HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939_12_28 Town Board Minutes FOURTH ITEM Miscellaneous Fund For removal of obstructions caused by snow, including purchase, erection, removal and storage of snow fence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 For weeds and brush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500. 00 500.00 For salary and expenses, Town Superintendent. . . 30000.00 21600. 00 For other miscellaneous purposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500. 00 2,500. 00 Total miscellaneous fund. . . . . $ 91000.00 8,600.00 On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the foregoing Town Superintendent' s Estimate for Highway Purposes for the Year 1940 be and it hereby is approved; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount set opposite each item under the column described as `Amount Approved by Town Board" is the amount which shall be raised by tax for the specific purpose mentioned. Upon motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously Following the statutory meeting the Supervisor informed the Board that it would be in order to consider the Tax Budget for the year 1940. The Town Clerk read the notice of public hearing for the consideration of the 1940 Tax Budget and presented the affidavit of publication thereof. Supervisor vicCulloch stated that the Board had met pursuant to call, for the purpose of considering the Tax Budget for the year 1940. The Board thereupon proceeded to consider the protests and objections made by those who addressed the Board at the hearing held on December 20th, 1939. RESOLVED that the following claims filed with the Comptroller, other than payroll, which are chargeable against the highway budget of 1939, are audited and payment thereof approved: Item Tarrant .No. No. Claimant Amount 1 74 Payroll 75 Payroll 76 Westchester Asphalt Dist . Corp. $ 156.00 2 8 W. P. A. Fund 13.55 3 139 W. P. A. Fund 37.56 140 Payroll 141 Walter M. Baxter Co. , Inc. 12.20 142 Westchester Lighting Co. 7.42 143 The Star Press 5.49 144 New Rochelle Autoparts Co. , Inc. 3.27 145 New York ,`dien' s Store 20.00 146 E. J. Connor (�- Co. 11.83 4 83 Payroll 84 Walter 1. Baxter Co. , Inc. .95 Following the statutory meeting the Supervisor informed the Board that it would be in order to consider the Tax Budget for the year 1940. The Town Clerk read the notice of public hearing for the consideration of the 1940 Tax Budget and presented the affidavit of publication thereof. Supervisor vicCulloch stated that the Board had met pursuant to call, for the purpose of considering the Tax Budget for the year 1940. The Board thereupon proceeded to consider the protests and objections made by those who addressed the Board at the hearing held on December 20th, 1939. s T 0 W N O F !A A NI A R O N E C K TE,X "t?DO -T FOR 1940 O gT iTE OF VI_LL -GES 18 Ti.BLL OF CONTEl!TS 19 1misccllaneous Expenditu-res 19 -- --- —---- P a Ee Summary of Proposed 19 Tax Budget 192 3 Estimated Revenues 21 Debt Service 22 GENERAL `1'O'N11 PnRTK DISTRICT NO_ 1 23 Dcpartnent of To':rn Offices Zr Department of Supervisor 6 Department of Town Clerk 6 Department of Comptroller 7 Department of Elections 8 Department of Receiver of 'Paces 9 Depart=ment o ' ToWn nssessor 10 Dc rtment p of Law 11 Departm ent of Justices of the F";:c� 11 Contributions and Donations 12 Departxi,imt of igllways 1� Department of town L'ngineer 13314 De p`rtment of f Public 'r P 15 miscellaneous Expenditures 16317 Debt Service O gT iTE OF VI_LL -GES 18 Dopartmen.t of Board of Ippoli s 19 1misccllaneous Expenditu-res 19 Buildin Department 19 Plumbing Dcpartment 19 Department of Highvfays 20 Department of Police 21 Debt Service 22 Garbage District No , 1 PnRTK DISTRICT NO_ 1 23 Department of Parks 24, Debt Service FIRT LI, ITING F, `L.TER &fPPLY DISTRICT N0 ,_ 1 ------- — 25 —Fire Dop-.rtmeizt 25 Street Lighting 25 Hydrant Rental 26y27 D=bt Service SEIVLR DISTRICT_IvO ,__1 28 Sowcr Department 29, 30 Debt Service P,A➢21'i?ONI CIS VLLLI.Y SEVMR DIS'SFtICT —Debt 31 Service WEAVER STRLET SIDENt.LK DISTRICT _ ,.— 32 Debt Service SPLCIL,L I.SS DISTRIC'T'S -- — ------ ----- 33 Debt Service TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUn4MARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1940 - 1940 1939 Proposed Budget Budget GENERAL TOWN 7;457.50 Town Offices- . . . . . . . . ° ° • ° ° ° ° ° ' ° • ° • • • ° . 9, 300. 00 000, 00 9 9; 000. 00 Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° ° % ° . 2, 910.00 2, 923.00 Town Clerk.; . . . • • • • • • • • • ° ° ° ° ° ' ° ' 35860. 00 4, 640.00 Elections . . . . . . . . • • . • . • • ° • " ° ° ' 4, 335.00 4, 335.00 Comptroller. . . . . • • • • • • • • • ' ° ° ° ° ° g 045.00 81545. 00 Receiver of Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . 12 875.00 111095.00 Assessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,215. 00 10, 615. 00 Law . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . I . . . . 5,112. 00 5, 067 .00 Justices of the Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 800.00 13, 900 .00 Highways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 4, 950.00 2, 500.00 Engineer. . . • • • • • • • 500. 00 500. 00 Contributions & Donations . . . . . . . . . . . 13 727 ,00 10 727.00 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . • ° ° ° • ° -�--- 101, 086.50 91,297 .00 Total Operating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169,277 . 00 169, 907 .00 Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 , 133. 50 - 367, 697. 00 369, 337 °50 Gross Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 450.00 149 466.80 Less Revenues : - - -. • • • • • • • • • • vg92 247 . 00 219 870.70 Net Levy. . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • , TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Highway, y 20,000. 00 $ 20, 000.00 Repairs and Improvements. . . • , ° ° ° 56 748.00 55 011. 00 Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • ° ° edf, 7g 748.00 _ 75 011. 