HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_11_08 Town Board Minutes STATUTORY 1,H7TI1IG OF THE TCM, , BOARD TO7,TZ OF IiiAITAR01iITMC, 1'17,W -XFOIT i HI,LD TMtIB?R 8, 1934 At the To—m Offices , 118 '.Vest Boston Post Road, YaMaronech, 1 . Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 2:10 P. M. Pre Sent& Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates , Brennan, Griffin , Ileginniss The presence was also noted of ToTni Clerk Llarvin, Tomn Attorney Delius and Superintendent of Highways 1lercla. The Supervisor announced that the meeting t,,,,,as being held pursuant to the provisions of Sections 90 and 91 of the Hi�,h7,ay Lars for the purpose of taking action on the Town Superintendent 's Estimate for High*tray Purposes for the year 1935. Superintendent of Highways Llerola presented his estimate for the year 1935 showing the follovJing amounts : FIRST I= i High-,.-Tay Fund For the repair and improvement of tolm highvaaya including sluices , culverts , and bridges having a s-pan of less than five feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 021,000. 00 SI'COI?D I= Bridge Fund For the repair and construction of the bridge on _ Weaver Street, crossing the stream 1-nova, as Sheldrake River and located on or near the property 7 _ x.00 00 of Larchrnont Water !7orks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . For the re-oair and construction of the bridge on Lakeside Drive crossing the stream kno,;,m asVShel- drake River and located on or near the ;property of Larchmont Gardens Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900.00 Total for bridges. . . . . . . . 0 1,200. 00 THIRD ITHE Machinery Fund For the purchase and repair of mac'ninery, tools and im_elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5,450.00 i FOURTH ITFK Hiscellaneous fund For the removal of obstructions caused by anm, . . . . 2?000.00 For salary and expenses , To,,,m Superintendent end Deputy, if any. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3;000. 00 For other miscellaneous -,Ou-rposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 Total miscellaneous fund.. . . . . . . 7. 500.00 Grand Total, , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 035,150. 00 I 7 On motion by rm Griffin, seconded by hir, Bates, it eras nnanimously Rl'SOLVED, that the foregoing Tovrn Superintendent 's Estimate for Highvray urTooses for the year 1935 be and it hereby is approved ; and be it FURTH^R RSOT,i7D, that t'ne amount set opposite each item is the amount VThich shall be raised by tax for the s_oecific purpose mentioned. The Board having completed its statutory duties in respect to the High-,Jay Estimate , unanimously agreed that this meeting ryas to be considered the first regular meeting of the To-mm Board. for the month of ITovember in lieu of the meeting customarily held on the first J-dr esd.ay of the month , on which day, namely, the day preceding this on no meeting -,vas held® The minutes of the meeting of October 18, 1934, were approved as printcd. A letter dated October 25, 1934, was received from the Standard Oil Company of ie^r York concerning the matter of the repairs to the pavement in front of its filling station at the corner of the Boston Post Road and Dean Place. The letter was referred. to Ilr. Brennan. A letter dated October 25, 1935, -was received from the Reverend Francis J. H. Coffin, Rector of St, John 's C'nurch, Larchmont, inviting the To-rm Board to attend. the Fortieth Anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the present church building. The invi tatioi ?aas aces led. -rrith thanks and the Board decided to attend in a body. A copy of a letter dated I•Tovember 79 1934, mitten by the Park Commission to rlr. William hr® Laruson of Larchmont Ridge , in regard -- to izc plot at the intersection of Avon Road and Rockland Avenue 7,ras received and filed. 11ro Ialeginniss reported on finances, He stated that he did not anticipate that the Tot*rr, will be com_Delled to borrow against un- col.lected taxes or in anticipation of uncollected tares before the end of the yeas. Ex. Bates reported on sorer matters. He stated that the 1T=1k was progressing on the erection of the booster pumping station on Fnoll-mood Drive, Era Brennan -reported. on high-,ray matters, He stated that the matter oz° the house connection of the -;,rater main on the -property of Hi. Richard iota Page , 350 Weaver Street, had been taken up by the -,'later Works. He also reporrted that rap-^k had been completed. on the im- provement of Old White Plains- Road and that he desired to express his a:p-roval of the uror'a as carried out by Superintendent Kerola. The Supervisor stated that he had been in conraunication with Ivayor Ho-rnidge of the Vilia.ge of Liamaroneck and I-ayor Hocley of the village of Larchmont concerning a proposed joint meeting of the two Village Boards and the Town, Board to discuss matters of mutual interest. The Board unanimously agreed to accept the invitation of liai=or Hooley to meet vrith the t-rro Village Boards on Yovember 19 , 1934 at 8 P. I'I. in the 731tiLicipai Building, Larchmont. The Supervisor presented the financial report of the Highway Fund for the nine months ended September 30 , 1934. The report was ordered -placed on file. Superintendent of Highways Iierola presented an inventory of the machinery, tools and implements ormed or leased by the 'loam for highway purposes. The Town Board e:taillried the inventory and by reso- lution unanimously approved it. Chairman Eklund of the Board. of Assessors addressed the ToZ:n_ Board in reference to assessment matters. He stated that seven- teen writs of certiorari had been served on the Board of Assessors ; that he estimated that it would cost the Tom about $15,000. to defend these cases in court if the To,,,rn is victorious and about �^10,.000 addi- tional if the Tom is not victorious. The Board considered the cuestion of the defense of the Tozrn assessment roll at some length and upon motion by I;r. Heginniss, seconded by Ltr. Bates , it was unanimously RFSOLVFD, that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is instructed to defend the Towr in the certiorari pro- ceedings instituted against it in the order in which he sees fit. To-,-n Attorney Delius inforried the Board that, as a part of the TovTn 's defense , he would need certain expert assistance in -real estate matters. He recommended the inclusion of an appropriation of p15,000. in the budget for the coming, year to cover the costs in connection with the certiorari proceedings. On motion by 1'11r. Bates, seconded by '.r. Brennan, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be and he 'hereby is authorized in conjunction with the Supervisor and the Finance Chairman, to employ such legal and expert real estate assistance as they may deem necessary to defend the Town 's interests in the certiorari proceed- ings now pending. Engineer A. J. Foote addressed the Board in connection with the matter of the Building Cubage and Tax Map Project. He stated that at the present rate of progress it will require eighteen months to complete the project because of the fact that it is being conducted under the auspices of the T. F. R. A. with a consequent - shortage of trained men and irregular hours of employment. r, P Ir. Foote visas requested to submit an estimate of the cost to the Tor.,rn of supplementing the aopropriation by the T. ^. R. A. with a view to completing the project at an early date rather than to let it be continued solely as a T. F. R. A. project. At 4:35 P. 1;i, the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn subject to the call of the chair. { i h { T ' Town Clerk i I i I f I i ii