'n-s
i--n "eview the -7, P,74 as-cessment , as ti7-ec -1-Y the Court
,,--ron the of t".ne Rsseree' s re-coot and
dis--ontlnue the ce-rtTcrari o-oceef-l-Z to rev� ew the
1935 t for tine e e,-es -1936 `
-a -aen
11-o this effect 11-o I-e --ons-uinnatued b-, the Tovm Altc-rney
15 d_a7TS of thIs res-llutl"Or..
(-�I. -01 t IJ-On -c-V '0--1 M-7'. Rre-nnan, it was
H ,Ve,
ce-rtiorari -'-pom the S),i-r-'nerie
m e n he VF a 9)-5
5-:,n cl
3-therbee olbtainela- a vLT-fit oT'
Cmar-t �-� Jpstor-h-sf-,e-n Count-°
19135 to re evv tll° P�S'e"S-
the Boaf-rd, o ' o-�, -Ine 7`0 Yin rinalv
a --eturn to the writ on oT a^,)ut the 1�_-1 77
Nlo-'Teofoer, 1935 Rr-Z no fll.-,rther -oroceerin-s I-een
t a k
,U77ERES,S , herptc�'ore cm.�- o-�n `10he 4th dIR7 of 935
'07 resollation then dul ad-orted the Town L'-ttOrl-1--7 ',VaS
2..ull-',or1zn,,l to sti-ouls-te on 'he'aalfl (-� • the Tovm tha . the
nal r�etenyriina-",I,on in the, to reT,ipvv- the
1934 assessment, still -0--Tidins i.71i i -- esrect to the same
-ronert-,,T sho-:Id ^ete27riine the assessnentl -'a-- the treat
5 For "he ta--es �7�-� the -�res-r 1936- and.
MYTEH RE 8 t-)e Re�'eree has i-rid that his r-cort riade
, n 'he to the jC`4
"D- a
rerrj=e-rd tQ the Co--7,_ t the a� a7ainst �h-
7rr---ert7r owned- "?-- A= H. -I)Veg.thertee known as Se-tion
:Flo^k 95i be redluce("l C-q ca71-. FJO-, ano
-,FvEFE-'_S the Town Attorne- r-(-o=en,� to thl - �-)ard
o r
r r o c a:e r9 I ri-,s tQ �e-1,1 P.vq t e 7- C-1 3 5 a S s e rl e n t ^e s-
co-t�-,I,oecf U-oo-n "'he redu-tion c,-• ll e as -f Zar' � t
S ..c t i 0 n 9, 7�3-0 c'1- Qt,3 t o 3 0-�5,0 rj 0� co-r, c co n-,9.1 t i o r, t h a t s a i. d
AM7 H� -TVs�itherl)ee -n.9_77 One-hal' o " tine tIO.---able !'.`lets 11-
I - 0
the pro ceedi nZ s to re"', ew t--l.e ICJ34 as sp,s --rd the
'''p^r;^1 Oy, 1'�
r-av the o�her half-
-n -- -
i,:�[E RE Re fprne tp
4 e
In e-71-eV,
wou!C- th�e P --'I et
r-c o--,mm e Y--,d c
h 07 e
ow, rz I,nown a5
Sectl-n 9 73-oc'--- 1,0P, 1 ,01" nn
-'_Inst tne, rrooe -
se-lul on 33.ocl,- 108 'be -''mer� r C!
