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1936_01_02 Town Board Minutes
225. ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE T0INN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD JANUARY 2, 1936 At the Town Offices, 113 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 7:40 F. Id. Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, Neginniss. The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin and Town Attorney Delius. The Board first met in executive session. Mr. Frank A. Mannen, representing the Larchmont Yacht Club, addressed the Board to request that the penalties on the taxes of the Yacht Club property based on the compromised valuation set by the Board at its meeting on November 6, 1935, be waived by the Town on the grounds that it was his understanding that, the Town Board had agreed to do so at the time the compromise was reached. The Board indicated that it had not intended to waive these penalties. After discussion the matter was ordered laid over and the Supervisor stated to Mr. Mannen that he would be notified of the final decision of the Board in this matter within three days. The executive session was thereupon concluded and the Board met in regular session. - The Supervisor stated that this was the first meeting of the newly elected Town Board and the organization meeting thereof. The Clerk reported that all the newly elected members of the Town Board, including the Town Cleric, had qualified by filing the necessary oaths of office and obtaining the necessary surety bonds. The Supervisor thereupon read, Ivlr. Bates moved and Mr. Meginniss seconded the following resolution, to wit: RESOLVED, that in accordance with the schedule set forth below the following Town officers and employees be and they hereby are appointed for the term and at the salary set fo;6respectively after their names and that they supply/ onds or official undertakings as provided by Section 25 of the Town Law and respectively set forth after their names and that these bonds or official undertakings as stated,shall be approved as to form by the Town Board and that the surety of such bonds or official undertakings shall be a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of New York and that the expense of such bonds or official undertakings be a charge against the Town, as follows: Salary per annum unless otherwise Bond Office Name Term specified Required Clerk to Supervisor Vito F. Luceno Confidential Secretary Alice 1,11heelock Comptroller Wm.H.Fitzsimmons Assistant Jean Corbia Asst to Re_ Leo N. Orsino ceiver of Taxes Pleasure of Board `2,100.00 Pleasure of Board 12500.00 To Jan. 19 1938 22400.00 Pleasure of Board 11200.00 Pleasure of Board 2,400.00 None None $1,000. None $252000. �P7 Ste:nG�rapher Towr E`n i n,e e_r �- ,t �n"GC,r cher SaiaZ: e_ ^;rs A. T. FGGLB CL, .Ge-r7isint - SLc-i.C2_p'�:er annum. unl e s s .,_.rrcll r C "^n? n _ [:2. '�cii Ile Servers E. CCa"rin �-- --_ oLhv, ti�_se b,cnd- v_F'fice i+,ame F, , :�r av Ter snc-cified Reamred PU_ollc 'V'i of f'2-rc J _Ca_' ..apBrVi Si1b 4ssesso<' a.es ;iro Sal h TG 'an. I iI 3I 600e00 Prone C a'se :'!G r'e e-,�• ",Tz 5 a __ I' e Gann (see