HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_12_21 Town Board Minutes REGULAR ME'''TING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOuPi( OF MA1%1ARONECK, VEd li YORK HELD DECEMBER 21, 1938 At the Torn Office, 158 d'Jest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, iT. 17 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8: 00 P. 1'u. Present: Supervisor isTcCulloch Councilmen Bates, Griffin, luand,eville, rleginniss Absent : None The presence cvas also noted of Town Clerk Payne, 'Town Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller Luceno and Town Lngineer Foote . The minutes of the meetings of October 5 , 1938 and October 19, 1938, uvere approved as presented. The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who desired to address the Board. Kessrs . Anthony Staropoli, Fred Vitro, James Caruso and others interested_ in the bids presented at the last meeting for the contract for the removal of garbage during the year 1939 appeared before the Board. Mr. Staropoli and JIr. Vitro asked if the Board would award.. the contract at this meeting. The Supervisor advised the gentlemen that the matter mould come u-o at this meeting,. Talr. Vitro spoke on behalf of one of the bidders and stated that it would require at least a week to prepare the equipment. Councilman 'Mandeville informed the group that it would be his recomriendation to the Board that the Town do the work in connec- tion with garbage removal with town-owned equipment. E7essrs. Charles L . Cornsll and ?Cichael J. Walsh, realtors, appeared before the Board to discuss the proposal for the purchase of part o the property '_.;nown as Section 9, dock 50, Lot 183. The Town Attorney reported that he had an offer from Hudson Realt- Company of iVevT Rochelle to purchase for the sura of b150. 00 Uric southerly .52 feet of the premises known as Lot 96 on the ma o of the Zestchester :'!;anufacturing Society, and also known as Section 9, Block 505 Lot 18B on the assessment map of the Town of 1damaronecl.k. He then read the letter which explains that the offer is made on behalf of Irving and Julius Uolfsie, the owners of the adjoining lot upon 'which is erected a two-story brick building which encroaches to the extent of . 39 feet upon the lot first mentioned. He explained to the Board that the lot first mentioned had been acquired by the Town in foreclosure proceedings instituted against Baxter and others for arrears of taxes owing to both the Town and 'Village of Mamaroneck and aggregating approximately x;27,800. For this reason, he stated, he had communicated with the Village Attorney with regard to this offer and the Village Attorney had suggested that the Town and Village might demand a price equal to the price per front foot on the basis of the assessed valuation_ upon the lot which the Town owns. The Assessor, who was present, stated that the Town' s assessed valuation upon the last assessment roil was L22,800. After discussion ?vlr. yegin_niss moved and &lr. Griffin seconded the following resolution: ............... RESOLVED, that the Town Mamaroneck adopting a s to accept in payment of lot known as Section 9, went map of the Town of and be it of Mamaroneck, the Village of Lmilar resolution, hereby offers the southerly . 52 feet of the Block 50, Lot 1 83 on the assess- Ptamaroneck the sum of $237,00; FURTHER RESOLVED7, that the Town Attorney conununicate with the Village Attorney with regard to the adoption of a similar resolution by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Y amaroneck. The foregoing resolution_ was adopted by the following vote : AyLS: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Griffin, 1, andeville , Reginniss PdDES: None Mr, Edward A. heeler, the Town' s insurance broker, appeared before the 3carc'- to advise that he had received a new ruling from the insurance companies. He stated that under the new ruling the 'Town may purchase public liability and property damage insurance on the N. P. A. projects on a contingency basis, thereby effecting a large saving. He explained hoer the rates for public liability on public and private vuork are promulgated, also that the companies consider the question of liability as far as municipalities are concerned as secondary to the United States Government on 'dI. P. A. projects. He stated that he had taken the matter up with the company and that they will consider the ruling retroactive to the date in August when the rulin; was decided upon, although it nad not been released until re- cently. ;jr, heeler reported_ on other types of insurance covering the Torn against loss. He