00 NetLevy. . . . . . . . ° . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Fire, Lighting & Water Supply District No. 1: 26 356 .00 Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . " ' ° 16, 000 .00 16,000.00 Street Lighting. . . . . . . ° . • . . . 12000. 00 12,000.00 Hydrant Rental. . . . . . . . . . , 52, 952.75 51, 962.75 Water District Debt Service . . . . . . . . . 106, 622.75 106 ;3I8e75 Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . - • Less , Water District Revenuese 53, 670.00 54 356 .00 NetLevy. . . . . . . ° . ° , . . . , Garbage District N0 . 1: 13, 500. 00 16 700.00 Garbage Collection. . . • • • • • • • ° • • • • • • • a 6 500.00 Garbage Incineration and Disposal . . o 13 500. 00 ,x_17 200. 00 NetLevy. . . . . . . . . . ° . . . . . - Other Depa'rtmeals• . . • • • • • • • • ° 715. 00 970. 00 Board of App " ° ' ° ' 2,085. 00 1,464. 00 Building Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,731.00 1,431.00 Plumbing Department . - . . . • • ° • • • • • • • 71,138.12 69,886 . 98 Police Department . . . . . . • • • ° , ° ° • , • , • , 600. 00 7 • 7 .600- 00 Miscellaneous Expenditures. . . • • • • • • • 83,269,72 81, 351. 98 Total Op g• • • ° • • ° ° ' ° ° ° ° ° operating -1- TO`Q� OF Ia4AMARONECK SUMPIARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1940 1940 1939 Proposed Budget Budget TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Carried Forward $ 83,269.12 81, 351. 98 Debt Service - Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 363. 00 9.163. 00 Gross Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a 91, 632.12 x'90,514. 98 Less: Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 100. 00 9, 550. 00 Net Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79,532. 12 $0 80, 964. 98 Park District No. 1: Operating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 019.00 $ 8,786. 00 Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,805.75 26 , 330.25 Net Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4_35.824.x15 $_35.116.25 Sewer District No. 1: Operating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •r 10,390. 00 61255. 00 Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,822.62 137 ,293.37 50 212.62 Net Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V1 143,548. 37 Weaver Street Sidewalk District - Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ 1, 329. 69 _1,276 < 56 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District - Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,532:50 19,757. 50 County Levy (to be determined by the - Board of Supervisors ) . . . . . . . . . . . . - 20 582>50 $ 192757 . 50 Judicial, Military &: County Levy (to be determined by the Board of Supervisors ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - Special Assessment Debt Service - Maple Hill-Part I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 7, 620. 00 $ 7, 350. 00 Maple Hill-Part Ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,593.75 6,381.25 Myrtle & Madison Avenue Street Imp. . 51080. 00 4,900. 00 Weaver Street Sidewalk Improvement . . 3, 969. 06 31829. 69 Total Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,282. 81 $ 22,460. 94 SUMMARY Total Operating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$290, 934.62 $279,245. 98 Total Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169, 277. 00 169, 907. 00 Total Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 , 220. 62 4311388. 87 Gross Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..y667, 432.24 8800541. 85 Less; Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240.502.75 210. 979.55 Net Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . $6-46 , 929.49 669,562. 30 Note: 1939 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer County 0 128,450.83 Levy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1939 Judicial, Military & County Levy r516 ,837.45 Total Westchester County Levies yy645s288.28 -2- TOWN OF MAMARONECK ESTIMATED REVENUES - 1940 GENERAL TOWN Interest and Penalties on Taxes $ 25,000.00 Justices' Fines 750. 00 Justices' Fees 1, 000. 00 Income Tax 40,000. 00 Beverage Tax 20,000.00 Welfare Refunds - Salary 6;516.80 Welfare Refunds - Relief 555000.00 Town Clerk' s Earnings 1 ,200. 00 Total $149,466.BO OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Dog Licenses $ 1,400.00 Building Permits 750.00 Plumbing Permits 600. 00 Franchise Tax 300. 00 Mercantile and Manufacturing Tax 1, 500. 00 Mortgage Tax 5,000.00 Total $ 9,550. 00 FIRE, LIGF_TING AND WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO . 1 Water Revenues $ 51,962.75 TOWN OF MAMARONECIi - GENERAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OFFICES SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Janitor 900. 00 Telephone Operator 900. 00 General Office Secretary 11500.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rent 2,100.00 Light 160.00 Telephone 1, 200. 00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 500.00 Furniture & Fixtures 50.00 Water 140. 00 7,450. 00 TOWN OF HIAIIARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REC,UIREIIEENTS DEPARTIENT OF SUPERVISOR SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Supervisor Bookkeeper SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Surety Bond MISCELLANEOUS Traveling Publishing Annual Report -5- $ 7,500. 00 •� % 125. 00 300.00 175: 00 9; 000. 00 TOWN Or MAI-MRONE'Cl - GENERAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN CLERK SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Town Clerk SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Surety Bonds and Insuranc-e MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies Total DEPARTEENT OF COMPTROLLER SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Comptroller Clerk SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Surety Bonds and Insurance MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 2,800.00 23.00 100. 00 2 , 923.00 2,800. 00 1,200. 00 20.00 315. 00 Total v 4,335. 00 M TOWN OF PIIAIVIARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENT TS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS SERVICES - PERSONAL Custodians of Voting Machines (2 ) 200. 00 Compensation of Inspectors and Poll ClerrTs for; (a) Spring Primary 480. 00 (b) Fall Primary 480.00 ( c ) Registration 15600. 00 (d) General Election 560.00 (e ) Attending Instruction fleeting 60. 00 Compensation of Chairmen for delivering returns to uvThite Plains 290.00 Labor in setting up and removing 80.00 equipment SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rent of Polling Places 250. 00 Transportation of equipment and supplies 300. 00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES New equipment and supplies 100.00 Il4I S CELLANE OUS Publishing Notices 175. 00 Special Elections and Permissive Referenda 50. 00 Re-canvass of voting machines 15. 00 Total 4,640. 00 -7- TOWN OF MATIARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXES SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Receiver of Taxes and Assessments Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments Bookkeeper and Clerk SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Insurance and Surety Bonds MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS Publishing Notices Total -g- 3,750. 00 2,400.00 900.00 260. 00 1,200. 00 35. 00 vv 8,545. 00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GLNE'RAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REC'jUIREKENTS DEPARTMENT 0=TOulN%SST' SSOR SERVICES - PERSClv'AL Permanent Enplo ees One (1) Assessor w 3,600. 00 One (1) Deputy Assessor 2y 080. 00 One (1 ) Clerk 1,040. 00 Board of Review (3) 750.00 Certiorari Proceedings 2,000. 00 Maintaining Assessment Maps and Cards 500.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 350. 00 MISCELLANEOUS Traveling and Insurance 300. 00 Publishing Notices 25. 00 Deed and mortgage Extracts 250. 00 New Maps 200. 00 Total ¢$11 v 095. 00 -9- IOutiN OF i,1AauIRONECK - GENERAL TONN � 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARThENT OF LAW SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Town Attorney Assistant Stenographer MISCELLANEOUS Insurance Traveling Supplies, stationery, title searches, :etc. Searches, Referees' fees, title changes and disbursements for tax liens foreclosures Total -10- IP 6,000,00 900. 00 1,500, 00 15, 00 200,00 500. 00 1,500000 410,615 .00 .MOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICES OF TIM PEACE SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Two (2 ) Justices Clerical Assistance Stenographic Charges SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rent Surety Bonds Telephone Light MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies 3,600.00 900.00 50. 00 300. 00 10.00 120. 00 12. 00 75.00 Total 5, 067. 00 CONTRIBUTIONS AND DONATIONS Memorial Day Observance American Legion, 1 Post Veterans of Foreign Wars Rental of Post Quarters (2 ) Total -11_ " 50.00 50. 00 400. 00 $ 500.00 TOWN OF MA +ARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET RERUIREP:ENTS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BRIDGE FUND - Item No. 2 MACHINERY FUND - Item No. 3 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND - Item No. 4 For salary of Town Superintendent For removal of snow Insurance Miscellaneous Total Grand Total DEPARTMENT OF TOWN ENGINEER Salary of Engineer Engineering Expenses Total -12.. $ 300.00 0 5,000.00 2'600. 00 3, 000.00 2, 000.00 1 , 000. 00 8,600.00 $13, 900. 00 400.00 2,100.00 2.500.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REQUIREI\,,-ILINTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Public Welfare Officer 2, 000.00 1,200. 00 Medical Advisor (3) 3, Stenographers 720. 00 720.00 Janitor Supervising Case Worker 13800.00 1,500. 00 No. 1 Case Worker 1$ 00. 00 No. 2 Case Worker 1,500. 00 No. 3 Case Worker 1,200. 00 Investigator 3,432. 00 No . 2 Clerks (3) 1, 040.00 Storekeeper SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL 140. 00 Light 350. 00 Fuel 25 . 00 Water 205.00 Insurance 900.00 Telephone 100.00 Central Index MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 600. 00 Office Supplies 75. 00 Furniture and Fixtures Gasoline, Oil, Car Repairs and Storage 250.00 Transportation of Surplus Foods 150.00 MISCELLANEOUS Traveling 300. 00 Repairs to Building 100.00 Total Administrative yh 22,207. 00 (Continued) -13- TOWN OF MAMl.RONECK - GLNERAL 'TOWN 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT. OF PUBLIC WELFARE (Continued) ( Carried Forward) $ 22,207. 00 HOME RELIEF Public Welfare Office $120, 000. 00 Twenty (20%) per cent of proposed bond issue for 1939 over-expenditures 7 ,100.00 Total J127 100. 00 $149, 307 . 00 VETERAN RELIEF Veteran Relief Officer $ 600 . 00 Home Relief for Veterans 20, 000. 00 Total $ 20,600. 00 Grand Total '169, 907 . 0 -14- TOWN OF TG-YI2:RONECK - G=RAL TOWN 1940 BUDGET REQUIREHENTS MISCELLtNEOUS EXPENDITURES AUDITING SERVICES Town Audit, TOWN BOARD Reports, surveys, traveling Publishing notices Salaries, four (4) councilmen BANK SERVICES LEGAL OPINIONS FORMS , ETS . TOWN CAR Repairs, gasoline and oil INSURANCE FEES FOR VITAL STfTISTICS CARE OF TOWN CEMETERY MEMBERSHIP IN TOWN I SSOCIILTION INTEREST ON. LOANS TAXES ON TOWN OWNED PROPERTY -15- $ 1, 000. 00 200.00 25. 00 4, 800.00 550.00 500.00 150 . 00 350. 00 50. 00 100.00 102. 00 2,000. 00 900. 00 $109727. 00 TOWNT OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1940 B!.T';G T RE UIIT,IIE NTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1, Weaver Street Improvement Bond No. 3, dated Feb. 1, 1928, due Feb. 1, 1940. 2. Street Improvement Bond No. 10, dated Feb. 1, 1931, due, Feb. 1, 1940. 3. General Bonds of 1933, Nos. 56 to 66 incl. , dated Feb. 15 1934, due Feb. 1, 1940. 4, General Bonds of 1939, Nos. 1 to 12 Incl. , dated Feb . 11 1939, due Feb. 1, 1940 . 5 . Weaver Street - Part I - Highway Improvement Bonds Nos . 17 and 18, dated Sept. 1, 1927, due Sept . 1, 1940. 6 . Highway Bonds of 1936, Nos. 7 and 8, dated October. 