HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_07_18 Town Board Minutes 2
=MD j-ULY 18TH, 1934
At the Town Offices , 118 West Boston Post Road, I: amaroneck, N. Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor FacCulloch at
8:00 P. IL.
Present: Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin and ieginniss
The presence was also noted of Town Attorney Delius and
Town Clerk 171arvin.
The Clerk presented the minutes of the meeting of June 20th
which were approved as printed.
Supervisor 11cCulloch reported on finances. He stated that
the Town has paid to the County for 1934 taxes the entire amount of
the current year 's levy except for a balance of $1959000 which is not
yet due and payable. He stated that no claims had yet been su'omitted
"rd expenditures and
" 1934 Welfare ea s
refunds of to the County and State for A
that Public vYelfare. Officer DeVinne requested authority to employ _a
competent full time bookkeeper to handle the financial affairs of the
Welfare Department. The money for the employment of this bookkeeper
is available in the 1934 budget, the Supervisor added. The Board
took no action on the matter.
The Supervisor reported that he , together with Councilman
Iueginniss and Town Clc-rk Varvin, had attended the hearing in Washing-
ton on July 17th on the matter of an appeal from the decision of the
Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors unfavorable to the proposed
--- improvement of I.Iamaroneck Harbor and that he was hopeful that the
unfavorable decision might be reversed.
The Supervisor t'hen: presentedcthe' financial statement of
the Town of Mamaronee's for the month of June, which was received and
placed on file.
Councilman Griffin reported for the special committee
consisting of himself, Supervisor LlcCulloch and Councilman I'Ieginniss
to which had been heretofore referred with power the matter of
appointing J. Hw, Van Yorden as Veteran Relief Officer of the Town
and the fixing of a salary for him.
LIr. Griffin stated that the committee had appointed
Mr. Van Yorden as Veteran Relief Officer of the Town of Hamaroreck
effective as of January 1, 19349 to serve at the pleasure of the Board
at a salary of $100 a month.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the report of the special committee as
Presented above by LIr. Griffin be and it 'hereby is in
all respects approved, ratified and confirmed.
Councilman Bates reported on sewer matters. He stated that
he had received a com-plaint from Patrick Nolan of 30 Dean Place that
a stone property-line marker had been displaced and lost by the Sewer
Commission when the Town constructed a sewer at the rear of his pro-
perty some years ago. The matter of replacing this marker was referred
to 11r. Bates for investigation and report back to the Board.
Councilman Brennan reported on highway matters. He recommended
that the surface of Roxborough Road be improved for a distance of
100 feet at a cost not to exceed $130 to replace the surface torn up
vrhen the sewer was laid in this street. Highway Superintendent L'ierola
was unanimously authorized to undertake this repair at a cost not to
exceed $130.
2 55
Hr. Brennan reported that in connection with the improvement
of Old White Plains Road the Westchester County Park Commission, owner
of certain lands adjacent to the road, had offered to the Town a
temporary easement in order to permit the Town to round out a dangerous
corner. The matter was ordered referred to Mr. Brennan and Town
Attorney Delius.
The Supervisor stated to the Board that the present garbage
dump utilized by the Town was unsatisfactory and that he had been
investigating the matter of a new dump. He explained what he had in
-- mind and the Board concurred with his plan in general andagreed to
meet with the Trustees of the Village of Larchmont at a convenient
future- date and go into the matter more thoroughly.
The regular order of business was suspended in order to
hear those present who desired to address the Board.
Iir. F. Gardner Gibbons of the Larchmont Hills Apartments,
owner of the building located at 176 Myrtle Boulevard, Larchmont,
addressed the Board and requested permission of the Board to alloy
his tenants to conduct dances at that address. The Board expressed
no objection to this request.
Mr. Edwin i'i% Dimond of the Chatsworth Coal and Supply
Company addressed the Board in connection -pith his letter to the
Board dated June 11th, which was thereupon read by the Clerk, in
regard to the matter of supplying coal for the Welfare Department.
On motion by i!.r. Bates, seconded by S. r. Brennan, it was
RESOLVED that the proposal made by the Chatsworth Coal
and Supply Company to supply coal for the Welfare Depart-
ment be and it hereby is referred with power to the
following committee Eessrs. Liriffin, Ueginniss , Delius
and UcCulloch.
