HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939_09_05 Town Board Minutes PUBLIC HEARING, REGULAR Ai+D STATUTORY JOINT MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD AND THE ASSESSOR OF THE TOtiVN OF MAMARONECIt, NEff YORK HELD SEPTEMBER 5, 1939 At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting 'was called to order by Supervisor IvicCulloch at 8: 00 P. ill. Present : Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Griffin, Piandeville , keginniss Absent: None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attor- ney Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller Luceno and Town Engineer Foote . The Board adjourned the regular meeting the Assessor to compile, select, make and verify jury lists for the years 1940 and 1941, pursuant Chapter 232 of the Laws of 1905 together with Ch; of 1920, as amended. in order to meet with the grand and trial to Sections 7 and 26, apter 599 of the Laws The Assessor, having prepared tentative trial and grand jury lists, presented the same to the Board for its consideration. After examination ana verification of said lists by both the Assessor and the 'Town Board, it was on motion by Councilman man deville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED, that the completed lists of the grand and trial jurors be and they hereby are approved and certified by the members of the Town 3oard and Assessor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is autnorized, empowered and directed to forward certi- fied lists of the grand and trial jurors to the Commission- er of Jurors in the form required by law. The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished to address the Board before opening the public hearing to consider the proposed amendments to tine General ordinances of the town.. There being no one, the Supervisor then declared the Lear- ing open. The Town Cleric read the notice of the public hearing on the proposed amendments to the general ordinances, which, he stated, had been published according to law in"The Daily Times " the official newspaper of the town. The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished to coiriment upon the proposed. amendments. There being no one , the Board proceeded to nold a discussion on the proposed amendments , Upon motion by Councilman Mandeville , seconded by Councilman Bates, the following resolution was upon roll call unanimously adopted: WE EH there have been submitted to this Board, amend- ments to the General Ordinances of the Town of i'larnaroneck as originally adopted February 17th, 1937 ana as last amended May 3rd, 1939, concerning the regulation of house trailers and the regulation and licensing of tourist camps and trailer camps, as prepared by the Town Attor- ney; and XHEREAS, a public hearing has been held, pursuant to Article 9 of the Town Law as amended by Chapter 581 of the Laws of 1939, and no one appearing in opposi- tion thereto; NONV THEREFORE, BE I'T RESOL4ED, that the 'Town Board of the Town of Iviama- ron.eck hereby enacts the following amenaraents to the General Ordinances of the Town of iviamaroneck: Chapter I, of the General Ordinances of the Town of Mamaroneck, as adopted February 17th, 1937, and as last amended by resolution of the Town Board adopted. Py.ay 3rd, 1939, is hereby amended by adding a new sec- tion to be Section 7, to read as follows: Section 7 . "House Trailer" shall be con- strued to mean any vehicle used or capable of being used as sleeping or living quarters, mounted on wheels and propelled either by its own pot=per or a power drivenvehicle to which it may be attached, and includes an automobile trailer equipped with living quarters or sleeping I acilities and a house car. Chapter I of the General Ordinances of the Town of Mamaroneck, as adopted February 17th, 1937, and as last amended by resolution of the To-nn Board adopted May 3rd, 1939, is hereby amended by adding two new sec- tions to be Sections 8 and 9 respectively, which are to read as follows: Section 8. "Trailer Carp" as used in this Ordinance, shall be defined as any lot, piece or parcelof ground whereon three or more house trailers, house cars, or automobile trailers equipped with sleeping or living quarters are located, or parked. otherwise than for the purpose of loading and unloading or discharge or the entrance of occupants or passengers. Section 9 "Tourist camp" as used in this Ordinance, shall be defined as any lot, piece or parcel of ground whereon are located or placed, one or more camp cottages, tent houses, cabins or other buildings, designed for living quarters or sleeping quarters for ten or more persons, in- cluding children, other than houses, buildings and/or structures regulated under tLe Building Code and Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. Chanter IX-A of the General Ordinances of the 'TovM of i'iamaroneck, as adopted by resolution of the _'own !Board on iiay 3rd, 1939, is hereby declared to be amended and superseded by a new Chapter IX-A which shall take effect as provided in Section 133 of the 'Town Law and which. shall read as follows: CHAPTER IX-A HOUSE TRAILERS, TRAILER C82rPS AND TOURIST CAMPS. Section 1. Permits required for house trailers; licenses required for trailer and tourist camps . - (a) No person or persons shall run, operate or conduct the business of a trailer carap, or tourist camp upon any premises within the '!'own. of I:iamaroneck whether or not such person or persons be the owner of such premises, nor shall any person or persons being the owner or occupant of any land or premises in the To,.