1, 1936, due October 1, 1940. 7. Highway Improvement Bonds (Boston Post Road) Nos. 106 to 120 Incl. , dated April 15, 1932, due April 15, 1940- 8. Highway Bond ( County Road 67-2) No. 2, dated May 15, 1938, due ..Lay 15, 1940 . g, Weaver Street - Part I - Highway Improvement Bond No . 14, dated June 1, 1922, due June 1, 1940. 10. Highway Bonds-Series A•- (Boston Post Road) , Nos. 74 to 83 incl. , dated June 1, 1932, due June 1, 1940. 11. Highway Bonds of 1937, Nos. 5 and 6, dated June 1, 1937, due June 1, 1940. 12. General Bonds of 1937 ( N.P .A. ) Nos. 31 to 45 Incl. , dated June 1, 1937, due June 1, 1940. INTEREST 13, On 16, 900: 42% Weaver Street Improvement Bonds dated Feb. 1, 1928, due Feb. 1, 1940, and on $5, 900.00 due August 1, 1940. 14. On $12, 000.00 44% Street Improvement Bonds dated Feb. 1, 1931, due Feb. 1, 1940, and on $b11, 000. due August 1, 1940. Continued -16- V 1, 000. 00 1,000. 00 11, 000. 00 12,000 . 00 2, 000. 00 2, 000.00 15, 000.00 1, 000 .00 1,000,00 10, 000.00 2,000,00 15, 000.00 288 . 00 488.75 T OWN OF MAN ARONE CK - GEl �RAL T O'JVN 1940 BUDGET REQUIRIH'EENTS DEB`i S:uRVICE (Continued) 15. Onj555, 000, 5j General Bonds of 1933 dated Feb. .1. 1934, due Feb. 1, 1940 and on `x;,44, 000. due August 1, 1940. 16. On ';100 000. 1. 90% General Bonds of 1939 dated Feb. 1,1939, due. Feb. 1, 1940 1L`, on $S8, 00e. due August 1, 1940. 17. On ai16,600. 42% Weaver Street-Part I- Highway Improvement Bonds dated Sept. 1, 1927, due March 1 and Sept . 1, 1940. 18. On $39, 000. 3 % Highway Bonds of 1936, dated Oct. 1, 1936, due April 1 and Oct . 12 1940. 19. On I'D210, 000. 6% Highway Improvement Bonds (Boston Post Road) dated April 15, 1932, due A,oril 15, 1940 and on ¢ 195,000. due Oct .15,1940. 20. On $18,000. 3.60% Highway ( County Road 67-2) Bonds dated flay 15, 1938, due ➢iay 15, 1940 and on x;.17, 000. due November 15, 1940. 21. On $1, 000. 5% Weaver Street-Part I-Highway Improvement :Bond dated June 1, 1922, due June 1, 1940. 22. On $160, 000. 6 Highway Bonds-Series A-(Boston Post Road) dated. June 1, 1932, due June 1, 1940 and on $'150, 000. due December 1, 1940. 23. On $52, 000. 3�-% Highway Bonds of 1937 dated June 1, 1937, due June 1, 1940 and on w=50, 000. due December 1, 1940. 24. On j1305000. 34% General Bonds of 1937 01V.P.A. ) dated June 1, 19371 due June 1, 1940 and on x;115, 000. due December 1, 1940. Total _17- 2,722. 50 1,786. 00 837.00 1,267.50 12, 150.00 630. 00 25.00 9, 300.00 1, 657.50 3,981.25 $108,133. 50 TOWN OF MA ARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPA=IENT OF BOARD OF APPEALS SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Clerical Assistance MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS Publishing Notices Printing amended Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Ntaps Total MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES TOWN BOARD Notices of Hearings CARE OF ANIM.ILS PUBLIC LIBRARY Larchmont Public Library PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES Employed pursuant to Sec. 20-B, Par. S of the Public Health Law SHADE TREE FUND Total -18- $ 300. 00 20. 00 40(1. 00 250. 00 970pfl 50. 00 900. 00 4,590. 00 1,560. 00 500. 00 "7 ,600.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECN - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS BUILDING DEPARTMENT SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Building Inspector w 19200. 00 Clerical Assistance 150. 00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Insurance 64. 00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Gas and oil 25. 00 Office Supplies 25. 00 Total 1,464. 00 PLUMBING DEPI,RTIJENT SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Employees Plumbing Inspectors 1,200. 00 Examining Board 150. 00 SERVICES - CONTRACTU Insurance 30.00 MATERII.LS AND SUPPLIES Publishing Notices 5. 00 Gas and oil 36. 00 Office supplies 5. 00 Plumbing examination supplies 5. 00 Total 4 _ 431.00 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHEVi11AYS Item No. 1 - for repairing and improving highways, including foreman and laborers 201000. 00 -19- TOWN OF JvJAMI:u RONECK - OUTSIDE Or VILLF GES 1940 EULGET REQUIR-1,1i D P_RT ,4:F_Ni OF POLICE SERVICES - PERSOIQI',L Permanent Emr_loyees Chief of Police Lieutenant (1 ) Serges.nts (3) Patrolmen (16 ) Janie,,Dr Stenograp ,er SERVICES - CONTF�'_,CTTJI�L Telephone, alarm, teletype Traffic signals Insurance Water , light and gas Installation of radio (50j ) D.11,TERIF,LS r',ND SUJPPLI_LS miscellaneous Repairs to headquarters Fuel oil Gasoline and oil Office supplies Equipment Clothing purchase of motorcycle s, cars Repairs to cars and motorcycles Fingerprint equipment Range supplies Radio maintenance Traffic Safety Total 3,600. 00 3,126,00 8. 400. 00 39,544. 98 1,20000 700. 00 1, 600.00 1, 200.00 2,151.00 325. 00 1,840. 00 700. 00 150, 00 300.00 1, 500. 00 350. 00 50.00 700. 00 1, 000.00 800, 00 100. 00 100. 00 250. 00 200 . 00 6 69, 886. 98 TORN OF' MAFAROI,ECK - OLl'STDE 0 0 `,'ILLACTES 19 -0 BUTCT RECUI'.E : DT1S DI';T S..-.Rti ICE =I TEUAY IIiPROVE,ZIIT B0Y7S --� - PRINCIPAL - - 1 . Murray Avenue gidening Bonds Yes . 21 and 22, dated Feb. 10 1920' , due Feb. 13 1940. ¢ 2, 000.00 2. Pine Brook Improvement Bonds Dios. 5 and 6 , dated Feb. 1, 1934, due Feb. 13 1940 . 2,000.00 3. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos . 25 to 27 Incl. dated Sept . 1, 1927, due Sept . 1, 1940- 3,000.00 4. highway Improvement Bonds Nos. ill to 120 Incl. dated Oct . 1, 19283 due Oct. 1, 1940 . 10, 000. 00 5. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 91 to 105 Incl. , dated May 1, 1929, due May 1, 1940. 15, 000.00 6. Highway Drainage Bonds Nos. 3 to 5 incl. , dated May 15, 1938, due iEiay 15, 1940 . 3, 000.00 7. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 82 to 90 incl . , dated June 1, 1930, due June 1, 1940. 93000 .00 INTEREST 8. On $28, 000. 42% Murray Avenue ulidening Bonds dated Feb. 1, 1926, due Feb. 1, 1960 and on $26, 000. due August 1, 1o40, 10215 .00 9. On 960,000. 