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!=D DECE13ER 28, 1938
At the Town Offices, 158 'fiest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, 11'. Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor iLcCulloch
at 5:15 P . lri.
Present: Supervisor YcOulloch
Councilmen Bates, Griffin, N?andeville , Meginniss
Absent : None
The presence was also noted of 'I'o+sn Clerk Payne, Town Attor-
ney Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller Luceno and Town Enmineer•
Foote .
The Supervisor stated that the meeting was being held pur-
suant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Section 62 of the Town
Law, which. requires that the To,,,un Board of every town of the first
class shall meet on the 28th day of December or on a subsequent date
before December 31st of each year.
The Supervisor presented his Annual Report of Highway it!ioneys
for the Year 1938.
On motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Griffin,
it was upon roll call, the Supervisor not voting, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor' s Annual Report of
Highway Troneys for the Year 1938, be and it hereby
is approved.
Councilman !.1andeville as chairman of highway matters pre-
sented the Inventory of Town Machinery employed by the Highway
Department as of December 21 , 1938, as sigr_ed by the Town Highiway
Su-oerintendent Foote , The inventory was unanimously approved.
ir. ?1andeville as chairman of highway matters presented the
Town Superintendent9 s Estimate for Highway Purposes for the Year
1939, showi= the follo�'rinp- amounts:
Highway Fund
Estimate Amount
of Town Approved
Superin- by Town
tendent Board
For the repair and improvement of town highways,
including, sluices, culverts, and bridges having
a. span of less than five feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25,000. QO 420,000. 00
Bridge Fund.
For the general repair of all bridges having a
span of
five feet or more and. not included above .4p 600.00 4 600.00
Total for bridges. . . . . . . .$ 600.00 3'p 600.00
For the purchase and. repair of machinery, tools ?�600.00 51600-00
and implements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total1,1actinery Fund. . . . . 5,600. 00 4 5,600. 00
Miscellaneous Fund
Estimate Amount
of Town Approved
Superin- by Town
tendent Board
For removal of obstructions caused by snow,
including purchase erection, mremoval m and
® . ® . . .4 3 000. 00
5 9
storage of snow ?enc., . . . . . . . . �N 3,000® 00 `��' ,
weeds and brush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* * °
500. 00
500. 00
salary and expenses,
Town Superintendent. . .
3,000. 00
3, 000. 00
other miscellaneous
pur=poses. . . . . . . . . • . . . . .
3 100.00
3 100.60
Total S.Iiscellaneous Fund. . . . . .k 9,600. 00 $1 9, 500. 00
On motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Griffin,
it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the foregoing Town Superintendent' s
Estimate for Highway Purposes for the Year 1939
be and it hereby is approved with the exception of
the First Item (Highwa7r Fund) which is hereby re-
duced from X25,000 to 20,000; and be it
FTrRm,,;_.R RESOLVED, that the amount set opposite each
item under the column described as "Amount Approved
by Town Board" is the amount which shall be raised
by tax for the specific purpose mentioned.
Each member of the Town Eoard thereupon signed the several
copies of the estimate .
The Town Clerk read the following letter-
73 weaver Street , Larchmont,
December 28, 1938
The Honorable Town Council,
Pvlamaronec'_�:, Id. Y.
Dear Sirs:
In accordance with the proposal and request presented to you
verbally on October 5th, 1938, by my agent iv_lr . Howell C. Perrin:
I hereby agree to convey to the To'q . of Pilamaroneck the remainder
Of the proposed easterly extension of Caerleon Avenue, from the
-present portion now a town highway, including a circle with a radius
of 40 feet the center of which is about 40 feet easterly measured
along the center line as extended, from the portion of Caerleon
Avenue now a town highway; as indicated upon the diagram handed to
you on October 5th;
And I hereby petition you to extend the sewer and .'pater main
to the center of the said circle, to serve the dwelling house being
constructed. by Charles Guglielmo, on lot 24, block 28, section 4,
fronting upon this extension, and another house to be constructed
in the future upon land adjoining lot 14 on the north, which I have
agreed to sell to the said !"ruglielmo;
And I agree to construct and surface the roadway in the said
extension, to the satisfaction of the Ighvray Superintendent, as
soon as the sewer and water main are installed_, and to execute any
instruments necessary to carry out this proposal.
Yours respectfully,
( signed) Ella Cecil!:a Howell
As Executrix and Trustee of
Cecilia A. Howell, Deceased
Luring a lengthy discussion it was pointed out that Carlson
Avenue had been accepted in sections over a period of time and that
this was the only remaining section of the proposed easterly extension.
Following the discussion it was decided that Town Engineer
Foote be instructed to secure the necessary agreements and deed for
the extension of the street and to provide for the sewer connections,
also that the agreements and deed_ be referred to Attorney Delius for
his approval before final action by the Town Board, for the acceptance
of the proposed extension.
