HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_01_12 Beautification Commitee Minutes "MO Mit% 01 RECEIVED •• JAN 13 1994 DATE: January 12 , 1994 PATRICIA A.DiCI000IO MAMMARONECK SUBJECT: Minutes - Town of Mamaroneck N.Y Beautification Committee Wednesday, December 15, 1993 PRESENT: Maxine Steffens Phyllis Bers Norma Perciasepe Rene Simon Peggy Perrin Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn, Town Councilwoman The meeting commenced at 9 : 40 am. Several Spring '94 projects were discussed starting with Memorial Park and the erosion problem below the flagpole off Murray Avenue. Mrs. O'Flinn presented the landscaping plans prepared by Eleanor Wilheim who was unable to attend this meeting. The first plan illustrated existing conditions including areas of erosion, bare earth, thin grass cover, trees, azaleas and junipers. The second plan illustrated suggested planting for the problem areas with pachysandra directly above the sidewalk, several azalea and cotoneaster on the severely eroded hill and euonymous fortunii closer to the park walkway. Eleanor Wilheim previously suggested to Mrs. O'Flinn that this plan was prepared for discussion purposes only and certainly not to be considered a final plan. The members present agreed that the thin grass area should be refurbished by fertilizing and planting shade grass seed. There was no immediate agreement on the suggested planting but much discussion on possible alternatives. After sometime, those present agreed that perhaps the best solutions would be to plant more azaleas in the bare areas with cotoneaster above the azaleas on the hill and junipers along the sidewalk. The use of azaleas and junipers would repeat what is there now. Eleanor Wilheim plans proved to be most helpful in visualizing the existing problems and possible solutions. It was agreed that a phased approach might be best with the Spring '94 planting focusing on the hill area down to the sidewalk. If successful, the area closer to the park walkway could be attended to in 1995. At this point Rene Simon graciously offered to be available in the future should the Beautification Committee have a project requiring an architect's plans. Mrs. O'Flinn then informed the Committee that the estimate for a split rail fence along the perimeter of Memorial Park at Myrtle Blvd. (inside the tree line) and Maple Street was approximately $700. Closer examination of the site revealed that the hedge along Maple Street could be filled in with transplants from the Myrtle Blvd. side. Fencing along Myrtle Blvd. alone then would run less than $700. The Committee would like to proceed with this fencing project. The triangle at Rockingstone and North Chatsworth was discussed next. After some discussion it was agreed that perhaps three clusters of plantings strategically located to preserve traffic sightlines would be most appropriate. A cluster might include 1 forsythia, 2 bridal wreath and 3 cinquefoil (potentilla) . This combination would offer a variety of color in the Spring and color throughout the summer. It was suggested that we meet at the site at the next meeting to pace out the planting location. The triangle at Seton Road and possible plantings there were discussed. As a center focal point a low growing blue cedar or several cedars were suggested surrounded by pennisetum grasses, golden thread cypress and possibly junipers. Daffodils were suggested for Spring color. It was thought that some color during the summer months should also be added. A plan could be finalized at a subsequent meeting with more input. A discussion of summer annuals was postponed in the interest of time. Meeting was adjourned at 11 am. Next meeting Tuesday February 8th 9 : 30 am Conference Room A. Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn Councilwoman c: Town Board Town Administrator Town Clerk