pointed out that the rates on compensation insurance written by the Ne,r York State Insurance Fund have been re- duced. for all departments and that dividends have been returned to the -- Torun account® He stated that -chile there is a large reduction in the rates for compensation for the year 1939, there will be a much lamer reduction in 1940, as the large loss which occurred in 1934 will be out of the record. He explained that the record of a loss is con- tinued for five years and charged in on the experience on the risk. Following sore discussion on all types of insurance, the Board decided to refer the matter concerning public liability and property damage on ':'J. P. A. protects to To,r.fn Attorney Delius with the suggestion that Mr. heeler confer with and furnish Zr. Delius with complete information concerning the new plan. The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who Wished to address the Board. There being no one the Board proceeded with the regular order of business. The Supervisor stated that it would be in order to consider the proposed budget for the year 1939. The Town Clerk read a letter dated December 20, 1938, received from C. Stewart Comeaux, Chairman of the Board of Park Conuviissioners > The letter was ordered received and filed. — The To-,.in Clerk read the notice of public hearing for the consideration of the 193° budget and presented the affidavit of pub- lication thereof. The Hoard thereupon proceeded to consider the protests and objections made by those who addressed. t'^e Board at the hearing held c, on December 13, � 8 , The various items contained in the tax budget were then considered item by item. Councilman Griffin stated that he doubted the legality of including in the budget of the Police Department fifty per cent (50%) of the installation of a radio at a cost of til B4:0.00 in so far as this item obligated a future Town Board to appropriate the balance of the purchase price and thus created an obligation beyond t'ne budget year. He also stated that he objected to the inclusion in the budget of the Fire Department the sum of ,16, 000.00 for the purchase of appa- ratus c,hich item he understood was intended to partly pay for a ladder truck and pumper at a total cost of !'w27, 000.00, which counsel had ad- vised might be bonded, provided a referendupi vote 'resulted favorably to a proposition for the purchase of this apparatus. He stated that it was his feeling that this apparatus should be purchased by bond issue and nothing included in this budget to make a partial payment which again might obligate a future Board to continue the payments. The fol"loi�,ring amendments were offered by Councilman Griffins (1) RESOLVED that the item contained in the budget of the Police Department (Page 22 ) under "Services Contractual" and described as "Installation of Radio (500/x) - �dq,840 < 00" be eliminated from the budget and the total of the budget of the Police Department and of the To-an of Pdamaroneck outside of the incorporated villages be decreased accord- ingly. (2 ) RESOLVED that the item contained in the budget of the Fire Department (Page 28) under "Miscellaneous " and described as "Provision for purchase of appara- tus - $6, 000" be eliminated from the budget of the Fire Department, but that it be included only to the extent of x'540.00, said si= being the estimated amount of six-months' interest upon a possible bond issue for the purchase of an automotive aerial ladder truck and an automotive pumper at an esti- mated cost of w27, 000.00, and that the budget of the Fire Department and 'the total budget of the Fire, - Lighting and ,later Supply District No. 1 be de- creased, by the net amount or the difference between ; 6, 000 and X540. A vote being ta'x;en upon the foregoing amendments, Councilman Griffin voted in favor of said amendments, and Supervisor vcCulloch and Councilmen Bates, Mandeville and !�,,eginniss• voted against the amendments. No other amendments being offered, Councilman Bates moved and Councilman ivandeville seconded the adoption of the following resolutions: Pd yPEAS, this Board has heretofore made, compiled and filed with the Town Clerk a proposed tax budget containing the estimated probable revenues and estimated expenditures for the several departments, offices and other town and special district purposes for the year 1939; and VIIEIREAS, notice of the completion and filing of said tax budget and callinc a public hearing thereon has been duly published on December 6 and December 8, 1938, in the manner required by law; and ZHEREAS a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held by and before this Board on December 16, 1938; and fiELREAS, this Board has duly considered the protests and objections made against certain items contained in said ta« budget, and considered separately all the items con- tained in said tax budgets NOid, TMREFORE, it is 0 9 i t'��> t ,., ., .. .., �, G.