HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935_10_16 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TO IT BOARD TOW1N OF MAMARCNTECK, NEGd YORK HELD OCTOBER 16, 1935 At the Town Offices , 118 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8:05 P . N. Present : Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Griffin, Meginniss . Absent: Councilman Brennan. Also present : To-= Clerk !,Tarvin , Town <.ttorney Delius . The Board first met in executive session. Mr. Daniel Kusell addressed the Board concerning taxes on pro- perty owned by his mother, Mrs . Fannie Kusell, known as Section 1, Block 55, Lots 31 to 38 inclusive, which matter had been discussed at previous meetings . He submitted two letters written to him by (1) the Chase National Bank and (2) the Receiver of the l,iational City Bank of New Rochelle stating that according to their records these taxes had been paid. After discussion Yr. Kusell offered to pay the taxes , penalties and interest from the date of levy to May, 1927 when, he stated, he had inquired at the tax office and had been informed by the then Receiver of Taxes that there were no taxes open on his property. After further dis- cussion Mr. Kusell stated that he would - endeavor to get an affidavit from the title company with which he had dealings certifying that they had inquired at the tax office as to these taxes and had been informed that they were all paid. Mr. H. Lambert Filer of counsel for the County Transportation Company and the New York & Stamford. Railway Company addressed the Board concerning the applications received from these companies for new con- sents to operate busses in the Town of Mamaroneck, which applications had -- been referred to the Town Attorney at the meeting of September 18, 1935. The Board informally discussed the matter with Mr. Filer. The Board thereupon concluded its executive session and met in open session. In view of the presence of a person who desired to address the Board, the regular order of business was suspended in order to hear him. Mr . Joseph Pittera of 30 Lester Place presented a petition signed by thirty-two names requesting the Town Board to accept as public streets Lester Place and Williams Place. The matter was referred to the Town Attorney and the Superintendent of Highways for a report thereon including the estimated cost of putting the streets in good condition. There being no further persons present who desired to address the Board, the regular order of business was resumed. The minutes of the meetings of September 18, 1935, and October 2, 19353 were approved as printed. Mr. T:deginniss presented the financial report of the Supervisor for the month of 3epteifber and the nine months ended September 30, 1935 . The report was ordered filed. - The Supervisor reported that the T'own' s claim in the sum of 908,500 for refund of 1933 welfare expenditures had been approved after considerable delay and that he expected to receive the money very shortly. The Supervisor presented the statement of bank balances at the close of business October 15, 1935, as follows : it 1 TOWN OF M43FARONECK STATEMENT OF BANK BALANCES AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCTOBER 15, 1935 AVAILABLE FUNDS GENERAL FUND County Trust Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .¢ 6,694.42 First National Bank, Mt. Vernon. . . . . . . . . . 144.61 Trust Company of Larchmort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216.41 Chase National Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73846 .36 Union Savings Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,562.68 TOTAL GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tiS 21,464.48 HIGFW-AY FUND County Trust Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.25 CAPITAL FUND First National Bank, Mt. Vernon. . . . . . . . . . 266 .06 Trust Company of Larchmont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.87 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286.93 TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS. . ... . . . . . . . . 21,901.66 IMPOUNDED FUNDS SCHOOLS First National Bank, Mt. Vernon. . . . . . . . . 34,318.58 Trust Company of Larchmont,District fl. . 7,067.06 Trust Company of Larelimont,District '2. . 12334.59 TOTAL SCHOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,720.23 TAX LIENS County Trust Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2$ 76 .98 SPECIAL DEPOSITS Trust Company of Larchmont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,057.86 SYNER FUND Chase National Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,086.63 SPECIAL ASSESS17TENTS First National Bank of Harrison. . . . . . . . . 