HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_09_04 Town Board Minutes STATUTORY JOINT T .C7TT 'r OF T11E TOOT" BOARD 31) THE 3022D (7 ::"SS_,SSC S TCr,'V ' 07, 1'T_Q14%RO_7_CK q 1", V YORY i_LD SFPTEI:EPER 4TH, 1934 At the To7rm Offices; 118 'Nest Boston Post Road, I emaron.ecic, Y. The meeting rras called to order by SunSrviso'r L-'eCullcch at 8:15 P. L, Pre sent « SuCervisor I�cGulloch Counciir,,len Bates, Brenn=i;., Griffin, iSeginniss Assessors Eklund., Simonds , 4Jarren The Presence eras also noted of Town Attorney Delius and Town Clerk 17.a.rvin. The Clerk stated that the meeting Tras called to order our® su nt to �ect�8�s 7 TRd E6 , Chavt 232 of the La r s . of 19Q4 Netter ni h Cna.pLer 9 0? e a.ti=rs of-1��0 as amended, �e1ng a loin fee ing of the Tom Board and, the Board of Assessors of the To=. of Mamaroneck to corrdile , select, make and verify the grand and trial jury lists for the year 1935« Upon motion by Councilman Heginniss , seconded by Councilman Brennan, it eras RF+SOLVED that the Board of Assessors be and they hereby are reouestad and directed to compile a tentative list for grand and trial jurors, the same to be submitted to this Board for revision, correction and addition, as the Tol3rn Board may, sse fit, and th2t the same be pz°SSented t0 a joint meeting Of the TO`r;n Board and the Board Of Assessors on Se-rtemb r 26th at 8,00 P. LZ« n T_r, 21;lund, Chairivan of the Board of Assessor« addressed I the ToS°;n BO^crd and S ta,"bed that the aeSpssors had "«laced the final valua ti or _,T On `rlrtUally &,r_l "prC :�E rti E.S in t.<E TO'rn1 ,:ri t}: the C' CE'Oti On Of those re ire C' to in c report to the -mm Board, igr1_1ch l- CC_V he read. and. .;as Ordered entered in the -minutes as follovrsm The Bo--i'd Of :.'-iSS°SSO'lS actin L:1 on tale auOl Ca.tlpn Of the Bni'1n 1E 132J_a r Coua t"" Club , FE2 imCre C. �`s OCd.e , cE _ 1cn -a f. a l^c dl'i.0 t10 in the 193G.a35 aScc cSn. �rnt of the Club 's _,� o oc in the ToTTn o Hal 3- oneck to n4C ,000 for the im�orovements on the property- rnstea,-: of 550 ,000 which o_igil ll,,., a;Jpeorc^. On t1­ rolls. This _._ l�.c tio-n -;as al, o rred .- -ter specia' on, by the Boar« 71 erEi.tl 1t =,as found u.at th Luif n she ; c m i t; o,,n c t:_e up;9e:c _y.>rt o_ the main in strlxtiv.°E on the Club .rounds not rr = 1, Eric o � inE I asScss-env 'n is it r^.as 00 n -CPSS G f0 17C C1 _._ 'e in the value of the lend. Ti"e off is ial firin°ES .o- st n d et nd X369 , 500 , rz:rov= "er_ts '13-C ;000a Total, 17q.C9 ,500 , Eaa.ctiy as i_ Une roll of "che `,Ear 1933­34. 