to tlbis 3oard- -�hat
1-he -pro-ee(finZs to the 193,5 ac3se-sme-ntl be dis-
contf-nue,-�,- L:-Oor I`T-le of ep-s-eq,-ent aZsinst
P z
t h e 991-f "�larf e L(r�il se '-o-nstql^le rav one-1'?2lf of the
a 173le CG �n �-Ine -or - I - 11
-x a o-eer�'=s `r ew the
I the of le, half-
5sssme--ot ana the -Invor) of' 'Mla-rp.arore�,Tz -o a-,7
T I 1;:Y;C,
that the assessne-at f= I-he �e= 1935
Ililo-oc-7-1-G-IT 07111ned -c7, '.la-rie , Lo-a se Constable lenc-vlln
as Section 9 , Elocl�s !M anj- iOyAl, assessec- lor
" 5 0 c)>'o 0,C, 1 a-1 1('.9 .00{; n en's �: 101 ,00,01'
to ded
u 394,000, n-o t1hS 1, kTa
r07et a'-:la na-, one-�-
-al'' o the costs o . the -crccee(.'n-s
i--n "eview the -7, P,74 as-cessment , as ti7-ec -1-Y the Court
,,--ron the of t".ne Rsseree' s re-coot and
dis--ontlnue the ce-rtTcrari o-oceef-l-Z to rev� ew the
1935 t for tine e e,-es -1936 `
-a -aen
11-o this effect 11-o I-e --ons-uinnatued b-, the Tovm Altc-rney
15 d_a7TS of thIs res-llutl"Or..
(-�I. -01 t IJ-On -c-V '0--1 M-7'. Rre-nnan, it was
H ,Ve,
ce-rtiorari -'-pom the S),i-r-'nerie
m e n he VF a 9)-5
5-:,n cl
3-therbee olbtainela- a vLT-fit oT'
Cmar-t �-� Jpstor-h-sf-,e-n Count-°
19135 to re evv tll° P�S'e"S-
the Boaf-rd, o ' o-�, -Ine 7`0 Yin rinalv
a --eturn to the writ on oT a^,)ut the 1�_-1 77
Nlo-'Teofoer, 1935 Rr-Z no fll.-,rther -oroceerin-s I-een
t a k
,U77ERES,S , herptc�'ore cm.�- o-�n `10he 4th dIR7 of 935
'07 resollation then dul ad-orted the Town L'-ttOrl-1--7 ',VaS
2..ull-',or1zn,,l to sti-ouls-te on 'he'aalfl (-� • the Tovm tha . the
nal r�etenyriina-",I,on in the, to reT,ipvv- the
1934 assessment, still -0--Tidins i.71i i -- esrect to the same
-ronert-,,T sho-:Id ^ete27riine the assessnentl -'a-- the treat
5 For "he ta--es �7�-� the -�res-r 1936- and.
MYTEH RE 8 t-)e Re�'eree has i-rid that his r-cort riade
, n 'he to the jC`4
"D- a
rerrj=e-rd tQ the Co--7,_ t the a� a7ainst �h-
7rr---ert7r owned- "?-- A= H. -I)Veg.thertee known as Se-tion
:Flo^k 95i be redluce("l C-q ca71-. FJO-, ano
-,FvEFE-'_S the Town Attorne- r-(-o=en,� to thl - �-)ard
o r
r r o c a:e r9 I ri-,s tQ �e-1,1 P.vq t e 7- C-1 3 5 a S s e rl e n t ^e s-
co-t�-,I,oecf U-oo-n "'he redu-tion c,-• ll e as -f Zar' � t
S ..c t i 0 n 9, 7�3-0 c'1- Qt,3 t o 3 0-�5,0 rj 0� co-r, c co n-,9.1 t i o r, t h a t s a i. d
AM7 H� -TVs�itherl)ee -n.9_77 One-hal' o " tine tIO.---able !'.`lets 11-
I - 0
the pro ceedi nZ s to re"', ew t--l.e ICJ34 as sp,s --rd the
'''p^r;^1 Oy, 1'�
r-av the o�her half-
RESOL7ED, that the assessment for the year 1935 npon
the rro7ent7 owned by Amy H. Weetherbee known gs
Senti-I-I so Block 95, assessed for .14,30 onn KoA
on 7end an? W4500 on improvements) be reduced to
8,3651000, provided that Any T_ Weatherbee Pay one-half
of the tanah2e costs in the nroceedings to review the
1934 assessment and the Town of Mamaroneck nay 1'_i°
other half,-,
RESOINEDA that the assessment for the vear 1935 upon
the pronerty owned by ATy H. Weatherbeh known as Section 9,
block 95, assessed for 1436, 500 (1345,000 on land and
191, 500 on imp rovements) be reduced to 03651001 pro-
vide? that Any & Weatherlee pay one-half of the costs
of the proceedings to re7Aew the 1934 assessment, as
ty7ed by the Court noon the confirmation of the Referee' s
renort and discontinue the certiorari proceedinZs to
