HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939_01_04 Town Board Minutes REGULAR ihIEE'TIN@ OF THE, TOB'JN BOARD TWIT OF EAIMAROKECA, NE '1 YOH4 HELE JA!,TJARv 4, 1939 At the To,.vn Offices, 138 Blest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, rd. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor 1: cCulloch at 8e 00 Pm Present, Supervisor 11'lcCulloch � Councilmen Bates, Griffir , ,Tand-eville , 4e`;'nn ise Absent - !`'one The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attorney Delius , , ssessor Smith, Comptroller Luceno and Tm,,7 E_n�7ineer Foote. The minutes of the meetings of November 2 and1,ovember 15, 1938, were approved as presented. The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished- to address the Board-. �4r. Charles Guglielmo appeared before the Board to request the approval of the extension of the mater main 42 feet in the pro- posed extension of Carlson Avenue . Ile stated that he was erecting a dwelling house on the property known as Section 4, Block 28, Lot 14 and fronting upon this proposed extension. Following some discussion during avhich the Town Engineer reported that a trench had been opened for the sewer extension and. that the Westchester Joint Water tiVorks, No . 1 had estimated on the cost of running tine water main on a shelf in the trench, it was upon motion by Councilman. Bates, seconded by Councilman 1;7andevville , it was unanim3us1C RESOLtiED, _.UHEREAS an estimate dated January 13, 1939, has been received from destchester Joint biiater v�iorks , tip. 1 in the airount of P122. 81 of the cost of the installation of 42 feet 6-inch cast iron pipe to be extended from the existing main in Carlson Avenue; NO, T'_ffEREFOR ', BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westchester Joint Water Norks, 1vo. 1 be and it hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to install for the Town of vlamaroneck the water main above described- and to tiara-•e to the Town the actual cost of laying the pipe, the Town to do the trenching and backfilling. Councilman Meginniss recormiended that the Town Clerk request the Clastchester Joint water Works, No. 1 to give complete information on the applications for extensions. The Clerk was so instructed. The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who wished to address the Board. There beinm no one, the Board- proceeded with the regular order of business . Councilman Mandeville reported that the new system of garbage collection was getting on very well and that the trucks were being equipped with the necessary covers. he also reported that the members of the Examining Board_ of Plumbers had requested that the Plumbing Code be amended so as to confine the reciprocal agreement to the area within the township. Town Attorney Delius pointed out that the plumbers had requested and approved of the present provision. Councilman Mandeville stated that they now feel that some plumbers are taking advantage of this agreement by securing licenses in. some other town or village that has the same agreement and using the same to obtain a license in the Town of Mamaroneck. "ollowing some discussion, the matter was referred. to Attorney Delius for stud-lT and to report back to the Board at a later meeting. Counc' I an Bates stated that there was nothing to report for the Sevier Department . Councilman Criffin stated that the regular monthly reports for the Park and :Welfare Departments would be presented_ at the next meeting. Be called to the attention of the Board the fact that the term of office of i,,Irs. Elizabeth Lawton, a member of the Board of Park Commissioners, was about to expire . He stated that the members of the Park Commission serve without compensation and praised Yrs. Lawton for her part in the lvork done by the Park Commission. Be re- commended that Mrs. Lawton be re-appointed. ollowino some discussion during which all the members of the Board expressed their appreciation for the work done by 1grs. Lawton as a member of the Board of Park Cornsnissioners, it was upon motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Bates unanimously RESOLVED that Mrs . Elizabeth Lawton be and she hereby is appointed a member of the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District 11o. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck to succeed herself for the term cf of_°ice ending December 31, 1941. Supervisor 'leCulloc'_n informed the Board that the Trust Com- pany of Larchmont desired to substitute the "'urine Yidland Trust Company of New York in place of the Guaranty Trust Company as the holder of bonds under a certain escrow agree;iaent . Following some discussion, it was upon motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized. to sisn an escrow agreement between. the 'Trust Company of Larchniont'. Town of Lamaror_eck and I'iiarine Yidland Trust Company of iJew York, desig- nating the Marine 1Iidland Trust Company instead of the Guaranty Trust Company as the holder of bonds in the amount of `;!25, 000 for the protection of funds of the Town of Mamaroneck de_uosited in the Trust Company of Larchmont . The Town Attorney presented and recommended the adoption of the following resolutions . U4r. Bates introduced the following, resolutions RESOLUTION _iTT.THORIZINC-L T: ISS=UAI;XE OF I'225, 000.00 CERTIFICATES OF I11IDEBTEDI�ESS OF THE TONlil OF MAIsARONECK IN AETICIPATIOIIT OF TINT RECEIPT OF TAXES LEVIED FOR TO'NI1 PURPOSES. RESOLVED BY I= TO'+UN BOARD OP TIE TO'rilJ 07 1!TAPV RO17hCt, Ill,[ I- COUNTY OF WESTCHLSTER, HLON YORK, as follows : Section 1. To provide a fund to be expended for any of the purposes for which funds are appropriated in the annual estimate of the Town for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1939, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to borrow the sum of `';225, 000.00 at one ti.ae, or from time to time as the money may be needed on the credit of the Town, in anticipation of the receipt of the taxes for said fiscal year applicable to such purposes. The Supervisor shall issue a certificate or certificates of indebtedness in the name of the To+vn in the principal amount of such loan or loans pursuant to section 117 of the Town Law, constituting Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Lavis of the State of New York, as amended. Section 2. it is hereby determined and declared: (a) The total amount of taxes levied- in said Town for Town purposes for said fiscal year, is $646, 929.49 (exclusive of military, Judicial, County and ?':Mamaroneck Valley Sewer County Levies) . (b ) The total amount of said taxes outstanding and uncollected is X6461929.49. ( c) The total amount heretofore borrowed and out- standinE_ in anticipation of the collection of said taxes, is nonz . Section 3. The following matters in connection ivith said certificate or certificates of indebtedness are hereb-,r determined: Date : To be determined. by the Supervisor. DIaturity: To be fixed by the Supervisor at not exceeding six months from the date of the certificate of indebtedness issued. Denomination: To be determined by the Supervisor. interest rate: To be determined by the Supervisors not exceeding six per centuzn per annun. Form: Substantially in accordance with resolution adopted January 4, 1939. Said certificates of indebtedness shall be sued by the Supervisor, countersigned by the To,,vn Clerk and shall have the To-�,un seal affixed. thereto. The Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed- to determine all matters in connec- tion therewith not determined by this or subsequent resolu- tion, and. to sell said certificates of indebtedness at private sale at not less than par, without advertisement or public bidding, and to deliver the same to the purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price plus accrued interest from the date of the certificates of indebtedness to the date of delivery. Section 4. The full fait. and credit o-L the Town of !'Mamaroneck are hereby pledged- to the pL'!nctual payment of the principal of and interest on said Certificates of indebte dness, and unless otherwise paid, or payment pro- vided for, taxes shall be levied on all the taxable pro- oert-y in said Town in an amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest . On motion of A'ilr. bates, seconded by lar. Mandeville the foregoing resolution was ad.o_oted '^y t=T.e IC110'��l in2: Vvte : AYS: Suoervisor l,lcCulioch Councilmen_ Sates, C+Tiffin iiandeville , Megi=iss NOES : None Sates introduced t.,,-.e follo\Trim resolution; RESI)LUT'TQ1 'h 1'.L_nt Til_i'T.'.i �'_� ._ ^r. 0 L,. T11-1C T-,-3' T i'.c�I�iTbLl!v�' v�.• J HE vJ T`'." 0Jv.1`TY 1 RESOLVED BY THE TO'diD BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAIvIARONE'CK, IN THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER, NEW YORK, as follows: Section la Unless otherwise provided by resolution of this Board, all Certificates of Indebtedness hereafter issued by the Town of Mamaroneck in anticipation of un- collected taxes pursuant to the Town Law shall be in sub- stantially the following form: IJC a v UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF KEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHEST'ER TOWY OF MAMARONECK CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS The Town of Mamaroneck, in the County of Westchester, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this certificate, or if it be registered to the person in whose name it is registered, the sum of DOLLARS (Y on the day of , 19 , together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of per centum { o} per annum, payable at maturity. Both principal and interest of this certificate will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America, at the office of At the request of the holder, this certificate may be regis- tered on the books of the Town, kept in the office of the Town Clerk, and a certificate