HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_11_26 Town Board Minutes � U, SPECIAL It2E'ETING OF THE TOwDT BOARD T0MT OF XAMARONEOK, = YORK. HELD NOVEi13ER 26, 1934 In the Directors ` Room of the Trust Company of Larchmont, Larchmont, New York. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 9 :30 A. L1. --- Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin, Meginniss. The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin and Town Attorney Delius. The Board continued its informal discussion of the proposed budget estimates for the year 1935. No record vote was taken on any budget item. Yr. Meginniss stated that from the point-of-view of conserva- tive finances he would prefer to see the net budget or the amount to be raised by taxes, increased by the sum of $100,,000 or $150,000. However, he declared, he would vote for the proposed budget because he felt the taxpayers in the year 1935 should be entitled to some relief following upon the extraordinary levy in 1934 and that every possible consideration should be shown them for the splendid response which they have made in paying their 1934 taxes. Furthermore , he stated, the proposed budget, wth- out the additional $100,000 or $150,000 which he would prefer to see in it, would probably prove adequate from a budgetary point-of-vievi in any event, although it might prove insufficient to maintain a desirable cash position. Every other member of the Board in turn expressed himself as in accord with the remarks of Mr. Meginniss. It was unanimously agreed that an informal hearing in advance of the statutory public hearing on the budget be 'held on Friday, Novem- ber 30, 1934, at 8:00 P. M. at the weaver Street Police Station and that to this meeting be invited representatives of the several Civic Associa- tions in the Tovm and other interested persons. It was informally agreed that the statutory public hearing on the budget be held on Friday, December 14, 1934, in the Senior High School provided the school auditorium can be obtained on that night. The Clerk was directed to ascertain if this could be done. The minutes of the meeting of November 8, 1934, were approved as printed. A communication dated November 20,; 1934, was received from the Board of Assessors petitioning the Town: Board pursuant to Section 33 of the Westchester County Tax Act to apportion the assessed value- tions and the amount of the tax thereon on Section 8, Block 79 , Lot 19 for the years 1918 to 1934 inclusive. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously I RESOLVED, =REAS, the Board of Assessors has recommended that certain corrections be made in the assessment =!', for the years 1918 to 1934 inclusive relative to Section 8, Block 79 , Lot 19 : and WHEREAS, it has been shown to the satisfaction of this Board that a just cause exists for the corrections asked for ; therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the correction asked for be made and that the assessment on : Original Sec. Blk. Lot Original Owner Assessed Value 8 79 19 Gironda, Anselmo $750.00 be corrected as follows : Sec. Blk. Lot Owners Assessed Value 8 79 19A Gironda, Anselmo 0600.00 8 79 19B- Aiello, Giuseppe 150.00 FURUM RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes be instructed to issue a bill and receive the taxes so assessed accord- - - ingly. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of October was --- received and placed on file.. The Town Clerk presented a certification from the State De- partment of Health covering the period October 19 1933 to September 309 1934, showing the amount of fees due him as Registrar of Vital Statistics , as follows : 13 Birth Certificates at fifty cents each $6. 50 19 Death Certificates at twenty-five cents each 4.75 12 Prompt Reports at two dollars each 24.00 Total Amount $35.25 The certification was ordered placed on file. A letter dated November 13, 1934, was received from Richard Y. Page of 350 Weaver Street, Larchmont, concerning the water connection at that address. The letter was referred to ILr. Brennan. Yr. Brennan reported on highway matters. He stated that he had considered the request of Mr. Wm. H. Lawson for the installation of additional street lights on Ifiohegan Road, which matter had been referred to him at a previous meeting, and that he recommended the installation - of three additional lights. On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of Yr. Brennan, the destchester Lighting Company be and it hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to install three additional street lights on IFlohegan Road at locations to be determined by Yr. Brennan and Superintendent of Highways Merola. Town Attorney Delius reported on the matter of the request of Hr. David Grant for permission to construct a driveway on the Town 's unimproved right-of-way at the end of Spruce Road. He stated that he had been informed orally by Yr. Grant that the property owners on Spruce Road, who had heretofore objected to his request, had subsequent- ly changed their minds. He stated that he would request Yr. Grant to present to the Town Board written evidence of this fact. Town Attorney Delius reported that at its meeting on May 2,. 1934, the Town Board had approved an appropriation of not to exceed $50.00 for legal expenses in connection with taking title to the Larch- mont Gardens Lake ; that for various unforeseen reasons the legal ex- penses for this purpose actually reached the amount of $148.00 and that he recommended amending the resolution of Ilay 2, 1934, so as to appro- priate the sum of $148.00 for this purpose. On motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Yr. Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, '=3REAS, at its meeting on Hay 2, 19349 this Board approved a resolution appropriating the sum of not to exceed x$'50.00 for the legal expenses in connection with taking title to the Larchmont Gardens Lake ; and WHEREAS, the Town Attorney has reported to the Board that the actual legal expenses of taking title amounted to the sum of $148.00 and recommends the appropriation of that amount ; now, therefore , be it 07 RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of the Town Attorney, the resolution approved by the Board at its meeting on May 2, 1934, be and it hereby is amended so as to appro- priate the sum of not to exceed $150.00 for legal expenses in connection with taking title to the Larchmont Gardens Lake : and be it FUR=I R RESCILVED, that in all other respects the action of this Board taken at its meeting on Yay 2, 1934, in connection with taking title to the Larchmont Gardens Lake be and it hereby is ratified, confirmed and approved. The ,Town Attorney informed the Board that he had received a communication dated November 13, 1934, from Silas S. Clark Special Attorney to the Town Board in the matter of collecting back taxes, requesting the approval of the Tovrn Board for the institution of fore- closure proceedings based on unpaid taxes open on Section 9 , Block 11, Lots 22 and 23A. The Town Attorney recommended approval of Tyr. Clark's request. On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of the Town Attorney the request of Silas S. Clark for the approval of the Town Board for the institution of foreclosure proceedings based on unpaid taxes on Section 9, Block 11, Lots 22 and 23A be and it hereby is approved. The Board unanimously presented its thanks to the Trust Company of Larchmont for permission to use its Directors ' Room for the purpose of this meeting. At 4 :50 P. I;T. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn subject to the call of the chair. I Torn Clerk i I� I