521% Pine Brook Improvement Bonds dated- Feb. 11 1934, due Feb. 1, 1940, and on `"358, 000. due August 1, 1940 . 3,245. 00 10. On $21,000. 42% Highway Improvement Bonds dated Sept . 1, 1927, due I4farch 1 and Sept . 1, 1940. 945. 00 11. On '90,000. 42% Highway Improvement Bonds dated Oct . 1, 1928, due April 1 and Oct. 1, 1940 . 4, 050. 00 12. On 4, 135, 000. 42 Highway Improvement Bonds dated May 1, 1929, due Yay 1, 1940, and on ft20,000. due November 1, 1940. 5,73"1 ,50 13. On $27,000. 3. 600 Highway Drainage Bonds dated Iay 15, 1938, due May 15, 1940, and on $24,000. due November 15, 1940. 918.00 14. On j$99,000. 4.30% Highway Improvement Bonds dated June 1, 1930, due June 1, 1940, and on h'$90,000. due December 1, 1940. �063.50 -21- Total $64,174.00 TOWN OF h12.I.IEROTECK GARBL,GE DISTRICT NO . 1 1940 BUDGET REZUIRENiENTS SERVICES - PERSONAL Pemanent Employees Collectors ' Salaries 4 8,580. 00 SERVICES - CONTRACTURE Insurance 850. 00 MISCELLANEOUS Gas and oil 300. 00 Truck repairs 480. 00 Equipment 90.00 Clean-up 'Meek 400. 00 10,700..0_ 0 Garbage Incineration or Disposal 41 —6— 500- 00 -22.. TOWN OF PJi`,MZRONECIS PARK DISTRICT NO . 1 1940 BUDGET R QUIR'_KSOTS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Emplo>-ees Foreman 2, 100. 00 Assistant Foreman 11300. 00 Clerical Assistance 170. 00 Le-11P-0=i Em loTe s 31200.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Light, Power and Leases 80. 00 Water 375. 00 Insurance Compensation 175.00 Fire and Theft 2. 00 Liability - General Insurance 200. 00 Liability - Truny Insurance 54.00 MATERIALS AND ,SUPPLIES Office Supplies 10.00 Gasoline and Oil 205. 00 Materials, soil, seeds , trees and shrubs 425. 00 EQUIPMENT General 320. 00 MISCELLANEOUS Repairs - Building 70. 00 Repairs - Equipment 100. 00 Total w 8 ,786., 00 -23- TOWN OF MAMARONECK - PARK DISTRICT NO . 1 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 5. On $116, 000. 4p% Town Park District No. 1 1. Town Park District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 33 to 36 and on $112,000. due August 1, 1940 . Incl. , dated Feb. 1, 1925, due Feb. 1, 1940. $ 4, 000.00 2. Town Park District No . 1 Bond No. 3 dated and on $7, 000. due October 1, 1940 . 206.25 April 1, 1937, due April 1, 1940. 1, 000:00 3. Town Park District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 51 to 9, 112.50 S. 55 Incl. , dated May 1, 1929, due May 1, 1940. 5, 000.00 4. Town Park District No. 1 Bond No . 10, dated Total June 1, 1930, due June 1, 1940. 1, 000. 00 INTEREST 5. On $116, 000. 4p% Town Park District No. 1 Bonds dated Feb. 1, 1925, due Feb. 1, 1940 and on $112,000. due August 1, 1940 . 5, 130. 00 6. On x$`8,000. 2 3/4% Town Park District No. 1 Bonds dated April 1, 1937, due April 1, 1940 and on $7, 000. due October 1, 1940 . 206.25 7 . On $205, 000. 42% Town Park District No . 1 Bonds dated May 1, 1929, due May 1, 1940, and on $200,000. due November 1, 1940. 9, 112.50 S. On $21,000. 4. 30`o Town Park District No . 1 Bonds dated June 1, 1930, due June 1, 1940 and on X20,000. due December 1, 1940. 881. 50 Total $26,330.25 -24- TOWN OF taii!Pd:.RONTTLCK FIRE, LIGHTING AND %LTER SUPPLi' DISTRICT NO . 1 1940 BUDGET ftE UIREi;ENTS FIRE DEP:.RTMEDJTT SERVICES - PERSONAL Permanent Emploo7ees Five (5) Drivers SERVICES - CONTRACTULL Light Fuel Water Insurance Telephone iilarm System MATERIALS :"A?D SUPPLIES Office supplies Furniture and fixtures Gasoline and oil lAiscellaneous Materials Equipment Clothing MISCELLANEOUS Repairs - Building Repairs - Equipment Provision for purchase of apparatus and equipment Garage rental Rental of street lights Rental of fire hydrants Total STREET LIGHTING IYDR. NT RENTi>L -25.. $� 10,750. 00 250. 00 450.00 50. 00 2,800. 00 225. 00 160. 00 125.00 100.00 200,00 100. 00 500.00 1,250.00 300. 00 500. 00 500.00 8,000.00 96 .00 w 26 ,356. 00 w 16,000.00 12,000.00 TOWN OF MAKARONECK FIRE, LIGHTING AND WATER DISTRICT NO . 1 DEBT SERVICE (Continued) 15. On$106,000. 4% Water Works System Bonds dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1940 and on $103,000. due December 1, 1940. 16 . On$68,000. 4 eo Water Works System Bonds dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1940, and $65,000. due December 1, 1940 . Total -27- $ 4,441.25 2, 992. 50 51, 962.75 TOWN OF P;IA t.riCl,lE CK - :E`71 .-. DISTRICT NO . 1 1940 BUDGET REQ7=1,.'ENTS SEVvTR DEPARTI?LENT SERVICES - PERSON.',L Permanent Emoloyees Superintendent 2, 080.00 Tem or2��r Err�ployees Laborers 23500.00 SERVICES - CONTRfICTUt,L Power 50 .00 Insurance 450.00 Rents of railroad rights of way 50. 00 MATERI.:LS AND SUPPLIES Gasoline and oil 100.00 It4aterials 500.00 Clothing 25.00 IIZISCELLANEOUS Repairs, manhole heads and pavements, water 500. 00 Total 6 ,255,00 -26- TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEVER DISTRICT NO . 1 1940 BUDGET REQUIREDENTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 1. Sewer District No . 1 Bonds Nos. 91 to 95 incl. , (1st Issue ) dated July 1, 1921, due July 1,1940. 5, 000.00 2. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 73 to 76 Incl . , (2nd Issue ) dated July 1, 1921, due July 1,1940. 4,000. 00 3. Sewer District No. 1 Bond No. 17 (5th Issue ) dated July 1, 1923, due July 1, 1940. 500. 00 4. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 45 to 48 Incl. , (6th Issue ) dated January 1,1924, due Jan. 1, 1940. 4, 000.00 5. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 31 to 33 incl. , (7th Issue ) dated Jan. 1, 1925, due Jan. 1,1940. 2,500.00 6. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 4-1 to 44 incl. , (8th Issue ) dated July 1, 1925, due July 1,1940: 41000.00 7. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 19 and 20 (9th Issue) dated July 1, 1926, due July 1,1940. 2, 000. 00 S. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 45 to 55 Incl. , (11th Issue) dated Fob. 1, 1931, due Feb. 1,1940. 11, 000.00 9. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 16 to 20 incl. , Series J. (13th Issue ) dated April 15, 1932, due April 15, 1940. 