� ,, i ,_r ., �. t.� :, .�. . .. 1, ,ti .. �, '� .>xi. � ., ,.. �, ui � } .. � s r` �. t.� :, .�. . .. 1, ,ti .. �, '� .>xi. � ., ,.. �, s s 9;. R<r F .. i.-:� �.,3 417®.® 0 ,2,r-6 70.0 ... � � x' .,.. � �, t,: : w f .. 7.� _ + fA � „ ,. '�.°r � �.., .. ._ RESOLVED, that the final estimates, as completed by the Town Board and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, be and the same hereby are adopted as the budget for the year 1939, pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and that said estimates, as so adopted, be entered in detail in the minutes of this Board as follows: (Attached Herewith) and it is further RESOLVED that the annual budget estimates of the expenditures of the Town of har,2aroneck for the fiscal year 1939 be adopted and confirmed and. that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the minutes; and that the sums of money hereinafter stated are hereby appropriated from the current revenues, as provided by law, for the offices, departments, boards, commissions and purposes herein- after enumerated for expenditure in the manner directed by law, to gait: (1) GEPaERAL TOWN PURPOSES: Town Offices Su-cervisor Town Clerk Elections Comptroller- Receiver of Taxes Assessor Law Justices of the Peace Highways Engineer Contributions and Donations Public welfare L!iscellaneous Debt Service (State and County Highways, and General ) 7,457. 50 9,300. 00 2, 910.00 3,860. 00 4, -35. 00 9, 045.00 12,875. 00 11,215. 00 5,112.00 15,800.00 4, 950. 00 500.00 169,277. 00 13,727 .00 97. 333.50 Total P367, 601 . 00 (2 ) FOR PURPOSES !E- TOrVNI OUTSIDE OF TILE VILLAGES OF LARCHA^OIQT AID "JIU1IAROIAT'CK_: Board_ of Appeals $p 715. 00 Building Department 2, 085. 00 Plumbing Department 11731.00 HiE�nways 20,000.00 Police 71,138.12 Miscellaneous 7, 600.00 Debt Service (Highways d Drains) 65,111. 00 Total $168,380.12 (3) GARBAGE DISTRICT 1\10 . 1: Collection and Disposal of Garbage ti 13,500.00 Total 13,500. 00 (4) PARK DISTRIC`1 IKO .I: Operating charges 9,019.00 Debt Service 261805.75 Total 35,824.75 (5) FII�. LIGHTING AlI'D VdATER SUPPLY DISTRICT N0 . l: Weaver Street Fire Department x. 25, 670.00 Street Lighting 16, 000. 00 Hydrant Rental 12,000. 00 Debt Service (','Jater Distribution System) 529952.75 Total $a106,622.75 (6 ) SEWER DISTRICT NO . 1: Sewer Maintenance 10,390. 00 Debt Service 139.822.62 Total ';'150,212. 62 (7 ) MANARONEC& VALLEY SEvTER DISTRICT1 : Debt Service $ 201582.50 County Levy for 1939 (to be determined by Board of Super- visors of VIestchester County) - Total $ 20,582 .50 (8) WEAVER STREET SIDEWALK DISTRICT: Debt Service $; 1, 329.6 Total 1,329.69 (9) SPECIAL ASSESS1�!ENT DEBT SERVICE: Maple Hill, Part I. Street Im- provement, Chap . 549, Laws of 1926 7,620. 00 Maple Hill,Pa-rt II, Street Im- provement, Chap . 549, Laws of 1926 6,593.75 Myrtle h Madison Avenue Street Improvement, Chap. 549, Laws of 1926 51080. 00 1veave'r Street Sidewalk Improve- went, Article 11-A, Old Town Law 3, 989. 06 Total 23,282.81 (10)MILITARY 31TDICIAL_ AND COUidTY LEVY: County Levy for 1939 (to be deter- mined by Board of Supervisors of VOestchester County) GRAb1D TOTAL $867,432.241 432.24 and it is further EE RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1939, the sums here- inafter set forth and for the purposes listed below, be levied, assessed and collected upon the taxable proper- ties of the Toti°m of N'amaroneck and properties in the Town of dammaroneck outside of the Villagesof Larchmont and Mamaroneck, the properties of the several districts specified below including 1amaroneck Valley Sewer Dis- trict, and the several parcels of taxable property, franchise assessments and persons within the Town and within such special districts, and that the various assessments for sewer, sidewalk, street and other im- nrovemen.ts listed below and contained in the various rolls and books of the Town of Mamaroneck, assessment assessi;lents of which become payable in the instalment 1939, be extended on the Tax Roll of the Town the year of !:Iamaroneck against each of the several parcels it : affected by such assessments, or p 9 ,a For General Town Purposes as tax mentioned and, 36% 69x.00 budget ` 367, described in the foregoing tribution System) 52, 952.75 450.00 Less estimated revenues 52, 952.75 Total levy for General To,,rn Purposes For Military, Judicial and Count=s Levy To be determined. by Board of Supervisors of -idestchester County For Town Purposes outs- d-e the Villages of Larcrnnont and Mamaroneck as mentioned and described in the foregoing tax budget: For highway Purposes: Repairs and Improvements y�201000.00 Debt Service 56 748. 