-in of 1amaroneck, use or permit the use of the said land or premises as a tourist camp or trailer camp without a license having first been obtained as here- inafter provided. (b) No person or persons being the owner or occupant of any premises within the Town of iv-amaro- neck, shall use or permit the use of such premises for the parking„ storage, use or other location of a house trailer, without a permit obtained as herein- after provided; nor shall any person being the owner or operator of a house trailer, park, store or other- wise locate said house trailer upon any premises within the Town of Mamaroneck without obtaining a per- mit therefor as hereinafter provided. Section 2. Trailer and tourist camp licenses. (a) Issuance of License . The Town Clerk of the Town of Lamaroneck_, upon written application and upon receipt of the license fee therefor, may with the written approval of the Nestcnester County Department of Health and of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Mamaroneck, issue a license to become effec- tive from the date thereof and to continue in force for the term specified therein but not in any event longer than through the 31st day of December next succeeding, for the use of the premises therein speci- fied. as a trailer camp or tourist camp. Such license shall not be transferable or assignable. (b) Application for license . The application for such license shall state the name and address of the applicant, if an individual, the name and address of the partners, if a partnership, and the names and addresses of the principal officers, if a corporation; the name and address of the owner of the premises upon which the trailer or tourist camp is to be located and if such applicant be not the owner of such premises. the nature of the interest of such applicant in` said premises; a description of the land or premises upon which the proposed trailer camp or tourist camp is to — be located; a complete plan of the proposed trailer camp or tourist camp including a plot plan of the property and a proposed layout showing the extent and area to be used for such camp purposes; the proposed roadways and/or driveways, proposed location or site for each house trailer, camp cottage, tent house, cabin, or other building or structure and the con- struction of all proposed sanitary conveniences , laun- dry buildings and slop sinks; the proposed method of sewage disposal or removal; the plan for water supply, electric light, and a plan for proposed toilets, wash rooms, and laundry. Such application shall, when presented to the Town Clerk_, be immediately referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals for approval or rejection. The Zoning Board of Appeals within thirty days after the receipt of such application from the Town Clerk, shall approve or reject the said application and its decision_ shall be filed with the Town Clerk and a copy thereof fur- nished to the applicant. Before issuing any license the Town Clerk shall submit the application to the Westchester County Department of Health for approval or rejection. Such approval or rejection shall be in writing. Any applicant, who has been refused a license by the Town Clerk, may apply to the Town Board therefor, and the same may be granted or refused by the Board except as prohibited in Section 137 of the Town Law. The provisions of Section 137 of the Town Law, with respect to the issuing of licenses by the Town Clerk, shall apply to licenses issued for a trailer or tourist camp. ( c ) Fees. The applicant shall, at the time of the issuance of such license , pay to the Town Clerk, a fee in accordance with the following schedule - Trailer camps having; a capacity of not more than five house trailers or tourist camps with living quarters for not more than fifteen persons, including children. . . . . . . . . . Fg', 25. 00 Trailer camps having a capacity of not more than ten house trailers or tourist camps with living quarters for not more than thirty persons, including children. . . . . . . . . . $ 50. 00 Trailer camps having a capacity of not more than fifteen house trailers or tourist camps with living quarters for not more than forty-five persons, including children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v" 75. 