The Town Attorney stated that he had examined the
resolution regarding the payment of school taxes in instalments ,
passed by the Board at its meeting held on June 29th, which
resolution was adopted pursuant to the authority granted to the
Town Board by Chapter 313 of the Laws of 1934 and is now known as
- c
Section 96A of Chapter o;2 of the Laws of 190., as amended, being
the Tax Law of the State of laew York; that he had had a conference
with the County Attorney with regard to the authority granted by
this statute to Town Board, and that he recommended a change in the
resolution for the payment of the 1934 school taxes in Union Free
School District No. 1 in instalments. He submitted a form of resolu-
tion, and upon motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman
Brennan, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, by Chapter 313 of the Laws of 1934 which became
a law on April 27th, 1934, and is now known as Section 196A
of Chapter 62 of the laws of 1909 as amended, authority was
conferred upon this Board by resolution to authorize the
Receiver of Taxes to accept from any taxpayer at any time
partial payments on account of taxes and apply such
payments on account thereof in such manner as such
resolution may prescribe ; and
WHEREAS, this Board heretofore and on the 29th day
of June , 1934 adopted a certain resolution providing
for the payment of the 1934 school taxes in Union Free
School District To. I in the Town of Mamaroneck in
WHEREAS, it is considered desirable to rescind such
resolution and adopt a resolution which will definitely
conform to the provisions of Chapter 313 of the Laws of
RESOLVED, that the resolution passed by this Board at its
meeting held Jur_e 29th, 1934, regarding the payment of the
1934 school taxes in Union Free School District E o. I in
the Town of MT'amaroneck be rescinded;
2 IT
FURTIT R RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 96A of
Chapter 62 of the 'Laws of 1909 as amended the Town Board
of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby authorize and
empower the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck
to collect the 1934 school taxes for Union Free SL-hool
District ITT- I in the Town of Hamaroneck which, under the
provisions of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as amended,
known as the Westchester County Tax Law, become a lien
and are payable on September first, 1934, in two partial
payments each amounting to fifty per cent (50`0) of any
— such School Tax as levied.
FURTIER RESOLVE+'➢, that the Receiver of Taxes of the Town
of Idamaroneck is authorized and empowered to receive the
payment of such partial payments or instalments of the
1934 School Taxes for Union Free School District No. 1
in the Town of Yamaroneclz at any time but subject to the
same penalties as are specified and provided in Section 18
of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 for the neglect to pay
the total amount of the School Taxes after the levy thereof;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of any such partial
or instalment payment of the 1934 School Taxes for Union
Free School District No. 1 in the Town of Lamaroneck shall
not be deemed to affect in any manner any right of the
Town of ISaraaroneck under any general or special Act, to
enforce collection of the unpaid balancesof such taxes
as may remain due and owing to said Town, but such rights
and powers shall remain in full force and effect to enforce
collection of the unpaid balance of such school taxes,
together with interest, penalties and other lawful charges.
The Supervisor reported to the Board that he had received
from the Board of Education of Scarsdale School District No. 2, a
part of which lies in the Town of Mamaroneck, a copy of the budget
of the School District for the ensuing school year. The budget was
- ordered entered in the minutes, as follows :
The following is a statement of the sums necessary to be
-- raised by tax for teachers ' salaries and other expense of the school..
General Control 600.00
Instructional Service 5,300.00
Operation of Plant 1970(.00
Maintenance of Plant 170.00
Auxiliary Agencies 3,070.00
Fixed Charges 500.00
Debt Service 2,100.00
Capital Outlay 22050.00
Total Budget Expenditures 15 ,490.00
Less: State Funds ?320.
Surplus 5.000. 5.320.00
Total Budget 10.170100
Total Assessed Valuation $6 .324.900.
In Town of Scarsdale 5,567,650.
In Town of Yamaroneck 7572250.
The report of the Welfare Officer for the month of June
was received and ordered placed on file.
A letter dated July 2nd was received from Donaldson
Edwards, attorneys for Angelo Rigano in reference to alleged damages
suffered by Hr. Rigano as a result of an automobile accident in which
a truck owned and operated by Angelo De Folco particippated, Mr. DeFolco
being one of the garbage contractors for the Town of Liamaroneck. The
matter was ordered referred to the Town Attorney.
The report of the Town Clerk for the month of June was
received and ordered placed on file.
A letter dated July 4th was received from Km G. Van Sciver,
Clerk of the Board of Education, Union Free School District No. 12
notifying the Town Board that at the annual meeting of the Board of
Education held on July 3rd, the following persons were appointed and
elected to office : to wit,
Doctor Oscar Carrabine , 668 Forest Avenue , Larchmont,
Kenneth G. Van Sciver, 15 Vanderburgh Avenue , Larchmont,
Arthur J. Kannix, 12 Kenmare Road, Larchmont, Treasurer
John C. Fisher, 71 Hyrtle Boulevard, Larcnmont ,
Attendance Officer
Doctor George C. Henninger, 71 Tompkins Avenue , Mamaroneck
Medical Inspector
Joseph F. Curren, 117 Yorth Chatsworth Ave.. , Larchraont,
The letter was ordered placed on file.
A letter dated July 2nd was received from the Board of
Appeals requesting authority to furnish the Westchester County
Emergency Work Bureau with a copy of the zoning map and ordinance
of the Town of Mamaroneck at a cost not to exceed =;61.00. The request
was unanimously approved..
A letter dated July 2nd was received from the Board of
Appeals reporting on the application of Shirley Goode for permission
to conduct a poultry market at 176 Myrtle Boulevard. The matter was
referred to the Clerk for reply.
A letter dated June 25th was received from E. R. Van Sickle
of 500 Weaver Street in reference to his claim against the Town for
damages alleged to have been suffered by reason of the change of
grade on Weaver Street. The letter was ordered placed on file.
Hajor Franklin Brooks of La-rchmont as attorney for Luigi
Leone addressed the Board in reference to the claim of Mr. Leone for
damages alleged to have been suffered by him by reason of the change
of grade on hlurray Avenue. After discussion Major Brooks stated that
he would take the matter upan with the Town Attorney.
At 9:30 P. Y. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk