HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939_06_15 Town Board Minutes SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
At the Town Offices, lbS =Vest Boston Post Road, Nlama.roneck3 N. Y
2 P. R, .
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor I'AcCulloch at
Present : Supervisor TkcCuiloch
Councilmen Bates, Griffin Mandeville, iVleginniss
Absent: None
The presence was also noted of Town Cleric Payne, Secretary
to the Board of Fire Commissioners, and Town Attorney Delius .
Mr. It4eginniss read the following letter from the Fire Coun-
cil dated June 14, 1939, containing a resolution adopted by the Fire
Council on June 13, 1939:
June id, 1939
Town Board
Town Offices
158 VPest Boston Post Road
P,Iamaroneck, Ii. Y.
At a special :raeetin.g of the Fire Council of the Fire
Department of the Town of 111amaroneck held 'Tuesday evening June 13,
1939, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
The Town Board has
Town Board may not
chase of a replace
Engine No. 1, and
now informed. the Fire Council that the
legally e°.pend the money for the pur-
nent of Hook and Ladder Truck No. 1 and
Our previous reports of the dangerous condition of these
trucks has been confirmed by a survey made by an independent
expert designated by the Town Board, and
In the opinion of the Fire Council the number of votes cast
in the -referendum just held could not possibly be construed
as representative of the total voters entitled to vote, and
The Fire Council feels that the true emergency of the situa-
t'= was not realized by the electorate .
RESOLVED, that the Fire Council hereby requests the Town
Board to take immediate action in arranging another
referendum on the bond issue for purchase of replacements
of Fire apparatus, and in addition to legal and other
necessary advertising and notices, notice by mail be
served on each elector in the District entitled to vote
on said referendum.
Very truly yours
(Signed) 'N. V. McCarthy, Jr.
Following discussion, it was upon motion by Councilman
and eville, seconded by Councilman Bates, upon roll call, unani-
RESOLVED, i4 'REAS Burton C. I4eighan, Jr. , as
Trustee of the Estate of William T. tNood, deceased,
has made application for permission to use certain
property now zoned "F" on the zoning map of the
Tourn of Ivamaroneck for the purpose of erecting thereon
a, building to be used as a roadside restaurant or
cafeteria of the type or (rind generally known as
"Dutch_land"- and
V��Ii�RyA. Gerald Campbell as builder has submitted cer-
tain plans and specifications and, a plot plan_ for the
building so to be erected;
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the power granted to this
Board. by Section 7 of the Zoning Ordinance of the
Town of I'lamaroneck the property bounded_ and described
as follows, to wit :
All that certain_ plot or parcel of land situate
in the Town of Mamaroneck,Westchester County and
State of New Rork, said plot or parcel of land being
more particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of
the Boston Post Road, said point of beginning being
distant 470.73 feet Northeasterly along the Southerly
side of the Boston Post Road from its intersection with
the Easterly side or line of Rock Ridge Road as shown
on a certain map entitled `Subdivision Wla.p of the
Villiam T. 17ood Estate, i4ade by A. J. Foote, Surveyor"
and filed in the office of the Register of Nestchester
County May 24th, 1937 as Neap Number 44537 running
thence along the Southerly side of the Boston Post
Road the follo-rrinv courses and distances. North 430 231
East 66 .80 feet, North 460 50° 10" East 152, 58 feet-
north 470 451 20" East 80. 62 feet to a. point; thence
running through lands of the V'1illiam T . �Vood Estate,
South 420 14' 40" East 100 feet to a point; thence
continuing through other lands of the 'iirilliam T. 'Nood
Estate, the followinp-, courses and distances :
South 470 45' 20" Nest 79.81 feet; South 460 50' 10"
ffest 146.77 feet; South 430 23' 00" Vlest 63.78 feet
to a point; thence North 460 37' West 100 feet to a
point on the Southerly side of the Boston Post Road,
at the point or place of beginning.
may be used for the erection and maintenance of a
building to be used as a roadside restaurant or
cafeteria, which shall not include, however, the sale
of beer, wine or liquor, of the type generally known
as "Dutchlan.d." in accordance with the plans and
specifications submitted to the Board entitled
Store -"3 Dutchland Farms, Inc. , Brockton, Plans ,
Patent No. 93208, C. C . Merritt, Architect, Nov. 16,1937, "
such building to have the following minimum set-back
requirementssfrom the front line or Boston Post Road
37.2 feet, from rear lot line 5 feet, from westerly
side line 115 feet and from easterly side line 120 feet.
2lessrs . Harry Pierce, Charles Fisher and 'Nilliam Bates,
all residing at Plymouth Road, Town of Mamaroneck, appeared before
the Board to inquire as to what could be done to remedy the con-
dition of the ramp leading up to their property on Plymouth Road.
