HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935_12_18 Town Board Minutes RECrUZ..A i "TEL TiN s OF 1' � ='3 li TTOL7D TOWN OF MAi_LR0NEC`, N .Y. LLD PL'CET=BLP _°,1935 At the Town Offices, flu 'rest Boston Post''.. 10a.d, Ma-maroneck, 1r1 , Y. The meeting eras called to order by Suner'visor 'JcCulloch at � 7- 10 P. r(, Present: Supervisor 11cCu.1 och Councilmen Pates, Griffln e 1n1ni SS I`lr. Brennan arrived at the Yncet1in-- at aboh_i1 S- 00 P. M. The ureselnce ,,oas also noted. of To5d'.'! Cler'_. '�•'arvi_^_ a'nd Town Attorneys Delius. The Board at once lve-nt into e,,=e CUtive session, 1r, '4. Rny &_n_n_y of Larc-nmo_^_t and ir. Ed-ward H. Tat-an, his attOrne1 y ay0pearad before the Board coincernin-, the matter of an un paid_ 1926 tax on property owned bjr i'lr. 1�.Saanny and described. as Section 7, block 71, Lot 3. r', Manny offered to pay the _'ace amount of tiffs tax pins 6 per cent interest to date . -tie submitted an affidavit axe® ci:.teCl by himself and two le'`ter5, One frc-a the .T.cni­rant industrial. Sav-i—Ss Sank, ho-Ider of a iortoaoe on tn.e pro"_Dertyr, anft one fro--nn IdLra 1ciiinso n, th-_ `,itle sear-_'_' ec for Said ba-n'k all o vh ch elnibits PLti^jJ61"f'.8(�. .0 S'10'+lr that this ta° had act, a, 1 �r been paid. The _ilatteP P?aS laio. over t0 enable 1Tr. N.ann_y t0 olwaain. a verified. affide.vit f r o,r_ tl^c 'le searcher. I'i1SS 11:lae Cuce, ::._r« _'ran'3 Cuce and '_':'Ir. r_"_rlos , B, 5ut %.On ...-_''..dressed t.re Poard to request a on the unpaid. GaS;es and. tc:7. liens )"'elf. :Oy "-he TcvTn on property owned. by Hiss Luce and described as Section 3, Block 82, Lots 5B and 6A, !Jr. Sutton stated tr+at there was about :?'ldSO in us—paid ta3_eS c.:^_0_ ta.:,_ liens ?.1nSt this pro-pert-17, that the assessed valuation iolaced thereon by the `TOWn was X7, 200 and b ti_e 'd; l_La-a 'T,810003 that a contract had been entered .n_ 0g _ er ,�._ 1__�,o for the sale of this "oPoperty at ':2,250. The natter was rel°erred. to the Tovin Attorney For investilation as to the assessed valuation placed. cn this nropert?. The =own Attorney reported that the Larchyont Yacht Clab har''t req-.tested i.,i-iat the To7,n re2!lit peinalties on the taxes d11°v on the colnrip 04ised assessed val"li.ation of the ClubI s property, vi^;ich coy^,® _,jromised assessed valuations had been approved b- the 3oard at its meetin on Nove_aber 6, 1935, On motion duly made and seconded it was u-nanlmoualy RESOL`T;_;D, t'_1a.t the request of t1'1e La-_-- .. mnort S aCht vl' b for the rerP_ission of penalties on the tares due on the compromised assessed valuation of its pro"erty be denied- and be it r.1.r r, E S, T : .,R�i-art R_,SJLdED, that the reeolut;, mr. adopted bar h-' s Board at its oin IQOTTP"��a°"i' S. 1.935, . -_ Zrartinz, said "1111- thir ,yr days (namely, c ely - tit December 5, 1075! in ur' Lc._. ' o accent the o_fer of conrlprorai se b7J pa'-ring 'the taxes In f1_!ll '^e , and it '_Hereby _s ar.einded. so as to -rant an add' - tional thirty-day period. (na"rnel7ry until January 5, 1936 ) in ,TT:rhich to accept this offer of co%promise h payi, I e ta;_es in full- and be _t FTJRT LR RESOLVED, that the Clerk be d._rected to re-mind. ^_e Yacht C1ti:0 that in such Cases iL is usual t0 pc, the taxes -lien they are due under protest a.n.d to sa.-y U Pn that if this had been done in the present case, there would_ be no question as to the penalties. The Hoard thereupon concluded its executive session and 'dent into regular session. The :minutes of the meeting of December 4,, 1935, approved as printed. The 1'e guiar order Of business ?'"