00 Trailer camps having a capacity of not more than twenty house trailers or tourist camps with living ouarters for not more than sixty persons, including children. . . . . . . . . . $100.00 Trailer camps having, a capacity of more than twenty house trailers or tourist camps with living quarters for more than sixty persons, in- cluding children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250.00 Section 3. House Trailer Permits . (a.) Application for permit. The application_ for a permit shall state the name of the applicant , his residence address, the name and make of the house trailer, the registration number of such house trailer, the state in which registered, the year of issue of registration, and if such house trailer be propelled by another power driven vehicle to which it may be attached, the application for such permit shall also state the make, registration number, state and year of registration and the name of the owner of such other vehicle , the street and number where such house trailer is or is to be located, a statement of the estimated duration of stay in such proposed loca- tion, and whether or not such proposed location is a duly licensed trailer camp, and if not, the consent in writing of the owner of the premises to such use of the land must be presented with the application. (b ) Issuing of Permits. The Building Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck, upon proper written ap- plication and upon receipt of the permit fee therefor, may issue a permit to continue in force for the terra specified therein, but in no event longer than two (2) weeks from the date of issuance thereof to any owner or operator of a house trailer, parked or otherwise located upon premises in the Town of i,iamaroneck, for a period longer than twelve (12) hours; except where such house trailer is parked in a duly licensed trailer camp, in which case a permit must be obtained immediately upon arrival and shall continue in force for a period not longer than thirty (30) days. ( c ) Fees. Each such applicant shall pay at the time of issuance of such permit, a fee of fifty cents (50r') for each such house trailer. MI Section 4. Relations for Trailer Camps and. Tourist Camps. (a) Location. All land used as a trailer camp or tourist camp, shall be well-drained, of ample size , free from heavy or dense growth of brus'r, or weeds. The land shall be properly graded to insure rapid drainage during and following rain and shall at all times be drained so as to be free from stagnant pools of water. (b ) Camp Plan. Each such trailer camp or tourist camp, shall provide not less than eight hundred seventy-five square feet (251 y 357 ) for each house trailer, camp cottage, tent house, cabin or any other building or structure other than a building or struc- ture regulated under the building code and zoning ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, provided that each house trailer, camp cottage, tent house, cabin or other building or structure designed for living quarters or sleeping quarters other than a building or structure regulated under the building code and zoning ordinance of the Town of iviamaroneck, shall not be less than ten (10) feet from any other house trailer and/or camp cottage, tent house , cabin, or other build- ing or structure other than a. building or structure regulated under the building code and zoning ordinance Of the Town of Mamaroneck. The trailer camp shall be subdivided and marked off into rectangular shaped lots, grouped in blocks with camp streets at least twenty (20) feet wide between each block. No house trailer, camp cottage, tent house, cabin or other building or structure other than a building or struc- ture regulated under the building code and zoning ordinance of the Town of iviamaroneck, shall be located within thirty ( 30) feet of any highway or street line nor within twenty (20) feet of any adjacent property line . Such trailer camp and/or tourist camp shall be surrounded by a suitable woven wire, open metal or wooden fence not less than five (5) feet nor more than six (6 ) feet high, having only necessary open- ings for entrance and exit facilities. Barbed wire shall not be used for such fences. Al]. entrances and exits from any trailer camp and/or tourist camp shall be well marked and so arranged as not to consti- tute a traffic hazard. All driveways within such camps shall be hard surfaced, well marked in the day time and lighted at night and so located that eacn house trailer in the camp is readily accessible to a driveway. (c) Sleeping Quarters in Tourist Camps . Sleeping quarters shall be properly ventilated and shall have not less than fifty ( 50) square feet of floor area and five hundred (500) cubic feet of space for each person cared for. (d) Ventilation and Fly-proofing Required. Kitchens, dining rooms, mess halls and toilet facili- ties located in trailer camps and tourist camps, shall be properly ventilated and adequate methods of exclud- ing flies shall be used. (e) Fire Protection Required . Any camp cottage , tent house, cabin or other buildin-- or structure de- signed_ for living quarters or sleeping quarters other than houses, buildingsand structures regulated under the Building and Zoning Ordinance of the Town of' ivama- roneck, shall be so constructed and arranged as to provide broad and easy exit in case of fire or other emergency and each such camp cottage, tent house , cabin or other building or structure designed for living quarters or sleeping quarters shall be equipped with at least one fire extinguisher for every 3000 square E feet of floor space or fraction thereof. In trailer camps there shall be at least one fire extinguisher for each three (3) trailers, which extinguisher shall be readily accessible to such trailers and be at all times in usable condition. (f ) Dish washing. Adequate facilities, including a plentiful supply of hot water for the =washing of dishes and utensils, shall be provided and such dishes and utensils shall be effectively washed and cleaned after each use . ( g) Kitchen