00 M 8192,247.00 !6,748.00 For other purposes outside of the villages 913632.12 Less estimated revenues 12, 100.00 795532.12 Total levy for Town outside of 1;156,280.12 Villages DISTRICT LEVIES: Fire Lighting and hater Supply — District ?vo . 1 (16,000. 00 Street Ligniting 9Veaver Street Fire Department 251670. 00 ?I- -it Rental 12,000.00 Debt Service ('d'aater Dis- tribution System) 52, 952.75 106,622.75 Less: estimated revenues 52, 952.75 Total Levy, fire, Ligbting and 53, 670. 00 Water Supply District No. 1 Garbage Listrict No. 1 Garbage Collection and Disposal 132500. 0 Total Levy, Garbage District No. 1 13, 500.00 Park District No. 1 Operating charges 9,019.00 Debt Service 26 805.75 Total Levy, Park District No . 1 35,824.75 Sewer District No. 1 Sewer I.faintenance 10,390.00 139 822. 62 Debt Service Total Levy, Sewer District ivo= 1 150,212.62 Piamaroneck Valley Server District Debt Service County Levy for 1939 (to be deter- mined by Board of Supervisors of uVestchester County) Total Levy, Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District, exclusive of County Levy Weaver Street Sidewalk District Debt Service Total Levy, uueaver Street Sidewalk District 20,582. 50 1,329.69 Amount necessary to amortize and pay interest on the bonds issued for street improvements dur- ing the year 1939, which sums have been appor- tioned and charged against the various lots and parcels of land liable to pay the same in accord- ance with the statute, pursuant to which such improvements were made and such bonds issued. A statement of the lots or parcels of land liable to pay the same and the amount chargeable to each is hereby attached and ma:°ked Exhibit "Ai&. 8 20,582. 50 Weaver Street Sidewalk Improvement Article 11-A Old Town Law � 3, 989.06 tiTyrtle 6- Madison Avenue Street Imp- rovement,Chap . 549, Laws of 1926 5,080. 00 Maple Till, Part I, Street Improve- ment, Chap. 549, Laws of 1926 7s620. 00 Tuiaple Hill, Part II, Street Improve- ment. Chap. 549, Laws of !926 6 ,593.75 1,329.69 Total Levy of Special Assessments jj> 23, 282. 81 GRAND TOTAL (exclusive of Eilitary, Judicial, County- and Mamaroneck Valley ' 646 929.49 Sewer County Levy) 4 , and it is further RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 as amended and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Consolidated Laws, known as the Town Law as amended, there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land contained upon the state- ment hereto annexed and marked Exhibit "B'l the several sums set opposite each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be ploaced in aneck separate column of the Tax Roll o_ the Town under the name "Water Rents" . and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to deliver to the Supervisor a copy of said tax budget and- a transcript of the minutes of this meet- ing, duly certified, and to transmit to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of 'uestchester County a duplicate copy of said tax budget and transcript of the minutes of this meeting, also certified, as provided by Section 116 of the Town Law. A vote was taken upon the foregoing resolutions and after the roll call the vote wras announced- as follows: Ayes: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Mandeville , Plfeginniss Noe s: Councilman Griffin the Police Department includes the item radio (50M -'al 840.00" and the budget eludes the item `Provision for purchase upon the grounds stated for the introdu ing these items . in so far as the budget of for the "Installation of of the Fire Department in- of apparatus - 56,000. " tion of amendments eliminat- __ Councilman Mandeville presented the joint report of the Citizens' Insurance Committee . Copies of the report were handed to all of the members of the Board. He suggested that the reports be — studied between this and the next meeting and that the Citizens' Committee be invited to attend the next Town Board meeting to be held on December 28, 1938. He recommended that the Clerk be instruc- ted to express the appreciation of the Board for the work done by this committee . The Clerk was so instructed by the Board. Councilman Bates stated that there was nothing to report . Councilman Griffin presented a petition dated December 21, 