Councilman -1dandeville reported. that the ramp had been
inspected. and that the re-surfacing suggested by 'the same gentlemen
at a previous meeting would cause a :gorse condition than now exists.
I,Ire Pierce suggested that the ramp be re-constructed
so as to include ste-os and landings.
Councilman Mandeville stated that this work would cost
approxiraately `1,000 and that it could not be done this year, as
there was no item in the budget to take care of it . He suggested
that it may be inclu.d.ed in next year' s budget. He added that the
work already done at Plymouth Road was all that could be a-rran.7ed
out of the 1938 budget,
Mr. Nilliam Pates asked if something could be done about
destroying the large amount of poison ivy along the ramp. He was
assured that the highway department would take care of this work.
Councilman Bates reported that it would require about two
weeks to complete the work on the storm water drain on Forest Avenue .
He reported that a large drain running across the rear of the fire
house property I.Vas in need of repair,
Councilman Griffin stated that there was no report for
the park department, but that he mould like to inquire as to what
would be done with the property south of the intersection of Palmer
Avenue and 'Weaver Street .
Supervisor McCulloch advised that this property is privately
owned and leased by the Town for quarry purposes .
Councilman Griffin presented the monthly statement of
obligations incurred for home relief for the month of May, 1938.
The report was ordered filed.
He reported that the number of cases are decreasing in
the Town of Mamaroneck whereas a number of the manufacturing
centers have seen a. considerable increase due to unemployment .
He reported that the new lan of having a supervising
physician in charge of medical relief is working out very well.
He said that he would, give a. more detailed report at a later meeting.
Councilman !VNinr_iss presented the following financial
-reports; (1) State/oT Estimated Revenues from January 1 to I'dIay 31,
1938; (2) Summary of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1 to
May 31, 1938; ( 3) Statement of Budget Appropriations and Expendi-
tures as of May 31, 1938. The reports were ordered filed.
Councilman -neginniss reported that the fire hydrant near
54 I—,Trtle Boulevard was on highway property. The matter was re-
ferred to Ton E'ng.ineer Foote .
He reported that he had attended a meeting held by volunteer
and paid firemen of the Town of 4,''iamaroneck. He stated that he had.
discussed the New York State Employees' Retirement System with the
paid men of the department. Sometime ago the-,T did not favor -the plan
but now they are in favor of it .
11r. Meginniss reported that he was making a complete study
of the plan. He stated that the Village of Larchmont had adopted
the plan.
Councilman Bates reported that the Town of Scarsdale had
also adopted the plan.
Supervisor. McCulloch informed the Board that the x;150, 000
ta_z revenue note had_ been paid. in advance of the due date, thereby
effecting a saving of interest money. This interest would_ be applied
with other money against the X1100,000 tax revenue note 'falling due
July 1, 1938. He stated that the Town has approximately $45,000 in
the bank against this note and that the collections during the balance
of the month should swell the amount to a-,oroximately 1;50,000, He
said that it was necessary to borrow only 50,000 to pay off the
balance of this note . He pointed out that earlier in the year he had
expected it would be necessary to borrow a much larger amount to care
for the notes.
Supervisor McCulloch stated that he would like to suggest
that the Town Board meet only once a month during, the months of
July, August and September.
Following some d; scussion it was upon motion by Councilman
Bates, :seconded by Councilman Griffin, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board shall hold one
regular meeting the first Wednesday of each
of the following months: July, August and
September, at the Town Offices at the usual
time .
Councilman Meginniss recommended that the Town Offices
close at 4: 00 P. M. on week days and at 12:00 noon on Saturdays
during the months of July and August .
Following some discussion the Board agreed to approve
the plan offered by lE1r. Plleginniss .
The Town Clerk read a letter dated June 9, 1938, received.
from Emil Zvirin of Boehm u: Company, in vtl7hich he made application
to the Town Board for permission to pay certain tax arrears at the
rate of 6 -_per cent interest . The Board discussed the matter at
length and denied the application.
Town Attorney Delius stated that it would. be in order
for the Board to authorize the issuance of 60,000 Tax Lien Certi-
ficates of Indebtedness.
Councilman Megirniss introduced the following resolution:
Section 1. For the purposes authorized by law, the
Supervisor is hereby authorized to borrow an amount not
exceeding x':60,000 and to issue a Certificate, or Certi-
ficates, of Indebtedness of the Toam therefor against
transfers of tax liens owned by the Town not otherwise
pledged, pursuant to the iVestchester County Tax Law,
constituting Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended.
Each of said Certificates of Indebtedness shall be
designated "Tax Lien Certificate of Indebtedness".
