HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986_09_11 Committee on Family and Youth Minutes ,S 4 ON 6LARCHMONT-MAMARONECK COMMITTEE ON FAMILY AND y•U' , CE1r �' .,. � P. O. BOX 416 �. SEP 26 19._ LARCHMONT. N. Y. 10538 Alli^ '444.A. , PIP1 {. r• ' 0 NI DUE TO VOTER REGISTRATION AT THE VILLAGE CENThH, THE OCTOBER 9 MEETING OFC - 1 Z l'' BE HELD AT HOMMOCKS SCHOOL AT 8:00 P.M. MARK LEVY HAS ARRANGED FOR STATE ASSEMBLYMAN RON TOCCI TO MEET WITH US THAT EVENING. Dates of future CFY meetings will be as follows at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Center: Nov. 6, Dec. )+(if needed) , Jan. 8, Feb. 12, Mar. 12, April 9, May 14, June 11. • Minutes of CFY meeting, September 11, 1986, 8 p.m. Members present: Judy Call, Lorna Adler, Barbara Pearson, Lee Korchin, Anne Martin, Susan Greenhill, Betty McSherry, Richard Stevenson, jr. , Mark Levy, M.D. , Bill Reilly Keith Yizar, Nedra Gillette, Alice Model, Mary Ellen Wallace, Ellie Einzig, Enid Friedman, Nancy Teply, Nancy Sahlein, Josh Friedman, 0. Zackman, Sgt. Frank Stilo, Carol Futterman, Laura Halliday, Carole Brodin. The meeting was called to order by Nancy Sahlein. Laura Halliday explained progress of Teen Center - non alcoholic club for dancing - called "Oasis," which will be held 9 - 1 a.m. , Friday nights, at St. Thomas Church. They need help with electronics of music. Probably opening date will be Nov. 21. For high school students, not necessarily from Town of Mamaroneck. There will be a ?.00 entrance fee. A fund-raising letter will be sent out shortly. Sponsored by ,,FY, run by kids, plus one "bouncer," and a salaried adult advisor. More interested kids needed. Ann Tannen reports more kids interested in Safe Rides than necessary - perhaps they can be interested in the Teen Center. e Bill Reilly re homeless: Some teens go to Teen Center at the Hommocks - very positive experience. The recommendation is to have recreational facilities on the premisis of the Larchmont Motel. Families constantly changing, making things more difficult. Making constructive changes is very difficult. Where families intend to go back to their former communities, children are encouraged to keep going to school there. But it is the parents' choice. This year bus passes are issued to high school kids, who seem to be taking buses (instead of money, which was spent. ) When kids have gone to Mamaroneck schools, they have been assimilated without difficulty. No school bus is provided for smaller children, only bus passes, making it almost impossible for kids to get to school, for example, in Yonkers. - all due to bureaucratic wrangling. Children were able to attend summer activities and had transportation. This is a difficult political problem - between Social Services, school district, and even State. Nancy Tepley, Treasurer, reports the following: $669.14, Savings; $1594.37, Checking; $2263.51 Total. Of this total, $1587.30 belongs to S.A.F.E. Frank Stilo reported that youth officers in tri-municipality are trying to get an office from which educational sF 'vices can be made, and other community services. Not yet successful. .,nne Martin reported on L_-ug & Alcohol Abuse Team (DART). 7 members have taken instruction at Maxwell Institute and others will be going. A new parking plan has been instituted at the High School. CFY, Sept. 11, 1986 meeting - 2 - .E.S. is open, and has many job openings. Kids are not asking for work. Perhaps as September progresses, students will be more interested. Mark Levy, Counseling Center, has a grant to hire a new half time staff person, and also, money for addtional office space. Two new members were added this past summer and many new ideas are being worked on. Paul Keane sent word that State Assemblyman Ron Tocci can join us on our October 9 meeting (8:00 p.m. , at Hommocks School). Last year's Task Force on S.A.F.E. is inactive until a new committee can be formed. Alice Model's theater group put on Godspell this past summer. 