no'- ce=oral Gosee '�.;To-rl'er F a=nces 1'itc'-1e._l 1 J t Ji .r I '`�1Gr l22_r al --_red S. 3r o ri Special Ir:-csti- `atCP ssessor o. lr-eer i c S:7 o nds P u ensre of Board 2 400,00 9 None TO?PTli 9LLornP, ;? �T01_1..i . T,a`; i1;.S To T-�..nw_cJR -�y000v 00 Nnore Assistant Syl-van Ste:nG�rapher Towr E`n i n,e e_r �- ,t �n"GC,r cher Super inLend_e:at ^;rs A. T. FGGLB CL, .Ge-r7isint - SLc-i.C2_p'�:er D,,'_ ^o'--' .,_.rrcll r C "^n? n _ [:2. '�cii Ile Servers E. CCa"rin Su�Cervi si n Forefr.ar- o, F, , :�r av PU_ollc 'V'i of f'2-rc J _Ca_' ..apBrVi Si1b ,ase �, dOrl{er Senior Case i'io:r'ser Frances Eaton. C a'se :'!G r'e e-,�• ",Tz 5 a __ I' e Gann (see no'- ce=oral Gosee '�.;To-rl'er F a=nces 1'itc'-1e._l Case G_-,ire('.`a-I .r I '`�1Gr l22_r al --_red S. 3r o ri Special Ir:-csti- `atCP .Scoff.-� Hi c'_TO. e'r 1nl e s t i L;at,G r rfarc es 'v 1nl_ van -'�c':ain st Pa LiT„Te C-er'_; Alexander Finsor. Pleasure ci �KGa -d 1. 200x00 P_l_aaSuic of 3oa:rd_ 1,200,00 !1,200m00 To Janes i,l?3,8 ,3,000®OG Pleasure Pieasu-re of Boa -r -d_ 2,600x00 =e'^ae� _'-s s:ercla G�' PGard 2,600®00 C, e D. DP,rlipne °,e,sz_^ 07` -oa^�l _,500x00 _ia a ��;^� Ps' ".,-C,C'd Plr`�p`J,-o of '_�o �. t'i� � .�i.Ovm GG y /, -,,oro eP v�'lac S'om 2 C;'_e_'k - . Se CrP.,"GaP?r- ,t �n"GC,r cher =. SL o•:'1G�. 3iC CeY I'=_earC�' l;,�...PT e'r SLc-i.C2_p'�:er D,,'_ ^o'--' .,_.rrcll [:2. '�cii Ile _la=^_afi ='vm l Clerk_ Dorc'c1rN Gebo".�is B„LFdi�^ ns_cectG' Josey', Co-^:r'ra;:a Plea.sur.. of Boa: d. ?.GC,��eOG Pleasure of Board 1,500e00 PI fs_�i�e of Board 1,500®00 ple.sKre of Ros-^d'.,300e00 PieC-.Sure C1 Board 19 <i 00 s CG Pleasure o_ Board __SFOGeC!G Pleasure of 3Card 1,200800 P.!_ias=i-_ ,. of 3G a.('d 13 vCGo l.'G' PIe_ sU-re of BGard 17144e00 Pleas -u.-:_- of Gard !A4 GO P1,ea"su_�e Cf �C^-rd l_$1_44100 -Pleasure of Board 1,1700.00 Pleasure of Board 7,040.00 Pleasure GfBcal°d. 1Y040<00 Pleasure of Board 1,040.00 Pleas-ure G. Foxr�d 936m00 P?©as,_?re of Board 1,500s00 IVor�B Nomellle-n�� Ethel ,p7.p000m ?C:n e None :l 9000m None l�GnB None TGne No fie No n e -P?one STGne 1GGne None idCne Ina^_e None Office janitor of Town Hall C ollcili ssi orer's Secretary janitor of Town Office Telephone Operator information to Clark Constable Name Rose Blake Has Toomey Sar- Showery jean Wilson W . j. Yar_1y7 and be it 229 Salary per annum unless otherwise Send, T er-n snecif_ed. Recuired Pleasure of Board Pleasure of Board. Pleasure of Board Pleasure of Board rd. Pleasure of Eoard !> 720.00 None 11200.00 `lone 540.00 None 900.00 None FURTHER ?. SO VEE, that the services of all Town employees Heretofore appointed other than hose whose appointment is continued by this resolution be no lol`;er required e ..ept 1: of the Police Department and the paid drivers of the Fire Denart'mel!t and that the Town Clerk be directed so to advise them, A vote upon the foregoing resolution resulted as follows: `Tone 11 1; 000 . Ayes: Supervisor KcCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, Melinniss Noes! .Alone On notion b 7r. Griffin, seconded by Er, Bates, __"t was u ar_,__aorzs3„ RR._ VED that the apo ntmen� madey this Board_ o _ecamber A 11359 of Edward A. Keeler as the insurance placinE t rcker of the Town of ' ma. o.'