and dining room equipment . Kitchen and dining room eauipment shall be of such material and so made or constructed as to facilitate cleaning and shall be kept dean at all times. (h) Drinking facilities. ho common dririing cup shall be used. If arinking fountains are provided, they shall be of sanitary design and construction. (i ) Sewer, water, and fire hydrant service . Each. such trailer camp and/or tourist camp shall be provided with approved sewer and water connections to existing public sanitary sewer and water systems of the town or of any district therein. No trailer camp or tourist camp shall be permitted in any area of the Town where public sanitary sewer, water service and fire hydrant are not available , ( j ) Every trailer camp and/or tourist camp shall be provided with toilets, urinals, wash basins, slop sinks, showers, water faucets , etc. , in accordafce with the following— (1) One toilet for each sex for every thirty (30) persons or fraction thereof. (2) Each toilet room for men to have in addition, one urinal stall . (3) Each toilet room to have at least one sink or lavatory for every three toilets or fraction thereof. (4) One shower for each sex for each thirty ( 30 ) persons or fraction thereof. Bathtubs are prohibited. ( 5 ) Laundry tubs and slop sinks or basins with water supply to be provided to serve each thirty (30) persons or fraction thereof. (6 ) Toilet buildings to be well lighted at all times, day and night, well ventilated with screened openings and constructed of such moisture proof mater- ial as shall permit rapid and satisfactory cleaning, scouring and wash ng. (7 ) The floors to be of concrete or similar materials, elevated not less than four inches above grade and shall slope to a floor drain located in each, room. (8) The use of toilets located in the house trailers, is prohibited, except where approved by plumbing inspection. ( 0) All plturbing installation, except as nerein provided, snall be made in accordance with the plumb- ing code of the Town of Mamaroneck. 'kitchen sink waste water from any house trailer may be discharged to suit- able leaching pits of such size and construction as may be approved by the plurnbiiig inspector of the Town of Samar OneCz and. 'v ne leaiLn Depa 'tr.?efi':; Of the County Of -Westchester. (10) Only Town water sup-oly or other supply approved by the Health Departi;sent of the County of Westcheste.r shall be used at any trailer camp or tourist carp. If a private supply is used, arrangements must be made for a weekly bacteriological analysis by a laboratory approved by the Health, Department of the County of West- chester at the expense of the licensee and report there- of filed with said Health Department within twenty-four hours of completion of analysis . (11) 11here toilet and bathing facilities are pro- vided for both sexes in the same building, a tight, sound-proof wall shall be constructed between the male and female sections. ( 12) A covered metal fly-tight garbage pail and a covered metal rubbish container of adequate size shall be provided for each six persons or part LL"hereof. (13) Each toilet building shall be distinctly marked- "IdlEN" or "a�01v IV'" in accordance with the sex for which it is provided. (k) Every trailer cam_,) and/or tourist camp shall be under the management of the licensee who must be of good reputation and character and who shall manage such camp from an office located_ on the premises . There shall be maintained in such office, a bound- book con- taining a record of the names of any persons accommo- dated at the camp, their home addresses, the time of their arrival and departure and the license number and make of their automobile or other vehicle. Such record shall at all reasonable times, be available for in- spection by any police officer. (L) It shall be the duty of the licensee of any trailer camp or tourist camp; 1. To provide for the collection of garbage and other waste material. 2. To prohibit the placing or storing of un- sightly material or venicles of any kind. 3. To provide for the clea?sing, painting, repair- ing and disinfecting of all buildings . 4. To take such other measures as shall be deemed necessary by the :wealth Department of the County of iVestchester and the Chief of Police of the Town of Mamaroneck, to preserve the health, comfort and safety of all persons accommodated in the camp and of the general public. 5. To prevent any animal to run at large within or outside the camp. 6. To report to the Heatlb Department of the County of -lNestchester all cases of communicable diseases or suspected cases of communicable diseases affecting any inmate of the camp. 7 . To prevent the committing of any nuisance on the camp premises and to report immediately to the proper authorities all acts of a disorderly character committed by any persons inside of the camp, and to that end to maintain proper policing thereof. Section 5. Time Limit on Period of Sta-,,/ . No house urailer shall be permitted to remain in any trailer camp for a longer period than thirty (30) days in each twelve (i2) months period and no person shall be permitted to remain in any tourist camp l I or a lor_ger period than thirty (30) days in each twelve (12 ) months period. Section 6 . Other Laws and Ordinances Applicable. The obtaining of as