of such registry shall be endorsed upon_ this certi- ficate by such Town Clerk, after which both principal and interest of this certificate shall be payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, successors, or assigns and shall be trans- ferable only upon presentation to such Town Clerk with a written as- signment duly acknolwedged or proved. The name of the assignee shall be entered upon this certificate and such books . This certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Town Lahr, constituting Chapter 62 and the General Municipal Law, con- situtin? Chapter 24 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of hew York, as amended, and by virtue of a resolution duly adopted by the 'Town Board. on , 19--, for the purpose of providing funds to pay the current expenses of the Town for the fiscal year be- ginning , 19 i in anticipation of the receipt of taxes levied for said fiscal year. The full faith and credit of said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this certificate according to its terms. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened and to have been performed pre- cedent to and in the issuance of this certificate, exist, have Happened and have been performed, and that this certificate of in- debtedness together with all other indebtedness of said Town is with- in every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of said State ® IN 9ITNESS 'HEREOF, the Torn of Mamaroneck certificate to be signed by its Supervisor, and the of said Town to be hereunto affixed, and attested by and this certificate to be dated as of day of _ (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest; Town Clerk . Has caused corporate its Town sor this seal Clerk 193 THE TIITPIINTT CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS HAS BEEN REGISTERED AS FOLLO-jVSx DATE OF REGISTRY NAI!?E OF REGISTERED HOLDER e REGISTERED BY On motion of Mr. Bates, seconded by a;r. I.iandeville , the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote : AYEES: Supervisor Councilmen TICES: none McCulloch Bates, Griffin, Mandeville, eginniss The Supervisor advised the Board that he had received a report from the Board of Appeals for Zoning and that they suggested_ certain c'_nanges and/or amendsaents to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town. He ad-ded that this is the result of a careful study of conditions throughout the unincorporated section and that the Zoning Board should be complimented upon their work. He suggested that the data and maps be turned over to the Toean Attorney and Town Engineer, and following their approval the Town Clerk s!nould furnish the members of the Board with the complete information for their consideration. The Board ap- proved of this procedure . The Supervisor advised the Board that the Department of Taxation and Finance of the State of ive-w York had approved the tax maps presented by Town Engineer Foote . He recommended that the Board examine and approve same . ULon motion by Councilmani rates, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town of IeIamaroneck Assessment Maps for Sections 1 to 9 inclusive , the Railroad Naps and the Parkway 1� aps prepared by Town Engineer Foote and. approved by the Department of Taxation and Finance of the State of IVew York on December 27, 1933, be and they hereby are approved- and riled as required by law. The Supervisor thereupon read, Mr. Bates moved and h,Ir. Griffin seconded the following resolution, to wit'. RESOUTH'Ep that in accordance with the schedule set forth below the following Town officers and. employees be and they hereby are appointed for the terra and at the salary set forth respectively after their names and that they supply the bonds or official undertakings as provided by Section 2b of the Town Law and respec- tively set forth after their names and that these bonds or official undertakings as stated shah be approved as to form by the Town Board and that the surety of such bonds or official undertakings shall be a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Tdew York and that the expense of such bonds or official undertakings be a charge against the Town, as follows : Salary per Bond Office T�,�arae Department annum Term Recuir Janitor Telephone Operator General Office Secretary Samuel Showery Jean Ingham Alice Wheelock Town Offices L 900 Pleasure of Bd®'None, if N 900 if if 10-00 ii rf ff N u n 9 1000 TNT '7dITHIN CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS HAS BEEN REGISTERED AS FOLLOl,VS: DATE OF REGISTRY 1QA1iIE OF REGISTERED HOLDER o F GISTERED BY On motion of Pair. Bates, seconded by kr. iaandeville, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote : AYES: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates , Griffin, Mandeville 1r-eginniss NOES; None The Supervisor advised the Board that he had received a. report from the Board of Appeals for Zoning and that they suggested certain c'_nanges and/or