HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939_06_06 Town Board Minutes PUBLIC HEARING
HELD .NNE 6 . 1939
At the 'dleaver Street Fire .Souse, Town of Mamaroneck, New York
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor 1vicCulloch
at 8:35 P. Ni.
Present : Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates , Griffin, Mandeville, ivieginniss
Absent : None
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attor-
ney Delius and the following members of the Board of Appeals for
Zoning: A. Stirling Smith, Chairman; Frederick G. Smith, and
Orson A. Raynor .
The Town Clerk read the affidavit of publication of the
notice of the public hearing.
The Supervisor stated that the Town of Mamaroneck was very
fortunate in having a good zoning board. He explained that they
have been working for over a year on the suggested changes to the
zoning ordinance and zoning map and have presented them to the Town
Board for consideration.
He stated that the reading of the entire suggestions would
be dispensed with and asked if there was any change any one wished
to discuss in particular.
Mr. Leo Fish, 8 Huguenot Drive , Larchmont, asked what the
changes were .
The Supervisor informed him that there were changes in the
apartment house zoning, adding to the apartment house zones and
calling for the garden type rather than the usual apartment which
may be built 10 feet from the street line . He explained that near
the Pelham-Port Chester Parkway property the section zoned for
apartments now goes up to Lafayette Road.
He thereupon opened the _meeting for comments upon any phase
of the proposed. changes.
Mr. miontanye, 10 Lafayette Road, Larchmont , stated that he
lived. directly opposite the part which the Board of Appeals pro-
poses to change from trA" to "B", and that about two years ago when
he purchased his property, he was informed that he was protected
by the zoning laws and by his deed. "A real estate man informed
me that the zoning ordinance was more or less of a guarantee ",
he said. He stated that he could see no necessity for the change
and voiced his protest against zoning this property for apartments .
Mr. Cornelius Van Buren, a real estate broker of Larchmont,
speaking for Ivir. Piax Hoffman, of 2 Lafayette Road, who was out of
town and unable to attend the hearing, voiced the same protest and
objections as Mr. Iviontanye . On his own behalf Mr. Van Buren stated
that he had sold all of the lots on which the houses were now erected
on. Lafayette Road and at that time the owners understood thoroughly
and felt sure that the zoning would remain. residential.
Mr. Leo Fish stated that he was one of the first settlers
in that part of the unincorporated section some ten years ago,
that he had purchased his property from the New Rochelle Realty
Company and that in his deed it was understood that the zoning in
that particular part of the town was for residences only. He
registered his protest along with Ivir. iviontanye and stated that he
definitely felt that apartments should_ not be allowed north of the
parkway, because it would affect property values .
Mr. A. Stirling Smith, Chairman of the Board of Appeals,
explained that this section is absolutely unsuitable for residential
purposes,because it is very low land. The Zoning Board, therefore ,
figured that it was more suitable for apartment houses and would be
a barrier for further encroachment of apartment houses in residen-
tial areas, he said.
Mr. B. B. Neal, 9 Normandy Road, also speaking for Mr. C . 'vd.
Parr, 7 Normandy Road; lair. and yirs. Smalley, 6 Normandy Road; and
Mr. and Mrs. Hope, b Normandy Road., all of whom have fine homes ad-
joining the section which the Zoning Board proposes to change to "B"
Residential, stated that they all had put a lot of money into their
homes and had been assured that it was zoned "A". He said that he
was absolutely against this change and "would fight the thing to see
that it did. not go through. " He declared that all of these property
owners paid approximately $1,200 a year in taxes and that all of them
were absolutely against this change .
Mr.T. Roosevelt Allen, owner of three houses adjoining this
section, namely, at 100 P-ladison Avenue and at 4 and 6 Lafayette Road,
inquired who owned the property in this section and whether or not
there were any contracts to sell the land.
The Supervisor informed him that the Town of Mamaroneck owns
some of the land and has no contracts to sell any of the land it owns.
