HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_10_05 Town Board Minutes �8 A > SPECIAL 10FTIITG OF THE T^sue BOAR TOWN OF ILIREARS?FCK, 17277 YORK HELD OCTOBER 5TH. 1934 At 51 Woodbine Avenue, Larchmont New York. The meeting eras called to order by Supervisor HcCulloch at 8,20 o 'clock P. 11. Presents Supervisor IucCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan and Griffin. The presence ras also noted of Town Attorney Delius. In the absence of the Torn. Clerk the To7m Attorney acted as clerk of the meeting. The first matter brought up for discussion by the Supervisor was a, request made by the authorities of the Village of Y;iamaroneck at the last meeting of the Board for a ecntributian to the cost of dredg- ing the purest basin of 11a.maroneck Harbor. After discussion it was de- cided. to first submit the matter to the Village of Larchmont Board for their opinion as to vihether or not the taxpayers of the Village of Larchmont 7;culd rri.s'n to share in this ex-canes , and then put the matter before the taxpayers of the unincorporated section of the Tos,^n at a meeting, in order to determine their feeling in the matter. The Supervisor stated that the Tov:m Attorney had several applications to the Board fcr cancellation of taxes which appear open upon the records of tax arrears, The Torn. Attorney then proceeded to take these up. I Application of Lal.,,Vers Title Corporation for cancellation of 1929 tax, sale of 1930, covering Section 1, Bloc _ 378, Lots 46, 47 and 48, Amount $27.24. The proof in support of this ap-olication ' s photostatic copy of tax search made b the La7iyers Title i_ a hoto. t c c Y p _y and Guaranty Com_oa.ny on April 2, 1930 upon ,ahicn appears over the signature of S. Lanza , the former Receiver of Taxes , the statement that there 7rere no taxes open other than the 1930 Tov,,n taxes and a certain. special assessment. It a-gpeared from the letter and the investigation made by the La 7rers Title w Guaranty Company that a t the time of the search the 1929 taxes were marked paid., but Circe the issuance of the policy the item has been opened up after the audit made by the State Bureau of -Hunicipal Audit, for the reason that no entry was made in the cash book., no receipt given ,. and the tax book stamped paid. Upon motion duly made and seconded the application eras granted and the Receiver of Taxes directed to cancel the tax. Application of Robert J. MaKeand , acting for Nicholas Leone , for cancellation of the State , County, 'Town and School District taxes for the year 1927, sale of 1928, Covering Section 1, Block 57 , Lots 73 and 74, : 295« 20, The proof submitted lura:s an affidavit of Robert Jm YcKeand stating that he 7Tas the broker 1uho negotiated the sale of this property from Yetta Goldstein to ?icholas Leone on November 25, 1927, and at that-time and in his presence the he the Receiver of Taxes taxes in cash to e seller pa_d these t xe and received a receipt$ After discussion the Torrn Board authorized the cancellation of these taxes, provided an affidavit be furnished by the o?Mer, Iiicholas Leone, explaining the absence of the tax receir_t, Zvhich the ^10 :o Attor- ney had. previously requested.. 88 Application of Silas S. Clark, Special Counsel to the Town Board$ for cancellation of taxes for the years 1915 to 1921, inclusive ; sales of 1916 to 1922 inclusive , Section 8,- Block 999 Lots 1, 2 and. 3. Amount $85.83. The proof submitted �r!as an affidavit of Helen I11.. Le Sage , an employee of Silas S. Clark, that receipts for these taxes vrere attached to a Referee 's report of sale found in the Westchester County Clerk's Office in an action entitled "liargaret L. Baker, plaintiff against Amelia Delano et al, Defendants " (Bile No. 6227®1928) . Upon motion duly made and seconded. the application was granted and the Receiver of Taxes directed to cancel the tax. Application of Roy C. Clark for cancellation of taxes for 1925, 1926 and 1927 against property in Section 6, Block 27, Lot 27B.. The proof submitted consists of a. letter from LIr. Clark claiming that the arrears of these taxes had never been called to his attention although he had made inquiry of the Receiver of Taxes and also had a search made by the Lav,*ers Westchester T;iortgage & Title Company in 1927 i,,rhich failed to disclose these taxes as unpaid. The Toi=.m Attorney was directed- to take the matter up with. !r. Clark and ascertain if he had any further proof. Application of Frank J. Holler for cancellation of 1918 taxes against pre-oerty in Section 1, Block 80, Lots 149 15 and 16. Amount x$,'30.43. Proof submitted consists of a letter from Yr. Holler stating that he had sold said, premises to Valentine Synowitz Kay 22/22 that no title search ",as made , nor had any search been made for six years prior thereto. That he had personally called at the tax office and. v✓as told by some one there that all taxes were paid. to date. That he has searched his files but cannot find the tax receipts and presumes they 7ere destroyed. Upon motion duly made and seconded. the application was denied and, the Town Attorney directed to notify Iur. Heller. Application of Arnold fovello for cancellation of 1925 school tax9 sale of 1926, on premises Section 49 Block 16 , Lots 15, 16 and. 17.. Amount X12-8.70. Prrof submitted consists of affidavit of Arnold -=ovellc that he has searched for the tax receipt and cannot find it, but that of his o=m personal knowledge the tax had been paid and also referring to letters from Heighan Cc Fecarsulmer in which are mentioned receipts for certain taxes which were submitted to them as attorneys for the mortgagee , also an affidavit of Burton C. Ileighan with attached, letters from the firm of Iieighan L Niecarsulmer dated October 59 1928 and October 24, 1928 and Larch 139 1931, concerr_ing the practice in their office of examining receipted tax bills before ex- tending mortgages of clients whom they represented® U-pon motion duly made end seconded the application vJas denied and the Town Attorney directed to so notify Mr. Novello. The Tovsm Attorney also read a letter from Lester J. Albertson, attorney for 11r. Joseph I.Tercadante , suggesting that Hr. Ilercadante9 Iutr. Gagliardi and former Supervisor George W. Burton appear before the Tovm Board in executive session to discuss the claim of I-Ir. Yercadante for cancellation of $'18,000.00 taxes and assessments on the Ilaple Hill subdivision. After discussion the 'Toi-m Attorney was directed to advise IYir. Albertson that the Board vm ld meet in executive session provided all three of the gentlemen named would attend. The Town Attorney stated that he had had some communications from and conversations with ir. pdwa-rd H. Tatum, representing 1,abel F. Tobey, who claimed that taxes on an island in Larchmont Harbor owned by lb?s.. Tobey, and which is known as Section 7, Block 27B could not be assessed because the property could not be located on the Tax Map. Upon recommendation of the Town Attorney the Board refused to entertain the application. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. —' Town Attcrn I I