arnend_aents to tl e Zoning Ordinance of the Town. r[e added that this is the result of a careful study of conditions throughout the unincorporated section and that the Zoning Board should be complimented upon their work. He suggested that the data and maps be turned over to the To'-,in Attorney and Town Engineer, and following their approval the Town Clerk should furnish the members of the Board ith the complete information for their consideration. The Board ap- proved of this procedure . The Supervisor advised the Board that the Department of Taxation and Finance of the State of Ne-w York nad approved the tax maps presented by Town Engineer Foote . He recommended that the Board examine and approve same . Upon motion by Councilman Bates, seconded. by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously i�SOLVED, that the Tovvn of laIamaroneck Assessxrent %iaps for Section.s 1 to 9 inclusive , the Railroad Naps and the Parkway Laps prepared by Town Engineer Foote and approved by the Department of Taxation and Finance of the State of i`Jew York on December 27, 1933, be and they hereby are approved and -filed as required by law. The Supervisor thereupon read, Mr. Bates moved and Mr. Griffin seconded the folloi�rinc resolution, to .vita RESOLTIED, that in accordance with tiie schedule set forth belo»r the following down officers and employees be an.d they hereby are appointed for the terra and at the salary set forth respectively after their naraes and that they supply the bonds or official undertakings as provided by Section 25 of the Town Law and respec- tively set forth after their harries and that these bonds or Official undertakings as stated shall be approved as to form by the Town Board and that the surety of such bonds or official undertakings shall be a surety companIT authorized to transact business in the State of i!el'J J York and that the expense of such bonds or official undertakings oe a. charge against the lcvTn, as follows : Salary per Bond Office yome Department annum, Term Reouired Janitor Telephone Cpera.tOr General Office Secretary Sai::uel 5 0,'Very Jean In?ham Alice 11heelock Town Offices 900 Flea.sure of Bd.None 900 it N Pt ft e 1500 N " " 1r 100( LioES. !done Salary per Bond Office Name Department annimn Term Required Bookkeever Rec. of Taxes 60C Pleasure of Board and Clerk Alexander Finson Supervisor 1200 Pleasure of Board None Clerk Jean Corbia Comptroller 1200 it it Deputy Re- ceiver of Leo Tai. Orsino Rec. of `Taxes 2400 " " 825,000 Taxes Dep.Assessor Frederic P. Assessor 2400 None Simonds - Clerk Isobel Y . Stevens 1200 „ „ it Asst to Attoracv Sylvan it Ir if —"_ tii SC:1N7artZrCC-7.Cif A"� ..OTney 1200 Stenographer if llia.rgaret Barnes 1500 Yt Pf PC if Pubis Welfare " Officer C .D. Dedinne Public Welfare 3500 s, 1000 Stenographer it YI Eleanor 'Warren 1040 j Yi If it !,ore a �; Dorothy Dc--3onis ° If 1040 IT f[ it Z'leanox° Lyon 0 4 ` 36 It if ❑ If Janitor fi et Rose Blake '720 If �� .. Supervising T YP ti 1800 Yi if 0 I Case f��IO��'ie_' i�Yra I-• Neumann P� :i if Fr a11CeS 111 tCi'ie 1.i iV 1500 if lldred S. Brown 1500 �3 If If Ant ony V. Rapolla 1500 ti kt i. Yt " It Investigator P: iF Elizabet'.r Puglisi � 2oO If . it fo. 2 Clerk Ch _--s EaZe1.-C�1ann ft It lla4 f t PI If t It it it tt _ IT it Ethel Ehr ens 1144 ., if � � P Y Joseph i;?cLOUgh=in Y i_ 1 4� P? tt iS Storekeeper f, Frank l rich :` � 10_0 It Er fz u ,, it edical Dr.Ellsworth Smith `t " 1200 PP it IP Advisor Clerk to Board Board of Ap- of Appeals, Lae Toomey peals, Park, 1320 _ Parr, Police, Police and -ail dings I e—iots. Building Depts. Building Inspector Joseph Cowharm, Building 1800 Y` 2I:1000 ' ' 5 _peril Spry Fo--ercan Michael A.Yerola ipJnway 2600 if a !done Janitor Robert Donohue Police 1200 if 11 11 1 Driver Patrick Polar Fire a 2400 If it P: I Hichael Harrin ton 2230 `` Y` If If II i_ liiichael Calla her n 2 it if P9 t It - Pt Joseph. i`iiller -1�n�80 1660 ft If it Foreman Q i t r silos. ��c_�ison Park 2100 it If if IP PI .t 1t Supt. Of If It tf Sewers Wilfred Corwin Sewer 2600 it Nurse mar -ue1 tte liierian 780 If t1 ❑ t: Ft r'lorence Johnson 7 80 It it Constable 1l i a J. Yarmy 1,,one It It tz 1000 - Inspector -e Rai--e 21Cmnoing kutled i 1500 n a one fS ASSt.FOreman tIarolc-SC'CiOr Parks 13VC n i'I It , If Driver Frank 013rien Garbage 1320 'f if EI If Driver Thomas Leddy It 1 32 0 T PE If Collector IF Philip Librandi 13 2 0 it if Collector Anthony Carriero " 1320 If it It PI it a t Collector It John Cullen 1320 If YE if if it P. Collector ql Anthony Gugliario 1320 tP Drsftsy.rian Ed,Rtard Procii Engineer 1500 it Ft if IY tr —� A vote upon the fcregoing resolution resulted as follows, AYES, Supervisor iAoCulloch Councilmen Lates, Griffin andeville, Leginniss LioES. !done ._.