license hereunder for the use of premises as a trailer and/or tourist camp shall not be construed to eliminate the necessity of complying with all other applicable laws or ordinances and health regulations of the State of New York., County of Wlestchester and Town of Paamaroneck. Section 7. Building and Zoning Ordinances Applicable in Certain Cases . The removal cf she wheels or any similar transporting device from a house trailer, or the permanent attachment of a house trailer, camp cottage, tent house, cabin or other structure, (not originally regulated by the Building and Zoning Ordinances of the Town of idaraaroneck) , to the ground" in a manner that would prevent the ready removal thereof, shall be construed as removing it from the requirements of this ordinance and convert- ing it into a dwelling, subject to the requirements of the building code and zoning ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. Section 8. Regulations for -House Trailers. (a) Location. No house trailer shall be located upon any land or premises within the Town of iamaro- nec k other than trailer camps unless such land or premises has erected thereon„ conveniently accessible to such house trailer, adequate sanitary facilities , and an approved water supply system. (b) Restriction on Number of Trailers. One (1) such house trailer shall be permitted to park or other- - wise locate, except in a duly licensed trailer camp, on a lot or parcel of land containing not less than 2,500 square feet. ( c) Duration of Stay. ho such house trailer shall be permitted to remain upon an<, premises other than a duly licensed trailer camp, for a longer period than two (2 ) weeks in every twelve (12 ) months period. (d) Location of house trailer on lot . Such house trailer shall not be parked or otherwise located nearer than six (6 ) feet to the side line of any lot or par- cel of land nor within thirty (30) feet of the street line of such premises. Section °. Inspection and Enforcement. The Building Inspector of the Town of Lamaroneck shall enforce all the provisions of this Chapter of the General Ordinance, with the assistance of the Police Officers of the Town. Such Building Inspector and Police Officers shall have the right to enter any trailer camp or tourist camp or any premises used for the parking or location of a house trailer or house trailers,at all times. Section 10. Revocation of License . If the Building Inspector, upon inspection, finds that such trailer camp or tourist camp is not being maintained in a clears and sanitary condition, or that each trailer camp or tourist camp is not being conducted in accord- ance with the regulations applicable to such. trailer camp or tourist camp and the provisions of this ordi- nance, he shall serve upon the holder of a license or the person in charge of such trailer camp or tourist carne, an order in writing, directing, that the condi- tions therein specified by remedied within five (5) days a._°ter the service of such order. If, after the n ,M expiration of such period, such conditions remain unchanged, or are not corrected in accordance with the order of the Building Inspector, the Building Inspector shall serve a notice in writing upon such trailer camp or tourist camp owner, or the person in charge of such trailer camp or tourist camp, re- ouiring the holder of such license to appear before the Town Board of the Town of Vismaron_eck at a time to be specified in such notice, and show cause why such license should not be revoked. The Town Board may, after a hearing at which the testimony and witnesses of the Building Inspector and the holder of the license shall be heard, revoke such license if the conditions described in the original order have not been corrected in accordance with the terms of such order or if the holder of such license has violated the regulations applicable to such trailer camp or tourist camp, or has violated any of the provisions of this ordinance, or for other sufficient cause . Upon the revocation of such license , the premises shall forthirJitn cease to be used for the pur- poses of a trailer camp or tourist camp and 9.11 house trailers, camp cottages, tent houses, cabins or other build.ins designed for living or sleeping quarters other than houses, buildings and/or structures reg=.a- lated under the Building Code and Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, shall be removed therefrom. The provisions of Section 137 of the Town Law shall apply to the revocation of licenses issued for the running, operation, or conducting the business of trailer camps and tourist camps . Section 11. Termination of Permits. All per- mits issued pursuant to Section 3 of this ordinance _ for the location of house trailers in trailer camps snall immediately terminate upon revocation of the license for the operation of such trailer camp and -- no part of the permit fee shall be returned to the holder thereof. Section 12. Revocation of Permits. All permits issued under this ordinance to the owner or operator of a house trailer, may be revoked by the Building Inspector for any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance by the owner, operator and/or occu- pant of such house trailer. Notice of such revoca- tion shall be given to the owner and/or operator of such house trailer and to the owner, proprietor and/or operator of the trailer camp (if any) in which such house trailer is located, and if such house trailer be not located in a trailer camp, notice shall be given by the Building inspector, to the owner of the premises where such house trailer is located. Section i3. Persons Liable . The owner, lessee , licensee, occupant of, or person accommodated in any trailer camp or tourist camp, or the owner, lessee, or occupant of any premises upon which a house trailer is located, who commits any act in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall each be liable for any such violation_ and for the penalty therefor. Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted. to exist shall constitute a separate violation. Section 14. Penalties . Any person, firm or corporation vvho violates any provision of this ordi- nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than Five Dollars ($$5. 00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or to imprison- ment for a period of not less than one (1) day nor more than six (6 ) months or both such fine and imprisonment; and. in addition any and all persons k who violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or who shall amit., neglect or refuse to do any act required by this ordinance shall severally, for each and every such violation and non-compliance respectively forfeit and pay a penalty of Fifty Dollars Q30, 00) , recoverable in a civil action brought by or on behalf of the Town of viamaroneck® The imposition of all penal- ties for any violation of this ordinance shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue . The application of the above penalty or penalties or the prosecution of the violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of conditions prohibited by this ordinance . Section 15. Exceptions. None of the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to the storing or garaging of a house trailer when not used as living or sleeping quarters. Section 2 of Chapter XI of the General Ordinances of the Town of hamaroneck as adopted February 17th, 1937 and as last amended by resolution of the Town Board, adopted May 3rd, 1939, is hereby amended so as to read as follows; Section 2. Violation of these Ordinances still subject the offender, for each offense, to a civil penalty not to exceed the following amounts respect- ively; Chapter III. Sections 1, 5 and 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`p 5u.00 Chapter IV. Sections 21 31 4, by 8, 9 and 12. . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Chapter V. Sections 1, 2, 3 , 4 , by 61 7, and 8. . . . . . . . . 10. 00 Chapter VI. Sections 1, 21 31 41 61 7, 8, and 9. . . . . . . . . 100. 00 Chapter VII. Sections 1, 2 and 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. 00 Chapter VIII . Sections 1, 2, 4 and 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. 00 Chapter IX. Sections 2, 45 61 91 10, 113 12 and 15. . . . . . bO. 00 The penalties for violation as above provided shall be in addition to any fine provided for in the preceding section. Every day or part thereof that such violation shall continue shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct violation of the said several provisions of these ordinances and shall render every person liable for a separate penalty for each such violation. FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforesaid amendments to the General Ordinances shall become effective upon publica- tion and posting as provided in Section 133 of the Ton law; FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk publish, the afore- said amendments to the General Ordinances in the i,iamaro- neck Daily Times, the official newspaper, and post copies thereof in at least three public places of the Town as also provided in Section 133 of the Town Lary and that an affidavit of the publication and posting thereof be filed with the Town Clerk. Following the public 'nearing the Board resumed the regular order of business, Councilman Mandeville reported for the highway and garbage collection departments by stating that everything was all right ® Councilman Bates reported that the usual maintenance work was being carried on by the department for drainage and sewers. Councilman Griffin stated that the welfare department report for the month of August had been delayed because of the Labor Day week-end and holiday. Councilman Meginniss presented the following financial statements which were ordered received and filed: (1) Summary of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1 to July 31, 1939; (2 ) Statement of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures from January 1 to July 31, 1939; (3) Statement of Estimated Revenues from January 1 to July 31, 1939. The Town Attorney presented ana recommended the adoption of the following resolutio. e WI-EREAS in foreclosure proceedings instituted by the Town against John Bowman, et . al. , the referee, duly appointed for that purpose by order of the Supreme Court , sold to the Town of Mamaroneck, property de- scribed as Section 1, Block 253 Lots 54 and 55, on the Assessment Lap of the 'Town of i. amaroneck; and 14HEREAS the said referee has applied to the payment of certain taxes, assessments ana tax liens owned by and due to the Town of haniaroneek, together with interest a d penalties thereon to the date of sale, the sum of 9768. 