^_eel_ be and it. hereby ehy is ratified, approved t donfi rrr_ed his services to be at the pleasure of the Town Board; £ ana the FURTHER RESOLVED, that the matter of obtaining the necessary surety bonds or undertakings for te elected or appointed Town officers in accordance with the schedule set forth __wove be and it -ne-rc is referred to T' _`-79_r _reeler, insurance an isyi 2. -r nE broker. oke= . The Town l.ei^'_'_ infornef t'_"J.e Boar__ that in accordance with an'lol"=T _, nt o the Town 1 1e filing t the County Clerk e rk o_� copies �_ ._ ,) .ends or official undertakings sued. to Town officers was mandatory unless the Town 3oaod so det mined. DL. motion by 10. 'gates, seconded J Or. ariffin, it eras unanimously R`` ;_l 1CJ9 that this Board do and it hereby 'does direct that copies of all surety bonds or official unlertakinGs issued to 2own officers be T .ief wit'n the County Clerk, The Supervisor announced the annointment of She Town Councilmen to the gone conir--ittee asst rmert s which they had had fU_`_'1 the pr'eC; d t"o years, as fcliows� 1 _ i _na-nce-----------------------------.c 4l ihn�ti� Welfare and Part _____s ____________ __.a may_____ Poll ---------------------------- Y. n__ss 11_L ; a.1 s a o _ _ Se4'..e_...-_________________.__m.____.___.___y. Bates 2 The Supervisor called to the attention of the Boand tie fact that it would be re3envary to a, oar_.- three members of the Pol_cs Commission ant suggested the relappointment of tho On motion by Mr. G'__f'_i'_, seconded by T'h'e Brennan,it was upon roll call unaninonsly RPSiSED9 thatthree present Police Commissioners, namely, james i' King, na „_^l T. CP. _' i and `2, T Palmer, be and they hereby e-apino meted to succeed themselves as rnii'be s of the Police Commission of Town of Mama- roneck to serve ve -t the least r e of the Tc T Hr, Criffin called the attention of the soardthe fact that the tern of office of 7Ts.Elizabeth Lawton a9 _ member of he Board ,._ Park Commissioners of Park District W. _ of the Town of f 1a_.., expirel on December 3' 103r_ On tion by 7r. Griffin, seconded by Zr. Keginniss, it was -crus-nimoti.. ;; _fir RESOLVED; at Mrs. Elizabeth Lawton be d she hereby is appointed a member o_he,-:.card of P .1 jo ',i, i cs.._1;.._rs of ___ District is 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck to succeed herself for the term of office ending December 31, __93% The Supervisor called to the attention of he Board the fact, .,''at the tern.of office of P.`_re Meginniss as the representative of he Town Board on the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund of the To`^i1_p_i'ed O -_ece:..Jer 31, 1235. He thereupon pon _r Lpoi ed O __1_ s to s accordance e d imself in t,n t ovi s of Chapter'_ !c. t'_n.E Laws of 1928 for the ter' of one _ and the Pow - Word unanimously consented to and approved of this appcirtment, A letter was received from 1._e Receiver of n_.