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1985_01_14 Tenant's Council Minutes
ti , FEB 4 1215 DOROTHY S.R"_ MAMAROvLC,'K TOWN OF MAMARONECK TENANTS' COUNCIL MINUTES - MEETING OF JANUARY 14 , 1985 WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE Members Present: LEAH FLETCHER, Chair Person DOROTHY JOHNSON WAYNE STERNEMANN HARRY GANZMAN ELLIOT FELDMAN KEVIN KEELAN Ex Officio: CAROLINE SILVERSTONE, Liaison Town Council Member SIDNEY ASTLE, Liaison Village Trustee JEFFREY HERMANN, Counsel Member Absent: LAURA RAGLAND Appok Also Present: Betty Ganzman Melissa Lamb John Perone Adel Goldstein 1 . The meeting was called to order by the chair person at 8: 00 p.m. Kevin Keelan was appointed secretary. The minutes of the December 17 , 1984 meeting were approved. It was noted that the Town offices are now located at 437 Ward Avenue, Mamroneck, New York 10543. 2 . A discussion of the mailing was held. Leah Fletcher listed 4Rir items to be covered, which were approved by the council: - 2 - 1 . Offering new leases. 2. Security deposit - one month maximum for leases in affect after December 1 , 1983 . 3. Prohibition of discrimination against tenants with children. 4. Prohibition against kerosene heaters in multiple dwellings. 5. Tenants legislation (conversion and EPTA expire May 31 , 1985) - legislative input. 6. Division of Housing and Community Renewal, 99 Church Street, White Plains, 948-4434 . 7 . Right to sublease/share - immediate family and one additional occupant when one leasee resides. 8 . Illegality of key money. 9 . Interest on security deposit and location. 10 . Community Services office and phone. 11 . Fees charged by referral agencies cannot exceed one months rent. 12 . Tenants are entitled to rent history. 13 . Heat regulations in Town and village. 14 . Property maintenance codes. 15 . Enumerate Mamaroneck Acres. 16 . Establish tenants committees in each building. 17 . Rent control tenants are not guarantee a lease. 18 . Section 8 and rent control tenants have rights under maintenance codes. 3 . A discussion was held concerning capital improvements and ''r'' pass alongs to tenants. Kevin Keelan directed the council' s attention to section 8626 of the EPTA and section 2502 . 4 of - 3 - C the Regulations. Rents may be adjusted when the rental value has increased due to a substantial rehabilitation which materially adds to the value of the property or appreciably prolongs its life, excluding ordinary repairs, maintenance and replacements or there has been a major capital improvement required for the operation, preservation or maintenance of the structure. Under EPTA procedure, a landlord files an application with the state Division of Housing and Community Renewal with notice to all tenants. Tenants are allowed to response to the application. The Division may hold hearings and investigations, and dismiss , grant or deny the obligation in whole or in part. It appears that the Division could order the rent adjustment to be either added into the rent, or to constitute a separate charge. 4. A discussion was held concerning intimadation of senior citizen by landlords. Senior citizens are encouraged to contact the council, who may be able to assist them without disclosing their identity to the landlord. 5. A phone number (698-3790) has been connected into the Town Supervisor' s office. This phone number will be placed on the mailing and the council' s stationery. Someone from the Comm: council will check weekly to response to tenants calls. - 4 - 6 . A discussion was held as to the procedure for of the mailing. The Superintendent of Recreation may be able to run off the mailing. Carrier sorting is the cheapest method, with a 7 . 4rate per item. Each piece must state the apartment number. There are approximately 2, 150 apartments in the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont. The cost of mailing will be absorbed in the town budget. 