1938, from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to peirmit the apportionment of taxes. On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Bates, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: V1t3EREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition dated December 21, 1938, for the correction of the assess- ment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended, known as the Westcrnester County Tax Act; and -NHEREAS. after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll; NOlN THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 19383 which shovers property now appearing on Section. Block Lot owner Land 4 15 - Equitable Mtg. & Title $13, 000 Guar. Co. in Rehab. be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Sub-division 5 of Section 33e Imp. Total 300 13,300 the rolls as follows; Section Block_ Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 11 12A,12B Yaargaret O'Neill 05, 500 6,500 12, 000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the pro- visions of Sub-division 5 of Section 33; Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 7 11 12A P.4argaret O'Neill if $2,500 33000 - 6, 500 �p 2, 500 95500 7 11 12B FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section. Block Lot owner Land 4 15 - Equitable Mtg. & Title $13, 000 Guar. Co. in Rehab. be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Sub-division 5 of Section 33e Imp. Total 300 13,300 Section Block Lot Owner Land 4 15 g Equitable Plug. & Title 7, 500 Guar. Co. in Rehab. Imp. Total 200 7,700 4 15 B ° " fl 51500 100 b, 600 FTJRTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 3A - Equitable Fang. a Title ` 25, 000 2, 500 272500 J Guar. Co. in Rehab. be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Sub-division 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 3A B Equitable Mtg. c, Title 7,000 2,500 9,500 Guar. Co. in Rehab. 9 3A C It H a 18,OOO 183000 Councilman Meginniss presented the following financial reports for the period from January 1 to November 30, 1938: (1) Summary of Receipts and Disbursements; (2) Statement of Estimated Revenues; and (3) Statement of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures. The reports were ordered filed. Town Attorney Delius presented the following resolution and recommended its approval. On motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Meginniss the following resolution was upon roll call unanimously adopted: WHEREAS in foreclosure proceedings instituted by the Town against New Rochelle Realty Company, et. al. (Action No. 2) the referee, duly appointed for that purpose by order of the Supreme Court, sold to the Town of Mamaroneck, property described as Plot A, Lots 1 to 25 inclusive, Block 44F, Section 1, on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS the said referee has applied to the payment of certain taxes, assessments and tax liens owned by and due to the Town of Mamaroneck, together with interest and penalties thereon to the date of sale, the sum of §2,392. 97, which taxes, assessments and tax liens are required to be cancelled by the pro- visions of Section 54 of the Westchester County Tax Act; NO'MP THE'REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following taxes, assessments and tax liens are hereby cancelled: Section 1 Block 44F, Plot A Year of Year of Amt . of Interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1934 1934 $i% 6. 67 3. 64 $10.31 1234 1935 9. 09 4.u3 13.12 1935 1936 7. 30 2.24 9.54 1935 1937 7. 58 1.42 9.00 1937 1938 8.04 .73 8.77 1938 S.C .T. 6 .62 .66 7.28 1938 School 2.55 .15 2.70 i• 1932 Section 12 Block 44F Lot 1 15. 27 Year of Year of Amt. of Interest or Pena_.ty Total Tax Sale Lien _ 16 .06 1035 1932 1933 9.21 6. '06 $lb.27 1933 1934- 8.14 4.45 12.59 1934 1935 11.20 4.06 16 .06 1935 1936 8.91 2.72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 as 10.55 1938 S.C.T. 10.53 1. 05 11.58 1938 School 4. 31 . 30 4.E1 1935 Section 1 , Block 44F Lot 2 1935 1932 1933 9.21 6.06 15. 27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12.5° 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16 .06 1035 1936 8. 91 2.72 11. 63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S.C.T. 10.53 1. 05 11.58 1938 School 4. 31 .30 4.61 Section 1, Block 44F Lot 3 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12. 59 1934 1935 11.20 4. 86 16. 06 1935 1236 8.91 2.72 11.53 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11 . 00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 1.05 10.55 11.58 1938 S.C .T. 10. 53 4.31 .30 4.61 1938 School Section 1 Block 44F , Lot 4 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15.27 1933 1934 8. 