__es and Assess- ments stating that subject to the approval of the Town Board he deputizes 7r. Leo 7. Orsino as assistant to the Receiver of Taxes Assessments to perform any and all of the duties of .he Receiver of Taxes ant AssessnooKs including thereamong he duty receiving L money, uiv_nS proper ice therefor _ n his namee � en't e _na t ti;Ile upon _ ._'eco �sa _ n' the taz money n the an as by lan. The _mr? unanimously approved of the action of the f,e. of _.._.__ and Assessments, - letter dated December 26, 1933, was received from Franklin Brooks, receiver o1 the l L ,vim o -- Trust /' c pa;^_y , requesting a ng_ _cn n, :.c property located, the southeastern n „o neof ley Place a _��; � Avenue, so .s to 7e_t __' _1n e operation G_o of welding� l .n_., spring repair business, The matter was referred to the Town Attorney and the _own Clerk, __ _retort dated November 11 19351 was received from Sewer Superintenlent Corwin concerning a letter of Edward Van >Sc risen , dated October 213 19355 in react__ to a stoppage of '_`_is scar._ line. The was referred to Mr. Bates. __ letter dated December 10, 19351 was received __, Engineer A. J. Foote ..nA_ordered, entered in- the minutes as follcw= Der. e.:'e-n a 0t -o - c Sunervisor 'Ler_ C. VcCnlloch 10 West Eosncn Post ro-,r_1 i lamarone'- - Dea 1r, ;1c Cullocha Following is __ copy of .he l et ,. _,en. to rte, by "r. Daniel -e' _.tDeputy Tan Commissioner of the "Dean Or. Yoote� ..—aar lepara-te _,ver we are returning to you the op„ of Section 1 of the assessment map of the Town of mamaroneck which you sent _ere last month. it appears s to he a good piece of work and he map of tie remainder er of the taz :i st i .,t. may be completed ale_ ..re � _tee lines, When the mars o he .',7h -ole torn is cr�p�eted „=mac, forward t: "c ..Op1Cs GO ti° SO that may place JL_. approval upo_, :.mem retaining one copy i'1 o..._ 1__'_es and returning the other to the town. We will not undertake to approve a mere section of a mapbut will l waT t for the completed p oduwt, when the map is completed the first _, sheet or key sheep sboula bear the forms shown on pages __:Te, seven and eight of the enclosed pamphlet, that is the :.":ia.p should _how a .space for the approval of the Commission, the signature of tie Secretary of the Commission, the date of approval and the case number in which it is to be found in our fi_es.'� 7e_y truly yours, STATE TAA CiC'lG:tlS,9I3Y — Daniel R. Sprat& Depunty _a=i Commissioner Very truly y`o''"='s, CIVIL EDDISEER /5i / A. A Foote ' k report late? january R, 1236, was received from Highway Foremar 'Aero!... certifying that the garbage contractors for t'_^_e year 1235 had completed ted it work to his satisfaction and recommending the release of Their bond, The Board unanimously approved of the release of their ;gond and ordered the report spread on ;he minutes as fol ows- januiry 2, 1938. Y. 'Bert C. McCulloch, Supervisoo, Town of Hamaroneck Dern o_ ''ills is to certify that the 'C.'arbage Contractors for the year 1935 have completed their wo_^i' to my satisfaction, T_ have made an inspection of the garbage dump this dad and there has been no complaint f residents of ,.. p? -aint received, rem t �e resi the Town as to '_"lo=o.