5,000.00 10. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds Nos. 65 to 80 Incl. , (12th Issue ) dated June 15, 1931, due June 15, 1940. 16, 000.00 INTEREST 11. On $40,000. 6% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (1st Issue ) dated July 1, 1921, due Jan. 1 and July 1, 1940. $ 2, 400. 00 12. On �'p48, 000. 6% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (2nd Issue) dated July 1, 1921, due Jan. 1 and July 1, 1940. 13. On$50,000. 4 3/4% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (4th Issue ) dated July 1, 1923, due July 1,1940. 14. On $1,000. 5% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (5th Issue) dated July 1, 1923, due Jan. 1 and July 1, 1940. ( Continued) -29- 2,880.00 2, 375.00 50.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEWER DISTRICT NO . 1 1540 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE (Continued) 1:5, OD 4J;U�,,VOOO. 4jFa Sevier No. a BOY40 (6th Issue ) dated January 1, 1924, due Janu- ary 1, 1940 and on $132, 000. due July 1,1940. $ 6,030. 00 16. On $75POOO. 44% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (7th Issue ) dated January 1, 1925, due Janu- ary 1, 1940, and on $$72,500. due July 1, 1940. 3, 134.37 17. On $$100,000. 4,% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (8th Issue ) dated July 1, 1925, due January 1 and July 1, 1940. 41250.00 18. On $62, 000. 42% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds ( 9th Issue) dated July 1, 1926, due January 1 and July 1, 1940. 2,790.00 19. On $150,000. 44° � Sewer District No. l Bonds (10th Issue ) dated January 1, 1927 and due on January 1 and July 1, 1940. 6, 375.00 20. On $381, 000. 4. 20% Sewer District No . 1 Bonds ( 11th Issue ) dated February 1, 1931, due Feb- ruary 1, 1940 and on $$370, 000. due August 1, 1940.1 151771. 00 21. On $160,000. 6% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds, Series J (13th Issue ) dated April 15, 1932, due April 15, 1940 and on $x:155,000. due Oct. 1,1940. 9,450.00 22. On $100,000. 41% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (3rd Issue ) dated June 1, 1922, due June 1 and December 1, 1940. 41500.00 23. On $p57f,000. 4.10% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (12th Issue) dated June 15, 1931, due June 15, 1940 and on $560,000. due December 15, 1940. 23,288.00 Total $137,293.37 -30- TOWN OF MAli.,RONECK NraM RONECK V: LLEY SED;VER DISTRICT 1940 BUDGET RE UIREL'LHLTS DEBT SERVICE PRINCIP2;L 1. Sewer Funding Bonds of 1933, Nos. 76 to 90 inclusive , dated Feb. 1, 1934) due Feb . T, 1940. INTERLST 2. On 4'094,000. 52f Sewer Funding Bonds, dated Februar7 1 , 1934, due Feb. 1, 1940, and on X79,000 . due August 1, 1940. Total -31- 15, 000.00 _4,757, 50 19, 757 .50 TOWN OF MAMARONECK T AVER STREET SIDEWALK DISTRICT 1940 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE (Vinal-Year ) Weaver Street Sidewalk District improvement levied pursuant to Section 253 of the Old Town Law. One-fourth of interest and amortization on bonds authorized under article 11-A of the Old Town Law. 1940 Principal $ 1,250. 00 Interest 26 .56 Total -32- $1,276.56 TOWN OF I1111�.RO IL CK SPECII�L ASSI SSwl NT DEBT SERVICE 1. IU PLE HILL - P :RT I - STRE .T Ib;iPRO T.P''LNT Interest and am issued pursuant Laws of 1926 as 1940 Principal Interest Drtization on bonds to Chanter 549 of amended_. - due Dec. 1, 1940 4;; 6, 000.00 4ti� - due June 1 and Dec . 11 1940. _1; 350.00 Total $ 7, 350, 00 2.. mkPLB HILL - PY'RT II - STREET EIPROVEbiIENT Interest and amortization on bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 549 of Laws of 1926 as amended. 1940 Principal - due i"_ ..y 1, 1940 5, 000.00 Interost - 4.2510 - duo kr y 1 and Nov. 1,1940. 1, 351.25 Total $ 6, 381.25 3. 14YRTLE AND I:"ADISOPI 6,VENUE8 STREET IYP ROVE I!TNTT Interest and am issued pursuant Laws of 1926 as 1940 Principal Interc st )rtization on bonds to Chanter 549 of amended. due Dec, 1 1940 p 4, 000:.00 42/ - due -June 1 and Dec. 1, 19=0. 900. 00 Total $¢ 4., 900. 00 4. VOEEVER STREET SIDEVI'= INIPROVLVT'NT (Tino.l Yc-ar Levied pursuant to Section 253 of the Old 'Town Law. Three-fourths of interest and an2orti- zation on bonds authorized pursuant to Particle 11A of the Old Town Law.. 1940 Principal - due March 1, 1940. 3, 750. 00 Interest - 4.25% - duo March 1 and Scpt. 1., 1940 �A79.69 Total "5 3.829.69 1',22 ' 460. 94 -33- The various items contained in the tax budget were then considered item by item, and after a thorough_discussion had thereon, Councilman Mandeville offered for adoption, the following: WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore made, compiled and filed with the Town Clerk, a proposed tax budget containing the estimated probable revenues and esti- mated expenditures for the several departments, offices ana other town and special district purposes for the year 1940; and WHEREAS, notice of the completi tax budget and calling a public been duly published on December in the Daily Times, Prlamaroneck, 1939 in the Larchmont Times, in law; and 3n and filing of said hearing thereon has 9th and 16th, 19393 and on December 14th, the manner required by ffHEREAS, a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held by and before this Board December 20th, 1939; and WHEREAS, this Board has duly considered the protests and objections made against certain items contained in said tax budget, and considered separately all the items contained in said tax budget NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the final estimates, as completed by the Town Board and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, be and the same hereby are adopted as the budget for the year 1940, pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and that said estimates, as so adopted, be entered in detail in the minutes of this Board as follows: (Attached herewith) and it is further RESOLVED, that the annual budget estimates of the expenditures of the Town of Mamaroneck for the fiscal year 1940, be adopted and confirmed and that the Town_ Clerk be and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the minutes; and that the sums of money hereinafter stated are hereby appropriated from the current revenues, as provided by law, for the offices, departments, boards, commissions and purposes hereinafter enumerated for ex- penditure in the mariner directed by law, to wit : (1). GEIERAL TOWN PURPOSES: Town Offices 71450. 