53 which taxes, assessments and tax liens are required to be cancelled. by the provisions of Section 54 of the ruestchester County Tax Act , NI DK5 THEREFORE, SE TT RESOLtTED teat the fallouving taxes, assessments and tax liens are hereby cancelled. Section I Block 25Q Lot 54 Year of A,,ount of Interest or Penalty Sale Lien or max to August 2 , 1939 Total 19iU1 4 3.29 11.38 5) 14 57 1911 3®55 8.30 11.85 1912 3. 97 12.78 16,75 1914 3195 11.77 15.72 Section 1 . Block 25 , Lots 5A 55 1931 9.18 9. 00 18. 18 1932 17 ® 44 15 .03 32 .47 1933 51,44 37.83 89.25 1934 45. 03 28. 09 73.17 1935 63.44 31.40 94. 84 1936 58. 11 22.18 80.29 1937 60.60 15.87 76.47 1938 64, 66 9. 18 73.84 1939 1 71.84 1.70 73.54 1939 S. C. T . 43. 29 3. 03 46.32 The foregoing resolution was upon motion by Cour!cilmar_ Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Dates, adopted by the following vote ; Av_ Sa Supervisor icCulloch Councilmen Bates, griffin, kaindeville , Ptleginniss 'DOES: None The Assessor -oresented a number of pages from the Assessment P'ap showing corrections made by the Town Engineer as of June 1st, such corrections being due to the sale of lots or plots, filing of maps in the County Register' s office, etc. Loon motion made by Councilman lleginniss, seconded by Councilman Bates, it was upon roll call unanimousl;r R.'SOLVED that this Board approves chan5°es in the Assessment Pu.ap of the Town of iaamaroneck as of the 1st of June, 1939, and the said map is hereby corrected and rectified as of June 1st, 1939 it the following places : Page Section Block 101 1 2 102 1 3 104 1 5 105 1 6 106 1 5 106 1 0 107 1 17 107 1 20 112 1 28 113 1 32 114 1 23 114 1 35 115 1 22 115 1 31 116 1 44 120 1 37A 120 1 37B -- 421 1 37A 121 1 37B 124 1 65 129 1 44B 129 1 44D 129 1 90A 130 1 44E 131 1 66 132 1 BOB 132 1 66 133 1 81 208 2 8A 210 2 16 211 2 17 214 2 43 219 2 34 220 2 16 221 2 14 222 2 9A 224 2 9 224 2 9A 340 3 6 340 3 12C 340 3 12D 405 4 28 408 4 14 408 4 24 412 4 41A 502 5 6 505 5 18 Page Section Block 601 6 13 601 6 14 602 6 8 602 6 10 602 6 10B 605 6 28 607 6 20 609 6 35 609 6 41 614 6 53 618 6 49 619 6 64 703 7 7 705 7 11 711 7 21A 711 7 33 712 7 16C 715 7 43 720 7 72 724 7 81 728 7 71 609 8 7 810 8 8 811 8 8 811 8 10 812 8 22 812 8 16 614 8 31 815 8 30 817 8 50 819 8 13 820 8 WA 821 8 74 822 8 83 824 8 112 825 8 101 830 8 93 831 8 86 901 9 12 905 9 3A 907 9 18 912 9 51 918 9 21 920 9 57 931 9 78 940 9 87 956 9 104 959 9 105 960 9 105 961 9 105 The Town Attorney reported to the Board that he felt it wise in view of the enactment of Chapters684 and 685 of the Laws of 1939, to have this Board approve highway claims, other than for payroll, from the date these laws became effective which was June 3rd, 1939. An opinion was requested from the Department of Audit and. Control, as to the effect of these statutes so far as they amended Sections 284 and 285 of the highway Law, immediately after they be- came law but no reply was received from the State Comptroller' s Office in Albany until August 29th and under that date Mr. O' Brien, the Director of Municipal Accounts, advised that in order to avoid criticism, claims should be approved by the Town Board. Iron motion made by Councilman Mandeville, and seconded by Councilman Bates, it was RESOLVED that the following claims filed with the Comptroller, other than payroll, which are chargeable against the Highway Budget of 1939, are audited and payment thereof approved: Item Voucher Vendor Amount Date Paid 1 36 H. Beecher 4. 00 June 22, 1939 37 Trohn Supplies, Inc. 29.00 it 38 Westchester Asphalt Co . 840. 00 f° 39 New Haven Trap Rock 504.64 " 40 Lock Joint Pipe Co. 16.64 42 Henigson' s Inc. 78.93 July 15�e 1939 43 Trohn Supplies, Inc. 29. 00 44 'ID. 111. Baxter Co. , Inc . .70 it 45 Westchester Asphalt 858.50 It 46 Westchester Colprovia 16. 50 It 47 New Haven Trap Rock 274. 01 If 51 Henigson' s Inc. 119.74 August 22, 1939 52 N. Y, ' .u. B . L H. R. R. Co. 104.64 53 New haven Trap Rock 36.83 54 Westchester Asphalt Co. 41.25 " 55 Empire Foundry Co. 32.75 56 State Insurance Fund 830. 53 2 2 Henigson' s Inc. 27.60 July 15, 1939 3 62 'Westchester Asphalt Co. 82.50 June 22? 1939 63 Globe Motorists Supply Co. 9. 59 64 It it I u 8.89 it 65 New Rochelle Autopar is Co. 16. 07 66 J. J. Holzer 2.00 IT 67 Walter M. Baxter Co. , Inc. 45. 54 68 Buck' s Pharmacy .90 69 Viking Steel Corp. 15®16 " 70 Contractors Trading Co. 24. 55 71 G.-W. iderrell 38.70 72 Westchester Lighting Co. 11.77 73 J. I. Holcomb Iv1fg. Co. 5. 25 74 VX. P . A. Fund 72.00- 76 Trohn Supplies , Inc. 2.75 July 15, 1939 77 Gauzband Sales Co. 5. 70 78 Walter M. Baxter Co. 14.25 79 Mamaroneck Plumbing Supply Co. 6. 95 " 80 New Rochelle Autoparts Co. 6. 70 it 81 Globe 1otori8ts Supply 43. 07- e 82 Westchester Luting Co. 3.92 83 'N. P. A. Fund 50.10 87 Henry lvlallette 2.60 August 22, 1939 88 'Halter ivi. Baxter Co. , Inc. 11. 03 It 89 New Rochelle Auto Parts 20.76 It 90 Globe 1,aotorists Supply Co. 7.09 AE 91 Trinity Steel Co. 11.65 P6 92 H. B. Beecher 5. 50 it 93 Westchester General Tire Co. 11.88 94 National Ignition Co. 10. 52 ° 95 Cappus Pharmacy 1.14 96 'PJestchester Lighting Co. 2.66 97 W. P. A. Fund 32.86 4 43 Walter ivi. Baxter 55.55 June 22, 1939 44 Henigson' s Inc. 15.00 1 45 Keeler Real Estate Corp . 12.55 It 46 State Insurance Fund 1,564.17 " 49 Joseph Noto 15. 00 July 8, 1939 56 H. B. Beecher 5,54 August 22, 1939 ; 57 R. G. Brewer .46 f[ 58 General Sand & Stone Corp. 115.55 59 Henigsor' s Inc. 11. 96 60 Traffic & Street Sim 186 .38 61 Zaffino Iron viorks 2.75 it 62 Keeler Real Estate Corp . 231. 91 it The Town Clerk inquired if the Board, in accordance with the provisions of Section 75 of the Election Law, desired to publish notices of registration and election as has been done in years past. On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded. by Councilman Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 75 of the Election Law a notice be published in The Daily Times on October 11 and October 18, 19395 in The Larchmont Times and in The Herald on October 12 and October 19, 1939, giving a list of the places of registration within the Town of iviamaroneck, a statement of the days and hours of registration and a brief description of the boundaries of each election district in the Town; and be it FJRTHER RESOLVED,that in accordance with the same section of the Election Law notice be published in The Daily Times on November 6, 1939, and in The Larchmont Times and The Herald on November 2 , 1939, giving a list of the polling places, the day and hours of the election and a brief description of the boundaries of each election district . The Town Clerk read a letter dated August 11, 1939, received from the Fred T . IiVilson Corporation, signed by lair. Charles E. Cornell and stating that they had been requested to submit to the Tovin Board an offer of w125.00 for the rear part of the plot owned by the Town and situated on Mamaroneck Avenue adjoining the new building of the Mamaroneck Federal Savings & Loan Association. This property is known as Section 9, Block 50, Lot 15A. Following some discussion the members of the Board voted unanimously to decline the offer as presented and directed the Town Clerk to advise ivir. Cornell that it was their desire to sell the parcel as a whole . The Town Clerk read a letter dated August 21; 1939, received from B4r. A. Lopreato, in which he complained about the use of the Boy Scout cabin near the i,4urra7 Avenue School as a private day camp. Following some discussion it was decided that the matter be referred to the Supervisor. The Town Clerk stated that he had received a request from urs. lJolly Waller for the transfer of dance hall license from the Aquarium Restaurant, 1280 Boston Post Road, to the Post Lodge, Boston Post Road,Town of lviamaroneck. Following discussion it was upon motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Griffin, unanimously RESOLVED that the request of i'irs. Molly Waller be granted and that the Town Clerk be directed to transfer the dance hall license from the Aquarium Restaurant to the Post Lodge, providing that same shall also have the approval of the Building In- spector, Fire Inspector and Police Department of the Town of viamaroneck. The following reports were ordered received and filed- (1) Report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of Auguste 1939; (2 ) Report of the Plumbing Inspector for the month of August, 1939; (3) Report of the Town Clerk for the month of July, 1939 ; (4) Report of the :iamaroneck Health Center for the month of July, 1939; and (5) Report of the Westchester County Department of Health for the month of July, 1939. Councilman Griffin referred to the meetings held to consider the possibility of town employees enter � the New York State Em- ployees' Retirement System and inquired bo the disposition of the question. Councilman Meginniss reviewed all that h..ad been done to date and explained the procedure necessary to complete the arrangement . He reccmr riended that something be done to carry out the plan. dr. Griffin suggested that some definite action be taken by the Board. Following some discussion it was decided bg all to lay the matter on the table for complete discussion at an early meeting. Councilman Griffin presented and moved the adoption of the foil0'nliryg resolution, !whi ch was Second=ed by Councilman Sates: adopted moment. RESOL',F_PL:. that the members of the Town Board of T�,iamaroneck in regular meeting assembled wish to express their pro- found sorrow at the death of former supervisor, the Hon. George W. Burton, who served the Town of iIamaroneck in that capacity for eighteen years, from 1.916 to 1933, and whose foresight and ability built up the unincorporated section of the Town from its unimproved condition, when he took office, to its present state of completeness and beauty, in streets, ,°eater supplIT, sewers, police and fire protection, and parks . His untiring energy and genial and friendly spirit were in evidence at all times: a good citizen, a considerate business associate, and his upright character have made him respected by all, and his loss will be keenly felt by all who were closely associated with. him; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread_ upon the minutes and. be made a part of the official records of the Town. Upon the suggestion of the Supervisor the resolution was by the members of the board standing in silence for one At 9: 10 P. iJ. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. TdWR Clerk