-acilec.,ions during the last days of their Contract, it therefore, r eco 2m .nd the release of Their bond, -- Yours very truly, `°_ hael __erola - -' Eh7,-7aT :,t,: -:.e hirtendent A letter dated December 23, 1235, signed by Gerald- .T Campbell, ida- C. Campbell_ and Edward Sm Cornell, Jr,, was received requesting t'_^.e installation of a street light at the end of Campbell La•'e, Mr. Brennan - + T__i.-, i i .'� Gni-o.=raition and rete 7qen(r,_ed the i,1.8t2_i Ls.''.I iOP Oi.-. _i Ut C ri0'i=.iG:'� -C-7 ,:i?' .mss-t8S, .,eGOt'].r'e G� 'i-rs P�;] r].'_'11SG� RESOLVED 111,at he p]estche s ' ant it '.1181' E �Uth01'lzed, eri-JovTe eci and 're .ecl to i _r`i s't 2.11 fOr 11_18 �101,;7n Of II -11 arf. cl^ l� To'Tri at il'i8 cOr"-ract rate -tl .,L 1G' ore 101C) iancll-pcvver street. Ii -Int at t'.1e e'1d_ of Cam",pbeil Laney the e -act loca Lioi^, Gil this 'i -ht i3O beete_i-aired by i-1 L`hway '''Orefnar _-.e1'G12.. rs carni.=_ -n re-oorued c-1 he matter o i:'le application on jel-al' of Pa- icT _T'nes an. .�_fe for a reduc',_o it or 21� a -ba -- ent of acc"-3.e0 idte'_'est on t,a_ en '`r y-_'�.,r_t OiS.7r-e' �'T Gr ,g0`.t-„ 2.a JectioTl �1c Lots 9A, 98 and 103. v.-hicn matter had b e r, r_= ---^ed to a rr', _�',n. and_ ''_e =G'r" to v t'e _r e -nr; o, 'l:,ce er'lS, 1935. i:c- ,'-sae.' _'_,at . lle - '.r _ns.cecte(. ane orore, t, yon?.. _`b-t,n;d it iort'n zlicre t"7 an total amounti o_ a,,T-s accr,l.e(ft thereor, ccc^d� n11J, the -,T re- co-, ended that t e aoplicat_aI^. his denied On c)t'_r r rfr e ; nr-=ss secGnOea atos} t ..a_s - _ umani _1101)_s1 7 RES^;Lli' 'i t11at on resolTfrneildtatin_-n Gf - r rffin and the. 1'O''wd11 :'_tt0rne-I i _ e a p"y")i.i cati01, fOT a-'erUeti on i or ail. a'!ca.tergent of the accr-aea interest on the ta:'es affe3t it 1- p2'ol)e ty kno .r:. as >„ct'1 on , �j3:1 pcir 1 , Lots c„ r ani_ 103, o wedJ ars ano. Patrick --ly es, be and Qel _ded. I , v0'."Il7 C1 e-Plz re70rt ed t'_r1aL the E, oaSd. of n—Iea -'-- a 11 ei, vel' d a -ed De c..ib el 2 935, reCi i;.E.St _a. own. PGa.'_,C ta!,{e to -Os t^ c.; t' -re..', a 0_a.,i n'n o1 the Zoiaiin- orJi'^ance oc- .s1G-ri-Id ". the e?._s. e uS and n”-pera ,__on o.. ar Ru"0:1101ol soave ardl" on "alnier A�derUe® The _..:.]`8'_^ was re Prreo to the 'o -C7 -r,. '-17 for a report. 1"28 _'ovm __�.t Gr'T7-e-re-oorted on `_I2e _`__."ter O- the peti(tio-in r_ateece 1'.] 1Q, l C'i54 71l ell ''.a -d been rete ed fro -,,r, the :moa GS. s s:9s.:Jis rr�. lcfet, 20 �,0 1Z 2t th8 :1e e%.1ro On De C2.:i:J C-=' 1. 10355 y re0i7.estin�- t'ne correction Of i..'ne assesenent roll T'C1' 1935•-1055 On -oro-per- lcno-"In 8.s Section 9, 310-_h 31, Lots 19A� 1�'�, 20,L a --d 200,. =T2='2COt1i,enC.e'l ayi 'G -.T2._ Of rh" y:..iatiGn. Or,n01-:i 0_ h -i ,i.T .iia rlRnissy cec011,�C by`rI--- it int*as At'la' mcusl-IT RESO iET i'1- the oar.! of Assessors 11as o-^esen'eT t ion ;i_at ed Le C ei]ibeZ' 18, 1935 _'�G i' t'ne col'reCti On o `he a s s e s s < ent roll f C -2 e - 19.5:__ c o' 1936 -o tide '�:"OVision s O_ .mac: ,, ]1or 33 ofChar "I eZ' 105 of the LaeFS Of l.. iii as 2.nGn Pv; 1^O.JT'. a.: ^�e ';"'testclhester Coantp Ta- Act,- a -n` af',er due con s41_era' ion `s 3o -( fi.rds _t desirab?e to rani; said aet-ti on 'o -n the correc=ion of --aid a.ssessrier_t 1-0111 3- IT 3ESOL':7E13', -flat the '-ssess_^e11t -roll -G` the year 1'935, tea= of l G'Cg ;rl-ii ch shots , = (:)}ert , n,;, 6.