00 Supervisor 9,000.00 Town Clerk 23923.00 Elections 4,640. 00 Comptroller 41335.00 Receiver of Taxes 81545. 00 Assessor 111095.00 Law 10, 615. 00 Justices of the Peace 51067.00 Highways 13, 900. 00 Engineer 2,500.00 Contributions & Donations 500.00 Miscellaneous 10,727. 00 Public Welfare 1691907. 00 Debt Service (State and County Highways and General) 108,133.50 Total X369,337.50 EXHIBIT "Ba LIST OF UNPAID WATER CHARGES LEVIED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAIVIAROI�E CK. SECTION NO. 1 Acet. Amount Blk, Lots Blk. Parcel Owner No. Due 6 5-6b 107 525 Vera Grossi Sayers 4916 30.97 79 111 299 John_ J. Carroll 5829 15.15 11 5 110 459 Securities Conv. Co. 4944 3.96 7 110 100 N. Y. Life Iris. Co. 5101 16.10 17a 2-3a 107 283 Gladys Deutsch 7198 10.46 22 17-20 115 233 Dorothea E. Axelstrom 4765 3.06 25 34-35 113 98 E. ivi. Brady 3387 8.20 26 83-84 112 258 Goodman Block 3871 11.27 85-86 112 263 Elizabeth Schuler 3884 4. 63 27a Plot 112 412 A. Ia. Hahn 758 3. 06 31 31-33 115 400 Cora L. Bowman 1396 8.47 86-87 115 472 Inez B. Wheeler 4580 5.66 37b 142-144 119 140 Lawrence Stroh 5958 14.10 39 14-15 116 183 John C. Forrar 1385 5.17 28-29 116 146 Edward Edwards 1399 29. 90 40 33-34 116 639 L. J. Archambaul.t 3666 6.73 42 12-14 118 336 L. Ivi. Real 3711 4.47 43 13-14 119 44 Jas. C. Davidson 416 10.19 15-18 119 34 J. F. IlflcLoughlin 999 17.45 31-33 119 94 Mrs. F.Cole 2020 27.05 44d 18a-21 129 70 , Marion E.Beehan 6025 33. 00 44e 46-48 130 350 Parlor✓ay West Corp. 7667 5. 97 45a 1-4-37b- 41b 128 12 Marie i'. Vance 3904 10. 56 20-23a 128 50 Richard Longmaid 5177 16.84 48 3 122 63 Rockridge Realty Corp. 497 3.14 24-25 122 15 Ruth K. Seaborg 4884 4.65 50 51-53 123 271 . Irene H. Burton 1039 9. 50 55 18b-19-20 126 56 Frank E. Newman 5410 9.70 65 25-26 124 408 Anna Longfellow 3624 3. 06 73 3-4 125 525 Thomas Faiola and W. 3950 6. 01 80 8 132 440 Pasquale Luiaconi 1221 16.83 81 23-24 133 657 Wellminster Realty Corp. 6073 7.05 86 4a-7a 132 370 Emanuel A.. M. L . Church 6119 5. 96 8a 132 361 E. Butcher 1232 12. 15 ilc-12a-13a 133 890 Civic Investors 2348 13. 33 14a 133 885 William A. Palmer 1238 19.14 18b-19b-20c 133 838 64 William St. Corp. 3252 173.91 SECTION NO. 2 8 34-35 203 367 Fenimore Cooper Ests. 6346 25.60 8a lb-2-3-4a 207 20 Rhoda Gladstone 5914 67.00 9c 3-4 222 430 Est. of John May 5880 3.21 Acct. Amount Blk. Lots Blk. Parcel Owner No. Due 10 4-6 221 177 Eliz. Towner 2096 $ 8.11 . 16-17 221 149 Grace E. Leddy 2457 24.47 34-36 221 33 David F . Farrell, Jr. 2963 5.16 12 21-23 223 256 Elizabeth Ireland 6210 6.27 13 9-10 223 380 Philip Enright and IN. 3661 4.74 15 12-13 223 2S Cora I. Vvilson 3908 4.44 44-45 223 lol Louis J. Preson and W. 4767 1.87 21 1-6 220 191 Colex Realty Company 6117 9.36 13-14 220 220 Troy Orphan Asylum 5482 7.42 23 56b-59 210 605 Merta IvicIntyre 3910 7.03 24 41-44 220 47 James F. Ireland 2105 16.36 25 i4-15 221 339 James H. Fields 2376 5.49 29 1-5 219 311 New Rochelle Trust Co. 6962 14.82 32-35 219 447 Roscoe A.Scism 2099 1.20 28-31 219 389 Syndicate Assets, Inc. 2259 6.24 31 1-4 212 1 Ward Smith, Jr. and Wife 6650 18.62 32 23-25 212 256 Sydney Bobbe and Wife 5709 4.23 34 21-23 219 28 Louise C. Burnham 305 8. 95 38 6-9 213 115 John T. Austin 4618 8.42 12-14a 213 104 Christina Miller 6030 3. 06 43 17-19a 214 423 Dr. F.F. Dillenbeck 4275 6.70 19b-22 214 414 C. Van Volkenberg 4276 22.15 46 7b-8-9 217 65 Kenneth Strachan 5437 1.30 54 1-3 216 560 Margaret R. Bentley 7129 9.33 SECTION N0 . 4 8 4 402 53 Irene H. Burton 2518 11. 95 16 20-22b 440 127 Roswell C. Nye 1894 50.81 17 la-2a 404 387 E.Flemming 2241 3.06 9 404 403 Conbur Realty Co. 3677 18.21 14-15 404 459 Helen F.Downe 7707 4.69 20 1 406 335 Mary M. Mulcahy 5402 4.13 28 l 405 380 Howell Estate 3540 12.05 33 6-10 410 338 John Moll 1673 13.27 11-19-20b 410 318 John Atoll 2987 6.17 48b-49b 410 429 May B. Jerman 1674 34.02 35 23 409 618 K. Nagy 4589 8.72 26 409 640 P. 'vVinkle 4713 6.09 36 409 711 Securities Conv. Co. 4307 6.89 39b-40 409 735 Mary Meyers 4336 12.15 72 409 101 E.B. Hauxhurst 4354 9.71 36 13-14 410 28 Elmer D. Stewart and W. 4948 7.50 37 19d 410 252 Estelle D. Zimmerman 3620 7.92 39 2 411 196 Li. and B. Miills 7084 1.25 41a 12 412 210 Leif Arup, Inc. 7778 3.06 SECTION NO. 5 14 9b-10-17 504 1 A. F. Thacher 7340 15.40 15 9 505 124 James Ward 7373 3.31 Blk. Lots 15 30-31 16 4 158 15-16 19 8 505 16 12 33-35 Acct. Amount Blk. Parcel Owner No. Due 505 158 Ntary Mcluulty 7379 4.72 505 51 John Welsh and Rife 7389 9 03 505 16 Katherine G. Hogan 7392 3.92 504 87 Fred W.Chillingsworth 7347 1.22 504 287 People Bk . for Savings 7359 5. 97 SECTION 10 . 6 603 286 Thomas D. Germano 3117 10.60 Grand Total $1164.22 ski 6 16 36043 4 , 1- �36-��1 to 96 97-98 8 X3£3-1 1 to 33 4 to 36 7 to 40 to 43 to 4 46 to 46 49 to 51 to 60 61 to 6 64-66-11.6 66 to 68 69-71 7 -76 76-76 79-81 -84 6 - 7 6 -61 2- 4 95-100 131-1G 1€36-10 lord-ill 112-114 315-117 119-122 123 30HEIDULE, OF TS Em 10? 187 10 137 111 11 . 11 112 112, 112 112 120 120 120 120 120 10 120 1 €i 123 121 121 121 11 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 161 1 121 121 121 121 119 mm 727 716 710 697 4 ° 438 412 402 390 84 7067 96 136) 7 67 61 5 4 4 7 4 56 326 1 612 566 300 294 see 426 4:14 464 696 6 336 3003 366 132 4 10.703 55.76 303,6 42.17 134.22 64.02 63.61 69. 7440096.z"�,4 34.66 175.19 ,v 71 9 ova 44 �Ekd 4A w4 �3 102,83 10228 102, 102. 109.83 lag. 1032. .4 148.64 7;x.26 1.32.94 102,94 1 : 102,,94 10 2. 100.94 102* 4 136.70 1. 86 10, 7 rq 137*20 62.20 163..64 167:. 