1,654.46 WATER DISTRICT r#1 -Trust Co . of Larchmont 203248.08 TOTAL IMPOTLTNDED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106,344.24 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $128,245.90 The Supervisor reported progress in the matter of the proposed collection of school taxes in the manner suggested by the Board of Education. He stated that he ivovld have more to report on this matter at a future date. Chairman Eklund of the Board of Assessors reported on the matter of the assessed valuations of resident property owners in eonnec- tion with the proposed establishment of a garbage district, which matter had been referred to the Board of Assessors on October 2, 1935. He stated that the Board is engaged in preparing a statement showing such valuations . Chairman Eklund reported on the matter of the reduction in the 1934 assessment, tax of 1935, on the property of Chas . ?id. Hagelston, L ar c hmont. The matter was referred back to the Board of Assessors for further consideration. The Town Clerk presented a statement showing the total amount of unpaid taxes on Section 7, Block 1, Lots 9A, 9B and 10B, the property of Yr. and Mrs . Patrick Hynes , which matter had been referred to him on October 2, 1935. The matter was laid over pending an inspection of the property by members of the Board. 129 Superintendent Kerola reported on the complaint which had been referred to him on October 2, 1935, to the effect that the garbage collectors had punched holes in a garbage can. He stated that the men denied doing this and that he had warned them not to do it again. Superintendent P.lerola reported on the matter of the maple tree owned by Oliver Rtaggard of 20 Hillside Road, which matter had been re- ferred to him on October 2, 1935 . He stated that he had inspected the tree and found it to be apparently in good condition and that he had so notified a person in the Maggard house. Superintendent 11,erola reported on the request of John w Edward, -- Hairdressers , for a street light in front of or near their premises, 168 Myrtle Boulevard. He recommended the installation of one 100 candle power light. He stated further that he had received a request from Luigi Leone for a street light in front of or near his premises at 29 Murray Avenue and that he recommended the installation of one 100 candle power light at this point. On motion by Mr. Bates, seconded by Mr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the .slestchester Lighting Company be and it hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to install for the Town of Mamaroneck and to charge the Town of Miamaroneck at the contract rate therefor two 100 candle power street lights as follows : ( 1) In front of or near 168 Myrtle Boulevard. (2) In front of or near 29 Murray Avenue. the exact locations to be determined by Superintendent Merola. Superintendent lerola reported that the Board of Education had let a contract for the installation of a drain and catch basin to improve the drainage condition of the Murray Avenue School playground and that the work will be completed in about three weeks . He recommended that the Town immediately install a drain to connect with the one to be installed by the Board of Education. On motion by 1,1r. Bates, seconded by 1.1r. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Superintendent of Highways be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to endeavor to obtain the immediate appro- val of a work relief project under the T. E. R. A. for the installation of a drain or Colonial Avenue and Daymon Terrace to connect with the drain being built by the Board of Education or, failing in that, to under- take the construction of this drain at the expense of the Town. Superintendent of Sewers Corwin addressed the Board concern- ing the proposed extension of Sewer District No . 1. After discussion the matter was referred back to him for a revision of the map which he submitted. Superintendent Corwin stated that by the end of the year those portions of the old Town sewage disposal plant now owned and operated by the Westchester County Sanitary Sewer Com-m-mission would no longer be in use and that he was inquiring what plans , if any, the Town Board had for the use of those buildings which the County Sanitary Serer Commission had not acquired. The matter of finding suitable use for these buildings was of Superintendent Corwin.erred to Mr. Bates and Su J r P A letter dated October 2, 1935, was received from L. C. James of 59 Maple Hill Drive, Larchmont, complaining of a telephone or electric light pole and the wires attached to it situated near his residence. The matter was referred to Mr. Bates and Superintendent IVIerola for investiga- tion and report. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of September was received and filed. The Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of September was received and filed. The report of the Welfare Office for the month of September was received and filed. A report was received from Frank J. Enright, Veteran Relief K Officer, in accordance with the provisions of the Public elfare Law, containing a list of the nan.es of Veterans who have received relief at some time during the period October 13 1934 to October 1, 1935, with ses and the amount of relief -ranted. The total relief granted their addresses g for the 249 Veterans on the list amounts to X56,022.07. The report was ordered filed. A letter dated October 3, 1935, was received from Edward H. Tatum, attorney- for '6ialter Hoy Manny, in reference to the 1926 school tax on his residence, Section 7, Block 71, Lot 3, together with an affidavit signed by Mr. T,Ranny. The matter was referred to the Town. Attorney. A letter dated October 3, 1935, addressed to "Town. of Yar..aro- neck and Village of Mamaroneck" was received from Miller, Bretzfelder 8: Boardman, attorneys for a prospective purchaser of certain property on Edgewater Point, inquiring as to the disposition of the Town in relation to certain matters connected with the proposed sale of the tax liens on this property, which tax liens are held by the Town and the Village. The matter ivas laid over pending a conference between representatives of the Town Board and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck. A letter dated October 5, 1935, was received from Kary:B. Vermilye Secretary, The Larchmont-Mamaroneck Humane Society, Inc. , concerning the proposed erection of a shelter for animals . The matter was referred to the Tovm Attorney for a report_ thereon. A letter dated October 9, 1935, was received from the Board of Education of Union Free School District PIo . 