>7r _ 1" O'I _.he as '0110"vs. Assessed Sec Elba Lot Oi'*ner Lan: Lti1d_Ln= eGi.a_1 Sl 191-'_-198 Lerza, STicol_ra. » .5on q GGG '7,500 20A-2013 37 be eal^rectlec as "'allows I. acce ,.1,.J6 ,l ch the proti'* cions of Sti.b___- e-n said `"eC Cn wJ° Assessed ti b"1.11,"E 'c. =7 mot Orrme- La,,d , d_ � u _ __di" Tota'_ v l - .2GA L -r :2Y')00 2 000 ., 1`3 _9_,03, I:.COI - s y.0 r1;QY:�;QO ti;Dy l}re oT,,- Ltloy,CIe _^C;-. Ci'te0_ t,r_.''T 1_'C1�2 u1 r. �fl "rIl111C O:�' �'Lc. Pj'OYC'L Ile _CEy I--- X7!10-nt y O.a A- C '1- �- I 11T C^T^ .� SEC'Li On OY '� OC'-�. i1y LO, '.'1e req Le:' _ .,1 i_ %',a .,e "2� .1.., Gel vC �l%'.�� 1;'�E � Cl � La.. sale _ l 912), i1 , �,� CPO } C/f IT_. -1_..11L „Ct v''E, _ le _Coui 1 Sj:.0-118f ieCO`fll�21U 2G ___.-_3 In 7 -1e -,v of tlhe _ _ ecede:'^tt set by the rd_ ; , nt s_ r,i P cases, _ ,_� Boa" 1_ neP ��no_ r_ 1a. c�t..ese tkle re -,:i -:'L, be 3-atoranted_a r1 110110_^ C� -� Sy SeU-n.l]_6�, Jt 8ralany 1t vTiaS U P.a nif1CLl Sly Z._S"-L =_s ;1.�a.t i,'tle HeCel7er Of Ta_,es a_'l- 11_S SeSs, en s be\anf he h=TE'a isa - C_i - ectt.erd c --e Ju l ,ent of the Qe i.a.' of -1-M-1. Sale o q!2l On Section 6y 31cc,% 11-3 T,nI '�;�iY _n the azcID-,.1r t thereof la, ,rfje?_ y l'�9 wi_"G'��.ou -' aded - h -pa -, lent b ale it ,:' t7 wC l':S a The _ ',�� _ . _ P� y _.eOC_ L ems, l.e _ a3^ece� veu a 1E _e� a ef_ _U 1�(Y l_.�._��iY '1'C'@1 (='e r". �-L^7.y Spe C:_.. �_ nC�-�cC'1.011 ofde1itl.�L-tent .�,u�es co c_ 1, }1S _L�7:. ..._- 1n lees .i _ C,y 3-1,3'_ 1,3, ^; Jr:^Jt . tiv _.`^e` Telett a2�T J sc nse . a lwt 'rre't17i2Y gL.b Senue.1t1 r to 'J]'.. „!.9.?. 0 .,'".e 'S se rch"s L1 �,, _..1 �t�_it Rl._.) rvthg '_Sr l:;al on -,-ias _12,2o`:OPer an,9_ ,oc c o f Cl 9. e _'n the Sall e B00'_,iY t 1 s _teL '�das 2;1 t��.'ed Ti !,!1 ., ^_tic G7i''tted f -,q sG-Ie .. 11e Lien -,as not Sold at i'f-2 �,. e O 1e S:_e bU� 1,:! 5 �J_�Se Ve.i ;1y_ss! _ e� t0 a i GUt- Sf eP on j -?l T 15, =03.5 a1d cl-' n_i a--ou-1.1t tC -or?cI CSE�'_'U The TOWn I,tOZ'nCji=nEC.�Cfi.�.el t, Rfl n..:Si.tU .,L! a.0 _Pe 1�� 'a9 iE Ve:C' S., . r':- a^, 7'f1E 0+T1ner of the „_en holds al^ inp,.11.l_ ,-aans'e_, of 1_-r,tha_t the 'Sura n. re 3 8'1 the li ,-'l'JI ... w 1 - , e One t1- .!10U.ty_-,ef,e0l -'_t>1 i_"L .G ere s. O .> __ the 0:;nC" be 1 fl _ale( ns—,T t'7.E _ _1C-un_t __'1,,•-� ui^endF�'y '.'1_aie_� l �Ir ,!r nom'=-nr i_de ar`•"' C-:orl" Cl. it -u? '�'1 11an51ilr �7c, ' �'_at In zrie. of _1aLl71ens o_^ face set fOrt,_1 at'�ove e olnn_ei:, C1' `nlO "r "'J '-s-r` e' as .. .^.11 i1 CC': tri l'et• l c J c_^c -. �_ Y - 3 _ _,f3 ., _ Et lii-tat tO i7e IC7J _Oft^r'7 i.8 p1(-ir t , 'lel a. L00a1 0i y162:r00y and be:.'_t t l T)n -.;writ- npldeg _ ,rE.01 7S?S n ✓ 1'r. a.,. 'A tl.f ., .,1:.., -,"Ti! ! _- _- wilrn a._.. _ L".. 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C. = 7 ,Q':1 Te` a sia-r e'rQ ,, ... ^j Pvv oFC _ a ,i1;..='.r.,u O__Le o� _ s.'ei 33r r-'3 _ i'r2C,=aS _� eoer L cep o a:u.� _-�l a._a q � s of 'n 'ibsci „ '0. -0-`` ed +-�rO O- L, n qe" Vic. ca 1'.1. ..�o�.er... .G_0_ 1 r J __ --_1 T'8m Li2c-i=1 _. VV tZ... 1:C� �'� -Tel,-,- 1o='.. M1c' cr-1 n_ : oc i a p ^lr L _ifl ne