34. Ill the r-v' el°.' Cf ti.'E '.aic Rio' of tn- 1. e r c rinn t PcInt- Club. -,-f iCC, ­!as re-Jr sentEC! J-' it-s co n03o_e , Ur'I ter B. COrrser, , its Thomas L, '—'�urton, and F-rF I'annei , s cverpl confe ..ces End a °e-exal, inati on of ti^..e builC'_n.d On t,'.e inC1_uce6 ­nE to muT_?e _ lc :"LiCt_Gn froT� tine olr _.ina _ sSeSSment o 7,ih5gn ,o _u95 ,5CC. g�.bste" vial � e_>reci�,tion 1i a major o0on o the bui=ding structures aich mere °ovnd to be Gler n r;sa. °s old S 2r4nc ..al aeto_ Eiiectin file -6 Uc t l_on a 6P "by G12G Bo—C] o- tl-r oril-il'Fl CCO 2CCCI I 'he ler�, "Ou'urd vp 1-a- O_ 11.0 ID q i s i �-Urtior, a s of re th L,j TIc s- f I-c ?l f -.U-re s t*l-1�rc -0-e `o ` `F 10�,,! roll, Fre T_m_0-f07P-'IO_,,_ItS ­93 ,610 , Tote, 7_5 , sons This rc-Oreserits a 71r0Ss r'C"actic-n o-F h e 2,11-1 e C IF t!'_E `!-"t o ' 3125 ,0C for the _Jre7iqU 7. 1s roll ann_ a-n 4-inc-ca el,, of f-com lost l7E arm The L=cnrlio-nt- SI'mr-o G � s lc� e-n t e C s e v e r I CO f e r c-,--c e c . _I C! `e 2 Ij u i 17' S 4 y-ICII t- O_ _F 1-1-joroUgn 0-, .n a c ooi­ c 'u e c-a n e Ily s i s GI t 11 e i r I i-n d as q s s-m c n t T 0 2 C a -he S. JT o:�,ns,to n , 7' lla-�- .�_t'o-neyl ­ho is ?ISO cou,.. -�ei for E l' - "I I !?=est its 4 Yor", le-0-1 -nj-cl ilc c`h --f c C 1 ub _nsura, _,e acTjuster ci - ­ se u I D ir _� t­ ncqctiaticns -r!-_' t!I t" , -90a2cl of _�s2eslolS ,�s L-, thl- c-se of tj- s Ya o1c,t Club thc Tloard found Iiat t'l-e main S�Iu_cture l 0-�7 1 t 0 0 T:U� co-rdition 1:115 f@ct to- D 0 �"n c s t 1­ n =f-L�� h a 11-o 1-o�-c c e o r o IG I e�_r c7- _e",I e j� 7-Tj is Ore c J_2 ti on rccl,action f:-o,i she o ' r�1inF7 vFIv.e of X100 ,000 �l -CCri h` the -:u Ola t'L-- ic 3 z ro I I f c the, t-F 1,0 -,,75 I - - 1�_ � c; ^000 , , Sc 0. he lane -,Tal�as os 1-�-_ +i c7I ­ IL_-G ijicvious eases --,7as is, in t"nle ne-z roll siS c0':,I-D2-_ec] 111., t Of ­1133 , occ f O ' t'n is t lC' _7n 'i-evicus v e L, Lest 77 r a 5 s e�-!S M_ On bU_ r TIn e a-s e 9 sr,lent s On "Ouseq ff rao 'e­n cons =c,i-n -1 �_Uctiorl ­(­rc ­edc 'not -1cducef- e--C ' )-l� -i � 7-r-0 -0 s A j - I- - - ­ _C�� _J�j 9 e--ce-t ' r coses of land- v,)Iues to the 11-02ro. thf7t- s"I"C'n 2s-css,- ,qt :-,qts -,­C-rc Out of lJ l^OlQ0 etl0Y 'o those of S ur r o LlTi(3- ni -ri-n I 1 o t h e- l c _t-1 na for s-e.S sTa c n t r e 7 1 c e 0 p I o-l-OU��,nIV rc`7j onli The Boo-_,-o_ f^r E)s -DosSi_blC to -1-u-1-1 LO C 4 -1 �,l,__peCjR14 on -Po-o -he olr�Er 11-,7cl li-,E ''Ouscs zD-cld I ls-nd i1'1c­u21 c s C. c r--- 10 CY lStc @_3- rOrJM2tCl7- C applications rl 0 s t e c'i u c t i o n s c in J-111-Jon to those �IreeC-v ment oned. I b]7jn�pini� the tot2l o:1. -2eductions iiiarle to a­ooutu 90, I c-I Scvsral slir4h' lnc-fepses ­ere m r'c I-,' C_?ses -,T,he_. e the found d -I ,is e plicent 's o-­j -4r ­ierit 7l,ps foui to be an�-Er-7, 1- 29sess- ihE rol-IF a s-e n o-,-,T cosr,�J_' (�te e7 u _ce­Jt lo-1 the Ce­l ceses Of Lai?clnrao-fit ! E-ncr Parl, Society asc 'Iow-n Oi- 1 a-I-Ll2ronsc' and vill igc of ;--?maronecl: F2r1- a9sessTag-11 's. TheSe casce --ill be d e t e nm ned 1 119 i1 cm n ­` 0 2 r or so ani­� the -0119 vaill e c' -,Dla,nIic ins-,D_p1jor 4r the ­e To rn Of f on Set lu_.flov , Se-Dteoaber 15th. -Lhc To--rn Bos-r� discus:se(� Fl,-fund hFd se,,7c. i_is =C wort jy-jlor-,-I2lly, -.­itn the Bo',I-d of `>ssesso­rS cer-I to, in �sp-,ssy_ricnt -.­otIu-e-_-s. The minutes of the meetling�s of �w�ust Ist" , 27th 0 2.S S _07illtec'I. a'i'ls ri_l'iie 7E C! 0--tsft on Welf-re y(latte-7, He StEtcd. th-.�)t I-ror"I --11 1 . i�_, H-l! 1, --ri 11 ­)27obably "De On _r. 2­1 F !"'I ,L r c 11 in 2: - T n �7 ne­ h--otinQ I +he '2 q'i 14 t 'I o 3) D t s 1�-_,b e r 10 c, t:2 o w_ re r D s 1-0 t-i 0 7 - t 1 'be 9 t2.rte 0 r u I-y Till ITeg4 s u .=.Lnisq re--o- Cl. Or fir.��nccs� to ' CCU. th it ­re-3 r atl ons ore no-,,r ur, to co- il(= the 1935 ri The Su­�-o vi s o-2 r e-c o-_ t c d 0-0- Za-rll)-2�-1 r"t' c s- c s tF, thot ID�r the To-.-T, neor th.c 9 e c! on -v 2 c 7111.t O'T?I I, co'vcre� '171 To7.,Tn sc­-,�?ge ID71`1'1t� a_L`� that this g�IrbF�-Ie is be i, I- t'l-rcc to LO,-Ir IEE� u Of es:,tn. he SU-0e1ti1S0"P Cleo rCOorteC Cif _�1.1 o,1C'a^l .1C ttEr3, E - 'efl ti12 t t1,�,,r cCc ^a i_ 1J C,.}JiE tac'..0 'r::_C IC i7 ':'.%i l'_ 'GE 2'OlC ZO Ct x'. tPl �SEnt c l _ rcc= i �'l 0U �fP `-!1G'^'..- U:r?C C)11 c ted t271—eS l le t t r d2 t C zU gnst 2J t'n 21 -._1Es SEf, to iJ-) rvi SC r % 2.., Chi- E'. '. _-_OT? t `lE ' 02rd. 0 +1C-pE21.G e`rJ1 E: Si-o : t'."_E 0'J iLiOYi t,22t _. �rieyy Of the a"r F, EY' - f i11'nc ial COY:.°':=tior of the To= action be eferI'SC1 or, PI Qx J02 ra 2 6't 11!C la2tter of estc t11° To-,7rn 2i ..Cr 7bl S, locec, on fiIE� 111.E �U ''^ !'.SOt lPtOl'Ct16 C. {.1^_E 3os--C1_ th ,' he '1e VO„'_ OD P .E w OlCiP' Sc_C. =o r +1^:f PLe vi S1 on O 1' '. = La—s ?'dou.Y hole `l he,,ri • iT, ':''hi to r i-Cc1%is 0_1 -�'-r1cl c.-.r _ 5' 7)tFTt1iJET %t11, and L . r^�.E CI ell t1E -i'JEY'S Oi LCB Dr'a PG'. SGT._0 Could do oo to ?.ttEt C_a 1e Su-Je_41°.or i111 `'� `o-ne(C "1e Bo&rr� tC.c.t 'O C!,CES I0 t�:'1_ 1Ci:1'OEi:°_ o ° i'�iE 'Ol10E G' Ol.i1',1iSS i0Y1 t12 C_ 1^eCE`n it ✓ beer Ol7':.a lnc C.11 r1 c ,ZCC., r v c t0 1 6iE Ior 2 ,Ui t2r e Ur t17-ou--hJ i 5'OUrrl )C fi tting _ l E me^;tiOC1 Of ti.iE s''°_ iJ Cc;E°a TTE '70i i1zr L;l^ lLa �l '.a1 gS _. .,n _._._1 tteE 0'i 011 c” 60 ? =ne for the CrC-S°_i1 t%2.tlOCla 't. 'J.i1,i2 tEC. letter recEi '. eO ` c-m Con-2 L 3o�"12_ o 21°C1 11011 i. 1 to s`tot� ?2_kcr o-n l_e : 1JrcJCr.tyc i' e ul tter s r _ �_ c'.;. to C OL..0 l a ._ -- ^s n,an c::G. S`. c ini tenc!Bie r, 0- _g'T-FryS 1dE rOlc ii t d2.t-c iU US t, ?u t Ii r e c e i v d. from u J R` 00 d'v7 oJre7 -_,a-r of Rou',<et Glen, chan?.�a� ','nom 'o=rd i'or the instaliztJor of street iiMints in t:_. '.")onl_ie Lriar section, of 201,'17el: '1i1E letter ITfcS -,JIFCe Ct on f 11 1 r_s. F.t CC-l" C.c."�EG ..iU^USu ���%t �i c:r rECEi V8 C1 iC ,l DOGE:^ P., G`•U'.rrci1 Zt. ? vile �C2-_'C'. _ 01^ t .tE 2e S0,U,4 OII CCw5EC. `:.G i.t:5 l'lr-Etitr? 011 iU,.%USt 'lSt 2l_t11 l .fete-Ce to his services as c C?er-n finer of the PO l:iCE to Y' i c_c 4 tl^:� �_hr- 1=ttE 2a lJ] ,CErI On '`{l e V h s.^C I, i'1(3 ti;E _i o?_^C. LYl!Pn i m o US lir re of ry^-C. 0 ij 0. Ar_10 . T=n Clerk