!`as suspended in order to Rear those persons present who desired to address the Hoard, _ 7di lli am Jacobs of the Fashion Shoe Store addressed the -.oar'd to present a petition dated December 9, i935, siSned by seve=n local shoe merchants, protesting aZal st the prop e plan trali �eS �_ _ya__ of ce'L 1 G- t^ 1i�o t purchase of snG'eS for persons On r'E1_EI through t'i�8 facilities '?f ''�:_ � State T . R< A. r Jacobs stated to the Board as follows; that the shoes supplied by local merchants are of 'setter quality and will last longer and that they are obtainable in a wider ranZe of sizes than those that would be obtained finder the proposed central purchasing plan= After discussion i,'_ne Board decided to lay the 'ratter over until the meeting oI^ Dece er 30, 1935, when samples of shoes offered by local merchants and also those offered through the central purchasing plan can be submitted and compared, Dr. 'Vino H. Wills, Chairman of the adult Activities Council, addressed the Board to tell of the hundreds of Christmas toys collected and repaired t'CIl'OU_-"'h the facilities of the Council, which toys are at resent bind stored in a room in the Cleaver Street Fire House , He stated" further" that the Council is organizain' three basketball leagues for bo s and requested that the 3oard appropriate the 2um of not to exceed 075. 00 for athletic supplies in connection with recreation work. This mould be, he said_, a sponsor' s contribution for W. P . Am Project !Tom 9-D,L1�5a, On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED, that scoject to the approval by the Toro Attorney of the legality of tine 'appropriation, the sum of not to exceed 075.00 be and it hereby is appropriated for supplies for _ m Pe A. project No . 9-I.?A-543 being the project for recreation activities in the Town of Mamaroneck; and be it ESO- rT,;!RI =^l'g 13S�Jl;L`.r'.L1, t'fLaL this appropriation be charged to the item of Nork Relief Program in the 1935 budget of the Department, of Public Relfare, On _notion by :0. Brennan_, seconded by Mr. Sates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the heartiest congratulations of this board be aid they hereby are extended to the Town of Navaroneck Adult Activities Council for its splendid work in providing and repairing i O; s for the children of the Town, The Supervisor stated that the next order of business would be the matter of a"ward.i nT the garbage contract for the year 1936, bids o r estimates for which contract had been received at the meeting on Decenber 4, 1935. Mr. Bates reported that as requested by the Superviso"_' he had ^vestiEated the equipment proposed to be used by the lour bidders , namelyy, SSanZa L Lopreatoy and that he was satisfied such equipment would prove adeq ate for the purpose. On motion, by pair ri-egin=ni ss, seconded by Hr. Bates, it was unanimous!-,- '!{ESOL ED that subject to the posting of the necessary 'oo2lCis or undertakings covering the n rfortnance of the works the Contract. for the removal from buildings in I aarbage District ho0 1 of the Town of Zat a'roneck and for the disposition of ;will garbage, ashes, etc, of said buii_din`s for the period beginning danL'ary 1, 1036, and endinL December 31 1'-. 36, he and it hereby is awarded to the low bidders, Gabriel Smanga aand. Antonio Loppeato , at the price bid by their., namely, -,10, 200; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is authorized and directed to prepare suitable documents covering the awarding of the above contract and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute the sane in the name of the Town; and be it p -nn., ER RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is !. authorized and directed to return to the insuccessful bidders their bid checks. The Supervisor called to the attention of Ressrs. Sganga and Loprea_to, who '.''Were in the room, and also of Superintendent hercla, the importance of avoiding a_f7 y lapse or hiatus in the collection of garbage which might result from the termination of the oldcontract and the commencement of the new contract, such as had occurred two ears previously. Mr. I... Poschen addressed_ the Board concerning she request for a re-Z:�nin3 ny property owned by his wife on Palmer Avenue, which matter had beer referred to the Board of Appeals at the seating on yo _ .Oer 20 1 1935. The Clerk presented a letter from the BO a rd of Appeals sated December 9, 1935, recommending that the request of Kr !. Po:schen be denied. The Town Board concurred_ in the recommendation o - � the soard of Appeals, ___ Hr. Bates submitted a Trap showing he proposed extension to Server District No . l of the Town of Mamaroneck,, !7] matter had been referred to Superintendent Corwin at a previous meeting. The fta.t '.,er Of this map and also that of obtaining signatures to the :necessary petition for the extension of Sewer District D'o, 1 were referred to the loiPTn Attorney. ! Hr, Sates reoorted that the Sewer Tepa.rtme t �l�as making a considerable that number of new house connections , Kr. Bates reported that the replacement of pavement on �! Murray Avenue and the complaint of Krs.. Stochard concerning vacant lots near her property on Forest .Averue, which matters had been re- ferred co him as the -.-e t_n_n on D a eenGe° 4, 105, h ad b een tahen care of. The Town Attorney reported that the request of the Title and I'': ortgage Company of Westchester County concerning school taxes for the year l c!qC on pno.perty In own as Section 3, Block 110, Lots 1A to ICA inclusive and the letter of the Larclrnont Shore Club ccn .,rr- nE the asses sea valuation placed on its property, which matters had been referred to him at the meeting of December 4, ''1935, had been taken care of, The down Attorney resorted on the matter of the taxes on ...property, 1rC'ov.Tn. as Section S, Block 92, Lots 24 and 25, which matter i had been referred to him at the meeting on December a, 1935, The -A matter was laic" over, _;r. Griffin reported on the matter of the unpaid taxes on the property of 7r. and Krs. Patrick Hynes, which matter had been referred to him at a previous meeting. He stated_ that the property was assessed for Q3,750; that he appraised he property at 52, 900 and that the total amount of unpaid_ taxes including penalties and inter•esl. h0 October 31, 1935, amounted to approximately x:,.1, 28 . After discussion the matter was referred to the Town Attorney and Hr. 3riffin '-0 present a r!"2_0hn1".e recommendation at the next meeting Of the BOa_'dq P. .4 The 17oard. discL'_SSed "the matter of LI a!>in­ over Les;ter Place and +'li11 a1TiS -Place and tool- no action t'1er_-on, The Town 6�ttorney re.-ported on the matter' of the application o om,eni Co Quadr i_r far I--rther Consi dera t ion of _113 a Oyc Ii 3ati(I,11 to co-nplonise or cancel to es on vr0n� 1�_l�o f) aS Sectio.L i .. ��loc-, 505 LGtS 4-2 43A and 44G . lie SGllltion.s re-re ado"pted �e--, the %oard_ On the 9 Ot',n- 0 I:'!GV°"�lhel^y '_935 , api�Grtiorin-7 a tax a� ? nsty t'_nis a'i ou1_2er ;o, 7erty as !