HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_12_19 Town Board Minutes 137 szGUTAR H7ETIYG CF TE TOWH lECAD TOWY you'- HTID D=`'= 09 1934 At the ToTn Offices , 118 West Boston Post Road, Yamaronech, Y. Y. The meeting was called to orier b7 SunervisoT TcCulloch at 030 P. H, Present ; Sunervisor EaCalloch Councilmen Bates , Brennan, Griffin, Heginniss The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Harvin anr, Town Attorney Delius. Its minutes of the meetings of Tovember 20 , November 26, and November 30 were approved as printed. Mr. Brennan reported an highway matters. He stated that he had investigated the complaint of Hre Rapp concerning the sidewalk on Garden Road, which matter had been referred to him at a previous meet- ing, and that he found the condition of the sidewalk to be satisfactory. The SuvEnvisor informed the Board that subsecannt to the final adoption of the Annual Fstimate or Budget for the year 1935 he had re- onive? from HT� Jisf Hammer of 22 Nassau Road a letter opposing any salary increases. Tie Suvervisor stated that the Board of Park Commissioners Of Part District Yo. I desired to receive in writing instructions from the Town Board as to their duties and obligations in respect to tie care and maintenance of the small pawls or islets lying within the Park: District but not a part of Larchmont Station Part and also it respect to the care of trees in the Part District. On motion by Hr. Bates , seconded b- Griffin, it was unanimously RESCIVED: that the TTmn Clerk be and he hereby is directed to communicate in writing with the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District Yo. I to the effect that it is the desire of the Town Board that the care and maintenance of the small oaTkn or islets lying within the Par! District but not a part of Larchmont Station Part be provided for by the Board of Park Commissioners from the budget a0prooriation for the Part District3 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the care of trees in the Part District be under the direction of the Board of Park Commissioners " and that the appropriation item of 1500 entitled SHAD7 1R774 YU31D under the heading of 3.,ISC7=,�'7CUS 722EYDITU'77i - OUT- . SIDF 07 VIILAG?S he sypende? for this puricses An undated petition 5iSned by eighteen single men on the relief rolls recunetlnE that the emount of relief which the7 now receive be increase? was received an? filed. A letter dated December 17 , 1934, Tas received from Eugene Riviere of Larchrriont declining appointment as 8 member Of the Town Adult Activities Council. The declination was accepted with regret and the letter ordered filed. The Suver7isor informed the 3cord that it is the present in- tention of the County welfare authorities to remove hr. J, Halsey Thomas. as Recreation Director of the Tc,,-n of 1.;3yrjaroreck on December 205 1934. Such removal, the Su7nr7isor adds?, would probably mean the cessation of Adult Activities in the Town. A netitlon dated December 195 1914a was received from the Board of Assessors 7e�"usstjng the Town Board to make certain corrections on the li assessment ToK for the year 1933-1934. The To7n Attorney stated that he a_o-orn?Ted of the rcouss t Find on motion duly mad..E 2nd seconded the following resolution was irranir1GL'..Sly a1J_Provcds UJIT REAS, the Board of Assessors has recommended that certain corrections be made on the assessment roll for the year 1933®1934 relative to .Section 3, Bloc_ -^_-, Iot 2A and. `7'TTR7.i ^71 it has been ShOS""'? to the satisfaction of this -- Board that just cause s:z:ists for the corrections asked- far° I?01, 'T1TTR 1?OR7, BI` IT R7SD11T7ED, that the corrections asl'.ed for be made 2,nd that the assessment u-oon , OriT_inal Assessed '-s ca Block Lot -Oris-inal C-r- er Va.luetion __� 4 2A John U. Watson 1 _ ,000, 00 be .corrected as follows : s8 cm 31ock Lot Omner Assessed. Value 3 C 2A C. J. 1. Cor7m 3 4 2A3 John sal, 'iJatson 4, 500. 00 A letter dated December 18, 1934, ,vas received from Rrank Chal.iman of Board. Of _'ark Comr!iisSl or,ers O`_"' Party D1str-i ct TdO:,. 1 c- the Town of Karnaronecic su�-zgesti,ng that the Town investigate the matter of carryin?,' -its nrorlcricn Is com"oensation irisuTance 71"G0. the - eRI Yorl� State ITI Jr'ance Iunc, The matter �.ras ordered. referred, to Tr, 3renna. ? ve i n for i _ �cst -3 and and report A lcT.t-r dated. 'o ver.