P12. Allen said that he was "amazed that the Zoning Board
would make such a change without getting the approval of the pro-
perty owners . "
N.:r. Smith explained that the Zoning Board had been studying
these suggestions for about fifteen months and had held many meet-
ings, all of the members serving without pay. he said that the
purpose of the hearing tonight was to decide whether or not their
suggestions should be accepted. He repeated that they had en-
deavored to establish a barrier between the residential section and
the apartment house section. He said that they had debated the
question for two or three months and had decided that rather than
have apartment houses go on up North Chatsworth Avenue and Murray
Avenue, this particular section would be suitable for apartment
houses of the garden type . He explained that near the railroad
there is a section zoned commercial, a section zoned industrial
and. then a two-family house section, and it was their plan to keep
two-family 'houses out of this particular block in order to protect
the residential section.
dr. Allen remarked that unless some taxpayers had been pre-
sent to oppose this change, then it would have gone through without
any opposition. He said that it was "an insult " to propose such
a change in a residential section.
Mr. Smith replied that in that particular section there are
absolutely no first class residences at the present time and very
near there are old single family houses and two-family houses.
!,,Ir. Fish stated that there are quite a few empty lots on
Huguenot Drive and if this particular block were zoned for apart-
ments, they would never get any one to build on the lots.
Mr. Allen pointed out that any apartment today represents
the minimum type of construction and gave as an example the Petigor
apartments which he stated "have ruined the high school. " He said
that this change in zoning would encourage apartments to run up
North Chatsworth Avenue . He suggested that the Town Board follow
the example of the Board. of Trustees of the Village of Larchmont by
buying this property for a buffer and maintaining it as a park, thus
preventing apartment house development . He presented a petition
signed by twenty-five (25) residents of this section, representing
approximately ;1;400,000 of fine residential property.
Mr. Frederick G. Smith, a member of the Board of Appeals,
registered his protest against apartment houses by stating that
the apartment house influx should be stopped at the parkway and
should not go north of that . he said that that was the intention
at the time the original zoning ordinance was adopted and that he
believed that they ought to maintain the parlvray as a check against
Mr. David ' '. 'V'Jilliams of 4 Huguenot Drive stated that he
thought the parkway should be the line for stopping apartrents and
that he did not want to see the value of his home depreciate any
The Supervisor, in summing up the discussion on this pro-
- posed change in the ordinance, stated that it had very definitely
been established that those present at the meeting did not want
the barrier for apartments established the other side of the parkway.
Mr. J. Henry Esser, representing the Bermont Realty Company,
filed a protest against the proposed change in zoning of their property
from "D" Commercial to "A" Residential. He explained that the pro-
perty is located near the railroad tracks and that the nearest street
is Palmer Avenue on which- it has no frontage. He stated that no one
has ever been able to use it for industrial or business purposes and
that in his opinion no one would ever build a one-family house on it.
He -requested that the Board either leave the property zoned as it is
or give them a use that is sensible, so that some one can use it for
something. He added that the Petigor apartments have killed "A"
Residential zoning on Palmer Avenue.
I,Nhen asked by the Supervisor what other zoning he would
suggest for the property, Mr. Esser had no suggestion to make and
recommended that it be left zoned commercial as it is at the present
time .
Kr. A. Stirling Smith pointed out that the property referred
to by Mr. Esser is situated behind a piece of property 100 feet
in depth fronting on 'Neaver Street, which is zoned "A" Residential .
The Bermont Realty Compan property, therefore , is behind "A" Re-
sidential property and °pA ` Residential property predominates on that
block, he said. He explained that their reason for- changing the
zoning was to protect the residents on Harmon Drive and in Howell
Park from business on Palmer Avenue . Stores are going in on Palmer
Avenue in the Village of Mfamaroneek, he added, and the Board of Ap-
peals thought it best to prevent that in the Town.
Mr. Orson A. Raynor, a member of the Board of Appeals, pointed
out that if you go to Pelham,you will find high class residences near
the railroad tracks, and if you leave this property zoned as it is,
there is no possibility of any industry going into it, because they
could not get access to it . if it is zoned "A", he explained, some
builder will build houses 'there, which will lift it up to the highest
grade of zoning. He stated that if it is left "D" as it is now,
eventually business will have to be permitted on Palmer Avenue .
P4r. V. J. Kraft of 245 Palmer Avenue , Larchmon.t, stated that
he did not believe that that section of Palmer Avenue would ever be
used for residential purposes for the next hundred years. He re-
commiended that it be changed to business on Palmer Avenue from the
Town of Praraaroneck-Village of Mamaroneck boundary line to 'Jeaver
Street .