-e'.7-Teen 'Jr, Quad.rinl an "he SoU 1t� o_ ',Ye-stchestery v!%'11 G,I1y, at one L'_ir'.ley owned this rooerty, ' \71ni as yi:l r eo it for nail�7,7a y yJL �-;^OSP,Sy _qrd_ a „erevar'_s reconve` d. 2 -larit O it t0 1^� ].!'_m This =�ESG 1.',;!.o_� f1Yed the assessed value - po'n�tha"t part of the iOPOO..rtT 1 mm�1 as Sec" ie-n ES �. loc-- 50 Lots 425 43='- and 44C, at `,�>8,I 'CJO on they 2--ssess 'lent Poll for the year 193G-1930 > t t'_r1e 18"h of Se..t 2'!;flier, 7 C,Z5 soar �, ✓U' resolution, njade a .Chili lar a'_N'oort'1oP._lent- on t'_n.e Holt 1233-1934 and 1934-1935, iixim� the value o ' adrinirs property at t appears, howe-ver, that the tax for the year 19345 cc . sr-v this property, to'seth.er -,pith prope�t ,7 rTi �r'_ 1e'� it -11 then assessed mas sold at the animal sale of taX l_i C^!s he=_d- ir, 1g%?,.� 2:Ild. _S nG?r,- hold_ - -- larGld ,7p 'i!'?6'U'!_ero _(i,re I- _.adri ui y '✓'no iJas -present, a "lithe_ application for a 7'E=t_Liction of the _oe:lalties ant o-'l eired_ as a co-_-nrroT­nse the follci!rinE- InsteF.i of tine amount due on t'_ne basis of the a_pportionraent as a-ainst Lots 425 434 and 44C ^or the 1934 taxes ,ash ch were sold in 19355 amou7`i r to D 713.115 he l"Ti ll pay immediately ,14001 Jnich eorese.nts the aamoui_t of the 1_en sold. vvitho-?t interest less a credit for over--pa„-lent ford armo7.rt of school taxes Gve-r-paid_, "he attorney ,eoorted that e _nvestibated the matter ano foU.nd trau P7re �',uadr ni 'L1a- _ several tunes prioP to t--e- adcntion of the resolut" --ns oiaiin- the alPportiGrnnent5 attenpte:t to obtain tax bills for that portion of the p=`°OpErt lvl" .C'_'! '7-E G''TrS hu.t 'AILC;.'i^<OU, success c:P_C'i rC-C^v2tl=le"P_:1.8 d- that his c0':nllro°d se OffEr he a.c C er ted,. Jn ?nio lei on. aul 6 and S°con d.ed :it ?,va.s unanin-ou_S1r [rj.h 5'.)L that i..,JTr_en co <u-a ^1n_' _;e allour�'d 'o p .; the 140®11 1 ?ed celd7 ir, settlement- of the lien for the 1, 934 taxes sold in th.e sear 1535,, c'overinz pronerty i-no`='Tin as Section S, 31oC 50, Lots 42, 438 a._i.;. 44C; and be it �''.).____-1i �_�'JL�•J E:;, th' ,t the ?eceiver of Tares and the Com-o ,rn ler of 'he I'mur 0 -1 Tlamarcmeci, be author zed to r=efund to Harold H eu.ker the anmou_nt ,said by him for th_e pi rc2ase of the tax lien for 1934 State, Tmvr, l, ) llat T' and School taxes aS a_.nst, the prG-�)8r17 1?1107m as See 8 , Dlocls t, Lots 42, 4343 4313, Az- , 403, 475Hy 47By 49^5 49C5 50L and 51 ':;it'0. interest at the rate bid_ to the tires of such refund, T ,e row s'orne-,T a-�ortea 'hat 71l1ie _ Cha-aris r.lie owner of -or')ner-t,v l. nOum as Section Ry Llock B. Lot -a � tell,rlerer to the ='.ece der or '2 es the S' �'' of C25 - eser.'in^ the aificunt of ,Le l--' en sold 1n the ear 1896 for 1895 taxes toSetrle rri _or t � .,xp rse of the. _cley or a total of ;:1® 0 , re recc=ended acceptance of the offer. O motion b­ _ c 1"i1niSS ScCOn _ a ri ff in _ _ as -an an In.oU-S 1y RES5 -IE` , that the taxes for the - ear 1C, _ Sold 'c Y1c- I-ea`' ` 896 ,,,v 0, _° Toi?rt?. CGT.i2ri._b p. c .. Ses 7__.GVVn as Section S51OCl' ey Let 1, bE CG.[ipr01"liSed2.72di the liecei4er of Ta3es is -lereiJy authoiizerd_ "tn acce��i; ?n _-ol l p-.- ent ' , ,refor mhe sum of 61, 0'7, The TOl'' n to ne-r pr 88erted_ an "_'ll'?j_iCat G"_'? fated October 15 9 19-35, _-rom the Laigr erS Title Corp•-rat.lon for cancellation of Certair '. axes affecting plonerty !L�ovvn as SectiGn 1, Bloc?