^.'Der ,-20 , lg z- . ,uas received. from Richard Bo 1e Vine of X85 We S'crEE'c, ac om��Jaricd bra a d-etailed =turfy "To DetexminE the Economic Value .,, to the Town Of La-m E:ronecly of the Erection and Croera,tion of M,.,nicioa.l Diesel l'lectrlc YO,,-ter Hann,. " Yr= 1c 'Tina' s letter stated in wart "this study is - resented in a. sti- it f crnom ity inter st for th � _ r O ��.,.t1L.. E r E serious consideration of the Soard. ' On mcti on by I,i-1.r9. Bates ; seconded 11r, Brennan, it v,'as an an 4 rio LLSly RESOL17i), that the SL1-Dervisor be End he hereby is authorized I appoint a comrttteE of nualified. residents of the Town to etud-y the re- ort submitted b- i r> 1e Vino and to -present a re_oort thereon to the '_'0 .'1 Board to--e'i er 'T-i th recomiaen"da_ ti on s. The Su-,)ervisor Stated. t1at the Annual T"'-stir[?ate or Budget for the year 1935 contained an item 1!i41-9ER.SHIP I1T TONE- ASSOCI ?TIOI'? urde-r the hieadirrn of &IISC'+_'L? 70-US 7X2717DITTIRES - GL'I`RA1 TOXR? in the amount of X100 covering the annuel clues for the t,;m in said association in a.ccor- demce pith the provisions of Chapter 412 of the La7,,,-s of 1933 On motion duly made and- seconded it tvas unanimously -- RESOLVED: That this Tot,m Board hereby dete.rriines to upend and raise -o-Y taxation in this Tovrn the sum of X100000 to meet the actual and accessary e7joenses of maintaining and continuing the Association of Tot-,ms of the State of 117je7LT L'o1k and any of its activities in this State for the 'pur JOSE Of devising -)racti cal ,Frays and meals of obtaining greater econor_1y and efficiency in the government thereof. The Su-,ervisor stated that it Raould be in order for the Tom Board to atpoint the employees of the To-;,!n for the ensuing year in accor- dance *faith the -,manual Estimate or 3ud-get and to fix their salaries. On motion by Idr. Bates . seconded by ai-r. I'eginniss , it eas una:niracusly RFSOLtl+D, that in accordance with the Annual Estimate or Budget the salaries of the followin_g elected or a-)-pointed Toy^rn officers and./or officials for the year beginning January 1, 1935, shall be at the rate per annum set forth after their names , to wit : — I; ichael Verola - Semerintenden t of Highways E�3,000. 00 W. Henry Hirschmann - Comptroller 3n250. 00 Henry R. Dillon - Receiver of Taxes L Assessments 3 ,75000 John L.. Delius - Toum .attorney 4, 000.00 and be it FMTHER RFSOyVPD, that, except as herein _orovided, the salaries for the year beginning January 1, 1935 , of all other To=. officers and./or officials shall be at the Same rate per annum as naid in the year 1934 ° and be it aURT=R RFSOIVFD, that for the year beginning January 1, 1935, the following named persons be and they hereby are appointed to the uosition set after their names and that their salaries be at the rate per annum set after their names and that they serve at the pleasure of the Toro Board, to units Jean Corbia - Tele-ohone OrDerator Tol,m Offices ;11450. 00 ) 900.00 Public welf are 450. 00) Alice Waeelock s General Gffice Asst. 750. 00) 1,500® 00 Deputy Tmrm Clerk_ 750. 00) Vito Luceno - Bookkeeper 1,800000 Harry Boysen - Assts in Off ice of -- Receiver of Taxes 1,500.00 Alexander ;ins on- Public Welfare Dept, 1, 500. 00 Office I anager I. rton . Sarfat, Building Inspector. 600. 00 Hargue-rits H. ITerian w Public Health purse 780.. 00 Helena Platkin 2ublie Health 1iurse 780. 00 Will Ooruin - Suyerintend.ent of Sewers 11,300® 00} Clovis Reid - Sevrer Plant Operator 800. 00)) One-half of salary and be it ?UP,Tr7R R73 \3DI , that the Salary of yank J,. Enri sht , heretofore and on the 30th day of ::-ion ember, 1934, ap_?ointed Veteran Relief Officer of the To7rn of Mamaroneck, be and it hereby is fixed at the rate o" '�1, -00.00 her anninn beginning January 1, 1935° and be it -- 'PURTh R R_SOLTTD, that all other 2erra2nent em.lcreaE be continued at their -present salaries except Sabra Crane , ;public Health ITu-rse, whose services are dispensed urith as of December 31, 1934. i,lr. Franklin Brooks ; attorney for STicholas Leone , addressed the Board_ in connection tivith tha claim of his client for d.arnages alleged to have been sustained by his property on Murray Avenue by reason of the im- provement of Uurray -'venue. 14 Mr. Brooks presented an estimate in the amount of ; 6,000. 00 as the cost of raising the grade of the -property, -raising certain outbuild- ings and othenrJise repairing the alleged damages. Superintendent Yerola -presented an estimate for the same 1,=k in the amount of 5, 500. 00 and %r.. Brooks agreed that this sun taould be adeouate. LIr. Brooks further agreed that his client, upon receil:t of this sum,rrould pay all taxes open against the property. The TmPr Attorney stated that the claim of Hr. Leone rras based on a contract heretofore entered into on Larcli 13, 1929 , bet��een the TO-7n and Hr. Leone which provided that the Totmz would repair certain damages sustained by 171-r. Leone 's property by reason of the iiapprovernent of LIurray Avenue , under certain terms and conditions. Hr. Brooks stated that he would prepare a neon claim in the amount of t�5, 500.00, have it executed by his client and submit it to the To7rn for payment. The Town Attorney stated that this _oroced_ure would be in order and that the 1^otan Board could properly approve of the claim i=rhida Lair. Brooks would submit as soon as his client could execute it. On motion.•. by Hr. Ileginniss , seconded by Yr.. Bates, it eas unanimously R--SOhVFD, that the claim of T'Ir. Leone in the amount of ?5 ,500. 