Town Attorney Delius read a copy of a letter dated December 22,
1938, received from Munn Brewer, attorney, the original of which had
been given to Assessor Smith. Mr. Brewer referred to the tax liens
held by the Town of Mamaroneck on property condemned in the action
entitled "Village of Mamaroneck vs. Rasohe'' .
Mr. Delius reported that he had conferred with hr. Smith
concerning the taxes or tax liens as shown upon the assessment rolls
of the Town and recommended the following resolution which was upon
motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, upon
roll call unanimously adopted:
'THEREAS, in certain proceedings for condemnation
of property in the Village of Mamaroneck, the referee
duly appointed by the Court has, or is about to render
his report' in which he finds and determines the persons
to whom the amounts deposited with the County Treasurer,
by the Village of Mamaroneck for the acquisition of the
property, are due and payable; and
WHEREAS, according to such report,
is the holder of certain tax liens
in this proceeding as condemnation
interest to March 31st, 1937, whic
shown upon the assessment rolls of
as follows:
the Town of Mamaroneck
upon property described
lots 23 and 23a, with
a taxes or tax liens are
the Town of Mamaroneck,
Lot 20. Block 54, Section 9
Amount of
interest to
March 31,1937
694. 68
109. 92
19 Block 54,
Section 9
38. 37
44. 51
$808, 10
WHEREAS, it appears desirable to accept in full payment
of the taxes or talc liens owned_ by the Town of Mamaroneck
the sum of 008.10;
RESOLVED, that the Town compromise the following liens
upon property known and described upon the assessment
rolls of the Town as Section 9, Block 54, Lots 19 and
20 for the sum of 415808.1.0 and that upon payment of such
amount that the tax liens above set forth be cancelled
and satisfied of record.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor take all necessary
steps to secure payment of said sum of 0808.10 out of
funds now on deposit with the County Treasurer for the
acquisition of condemnation lots 23 and 23a in the con-
demnation proceeding.
Town Attorney Deli-as reported that the Hudson Realty Company
of New Rochelle had agreed- to pay the sum of `237. 00 l'hich amount
represented the purchase price on a strip of land .52 feet of the
lot known as Section G, Block 30, Lot 18B9 also that the Board of
Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck had adopted a resolution simi-
lar to the one adopted by the Torn Board authorizing, the sale of
this property at the above mentioned. amount .
The Supervisor announced that 'r'iessrs; Robert E. Goffe, Jr. ,
Joseph J. Rossbottom, and Fred T o Wilson, members of the Citizens'
Insurance Committee, and Edward A. Keeler, the Town' s insurance
broker, were present and that it would be in order to discuss the
insurance report presented at tree last meeting de pointed out that
Councilman Tfandeville is the chairman of the co2niittee in charge of
insurance .
7:4r. Goffe reviewed the work done by the Committee in connec-
ticn with the survey and read his copy of the joint report. He
pointed" out the most important recommendations and suggested that the
Board give same careful consideration.
i'JIr. Feeler reviewed the work done by his office from the time
he was first appointed- the insurance broker. He explained- that prior
P.to this the insurance has been handled through the offices of several
local brokers, each being, directly responsible to the Torn. He ex-
plained th.e present procedure and stated that all policies were care-
fully examined before being placed" on file with the Town .
Followin , considerable discussicn
Yr. :Toffe on certain types of insurance a
included in the report, the Board decided
cerning contingent liability insurance on
Att 01'rie�' L817.U5 .for 8tU.dy.
between Keeler and
id certain recommendations
to _ efer the C.uesticn con-
',J. F . A. projects to Town
The Sunervisor and t_ne mefrbers of the Board expressed their
appr8C1at10 .. to file -fuel_'.^.'02rs Of the nsu],. a'_"_ce co�-m-ittee fo-,, i::'�._e ti -ie
d' den and the ver-. efficient tP inner in wni C''n the survey had been Y:1ade .
The --o';rd. °herea on went into exe3UtivCa session.
., 'G'ne Gat�clLtSian -i ti.^.e executive session he Board resumed
the regular order of business .
F07-lo d i L - ' J or. b-1 CCUnC�-i1dan
".iandeville, seconded- by 'uouncilman 3al.es,
nr r
I�Sv_�/J i' that ieS3'L'S . Robert r-® GGI fie, r.
Joseph J. Rossbo 'om and " rea T . :;i' =ar_ -3,5
na-----&cL as a co-fj,`Ili'Stee of three Lo act as brokers
d insurance "matters for the
and handle all
A Tote ta'L_En upon the iGr2g.a ing re Sol'-titan resulted as
f Ol 1owS8
Councilmen ?iandev_� lle and Bates
1OL'S; Supervisor iIcCullocn and Councilmen
,rif f-Ln and v eginniss
The Board decided to continue to have Mr. Keeler act as
the insurance broker for the To'Sn.
At 5.30 Y !� . the Board_ unaniclr,,�.sly resolved to adjourn.
Tovvr_ Clerk