Mr. Frederick G. Smith stated that a plot zoned "A" is owned
by ivir. Petigor on Weaver Street and unless this piece of property
owned by the Bermont Realty Company is changed from " " to "A" el
fication, it would not be very long until P..r. Petigor would take ad-
vantage of anything he could to have the zoning changed on his pro-
'Wr. iVlartin King of b27 Munro Avenue, Mamaroneck, inquired
why the area around the 'Ninged Foot Golf Club had been changed. from
"F`1' Unclassified to "A" Residential.
The Supervisor explained that when property is zoned "F"
Unclassified., the owner can apply to the Town Board for a change in
zoning without applying to the Board of Appeals, and the Town wanted
this section protected as "A" Residential so that then requests for
changes would have to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals rather
than the Town Board.
Dr. Meade, owner of property described as Section 4, Block 39,
Lots 3A and 2, about 800 feet from Hormnocks Road on the Boston Post
Road, opposite uVeaver Street , requested that this property be left
unclassified rather than changed to business.
Mr. Raynor explained that the Board of Appeals was trying
to fix definite zoning classifications rather than leave certain
areas unclassified.
Mr. George W. Burton of 34 Edgewood Avenue, Larclmnont, stated
that nobody has ever been more interested in zoning than he has and
that when the original zoning ordinance was adopted, it was felt that
the less business property that was zoned at one time the better off
the territory would be . The Town Board could then decide whether
or not business would be detrimental for the district , he said. He
advised. the Board to leave as much property zoned "F" Unclassified
as possible . He stated that he approve of what others had said
concerning the proposed change in zoning in the Fifth Avenue section
and that the original plan was to have the Pelham-Port Chester Park-
way as the line for apartments.
He then spoke concerning the property owned by the Bermont
Realty Company and stated that Palmer Avenue is not destined for "A"
Residential zoning and that certainly his property near the railroad
tracks is not residential. He said that it is assessed for ` 14,000
and treat he would take $8,500 for it . He requested that the zoning
be left as it is at present .
PrTr. Allen, again referring to the proposed change in zoning
in the Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue section, inquired what dis-
position the Town Board would ;make of this .
The Supervisor assured him that the Board would consider
all the protests that had been made at the hearing before making
their decision.
Mr. Thomas B. Sutton, real estate broker of Larchmont, in-
quired whether or not the plot of land directly opposite the houses
on Lafayette Road would be left "Att Residential.
The Supervisor informed 'him that that _clot was now zoned
"A" and that no change was being proposed.
Mr. A. Stirling Smith called to the attention of the meet-
ing that 100 feet of property on Madison Avenue is now zoned "B"
Residential which permits partment houses, and_ if the :proposed
changes are not adopted for this district, that piece of property
will still remain "BPP.
Mr. Allen then suggested that this property be changed
to "A" Residential.
The Supervisor explained that before that could be done,
another hearing would have to be held.
Mr. Allen inquired about two-family zoning in the Fifth
Avenue section.
Mr. Smith explained that they proposed to zone that section
abutting on the parkway near the New Rochelle boundary line and
Fifth Avenue for two-family houses.
Mr. Allen expressed approval of that plan.
Miss Mildred Sanford, real estate broker of Larchmont,
stated that that seemed to be a logical place for two-family houses.
The Supervisor thanked the Board of Appeals for their work
in connection with the zoning ordinance and stated that in his
opinion they deserved to receive the thanks of the citizens of the
Mr. Sutton moved a vote of thanks to the Board of Appeals
for their excellent work.
Mr. Williams on behalf of the people who signed the petition
protesting against the proposed change to "B" zoning near Lafayette
Road recommended that the apartment house section be kept south of
the proposed Pelham-Port Chester Parkway.
The Supervisor again called to the attention of the meeting
that part of the section near Lafayette Road, Lester Place and
Madison Avenue is already zoned for apartments and if the Town Board
does not adopt the proposed changes suggested by the Zoning Board,
then these pieces of property will have to be left as they are,
namely, "B" Residential, until another hearing has been advertised
and held at some later time , in order to change it to "A" Residential.
I,Ir. Sutton suggested that the Town Board advertise and hold
a hearing to change these plots back to "A" Residential zoning.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who wished
to speak concerning the proposed changes.
There being no one the Supervisor declared the hearing
closed at 10 P. I.I. and the meeting adjourned.