90*74 53€3.7 90.72 90.7 2719,2 L. it I yyam�. q% Now * All K - 129 176 µ 119 164 110 UPS " 1 140 142044 119 140 146- 0 113 219 48-130 121 4880 low-138 121 476 90 12.1 470 16MMINO 121 M 463 IV0.173 IVI 445 74-104 121 BAP 121 56C 190,192 221 ts b 121 5 100-100 121 v -alb: 121 la NOW 121 216,28 3 +� da+�"w�"`02 121 3 M 121 44 121 4 121 Ole 1, 236-C41 121 7 242-247 lei 248056 121 Ohl mo dap lux 114 a -666 122 614 c,-1 071 In 534 J! 279 122 541 192 5518. f 4 gg 122 ? 0 NO to zoom SGIA 122 374 to 294- 00sk 122 ass g;u 122 AIR ... ,I { '1y[��^y pas s-200 o 501 222 IF ¢q0q y� pg `�AqM( �iSM SY✓ .3 ;4 0 ail 4.660 We RA r4 H� " 4.82 14%64 74 a We 69034 76' �!y N U 7OW 834 54 mY5` `0 RFIA 208066 00,7M %has ° a O 121409 196*26 30024 1"00 181644 90*72 31* 3 .0 120 S6 109. 106*84 RI Q*96 116.4 114015 R 642 37051 37044 56065 =4 1036 10424 283. "$z F M 62062 61067 4o 5 704�,�{ 46MG ` 0 UAV T34417 119 .64 130.83 73W0 710bye 61*66 M6 61AV 7 647 304 674*, 611 7 . 7 *47 14*6 a1*65 24`1 61464 6164” 6 054 11067 76* 106019 307w67 m 3 k2*2 2100 90479 9009 tita,'d 70;*; 04 . m 117,20 :41 Now Low $ }}nn xF rv+ten�� h.ilGd wL &�� mr„r3�ie$ .tw... .e ^4^.Ye aurw�� 02-304 12 yy 3OD-310 122 024 311 122 600 414016 122 WSW 317-310 122 654 3200031 122 6 `:-334 W ova W 102 ahi 338-343 We W 345-352 122 41 j 663-365 Jae 4112 356.zas US 424 389-362 122 4310 363-366 dw?g2a2 4 3 300-368 122 444 300-371 W2 4150 72-374 02 46 5—M,3 WI-383 122 474 W-Wo 122 4 may-ase ISM` ,r -S 267 12P 390-594 122 492 log Ito 14� Ive 02 wa ux set 216 4 D-411 12C 225 412. 4 2 . . a AU 416-41V icy:' 240 4 Sg 442 Ise 24 4P - 6 12k 252 424 PS 122 Q 07-4R9 122 U64 431-437 122 278 ZB 41 ILL 2 442-444 IVR W 445-44?4 p 40 44SAW W Kul 461-W 122 SUR 446,468 M 822 Plot IA I& Plot 2A 120 Plot 114- 12 s 2P qq plot 2 fi�.— ZA 115 104, 47 16-IS 112 630 37051 37044 56065 =4 1036 10424 283. "$z F M 62062 61067 4o 5 704�,�{ 46MG ` 0 UAV T34417 119 .64 130.83 73W0 710bye 61*66 M6 61AV 7 647 304 674*, 611 7 . 7 *47 14*6 a1*65 24`1 61464 6164” 6 054 11067 76* 106019 307w67 m 3 k2*2 2100 90479 9009 tita,'d 70;*; 04 . m 117,20 :41 ri dd rm �� Ib*F n4 � P'9 �W 4� •'V �li 37051 37044 56065 =4 1036 10424 283. "$z F M 62062 61067 4o 5 704�,�{ 46MG ` 0 UAV T34417 119 .64 130.83 73W0 710bye 61*66 M6 61AV 7 647 304 674*, 611 7 . 7 *47 14*6 a1*65 24`1 61464 6164” 6 054 11067 76* 106019 307w67 m 3 k2*2 2100 90479 9009 tita,'d 70;*; 04 . m 117,20 :41 1111111 65 IN mm ON 16 21 26 54 35 40 P4 A 44 a4 so 0 Oul 01 0,* ON 44 10 t % view ANOW 41-49 222 173 45M 34-40 IRS 83 104,69 41-45 123 08 $645 IDO IR4 510 14*59 107-IOM 100A 124 W 4079 110-111 124 4 ovi 200 11 -113 124 480 2509 41 to 44 135 449 27 *6 1-6 152 469 343*34 6-7 152 435 274*67 a 132 440 169000 I to 8 133 GOP 27067 27 133 660 08,07 28 133 647 68,67 sl IM 529 681,01,16 2024- 133 65V7 13704 25-26 133 669 13704 20.30 135 642 137*34 31-33 163 6455- 906*00 34-z6 136 627 206,00 86-44 133 602 60809 foxi 132 363 160096 10A.11Z, 133 747 106*53 UA 133 901 00,;q 110-IRA- IZA 133 SDO 265,66 14A 133 Mi 1374-354 165A 135 SBU 137,34 16A 153 M 237034 174, 133 365 07447 I'le-1,111 to 20A izz Awl 210*74 288-19wa- 20C A53 0 3W lW3 221 1 50059 4-6 221 177 64,60 1-2 220 067 29.71 3-4 220 432, 290.04 5.01-"ll W 468 72068 1*4 220 191 76473 U-64 210 06 SRI) 29*72 1-4 219 46*45 U-SA-9 219 lob 17.17 UAW W 1 69*62 6-0 21Q 163 69049 20-IZ 210 159 62,80 1.1 218 171 101*60 6.12- 218 306 73086 1 Z-16 215 273 780084 122-3 RIB 140 01038 4-6 21B 144 31919 V7 218 126 WAS Total$ $30V22*09 `IA't ,0900oOO �',�j,%350*00 $6gS31,25 A4 - 0 44 44 iov bl.- New New A a Arm 2 45 3A 217 1 "W9471 Ole 1 61*016 217 "'M M,0 a 9 pl? 134 4"soso 53 040 217 264 29,6k, 56 1-5 2116 33? 7 � 6-1.8,0 216 410 49 U-9-10 BIG Rev 36059 4 3 13 401 122 103#77 4 401, 150 MoQ CA 808, I(Y)v go 402 2, Total$ $30V22*09 `IA't ,0900oOO �',�j,%350*00 $6gS31,25 and marked Exhibit "B`k the several sums set Opposite each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck, under the name "Water Rents". and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to deliver to the Supervisor a copy of said tax budget and a transcript of the minutes of this meeting, duly certified, and to trans- mit to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of West- chester County a duplicate copy of said tax budget and transcript of the minutes of this meeting, also certi- fied, as provided by Section 116 of the Town Law. A vote was taken upon the foregoing resolutions and after the roll call the vote was announced as follows: Ayes: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen: Bates, h!eginniss, Mandeville and Griffin Noes: None Upon motion made by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following bonds for elected officials are hereby required pursuant to the Town Law and the Highway Law, and approved as follows: Bond, Bert C. LicCulloch, as Supervisor of the Town of ivamaroneck, conditioned for the faith- ful performance of his duties including the payment of all school moneys, pursuant to Section 25 of the Town Law, upon which the Globe Indemnity Company is surety in the penal sum of 425,000; Bond, Bert C. IcCulloch, as Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faith- ful disbursement and safe keeping and account- ing of Highway funds received by him as such Supervisor during the year beginning January lst, 1940, pursuant to Section 283 of the High- way Law, upon which the Globe Indemnity Company is surety, in the penal sum of $46,000; Bond, Robert D. Payne, as Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of his duties including the depositing of all funds or moneys of the 'Town, received by him, pursuant to Section 25 of the Town Law, upon which the National Surety Corporation is surety in the penal sum of X4,".1,000; -- Bond, Charles M. Baxter, Jr. , Justice of the Peace of the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties in- cluding the depositing of all funds or moneys of the Town, received by him, pursuant to Sec- tion 25 of the Town Law, upon which the Globe Indemnity Company is surety at an annual penalty of k1, 000. At 10:50 A. i; . the Board unanimously solved to ad * Tow lerk