14 4.45 12. 59 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16. 06 1935 1936 8. 91 2.72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11. 00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1. 05 11. 58 1938 School 4.31 .30 4.61 Section l� Block 44P, Lot 5 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12.59 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16 .06 1935 1936 8. 91 2.72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1933 9.87 .68 10. 55 1933 S. C.T. 10.53 1. 05 11. 58 4. 61 1938 School 4. 31 . 30 Section 1 Block 44F' Lot 6 1932 1933 9.21 6 .06 15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4. 45 12.59 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16.06 -- 1935 1936 8.91 2. 72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1936 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S. C.T. 10. 53 1.05 11.58 1938 School 4. 31 .30 4. 61 Section 1, Block_ 44F, Lo L- 7 Year of Year of Amt. of Interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1932u 1933 S 9.21 6.06 µA5.27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12. 59 1934 1935 11 .20 4.86 16. 06 1935 1936 8. 91 2. 72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11. 00 1937 1938 9,97 . 68 10.55 1933 S.C.T . 10.53 1.05 11 .58 1938 School 4.31 .30 4. 61 9 Section 1, Block 44F, Lot 3 9.21 1932 1933 9. 21 6. 06 15 .27 1933 1934 8. 14 4.45 12.59 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16. 06 1935 1936 B. 91 2.72 11. 63 1 936 1937 9. 27 1.73 11. 00 ° 137 1°938 °�•87 .68 10.55 1938 S. C .T. 10.53 1. 05 11.58 1938 School 4.31 . 30 4.61 Section 1 Block 44F Lot 9 1932 1933 9.21 6.06 15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12.59 1934 1935 11.20 4.36 16.06 1935 1936 8.91 2.72 11. 63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11. 00 1937 1938 9.87 . 68 10.55 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1. 05 11 . 58 1938 School 4. 31 .30 4. 61 Section 1 Block 44r Lot 10 1 932 1933 9,21 6. 06 15. 27 1933 1934 6.14 4.45 12. 59 1934 1935 11 . 20 4.86 16 . 06 1935 1936 8. 91 2.72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11 .00 1937 1938 9.87 . 58 10.55 1933 S. C.T. 10.53 1. 05 11 .56 1938 School 4. 31 .30 4.61 Section 1 Block 44F, Lot 11 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15 .27 1933 1934 8.14 4. 45 12. 59 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16. 06 1935 1936 8. 91 2. 72 11 . 63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S . C .T. 10.53 1.05 11.58 1936 School 4.31 . 30 4.61 Section 1 , Block 44F, Lot 12 1932 1933 9.21 6 . 06 15. 27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 4.86 12. 59 16. 06 1934 1935 11.20 8. 91 2.72 11. 63 --- 1935 1936 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11 .00 1937 1938 9.8'7 . 68 10. 55 11.58 1936 S. C.T . 10.53 1.05 4.61 1938 School 4. 31 .30 Section 1 , Block 44F _Lot 13 Year of Year of Amt . of interest or 6 . 06 Tax Sale Lien Fenaity Total 1932 1933 9.21 F 6. 06 4'x15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12@59 1834 1935 11.20 4.86 16.06 1935 1936 8. 91 2. 72 11. 63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9:87 . 68 10.55 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1: 05 11.58 1936 School 4. 31 .30 4. 61 Section 1, Block 44F , Lot 14 1932 1933 9.21 6 . 06 15. 27 1933 1934 8.14 4. 45 12. 59 1934 1935 11.20 4. 86 16.06 1935 1936 8. 91 2. 72 11. 63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 10. 55 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1.05 11.58 1938 School 4. 31 .30 4.61 Section 1, Block 44F, Lot 15 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15 .27 1933 1934 8. 14 4.45 12.59 1934 1935 11 .20 4.86 16.06 1935 1936 8. 91 2.72 11.63 1936 1937 9. 27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 . 68 10.00 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1. 05 11 .58 1938 School 4.31 .30 4. 61 Section 1 , Block_ 44F, Lot 16 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15.27 1933 1934 8. 14 4.45 12. 59 1934 1935 11. 20 4. 86 16 .06 1935 1936 8. 91 2. 72 11 .63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11 . 00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S. C.T . 10.53 1.05 11. 58 1933 School 4. 31 .30 4.61 Section 1, Block 44F, Lot 17 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15. 27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12 . 59 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16. 06 1935 1936 8. 91 2. 72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11. 00 1937 1938 9.87 . 68 10. 