Section 2. It is hereby determined and declared:
(a) The total amount of transfers of tax liens owned
by the Town, covering tax liens included in tax sales
held prior to Pay, 1938, not yet redeemed, is. . . . . . .$270,850. 44
(b) The total amount of transfers of tax liens bid in
or purchased by the Supervisor or. behalf of the Town
at the last tax sale, held in May, 1938, not yet
redeemed is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,186. 95
( c) The total amount of Tax Lien Certificates of
Indebtedness heretofore issued and outstanding
against said transfers of tax liens, or any portion
thereof, is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None
(d) The total amount of said. transfers of tax
liens otherwise pledged in any manner, is. . . . . . . . . . . None
(e) The total amount of Certificates of Indebted-
ness heretofore issued. and outstanding in antici-
pation of the collection of taxes for the non-
payment of which properties were included in said
tax sales, is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000. 00
(f) All of the Certificates of Indebtedness
referred to in section (e ) hereof will be paid
from taxes, collected since the issuance of said
obligations and from the proceeds of the 'Tax
Lien Certificates of Indebtedness authorized
Section 3. The following matters in connection
with said Certificates of Indebtedness are hereby
Date; July 1, 1938
Maturity: July 1, 1939
Denomination- 1$10, 000 each
ii umbers; T. L. ;�2 to 6 inc.
Interest rate: 3/4 of 1% per annum, payable at
Form, As determined by _resolution
adopted- March 3, 1937.
The Supervisor is hereby authorized to determine
all matters in connection therewith not determined
by this or subsequent resolution and his signature
upon said Certificates shall be conclusive as to such
determinations. Said Certificates of Indebtedness
shall be signed_ by the Supervisor and countersigned
by the Town Clerk_ and- shall have the corporate seal
affixed thereto . The Supervisor is hereby authorized
and. directed to sell said Certificates at private
sale at not less than par, ,without advertisement or
public bidding, and to deliver the same to the pur-
chaser upon receipt of the purchase price, plus
accrued_ interest from the date of the Certificates
to the date of delivery.
Section 4. Any instrument issued pursuant to
this resolution shall be a general obligation of
the Town and the faith and credit of the Town are
hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the prin-
cipal of and interest on said- obligations, and -unless
otherwise paid or _oayment provided for, an amount
sufficient for such payment shall be inserted in the
annual estimate and a tax sufficient to provide for
the payment thereof shall be levied upon all the
taxable property in the Town.
On motion of 'vir. Meginniss, seconded by Mr. Bates, the
foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote :
AYES- Supervisor
NOES- None
Bates , Griffin,
Me.-i nniss
iviande vi 11 e,
Town Attorney Delius reported that icir. Foote had assisted
him in making the many changes as suggested by members of the Board
and. the oluzmbers who attended the public hearing.
On motion_ by Councilman Bates seconded by Councilman
Mar_d_eville, it was unanimously
RESOL'oED, VWREAS a public hearing was heretofore
held on the 18th of May, 1938, for the purpose of
considering the enactment of a Plumbing Code or
Ordinances, for the Town of 'Mamaroneck, outside
of incorporated Villages, as provided. in Article 9
of the Town Law; and
',JE REAS, there has been submitted to this Board, a.
Plumbing Code, prepared by the Town Attorney, pur-
suant to the provisions of Chapter 634 of the Laws
of 1932, as amended, known as the Town Law;
Nir. TMeginniss further reported that resolutions had been
adopted by the Fire Council at the same meeting, which he personally
attended together with the Town Attorney, limiting the use of the
Rook and Ladder Truck No. 1 and Engine o. 1 in the following manner o.
That neither the Hook and Ladder Truck nor the Pumper should be driven
at a rate of speed in excess of twenty miles per hour and that no
volunteer firemen should ride either on the Hook and Ladder Truck or
the Pumper going to or returning from fires, the operation of such
apparatus being confined to paid drivers.
After discussion and upon motion made by Councilman IVIeginniss,
seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was unanimously
SOLVE➢, that the action of the Fire Council in
limiting the use of Rook and Ladder Truck loo. 1
and Engine !Mc . 1 as contained in their resolution
adopted June 13, 1939, is approved by this Board;
and be it
FURT.HE P. RESOLVED, that this Board of Fire Commissioners
'_Hereby instruct the Fire Council to purchase ladders
necessary to replace all ladders now in use, which they
consider unsafe, with a recommendation that the ladders
so purchased shall be of a type or design which are
available for use in connection with an aerial ladder
truck in the future .
After further discussion the i3oard postponed action on
the request of the Fire Council for a new referendum, until the next
regular meeting of the Board.
At 3:15 P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.