00 for the repair of damage caused to his ro)erty on Liurray Avenue by reason of the improvement of I.furray Avenue be and it hereby is approved. A petition dated December 19 ;, 1934, was received. from the Board of Assessors notifying the TwTn Board that by error and inadvertence certain taxable property had been omitted from To7ni `Pax District Yo. 1 and S?o. 2 in the assessment roll for the Tovrm of HamaToneck for the year 1933-1934 and requesting that said omitted -p-ropsrty be added to the assess- ment roll for the year 19304-1935 at the assessed. value as set forth in I he assessment roll for the year 1933-1934 and to cause the amount of the tax Vr=eon to be extended at the rate per centurn of the year 1934 for 'Tax _ District 17o, 1 and 7o. 2 and added to the amount of the tax or assessment for the year 1935. She Town Attorney stated that the petition was in order and advised the Board. that in accordance vrith the provisions of Paragraph Si-sth of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Lairs of 1916 , as amended, a hearing should be held by and before the Torfirn Board at which time the affected oro_certy o*rners could have an o_o-portunity to be heard concerning this matter He stated further that a-_Jyoro=;imately ninety pieces or --parcels of land zrere involved, representing a total tam levy of about $21, 000.00 Dn motion by Kr. Brennan, seconded bT IrIr G iffi_r_ , it 7as upon roll callux7animously resolved TEFREAS, a petit ca _ou-rsuant to raragra_p'n Second of Section 33 of Cha-Oter 105 of the La,_r�rs of 1916 as amended, in due form and signed and ac'-nov7rledged by the Board_ of Assessors of the Tovm of lfamaronecl, has been filed with this Board for the correction of the Assessment Roll for 1933-1934 and to include" in the current Assessment Roll . 1934--1935, against cerUEin lots or _Jarcels of property there- in more particularly s-pecified, the tax for Tax District LTo. 1 and 1°o.. 2 purposes -for the ;;rear 1934 ; and As' it ap'_Jearsq that the said several lots or parcels Of "oTC?JeT"G?T -were omitted flOT�1 TO?:r. lax D1Str U ! Oo. 1 and Yo. 2 upon the 1933-1934. Assessment Roll through error, and should_ be added to the current Assessment Roll and the tax extended against the said several lots or parcels of property at the rate per centuTR for Tax District 1, 0� 1 and ho. 2 for the year 1934^ and 'r'iHTRLAS, the said petition further states the assessed value of said several lots or _parcels of property for State , To7na and County purposes generally upon the 1933-1934 Assessment Roll, ---Thich _is the value for the year omitted., NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that said petition of the Board of Assessors for the correction of the Assessment Roll for 1933-1934 and the addition of the omitted tax against said several lots or parcels of property to the 1934-1935 Assessment Roll is hereby entertained = and it is further RESOIV''D, that a copy of said 'petition with a. notice of the ;presentation thereof to the Town Board shall be served by mail on or before January, 6th, 1935, upon the owners as alleged in said petition at their last ??mown addresses according to the records in the office of the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Iamaroneck; and it is further R73GIV7D, that a copy of the petition so mailed be acoom- panied by the following Notiee : "In the utter of the correction of errors in the Assessment Roll for 1933-1934 of the TOWN OF Iv__HARO FCh PTEASE TAIL' NOTICE that attached hereto is a copy of the petition of the Board of Assessors oresented to the Town Board on the 19th day of December, 1934, for the correction of errors in the Assessment Roll for 1933-1934 and the addition of the amount of omitted tax in Tali District No. 1 and No, 2 for the year 1933-1934 to the current Assessment Roll, 1934-1935® TAKE MUM NOTICE that a hearing as pro- vided in Paragraph Sixth of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as amended will be held by the Town Board of the ToTm of Hamaroneck on the 16th day of January , 1935, at 10 o 'clock in the forenoon, at the office of the Board. of Assessors of the Topaz of Iiamare- neck, 11 Fdgewood. Road, kno?!rn as the Weaver Street Police Station, in the Town of Vamaroneck, at which time you will have an opportunity to be heard, and that on such hearing the Toenn Board have all the powers that Assessors have in reviewing and correcting said Assessment Rolls TAKE FURTH7R NOTICE that copy of the said petition and this I<otice is served upon you pursuant to resolution of the To-ni Board of the Town of Eamaron-e Ck adopted December 19th, 1934 wilder the authority of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as amended. '' The report of the Town Clerk for the month of Dose ember was received. and filed. At 10 :25 Pa M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. yy � 20 r Clerk