7. Town Council Member Silverstone discussed the parking situation on the west side of Richbell Road. The board of traffic commissioners is expected to rescind parking regulations from 3 : 30 to 5: 30 a.m. that are currently in effect. The landlord of the clock tower building has been requested to cooperate in providing parking for tenants. NEW BUSINESS 8 . A discussion was held with regard to the public form to be held on March 21, 1985. Mr. Tocci is a possibility for the meeting, and Caroline Silverstone indicated that she would contact his office. Mr. Tocci suggested Sheldon Malif as a speaker on tenants rights. Mr. Malif is connected with the Westchester tenants league. Leah Fletcher will contact Mr. Malif. Mr. DeBatista of the Department of Health indicated that someone from his office would attend the meeting. Leah Fletcher has been unable to contact Mr. Weir of the division - 5 - of housing but is still trying. Leah Fletcher will contact the tenant coordinator at County Executive O'Rourke' s office, Mrs. Semel. A reply has not yet been received from Diane Keane. Mayor Oppenheimer has declined the invitation on the grounds that she is to busy with the village budget. It was agreed to discuss publicity of the public form at the next meeting. The mailing will also serve to publicize the public form. John Perone brought to the council' s attention that EPTA and conversion legislation will expire in May of 1985. He suggested that the council have someone speak at the public form with regard to any legislation that may be placed in effect subsequent to the expiration of the current legislation. He suggested that another public form be held regarding tenant' s legislation, and a letter writing campaign be initiated, with special attention to Stanley Fink of the State Assembly and Warren Anderson of the State Senate. Mr. Perone suggested that the council change the direction of its meeting to lobby to keep co-op/condominium conversion legislation in effect. Mr. Perone also suggested someone to complement Mr. Malif. 9 . Eliott Feldman reported on the Rent Guidelines Committee - 6 - meeting he attended in White Plains. The committee wants representatives from the committee, landlords and tenants to inspect buildings in each area. Mr. Feldman discussed the hostile atmosphere of the committee, and noted that the next meeting is set for January 28 , 1985 at 99 Church Street in White Plains. 10 . Caroline Silverstone discussed the recent fire in building 8 of Larchmont Acres. The town attorney has been asked to incorporate into the building code the requirement of smoke alarms in each apartment. Currently, smoke alarms are only required in common areas. Dorothy Johnson raised the question of the inspection of the smoke alarms. Smoke alarms in common areas must be inspected by the landlord. Wayne Sternemann stated that landlords are given a summons for violations of this provision. It was generally agreed that tenants should be responsible for smoke alarms in their own apartments. 11. The council again addressed the focus of the March 21 , meeting. John Perone suggested that the rights tenants have when they get a notice from their landland be discussed, as well as particular application of the tenants rights. Caroline Silverstone suggested Stanley Fink as a speaker. Leah Fletcher stressed the importance of a time limit - 7 - on the meeting. She also advised the council that the senior citizen bus was not available due to insurance problems as well as the fact that there is not an evening driver. Caroline Silverstone will check on this. It was also noted that St. Augustine' s cafeteria might be available. 11. The next meeting of the tenant' s council will be held on Monday, February 11 , 1985 at 8: 00 p.m. 12. The meeting was adjourned by the chair person at 9: 20 p.m. lati Kern J. Keelan LAW OFFICES OF FEB 4 198 L laf k © & MAHAR GEORGE B.FREEHILL FREEHILL, HOGAN WILLIAM R.P.HOGAN 80 PINE STREET ROBERT L.MAHAR WILLIAM L.JUSKA,JR. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10005 JAMES L.ROSS ERIC E.LENCK TELEPHONE(212)425-1900 CABLE.TURNABOAT NYK ROBERT J. BABIAK NATHAN J.BAYER TELEX:233364(RCA) JOHN J.WALSH 421298 (I T T) EUGENE J.O'CONNOR,JR. 661824(W U I) PETER D.CLARK I-2268(W U) JOSEPH J.REDDINGTON FACSIMILE:(212) 248-7153 JOHN W.WALL ALEXANDER F.VITALE January 30 , 1985 PATRICK J. BONNER YOUR REF: PETER S.WISWELL PETER J.GUTOWSKI KEVIN J.KEELAN OUR REF: ELIZABETH P.SPRINGER Dorothy S. Miller Town Clerk Town of Mamaroneck 437 Ward Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Re: Town of Mamaroneck Tenant' s Council Minutes - Meeting January 14 , 1985 Nrr, Dear Ms. Miller: Enclosed please find minutes of the Tenant' s Council Meeting that was held on January 14 , 1985. Please mail copies of the minutes to the members of the Tenant' s Council and the ex officio members. I also request that the members and ex officio members be provided with a notice of the next meeting, which will be held at 8 : 00 p.m. on Monday, February 11 , 1985 in the auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you for your help. Yours very trul , gj KevinKeelan KJK:cl