review the 1935 assessment for the taxes of 1936, an
anreament to this effect to be consummated by the Town
Attornev within 15 jays of this resolution
The Town Attorney reoorted that is had conferred with 3urton
C . Heinhan, Jr. as Substituted Trustee under the inst will and testa-
men, t ca 'J-,jjl T . �oorl deceased, Relator in a certiorari proceedins
v-Pinst the Town to review an assessment for the year 1935, end re-
commended that the proavejlrZ "e settlnO and AiFcontinneO upon 0 re-
?notion of the total assessed valuation from 0142 250 to ? 630
a decrease of A291400, 7e said that Thomas 1, Sutton, Larchnort,
realvor, Val appraise? the property at his request and had placed
thereon the -glue of
On motion "7 10. Fates, seconded by Mr. 2riffin, it was
PE,S-L`7EN, W-FE7EA9. Parton C. Meighan, Jr. as 9u77�stituts.
Trustee under the last will and testament of William Z
Woodl deceased, obtained a writ of certiorari from the
Surreme Court of Westchester County on the lith day of
October, 1935, to review the assessment for the year,
1935 upon the property owned by him; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Assessors of the Town duly filed
P return to the writ on or about the 3rd day of December,
1935 and no further proceedinZs hr-e been taken: and
WKEREA4 the Town Attorney recommends to this IoRv? that
the proceedinS he settled an? discontinued unon the
reduction of the total assessed valuation to 01121250;
RESOLVED; that the assessment for the yepr I935 unon
the nroperty owned hT BurtonC. Mel Pan, Jr. , as
Substituted Trustee under the last will and testament
of William T, Woods deneastd, known as Section 4;
Block 40A. assessed 'or Al" 000 f land nnivi - Sontion 4.
Block QA RsseSS& for A'Po- 11
j : 250 !sm? 1, EY14,000 morn7e-
rents) .- and Section Pj Black 60A . npsensn? for 1335000
�Iend on!7) 7 be reduced as follovuss Section 4. Block AAA;
501-2 SAO- Section 4 Block 410 191 300, Section 9
Block E101 §19 000• provided the certiorari pro-eedin-c
now nendinz be discontinued.
The Town Attorney brought to the attention of the Board a
netition dated 7ebruar7 75 1936, signed by Assessor Smith recuestin7
a correction of the assessment rolls for the years I930 and '1931
taxes of 1931 and 1932, in resnect io Section 6. Block 63, Lot W
which netition had been n-psent
beO to the Board at its meeting on
February 7, ? 936 � end ordered laid over, He said that the assessed
valuation on the building for the years 7930 end 1021 wns incorrect,
be_-ause it was not based, on th l,,bare measure.ment of the build-ins
on the -r,)rryo
, ert-v In nuestion lout or, that of a-i-lother buildin-, ow n, to
o clerir�al err , , _4o�,,iev Per. he s d� the t- a-,-e s for the two v P- r r
n-aestion �nao been raid bz the owner of the -,rc�pert vj'f,,o had
not at the tj gi.3estlored 'he a8SeE,-E1,d 7aluption and
-For,e- ,ed a. `1 le3 I al ri5'htt to demand a correction of the assess-ment and
I t7,T
a reffunrT of the oer--q7;ment of 1-1--nes. Nee,:,�,tuhele!�zs, ir al-' eoui
and -'all-ness" he -ortimzie,9 the TOTnrn Board ref'and to
the ta--,r7)aset a -Dart or all of t,'ne
oVer-n"-,rylent cau_8___ 7T
P� 1) an e7-or on
the raft, of the Town if it desired to no so,� The Board considered the
matter at some len-th.