55 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1.05 11.58 1938 School 4.31 .30 4. 61 Section 1, Block 44F , Lot 18 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15. 27 1933 1934 8,14 4 .45 12. 59 1934. 1935 11.20 4. 86 16.06 1935 1936 8. 91 2. 72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11. 00 1937 1938 9.87 . 68 10. 55 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1.05 11.58 1938 School 4.31 .30 4. 61 Section 1. Block 44F, Lot 20 1932 Section 1 Block 44Fs Lot 19 15.27 1933 Year of Year of Amt. of Interest or 1934 Tax Sale Lien Penalt-y Total 1932 1933 yr 9.21 6.06 X15. 27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12 .59 1934 1935 11.20 4. 86 16.06 1935 1936 8.91 2. 72 11 .63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11 . 00 19-7 1938 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1.05 11.58 1938 School 4. 31 . . 30 4.61 Section 1. Block 44F, Lot 20 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4. 45 12. 59 1934 1935 11. 20 4. 86 16.06 1935 1936 8.91 2.72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S. C.T. 10.53 1 . 05 11. 58 1938 School 4. 31 . 50 4. 61 Section 1, block 44F, Lot 21 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15. 27 1933 1934 8. 14 4.45 12.59 1934 1935 11.20 4. 86 16. 06 1935 1936 8. 91 2.72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 . 68 10.55 1938 S. C.T. 10. 53 1. 05 11. 58 1938 School 4. 31 .30 4. 61 Section 15 Block 44F , Lot 22 1932 1933 9. 21 6. 06 15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4. 45 12. 59 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16. 06 1935 1936 8. 91 2.72 11.63 1936 1937 9. 27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S. C.T. 10. 53 1. 05 11. 58 1938 School 4. 31 . 30 4.61 Section 1 Block 44F, Lot 23 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12.59 1934 1935 11.20 4. 86 16. 06 1935 1936 6. 91 2. 72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.37 .68 10.55 1938 S. C.T . 10.53 1. 05 11. 58 1938 School 4. 31 . 30 4. 61 section 1 Block 44F, Lot 24 1932 1933 9.21 6. 06 15 .27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12. 59 1934 1935 11.20 4.86 16.06 1935 1936 8. 91 2, 72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11.00 1937 1938 9.87 .68 10.55 1938 S. C.T . 10.53 1.05 11. 58 1938 School 4. 31 .30 4. 61 265 Section 1, Block 44F Lot 25 Year of Year of Amt, of Lien Interest or Penalty_ Total Tax Sale 1932 1933 9.21 TI; 6. 06 $15.27 1933 1934 8.14 4.45 12. 59 1934 1935 11.20 4.S6 16 . 06 1935 1936 8. 91 2. 72 11.63 1936 1937 9.27 1.73 11 .00 1937 1938 9.87 . 68 10. 55 1938 S. C.T. 10. 53 1. 05 11. 68 1938 School 4. 31 .30 4.61 The Town Attorney reported that law suits in the amount of 14150, 000 had been filed against the Town of iviamaroneck, 'Nestchester County and the Westchester County Sanitary Sewer Commission by l±irs. Mary E. Ravenscroft, Lillian E.Ravenscroft, Clara L. Ravenscroft, Blanche Eaberkorn and Sadie C . Sheppard. The complainants seek in one suit to recover $50, 000 for property in Dillon Park allegedly owned by the Ravenscroft family, and in another 14100, 000 for property along Boston Post Road between Larchsmont and New Rochelle boundary,* line also allegedly owned by the same family generations ago. I'dir. Delius advised the Board that' he as taking care of the matter. Comptroller Luceno presented the renewal of the lease for the premises owned by St . Thomas' Church and used by the Torn for offices. The terms of the renewal for 1939 are exactly the same as the terms of the lease for the year 1938 . Following some discussion it was on motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Leginniss, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the agreement by and between_ the Town of P=aroneck and St. 'Thomas' Church for the rental of the premises known as 158 West Boston Post Road for the year 1939. Comptroller Luceno presented the bill received from the Association of 'Towns for dues for the year 1939. On motion by Councilman 1ueginniss, seconded_ by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town of Miamaroneck continue its membership in the Association of Towns of the State of New York for the year 1939 and that the annual dues of $102. 00 be paid. Following some discussion concerning the installation of a water main in the unnamed. street through the Petigor property, upon motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilr..ai, Griffin, upon roll call the following resolution was unanimously adopted; WHEREAS, this Board has previously determined to proceed with the installation of certain public streets, sewers, water supply facilities, et cetera, in the region of the Petigor property, and �VN�:REAS an estimate of cost of installation of water facilities in that portion lying only in public streets and right-of-way has been received X, the Westchester Joint Water fiorks, !