- 42, Lots 125 13 and 140 The item is th-e School tax of 19205 sold_ in 1921 for „:190 per lot, or a total of?„?5e 70, Th.e application of the Laiv-Ye_'s Title Corporation s 'pa'ces that they *-ewe a.s led” to insure the title to this propert-17 on tvuo 19" Q 9 occasions. The first was in April, 103, at which time they obtained a tax search from the then Receiver of Tames, Henry T. McGivney• A copy of this search is attached to their application and shows that Mr. 43917ney, over his signature, reportel that there were no taxes due on the property in question as of April 13th, 192_® This search was made for the purpose of securinZ the conveyance of the property for one George G. murraj, who was the owner. The ayglication further states that subsequently and on Septern't-er 27th, 1924, Ar. MoTivneV made a further search at the request of the Lawyers Title Corporation to insure a mortgage r male by the owner. A ccy7 of this search is also attache! anrl shows that yr� NcOlvne7 over his signature certified that as of the 27th of September, 7324P there were no taxes due from 1223 to the date of the search , On motion by Yr. VeZinniss, seconded by :. re Brennan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the School Tax for the year 1920, sold to thy Town in 1921, representing a total amount of Q5. 70 and coverinL Section 1, Block 42, Lots 12, 13 and 14P be cow Dromised and that such taxes on tax liens may be paid with interest and penal ties no to the 15th day of April, 1923, and he it `-HER that a copy of this resolution be transmitted by the Clerk to the Lawyers Title Corporation, at 3 Church Street, White Plains, and to the Receiver of Taxes . A petition Eigned by about sixty residents of the unincor- yorated section of the Town was received protesting against the sngZested use of the second floor of the Weaver Street Fire House a5 a location for the Town Offices. The petition was ordered filed. A De . ition fated December it, 1235, signed by about forty, names was presented in protest against the reported intention of the Town Board to dispense with the services of the present Comptroller, on. W. 1=1 Hyrschwan- . !!w gatiticr vas ;r2,r:d -' Ie0 A letter dated December 10, lG351 was received from Walter T -dha1-,i, Cc rder of Post No , 1156 V. 2, W. concerning peddling in the To wn by men with veterans ' licenses, some of wDon, he stated, were not entitled to such licenses. The Clark was directed to request Vr. reedham to produce specific information concerning this matter, n report of ar inspection of the Town icck-up made or wo-v,ei-fo-e-, 2-2, 1935, was received from the State Commission of Correctior The report was referred to the Police Commission with. the request that the Town Board be notified of what t"ej propose to do concerning the recojiizrLe-.ndations set forth in the report . A renort of the fiscal year ended was received from the that the records had the examination of the Town Highway accounts for December 31, 1934, made by Examiner Am. 3. Kelly State Department of Audit and Contra! showinS neen properly kept and that entries in the account book had been properly made. The report was ordered filed, A letter dated fec✓,.-i-i-eer 75 1935, was received from the Bonded 11unicipal Cor2oration, owners of property known as we . 1 Depot Square, Mawaroneck, offering said property to the To 7n as a location for the proposed new Town Offices . The matter was ordered laid over. The report of the Oelfare Office for the month of Tlove-,rber was received and filed. A letter date_ scei-:er G, 1235, was received from Fire Chief LeVino informing the Board that the Fire Council of the Fire Department of the Town had adopted a resolution opposing the locatinZ of the Town Offices in the Weaver Street Fire House . The letter was orddred filed, 201 ,ter dated December 2, 1935, was received. from Frank A. Do,vnes, Chai-man c-' G' e BDarc! of Farl� cl- Pa-r', o . I., i-aformin's "he that the term oi cfiff-Ice of 7--rs. Elizaloeth la�,fton e- � � -fes on -Lece, e-�, 3' 7 0,3 5 -oi')o intro en t ,, U 1121-) �� �- 13 an,-' her The letter- was o----fere, _I laid over. The Clr-,-,',: ur'-ed. t'h- Board the im-oortance o, to Sing no t 1n-,e in desf -r-natin- an aJBnt r:r aSents i,C 117"i 'a "-e S-Ij o Tj,dS oI _r f o cll� cia-' s fo- the ensi-7f= year. -jna`-e-� v-as refer--nea 'o T,r. 3, e-ima-i -,,vit' -oov7ei t- see 'ha' the bor 's are ob'aiIed. Bo2-rd cii—so-ass-al info-mall- the -atter of the PuLlblic T� 1� I earin or the 1976 An-n-aal Estimate or TaX Iud.set to be held, oil De c e��,fb e'' 20 1935� a n,-'- o-I r e c'7 e f the e 0 1 e r.1-: to cqu--s t ail de pe).111'u m,e n t heads and T07T-.0 officials to be presert at that 1,1:T18. T'!-�e Siu e--vis--r prese-ted the stateriie--nt of barl,, baia-7cez as of -tE00 e-1, !0, -1935, as fol--, o-,vzs, M 0 7 � ivN 07 -,,iAIIIARONECK STAIT-Hi_L'1-11P OF IT- BAL-'ANCES AT 0- 00 DEC!,N3E'R 19, 1935 AVAILA2LE FUNDS r L-1 G-Ef\TERAL F-,,-,I\TD Count- __u'" St . . . . . . . . . 7-Irst National Bark II.t. Vernon. . . . 177 . 73 Trust Com-,any of Larchmon-t . . . . . . Chase National 5, 723.7/5 pion b -anr-. , . . . . 562. 6S TOTAL GENERAL HT G'Fff CouLq'ur Trust Coi:q-an-,,7 . . 1,636, 94 SAPTTAL FUND First National Blank, Tdt. Vernon, , . . . . . . , . . 65. 62 Trlj---t Co.uipar-,T of Larchmoint . - 51.16 I TOTAL CAPITAL FUND. . . 116. SS TOTAL AIT TLA S E LE FUNDS. — . . . . . . . . . . . 23 A A FU17)S S C H 0 0 LS Fia�st Ilational Bank, -,!rt . Vernon, . . . ,1 � 3,325.01 I Trus Com-can- of La--r,ch:nIont., Dist . "'1. 7,06'7,06 Trus �,- Company -- " Larc�,miont, Dist. 2, , , . , , 1, ,5M 17 T GTA I S C H)3 L S 932 1,1 T P-H LIENS Co-Unty ^1 rut Compan-ly 0; 09,2.33 SPECIAL DEPOSITS Trust CoiToa-riv of Larc!Qiio-.Lit ST,7TT X17 � N D Chase National 3ank, . Sp:Er,-�,L ,i--- -- - Fil-st '�atioral Da-nlz of Harrison.. 449, 17, VVATER DISTRICT Ty-ast Cm,--,..ra-nv o�' Larchon'� 10,02'7.30 50217. -0 TOT A7 N ,-7,T Or7 75A - -'- _-�Z:J,) F I A 1,--' =A- . 'L- F--TJ.,TDS . 31 o-l ;-./ 57 E L, ALL The Sn-oerviso-o re--orted that all bills which have -ceer re- ceived at the To-,•Tn �,f fices up to Deceu-.oer 1. 1935, have been paid. 2 on motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESO=D, that this '-Board do and it hereby does with :Ereat pleasure welcome back to its midst Kr, Henry Dm Brennan, who has recovered from a !on; Maness; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Boar! felicitate I1_r, 'Brennan on his splendid recovery, A petition dated_ Dece_zber 189 1935, was received_ from the Board of Assessors requ_es'.%__^_g the apportionment of the valuation on property known as Section 9, Block Sly jots 19A; 19B 20A and 208, 1 - referred + the Town Attorney. r __ _otvr A , ,crn..� , The Petition was _ efer_e�. �c At 10: 00 F. Y. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.. a Town Clerk I I