__ ._............. .. -The Town Clerk stated that pursuant to .Subdivision 10 of Section 30 of the Town Law he had appointed Alice E. n heelock as Deputy Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck for the term of office ending- December 31, 1939. The ;Board. unanimously approved of the ac- tion of the Town Clerk. A letter dated December 28, 1938, was received from P;?r. C. D. De7Iinne, Public aVelfare Officer, recommending the appointment of the above mentioned employees of the Public -.Velfare Department. The Town Clerk presented the original and duplicate continua- tion certificate for the public official' s bond naming ;Vm. J. Yarny as principal in the amount of 0111 000. On motion by Councilman Me,ginniss, seconded by Counci-Ran Mandeville , it was unanimously RESOLjsD that the continuation certificate for the public official' s bond naming uVm. J. Yarmy as principal, in the amount of `;;;1, 000, be and it hereby is approved. The To- n Clerk called to the attention of the Board the fact that the bond covering the position of ten.porary cashier in the office of the Receiver of Taxes and naming Alexander Finson as the principal will expire on January 12, 1939. Following, some discussion, it was upon motion by Councilman Meginniss, seconded by Ootancilinan iriandeville, unanimously RESOLVED, that the bond covering the position of ter.:porary cashier in the office of the Receiver of Taxes and naming Alexander Pinson as the prin- cipal, be and it hereby is approved for an extended period_ of ninety (90} days. The supervisor stated that there was some question concerning the type of liability insurance that should be placed on the ,V. P . A. project for the construction of the road through the Petigor property. Following some discussion, during which Attorney Delius read a letter which he had sent to Edward A. Keeler . insurance broker, on December 29, 1938, concerning contingent liability insurance . Mr. Delius pointed out that he had explained to Mr. Keeler the requirements of the Town so as to be fully protected- under Section 215 of the High- way Law, The Board_ discussed the matter at length and decided that the broker should be requested to prepare policies and submit same to the Town Attorney for his approval before final action by the Board. The Town Clerk read a letter dated December 31, 1938 , received from the Association of Towns of the :State of !yew York, advising the Board that the Seventh Annual Plfeeting of the Association of Towns would be Yield in the City of Albany, Ne�rr York, on uVednesday, February 22, Thursday, February 23, and Friday, February 24, 1939. The letter was ordered. filed. The report of the County Health Department for the month of November was received and filed. The re-oort of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of December,1938 was received and filed.. The report of the Plumbing Inspector for the month of December, 1938, was received and filed. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of December, 1938 and a. resume of the plans filed during 193E and 1937 rrvas received and ordered entered in the minutes as follows- January 4, 1939 Supervisor i!icCulloeh, Members of the Town Board Town of I'lamaroneck, h. Y. Gentlemen: M The followinc is my report of plans filed and permits issued through this office for the month of December, 1938 and a resume of the plans filed. for the year 1938, also for the year 1937. House and 2 car garage, n/s Bonnie Way; Rockcliffe Estates; R. wood, President construct-on cost House and 1 car garage, s/s Dockland Avenue; Knud- Engelstedt. Plans filed but no permit issued. Plan of house -was too big for the lot and Board of Appeals refused to grant a variance ® House will have to have a larger lot . 1SIr. Engelstedt is away from home but expected back within a few days. Construction cost Total cost of construction cost 12 oilburner permits y60 . 00 1 demolition (Larcbmont Gardens Depot) 5. 00 Total fees collected 88.00 Plans filed fo-r December 1937: 59, 000. 00 aZ000.00 `;;117,000. 00 1 house and 2 car garage, Crescent Road.; Ethelridge Builders , Inc . ; cost 5511,000, 00 Fees collected ','14®00 Plans filed and permits issued for the year 1937. 31 houses (average cost ;19,839®00) 33 alterations and garages ( average cost j`r1,119.00) Fees collected for construction 3 blasting permits 5 demolitions 5 signs 1 moving ® real estate office Plans filed for the year 1938 18 houses (average 30 alterations and- 1 apartment house 1 restaurant 1 group of garage cost 95639.00) garages (average cost 549.00) 7 1,/3 units ($:145, 000.00 per unit ) s for 102 cars Total construction cost 4 blasting permits 8 demolitions 1 r-arage -moved 6 sins 4-6 oil burner permdits 3 building codes Total ;1;406 ®b0 Fee for construction cost 1,510. 00 S:P 00. 00 40. 00 5.00 30® 00 230.00 1.50 Total fees collected i1a1, 916®50 Respectfully Suomitted, /s/ Jo se ch H. Ccw'nam JHC/IdCT Building Inspector 305, 000. 00 36, 933. 00 527 ®00 75.00 25.00 25.00 20® 00 0672. 00 173,500. 00 16, 475.00 1,100, 000.00 11,500.00 10.000® 00 $yl, 311,475. 00 At 9:15 P . f . the Board unanimousl'r resolved to ad, our- . Town Clerk