On motion b1T jJr, i-rf fin seconded by Mr. Brennan, it was
RESOLVE: g 'V'TTEREAS., presented Assessor has pesented a
netition dated Februar7y 7. 1936 for certain
corrections in the assessment roll of the Town of
I'Aa-m3ronecl, for the vears 1930 end 1931, taxes of
1931 and 1932, pursuant to the orr)-isions of Section 3.3
of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as annended
certain -articulars which would definitely appear from
said netition nrPsen'ued to t'ha' s -1-oard-! and
MJ EFEASI it an-oears to this Board to be. 'ust and fair
that such corrections be 1--a ?'art-
No)-,L!, -,�-TJREW)PE, TT
RESOL77ED, that the fo11_o7zij_nF correction be made to tins
assessment roll of the Town of -Mamaronec'� for the Eear
19'31, tax of 1932, pursuant to the orovi' sions Gf
Section 33 of Chan-, er 105 of the Laws of 19163 as amended,
to wit :
Under Paraorarh 4 of the abolre mentioned section, pronert7
now an-oearir7 as follows.
Sec . Block Lot Owner Land B-1a i I d-_n cy Total
6 63 14 'E-mT)ire Cit-- Savants Bank lg� 000 690-000 C,�108; 000
be corrected as follows-
Sec. Bloc',,- Lot Oiamer Land 3uildinp Total
6 63 1A Empire Cii,-,r Sa-,,rin7s Bank 118 000 q57 ,000 §75 000
for the reason that the was erroneoi7,s1v
a:asessed on the `,)ca_sis of a cilbazze meas-_--rement of the
building wn� Ch was incorrect and applied_ to another
bu-ildir-E; and be it
LJE . that the Town lom-ptroller be and he
iereb-v is authorized, em-oowered and directed, to an73rc-re
0-1 _,DaTment the claim as submittef_ the owner c the
described oronertZT or re'un0_ of to-KeS o—R- oned
bl, the abo-P. change in the assessed valua'i on.
The Town AttornezT reported- on the Yrintter of the 77autordnbile
ra' e7TPrd " on Palme r Avenue_ wh�� n _utter had teen rere-red to him on
Tanu_aX17T 2, - _�Te stated"that an order to 77acate the -rerflise- h�C9
L93�_�, U_ - ,ruse-
been on the occunantitnereof and that he wol)ld keen fide "card
in'ormed as to further
T'he Supervisor stated that it would be in order For the Board
4-7 T
to consider the matter of -oenoitti-Z na7onent of the 10.3-0 State, Count
and T'ox'in taxes in instalments as was done in 'he case of the 1935
teves - He 7resented the followir-7 schedule shotuin7 the use made of
the instalment ra-unent -.1an for the -)rear 1935-
of fa"-,8.7Ters Usin.:,: 50% PaT-,roent Plan
Sections 1 to 5 jj-
1^jj Si T
�Te 31.1_
Sections 6 to 7 7713
Sections P q A
To t al
Iqi--qn-L,er of inco--m-leted Pa-ments anca the. Total
Af(io=t of Same
Sections I- to 5 43 $9P473.79
se--tior,F 6 to 7 5 52,B.04
to 9 1r, 973,69
Total num,-',)er of 911 -VK bills t -
Or -motion b-,r "'Ir.
nf-,-n, �-co=eo by Mr, 'riMn, it Ras
i-i,,on roll -all una miraouslv
RP-S(-iT,7FP7,, that —rssup
g,Tera -•e ner mil-, $'644,29 for 24,72 mileG 5 , 926.69
Tot_-I 5, 125.00
ResenT fi=nd, 2-. .001.00
Pa.;ment of orders Nos, I to 2 inclu-si,>e) 743.56
or expenses incurred and o^.1d frcm
the l ct da'T o!- Tpn,_.ar-7 '.n r l a to
a,mreement �� � - _
Total 24,295®25
'he Roa nd una.nimousl- a„rro±Ted the fi4r eement �,s nr'ese te.�`=
.r'_r7 esc ._e'i,t, ei' ci `_?'no-d- l-t _ = _
The Towr Clerk _ erryrt-e-.^. th.a-i; It lvo Ir. be
;paz=d tp a.-nnr nr I- the s-U_retT? bond- or '.in.r7cr- a1,Tir^ o^
an"o nr?2.nre Toth the r_:,Ti signs n _° t,hQ T-.i Mows T Law,
noond p7rin- been SP1,; h-T the Co': t-_,,- Fnmri . .eeY -.{" the
Clerk -resented. the bond in four identical r-or)?.e^
i rued nv the r^-eml,,rs r,f the BoF?rd-F
'37 -
in order f! '.h=,
the Sunervisor in
the amount o
sur. 40 non- The
N,hi.--h were thereupon
'i- Letter rl_nte,9 lebru.a.ry Rr 1.936,. wU _ re -i'Ted. from Thomas
Iio an , ali( for o ' he `'!'lestchester pint eater Worlrc No, 1_ ra ri
In- that t'_2e 7oerr re.sclnd, the rest llut`_on = onted at i_tS -meptin'T on
"8'^rt7R rTT 1916,E relate ',?8 to the i_ncrea.se it voal r t es dar-.
- ., t C, ra i.e_ to P.
nnp crl-n ers of the 'pvIn 0' rr,: . .:^.1. a _,�, BU:sstitute therefor a, recr.luti ,o
idnl^.,h 4f ld ._Yrl .,., ie the entire cri eY-a'
c r3 ,. Y'^.t'uy.5 '�.t rl pc vie_?
? ... rer bin d-a.te on which the-,r are to ta.se effect.
nn MC)t.ion bV l,n,-, ''riTTilt se _=cried 3-tec . it in!95. .
uZianllrio t:tSl Zr �
ES01 7E 'that the resolution 2.^.opted b- thi.e Board at
its meetir-. on 'ebruar-v i 1_9,36 re� at'i-?e 'G the n-
crea_ee of vveter rates to roar:^e cn'ns�mers r,f the Fops-C_
be r'eS n,'.ed_ and he --t
FTT i THER RESOLVED that the follov,in�-7, rest-1-tior be
c�inStit,laGed- th.e,r e,f ar -
IJ.C()T,,..,rr^' that until, further orr'es" of this Board,
the rates to be ch.ar:7ed for Vla.ter cons-ar�,ed in thie
Town 'DST consumers of the 1iVest^heater Joini. �l'Va.te
'J'J t3-^'_,c -fvo. 1.,. s;"! l_ be a c f'o"S lowe t0 LV .tm
i i-n. meters 13„00 per oua-rter for which. 950
cubic feet of water w'_l.” be f°arn ,.she C,,.
For meters large`''. than .5i8 in. fi_;red servile nl-,ar;?es
as follows will he made;
3f4 ?n, -j�,aters
in. meters
1? ir_, meters
2v 1 n f meters
3 i.r.. -meter_
4 in. meters
6 in. meters
8 n, meters
J-0 in. meters
;1.50 ner p'aa-rter
3,00 ner• quw?rter
6.00 per quarter
10.62 per qu.a.rte.r
21.87 ner ouarter
37°50 ner^ C,uarter
81, 25 rer -laarter
143.75 ner oua.rter
212,50 rer ouarter
Tr addition to the anoTTe fixed. ser,,Tice charges, and for
water ?lSed t'nrou7h -5i/R .n,-h meters in C5,'aess of the
s!uarterl.T alloovance of 950 cibi_c feet later act-la117T
`J colaslurlled will_ be c ar7ed for -at the follovTin- 'r'ates-
For the first J . 000 ^i2 =. feet used wit hin the quari,er,
30 / rerrluna e^.