29 kids, a new director, new choreographer. Rehearsals were at Sts. John and Paul. All performances were sold out. October 25 & 26 Larchmont's seniors are giving a fund-raising bazaar. All are invited. Carol Brodin reported that there is hope of getting sex education into the school system in 1988. This year and last year were funded by the Junior League. It is hoped that high school students will be given more information on AIDS. - Some plans are under way at high school to do so. Past experience has shown that boys are difficult to teach on this topic. They get some information in 6th grade P.E. Girls get information in 6th, 7th, 8th grade, after school. S.A.F.E. homes will reprint flyers for middle and high school back to school nights for more enrollment. "Families Together" will come out about early November, to include information on "Oasis." SAFE RIDES: Many student sign ups, but not enough adults. Will start on Sept. 21st. The 325th Town of Mamaroneck celebration will be held September 21st, 1986. All are invited. • Respectfully submiteed, Brigitte Dickinson, Secretary (from minutes taken by Lee Korchin) Heettng of Sept. 17 - The Oasis - cA) /}7,!04 This was the first meeting that wan held at cClg' Church. It. was also our finest: Dy the end of the ,�M'/y �c 35 youths were in attendance, many of these first- Because irst-Be- cause of the size, we broke up into 3 groups. In each, there was 1 adult and l scribe. Briefly the discussion was a s follows. s► Re: .Public iIE: Posters, flyers, car windows in school lots, int vrriew in school newsl,?sr ( also private and parochial) , school announcements, dt-potiight on La c vont-Hanaroneelt-lire Neck. Need a committee, need artists, writers Start about 1 month before opening. All of the above items were debated, added to etc. Here to came. This is a beginning. Re: Fund Rai<sincy:- (by students) car wash, sell candy bars, raf fle • bake sales, silk screen tee shirts, contact SADD & NADD.Also, a dance with rare Neck, hot dog eating contest. Need.a committee • Apr Themes (should there be themes? weekly, monthly? aver?) Yes, Hawaiian, 50's, Valentines, Halloween (newt year! ) Ladies night No: perhaps have a high school comedian once in a while Need: a committee There continues to be an incredible enthusiasm among the teens. They are now beginning to tackle the real issues and deal with them in a thoughtful manner. Since, I am in contact with each of@ you via these minutes, I will not call until we are closer to our opening date, when I hope you can attend cone part of a meeting & see these students for yourselves. However, plea se always know that I am happy to receive calls from you, if you t d like . f Heet nof wept. 17 - The Canis - This was the first meeting that was held at St. Thomas' Church. It was also our finest: By the end of the evening about 35 youths wore in attendance, many of these first-timers. Because of the size, we broke up into 3 groups. In each, there was 1 adult and 3. scribe. Briefly the discussion was a s follows. Re:_ PuUl3___ c ice: Posters, flyers., car windows in school lots, intorview in sc`__.sel newsftyssr ( also private and parochial) , school announcements, dme tl iiiht on La chuont-i'-Iark.,roneck-I ye Neck. Need a corrzittee, need artists, writers Start about 1 month before opening. All of the above items wore debated, added to etc. More to come. This is a beginning. Re: Fund Rams ink;; (by students) car wash, sell candy bars, raffle,' bake sales, silk screen tee shirts, contact SADD & KADD.Al o, a dance with Rare Neck, hot dog eating contest. Need.a committee Re: Themep (should there be themes? weekly, monthly? over?) Yes, Hairai ian, 50's, Valentines, IIalloween (net year!) Ladies night : No: perhaps have a high school comedian once in a while Need: a committee There continues to be an incredible enthusiasm among the teens. They are now beginning to tackle the real issues and deal with them in a thoughtful manner. Since, I an in contact with each oftt you via these minutes, i will not call until we are closer to our opening date, when I hope you can attend come part of a meeting & see these students for yourselves. However, please always know that I am happy to receive calls from you, if you�d like _