�Io. 1 , estimating the cost of said work as defined in the estimate at $54,000.00, 1vcw, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, that the Westchester Joint Water Korks, P]o. 1 , be and hereby is authorized to proceed with the work, as estimated, of the installation of 12 inch water main and three fire hydrants in right- of-wa7T parallel to Palmer Avenue and unnamed. street trirough the Petigor property to the Village of Miamaroneck line , the full cost of same to be paid for from-the funds allotted by this Board for this work, an . be it further RFSOZTED, that the Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Board of 'Trustees of the Westchester Joint 6'ater ':'Yorks, and request that for this project the charge of 15% for overhead be eliminated, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to forward payment in the amount of "75/o of the estimated cost or X3, 000.00 at the present time, the balance to be paid on presentation of a claim for the entire cost upon completion of the work by the Westchester Toint ;eater dorks, No. 1 The Board suspended the regular order of business and went into executive session. Following, the executive session the Board- resumed the regu- lar order of business. Councilman Mandeville pointed out the reason why he had requested that the item of 4ti12, 000 in the budget for the collection and disposal of garbage be reduced to 511,000 and recommended that the two (2) 2 1/2 ton International trucks owned by the Town, now being used for `.I. P . A. work, be transferred to the service of gar- bage-removal; that the trucks be equipped with covers and twat the Town employ a crew of men to establish its own collection system, — dispensing with the contract system. He stated that estimates have proved that this work can be done at the reduced amount ; also that the taxpayers in the unincor- porated area would welcome a more efficient service . °'The service has become worse with each succeeding contract, as those bidding for the work bid lower and consequently lowered the scale of service, he said. He recommended that the Board reject the bids of the con- tractors and authorize the purchase of the equipment necessary for the Town to establish its own collection system. Following some discussion, it was upon motion by Councilman Bates , seconded by Councilman i', eginniss, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to the followin-g Provision- "The right is reserved be reject any or all bids or to contract with other than the lowest bidder if it is deemed for the interests of the Town of Mama- roneck to do soF ; which provision is part of the public notice and specifications for estimates for the contract for the removal and disposition of swill, garbage and ashes from buildings in Garbage District 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, all bids received for this purpose be rejected and that the Town Clerk be authorized to return t're bid checks to the bidders. Upon motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor, Councilman iriandeville and Town Engineer Foote be and they hereby are as authorized to purchase the necessary covers o of to equip the town-owned trucks for the purpose establishing a garbage collection system with town- owned equipment . The Town Clerk read a letter dated December 7, 1933, re- ceived from Rr, R. D. ohitmore, requesting that the assessment on certain property known as Section 5, Flock 17, Lot 9, be reduced. The letter was referred to Assessor Smith. The Town Clerk read a copy of resolutions adopted by the Republican Town Committee concerning taxation in the State, county and town, at a special -meeting of the committee held December 10, 1938 . The members of the i3oard expressed their appreciation and ordered the resolutions received and filed. The Town Clerk read a letter dated December 20, 1938, re- ceived from Frank L. Z-,'-er, Larchmont Postmaster, in which lair. Egger expressed his �nrishes for the holiday season to all of the Town em- ployees and thanking the members of the roard for the support given the Larchriont Post Office durinS the past year. The Board directed the Town Clerk to send a letter to Mr. Egger to express their appreciation of the kind thought and in turn wish him and his staff a happy holiday season. At 10: 30 P® P.4. the Board resolved to adjourn.