For the ne74- 1'' 000 1 ivinir feet used within the c,aarters
25� per hundred
For the next 30, 000 cubic f eel: used within the ou:a.rter,
20(/ ner hundred.
For the nest 250,000 cubic feet use!_ w=tl^:in 'the cu.ar'ter,
-ner ?n_tndred
For ^.II over 300, 000 Cubic feet used withiY! the Quarters
F4� per hundred„
F17THER RESOLVED, that the above rates take effect for
water consumed beginning with the next 0,.arter!7 rea^?-•
i.nms in Ma.rsh,, 1936
The Svoer-isor called t0 the attention of the Foard- the Tact
that the Annual 1'!' etinZ of e`,h.e Association of Towns of the State of
New York would be held at Albany on February 26th end. 27th and said
that he believed it would be for the benefit of the Town if a. t'1'Umber
of the Town officials and employees attended. the Various sessions to
be held in connection with the Annual Meetin7, He ren,uested that he
be permitted t0 take to these sessions the Town officials of W!07ee°
who "in his opinion would benefit most her such attendance.
nn moti.nn by ,?-r,. Rates ., seconded v lair, griffin, it was
una.nimou.sl v
_RES'nT,VED that the Suaervisor ^e and he hereby is
authorized to ornsnSe . for the attendance at the
Annual Keetin7 Of the Association of Towns of the
State of New `'or'j to be held in Albarn On February 2601
nK 27th of those Town officials or employees who in
his opinion would benefit most by such attendance.
The Town p.ttorne7 stated that he had conferred with the
ViI l aMe of Mamaroneck cor.'^..erninZ taxes for the years lP32,, 19''33_
_:n? 1634 opaion 7ronertT known as Section 9, block 41F, which rot^7
^nnstlt".tes a. public street or nighw .zi from the Poston Post Road,
Zini_ns access to land otnned by fTnion Free School District No , l of
the Town of Mamaroneck, which matter had been referred to him at the
meetinZ on '-'PbruW 2, 1P33, with, power to settle i'_�'1 the vest manner
pons ble= He, stated that a denres.. ho "een entered. December 31, 1933£
directing C. " Merritt and wife to deed this property t0 the Village
of Mamaroneck for use ac a, public hivh,''IIlay; that appeals taker had
delayed a.c-`_•uRl e} ec'.sins of the deed until April, 1934 end that the
deed hod. not been recorded ,lnt-il September 24.. 1934, He rennnnended
that ,;n-8 ROa P,'i. nrri"'..r OL?11 ce t't?.e matter by a^'_. e. L1n? -Jayi"18'lt of the lc32
and 1933 ta.Yes it full_ with interest at 6% to d=ate and vel'" n,^ the
lgsi ta=res.
On motion d_ul7 ?"P,.a.d-e and seconded it was una.nimoun17
R , 1,T,T F H ? Or h area._"s 1932 l 9333 ^n
___ R -�..:5, rnveS t.. a _.
1934 are unrai d or ✓ ror ,rt„ i.:-rown as Ce .inn 9 ^
Flock All. � and
WHEREAS, said i property s now a n bli c street or hiElucoy
access ccess to land Owned b7 7n On Free School. District
','doe ! -of the Town of Mamaroneck!
RESOLVED, that the Re^eiver o 7es and assessments be
n? he hereby is authorized emno7ered and directed to
mark said taxes On his records as rsi.d in full uron
Payment by the Village of Mamaroneck of the tomes for
to - sa ^ 7 PT2 as follows: State . Count " and Town
" ,t
/ ' ®S - at7 School tax -'024" and for t he V8ar 1933
aG follows: State _ oo Jn"v and Town 'te" - l�.'.28 Lt0 Rnd-
School. tax e A& 561 towetner with interest On said
taxes at the rate of 6A.
At 10° 30 P .. N. the Board iJna.n`.inovsl7 rPs'fl !.7edi to Y