1, Town of Mamaroneck, con- cerning the improvement of the drainage condition of the T:Iurray Avenue School playground, which mutter had been reported on by Superinten d e _rt Nerola earlier in the meeting. The letter was ordered filed. A letter dated October 12, 1935, was received from Fire Chief LeVino submitting the names of five volunteer firemen who have been duly elected to membership in the Fire Department and have served a satisfac- tory probationary period, and recormnending that their election be approved by the Tovm Board. On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bates , it was unanimously RESOLVED, that on the recoLnnendation of the mire Chief the election of the following men as members of the Fire Department of the Town of Mamaroneck be and it hereby is ratified, approved and confirmed: Augustus Funck Fred N. Smith Philip Stein_ Frank Valle Edward S . ,Filson, Jr. The letter of Fire Chief LeVinc also recommended the appoint- ment as a permanent employee of Apparatus Driver Robert Gibson who has served a satisfactory probationary period of three months . The Board took no action on this recommendation. The Tovrn Clerk reported that TFTr . C . H. Greenall of the Town of PTarnaroneck Fire Department had requested him to call to the attention of the Board the need of a hydrant on north Chatsworth Avenue between EdgeiTTood Avenue and Echo Lane, which matter had been previously reported to the Town Board in a communication from the Fire Department. The matter was referred to Mr. Bates to take up with 'Mir. Brennan. A letter dated October 14, 1935, was received from Dr. -Mm. H. T,Iills , Chairman of the Adult Activities Council, inviting the Town Board to attend a .Hallowe ' en Party to be given by the Council on October 31, 1935 . The invitation was accepted with thanks and all members 1171--o could do so were urged to attend. A letter dated October 10, 1935 , was received from the famil-�r of the late John. T. Ta.adden thanking the members of the Town Board for their action in passing a resolution of regret on the death of Mr. IMadden at the meeting on October 2, 1935 . The letter was ordered filed. A letter dated October 10, 1935, was received from Teresa M. Scully of Valley Stream Road concerning the street lighting in Larchmont Gardens. and the condition of the sidewalks on that street . The matters were referred to Tar. P/Iercla. A letter dated October 9, 1935, was received fro_r,, Dr. Peatthew Carney of Larchmont Ridge requesting that the Torn improve the surface of Oxford and Mohegan Roads . The matter was referred to Mr. Bates . The Board considered the matter of applications received from the County Transportation Company, Inc . and the New York and Stamford Railway Company for consents to operate busses in the Town. On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED, 1'TF.EREAS, a petition has beer, received by this Board from the New York and Stamford Railway Company, requesting consent for the operation of motor busses for the transportation of passengers and property carried by said passengers , for hire, in, upon, along and across certain streets in the Town. of Mamaroneck upon the expira- tion of the present consent for such operation, which expires on the 2nd day of March, 1937; and 111FHEREA, application has been received from County Transportation Company, Inc. , for consent of the Town of Yamaroneck under the provisions of Sections 66 and 67 of the Transportation Corporations Lary of the State of New York for the operation of motor busses for the transporta- tion of passengers and property carried by said passengers , for hire, in, upon, along and across certain streets in the Town of Yamaroneck upon the expiration of the present consent for such operation, which expires on the 2nd day of March, 1937; RESOLVED, that a public hearing on the request and applica- tions of the New York and Stamford Railway Company and County Transportation Company, Inc. , be held on the 20th day of Diovember, 1935, at eight o 'clock P. M. at the Town Office, 118 Fdest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, by and before this Town Board; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to have published in both. The Daily Times , a daily newspaper published in the Town and the Village of Hamaroneck, and in The Larc'_2mont - - Times , a weekly newspaper published in the Village of Larc_ninont, Town of Mamaroneck, a suitable notice to be prepared by the Town Attorne7p of such public hearing, -" such publication to be made on the seventh day of Hovenioer, 1935 . At 10:55 P . H. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. 6 Town Clerk I